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Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1887, p. 3

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or thie canada Lom and1 geut for the. Wsr Aas -O er Grrl's Block, WhIjý for wrapplng pui.poos, laylà ets, etc., 26 cents per huàdrej, Apply to TIIIS OFFIQI. "BEL L"- U-napproached for Toue and Qualty. ,TALOGU£S FREE« C& OS GUe1pl, OntL BouSEs. - NEW RIGOO 'Y and SALE STABLES, ,suNIIAS-ST., WIIITBr. 4/FORTH & DEVEPELL. T - OLASS TtIRN-OUTS rnished ou Shortest Notice. rotai TravelUera liberally deait iwth. ¶10E8. HONEBT DEÂLINGI 'ORTHLESS IMITATIONS* As thore are mhyIsera goodfl, cordedwth u, la enip. etc, Off&Od md olid as (,oraline by one un- * prîncipiod merchants tred- iuîg on the reputdtian of Our nln Cesm wu ws.ruthe ladies salnsÀ ýi suc i inipoEition tbyraw. ing thelr attention to the ute8aslty 01beUiflBth the ITON 1'7GRSET Cou' Ped ou Inzx*r ïico ,of ail Corailegoadi, tbout whichi noue a"e gerndz [-LÂW NO.--_ awlý to close up ami dispose of F tabliâlhed road acrôss-a portioi ,ho ast hiaif of Loi 88 in 1i. .Conceeqswu n-f the Tozoluip êf ridge. ï1eo to re-op en and re-estatabl th.,t Sof the original road allawaoeý alot riumber 33 between the f ouzth bh conceessiOfle< of the said Township ul, and vested ini Charles Gauld. N¶unicipa.lCorporatlpn of the -Town-' 1Uxbrid ge enacts as !ollow: hat the roa& establisbed by BI-Iaw: Sof tho Muuicipality of the Town- Uxbridgo pussed on the. l2th dey of o)r 1880, across a portion a1 the. Orna lotnumber 88 in the fourth concis- f said Toawnuhi pau hereinattér *d. shall be'and lthmrn e eroby upý as a publîc road and tii. 1ud f-ested iu William Carr, the. promeut o! Baid lot number 88 as follow, îvnnîg on the east srn limît o014 33 ^hree obains 35 linksif rom the 1as an0 oftheii mre. Thene 4M-degrees 80 minutes west 8 thiliI eNortb 63 degrees 80 minutes Wu$t ,a hec N orth 36 dogrees Wegt as and 82 lis; Thenco North 8: as East 8 chaîne 18 links; ThesUoO 18 degrees 165-minutes But 6 ahhI-* as more or less ta the eastern liit i* t No. 83, to à -point South 12d.grem" butes, East 2 chaîne 82 links tram the Baut angle of said lot No. 88; Thé, esoribed being the. said road with a idicular breàdth of 50 hlis an eseli bereof contfi.ing by admeasuremnifl ~reand 81/100 of an acre. 1 ,That that portion of the. th con2- n line - oppositê lot 35 herulsattU bod which was closeTd bp aud veuti< @ýs. Gonld by By.haw No. 523 Pà"iO 1 3th December 1880, shah be ss4 ini l hereby re-apened and re.oat&b sas a publia highway, vin --AUil tu n of the. said th conceshion 1h14 ite lot 83 lyln betwe.n a paint 4 iand 60liuis tram the. South Bad~ of eaid lot and lino, 3 chînefroi thý iBEut angle of the mre. TAKE NOTICEm oabova ln. a true eapy 0ai p îw which was read a firet as m fo -the finalpaing teof wIt» en yf pe riwae lndte ms y ý >LAIN OLD BING wvu laid raarbie hoard af the e. sI2 t q's hotel, on Mouday' nl -ih.* ,and forgottoxi, by a w~ 'ertwlth itt ox ton 4l wiatoia t v*91 b. fotud tist t: lâoringMi a ein over a mesmothet, Wbo i muda a nard WiU êg kwlevgth ringat TSI OEILTOBaview fer MYKsy #à h O iO~l hIS semubeT aOf narked exeeilerac.. Thef lna jsdi«i3gaole, by Rev. A.J. Lyman# , Theii. tboIau 2Institution bas juot 4ýiBoqklyD, îetitie 4 ee M enon add.d anothor seoirnen of sculpture tu, elmn nte Egyptiaïn Plaguos," i aits a nSY. Iecou. relies. This i'sn baeh, ineid and very able prosentation idal fréta one- oftth. Polynesias Islands, ofib h ut jo .Ia eldom khat a mote whichh umas ently been élwitianized oriina cntrbuton.ieby Freuoh miWsonaries, It je abou gound inl aur periodilial literature. -The nine foot long by ibrée.. vide, is eh41isêl- ,lngexminentpIofessor of Homiletios*e tafomro , andle ~rr Who gave hie estirnate of Dr. Talmage 4igly. 1*Stated on us ay. tth aproacher lu the April umber Uis tte oryayorao'rm a8bis ecs ta Mr. Beecher in jt native land, and atter -* any adven- W th agroeing with hie tures, -wam finally lacded Ait Pàn-rna, 0tlO5 o ntitmut . oneddwhei'e it wua qua rantined for aUie. that the picture la a very brilliant and Whon il wam discovèred that il vas 0naoterly aue. Dr. C. S. Rabiusan's neither dangeous or conta'gions, the. jaruing waper on "Wherew.. the idol vas set ut liberty, and *'again pro. CreataOr betore th Creation ?" ili .eeded on ise travelo. It *as oarried gaIggeat tbougzbt for ïntoresting and -&erass the Iitbmus of Panama on. the p)rofoflfd investigation. Frofeesor Bay. r5ailroad free cf charge, and thon board- moud, of Prinoaton College, gives oo. d a ship at As;pmvall for Washington. gent rossons why ther. should be a t'to- A fev evenings ince smre young fesso! OfElooution ini every theological doctois sud dentises vii graduated *onnr.Dr. Hoard, of England, from the. National University here, had author of tha "Tripartite Nature of the pleamure af receiving theur diplornas man, 19has a valuable paper on Chriatian tram the band of President Cleveland. Ethies. The Sermon Section contains ei ooan e ler cf tii. nirity h four full sermons and four ful outliles. su Juge er hurcfthis aey arm ,,&ioug them Dr. Hall's sermon aittheb ice ca0 lo.Te v akdar funeral of Mr. Beecher, snd mrmone in arm att ho head of tho faculty sud hy Dre. Junkin, 0. F. Thwing, Jesse B. took their eats ou the platform. The Tbomag, G. W. Miller, aud pliere. Judge delivered an' nddyess during tiie Every other dopsîtisont et tho Rnvrnw evening whicb was fui! of encouragé- bas deached. The. priment yoar marks ment ta vamen. H. said .they were adecided advanoe on put years. Its gigt hrw. en this growing merite desorire, as il la roceiv. institutes vide open to wornen and ing, iucroaslng patronage. published place thei n au B equal footing with by Funk & Wagnalls, 18 sud 20 Astor mon, viiere tho y vill attend the saBID1 place, New York. $3 00 per year; 30 clases, b. instructed by the mre ce.eptsingle number. protessore, receive lhe arne diplornas, ~~gl persigned by the President af the United Slalos, viich vili earry thern onyviire v ~ -1' -r.A... . lA T'henumbers ii he world. o! The Living Age for 3ti April aud Sîi May contains Iuiia and Thibel, pereonification of lhe Mysterlcuus among 1he Modern Greeke ; Hishory in Pisneh. Valentin@ Visconti, aud Tii. Preseut Positionoaf Earopean Politice, Fortnightly ; The Day afler To-mor- yaw, Contemporary ; The Maid of NorwaY, Gentleman's; Reoollatious of the Prinoase Victoria, Lessure Hour; The Moated Grange, Tii. Germas Emperor, A Book about Dickens sud Word -Twis tin g veratt Nouseuse, Spec- tator ; Tiie Sign Lanuage af East- eruTraders, St; James's; An evening wlth Calyle, At/,enumn; Plsnetary In. fluences, Evening Standard ; with iu. stalmente of" Major Lawrence," "IlMaj or aud Minor," *'A Secret Inheritauce" aud 'Richard Cable" sud paetry. For fifty-two nunibers of ixty four large pages eaeh (or more hban 8,300 pages à year) the subsoription prioe.(S8) in low while for $10.50 the. publiiers offer ta send ta any oeeoallia American $4.00 manthies or veekiies viti The. Living Age for a year, bath postpaid. Litteli à Co., Boston, are lbe publiabore. Washugon Letter. <rom aur regniar correspondent.) WÂSRMIGON, Masy 6, 1887.-Wasb- ington Society in apend-ing is ltime aI tha races Ibis weok. XI may be seen ou thie grand stand en masse. Cabinet sud diplomatio cirolis are well repre- sented aud many notable peopleiluthie vendse of polilice, fasiion, litaratGre aud lie turf are thora. Mrm. Ceveland allernates airnoat daily betwoen the. country home sud lie Wite Houe., sud tie Preaident, justlait this lime, te interepereins hie regular dntiem wihh attentions tle lie -Queen oethéiiiSand- wich Islande. Tii. Rayai Hawauan amnlved in Ibis cihy ou Tuesday eveuiug vith ber ah. tendante, and vas drive sthie Arliug- tan Hatl, viere aparîmeuti had been eugaged for ber. In ansaI on erparlais lie Queen found a basket of roes frais Preoident Cleveland swaiting ber, ai vic ehe szpressed mach deligit. On te folaviug mrnming ber mfajesty eall. .4 on lhe Presideul, sud in tie asuer- noon Mrs. Ceveland rstumued thi.e all aller which the forigoors ve driven arouud tie city te varions points ol intereet. If In lie eveuing thhy alteuded nmre exereises giveu ah the deafinmute collage. The Queen le muci interosted l ini. - kiud et vori, sud the presidant oethie coliego knoving thia, arrauged au enlertafunenh sud invihad bher. Te-day the royal'party vas taken dov thie Potoma.- on lie "Daspalci" te Mount Vernon, aocompanied by membere of thc Cabinet sud Dipiotualia Corps. This evaning s dinner vili b. given aI tic Wbilî Bouse lu houai of lie Qucen, te vi. lie Cabinet sud ladies, foreigu ministers sud- ladies, Ohief' Justice Wito, Genemai Sheridan, Ad- - girai Porteran sd a 1ev hers fvili b.,- invitad. - 'Ber îoyal iigiuesi s linfucomplexion about s dark as the avterage, mulato4 is et mediumn beigit, and veigis, apparentiy, shount 200 'pouuds. Si. soates a ebout fifty years ot &ge# but hem complexion le toa durk for seccurate gueeing aiage. Ber travelling -athire vas a long, black mantle reucbing -te ber feet, a crape veil ihneaming down ici baci afler iii. fashion ,wbici pro- valul ib is eountry' ad t.ound ber neci sud -bagiug ýdo n iifront of ber drssu a very long for îippet, which iookd decidodly utwomeortable and. unseasanable onfa das Whv1 n ice-creams and soda ver. inu lively deïnand. A warmti prophetie eofeiumer bas oslled 'do wn on Washington. -Oo oahs sud mantles have I>..wt dof.d and parasols, fau ns é m' wîs 6 hakan their places. E haly ng Sabout lie oning l, and 4ver7.- hoiworba vants bol.dUdu~ruin ,dlIweek, sud il Pt 0 Manicîass viiinol be r#paut0&d.P local bands wilU l*. ooi0 t# à can b. b;rougil bore fl, " h s Pickering Qouzicil. The Cannait met in regular session at Broughamn on Monday Iel, thie Reêve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read sud adophed. A numbor ai accounts sud petitiona were presented sud î,ead, asking for appropriations ou roads. Ou motion Messrs. Ricbardson aud Bruce, of York County Cunseil, were isard as a depuhation from tibt Coun- cil in reference ta the York hall roada. An effort 'Was being madle lu-Ibis caunty ho do away wti toila, and as the Rouge Bridge bas cost the. oouuty a large sum of mouey,- hhey ask liaI Pickering reimburge them for a portion af this out lay, in considerahion of lb. talle being abolaiied and the. people getting a Ire road to 1h. city of To. rontoansd a free markol. Mr. Bruce said that lia Cauuly af York tirongi the. township of Pioker- ing hould do somethiiug in thie way et reimburraiug the. Couuly af York for the. ouliay made ou Rouge bridge, s ilvas a benefit ta the people of Pickering as well as others. The Oouîy oa' York inhended te keep lbe road vîthil their territory iu good condition. Hoe tiough hie Oounuy et York would be willing tcacept a moderato amount. The Counoil listeued thcntively te wbat thi. dép'ulshiou iiad ta say, but deeliued te give a commithal animer until furtiier partiaulare vere vouci. safed. Tic members vanted te know wiat sum thie ouuly of York wanted tor tie Rouge bridge, but the deputs. tion could ual name a figure. The Couneil did not boel ike enlertaining any proposalins relèence te lie matter -net ah loa util a definile prpposl vas made by York. And so tie malter Ã"u& motion Mr.' P. McDermid wau hoard in reterene. latiith strslghlening of à road near is reoiderce. On motion Mr. M. Gleeman vas hourd in reterence Wtahle daugerous condition of the ill vesetfG'reonvaod on the 6h con. Mr. Percy, chairman, presented. he report etftthe Standing Committe. on Roadas and Bridges, reeommending au follovo :-Tist thie oliowiug accounts b. paid : B. B. Pugp, e7 yde. ai grsvel ah 8c., $2.96; Bd. Bootiby, 12 road scrapers, $120; Ga. Farloy, repairin« sluicevay ou Sti con., $2. Thal G. M. Gonow be atorized te examine sud repair on the iacaiities viere appro-1, piatina are asked for anthe roud. Onmalien of Mr. Porey the report vas adophed. Mr. Peney, seponded by Mr. Palmer, moved liaI J. M. Gerov ba auliorized te repair bill veet of Greuvood, an the 9ti cou., sud aima ta repair moud meti aud norti of Balsam. ou ideline bo. tween lats 4 sud 5, in 8h and 9h ean- cessiens, and repent te, Council. Car- Mr. Parier, seconda iy Mr. PImer, ruoveô liai tie aseossor'm rail as Pre- --sieted -be recefyod. Cordied. on motioin lIre. Bign va.u be*rd beton thie Gouneil in reoeone. to-* parTV taaszd James _Stak, laitning ubal JohniPhilhippmi, . a e .ponibleforbringîng is- back trous thie oriiaIidiotiseuw,' -sa il agreeê te support lm.. Mr. Mo]Kay inhod uco-d a Bý -luw ho F. Huùtobison -reeoiv!ng the. aPpôint-' ment.- Mr. Panýker, soenzded by KM. aIsi.rj, I m o v o ilf o i b as v e o in t pd u o ii # y la w - ho mioud BY-l*wAv~pIeOatbi# h.wiirhIP offcem. 3y4w a.4 - - i m@rOi su su pfavr of~v-~ , 27snê that au order for 8100.'pý ývloum1y grûnlad by ho Beeve in laver - t4id arnonî la apply on tmimber co:0 uti oIf. .Bruce. OCarrîsd. 'Mr. Mac esonded by Mr.,Parks mao l iai J. MW Gerow b. authorizi te repair approachîes and have> raifi plaeed on bridge on th oon. opposi lot l, sud report teo oùn6cil5 -Carne Mr. Parker, sonded by Ur. Maeke rnaved Iba thie -Cunseil sdjourni meet again aon A,d ay, Msy 81 10 a.m., for general busines, sud as Court ef Bevieion eh 2. p.m. Carnie 1 wr No Ei Mr. Talas, Drugglsi, Gravenhuirmi, Ont., ritem: '¶-My custornors who ha6ve -ned Drthrop & Lymau's Veg.table Diaoovery A Dyspeptie Cure, say tat it hu doueè ,em more good titan usything titey have mer used." h lias indeed a vonderisi mflena. in pmxifyingthe bladuan lng' ieases ai the. digestive Organa, the. LIvor, iduoys, aud, aldisorders of the. mystem. The Porte.wusis us explanation regard. ,the establishment ai a Spamish coaling atilnn uthe. Bed Boa. Quick Transit tram asitato 0ai feebîsuesa, bodily laugour, and nervons irritability- iuduced by dyspepsia-ta a condition ai vlgr sud physicai camiont, follow thie Use af the. standard regulaicu aiad stomsachio, Northrop & Lyaù'sVegehable Dlscovery sud Dysmeptic Cure, whioh sp _iy conquers Iudrgegtian, Constipation Billiaus a mplaiuts, and Posais Com- plitprfi eti blood, sud reinforces lit. v 'alenergy. The. Ban of Carnarvon suggestm the. establishmnent ofaaspecial tribunal for the trial ai Tii. Tises-Dillon case. Pope & Ruban, d ruggists Cedar Rapide, [)a, writea: We have nover sold any iedicine that givea suait satisfaction ta the. unsumer sud pleasure ta the seller as Dr. 'hasas' Eolactric Oil. We cau raee you 3numbere that have used h tfor diptheria rth entire satisfaction sud succas. Thara la an inareasa o! 8205,000 lunlt.e subidies ta provinces. Do sot laite pilla or poaedrs aontaiug calomel, for at this tise ofthie year, the. revut may b. serions. Il you require a dose ai physia taie Dr. Carsou'e Stomacli and Constipation Bittera; it actu gently au te bowela, purifies the. blood, improvea the circulation, atimulates the. iver sud iidueys, aud speedily cures biliouaneas, iteadache, dyspepsia, indigestion. Sonai tiie drug stores f rom oua end o! canada to tii. othar, sud you casnot fiud a ramedy equal tait. Try it and use it lu your families. Said ovei'ywhere in large botiles at 50 cents. F J The Queeu's Own, Grenadiers sud 8th Royale of Quebea are ta ho at Montreal on ubi]ee day. ,4- KOard. sud ldiareso!uffinavon te eai- ad, easrecay, lama o! m nhrood, &o., ne" ii l m daee ti o a yul ura&yo, PUl End0FIChRGe. p Tii. gat crerynd vas disCaverGdB a h mimiury Southe waa merica. Souda sel-dssse auvainSopt ho ti. Rena Ja s T. xnuiaStatinvopeD New York loit y- Goverument lhm been austained* by major- Ities of 32Y, 80 and 43.1 THE HEC TIC FLUSH, pale iol.I loto checesacnd precariori4appetite, nd icale worm8. F,eeman 's Worm Powders totîl quic&ly and effectually remove them. The. intereat on the. public debt la about 812 000,000-a yearly tax ai $2 50 per head af the. whole population. A natter of Tact. Que af the few preparatians that seldom disappoints on trial, la that oad sta ndard throat and lung medicine. Hagylard's P.o- tarai BaLais, for caungls, colda, branchitis, asthms, mre thvoat and. other dûmeaes oi the. air passages. Qusen Victaria's3 Crown weiglis abhout titree ponnda and glitters with nmre ai the finest jewels in the world. AYER'S Cherry PectoraL -No ckatbo onftlaigthOts s sdungm te noua so trfIl.d iith bY the. majonltY cf sufer- ors. The. ordinary oough or cold, resultin penbapa frais a tri4ing an unconsciaus ex- pomr, le often but the beginulng 01 a fata icesae. AvYR'e CIERRY PUCcTORÂL ha Weil proves lis etlcay in a tony yesxs' ght witli tbnoat sud lung disesse, -sud bOUld bO takenil u a m ass ithaut delzy. * "lu 18M71 took a savane cald, wbiehsifeOCted rny ung¶. 1 had a terrible cOuBhbâIdp55id, nghate ichtithont sleep. Te O a ns gay m up 1tnied AucER'S Cgx"ay Pz£- TOBÂL, wbich relieyod mir lunga, induod- sleop and afforded mne the-roat sneaeaOnY, for t1;a-recovcry ea-i m mtreugih.- By -lth cSntiUMnuft seai thie rcuoînÂar e uetear vas efee.Iam n ov yoa oId, ba udbearty, marn m ainlled jous' CnnnsY PE.COR1L "yodmne. ~ATARRM. A neidreatunenubasiie 1... Dosniptivepomphlet sont eceipt Of alamp by ISPRING SUITS..L JO0H-N FEROUSb-N 18 BROWINQ A SUPEBIOR STOCK OF Scotch, English and 'Canadian Tweeds> A.nd other fine linos of iClothe, for Spring suits. Ail garinents made np iii latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men'as andi Boy8' 8u1t8, Gents' Furni8hing8s and UndeýIéc1thing -of ail KInd8. - oEFic~IL OVERÂLL HATS 1 Latest-styles in Har4 and Boft Feit Rata VEBY- (JHEÂP. 1 JOHN FERGUSON, Dunas St., Whitby StliCarryingon. the War!t Simon Fraser offers b4tter inducements than ever te buy-your CHINA, .CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, TCY ETC.ý W.give- a specia iéunt from the prêsent low prices- of 10 per ýent, on Table Ltrsp, Tea Seý5ts, Combination and Dinner Bette. Ont stock of faDey China CÈ Pistes, Dessert Plates, t mû.é rotm, for Spring~ - - bulkanad <anb - taks th? fore lo m 0a TI wi stom auo he it xmneit tehbo It f jui li. Mahi r fo r Pblie. - DoweS lu nao ofSewlng. Alwaym ini Ordor. Simple and Laute. q Liehlme. The Dowinýn Qîgans and Piaelu:' Are Botter than Any Ohher. Th. Bout Judges say Its Toue la lte- B est. itis built wiii a view ta Durabilhty and Beauty. The. Besi Instrument ta Bny. eafusna ee ur GSoa. ;H. WB. FOX,-AGE ifr. BROOK ST. - - -WHITBY. London and Lancashire Life (Jompany. This- Company lampes every desirable ýfaim of Lile poliay, sud hbas depasited wi the'V Beceiver General in approved.(Isadàiian securities over #100.00 for escit $100.00 af liabiity, thus aflording AB8OL13TR se-' Patis deirao! assu "rlng tâ .err livê vii findfi ta u heir&advantagela Cossuit the undersignbd before assnring else*biee, JOHN FARQUHA2SO$9 Whitby,'May 180, 86. enra .get PAT eu ou.patenta in the' the. osneterm5 as O" patent firistin thue States, yeanepatent ;otberwiab t tva yeans Tatl it patent $80, only $90 aon the. ialance 1anfly vitez i fer $16 yeare, $74. On-re draving,.wi[tideseliÈ tla] opp aite U.8S. 8.1! pIema Imention Ai tisoment. cO NYOF OW muet be sold at. 20 per cent. db ou4t, ta (looas. z lre-sud well assorted stock mies spcialvale Tir s and Coes, 1 re=uce ries, Freali Oysterw iu .he faxueus Louie.Baking,,Powder 1 aista l meos ;ptp ýgist 80 cntspetilb, DPut ~es our8 ceods sprcb. D--- purhelgos aaiewhere Lucaioeowee ------000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H-ATS'!' HATS 1

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