4 y 121h, 180 2Ik>h-or, i ia lai P#le ai, lm ad ages, i e or o houllai alat ~elers ini tie *Oti 'ean 0u~st D ~NP0UT »1h over8M0 tuaé PUBLISHiAf fMjor Hrm of Whftby. -"l882-' nity liaI laving ua gret và i VOCOin ta the- ~eMachine s'ad the -but u=&de amcine Ihel wdï sn*u lrulet in, ines, ns cars bua Commeud Iltaopu laatix3g 81ig mu MAJORYAIL rn u c he'Wh im as, a fam logs for i.»palrs iev'r lied suitt MAJOR lu the chesepout, A L. FARUAR4XK le Agent for, tif OOM 14SUIJ ~oornealo" 0urHeN S_( .u'arowydso1»fbf * or ~l4.misa Della aud I, wu e teegiérieéa of l ndnehu aiithtilBSori-tIi III.~598OSBV1~ Iokingtracétor ~pi d. i osts work soquiek- bber white Wifflh'mdne - s iuîandtdealerseverywhe Fan e te he Oeletil 0O21Y 86 yer Iýor n o e rwb n vrwee i<bT, a80 ba6folhà ,#h h't e b'aek haïr li my head. That oTh. rl ! a'Gy i uh od ~jh ~ee ~print, ana belongi 10, my, at6ry thoea yuwllti way of checklng, the bush fires sud havenbin pb.find. ;Ybû remember ithhiiwih chlearing away tiiemoke. in that lethar- cotagd te foot Of ÃŽiland golden rod P. M. MrélWest Jeddore, N. S. aseeaIdiffer. sud id el groül Iûg a en 1 write.: Iwiéh teinform you:of the wffl- ~iiohavemade~u-Stone Wall P That', whie e lived derful dualities of Dr. ThomiEetl u ho "bave inate d ii 1iD Iws nrid n lwa nIha-& ï; hors. sa laine that h.oould soaros- ins1 eadofthatenoeIbas emlarid ad w nly walk ; th. trouble *as ln the knes;, and A la ~lîth oredulitY, ob1. en 1I wo or Ibree applioqtioriaQoompletelY oured waiorather with 001-th. mail terrible ovent of my lif.Qo- him. x .ed tie fervid bc. ourred. dyi ÂgsA,1. Âvlces froni;M4assowah say liat RilssieA E loge athe inagin- It wau on. r' nAgutý nt e drig ibRigohcfAysn. tô,aor perbapa the firet of the, moith, sudnai neyer will for- I Md~"de5 in er.ge how the eky Iooked, sdeep and NSioteýýcanidcuoribe the. sffe=iiiP oaUse ba jîkowl s bneasmybay' sse nreowsweîby Asthina eicept thostroubled wlth *th A basà wt asyeda bd sili lb i abé 7es, aIoe'owgs omlait.On. pankage of Sontheru owto st-i knon audtillbe sr'wà that ornigasIcAÂsthma Cure will relieve any case. Double l itiies of large cllieSswalked over to the station. The golden trealmnent in oach package. and vivscious, ana in rod and ferns h ung heavy wîîh dew, I The. total value of importe fint Canada 1400 ei the oqual of and thers er. ci lusîtt of puLrpl8 glapel8 for the. montb ofAugiiet lust wu 8 9,769,588 511hg érthe samn5 ciroum. on 1he'iiue, .bngthe h.dge. . The mres ana of exporta 610*012,054. je nD ot reasouitble ta WeOOtnusuallY'laIe that Ye, &n' asa";Mntr. Mà ri, Thompson, of Toronto, :E snbljxited advan- the, fail came an they voe a& dëeP tua afflictod eith Tarpe Worm 8 feet nS oseisted decrbe any- criimo' instea fpik sthyaeof whih m.;. ,emotecZ bione btl wilanguage a s he earlisr in the meason. I hsadane ln My of Dr Low'8 Worm SYMeP. 0 810Io buttan hale« liaI morning. of the heavenly Baby had ut i ther enbsla-l. Red River railway until their back jivi leeduaed ed m odTcntre rehae tope wrko .m 5i~ feediDgilsidifi Pity 'oze, .aps, for 'oo. Dod ûxade 1isar ad !a h ful einl dOO. n -a , mgma 1.11me M .Dod liv.. up inNaa Im id g~o nmot eIega4it ana chaste jk."My vifswsaCrsi n, Deainesa caused by Catairnh is quol ~I osri aeutr mreaithongi 1 did nal believeM*' her re- relfieved by Nasal Baili. Headache caused a an D co unryh ore e iit hn av eme a.pu atarnh in quiokly cure<1 by Nasal Bain ëa ,,n easti n tutiiGdaince.baby Ulied tome, Thee.ormlesleon- appomntèa under Ithe m>?ueinrujd. There are labout the. rose liaI morning. tXrlahfoLad ot is frcied1,00aplca * oonnecr ed vith Ibis cSeO Every pleasant daY vben I made tesfrarvso frxl att0uetio n hw rydw n t8acak lu the aller- We have no heltancy lu sayng ual geternt and hew ynon my if. and bby01d1t0beDr. J. D.. Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial le porer trta teD ont o if n ay edt çwithout doubt th. uesaI Medicine .1er ln- .wo à powsittlng otthere o1 he bill:ud' thoy'troduced for dyeentery,' daiarrhea,, chel- wera. sifFebruary f lthe aur- wouhd wave tliu hands -astme, and ora and ail summer om]plaintesSOSsiok- îà b,I fj Fret nored be« baby looked Bo swsol and innocent- noie, etc. Il promptly gives relief and ,à ,tgo" Seth of Mrci ol-waviflg her lutle fat atm,9 I ued la neyer fails te effeot a otive cue. g, on he'k in lief 'arfenoon, ave a groat longing in My hoart tiat, motion shaould nover ho witiout a btle db talkn r lthaor . f hani ionb e er co, 1ber; and- wheu their clfdron are teethig. wb tovruni th folloiù noIas=sob.la erng ioalthy Young Edwards' lodging-houee in Detroit vas 190'@gep. ., I the lime.h fellow I feit Ibat I shouhd b. abi, la deetroyed by firo on saturday morning and tg . qdis antP.rM#ini a stae aprübeci aud guard ber always. Cthr ee t. anadgesare ll deati die an5 minuas, sudnaI durinOf Almost 3 o'clock aud old forty-iii uubreadmln ae"obd od f sapededanmatlaio eovaspuffin ug a taming fit 10 burat frut' te manyPorsous 0ostutdtt il o Ibat'he n otd aeeiiadeneid od as aready the leutindulgence is folowed by attacks as w.neaedthe ond I w ofchoiradysentery, grîilg, &0. These elita t ho eaveus"ma e loaolg lovurd-tie billea sure enougi ersons are net awaro liaI they cen in« - berna fbi nthele ad tnsdoctorSee s b bby ile dieu. ; nos I Sulge te their heartB content il ethev have L Ma instrumentalitY coul a otvas miesaken; il waS Only & piece of a on hand a bole cf Dr. J. D. KoUoîig's t be jorno tapardis, ati ovaapo. They ver. ual there. Wiyp Dys.nterY Cordial, a Medicine thal v'WiU deberar- I ey dered. Perbaand tbeyawould . eiemmodiato relief, ana- is a sure cure ~bimnot leb. aaraeti th impicil confidence, liaI aller lier. before I îurned t flie ne . aoiallboysiimer complainte g~ ~ ~ tt ii.eiga'daifor 25 boy il seemedt l me I noer s»longea Thres mon and w o.vi uase g he stor 'andImorlntures 10 have thein Ibere as I tidtiliaidayand thirtleu ailers partiiI1y orercomo by Oir mnile sd ih. w alaainbe s 1 kepI anxiouslY looking until, gasi n a mine et Ashland, P& -, on Satnrdsy. * livi n s oul.&ai bava u1.dsac n i ac a Few aneie rmedios viose beneficil ore iviever. un aay smietb iancmd.eor pletm uIMW. qualities and ros i erite have aiado 50 parents tpap..t ad elavP1180inMY nizvith tiie publie, and lncrossed I Io e tsrfntsîe, sud b ody 51v6 e a et leap andtien stand!MMmyear to year thir consumiPtien vhich, tbiuk ber isson vas abdiaatinÃŽ th.wiu ssing..rethe Bo simplule rtein- ns.Ontii ainvl f te ay Tiere, just hêad Of me, tOddling ,-"odip0 Mi5 &Oê8UR1 tho ir b e. anonoedaievouti e aong, vîit ber yella'v ir fiying and ' 'i pn ardby Northrop & Lyman flI they evinceti greet soiitutie, ber 11111e arma aîtr.tahed oi1 as ci c Toronto.bi article i. reparefrefm go iuuya10ber condition. hergeoîf, vsM-bayh pomntullie pure Suiphate ofiune, ombined 9 werdaly , dnoeinSdmore and tie wheela>ivwad 1bep*indi& m lhûiSherry Wlue, andohoieOm0utics moibhei net 10 b. alarme- br o0'ud erprcioblod ould hch rolieves the Quinine et ils bitter aonde cf tbsotook oied arontistd ul. r ,k.Ilived agées u-li tes tte, aud doos net impair lÃŽb.1D 1 e erea tb tr ck.groo thi.e ffiacuy ofite action upon thes pa- [ &n the ially se rud, d, timoment of agony. I vaiMy armatiet v- e aldome, froquently repeat- parents, tieY neyer seemed to. shotited, rang tbe bell like amadman, ad strengthen lthe Puise, incroase muonlar rapidhy. Wiils the lime-piese anda s I vaspuling lie rape the rose torse, Madinvigorats the toue of lhe nor- ipon lhe atroke oethle heur tlie feu freinMy buitoa-bole onla lb.he at, vous systemn.sudIbus, by the fpuerai, g lad vasprosîatedviti a nsd baby's vords, "-Doti make it. Dod vigor viiich il importe, Crotes an aippel11., landyw sioboul e wths vhich gives- lie stoimèh tons sud energy Deapte rais rakedberlive u 'ky," ame la me. For thb.'wud fortifies tesuexa atau infect- hoptebr entresîies tie firal lime inmzy life 1 P-Qgrâd..Out-,.. io dimoss am. kferNotiop & q'mau'i sent~~~~ ~ fo@khe bsii'5 h oui la prayor, 6"Goti Save iDy chut." Quinine Wine ; uold b* aU trdrag s1s. yen fordiniled thi mos, Wbeal&t liat Mment ae. uumbled -and 1.11 sakmrayo ansuanday'w reports from ye. amsrd o'ooaMonstii. 2th dovu lh. gras e,bankmsfl. -As soon Swluburne.!laud tauteoIb"egt moreofa pvonoanad9 ),ae extnthe t as I conît I rau baok la find ber, sud lihe Alesla's asungor enlieid of choiera. e siekusa sud doti cca qrreti as Ihero sie ast lu lb. grsae-lifting, .ber, c'Tstuia 0 e IE i N ek n dre esdlulie0 0 ttibin eoye.sud diiapheti 'mouti la , m& Iffoueiifl .-à le ad&a l ver the vent. usnsqiateoudTaintie8remem and as, I iugget ber te My heurt BÃaietle fer sa&penlur te plain Ced à L ive t01 Idenoa îon T iai aeemm volilupt:alabie as u niy _dige8led Dr. Merlin pt wberever elie gaes. 'à TROnNTO W DRSETDINNW OKha4gle ael is ai1 y~Zs hile in tie houae cf lhe blesl aie ÂAND AUL EB XaayRnTOLEN. b âÎ- sked b>' a woaian la write, aftlr vgu1leeesCorli à 'E0r log b emti, ta orreafl-gu-k DI The viaov allh*i aeCalsEerOO~ uec hIen, Mra. Anuie B. -Sieltou, Of son, af lis City', viao urrldama terbiali, Suinter counly, AMa, sut namet George - aberté *bd 1.11 foIr ber boyanxiously ber greal-giMitI- Nov- York Vth hum about a yeai ega, - e saited ber aamiug. Our Inor- eluetgrief. Hor newv band ptov- idwn n0 u tlie not positive uas the li e iOt *d@atoi. ea .contél vio»ehtgehM of Ibese naines, but tliuke"alof adornathoeoges old lsady aMra. Anale BelmoUil, P84 American cilles. A$ler ewSLn Bo -ud sait siad boeu demd 95 yoari $2000 iùnegotiable bande aMd 810,000hl wrising t tea d resthe girl gae, Worthioaije*oeLlry-sud"01wâI olbth. i d otipforpre n lernedt li a- a om&mno tai Ihat hasi'dseited lier. l7pou 141r Arrivail e butidied tb Iat p1l"Delu1 in luNew Yrk lb.elaY ÃŽ-eturu&rm enîhthere. M"ih 't' ,e i he l@ht ln 18w9 lhe, 4ates-Of ber goue.;4-I e ttemeuls as ,,glvecL aboie are Wbflei Boston ou heiq oh wiull- bliSiet by ,ý!pOiI 11 gs~en LPOUC o Sd 1 va# e.-W.ealleà a. jo 1I 9Mw], héb~éO SIMI~PlY, Rive the fut@; ud 11chalte tou 6" " um hlingTbomue v.vat @ Pt~4WS fiee te cvii. lgbdeproati.r y the l ASketcb. - - cmeb for I5P ,Good' 1 BEPODE RRÂOHBD IN TMrËTEAOR. irge"stock o1f Sà otoh, Énglish sand Canadien Tweeds, Black Wc>rseda, etc., to select. front special Uine -,f iHEVY. TWEEBDSfrom 60 toa7 cents per yard, su~tb1e or usieso Suits or Boys',wear. PULL ST0CK 0F ]I0CRIES ALASON HAND. Hlighest imerket price -paid- for Butter and Egge. C WRMM3iT, BBOOKLIN, ONT., Eu RE RNJTU ~Ottageor Csi -AT- PR/iCES WHICH WILL 148T0N1811 YOU. iC AILON WM. HALLT, BIROOXIN. -000- J "Funerals Ftilly Supplied." Midway between Brooklin and Colu*bus, on the 7t& Concession. * kde of Wooilen Union; Flannels, Blankets, Hoise and al kiuds of accommodation of We are now -prepared to, make ail loode, such a Tweedis, Fuil Jloth,* Uieeting, Shirtinge, , AII-wool bed Blaukets, an& Yarns iu aJI verieties £nitted Gooda kapt in stock for the patrons. Dyeing Wu a1l colors done to order. wo Highst pice aidfer ainy quantity of. Wool. AUl orden proptly.fi]1ed. ON, O.BOWE.RM 1AlýN- A Bokool BOOK-KF~ séed4 for .m~- .» I8 THB LOBS0F -s adical cure af semnal-Weanbo volnuihy Emision pôie'té, Nerveus Debulty, aaImP.âimenl5 tÙ__ la Karisge -~ROBFAETIJ. &JVRZL U. uilrable Lecture clar Y proves fomlie owu expeWlOnce dmi Ihosyfulo=oueqneflOe o! Self-Abuse ýme b. ýefotuaIUyý, romovet7ý peinllng oui s motseofcure a '~a± cure humel "hepI>', prlvatoly <%U m0Y g~Tha Lctue sig- rove a boom to tlKflLafldandi thomamZ#. sont untler sea,11n os plein p -eet poslage slampi.à aatesas The, CULL/ERWELL MED C-AL Ce ,Ië 41 m tNwY* post tfie Box 450. l' DYR-DO RENNVNW a0 'oor4~1o 1 ZrE-wBIýING qPBÂGTWÂLLY, TÂUGB C. ODEAi4, eretafi. ALrr= cCHLD, AN &UGUSV 'The fhahgllrr'M Mt thepen of Garis Mch&Yv pletd? Tis peh ingl êto thaîhily of a ma w1sstemvy, b14dê danghter x&.aydAut:0 lt thilag ounerti toa , e Oellg specill boùzl b b ave a differènt feellugti Dm snybody elle Ieser i iu , "i* 1111 t oit, à b sbaby, 1X 7mas %ga. .ifdrenOrfrPthe' e a 'e -'---j- --j- - - * * *.-~ -- -:~ Ž ý 0 a. a