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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1887, p. 8

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ThWyre a omble -f cra slWhat's nu of tl>OUx irCyiulUTiey'I1 neye Pust-Oshawa 1I'Tïuse and .other sucob] remaa lgt havie bien heard arond te, on ensarthe 2hof JuIasý wl il wuaseired that Mimm .WIMBs a Greenwood vere gcing te saMi devu te Tihousand Isiandî in ud .nfsta Nothing daunted byhe deikihèbrtcnixgo B ions they heard express.d o ie h Canaiaà ob Piyapack.d their " o( hoàed hor sil ndstarted upon their vc Z4 amid the strains of «The . Girl I L Iiid M," hic 1arn forced te &a seunded se meblodiously from the violin Mr. Greenwood, that it left the. towu serre, mng. (Jonsdering myseif as a niember that expeditien, 1 take great pleasure 91 ving an accunt, necessarly short and ce), cise, of the trip thus begun. Leaving Wliitby, we saied as f ar. an Os] aa, viere we spent a ratiier hilarieus nig with the Young e'etlemen of that tovn wl were cambing at the barber. Next day, t] wind hein dead sqainst ns, vo tbankfuîl acopted tLi invitation of the. &for"sa yeung gentlemen, te make ourselves at hemi I tvas with censiderabi, regret that w. bad our Jovial friends geod-by, and on the fol bowing morning, aain stool on Our waY Wfith a ra'tting ner-west wind at our back, w sMn rskhninid over the intervening distanc4 between Oshawa and Newcastle, heavlng-t, at the latterp lace for refreshments. Herm we aIBO made a very deairable addition t4 our crewv, in the pe"sn cf Mr. Win. Hllt of Frenmawn'pay, ayounirgeutlem* whose sober habit. anxd nautical abuiitio rendered -hum an invalnable aharer izï oci trial and tribulaton&8 Proceeding enward w. next touched at Port GranbZ, a @mam harnlet about 6v. miles beyond NevSàtie. An hou'. sali from bence bî-ought us vithin sight of Port Hope, and the wind dying away we drew up our boat on the befteN roll.d up in Our blankets and vere sozi lîilled into a sound and refreshing sleep by the continuaI lap, lap, of the waves upon the bore. It may, perhaps, ho of interest to mime of my readers to know nur mode of procedure when we suiv fit to camp. I shalh therefore take tuis opportunity of explain- irug, and at the sanie tiine I mas' add, that Our systemi was entirely oriRina.t. Having found a 3uitable p lace for landing we w.)l haul Our boat tip h 1g and dty, andtian a very tew minutes would have evervthing unpack- ed and the kettle inzing inerrly over . tire of driftwood. Stupper over, more woodf was heaped upon the fire, and as the fiames Ch.erily bghted ujp the Space eroiind. Mr. Willis weid ans odicatly fil] bis consoliug p te, Mr. Greenwood 'rould quietly tune up hiS melodicua violin a.nd Mr. Hilts would it stoizally gazing into the castie-building blaze. Theuam r the blismiail momentg of the camper. Thon the. xerry ya ru go. round: the oft-told tales cf schoolday ocrapea are nov bold agin;. but the rigiit r'ood bearty laugh. tuat nn*sforth as eacb boyieh prank ini agaîn brught tolight, often becqance a .1gh, when vo think, that Many of those vihi voni w. feught 0;2r youtfI batties aide by aide, are now nol grIôA tf us, and that the. good old days of sceelare gene, neyer te, returu. Such linges Of mel- ancbcly, however, only aid zest to one's thOugbts for inany and many a time have the, rOickfing songaof *"Literia" and "Keano Kimo"ý been aung witb au energythat right reýally prOved thie respect in whicb',three 01achool boys held their Alma mater. But wul. ve bave been thultalking, the, lire ham burned low, @G Mr. W-IIi phileaoph- 'icslly kuucks the. sles eut of huiscalumet, Mr. Greenvccd gently place bis eld fiand the viofin back inl its box snd Mn. Hilta 'Tî-tandinýg n ,akesa&laut yawn ppmo- "WeU, yen are a geins, and neo rnite" Tbe above vends venuS l4£seit MIl. Tho&. I. Greenod, onathue xncrning cf the m8b cf Juiy lait, b yhie ceuapanion in misery Mr. WHIia. Tis latte r gentleuian had arisen earlY, Mmd 1sd intencled te have tue mnnpiiies ooeked, and everything put in slip-shape in order le surprie. the ocher boys viien they «0@0;- TO do hie level beat, hea'ever, hc was nable te flnd the potatee, until, happenin t o l under the boit, of tue vaveS agatsîte1» cf Jb. to memed -te intsnsify the. sciemustH esa lIaI roXelgndaoud. EXvery tuig W cto in- spir.nintia eAMudwe 2d mobut fee .,rëHved ,hm roigged ligKht-of oeour iplitons U deWY broIke ' un o saud s»fea on t0 aer enet.teharbora covened tii,' boat-wu heI»â and tnncd unm Te i4wZhî. of the oaucbeis -Aro ns.1» a= um ber mou Bunday uonganal wlthout- wsiia e ad, ODO niore ud ont bo&afst wair üw... the But te li of eou Wdj-ba<*>ueb4e j 1As &Il in 8 SUgaîjù,» eboat Igka ea su - 4"ù.G M Sdeh lunch, w àh a onmsh e iiita 1 ,y Stue bead1sd dsmal voice sud frur1440 b57ai lWSUkýaý. nd tbow, ' monuditboya, the footoidcf YOW »_b hé kutv w," th ti.Mail ham ivén away.» Il vW»ony toc true. ;Au tuouahte Oconth»in , Wlys e a nd~a counre that ad te bè abandoýed.sd YUWo#tit wépËàiOn >k i, mbc a*U ý" nevituh eavy boarte we jct eut tue cana and entarsiy new stockaslTaylor& thew.télWb started fer land. 1ctr pulliug about au maker. ouWe reacheal a good beach, and, itu Stue exeepin ofgutghoreughly drancli- ?KAT il is botter te b. bora luoky than. d ed, mnanaged te mske a Iding tlarough the. mii i. ezemplificd in mors vyata 01 beavy surf. Il vwu easy teo se tuaI eveno. ÀÂfovdmys ago bvoo01our citi.. v-after the boat vas a red , il vould be im- -zoes, Mani and vif,- viii On. -of thoir ifpossible te launch agin hiie snob a bigh su ~ vas runum g; consequeutly we were yo n op ui veso ti. rar gig upo th bachwhee e hd srade a euos Mmd vas given tiie lady us -wXicih obevas kuovi as McKracken'a vwith wvioh te amue itaf. ÂAe Iav O o MKce' Landing. b.ad ing the. Cars et Myrtle it -vwu diseo,êr. oftbis place, as Arteanna Ward fas said of 'od that a ton dio i a se orne r, inameby, "Iliat il cnastsed cf mimsng fren the. punie. Thei=.rbt twIo barnaaid a blacksaithas sbop, vitu a oftthe train in the eveulug vua mnos. >h ie-poolt.nrean cf th. latter." But 1h usnet l oed for and ou its arrivai dlligelt- coeTmn f'ies"sns tat h*e naMe »seb wuvasmde for bbceanlsag.j, kL&n a c i R o rm l -ed upen cur minda in t a macceun' t of u t an TreyJbttheh shrong,' cannivereus proclivitieR of the. baud aeturn.8, amd by the nuit.& - "Jumbo" akeetér ef Ihat district, eW. addent ocoupied the saine scalat tiw4 camped in a clnmp cf cedar onuthie verge, of hmd eupleal gelng mortb. Thje a large marh, and tue vay tlIee "tannai duetor Ia ezprssajnibits *criblons" fbccked &round vas amazingz. No tii.t the bh"a#neMu~' oncouldthbink of abeop business vwu alto- bill U<1 oad* getiien tue flouunising Ilt. At, Mnighî attention- 'te the ltctOf the, 1 #Wba«tég, long v. promeddu sddowvuhl eeiytakeai place vier e i, nttauq" *ai b MchWo arme fiug anonudilteon slttlng. Actimg on -tiïm1, - 6 un a c ilnl u vi ueaver le protect cuaienof sthe seat vus once mU»aisod ousfe.evetiate g eno f lith einti rie thinga" s80 strugiy ex liîied, sud nover fonte t o hea to bbc agreeable belote did . Ire. woe- e, uffeners cf astonihmnt ef bobli edaIman, the natura launcb tbeir boat vith snob bearty bill fe1110o the ftooa. Ten fellewed a gkod vil, as did Meuors. Willis, Gnoeîvood Ram-Ran jubile,. aud Ruits on the morning cf the 3Oth of July. Afler we bad leftIthe noterions Lsnding of Tat hear ot 1h.esinahi boy wau set McKracken a three heurs' mail b uluht u off aM the donbbe.qnxmbk on Tueaday - to Presquilfe Point, on vhicb ýýstandseeMnornig ven tii. sweet straino of the : cf thé finest light-beuses lu Ontario. Round- bundy-gnt<y vas afted te, bis est from ing this point va enter PresquBaue aw ie ihahpee noted as hein g one cf the hest flhang gý r, 0tuesta ll.Wt àhp on this side cf the Lake. Our trolling-hook and a leap, ho vas eut cf beal, unside cf was hrought forth, and scau-oely bad il his panla, unden bis bat aid eut lite touched the vater, before Mr. Hilts pulled tiie stneet before bis tnigbtenod oma on hoard a heautiful galmon-trout weghang could bbcroe h veto. The. viir.I> about nine eounds. Our AdmiraL oee aepS carnied off thue palm for fishing. 3hl5wortu o ttt.udeeotmetvsso gentlemen not only hooked a twenty-tbree dioSevred vondiug ils veary way tovu - poud sturgeo)n, but lsn a bgof ine ripeyadltufnietajviepre- aest applea wben e laraded ait Brigbton. sien headed by tve hurdygandis drmwn And nov. kind reaàder, cur voyage is a tan byhlirë,etawr tdasadabLzm t endl. "Owing to ciroamnstance1à over wblbe Iie-tIaiassca 4oh vs had nu centm-l,' ve were unable te pro- las. Eaob smusicbox had ita special bl ceed farther and that aiternoon found us attraction and each bad its ewn band homevard boýund. Fair windsansd good et ardent admirer@. No. 1 hmd a -cage veather speedily hrougbt us tovards borne..of beautiful Lralned birde vhieh cauglit and on tue anornilg cf the OUi of Ang, tii amali boy in greal shape. No. 2 we once menu entereg thevell-known b ar u n Wbtth trcinw bor, a aunburned, tired but vithal a content- a bton ir utti.atroie l ed trio. c yul&a notent &mak. à.J f X- t Town Local. BASEBALL match on Friday. FRMàY of it lth Whitby,@ Civie Holiday.1 Mn.. W. I. PiPer, Dean the.tair greUnds,rene vs ladies and gentimu'; straw on fnn ist>. ) dr. Wan. IHisbep l-mapurehasd a hens.e frein Mr. Epplett situat.. on St. John asreeî. Mu. Jeuu SPENcE Principal of Brook. lin Publico eul W"a ward.dafnt No Excaision t Grimsby under tue auspices cf the. Met-iodla: Tabernacle fer want et nailvay acoommoilahjon ou G. T. R. TusC A. O. F. Demonstration at Brant- fonde om ehn neadsvthgr-and. WB have recived a eepy of the dll tes rah. a aonetu n &H nuaiygn. programm of lhe Domainion aê4u Oheaprmilvy tals on il hus. autt.i Exibition to e b inh Tt. DQi<'T tergal tb. W.C. T. U. Jubile. te frein Sept. ô5h te 11h sud we rudei parîY at the resideuce et H. B. Paidey thé. 9h set dowa for "acl Taylor Efq. te nigit. (Fniday), at 7 chfidren'e day vwl it elbo11wing tai>. c'elook. Admission 25o. il attactions :-At 2 pin. Dri!! Cer- Au. tii. sudidaleaatptii. lIe Eu- e:by the. Cadet Oo"'pofthii0Olt ALL the osud da.eCadettheorps, En.i M' traie Examination "taI er.e ntosas.h CdtCrp fb lenail psase l ana rcco nrem d â by h hlby c o Itagat.inetitut. I mteres ug lon al Bod aebnd oouflruied by the Cabltenlas sud m nlub M ma nd, l= ard bveComnoeniril. e. " u ~by the. Whitby Colluiat. C entr l c o miste . n u t t youug lm di e,î b . T he diect. Paon our northcra correspodeneors o et hêdu*Wtnla l ionivibd ve leu hhat bush fine. are a&aim r- tcepupils of the. CoJJ.giate Imsttut, t0 iug througioet aoutio i.nMmkoha sud taeepurt l i . the111 ompeii 4 e tic oeidland Distriétq, The taia otfi l * au exhbItion of calist e M d vcek siuply olaekedlth.m for a day y dii on chul dren's day. Tii. or tvo. i'iultlon wvas aeaept by tii. 8.icol A large Carter anale th bad tayedBoard and Lt nov restefor lieépupil frein itsestoinmea hmuxrtsvasdis. te <et thenaseves la remaInesa fOr vbat porti gt.ftotof lth. p. 0. yo. vave .no donhe, vi!prove the' o10 teyay vien lb omuglitt Ibe yo ef Bobt. Importent oeot-la lut$e chool bistoy. Parqulaasm mand a brickat à l#AM@e Tii . .T. B. luà speed te mke îeh lime. Itsll oalil tvigglia s mve s"booflem - .n -e my deuir.$0, go ge te Prtes. frin -Wbutby on tuaI day. for thti. Gx~r» xcrsin 9-g.27th to M>Ih uluS no amuilarTJh eisu. ;eod tP e r a up te Sept. 1$th , WbibtO4 iUbtOf 4mut in- te xhiitio?-ae siud eIt #7- QuekiO Mairetura #9.- m SUd amàe e Forn ütic -etc. applyto*E. Stpi.n eawb. e t, the Ilows . T. B. as blegrq;pis O~O The70= 1S41â' lu> fl lM,> Tb"yn. cons Mlà- M. flthedireoso vi - -- *Jubt e bff 01£1.L19 11 tot more &o. Not knowing that the great musioslieu, the. fighting editor of tht. journal, wau ont of tov'n No. 2 made etraight for this cilice, The M. S. did the amiable in the. aboSe oi the. P. E. and kept h.i l»dyshi in pleasas oonversatzon for fnuly fafleen manute, whiet ber poordeliuded botte.. hall was standig in tii. broiling &un grinding out magie by theyard. When the boas of th.es«t&bliahuen& wesit svay b. nagi.oted b leave the. k.y of the, sale andbut two yankee cents »,d a shirt bucton oould b. collet.d by wa of payment for the plJosat uoti shirt bouon and viti ber eetss brovu.d face vremtied li inisa coure - tesied berscîf ont the. front door leavtug* the. M. S. gazing atter ber'vith a làr LEÂRI. ~ê ~ ~i 0!rM o sed vwithîa 4sbobiovea 'ot a -good sized dboue 4n wileJione *ms.y-take a momcut's; test vitbunt esig on the. bar. groumd, The pmdiock le on $ac gt an the same. Il sueh a point veto on--the. senti àbsiose le t louid becoevered with- pavfiions in short order sud net only tiie padloek but tii. gt. itel si a Blghteen tou!fsts bave lout their livea in the. Alps within a montli. FO ows oxi THoÂT, sndden colds and diphtheria, no r.medy ha. ever been di. covered se pavezfulto cure as Davis' Pain- Xilior. Asa linimentIt ha@ ne equal in rmu haumatisrn or neuralgia, burns and e jaand wounds cI every description. £tet diapest and best remedy ever oftered to t)* publie.- Tii.Que.~'~rumnthlas fioated its MONDAYO$", 9,1881 PuplsaretOusa.~ 'rt *0 1 uchase ai O n u b e r s u n t l i ~ . l 4 t A . liy t h e t e a c h e i Pl'en the Trmling-, 1 f1 Chers, will ne-o)pa AT <9 A. xu. An. ~ ~ il ausîtylbe provided that td >n1ýscipal =&y devote hi$ feull ime ta th wldrI aud supervision of tbe taachers-l bluing. Dtaving. Mnsic, Drill and Calisîheua nil b. tsught. Intending studenRar are requeted to natif lue Princip-al, JaE.B, as &Gàn as p»oss Ch.îuuo~sriA-fkoicuLion. ITqOTICE.il couutyof Ontario,) S HEREBY GIVFN- To WIT: 1 that the Court of Assise Niai Prius and TermineaiGn era aCOUDeiey, OlFs OdTAIOa Ly en A reduet ion in ail our Mens' wear, as Shirts, Drawers, Ties, &C., a big as-': Ue 1- ce y ( I At lie COURT HOUSE, ln the Town 1 MONDAofWhETEBy, At the heur of Ici u'cbock i the forenoon, cf vbich 1 Coroners,- Justices of the Peaos anlai thers coucenued-vii tale notice and 8berui's Office, sb.riir 1. 0 WIVbtby, Aug. 1911, 1887. OUF COMPI Bihoui Impur Compl 131cin The Great Reguator mS rth Sto.su &W«. Lve-Bovelaaa M » & joc nS Neada .ýcir , Co s . m a iun e.e . n la a s mdRuian eysu. %&For Y$=nsPm 1 h*vo gqjf,,d tnoad1a mmdI vs s d fnuI. J. CIJETIS, Toroubo, ont. Sou everyiir. Prie., 7é D&. HODDEWIS 00[GH AND) LUNÇi Never hUal. Guýnan.cd. Prl@c,2Me sud TEE JEION KEDICInE 1., PPRI rail i LESS THAN OOS,' ]Remnants Mucli Below Cost, -Job Lines at Big iReductioll,8, We do notintend to carry oversr: mer Goods, and -are offering B1g We stifl have a few pieces of Muslin, price, disregardless of cost. Summer ilose, Gloves, Embroideries, Liglit Dress Goods, Liglit Prints, &C., sortmnt tochoosero a mea hi t allprche naesawemawht )ue aav"ere adsare ceraily ofcanin I'oods must be sold to m ake r'o o FAILL STOCK. izVOYTICE is Iiereby given, tl ikte frm -oe.f Stafford & Cormack, carrying on, bu'siness as gen&. rai Booksellers and Stationers, and dealers in Fancy Goods, in Devere/l's Block, Whilby, kas ikis day been dissolved, ýRichard S. Cormack con/inuing; (lie said business and assuming thie lia6ilities Iliereof, Ai .ersons owing- monies, Io--thelate firm 0/ S/a/Tord & Cormack are kereby required> Io selle same wl/km /kiýr/y days from the _ date hereof o/iher-. AU t1ersons liaving dlaims agains/ /lie saidfirm, are reçues/ed b rendý e $ atmt'O, 1hesaid Richard S- Cormack, Devereil's Bock, Whi/4y. tions inserte I for fnl tim, re fer discez uiesnotices lu ePcnt pen lin. une wekl onesienée oc îe-Oonunty or -ni oespeudeuts ame 1 ir ommUelcatls Oibi., ESTÂNTON, JAMNES, P ÂumI D Roa DÂVI»- An In7ti/11900t.You0th to ýLearn the DusJe8 GEORGE STAFFRD RICHARD S.,CORMA CK A le ochool T-UESDAY, Sept. 13, 1887 certainey cleaninff, -ip - 12th, É JOUX -B. y& isneei% Lre Blood, )POialt Lue.y gaint, 36aeffl. 1 f Dated this26t which The RES ver )Iaintý%

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