ýÊEýAUL. er-ol Svsry or »,O -ed 1 by this porbuk ,pi&y ~eal uzder iti ýtyla, it anifeted I Tete oue 5Sa and Eularxèd GIaQ1 ii stamps for a large ra tteo, on SkIn iri,lscSe '#à fora treatise on 8Scrofube " E HLOOft S T ihé frlv ceanise ltby ueilfg r., î ïIedIcal ît ime b e V lon, a fair akiuu bJjand 1Iutloia, W le estabb DNSUMPTIO y sl SeroftlouIfloouuef ,e la ropt ply and certatl,î ho lafri istirs ftb isem ___ Sa"e,when tIrst ofrert gJm reuiedy to the publ En~s> ftriouslj, of Ca nu t 1011 Çurej'"but abeu4cueljtgj mited for a medlcine whIch, rut eoabipat1on of tonlj or ral bo lood-ceandlg ant ansd nutritive properti euei 1* 08 a renledy for conup- ut forai IRONIC DISEÂBpj Or TRn féel dwui. drov d lrof skin, or yeo1bL~ or bodly, freiuent ha 0 h o tante lu niout4,Internai, bcat oreh g ltb thbot fashes. 10* epirbt1 erebodtns, rreur am~. ngue. you are su&lertng fen k Dy:pep @laadTrI qlou#leeo ý In any Id~ hese @,'mptoras ar OUMerj1 e for Ë1sn ass , D ri 'rit" L ilsêlcai J DHsO'Ovy b latLun ISSspnttillir ofe ue 0f1serestiaq rome ltect1dnâ, It le a soverfii n cente-hi siaun for gr&,iS ,onegumyitJon. Seod by I>Mfflt DIpmsryUdicaI Anosia ýprletore1 603 Main St, BurAI.ro cs LITTIL BL usand VATHMAWR* Ih-uggios, .25 cents a Vjbj or a case ûf cataiTh whickt 2fyou ve a diacbsr.f* te no'eoffensive or iu telu a 8fl4W ~t~ý'nate gJ3 cons ivt rriffl0 e C~&LL OINT- )HNSDN 'eerell's 8/ock for you.r ~NIIUBEI NG FtOOM SUITS, GO RýOM 'S UITý, BEDROOM SUITS, KIIC HEN 8tJie us that Osfy CompOMItts )ne, Corne ail, and se* for Yourseives. J.JOHNýSON TAZING LOA 08 OVEIR JOHN P IERGUS;ON' ng Etabileliment, Dundiwa. .80lo 6 P . sl. i io.....O mdl Gflbortsrees 19f. BATES9 , NWsp* erusîa Aext, 41 P es Newîdl.g, N d tu con trenit fera veïît the CIIRONICLIE et ;ýALT@ tly iraproyo your B <est4rn Canaa- -À buglà ry rsported fho001North -Â buet the residénoe of Kr.-Roolao wJ ob saturdlby. The stolo vie Bahammer, law, pike polo, su d &avigkife. Iti.s uppoeod t0 baye beon the work cf boys. ,J i be 9g8s lampeon Park #tree1'rom MfoDognei te ( lio t tes were emagshed te atome by so6c. mawIent ,,riswho oould evdeutly iu no otber 'way vent thoir OvIL passiones.- 8000 lampe in the uouth yard vere &W ,nxaebod. 012 Wednosday alternoon, iu tb. -centralj Bridge Woike, while Mr. Law ana Mr. Thos. Harper verseugaged ,vcrking with the large et.am hainier tbe latter b&d th. Miefortune o t ethe end of one of hie fingors takoff. 'Dr. Clark dressed the fingorý whioh at là .t repoilS as doing woil. jRichard MeBride, of Rie. Laiso, in dGsad te t t lowing bowl) and y... turdây 1.11 a vide te hie uneouquer. able hbabit. He va. foà nd near the park hy a "cep" ina somuambulletie stste, sud rnaroeo off to the - station . ge was dismissed this moruing by the ,,gistrate with a varning. This was bis second appoar suce lbefore the magie- torilibonh. Two Young men Saturda.y evoning hired a hors. and buggy from Mr. ià peett, et Ashburnham. Il rau away frn them, and the. twe yonthe search- sd the town for their runaway mîood Untfi twe o'clcck Sunday moruiug, wbon they found him on a baok etreet, with a pioce of tb.ebafts sijil attaohed te the barnoli. The.-buggy had beau loft eomewhere aïloug th. route .of its Mn.- A gang et ieventeeii railway mon vers engagod yestorday about a mile and a bal weeteofOCbourg, @ay@ the. Guide, laying nev steol rails. (The. traok btween Port Hope and Cobourg îa being uewly stselod a&l the.way tbreugb.) At 6 o'clok p.m. they boarded thrce band-cars te return te port Ilope, and the mou being aniieus t et o ee e ruuuing thoir pump- ers et tbe rate cf about three miles in five minutes. In passing the switoh liaI rue m inote grave! b.d about f6v. miles caut ef towu, the mniddle car jumped the lrack. Thero vers seven men on it, and a&U vere moe or lees. injured, emre sevrerely. Cornplaint.s lond and numerous are boing made about beys aud mon bath. ing ln Little Lake early in tie. eveuiug, before the leat aigu cf appreaobing dark i. apparent, te tthe great anuey- anc.et boaà tîig parties, who are obliged toexoeroies lie ulmosl vigilance te aveid ruuuing foul et on. cf lh. mauy crowds cf shont.iug, inunlling "bars who dieport themeolves obamolessly in and out of the valer, regardîes of a11 propriety, or of tbe discozufort and an- noy.*aW choir h.atheush sellous outail lapon the. loaddt of pleumr.e.k- ors, a large percentag* cf whom ares ladie, who uightly seok th. cool aud invigerating influence of a mail ovor the. placid waters of the labo. Thers in a by-law prohubiting swiuà rnganutil afler dark. Let il b. enforced. LINDBAY. The town basebali club defealed Poterboro last wsob by 12 te 5, and weob a lad 12 ysansa od uameéd Barry, waW-seut by Polios Magistrats Damble te Ponotangumboeoroformatory for an indefinite poriod. The boy, sad ho@vws oueet 1 he im nigra tsbroughtontlby Misesoh sdtk.hfom l.msroh. mont home btainse by P.tetully of Lidsayq with whora h. sbsiyed fer Beveral years. A.t Petetorohi oom- mi"odthoft cf &sW"ato sd rou.y ai the, Oriental hotlL The. nov direct teophono lUne from Idday te Toronto à s nov open for nue sua gives very @sataOory onotoa Tii he io, ug1out la strong vith oop0 par vire, which leas muoh botter !on ductor thon tron wire. - lu pv4tlng uop tii.lin. a-i ndsay giê,-oI.s hsvêJi plated up Victoria ave.ý- teBond s2 andi al@sikBond ptà sd' h4oflsd. t. t the. Omkwod oa t"The huéà , gira direct to Uxbridge sud frin ualtowu te Toronto. James Boblaaen," who lieai. gocde for Harley;& Brady,,bad$~la vasu êraiug tto.th ii is aùt vils approsching the. Lindasy-tre# bridge vas tamIfo .é, *ýù a buggy cowiing loff 4 Ui bMp.eç-ýThe~ .haft ecf ti, bUIgy e"a Uobineon$ herse« on -the.,r d Kila oot a Beforo Rob*n parties in la. bled tode a týL# Aubi tablsg otflLtloun'5a dguard 'moumilg lu .qual Proportios.Tii. camp Con- tiues fair ton tisys.. Wahiung Lot ter~ (PrOl Our regQU4aore»ondent) subi. of Peusions bas ' ptgèùrally but, littli lut £Fr aà Youe but lu4ividual pouïioners sud thei, fà mfiue, bthei pa'Ymeutl 'fthe. longost baok.pension, over paid by tie Goverameut, te Fran- ois Psttersou, a blinti beggar cf Eleira, N..Y., la intereeliug enougi te fore the. plot of a noel. Wheu ho vas a aeldier in the Union.a&My durlug thi' War, ou. day vile ou pieket du , Patterson becarue suddonly blind.,He vsudered amd' holplossly for sme: disyq, and bsiug missstifrin lie am'p, ho vas classed as a deaerter. On his roturu te Elmira, hie vite anti chultren abaudoued hlm. on aceount, probably, cf hie disposition le d&unkonsss. Fer eight.su yoan he veut bsggiug about the, tovn, led by* s traineti ehepherd. dog, bis ouiy friend. *Nov4he posses- sion et $18,822, tie amount of hie back pension, and lthe suroty of- $72 a menti during hie lifetime, bas csusod bis farn- ily sud former froende te rsily srcnd him te that dogiseeliaI ho le in danger cf being meduced te rstnrning le hie fermer parnereiip vith lthe dog, througb their avarice snd greeti. H. applied for a penelon somo years ago, but lb. difficuly of explainiug avay the. charge,« cf dosertion cauoet the. dclay. Tiie Americau Telephono Oorzps»y are unpleasautly ceuspicuons aI pre- soent tirougi tie publicily given tie fermer lite et its vice-prosideul, T. W. Tymer. Mr. Tyrer bas livet for sevoral y.ama lu Washington, and ha. been lsrgely interoeled iu lb. North Wash- ington Improvoment Oc. Bore neue- miss of bis sud the ooepauy have pub- 1sd thome slalemeuts lu order te break dovu Tyner aud the oeepany. The latter eoeen able te stand lb. asasuit, seau investigation by a corn- eille. of lie sîcokioldors develope ne traudulont Irapsaclion, but Tyrer viii probsbly go te tthe vail, se the charges against hie are lino. Mr. Tyrer doe net deuy having sorved a lerm for for- gery. an 's vengeance ou eau le ne- lenîles,sud once diecovered criminal, alvays a crirninal, sud thiugi vs aire teld efthe joy lu heavon ever the. on. sinuor liaI roenteti, tiers ià very 11111. bellot on carti in bis repentanoe,1 sud ho is teid liat God viii toîgive hie, but mau caunot. The chances for the preventcà n of crime are constant- ly retardot by its being almet an imposslbilily fora eaunviehuebasonce boon cenviotet of a crime, te retaru te the association cf houest people. Bo long as Chrisliauity vitiielde ils oonfi- dence froee lie. vo have omet, se long vill oui prisons b. more thanhli Éied by tics. vie arm serviug their soocut sudthird terme. The proposai te utilise lhe Revenue manne by appointiug graduaI.. cf the. U. S. Naval Âcadeey te tthe vasansios lu Ihat servi«e, la again under disons- Sion. Ase il nov stands, the. graduas ot the. A.cadeey are given $1000, sud relegate t o çrivate lite, wihheb exooptiou cf a fev vho stand ut lthe hesd otfltheclae. They are appoinheti te snob places as May b. vassal in lhe Navy allihe lime oet hm graduation. Tii. ides la, liaI lie Revenus Marine Servie offéri a filocf ueefuluses for lie olier graduateâ. Il elil tbe cou- mcv.ooefflay lu a "r "thefilash . Eut tocn, on -Moudsay éfbeoon, the. fire sà ine, i turu -bois the .Adiron- preseu, but toeuo vw ,comn. .d on mir. Glovlaaklâ proveti sp- pearsu.. mies bist a~Ia'Ms OClovelautIi eu oMli&"Yss ,sii. là zow Tb* PrOsidéSIt -t" afbensi e le Oak VIev, « J Howns t 1sfl5, alose wê i.m ci!y of bbbelor <laya for eontpaiy. HRov phasantt h. »,I.mt mtwIappoar, 'In ootototh PWA ý, 1 l Ph*. men app*Iuteded., uO*> tequtrements @of the abtin e. ~uay-rs. rrs, inuRsoa, nei MoI>oin7ad'e 2 no., ri i Hehbnahotl, otreli, ?ce Wedneoday-Mobon's hotel, 4Hyli fort t nigit. Thùtsday-Gomdc< Pickeiiz, for the. nigit. ll'i Hatrick's, Base Lino, noon; Jol owu stablo at uigbt. Se±urd bote!, Whitby, until neeli and ne, y Brea' -Rays n borné pperty of Camrn i Siand, Amubhurui. Monday-proceed te Chinn's bote', Brook- lin, non; rohi Shani.l's at night. Tnesday -Tios. Wilbur's, Darlington, for tie nioeit, Wedneady - t noom; Hodgson's bote!, Raglan atni .Thurs- day-Frank Browne8, Myrtle, noon - is own stable, .&ahburn, at nigit. F'rday- Wm. Gardner'@, noon; hie own stable at nigit. Saturdây-Ji, A. Disney's, Nest Wbfitey, noon; i e own stable until Monday .mornîng. Tannahili, ropcrty of Cameron & Siaud, Asiburu. ,onday aternoon-proceed toDatoe's botl, tTtica and romain aU nigit. Tuesday- Holt's hotel, Mancheater, noon; St. Charles botl, Port Parry at night. Wedneeda. atternoon-proc ite Hlodgson's bote, agaand romain over nigit. Thuraday- te John liepburn's and remain ail night. Friday-Wilcox's hotel, Columbus, noon; Chinn'a hotel, Brooklij, at night. Satur- day-return to his own stable, Aziburn until Monday. Phenoenonu (Cleveland Bay) pxoperty of Major Hod- son, Myrtie, Ont. Monday -puns thro;= yrtie and Ashburn to Utica, and romain ailnight. Tuesday-pass through Epsom to Port Perry, noon; and througi Mani- chester to his own stable for the nigit.- Wedneýsday-Ipa8s through Raglan te Colum- bus, noon; and through Brooklin tb bis -own stable fer the night. Tbursday-all day at his own stable. Friday-Ray's hot.el, Oshawa, noon; and Ray's Hotel, Whitby gt nigbt. Saturday alternoon rotura te his own stable and remain tili Monday. Ycung Abby Prince, property of Major Hodzson, Myrte, will romain at bis own stable every dayv in the week exoepting ThursdaT, on whicS day he will be aI Jno. Martin s, lst con., Reaci for a noon stand. H3unteman,.. property of Jobn Anson, Balsam. Monday -prooeed te Dafoes hotel, Utica for the night. Tuesday-te McGreggor's, 9h coen. Resch, for tMhe Uighî. Wedneaday -te Rose's hotel, Greenbank, for lie nigit. Thursday-te McQuay's hotel, Port Poîr for the night. Friday-to Hodgson'e bote! Raglan, for lie niRht. SatMay-to. bis own stable alid romain until Monday. &uchtertoi, proporty of John Anson, Baisai. Monday -proceed to Dafoe's hetel, Utica, for the night. Tuesday-te McGrgr'9hc. Beach, tor the nihk :dnUdY-to Rose's hotel, Greenbsnk, for lhe night. Tbursday-to MicQuay's bote!, Port Perr for thm night. Frilay-to Hodgaon's bhote, Raglan, for tue aight. Saturday-t. hie own stable and reialin untit Mfonday. Lavezs Baron Gordon, properly of Wm. Richardson & Son, Coluai- bu@, Ont. Monday-will proceed to Chiln'. botol, Brooklin, for the night. Tuesdy te Dickson'8, Myrtie, noon ; and te ol17s bote!, Manchester, and romain ever Wed- necday until Tbursday moming. Tbursday -Hogon'e botel, Ragla, non; and teiiS own stable for the n!g t. Friday-to Tios. Wilbur's, 7tb con. Darlington, sud romain a&U night. Saturday-to Jno. Rephumns, noon ; sud te bis own stable until Monday morning. aobort Bonn«., Jr., lEainhetonian) property of Whitney and ZWhitby, Ont. Monday-lesve his ovu stable, ueen's ho tel Whtby sud proceed Chinn's otel, BrooÃlin, noon ; and te Wil1- son s hôtel, Ashburn for thie night. Tues- day-Derusis botlt (l1ro'nont, noon ; Pipher's iotel, Brougliai, for the nigit. Wednesday-te Wilbcox's botlt, Box Grove, noon; and hu tic Wellington botl,: Mark- hirm, for the nigit. Tbursday--to Brown'e hôtel, Woburn, noon ; aud te Moon's bote!, Highland Creek. for lie nigit. Friday-to Gordon'-g hotel, Pickering, sud romin &Il. nitby Sstur'Iay-te bis owu stable, sutyad ronn util Mouday. BUTLLS. Whto Cap, properpy of Wm. Rosi, Myrtle, Ont. Cal red GOO -D: T 1WEEDSE AT PRIGES NEVER ZREBEAcIRD flj THTIMrÂbEI. I T .A(.ood Suit m*ade-to O0rder'fr$1.O Âlarge stook of sootch, Eanglish ana; canvaiau Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to seleoifrom. Â SPecial une of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Sits or -Boys' wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GIROCEIRIES ÂLWÂ78 ON "BAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. io CR 1 BROOKLIN, ONT. PUR&NITu -RE -FOR- Cottage or Castie:, PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU# OALL ON *WM. HIAJLT, BIROOKLIN. -000- EE "unerals Fully Supplied." =ý Wb ily WooIIeHN MIIIN, Midway between Brooklin and (Jolumbus,'on th&e 7th Concession. We are now prépared to make ail kinda of Wooilen Goode, euch as Tweeds, Fail loth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AI1-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Ygrns ini ail varieties and al kinda of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing ini all colors doue to ordei2 elwprioe paid for- apy quautity of Wool. Ail orders promptly fiiled. wi D. BOWERMAN J SON, ( YUW e ) ', o F lslieltO Iowed to continue tlmmeaformwulc bleed and nicerate, becomiagveryîm SWAYUE'S OINTIMENT higadbleedltxg, fi zRznanv caues rmovs MANI400D How Losi, Hou Rosttts L pns ýblised:anov editio o DU. C Lawzla Cxr à »]BU&T»ý ssAr on the ýra&k~w_ Involuzi$ar~ Somma ees eaT Physii.ai Incpaoit ,Inpei Monti; to Marniage, etc.;o, Ooiruxéul Elnmzz>srand Frrs, induesdby soU-indul-, gecor sexÙal extaaa0e& rho celobratoê anihorr nia admriable essay, olearly demonstrats m a jrt yoars' sucafuldp raWtice, thà t li. almrrà n cnre; dontin onta mode. cf cuËà ai nç simple, certain, rmd effectuai,ý by-ým sna which oevezy auffere, ne Oýmatter ýwh i condition'zmay b., may cuire huiioelf che!aP ly, privately and radecZZg * lu- Tbia lecture shoulk 1e utih âas-d of every youth and every ManIi the land. Sent un&ier seal, in laneveeot any addressi POa Pai, o esit or cents or ivo peetage-stamps. Adsu ,TheCUVEWLLM DGbO. roi ôëéIlit4-w., 't,* YI. DR. ORWEDS ARCADE, TORONTO. ABOchool Thoroughly Zq4uipped for BusinessTanig BOOK-KEFEPING, eENMANBH SIPS BUSINESS CORBEBPONDENOE, - - BUSIESS BITMETI, OÃ"MBIaR,ÀL I 4W, SH1ORTHA.ND ANID TYPS-WBITING PRÂOTIOÂLLY TÂTTGRT, FINEST ,ROOMS-,N.,ANAA. lj Send for Cirlar, ÂddrosLn, Ar -7-7