GIL LA P w Pronon to ho lightfu Toile -Price 'UsIu Cheni WHITB Ml ~rnm ONLY Si ce PER ANNUM. Wblby, Frday, October 7e 1887. Iv vas about & year ago nov -that Smain eeand Sam Biaitvisited Toronte and, for the small uniof $50 pu paray eauh for theinselvea and Iheir two muiians, aought tb improve lthe i1ang of, the city. Although vo wer. threted at th. lime withh&Il sort. of pishuieDut for doing so, vs very freely .zpressed th. opinion that hhey ver. more or leu imposter., prnciep.lly mote, Md aIse that Toronto vouliget aliekof the brae 61 Bains befoe.long. Shortlyafter th.e einblnation loft Toron toe. as a great soandal ra" e4 about "a0 8malA buyiug noas.nsil things for bshife giving bLs n6te for the amulet, cf coursexepeotlng 10 preaoh Ib.oimoueyout of th. people. Duigte Yeur #nà vrepaeofkrot bsbpeeuvieil .4 yon.orlthe br of the.,Sain sea oftins Ihre as prepot of znklg ah~mLB.. Hgh ohuston had & ie iqiUd do te ke.p th. people-- quiet, but »me remaria of Sam Si ail. .5 W"14k, le i efo&M liaIlaboring mon preé upon thé. v.allby people, gave hlavaay oomptely, and th. Toronto people are ln arma agaiul inali, even th.e Toronto papers, hi*h ifil boomi say wsoi...brlnging a ocrowd, te lb. '01y0 are etrang in denunciation of auLit là s&l veryveoifor eranke le oeil themmelves Sam Mad une niek- naines, but il teshelley&Uo an adver. tlin dodue le hold out long. One lefson 1h. ohurches abould learu, and 1h. ohurobshave ocoasion tle learu a *get-dealsvelashe érest ef us, le te Dot csnap snobuch earsters without knovlng more*bout lie. han that. their namine a m. trouble te, seoure large ae tendaekooaI faireIf lthr.lanything Worth &s.ielu. lneftthle people are Auzions tà attend"asmmpy wfaï sie ffl pro gv1d ebr. le a qu«a' orti, tos Bu BmreoaslOtemettsla'n«e- May todrav au.rowd. Tiare used tu beas t1. en mtbae 'onme1lIefor vdfle vw u o"enlIPWnlrudu na le W.W Washington. Letter. (Prom oui negular eonepodent. WARHINGxtO, Set 80M 1887-In adzllstek n oiselas il a iveLa ont tiat le noet important etinfor ooeld.rstion 'le, l b pp@e.mlt suitable msbers-Of, Zsj.ýint lgh troubles vialiourOa03d:Ln nlghboï, ns lle, uün9denslod liaI Secrery, ~38DÂY SPTJ 3BARD'S VENDU? cd by Conoisseurs the most de-] il Foi fume and t Water in the Market. -25 Cents. lt & Druggist, Y - ONT. UT" 3ER -26th. Off TA fl/O & 27th,- Thé abme ntitut. met li 01horla on, mrdq a4Tiaay., and -*à h., lie &>tteu4aeq7 î êwsq ýôso s-large - men former occasionis, yet à l-vasoonsider.' ably aboya the average, -and, sboved liai fie toh.rsof South Ontario',ait basi, an.etuUn alilve t te bévantaffss 10 beha flued>frei lisse aneuaI iel-' ig.The iinoemeecy hi lhe waither ne d adtenrdkany 'atnding lie fret dajý, vie v'ould otherwise.-have bocu present, but vo flnd il dldffionlite frame s aisa oory excuse for tie:ab. senlees of Tauday, liaI live' vtin driving disace. We fear th.eume of teachere pissent viiinettlly wl*th" tb. number cf echoola closed, butIhaà t le a malter for the departusent >'elbock inb, and net fer ns. The programme va. 'almost. entirety: in tie bande cf Dr. MoLelsun, direoter of Institutes aci, bave lie twe houn:' taken up by lhe Preoidentes a ~rais, aud by lthe discussion of 1h. squbjeite cf entranoe llterature and oeIemeiâiar drawing, introdnced respeotivélyr by' Mr. Sinali and Mr. Hendereon, b. oay be said le have occupied the li ne of lhe convention. Tii. Doctor nover ai- peared to, botter _advantage tise on Tuesday morning wvie h. addnessd' the louchons on the subjoot cf Eegleh lileratune, bis rieig vas lie signai for tie onlg* or eombook but h. jiadý net epkntee minutes befer.e @Véry book vas eut of sigit sud a' solema slillnesa prevailed. For more lieu Iwo houre lie large andienco est ontrauced, and, asDryden sayae "hade rom for thongil." Tii. addresas j h. master production cf a master mind and lie, leachers vi e e se unfertunate as te be absent on liat monning bave our deep sympatby. The musie hall vas flled on Tuesday oveaing by the losobens and thein friende, and a more intelligent audience, w. venture 10 @&y, neyer assembld within ils valse. The, Doolor spoke on ltt influence of edu- cation on National Lite and vau oflen applauded te lie echo. Thé higi sohool Gie Club snd lie calislbquio clama froni Albent street sobool contri- bulod muci 10 lie evening's entertain- ment. Dector MôLellîn premented diplomas te th. succaeful canidates at tie necent examinations. Ciairman Joues, cf lie Board cf Educatiou, lu mnoving a vote of thanka 10 th. Doctor paid a bigb compliment gote entelli. gence cf lb. Ontarnio teachens and gave tbem a ieanty veloome tte ie eaof Oshawa. ,The convention was brougit to, a close on Tnesday aflereooe by lie Prefidentf Mn. L. 0. Smith, B. A., de. livening a Ibougbtful sddness on the subject cf education. Hie reanie on Inunstial Education sud on Reigione instruction in scicolu, vere ieartily applauded. The discussion on the Public Scioc i Riteny vasdeferned te lie neitauai meeting cend a iom- mtlee, ccasuling cof Meurs. Brown, Hendenece sud Eddy, vas appoinled le prepare a report on ils suitability ese a lexI book. Mauch generai business vas tnansacted snd eeveral resolulions ver. passed fremin ic e esélect l" folloving :-Mr. Embree' moved, e9oondod by Mn. Inspector MoBrien, that la lice opinion cf Ibis instlute of th. teachens of lie Ceuety ot Onterie, ne perone vieis Dot sot.usly eugaged a aingor iasp.cting, or vie bas net heen eengaged vithin lirm ean, sbould be a membor of lie Oounty Board cf-Examineransd liaI a copyr or adies. ra- StrogRie Jase8 for men. Annul Irand Fait Opcninlg Dayýs. seqeeiehflp.eprÉings anew I broua, sof, ,he. oo»atnty M, number cf asefrants for tuat, el nt distinction. lÃeietslPresidentli booms-~ à e ýthîtùt den. Sherdan, wvilc isi ~ beolng the. publication cof hie . f.. SIttho spwrtualoondition of 1he Pliw elli ongres. à anet inikSved it'viii nétý b. the fattcf chriatianý endeà *or. fer th ouottlook je very bright a intatI direction. The vuilom -ediber and- fanions evaà golet Be,. Bain SmalA, bas leeIured in Ihisoityv, and in addition le that gae.ponl, tbAm.on section ef the Evaugelléal Alliance viibeld a sessIon l l, apte;freià , Doduiber V7t l9e 9 h ih v1i iub.r 2,000 delegates ,e1laêno$ import", treligious nteetiég .vseIdl inWshington. Tabvam 1û.~ AIi sues, alwts n mip la, i' liv. body c il evaugelbeal0 e viiose mission Ime le o >0-0perate ln te. ligious vonk. As mon sau tie pro. gramme le issued. '50,000 copies viii b. distributed lhroughout. lie tJnltedý Slates, and il le expeoted thal tfie nu=,- ber cf, visitera attracted viii b. mueci larger tien the number of delegates ie attendanoe. .The. groat popular démonstration in bonor cf Ez-Governor Shepherd, vill taie place neit veek, sud vili ho an event te be pleaaantly remnemhered oeany years, as the. grateful citizens- of Washin3gton are thoroughly eulisted le ils sflpport, having OQlnibuted tie iberal amno f 410,000 te addJ- tolte grandeurand impressivenese cf lie pa- DurinR the absence cf the. Presideel and Mn@. Cleveland "«thoy lbave today" tb. White Roue. viii have faileain and the umual annual rnevating: mat- ing will b. exciang.d for carpets, snd lhe ieavy windcv hangings vill re- plae lhe light draperies liaI grue. the viestamil umremlllla forming 1he gênerai apprarance cf <lie mention. Miss Currie, of Owen Sound, is vlsitlag et Mms. (ulien's. Mr. J. B. Farewel hae been in Chicago aince Saturday. -Mms H. W. Annes and Mine Aunes hâve been visltng et Pot Perr. Mms. (Jlien bus returnod home aln long visil 10 Tarsanmd Owen Sound. Mrs& Robent Milne, of Buffalo, N.Y. in, !P!Ming a lew daya visting relatvesla Miss Ida Hatci returned fromnToronto o gaturdayLafwrvitlng relatvesthere fonr~ Mr. George Mernbsrr, formerty ttntà b, fer Ba"c & Bnci., nov earying on a good business linHamlton for bilusew,»vs l tovu Ibisve, Mrs. Jas. Camupbell and Mr. Robert Campbell ber sonarminlaMiosouri at p.e- ent vlllgM.Rb.Cam pblmor u Thero'was a frIghtluIezodu tciroua mon on moaday laut. I looeks$asif ve ire ail b b.professlonal mm eta, nedistat date. ëmis. L 9. a *er O -s 7 W McGillvray, Jas. H.E~L # ic. . is sud J"s. Campbell veut to, Torontoto teb Medicalebhool ; Jho,. Cm èUl1the Ul- vel, and Donuy xM y te 0. Iet-oipbamo. e aes lever boys The BOV.0. Reste,-,e Prince Aibez_, viii ocuduethle services la tb. Taberuset on» Babiati neit. i; PO0 88 gWhitby Dry oD8S, Goods Farmers, Thresliers, and Mill-Men Find it to the-r' advantage and profit té use R D IOLL'S MACHIN QLS Guaranteed net to gumn, and WI- eut wear Machine -Ofis. c3"Try ôui Cylinder:Qil. It lias no; equlal. Wftby, by*- WM. WK- BRYUN & SONS. ail other For sale hi DuniueStreet. GILMcXRiE, "WHI TB -Y 'TIL E -and BRICK YARD, Haà fr a round Til, ti £'I Wood Le ayqumatityofwl.bnt m th taken inlexohange foir ',W-Mo. IL Brick 5 ~ or Tile' at, Emporium. BURNS' COLUMN, was Rair ,for i F. lo 1e ig mg a ra,% I baci vi by M am& pot& ..A citîz the: AlGrades of - LTHAM fand ELGIN pJ Mo0venlfltq2 nstock. d di ROC fBT., WHITBY. i OCTOBER 7th, 1887. BOCAL LACONICSI 1581< 18 1 AND AROUKO TOWN-AÀ ýOET 0F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS GLEAREO 81 (UROI10LE- REPORTER8 A.ùbel's amnang ye, ti"ants A!fi*h-hei prent xl. .BoyaliIokekmcaelici s abatten. - ~ligarouail even lo ti, yards tables hie bad an- oveihaulimg. îlis(Fniay) atternoin le iieFn. ngBoom .i hait pasl lire. Qoyou, fef f ti. ltwmes*r air et -Oimistee's awofi and. apont cf tie, Western Batik. vb ocki-in ne athur and s haIt o4 1y lat sud retureed le lwnnovnaee Tiey vwere.enly tire-heurs sud v0It forget "ye 61d' tolkm" concert Qho ançse fthe W. 0. T. , .flý il l'a hâIa-in "'îl ove. &W, SUMV[ER $LAUG-HTEIR.< AcoOiU>NG bour custom we are nom seling umméferins at te olear them euüt. à Ityeg usbettér te de do his thsai oarîry theni over t 'sum erM Drives in, I01-Wspre WL Ail A4-CUL TURA4L FA/R, With this- announcement we commence our lOth year of Business ini Whitby. Year ,by year ire have éndeavoréd to, keep abreast of thé limes by adding new attractions, noir limes of Goods not formerly kept in Whiffiy and greater facilities for thé convénience of customérs until noir we stand firm and sione in thé front ranks, away ahead of ail compétition and acknowledged by ail tb ho Thé Leading Dry Goods,- <lothing and Gents' Furnishing flouse ini South Ontario. We have juat recently introduced int oui Store the Electrie Cash Railway System. This Systém until now iras only to hé found ini a very féir of thé largest stores in the largest cities in thé Dominion. By its assistance ire expeot te save time, labor and- money, and by that means prove a benefit te, our customers. Âil visitors to Whitby during thé Fair are invited to step ini and se il operating. OUR NEW FALL STOCK, which is 110W complete and ready for inspection consista of ail the Latest NoveltieB aud Notions ini Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and will hé found bo comparé favoura- ,bly in extent, variety aud value, mlii nisny of thé largest houmes ini thé Dominion. OUR TAILOORING DEPAIRTMENT, under the management of a Frst-olass Cutter à i1 nom ini complété working order. W. are showing an immense rangé of Scotch Tweeds, Suitings, Ovércoat- legs, Trou8ermgs, aud Worsted (Joatings. Gentlemen can rely on getting a perfect fit évery time, andail goodsB at Rook-bettom prices. Ki.udly cal sud see tbis véry attractive store. rSET. yjlthe newast c SIIE PM iRw