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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1887, p. 1

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s, e. 14 .~ *~ c r J- Wit cam Piu:d Word4, p..: :ouchhs, and untirlng induetryi WO-sOvocate Poes, . Propos, Kowidgr, Birotherhooci. XXXIe WHITBXY,, ONTARIO,, FR-1[DAY, AUGUST -59 1887, NO. a34. Established 1856. [he LedIon eeklïin bOntario CoUDty1 SUBsCRIPTION RATES. i1 per anfl'Um 1inadvnce-t. 60 .ther. t JE. SuCitoxs are always payable at ike 0ffce Of p lcation. gtean equipment and bust fnrniahed Book and Job printig tRint xiEatern Out, caPablot o! ezee ta I casssof veorin m the fleposter tbIhe malleet handbill. Special mention ià made cf th. ,,eurpucod press faclities cf Tim Cno. CL.with its ceebrated N. Y. Cottrel cylinderjprose aMd ocher modern conveni- *nces.~vr order receives prompt, care- lui attention. TERMS 0F AUVERTISINO. lie ba1'ance ds at gret: m before the end rirats redueed to Jan. 22,1878. (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, BARRISTBR-ÂT-LAW, SOLI01TOB i.)n Clxnoery, Oonveyancer, &o. Office-Deven' Block, Brook Street,, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Private Pwds-: i sumis up to $M00, ai a 1ev rate of ini- tereat. j (ly-62 LYMA.N ENGLISH, L L. B., B ÂET.BRBAT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BARphjn'TORYROonveyanos,&e.,&o. Sila- *oe Street, Ouhawoa. A1t, iccd to 4sud 7to 9p.m. No. 8, TRI'TRRO, BYO4. 1»,R. WLEBBN * OUTr.DEB TONf P. WÂRRENS D, ..(MoGîll.) W. OUTHBERT8O0N, 3MS. (Toronto) M.D., O.>.!.,(Victoria.) OF E:BROOKLflT a. C. CKÂAW OI"QT VETBRINA3Y SREN Graduste ef lb. Onti Y4etbielz7 01 Orderu 1y mou or teiNm4h, prGoap$ly att.ndsdto. Ornes at rsuI4sp0ot .êe. ofd H. VAN RIGOS & IVORY, S. 19. cor. Ring and Yonge Sta., Toroto. ~ flEST TBB=I,48 on rubber. .L>BOeUuloidt $10. Gold, $80. Rave exlzae4 1the te.sth from T uau1cfpermons, aboltsly painles by the ueof Vllslisd Ab 4 ate wîth Langley, Langley& Burke, Tormoo) A RC HI1TE C T Deaigne for Chnrche.. Vilas and Cot- tages a upecialtv. Praw-inge prepared for reznodeig exiotirR tructures. Omnion-Firut 1Mt ove RHovse'sDrug Store. P. 0. Box 20,Wmir. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCE STREET, WHITBT. Good Bigu and Good Horms% Ternisrea-' 19 SEBERT BROS. 2~~r ,0 10000 PEOPLE Uf! FERRYS $EEDS - DM. FERIYt& CO ar M bostobe Ir 5Et utaUL WORM POWDERS. -First insertion, pOr lin., 10 cents ; each gubequent insortfl, 6 cents. DisplaYed Âdvertisements arLmeaaiared by a ecale Of solid Nonpareil, a.nd oharged accerdingly. ÂdvortideeOfts sent without written instructions ineerted until forbidden, and charged for full tizue. Ordors for discontinuing advertisenientis muet be in writing, otberwise the publish- * ers wilI ciot bs responuitde. À liberal discount for contraot advertise- mente by the year. Oopy for changea of contraot advertxaemqnts should b. handed iunot later than Wsdnesday ; and notice et any intended changea ehould ho givon bfore- Tuesday noon. Other advertîse- tuents roceived up to Thursdy noon. Business notices in loctor news columns Five cents per Uine weekly. Locale, 10 etas. per lino weekly. Correepondenco solicited from ail parts of the Countt or neighhoring townslipa. Corroapondents are requestea to send li their communications as proniptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM. Proprietors. JOHN STA2NTON, Sup't Mechanical Dept. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ABIST% contyCrown Attorniey, wng, Court House, Whitby-4 JAMES RIYTLEDGE, B) ARISTBR, &o. Office forxnerly o0- ioupiod by Farewell & Rutledge, next o Royal Hlotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMLSTON, B. A., ATTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohancery, Conveyanoer, &o. Ornes-In the Offcesouth of 1h. Post Office, i MoMMlan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. iy.l0 G. YOUNG SMITH, L-L. B-, BARRISTEU, &o:, &.-Money to Loain BIssuer of ariuge Licenses. C,,uxozi-Smith's Block, eouth of Miket, Brock St., Whitby. CHEMIST and DRUGGIST ilas just received a large as- sodtment of TOILE T SOA4Po Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GREAT Mlso for sale by W. IR. HOWSE, OEUIB ANI) DRtTGGISl', NEW GOODS W. R. HOWSEe OEMIST &Ni DDBUGGIBT, Hacbu d hia vr g xa an&slect stock cf ChrAltma gooda, oompzishng. Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/dors, Odor 088es, Mfirror8 in' Plush, Toi/et Camea,, Large Ve8e, "ud au assetueni cf othn rtclsoltable CaU a"mdnùe 0Ourt&«à Baffir. Purchaiîng ELkf. LOCA c Mns. vas bei Mn.] NEWS LETTERS, ,* Say l mdyq Of IPoni P.rry, vasber. rday .*enlug looking for a go t«e 'ýe t" o* anolbeït, Ie 002%. ont ue nht last week, feu do«, #Minad1 was piced up by bis, son iî quits'ncmoslonas; but w. bre ?1«wd Ihat the' good old man la *Wê iocderstaMi Ihat tbe MQKSy1 BrnoeêM Toronto, are goini 10 build a1 grain . Ï1vatlir ai the C. P. B. station- boe, Ȏ that smorn f the bu9idngi mate";I e te ooe e is week. Thon. wau qlite a good grain market hon. laut scoso nad v. sppose Ihat the buil og f Ibis sievator will make it a tilibtter market. Farmons are very busy harvesting, and m«s to vonk, in banvest have not beexa ýêqua1 te the demand, and had ît Dot b a for se many self.binders pur- obaeed Ibis-se*ibon, lferos could -net have suoceeddinuharvetiug -thoir grainÀ# fut au it ipenod. No neye i. good neye. Mîsr. Wickett, cf Toronto, is Qn . a vieil lu ber brother, Mr. Jas. Balfour. W. have th. salvation &rmy every Wedueeday*evo*iixg nov, vo hope they *Mi do goa. Miss 6ristina Wilson had a very Sovere attack of inflammation, but ia irnprovlngi Dr. Stamn la in atteudance. Mr. Jas. Laiwrence, our village ïaddler hu besu building for himieof' goed fouadilont-He has jusl 0cm- piste a goed one for bis @hop, the Ta-la *bréthere vers the masons. Willlo Tarvis ýld@st son cf William 'trcromSa vagw'U bo àiabaêly -4n>»ja. - .8, frein tasi eountsa lhova pw» ing favorab]y. Dr. outbbertsenà»a m sttondano.. Mr. James LI Davidasofa, snd Johuii 8taudyh havu bou making sou. good sales lately, prixýip&Ily le parties fto th. Western 8tates Lately &gentleman hemi Indiana. bought three animais Mvf. A. RKm ii now iu his nov shep aud ha@ any amonut cf work pouring in on hini. The imuaieofethle anvil mày b. board souýuo& for ou Mi ,1h. nihbordenicgn - tu1 "vs. smo" her.The nev ýhop is a very fine one, ruowy aud che. .1~t s pebapa the beut one in the scuaty io.day. TeRev. Mr. !oO1elend and fauily Mn4 Melod 10M on a Vieil to NOva sorsu8. an drwa ohurob, , Haus. nad syetoable gSe &. aadeau ba* meiupydodlvgnl8 Me..Mootellend"dm* inaait 10 To Thé u l u eà4 voy plapu -lm They had the misiortune 'on Priday mùorning shoitly after uîearting to have asotoue go througb h. hmachine sud. break botb concaves. Debson went to the village »a dtelephoned lb->! arkham for new ones aud in fouir-hourei from the time ihey breki% dovu they b.d new ones in the barn.- TheY caume t>y express 1. Blackwater and -b ereen-. bank on the stage; -The principal exoiternent Iaiely lms moes traight--fonthe,ýeven ksi foilinit te soer.a conviction.,- cae vas adjenrned until the 27t tb. meantimne, sevmnleeh More, os wers summoned. Hearîng-- eat-u o t he viluesses was go te11 the truth, Mr. Rose acknowl- th. charge sud paid the flue sud 0os8 without letting ilcorne le a second trial. That much wholesale penjuzy la albeud lego unpunished las urely a failure cf justice. If some poor zuis- guided boy was oaughl slealing a few applea h. veulal likely gei sont a yean or Ivo le the neformalony, but muen who eaUl theumse1rea henesi and respectable are allowed te epenly sud bnazoly com- mit a glaring crime aud defy justice, aud are wluked ai. Burely ibis us souolhingtl e b aêomo f in Ibis ouontry cf buaated equal justice. OSHAWi. Mn. J. A. - BeaUl, of Moutreal, la visiting ber simien, Mrs. Wm. Lang., Mr.-Hry Warren and MisseB. Warren are rasabng relatives in DillUa. Mn. A. Stapleton, who han besu catobiug for #he Gedardale basebil club,, han engoged vith a Toronto team. Propanatieuus are being made by tho Eloctrie Light 09. to hae tho leva ighted by a weett from Saturdoay night noît. W. J. Curtiax, cf thà Oshawa High Soheel, hb uooesfuly *Paised kils matniculation examinatioÙ n' uAM skt' Tooto uWissiy A large nubon of people, youaqsud oll, drive down $0 the la'o s&d. enjoy The Oshoaa bmaud ud or es bore mode aangmeastsWih bè AIL- Haatinga tocrue manocrsion tle Niag. ara on A.ug. 151h, -Fidaye Mn. WîIIB. Dinglo e- tauad houme frou Germeny, vhere fho ha. ben oin lu tebmuais sýtudios7 mýore doeply. -The airain on hies qsteu vas toc uuobsudm h.' had 1- giveuph mndiies o h The repaire en oecr b op cabinet facry r being- pâshedl ight &long and lb. cmpau7expel leh b.è zunmng* lu fou'-- fo. au v vek.A nVv roof je belug put on the, vhclo 'of th. boIdig.' TasEpaus Grass. BdUor Ouaomcz.u:- 8zu.-ii le geuonlly undm sererel by.lav. gnanling aid vo bave tbrcwn a Ahield cf protection, eaun lire lu podo. aend plenîty.- Many faint vith toi) that few may know canes sud vee. The exe-mption of- laxes already- amount to nearly tbinty lhousand doll Id if these boauses ane granudi tyadl h amunut. Thevbc Iraveos trou hou.. to il orutobes selling a fovvwares Wgo ina& fsily muaI, subuit loe . eaions thal the nieki noanmay .relioed sud.a fe-W store- ouiypraangthaàt 1h. shots se Who wv i obeueflo i» psy* nue I -have uô objectigobut in tn to the lax-ezeup, tien vWéae ,borow ten Mosu dlassdpy lhe intereot, land. il le oMn. Pattenson vithout nuteets laking an ecuèrities pnopenly Ihat ne. oue. save an' isane municipalit'y wonild-have it. I1 muest nov concluderese*vingnoiecohr ocese for a future issue. WOnxin<e.M1Ç. J0)7 251h. fl-e Atlas Wooleu NUls.- W. have mode arrangemenievith a newipaper man in 1h. city 1o - ývieil ail factenies-wbich arne IakinRg cf leaviug Toronto te -locale, lu WhitbyonSuy othor levn', sud <ire- u-,adescription eft1h. concenu, for ther .benefit eo ng- noaders. W. epateanyrqet eeIhit 1the lettons hbrlWefaaudimpialý giving the nàkedA- tuh and,-.. hi- more, in orden 4hat' ,p0Oople s ay fem- their own ,opinions.Dr ti bs week, la ccnoernnig th itaIseWo>olen, The AtlasWcoUeu -ýMill- are 8iituaed une« th. foot cf Tecumiehstroeto,;te <I re ou neaders olaer mide,s,,ibcuqta qa ter-cfa mi>e dut north fiom lb .-olaltot. "Tue 1iot50 foot ongbyl40 1! -,JM IN VÃ"L le Rgaxa. . KPsure, s&net cfletua destroyer et iworm xiCbxdrn or AdsU DUNN'S BAKI1NO POWDER THE COK'SBEST FRIENO 11887. 8PRING STOCk -OF- NOW OPENEDI NEW DE&IGN-S8 >IJCEDO OOST. STies at a, th/is montfr .0 '-os kStreets.- -,Yj m 'f Css as.7cie i'nFancy < Me sad tc / f B Ric za rd ýý/JA K. Want~d. ,.r invaluabi, in dý the aged tnte.are »u OL. 1 ., 1 1 «PT AMI -

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