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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Oct 1887, p. 6

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I au a îs nve -hiin5hu* lé, y dr For efer day id iwm >me de broibeot gloek o onth erharderonofPps » 'lut tpai, mi lg 9*ê D' hae. àig u i, d l1 Dueteher bio p4= 0 ,9 db e~ Gdoiuetsd IIh As to -been ebofe 'hiio fporl ndgea~OEIB ril oap ta been a dade. forpbl4on 1 don'd oxshbect dot poy off cane a Vaàs an a nsdvaSOa eal merit. ton to e h,"Ifynpb hI, adb.vso Und »chop mit badoebta ail aroundt ubon"lthgluayorv.Ienly mnen abbedreeooti oýn qrOn x Sa ho Cean 'lot 'der ooundtry know ho Ooe oiIryiiaui nie"ê tus@i'bbimg, Un chmarctsr Vas asi1but I haveg ne ambflontoobuas n gn ta uhoap adverdlslng dot hoe don't authôr."' oold dol! a hoe: -A" dfteth"tGldeon ulnmaroppod Mine Yawoob lots der drees abuse undil der neeydyfra ek rnlawî fruit dhey bear, h hrYd7fra ek rietwt Und dhon dot'fellor ho loohs andt and geta 01OuBechOccaSiOn -an articlefo der lion'. share. piiblioatlon. Soinme y 'tvaa beddhor dot youtoaoh der The articles voeeorisp sud «"moaty, t M~sd sParkling vill v'It-tud Ietitmemat. =ongideas ta shoot;T vol!, Idndis eboudt id ;'dot advioo id vas boey -bad beau vritten orlglually b Do ogoot î poor, disspated littorateur, Who va Dtpoy vonco dook boom broder ondt und paid a morepittauo fer thoir -otuposi- dhey blay Villiain Tell, ien, and thon oeiedby mant. B dt Yaw ob vas no shooter-ho dou t do oîîqUz S ar bou l , aiie Dtarrow don't go droo de oore, budtiId atceo Sutvont pooty near- mendod.b Sutnear onouqh ta miss id und go dro" , heoc*aderear:I luthose Metborit, ed Biart$ tehav dia 1> mit âh48 buysickle ilu Î y kn ou lb. roubet 1 Ofta 1e v o! if. ~veddet, ,pouletotheduao Und 0og ho ascdm eenyOm' a y vpa lil- dieseho'dksa<hae ' id !agmln alT i don't huai, shumt exotly ot dat vaa-'tla "Inover have," snavored alto., Vormo asbMer- "o(h~d c > i à. ~ Shunt like he strike cyglone ana valk rlght idear Earllug. The mnuwbo voufd1 off onlhieor kaumau oio soldmk I ask van tinz. abendtiId, budt dot pan' ho rlieU a soqnainlodvitor sail phae a onîn'griainhe.. iil etiwwt@àP eso1 Und saBiz beohr try it vonoe, dhen mayr- sooiety. I thlnk yen vould find enough hoIvould "tumble." t>oa yni b.sn-.what s»yf Dot Yawoob seys dot vovas boor; and ho yen W geug vith Mea?" venta te ho rioher, - Tho idàà stuuek B:arllng favorbly. Und dot dor comlng man muet been a viral- Ho had eenoeivod àa IiIg for Sinai, glas. pase-pali ?itor; and ho promiaed ltaI ho would aooept Ho says ho musti ho' shtriug ondt," und hie offor. tund "mae à B it » There vas nething te prevout bis Und doua me I1vas "off mLno pue', vben I nu"o fan off it; going thet very ovening. VhAn Iaev ho snn muet badileheu canaa * *4* t "o~on'der .obwim." Ho say dot von off Houlan'ashaeils vas goot onou.gh for him..1 Dot Shakosbeer .yay boudt der son dot's brofigate sud vild : 'How sharper as a serpent'. thank's vas been der toothies. sbid ?" (I gol dot deedle diàted ; 1 mean dot thank- "es.yauth.)1 Ho out, boom poor oldt fader more as a serpent'. tooth) Und dhen der broverb doUisans dot der shid Sho must obey, Und4'ot ouf yaou should shpare der rod you sphoil bm right away. Vol!, Yawcob, ho vas pooty goot-I gnuuI don'd gomplain. I somotimes viah, minoseif, dot I vas been I lots Mlm play mit pase-pal, snd dùke header, vbile ho can. I pringa hlm oup mit kindness, und 1 rlsk the oml an. Let noihbor Pfeiflor use der shitok, vhile O0t hovis nnd dances; M'i mbpoàl der rod und ahparo der ohld, I dDak, und dake der ahanoos. Edith'a Oounterplot 14Oe1i ionee handred, Tomn." "1Well,,pue hundred it shallho. if, vithin a *nonth, yen iil soieeadWalter Hanlig atray ibat be saallb. oaught aIi lb.e 1wioupt sud- ai lb.egambling table, I will gpve you the handred pounds." "But, Mr. Tom A.ubrey, yen are very "*Net a bit more than is mply19uti. fiable, Gid. If yen vili do as yen have said,I1know 1 hall Win." "But do yen te into amoeut the plnate". tbadth Âmesbury may lors WôlteHiâr1ng ?r tales of evil "Piast tho mnan Who pos. esses ber heomt P2" % 'I have thought"l all, 'Gideon. If tho lady wvoie&aoue oonoerned, 1I might doubt lb. scof et ky plan ; l>ut ber. brothèr,OCre1 ql. 'sho ar Pa Mofiannset o'PingtOf the moral àêw.Lot hime mueh as muspeet that Walter Harling drinks andgaables, and ho wonld se. hde sister sufi ay amount o! tornnent rather than osoeher marry that Mm." "Bat i esbonl4s upeotyon, Tom 2 h tii lubaMktfi,' s .m~d ti Jo and ho thinum My ehuroh-going iat atrog foundation of reliions moal.i bui'y'ahud-and ber band one ýMine, Ioakoop My part o! the eoipaot.1 un, a., y4il domoeathn1 promlàe. Gidoon .Binat. "Ia#1 uot pWteputc 1 am aorry, Edlth, but thé alternative ounnot ho avolded. I eau neyer cou- sent to your unltiug yen, detiny vlth Ibat o! c man wbo is a Lfeuenter of tbe gambling soon." Chlres Ameebury spoko in sorrov, but firmly. Hic tlter, hoantiful as tb. rose cf eau' summor, sud as pur., listensd vith rosolute lneodnlity. "#Icanot belleve it," site salA. Borne men migbt deceive me, but net Walter Effang. Deoption la mol iu hic lisait, and he coulA net veau it upou his facbe. I kuew that ho canle his soul in bis look." ",AnA yet, my dean Ediit, il la plain that ho bas deooived yen. Net ouly bas ho frqeqned th. gambling-houe,. but bouses o!fverse reputé." "lHov knov yen Ibis P2" Ill hav. itiroin Thouma.Anbroy.» &'ad vould yon believe hlm acainat Wallon Hanllg r2" demandod Edlth, ber Obeeke fleshlng. 44I think Thomas Aubrey la trilg to lead a proper ie," repibed th. brother. "But I have it not upon bis authonbty abus. Othns, Wbom Io:"w mot doubl-mmou honi I have porpos. ly set te vatoh . HoR'ing a moe- mtot-bav'e bld -me the.Mme loNy." Editit'.o yoe fliashod, sud hon ingers voe. luîchod lu the folda cf hor robe. ,,Mn. Aubnsybasp"eute yen o!f gaining rny sbaud*l ,ibwsit ed toue. "Ho bas blulet aisnob a-thlng; but I have giveii hlm neenoouraemenl. Do ye tbink, ýmyd*aliterià aI mako Ibi ccusatIon bu' bis ntroit. Qed tdib leédber brother, aid salA thaàt ah. bolleved hlm;-9mad lthon ah. valked avay t h. indov, >ad lok- ed eut ibute idarnums ý ,Whoun th.camp back ber fUpf ion. compremmed, aud a nov irght #awu po honr faceanA lu ber oye.. "Oaus"she osil, "lot Ibis matter rosI betvoeuns fl ab -o My love w bï wwt but»V- roasonlèe t se, * aen towaloh. Yai not totrut mio. My age"nt &shal hoin .rver ay relelo.1 mean te m<ow of tcokbis bathfontospeg. I te -j«iist~tbvv I fl l bave ütots t vntp thes&toý ,!the.dons."1-! "tBat y.. l ! -go ithmvu Ibla ev#va- moItsmi.!thRoa og..t lte peck, No lti "xo ; ual lay it upon on . thoso cleardu." At e motion frQmi pait tb. dealer be~ato*wtérdO*cù bis deai-box, anla ho mud 1.11altonnagtely tg tbe 'Qoelina," 844d ho, prosoutly, and- pnod a siver ocin ovor lte board. WaItor "Ëue-op hi. wouoy, audI D'ut at loto hhiepoekeI "Ti. hlf-rovawhilà yen havo "#Dont lamngqlt rnmeBtait.1bail ne tbôn«bt Iû tq$ngmny 'fértuno in that mi=er. , Give lta" place o! money baok to diemenWho oins Il.', -Gidéon,8~p4lpot.oo u Io blmown jîcaktand-aithîe-baoke o! ,,t. isSu voie lurnA, tho boy vith tb. rnsivs 00 on. a lcok upon hie race thaï.va eaëàph. 1 hoety after tbis, ihile Waltor wua sugagè lu oam'Aulg an exqnusile p>intlng, Binart jol -né a maon Wbo bcd been muufi. d u l i loak in anothen part cf tb. hall. "Haue yqesan askod Smart. rbomaa Anbroy, lelting bie cloak par- "Adyen wvIll so eiuorè, #0pur. smmd 8mai. tam al"tb eofe! uy ropa. Harllng bas proved bIl a tongier oustomer 'hnI titougit. I mant bsg hm a I hotg. -But yen aihmput monsy upon the. faro apread-out T "ThN m ke th. mSci t t s. Others aW lte saine tblng.le Aid, tits po -g ho turned qnick- y7 avay as ho at oin»g cemlng.eud as ho turued, b. uuélthe gaze o! those vwo vondenfl e>'.., and sav lh. boy'. motatod fa«. "Ont 0o Q7>'y l" ho muttoiod, lu las hastoand Irbon bhobad rohd a aie distaie frein Ealrlng, ho tumnd bo l bok A sîtho boy again. But theldhapo. srdsfud in irleen rauko &lng. mmiao 1.ve yns k then« t1 mone a fmore fubir, -and need yen suifer exiy loner-? b. Languagewus ivon that ve mlght a Y 011G MON mnfferlng from the effoots of 1early evil habits, tho resuit cof Ignorance or folly, who ffnd themselvee woak, norvou, andoxbausUtgd; *.l" MrtaÂGE» adýOÈri Klu4 who arpoe, dow# frmbte4Cneots of abuseé tirover-work, and in advjnood lie tee! th onsuences of youthfui os, senid'for and1&lànILV.Lubon'. ýTreatbseon Diseases of Man. The book vil!b. ent sealed to any address on rocelpt 0f two 8 se tamnp&. Âddress V.V. LIIBON, 47Wellngton ST. oronto. WPEBRY DAVISP~ PAÎ N KI LLER' Pk0IaOIIB Nrs n Ha iaLa 1: - nne mreEdibA.mebmurva oumm»oed te ho, bn.iir*seue Il a -wu ing, t ùd Thozuas Aubr.y va it l u lie thelg4M. Dohbther Ihal you Mr.-y b aubg huerf.v l svam#ionu metAO .d lObrplad- "paron sd frgbv. ~eêyula iy coulA bel p 1. Whs.t I a c, Md ybrolerooaud a.met pek I I s I s t i lu s t y, a"d ihm cou ulltha" Oume suer. 1 he, #Ak- TÂ&KEN INTEINLSLT MXIXE» WITB À WINX GLS 0F ROT MILE AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE POUND À NEVER ]MAILING CuRr Frôn SUDDEN COLDS, CHILS, CON- GESTION OR STOPP>AGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- NER AND BOWEL COMPLAITS, SORE THROAT, &o. APPLIZ» EXTERNALLI', - EXPERRIENCE RAS PROVEN IT T13M MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EKARTH IN REMOVING THE PAIN ARISING PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, UHIEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTILACIIE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cta. per Bottle. WBewareOf Ilmitationil and curze of that cibu of!disorders atenant upon uly r ed luatte wthe utenadsu y acOeopne 'If hw îîeart.Prompt-,frse * !olow ita use ini cases of Sudden EX. haustion arlsing froin 1o'm of B]ood, Acute or Chrou io Diseases, wid ndl the wegýmein that lnvariabyaccumpauîca therecoïeyfrn Wasting, Fevers. No .remedywmilfgivé more speedy relief lu Dyimpepaxa or Indigestion; uIs action on lb., stomach beîng that of a geilde and hý.rmlsIoueexci=<Lln te organe eof digestion t action,. thus affording lmmediateani permanent i:dlkif The, «Zumina bve popres o!flthe dilerent aromatia uwbichho Elir contatna .re!deritusefn FlatulentDysîpepalu.ý Il~ ~ ~ ~~~ô Ia nae exeyorAtommls Ae 10, o! &&outy oaracter. ~ ForImeie pouiaed Elwidnondcïeub lent Is requirSd thle Ellir iibo found invaube_ Ini Fovers o! aMalarWal7ypo and,- the 4ain vle.l1u~~< mure o~thoold rweê e~op, e 'Boae a uall aaI s CAPITAL# 420500,000. MARE Farm Pro èrY and Dwefling Ho seapeo -lt Véry low rates. Basy to - !paymont. Simple poliolos.Iio vexations conditions. Prompt setuiement of Wmse without discount. Be sure you do flot. in -mm until you know our termu and conïditions. Enqufre o! E. B. B. RAY- WABt>, Our Geniersi Agent for South On- tarlo. Ol. lze iWhitb,-.Part of D. Ormis- ton's L&w-Offioo., AUl etters. addreused te Lqçkrpox 78, -WhitbF.P. 0 will roceivo prompt attention. tZosidonce-Haus Cot- tage, Byron's'tteet, Whitby. 21 I NISURA NC E! ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PAU) pROMpTLyl Companies among the bout in the world, snob as, Thd LIVERPOOL, LON~DON à GLOBE, Tho]LÂIWÀSHLRE, The WATEBLOO, and Th. NORWIOH UNION, «M 0O EMZ Local private funds in sumo tao suit at lowest rates. W. B. PIRINGLE, NOTAay PUBLIC, Whltby. T 1E WESTERN ]BANKR-0F T CANADA, WHITBY, - ONTÂBIO. THOMAS DOW, MQNEVY TO LOAN! 019(0.000 FOR INVES@TMIENT. ON BtIL BSTÂTE BEOUITY At Iowoat livng rates of i utorest. money seoured within 10 day. of- ap. àpPly to plication. JOHN PARQUHÂTRSB Manager. Whulby, Februery 101h, 1880. $àOOlOOO TO LOAN. At 6 rcent. yearly. Terme o!01rea smeoondab o gt.'A' vanees made on senboud mrtaesadt puarobuse frma. lie oatameured 4 makzu apliatinsteme formoo;n àge -'.fées;- no delay.Partes Payg hhor ]ates on morigagea showldappl meu-t once -for lover iateo sud mae mon"y. Write or o&U! imimedletaly for partioulars 1y2 20 Adeai4de Stret BEsat,ý4 Torone TO AGCENTS aLE(.,4 and8 FontStret ast, Toron -ýPbt UV tlw--etst mQo complets au&BeLlIg ;ix4mr-oa bogdêenli fo ol$rasen w illeapsa bn't wevrvf von a A.G ZIR Pape1" Iurni8hed and UPWardeý Orders from >thec~ ~'SlOP...4jt doorp. Mr. G. Y. Smith's Iaw omCA,'% Whitby, May 12th , 1887. TOW RE ADY-Our IIe .14Sea and Sky; or,.a1 Univers.";- beiga * l siponof aul that -le wos continent O! the Globeb waters and the Starry Has, tbrilllng adventuree on, nownéd discoveries of the vî q explorersaLinail ages, and ren nomena in every rea1nrai of bracing the strihing physicg, earth, lb.he onliar. chars6 hum=n race, o! animal,, birds'tb iludn a vivid desorip in-QU ti, ac- o sud Indi« Ocas beautiful seashelle and Vl fishes sud dwel!ers in te wo remarkable Ocean curenâte, éi with- the AMÂZIQG PHENOAIE4ÀC SOLÂR AND STARy~8 HmmBXDAvENPOBTYoxi Embol!ished with over 800 âine Liberal ternus ta Agents. OXFORD PUBLISitNi 5 JORDAN ST., Certifcate of Major Ilamp of Whftby. To whom it may comne,. This la ta cortify that havfinRz xrepaired sd used a great vàrie Machines. I bave came etuA lt thit lb. Wbito Machine soldli" banhs sone of lte beit mal,I opinion it la a Machine that wIll gel ont <àf order, sund vill lutI là than Mout macies, as cmure b to provent woar as muaIt asp cen banestly reommend it topa ing a geod sud lasting sewng im4 purchased one o! the White's euà age and il gives overy stisfactie Alter five years use o!f teWb Machine in !q familyoaL nfl th. above certificatesu anfui menA lb.-" machine as a fij maqhlno coie ss o ear medhine Ihave evr i yt wlhq, e MAJOte R hq Hst s bstodotheapastbêhemp , a hos. et lb. beil. soloeAgent for Ibi Jil iii, à ORool 'sui DNNG 'pOOM s la s e father r 1that ss- i<ad st the wax !'. I do Dne but$ba w bitloa nt fivo.aid-ti coum i d *ovev i " in 1thikt lethar. p.instOad o! -ialtherthitt cen- - te fervid a0- y je a lb. tnagin- mujIdor ,penhepa the iad 'hàË-,net -enjoyed !agliiios'Of large citles, gvIgl4eoUé, sud lu Poe 10athe . oqual of ciroiiin- nnd t)to1reason.abie ta linited advan- desciibe any- ioiglnguagàas B h.ý o f lbthe venly ~ Itviid la reduced êfo eedlu girlleh diffi- inocnc.It le 0eent and chaste 'wa oountry more anyýpOD wbicb the foot %iiôd, sud bears the li- erlr tnd.Thero ar epteawiththis caue u.e tol -and ohon grealor than t.he o4~fFebiuary of th. cnr, ~la Steetinforra o e Ïrbe-27iWocf Marcit fol ,4oeloekiw the afternoon tek5n ery .i -l t a i seh 4 !iw o r e é u i l b . f o l o i n Al~'ui'rlfllnin a> tate 0 5minutes, sud that dur*n Of susended giinatiou aEh theat"hom o t made v*i fstiier net-te seod tordecters iààiâumentalitY ,ould n, ýr joùfY te paradise, an Ixkiilotto ho l tm1eneha h.~~t "li fda Wh for 2 nmortaland Immortal natnrs ;e, 11e-prente w ee m eai ri 'Ieii#5ei>f vas gabtditl On, tlb. i, ~lof, edu ýhe ann nnood ed' h . voù d ey evinced gvetoli6tud' b4u s te bei condte îred 1ohe enly , n &D o n e ,btefnot ta o aIii B o! lb. dcock toilëd a ou eutg, they neyer aee apidly. 'W hile the lm -ps te stroke o f . l ur l V !olentl pae n akedb Al fenskiled phyaiéiau,_7 iniitred.their -moat;I- p , nii-tt9io'cleok onl. 2 Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. -9-

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