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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1887, p. 4

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Pt/riy OU IAT liellebore, Paris Green, Insect Powder, Slug -Shot, -00- IL #48B#A3TINýEs Owing 1to great dlemand w have been compelled to order a fresh stock which lias just arrived. G. E. GIBBztBD. TEE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Wbltby, Friday, Jrily 8, 1887. Sa Chai. Tupper go.. Wo England again tuis summer W ouc0nlude u treaty with Spaini and bis Deputy vili take charge of the. ranch. during absence. Toronto'# ratepayens very properl and vey visely voted dowu by-ilavs o Tuesday, saddling thein witii 6250,000 8 150,000 of the. money vas to go to oity improvemente of varions klnds, and good deal of it vould b. vasted in it expenditur. ; while the remaining $100,000 au to go Wo the Domninion Goveroment te iielp improve Toront harbor and' Ibis wouid neariy ail go Wo contractors and other robiiers. Not- wit.iistnding Toronto@ laok in voti bonuse nn.y, it has. W be careful and go bapk on a obeme occnsionally. As te the appointment of a sueif fo tuis oounty, w.audenutand that thi Goverument hau appointed Mr. Fra Paxton, oon of the. late eberiff, Wo th position. Considering the circum- Mtandes of the. came and Mr. Paxton' eéminent qualifieations for the. position, togetiier with hi. experienoe of several years in the. late sheriffrs office, v coumsënd the. appointaisnt as a most deisirabi.e oe. Of course there ar many men vWhose names have bee mentioned for the. place, but th. feelin throngiiout the. oounty, se far as&& have >eard, miee o Wb. lmofit unani- mous in fayot of the. action which hbu been taken in thé. matter. Mr. Mowat, in miking iis appointment without hesitauion performod a laudabie net. Oua people had better flot swallow dose of ti Commercial Union unt some Vanadian politiolaus of note ehi have taken it up. B3o far nobu Yankee. and annexationiats have undet taken te disousthe. soheme ptublioly Canadians do not ned ayone fro the Bt*tei tW preach politios tW hem and th. arguments of Ameticas surely 9. lu-thimr-oeth tiie wheth4î,t thiy aâ»ra uruInteàt Sebu NoOmmaddnp ioa bas go fa d- aveu osalCanaa managea '11 vflsoalfà" M sd, h"d'àperfe right tg dose0 under île constitution. TXà Manitoba people hve orke thoiis up tb a terrible- pith, sabon railvay to conneet, Wiulpg vit ho Norhh,.ru Pacifie. As eMto knovs liS bargain vih lie C. P. B vas that il vas go have a moneoiy 0 iie grade for a lime. Tii. prnipie 0 monopolise ve ail knov isawong, bu may do for a time lu some cases. IR the. case of Manitoba the. Dominion hWi ho gir. the. C. P. R. a moneopol> ir rder Wo induce thera te build the. road Tiie Winnipeg people iurraid tiers selves hoarso over the prospect cf ges, ting a rond on hies. terme, sud nei! that the. lino has bet up thein oitj tii.> vant te shako il off sud go oz vith nover fakes. Acting betveen tie tvo thieDominion <loverument bhas t et lb. foot demi on ail railva>' chargera passed by tii. Manioba legisiature vîti a vievW t unning iullvays soross the ine into thé Stlatus. Tii. Dominion Parliameul vwouid bave, lo break ité bargain vlt I thé C. P. R. te graul Manitoba's demauds. Iu tie mean* lime Manitoba bas granted a chatter or its road and ha. gene: W Engln go raiesotic morney te buiid it. News nov comststaIhe. harter i. dsllow. ed sud thtt h. money cannot be ber. rpved vitieut the Dominion Govern. zàent endors.. Manitobase note. Sherif Paxton Dead. Thomnas Paxton, Sheriff of Ontaniei CeunI>' died on Sunda>', aften n longl period of siokues8, during whioii bel ~everal limnes csnvsiesced suffioientiy te give hie frion9s strong hopes of hie tecover>'. 1h is believed hie siokneau, was the reauît ef a oold whicii shook hile systers, sud disease aRegomr bined te hoid hlm down uiUî these bot day. gavè -tiers victor>'. Siierifi Paxton vas heinon the Tveedie homne. stead vithin Ivo miles eft tus tevu, in 1821, snd lived hi. viole 66 years iu Ibis ceunîy. About forty year ago sevecal ef hoe Paxton famil>' removed firm her. te Port Peut>', sud comm.nced varions branches of business thor, laying t11 cruer-atone, as migiit be said, efthfe handsoeolitti. tevu viiich overlook~ scugog laie. ?itier in partnerehi wigh hie brothpr. or other mon, the. 1 sierif vas4 sivays actively eugagod in busies-too ctsoUrd>, il vas oflen ai, fer ho seemed te hav, tee man>' turonsu the fine, sud had te trust to mnci W cohers, Hie public career cemmenced esti>' in lite, sud h. vas electsd te a&l the offices ho tried for. Hoe beid erer>' Position in thie municipal 0ouncil e Reaeh duning the peniod vien it va of far greater importance te have good meunilois hban nov, lu 1867, Ith jeat cf oonfedonaîiont 7i.oformel icket vith l. esJohn Hall Te ion te inn for Nortii Ontario aan Elon. 14. ' C.- Cameron aud SqUIr Oil1espie oftCannug ton, feoilth Gommons sud Ontario Assembi>'. Eleeted by a large majotity, hig bocial qualitiet made him oneto its id Wo hsieonatiuency for ne-siectio% =»y> time., defestlug Messrs. Joub Wright, N. F. Patersen, Q. C., Philip b&oRa., and Dr. Gillespie. Six years age h. resiged, te accep i.e position cf siieriff ftii. county o SocI>', n. -Pàton aShod 1hi Eis lively salIF« dvyslo .~ b dnt4 immme auraI Dov 01 heaumbeglmuanoegdtug.il EULOGY gy 3UDGE DAITSWELL Befote. -teris at of -lb. Divistoi otun, held baete on tii h atti~ Uono Juge artelispoke tes foilouÏ 'Tsi May bhave no other pabui pportuni'y, I desire on tis occauao1 express My ovU féeelngs in reapéi th. eI" bis coaamunity bas a Von"* din tiie removal from ont Midet -6 boras Paxtoni, late Sheï if ii ouaty. As chief executivi officer <*ý e0 .Courts in ti.countyt th. higiieo dlgmity as hie, appellation denotsi (Beeve of the. Sure), 1ev men ,i4 fil.d hi. onerous position vith mïo e acceptance and favor. R e has receivïî m the. 8upetior Court Judges warn: mm.ndations, and ISap mure I voiet h. sentiments of my brother Coun.4 odge, as weil as the. Bat and people eerally, viien I sny tint a moie ttentive, sealous and courteoua public ificer coula flot .nsily b. fouad.- It i office viii. harehneis might be oex ted. H.ovas neyer harui, exa.tlA1 r oveîbearing, but on the -contr ften risked indulgence, which a màm f hlm kindly nature would be, jutifle withhoiding. But lb lueof the malh ather thantii.heofficiai, tint 1[4eslr. £4 eak. W. vere &Il awaré of 'the xtrnordinary regard and affection ntertained for hum by the. people'of tii. Noîthern portion cf the County, but Dot until he came te liv, amen1 us did ve learu the secret. Tii. kinMy nature of Oui deceased friend at onge becarneapparent. Re.w&8as a vai friond, a generous opponent. Hit viii Ding manner and swoet good-nature won aIl our hearte. Betveec hum annu myseif a warm personni friendshi1 prung ups and tiers la o ne n. i tuis building wbo viii miss us ciieïer voee and kindly presence more lian yself. Hie family have Oui deepoos yrnpatby in theur bereavement, and1 an ouiy hope tint bis suocessor, wio. ever ho may b., may prove te be sa ~oda man and citizen, and as efficioni an officer s the. Ite Sherif proved himaoiIte be. Whitby Towuship Qouil Council met Monday as per adjourumeut. AIl the memberu sent. Be.,. in the cuir Minutes et Court ef Revision sud Council meetings were res4 »d approved. Communications from Beach aud Pick. sring councils re grants on tovu lin«., sud number ei commissioner. reports mad auto vere rehd and iunbmitted to Cou- cill.,ac Mr. Hodguon was heard askiug for grant te, build bridge on sideline between Iots- 18 519, 7th con. Mr. Hallett was heurd ne accident to i trother on Base lin, lest feU aaskingfo some assistance for bis brother. J. Woodward was granted $1.50 for. 'iuy dons o bu and bernes. cused yhe in the ;w"d broken ecuIvrt. Mr. Williu ucoded by 1Mr. noves thatïILnWilson, the Reeve,a41r Calden be oomnusson tgWdra opposite lot. 29 Mt eff.e an%& go proper outlet maIo ceil tià engineer tW dividethe coul betwean l pntieu inlereshed if neessary.-Cannled. on motion the àâouncil rose for one heur Donncil resumed. AUl the members p- ont- Reeve in the chair. Mr James Balfour, ins:ector eofre mesonted his report which showed auruben ef trees planted in Ibi mnicpa [tya«cording tle 1ev 1fr. -wilaon, secnded by 1fr. WiUis, nove. that Thos. MoBrien Wm. MoBr &nad B. Modiand o. coxmlssioneffs W oe 10 on aide road ieading te gravel pîtI on taid sid.iand on 5th oon.,-OCarried. Mr. Wilis, Seoond.d b yM1r. Wilsn noves liaI S. Medland,T9cS. MoBnle tud John Bell b. cominissioners W xpe 0 opfm up daitcÉh oriathe làme tirb l il. 22 & 28, onSti madl~o, 51 n *ngineeâr le appordoe epene orea on Motion of 1fr. wisi, eoeuffed ib. Calder. h ýflb. Easy.wu matthd #:7 Whitby -Dry oIL WaIker, indigent te date, 86.00;- Mrs. Tou.. P.arson,board te Mrs. ils in&igent, M.00; W. D. Boverman & Bons on acol. âauber and cedan, $7500 ; John Skinner, ~naIgstone un road, 88.75; Jas. Cutle, n cnigoentrsct,$25.00, aise the toilow- ng eor e theic eeve's b. and are heneby emd:--Geo. Frankisi, roa contract, W2,00- F. Glover. road conîrsot, 57.00. Gounci abjoune t t meet. on Mondày eOpt. ôth, .et 10 0,01o0k. A lady from Syraua. wites: l"For bout seven yean before 'takixig Sorhrop Lymanu Vegetable Diaovery sdDys eýpti ours, 1 suflered trom a copi0 n r«Y prvaent lh' or .sex. I vasu - ýble-te velk eny distanc or stand ýon mny amtfor more han a 1ewv minu m ie ithout feeling exhauateds but no I m hauffl t î. acn wslk Iv. mles ~ih let if f.h th. east Icuviiue"Fer Iomhiu Lin' o -Royal m i Goods Farmers,. Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and profit to use MAXCHINE OILS.- Guaranteed not to . gum, and, will outwear Machine Oils. Olry' Try otir Cylinder 011. It lias no equal. Vhitby, by WM. BRYAN B ONS., ail ther For sale in Dundas Street. Of nlg tcours aIaeyloy pnico, deghîava e> slei ar faia SPEOJÂAL DURING BARAINS THIS MONTHO, Printed Muslins only 7ets. per yard. White Muslins 10c. 12c. and 15e. per yard. Victoria Lawns and Allover Embroideries, special value. Silk and Lisle Gloves 10c. 15c. 25e. and 40c. Black Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at low prices. Black Satin Merveileux, only 75c. per- yard. A choice range of"etÃ"Iors j ust recel*ved at - 1 per yard. Prin (ts, Gin ghains, and Zephyr Cloth, the ftnest range, at Lowe-st Prices. 0W /8i THE T/ME TO SECURE BARGAINS DRY GOODS. Emporium, -Burns' Oolumln. THE IMPOSSIBLE. "Man neyer enu stop th. billows' roar, Non change thc vînde 1111lite>' blov ne more" Nor' die rue love from iaaé'ào* Man cannot heU what th. futurs wMibnug, Whethcr next year - corn on cotton is king, Non vhethen bhis weslth will quioki>' hake ving; But man cen save from Povenly's stnife, Hie fatherlems ohildren sud loue, wi4oved B>' the simple expedients of insuiug bis lite,' And buying bis focilvear from. us." - Btay with cash sucd Save moue>'. «IA penny saved lu Ibis euasy , Is a penny seved, ton a nain>' day."r À î&'W PO-iNTFeR. When our goe anc n nvsd, se0styli, aud nice,-- - - HO* feelishiia isuot ý.te take Our -,advice, And get vint you ,w*u" a, ver>' 1ev prie Nov, dont you tbink'soe yodutsel& -Wé hnve-a-nilad'ecarpel pe for 85e, a omfortable pr'nela bouse siios fôtl'>75e, sud prunella galloràin luti- tii. heot lultô- ort :41.25. at, AlUan- . in-E Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. $u-mmer ArrGnee DATES 0F SAILINGs, PROM UB> O ?ely n ,iau -DOc sroffne " Thon yeu cennol de »Râsneible alarlm WATfJHM KÈ?i BROOK - JtbY LOA WHAT Ns - SOINS ON IN BUDGET 0F LIVELY L Dy CHRONICLI '-A eiei'sa amang - An' faith he'llPi WICDNESDAY, Jul>' the. Falls.- -BLACBEEnIs aIl bo.nigit, (Fniday). .Fer a&H the, roubla -migit mke itseit-ý once a yenr, u as vn day. Tuesda>' igtvas lie- goyesund isome el te, bcd. - We font'he have, te ho introduce OWING le a- muita -aiîfnuij publisiied., vote on tihe Heapi: ieenti et July. DuENG hhe"ý'fireo "ilt Ivo carrnages Ta£ preu - of '6u"i Une ofethe Grand 'Ti ti yenr, sud lthe roi don6e.trnckid' Q ?eroutô. ,Ceutéàct.ib 1.1 for 1h. vhelo lwork ~Poitld Tom Cima yard dked Wednesdg on aec'ount oôf age su 1ev mon o -ould have kncokling about inut June f hh4 Pongees IN ALL KINDS 0F R:?*W088 imâw-i Dundas Street.

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