4 IIITB ne)w akenw-pa dý Monit, ;0 band, Velvt rCloi and Blai T WEE, d and le alld g-eî ~znshc' ~TUES ~wing d a w Rtoms. PRImm DOWNY OKE1 si numeroué putr Ihat prises ha ess. First-ola from Q.-, per q ivy discounit on o., Sheef Mu*î 2,000 lu stock) ue. ehev-t Go toý Bow-te :1 secured pro )18 stictly ix ýd 2 weeký If IRMAI S BJaOOKO, unds. Sores-au 'ITREB, LOSN to WIth ealm Prinîod Word%, gréaI îhoughtse and un*ldng induasUy, VOL. xxxLé Established 1856. leL8dinq weekIy ln Ontaîlo COUnty. - SUBSORIPTION RATES. pepr anuum in sdvane-41.50 othor- Zio Subsor aon re always payable at Ah aceoolpf l ton. meulob>rnt and boit furiiised oeideyl? riningplat ntuotern gutgrlO, capable ci executiug ail classes of ,ork Irom thé large poster tb 1he aMAlleat mdbfll. Spécia mention la made of lhe ,,puusod prou f acilities of Tan xon- ,ou, ýwth ita celebrated N. Y. Oottrol ,ylindor pros ansd other modern conveni- *ceoî.lt&1ery order rocelves prompt, cire- tsl sllition. TEUNS 0F ÂDVRRTISINQ. Pjet insertion, Per Uino, 10 cent.; each gabsequoflt insertion, 5 cents.. plaplayed &dvertisements ar emea by & sosie of solid Noupareil, sud chargod amordlngly. Advertisemeuts sont wlthoutt writteu Ingtructions iuserted until forbiddon, sud en will not ho responsîble. A liboral discount for contraot advortiao- monts by the yoar. Copy for -chngo of certraot dv"ersmonlsshould bh hsded in notlalter than Wednesday ; sud notice ,.1 any lntended ohsuges should ho givon haloe Tuesday noon. Mehr advertise- monta received up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news colmua ivv cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 ets. par lino weekly. correspondenco solicited from ail arts ci the Oouuty or nelhborming townsuips. forrespondents ie requested te send in Urir Communications as proMptly S possible, HENDERSON. & GRA.HÂM, Proprietors. JOHN STA.NTON4, Sup't Moohaulcal Dep'l. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B AffRI$TBR, Oounty <rown Attorney, sud Oouuty Solicitor. Office,- Southi *tWug, court Houa., Whitby .48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, I ARRISTER, &o. Ofice f ormerly ce- oup led by Fsreo & Rutledge, nexi o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OlRISTON, B. &..p A TTORNEY.ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR IN fkChanoery, Convoysuoor, &o. 01710-lu the Office south of the Poil Offce, in McMillan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNIG SMITH9, ILL. B., Â IB R, &o., &.-Money to Loin B oBoliguerofa arriage Liconses. Onuu .-Smith's Bloodi, soulli of Market, Brook r3t., Wbltby. J&ný 22,1878. (tf-81 JOHN BALL DOW, B ÂRRISTRR-ÂAT-LÂW, SOLICITOR iu Ohanoery, Couvoyancer, &o. OMeie-Deveril]'s Block, Brook Strpétt Whitby. MONEY TO LBND-Privalo Funda - nà sumo Up to 88000, ai a loy raté ofIn bteot. (ira5 LYMAN NG4LIE, L IL- Bot @os Sroot, Oshaws6 bnrgh), &o. Ofl;oohou"i, 8 te 1o a.m., 9 to 4 Mnd 7 $e9 p.U Nie. 8, THE T"¶RoE," BYBON-6T.0 WHITBY. a. C. CIIAW FO.0RTit, Gnaduste o e! b ro" V.owbnmrp 00o- .loe, Toronto. Orders by mail or telegroiph premptlli aà tieuded 10. Omfce a i reidence of G. ,&jr.o01* Dr. Bogarît, Dnds5 treelbtlzt LIVERY and SALE S TABLES, BROOIK STREEZ, WEMTB. Qoom Rig ansd Gooa soriei TerlmoSB sonable. 19 8eneO8 RIGOS & tvoRYl,ý' 00B cr. Mang md Xao W t."P BBST TB=I. 5 t WHITBY, ONTARIO, ste 'with Lang)yLagley & Burkes ARCHITECT. Désigna for Churchos, Villas snd Cot- lessspeclalty. Drswlngs prepared for roodeling existlng struture.. Omeno-Flrst fiat over Howse'u Ding Store. P. 0. Box 2, WaiTET. D>UNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE CQOK'S BEST FRIENiD The seson has now set in when a warmzng, required. W. &gain drsw PUBLIC SMOOKE the MUNGO!1 The great bc. Cigmrand th. I'~IYR1E, EHIJO0 IMLi MADRE The greal 10c. Cigare 1u,-il OHEMiST ând DRUGGIST S Agent for Whitby, 1 A TTE.NTIO.N1 Procures thom irect from theomauulcturn".1 To the old reliablo sud well.tested (1) c (1) c ~I1 s oe This preparatlon ha. îtood the tout for years againat. innumerable imitations whlch have been hroughl out, sud ha. proved itsel! to ho the only GENLIINE and RELIA BLE Prepuration of th. kind whioh ha. been ef- te th. Puhlic. Aak your Grocersansd Dmougits for Il sMd TAKE NO, OTHER. IUan Eine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERlkY, GLASGOW. S UM me" APPrangements DATES OF SAILINOS FROId QUBRO Ccsiau - Sardinian opolynosian Friday Oct. ThuidaÃy, 49 Friday, Ncdv. Thunsdakyo 4 a 21.1 2?th 11h 101h l7th 'Extra fem.Nouà efo!the above cary catlla, sheep or pigo.11 BÂTES 0F PASSAGE Fý- QUEBO. 1 CAniN-Sfi, $70 and e8, aoSdnt t roiton o!, Stateroom. IRetura tckli, $110, $180and $150. By extra sumesu, an, 60sd $70. Retara, 490 $110 and The laut trn oouneotug with th. M"al Steamers st Quebec vpum .Whitby tu Weduosday moraing. To ooansol wilh the EtaStemers Thuruday mcmlng. Pas- ongera and thir baggsgé siepnt on boaid lb. Ocean Blemabipa st QUebeio e0f sal MORTAT ARA£NGEMEINT. Cabin, Interuiediate sud Bleerage passé- gKm cau nov go on board as montrea, if. tey W"ate, dosgo. Parties snlg for Iheir rieandu lbh 018 Ooquntrymouobtalu PRBPFAM PAS- For, Tic"tsandaU on ur r*isu GeB,,B Yule,1 Agent, Express offices BROOK ST, iWIft"Y4 R INGLE TA ILIORIN8.- - .il n 1JW f W ij'a 1tew'tn e ls Haniging Lamps! h'anging Lamps I W. IR. IOWSE, Chomist and Druggiat, Wbitby. Wishes to inform the Public that li l sbowing th. grestest as vel se.. DES1 and CBFAPEST, Assrtmenl cf Hanging ILampe ever brought into t.eTown of Whiîbys vhich h. le seuing ut LOW PRICES. NEW TMr GOOD8!1 W. R. JIOWSEe CEMIBT AND DBUGGI8T, Haà nbu very lg sd sleet uook ci Chriatmnsagoods, omrpzlsng Ladies' Work ,Boxefs, Whi8k Holders, Odor Oas8s, Mirror8 in> PiuBh, Toilet Cases, Large Vftlrn, And an scrtuaof !oheutlsalal ea an8d Emiun Our w ok B#ffire Clio* Bawkr ioate Péaco, Progmes, Knowkedgé,ý Brotherbood. i P NO. .44. EYRTLK -Miss§ Âggie HoilI béaves Ihis iweok for Allantsa, Georgie, ,bo spend lbh..- winter with ber coun. .Mi. Jue.-Shearu, son of on. o! thb. oldeat inhibitanla bore le net expoted. te, liv. but s short lime. The Bey. Mir.Liddy iu~o lairecoover- .8 IrM bis meent -illuea-ihat ha.t abued the services of.Mi'. T. "Brook#,, ae clerk, and la doing quite-ý a lively business. The engin. *8 irn th. McKsy Brou. grain elovator bore arrivod'on lhe 108h list., suad willblu n woîklug, eider lu *a very fev day. il seema a gas engn had been tà lked off bul a steain une is te do lhe. #ork. An Irishi Protestant family bas late- ýy moved it lt. bouse belonging te., Mt. S. Hoitt.. We. uudoisland.,thal, thon, saomre tlk of th ere being epposi.ý lion in lb. bns and li*ery business bore by a ma frem Olaiefmont. Aller spending as dmmmr ii itiing friends bore Mr. and Mis. lesse Hall 1.11 on Moanday evening the 101h liot., for tboir home near Elk Bapido, '1m.i gan and- quite a number-of'âteiri riends weal to thie O. p.- B., sftation te sBée Ibem off. In-the Cx»eomoeu we savtie noticeof of tbis laco Ld y nel bavljnÉuilà reaaers c hondiredl oui is"otis ultime. tmrmaue o! m bas recoterod tlm sIchesu. MIEWS LETTERS. eontinfaos throwfng rmua. e bais bouliâi tOis w..k 1. clob Pl", Uzbridg:,-e in 0' U lvluy savie sud w, wfs boys .very mces ' h le vbal w. bave arrlving Ibis vek ama, Ivo dosesaà gin, ab vltb ceusaMeaetc. ,lames Dowait hollU of lhem as ho kuowe bow tc, o r Itemwaeli 9.7 * Ackeimaa is building -a large brick Imrkehop an, as te employ more verkW ge moeelthe demmnda o!bhis lnu n g hidi, sud Ibis vithoul a 1mai.- EiSosaa to B. F. AI Scots Ac tuai bere on Tues. day adjeunned case againul BRobert Ho! vawu .asd h bavig pro- dico!lesse cf bis bar te, Beni. Cran- 8.11. del vas Ouned ,$50 sMd o0eti4s, baikof appealing tise casete a big court. Wu ach- very oaifnlly upon the Mad deai Mies Beithab Doil a Young lady very g«esmed by ai, hioehi plu h.*yalter a very short aw n ber a tha e . ynx- &t n IL. The fùneral loch place A yib0i.G.Cinty Pmo Fsb one cou. Scming itlePort fior ,plau "ht l. the su d '1h s aieý aliedy Impassible aI dat " la lb. seae. The mnae Sanu norvhat a- Lequeesés theo ont lesing ii ng lbe track ln vhich vated tung a - dak-hole in maMy b. slalue lWSeappoasete b. la patcbhng op a, 1ev bad Wh"on the -tevnsbipsOmn rt sncb te madw mmm al m i ué butda uver t bas ma" ep7b.o5eila bout as vide ma' bis0-on. veld almosln.d a balancerd&poItewalk alog tem. Tiseisbai net bu ineîh rV"n7MethIis lMU sud srely roadu sbould b. e écueo- té oedas16mmd a a vsovrer I. Wm. WoidenMa.bsrwva lu lova imoday. sha sjuil ,rttim- id, fiem Bew LOeelniai Barre, vhise' . setMMost, of tise Uâmà i eog llagesl sd usban sad, onîbuildinguon thé con*tinet o Âm.ric, fo "te. Bob. HayOf To- route l'hbin is mtua In fenionof lthe ma uaua Mv.Wm.Peaeon Port Perrywiahed te suuaWn Its replta. lion au being lt. lngheaî- bol. lu lhe -provincep ýWill an y nian *tellwhy il. is that a -gang dIaWbrQae 6wh shield themeelvea by lta ranukeal par- jury voie permitled to debaU& h Ie wbole commnnily a2I s Ur? id th. diectors of ibi show, vho bave so~nt snobmagi4toneu mim teon.. eouwage hblreeding -of l,. uibak, Who f preving bis farzà by -bla e tumos lahiontu. Woys.lteiro. lhe -pin. By next week we hope tu be able, te gli yen su acOuaI el-an oleganl wedd- lng, thal lu nov on the tapis. Our olevator la taking lu suy &Mount of grain ai prosout sud the bnyer ie paying the higheat price for bailey and wheât. Every lime our Conil meete; Ibere is a little army 91 uboep-owuers, np 10 the trougli for a dose of sbeep Mrooney, because anme body's dog fa tee dainty te, est suytbung but mutten. Nov ve heard of a simple îemedy the othor day, vbich if il dou't do anygood bas Mtb lim te virtue cf helug simple. Ih in té keep seversiflb *he hep wilh bels on, the noise esused by -the bolle keeping away the doe. Try Il, faim. ors, try it, and se. if il 'vwont stop the dog bnseus. Mr. lobuo noxezCollege la home for a vieil belere re-oommenclng Ia studios. Mio es l..i. Mud, who bas bie in ParrySound- for ô veeks r.suined homo lutl veek. Quit. su exoitomènt bus bisoreiglng beai onùaMout of!-aà pelltioW.e v th. eoseions foi tise obocboard held-% on tise marneCday'" b.municipalo0. âmon. Thîs a ugrantedtbongh sêtrnglY oppoeed by Mi. W.oe. The isfh shool gaveafavevu enter- toiumt udprnlaticu te Mk. Law- som lacmodemi language -master. -Th* sObool board sud many ."-pupzls, vire' luvllod i. bo.,prout anid oonsequetly, tuh- oomo vas 10011 l. *Abter lb Teprasatation of! su address sud à _tde MLr.ii-avs ise vas a favorite vilà ., pi = l i l'h.differetmemabers ef lic th, heuepoeiitilyl'gto Mr. mi Laveo'. soe »a.&-$cie,ýr sud ex- pressing their regret thalt, tey cooniône -t ke.p hlm. W. vseh him sUîcce"asi l m bis èyi le, inge rs hom .,MmsJohn Brayisà isWith inOam-m là là lu oui lva sqaI1y -in1bhe Mi, r -tô6ndm 6 sidà nev A ~ -. .. - -<i -.~ i- Xy, OCTOBER .14e 1887.ý g'. p i i i, ý ý à i - ýi -, 'è a * - ik a 0 0 4 1 ..0000 1 -1 : - -1 - te