---------- u And Items Stelen fronm ouir Echanges. On Moeday of last week, 1Mr. Simon Beattie shlpped aI Markiiar station, for the. Old coulry, in charge of Mr. James Teruance, tour young -herses by Bevolver, v.ry fine animais.. Tii. great dernand fo'tberonghbred herses whioh, nov exesin the Englimu market sbould prompt lb. farmers and stock rsisers of thie ceunty, and the counntry sit large te encourage the breeding of imporled hhoroughbred ,herses. Re- volver husired orne of lie bout houss fo0 eele chie purposethst Iever rau ingnd. Game Cook, for an instance, won the. Grand National, the. greatesl long race in England, distance four miles, carrying 168 ibs., and ths day folloving he von a steeple chas. prize of about £1,000 or $5,000. Gaine Heu ; aise by Rlevolver, ha@ won 32 races iu lr.land, sud je nov runningini France in lhs best of compaey. Mr. James Torranc,vwho viilaocornpany t fhe above herses le Engiaed, will re. main 'lover lhe vay" tliiaulumn,vhee h. sund Mr. Sin'Beattis vill probab. ly bring back a ehipexent ef herses. May they have good fortu. ne and sîfe return. UXBMIDGLC Mr. P. Wilson basbought th. Genu. eux property on Main street. Tii. uev bigi sohool la on the. vay and vil! soon begin le show ilseif. Mr. Todd, carnaoge builder, hie been leang down soxas of hie eld buildings, movieg ochers snd hie nov orectod a fine vile brick addition, vhich je rsady for shingliag. Chas. Buseel, tiie veil keown est. mcalmi nller,haa puroiiaed frein Meure.1 Greey, Toronto, one No. 1 centuifugal roui, oue motion indicator, sud a buumh poliieing machine. Tue vweek h. &acis recoived s "Little Giant" vaten viiei.1 Tii. Meobauics' Institut. je beiug shingisd. In about Ive veeke it is ex- pected te b. openod. Beforo taldng possession of the nov building, vs weuld 1k. e ese the.Institutoe demof debt seIébat il weu.ld have à a dean shoot te commence vith. 0e Tuesday wie driving te rnarket bers, Mr. Pilip Eogg and vifs and ohild ad an excitiug experience near th. northern raitvay crouaing for e few minutes. Tii. vii..!of ;lb. buggy came off, lth. oooupans voe.upsel and the. herset an avîy. Âmong other damage dons, lh. mosl af about 20 doz. egg-vere broken. Greal pregrese is being made vih tbe Eeglieh Chursi and Whoun comple- ted villbe ho lii. sil building in love. Mr. W. B. Uuse.il is the leading epirit. ie tkh enlerpries. He vas the. fret tle commence tearieg deva tbe old edifice removed lie laut piece, 4ug tbe firet sod for lthe nev eue, laid lthe finI satoe and aie the luet bae on tb. prisent building. LMNDSY. fromhie rohierM. T. MOWUlhiame, Who in living Kt MooieJav, N. W. T., twIeive pairs cf buffmlq horne. The bonme ire nuoly polisbed sud mahe capital onrneuent. Mr. Edmoes, superinteedent ef lb. Port Hope gis werhs, 'as la lowe for a fev dmye and loohed omvertheiiplant ofthle Consumera' Gui Go. ef Lindsay. Borne impoverueuts suggtemted by tis inspecter viii ne doubt be adopled at Pont He. A, large numnher e of ovuswnd la love have been deonultod vi te "D. T. P."' tmge. Qit. a puibsu of ovuers et doge have neglect.d te comply vili lie requisites etflthe bylaw ad sudis jsopardiziug thb.f livm sof tliludoge. Be tagged la lime Jo a motte feu every dog. Mn. D. J. Belcier et Peterboro Jo lusving buli il stit.eNamoe betveen Pigeon sud Sturgsoù lahes a bandsome olltage. Mr. Belchow'a properly Jo ucl tar frein Mu. udepél'. et Lindsay, and viiencl..ued up eas to et.inatli hr.ozes viii mako a capital place te spend lb. dcg days. The. 5mai freai valet hprring which are -canghî le geataumber st 1Fenelon Paus esci s80eon, appeau s le b striohea vili sa stuange falalily, as rniny are foad floating- lifeles lpon the. lakes. A rtlionsingulan hhiug Jo liaI bi=seeeae hoings au. neveu ien«aorwtr until mbeut Nomem- Mn. ,Hisia u asbeughîfroun Mr. W. W" -hebpropérty corner of. Willim mud Francis ste. Mr. RIslam bis let1 a conlraclte oMr. J. A'MilaXsh completely. rouodel lie. dwellan d te b*fld mnaddition 10 thé front2h4 Otho Irovetefs i b. madé al~u thé puopenrtyblu Ia short tité il ii be o4O é othe but,IooWin -theIoWm. vend W- p"odles!Mud ,bohhe"dby h appamt l rbmuk us of thé .ow a!deg by.laws. >Thé oow by-lawW»e a. g., mand. hikept a dog le huât thé cernes lie'dog b-a,~dhéo ýoiU> The boie dom »d, windW's hiibéeen s.4iurely fseofleo.thefamil had Ieft lea OWù_Maâ bnief lholiday79, ldi 'unr th. glas n;'onï window * 0ÜDd îu.u thei. rbefore o.ttla nIle egx bersnxo ýobsered bis:' actions v"?e oo hncdliiabugiarlous opration .wo geingoonud ver. aibout t4 gel but shot guais ad ciiiOlf;he polios vien fortuntely theïlune stale Uo fafairs vas diseovered in lime. 1 Mr. Thom"s Endiscott, le viiose bouse young Saniders made bis way, exhsusled lamiSunday rnorning,' sud who issieted se îbly efteriirdes.in giving varning and searbing fer the bodies of lthe drovued, bau on other occasions ehovu bimseif ready te brave dangors for pereon. la distress on lie lake. On Dominion Day, h. assisted il lie renoue of lhe Ivo yonng men neariy dreveod, and gave them of bis, hospitality. On anoîber occasion, oee nigbt, i. isard signale, roving out with bie wife's help, and, found a pleasure parly 'Ie distreme. He Ioved lie yacht ashere. Again, lots at nugil, h. heard s steamer signaliing distrese. and rovinft ont, feuud i rope coiled iround Ithe sorev; and lb. psrty having no email boat ould net extricate il until Mr. Endicoi did il. There are sovezal other occasions on which 1fr. Endicoîand bis wjie bave buaved the. perils of the deep toeasit linl danger; and, beaides, the ted ÎIlgilla always teûnd . itlbÎentrance et 1h. river, tain, or sterm. OnildLIA. On Tuosday evenieg, vile aeumber cf friende, cennecled vith lie familles of lié e o. R. N. Grant sud Dr. Bei. ton, veru iemving thp wharf at Ooncb. ioh.ing Park> viere lhoy hic! been pic. niding, Mfr. Hsrry Loask, ie graeping a tope feU overboard from lie yacht, sud had i earrov soape fhem drovnieg. Ho, bovever, only gel s thorougi vot- liug, sud a disagreeible eading le a pleasmut afternoon. The Ontario Goverumeet have appointed Mn. J. C. Pstidge, tb. police magistrale for thi. Eme Riding ef Simeo, magisînste for lthevews je tbeii.ding aie. Il viii probably he rewember.d liaI Ibis peint vas breugil np by lb. defence in receet Bctt Act trials boe.asd tlut proceedings bai ho be adjouïned nuil il vae decided vieher Mn. Prlridge iad juriediclion vithilathie tevu limita. This action cf Mr. Mowal'e sets lthe towu aIt est. Yca;terdiy lie teve vitering carl in lurning colided vili s buggy. Th. latter vas evetnnsdand ils occupant, Mr. Realey, senior, cf Mars, deposted on lis roadoide. Hle vas tsheeeop la- epsible aud crtiod inte J. H. EBind's dry goods store. Dr. Shav vas soou on band! and nndsn hises»cureM. Heaiy soon ral lied sud in the. course of a fev heurs vas lnas fit condition le b. taken home. Re Jo net seriousiy hurt, tliesheck ailthe lime vas semer.. On Tuesdmy iflernoon ne Mr. N. Phillipe' pump vmggon vas descuudlag lie kil ou Norh streel .ometbing about lie bause s huce, and on lie boitai Ihrovung cultbre ri cuild of Mr. PbÎliÎp'e, vie vasin eb rig. Iî vuataifirnil hbongit tie boy vas doad, but he beosme sensible ie lhe course cf a fev minutes and vas tahen homze. Dr. MeLemu viaesllsd in sud found notig more sonupns lise several bruisse about lie iesd and temple. Th. cblld Jo reoovering. Bee -Superstitions. ANUSBIG FANOIES Or' COUNITRY PEOPLE- STRALING FOR LUCI. Beekeeper' Magazine., Il je amuSing te note lie superstitions sud fà u&ies oeeceng boes vici have exiited ol different lunes, sorne cf vhici still have lieir faiîtul adiierenle la rural places. Tiers le la Linoln. sbire, Essex sud Coruvainj England, a superstition liaI boas dosent a hive" on t-he occasion of a dealb a ish family,unlue iuforeo f il by rappinog ou lhe hume..-The. relef tluI hives ebnuld b. vrapped lainrnluMIg leur- rouI la Lincolushire. Ia Northampton lhe outrane etfaà h.. late .ottage ie deemed a certain siguef et h, and if 'i svmrofetbees alighl on a désd Ire. or desdbranci cf a Ires, lier, viiibe deat ihh uij a'Ysesr. Ine Yorhuhir lier, is s enstern cf invlting boes Iohe fueual. Tieso ver. doublise engin- sled frorn an obsormalw ef' lie met leaI bees are i&Wuted by lie «Mât ef trouh vireià h, vwork*ng on superstitions minda. ,Il Joema - à by'se.n0te iIbeesm *iii noe lm uia4ha"lwmné amIWy. Wh a îgI auu eeé BROW A FAMOUIJPEIBtImwOIT REV Smith everh bail iis lifeameaa-rnîtiùýGnrà r - Ibis a-y : 3ust befote owalbput the. of the, war GiqqW.l8mith i w a W ingleul cite . Engagga muI 61 at one of the. fashionable hotêla, hbë I sent le b-is room- ton. gallons- of fine 'Zla- Crow' whiskey that had been sent te blin -bya soefiande le Kentucky.: Th.»ge wus soon exhausted by th. GenoWa1s, fuienda save a bottie or twob w-hioh heo reerv.d lincas of sicknesa -or snako. bite. Wben the General vent ýte seëli his billithe acceunt proseuited te him #a thus: Te suit of roome one week... ..2O To corkage f orty bte..........0 Total..... .............. ~General Smith glanced st th iibland said te tbe hotel mapn; 'Twelve hnndfred dollars ijemanexorbitant piefor the reems, but I vii puy it. rTiite for corkage I will nôt pay, sa youhadlïotb- ing whatever te do with tii. whià ey sent te my room and have noe xlhbt' te charge corks.ge on it.' -With ai slrof bis pen the. hôtel man cancelled he, rk. age item. General Smith drew fit for 81,200, and the reeeipld b as hauded hlm. Upon4he ave . eg whuskey, saying : 'Here, I wanl yen te tasto the *hiskey yen wantod le Ohargo me corkage on.' Tiie hotel maün sam- pied it and proeonnced il lbe boat he badl ever taatod, at the.emarne lime re. questing General Smithifpssblto purchase at leait ave barreofwbhiskey for hum as soon as h. gel. te Kentucky. General Smith agreed te socommodato hlm and, bidding hum good.by, came te Kentucky. In a few days general Smith vent le a viielesale wbiskey deal- er in Covinetn, viiere h. found the. whiskey vanteL. 'What eau yen sel! me five barrêes of whiskoy forPsked General Smith. 'Thre. dollars per gallon,' teplied lie Idealer.' '&Il right' eaid Smith, 'bers if; a eheok for yen money. You ship luis vhiske te Mfr.-, Washington City, and buil tte hum at $10 per gallon., The whiskoy va.s bipped, Generul Smith vriting the. bot.! min liaI h. veuld be in tb. city in a few dmys te cellect lhe bill je person. ln due lime ho arrived'ile i. apital City snd cmlled on the botel main te colleot hie bU!. The hotel man met Mr. Smith wihh a langb, and gaad: ,Well, Generai; 1 guese w. aïe about even, s yn bave made more than enough on luat wbiskey te, back your bote! bill ; butlIhave made sageoil hing out of the- vbiskey anyhev. Corn ew, it's my trest, and l'Il show yen hov I have made monsy and mdverlisied yen il the. same lime.' As soon slhe Ivo enlered the saloon the. finI hthing point- ed OutItl, Ganerai mihh va solsemai posters hanging over the. couter, upona uhieh, in riei golillOIttfl, w5 the Old Crow Kealncky Bourbon Wblmey; Gnarantsed te be lvenly-five ye*n oic! Ouiy ftfy seuls s driek.' 4W@11, veli,' sid Goeorul Smnith, I Ibve made $1. 400 on the vhumkey,wbueh I intended as an offset-te your exorbitant board ' bih. Yen lake lise posters dova aI once aud ve'ii cmii il square,and Ill qùl lie whisky Irade.' And, lrue l bis word, be bas net ince benghî, md or draek a drop; Lessons lu Natural Hâstory. "Papa, boy do they catch monheys?" inquired Willie, vbo bad been to -tie raenagérie. ,"The bhuaI vay ucvadaym, I think, Jo by means ef a double- hmrelled bust. ac! triple.eîze eoui- vhuel bat and a faucy parasol." 4"Y..," romarhsd WiilJo motion, rnusingly ; "I used te b. veny mueuci addieted le those littie toliaibeforo vs ere married."-Wzulaington (ritsc. Moeu. Parker & Laird, ofHlaae inites : OuMur. laird haviug ooauou ho vieil Sooland, and kuovlef lie excellent 4uaLilet ofDr.- Themue' Eeclnlo Oui, con- ciuded tl tlikosonie vatihlm, su& thé ne- suit hue been veru aoidiang. WSamZn- «Ysay linlasevorlinmstances Il 16Maffscwe cures viien ailseuta have been pronueod incurable by eminent practltioners. Tie, convicted Chicage boodisus voue ientsnced te psy cacha& fie of mcoa MfoGlâujhreywvaseutt hle e enlellr Mr. T. C. WeiIs, OChenilul mac! Druggi Port Colborué,Ont w illes: .«Nerffiroi & Lv'ma'sYégsableDu*soveru m bes cure aclle wIoiCI mi gvesom i ,béâ mgoacto forà 1l iseisg-'ft le blood.» ]Et neyer talle le rool ont -andia. su rom th e '"OsMM#unOuoes 0*vertomP4 6utnl ,o, mnlffts the for Infante and ChIldrenà 'OU5tO?5 laIo wew apted emt aî MCtouta Ocn~eoie, constpation, 1 recoSmmend it as auperior to any ------ Seur Btomach, Diarhea Euctation. kflW«to me." ILH. À..acmm.LD., KM aWormns, gpvez slee, "d ipromotes CU* lUOOxtord a.,Brooklyna, N. Y. wu= " ulosmeM o.z.à q!uu CEJTAUR Co[p,&NY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Thet is tla say, your Inug. Aieoalal yonr breathing machineuy. Very-woudertul mia- chineryil is. Not oniy the lauger air.ps sages, but 1h. Ihousaud et little tubes sud cbities lesding tuom Ihem. Whou tisse are clogged aud cioksd with malier vhioi ougil not te bc tiers, yout laide canuot haidt heir work. And whal liey do thsy osunot do well. 'Cali It coid, cough. croup, pneumionie, calrr, cousumption cor ?theofls amily of'throat, sud nos. sd ead sud lMng ob- atractieno, l are bad. AUl ought te b. gol nid of. Thee l just one sure way te gel nid o1 them. That je te, take Boschee'e (lermnan Syuup, which any druggisî vii sil you at 75 cents a bottie. Even if overy. thing else bac! tailod you, yen may depend upon ti for certain. Tbe damuage dons b lihe Hausande by the recent fire at Woodbuun's3 bindery in Ottawa viii reach #4,000. Hov -te gain flosi sud streughh. Use aller ssch meal Scot'. Emuision; il la as palatabie as milk. Deiicate people improve rapldly upon ls use. For Conmumption, Tnroat affections sud Brouchitis il is n eqnalled. Dr. Thos. Prim, Aie.. tzays: " usai Soott'. Emaision on a ohid siglit montha old; he gained tour pounds iu a monîli." Put up linS6c. and $1 aie. The Goveruor-Genrai hie IntimatecL b the officiais liaI h. vili be unabie ho open Western Fair buildings. Tainara. Io the discoveuy et a leading physician, sud ater yeat of expouimentiug il je nov offer- ed you in a portected state as s never-fail- ing curefer cougie, coids sud tii-cal sud bang complainte. Fusdsnlck Douglasa uetunéd from hie Ruropean teu yesterdsy, arriving at New York. W. have ne hemitation ini saying tiat Dr. J. D. Ksllegg's Dyserutery Cordial is vith. ouI deubt lie bout medicine ever introduc- ed for dyuontory, derhos, choiersansd al summen complainte, seasickness, etc. It promply givee, relief sud neveu tuila te affect a positive cure. Moîhous abouid neveu be viticut a botte vhen their chii id. rn ire teething. Geo. R.. Palmer, s member efthle Union Club) New York, suicided aI Gravesend, yesterday. Cucunfbmsasnd melons are "forbidden fruit 1 any persons se aconstituted that the Joet indulgence iJo liowed by atalmks persons2are&n. Theso dugeo hheir heurts content if they have on band a bottie of Dr. J. D. -Keilogg's- Dýysontory Cordial. a medicine that wil give immediâte relief, and tu a sure cure for ail suminer complainte. Thres deaths mcm Choiera oocurred at Malta yest1erday. Tm uzziQUZ oF PPnuuxs-"Letus of the CAN~ADA3S GREATESI 'PHOTOGRAPHER. W. E. OBRIEN, WHITBY. GRAND Oomioion and IodustriaI TORONTO Sept. 5th ta l7th. This, being the Dominion sud Induetriai. Exhibitions combined, vifl be lb. grealeel exhibition et the agricullursi sud industrial producte eofthIis country ever heid. A grand programme et special attractions is being prupaued. Returu ticets at single fae.asd ch.ap excursions on sU railvays 'during the fuli The (iovsunment has rel.ased lis Ameri- The (ireatest Event of 1the Jubflee eau conrPuns To aiu Who are sua erng frm thserron snd indiscretions cf yutlineumone wesk. nese, early deeay, lon 0o manhood, &0., 1 viii eud a recipo th& viiicure yen, OEE F CEULF.-li Te guest usmedy vu discoveued by a zu*iur aSent Amenios. Bond a melf.adS:zed iveIOE te the Bey. JoeupsT. Iznxi<,à tonD News York OUti. G. T. R.ELIM-oT"a. 0011<0 WROT, No. 4 Ezpue fi 8'Local 4 6 xpre, di 16 IMuxed 44 2 Exprea Na. 1 Eýxpress 15 ded fi 7Leal . ils xpes Due at Whitby. mus (dose net stop a G011<0ST. 8.25 &.M. 2.62 Due aI Toronto. 10 e 6.20 p. 10.10 < 8.00 For Priz. Liste sud mil information J. J. wITEOW. . 1Presicfent. ]E. J. ILL>. Mgr and Sec, - NO ENGLISH STABLE 18 CONSIDERED COMPLETE >WIHOUT »13u sPEAINe, <ftis, AND 5piauTe -WRE Foe OYE5R.Eucme ,OUAPPKE L5, WIND po a-wU. xinx0 ifo, ifsUI'a flOu, AT COSTO Mutual Reserve Fundc Life Assur. aue Of New York. Canadisu Goverument deposit Accumuliled reseuvo fux lever) 81,0 Deai aims paid duuing 188 4 7,0 Nov business, lot 3 mos., 18M8, 50oy Tvsuty-five per cent. of ail asibsssnéat are depesited witb lhe Centrai Trust (3<>.. psuy of New York, as truelees of the Re serve Fund. Lies Insurauce at iss than ono.îU the ordinary rates, aud soeurity perfect. ,ol 10 amsssmenîs made in 1881, 1882,1î89 sud 1884, sud in no case eau they be zuorý' frequent than every allernate month. Annual expenses ot management, &c,,I Jimited tb $2 per 81,000. An active agent wanted ini every nue- presented iocality, to whom a liberal cou,. mission will be allowed. Applicatiolle soliciled aud full particulare furnished by the uudersigned. H ODN Agent for the Counly of Ontario. Augut 5h, 187.Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN On Rosi Estate Mortgage at Low 'Rates Intoeet. Appuraiser for the Canada Losu and Saving. Coand agent for tho Western Assuace Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby Suilablo for wrappin'g purposes, layinl under carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Apply ho tf- TRIS OFFICE. Unappreached for T-oue and Qualty. BELL & cou, Gilipli ont LIVER Y anti SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFOR TH & DE VERELL. PIRST - OLASS TURN-OUTS Furuisied on Shorteel Notice. COImJreialTravelrs Z e OL N'AI PluEIOS. HOMEST DEALIWGÇ ~' ORT.~LSSIMITATIONÎS As there are manyluferlor ýgoode, corüd i-valljute, hemetc.,qffersdsand sold'" * seouji. 'by soe nms.n -> princledmerëtuuitErtmcl ig ou lhe. putatlon of n=Benuine corail.., vs var Ihe ladies agaluel such imposition by draw.. lugIbheir attetion te lie nsyof soeing thattb wVittwbih noue are paumei WIFE 8181ER specia sty'les for lie uliySao.Po sas chesp by- It is a d to bxieS )r nother [r leve] ibm RaneasCity, tbai iata, Gs oelmembols etf The Unlted Bts ,z.Governorn Bo lAed ,is in Was« - bëenoe froin hie ge called epon th - Blute Dupirtmex lesaid liaI Minis t. iii. Udited gý primate interests, by bie a-bsenîce?, Senator E au teoenty -become lange trat of-,800 Washington, on lie Potomnac Biv a bGoverument te miles frorn lb. C Wi'mà inglee. Il *of the city md Il o is eNev YQ jD±iet'e intention tyby lie puroi, additional acrOes, seme ce-unhry bo Governameal. charge ef the Pro A. complete te eonducling wouk * arment- bas.' b Ing Ii.methoàs ment bis report luo ohniumà n of the lyupon lie r.- or beforeg if lie in on bis - native ana Hé5 a -t- i lt-. 1 GOOD BORSES. NEW RIGS. a .