jasiD. C., Octm 187- fOeflhat' coKtinUltfo ebe 9 e lgu lbelli ~t e balance Of ious oa.i-d for by lbe' Ir .l iot b. çb)Lained wlth. W g It ue, and it ua Very prc.- bat the psriod for the purchase. s for the silnIdig fuud May b., #d elîherttuiporSarilY or Ode- riss the cegenozes cf the case ta.uYsttment for the month leber sbows that therehasboon ase cf 89549526 in the Circula- !,iaionai bank notes, and an le in the olnctultion cf goîd coin* rd silven dollarssubsidiany gotd and ailvOr CertificAtesa ad StateS notes aaointing in &ai ' 04,901, the inoroses bcbg large. ,ýo gold coin. On Octeben let ai circulation cf aIl rnonoy wau & c a c t I I c i 1,584,~PltiOa1 sensation cf tbe seson bas been furnished by Civil Service1 Ootimisonen Obclys gneatlY to lb. _MiprigO and anneyanceocf suchi toderoisi iplcyees in this City as have Organized therneel vos mb oStato Asso- eiliofli fer beth political and social 5orposeB, Ion tb. Comrnissioliên vin- tualy vl the 'existence of sueh goitis adronishing the members tha tey are viclsting the provisions of tbg civil service *et, sud that for se, do- igthey are) subjeot bo fine, -irnprison- wect, and diemnissal frein the service. Cor.misioner Obonrly's ruling, just s might have been expeoted, la severo- Iy oondcmned b-y ailspoilernOn, os- peoiallY thimeeof bis owîn part y 1h. Do- mocraoy. But, on tbe other band, b. lu wsrmly spplaudod by civil service ne- formers sud ludepeudeut thinkers tbe more so, bossusel, under the circuni- stances, sucb an advancedi stap on hie part exhibited the highest degreset fidelity aud moral courage. At lasi thons seOULs a probability cf the seuliement cf the vexed issues hoe. tween the United States sud Canada, as the Presideitbhas apponted for that important duty a Commission compos- ed of lihe Secrettà ry of Stato and Meuers. Angeil of Michigan, sud Putnamfc Maine. The oommissiouOrfl are f airly repfeeOtative cf the Northwest, and the Baslthe twe sections cf the country most vitally conoerned in the controversY sud besider, lthe commis- sion is net cf a partisan complexion tbere being two Democrat.5 sud one Re- pubhicaTJ. Tiere are s few CongresmDper. bapes à bakers' delenast the Capital sorne are lookîn; ften lthe interesti cf Iboir oonstitflenta vimo iavi a cousumng desire te serve lbq country, anadchiensarem pipe laying ant wire worklug for lbe approsobitig set sien of. Congres, whicb, I arn of lb opinion, vil bes one cf 1h. moet etorm: sud 'exiting lunltme hietony cf thc Gcveniimelt, sas ocb party viii mini' t-otdo the other in the rnannfacbuc cf campaigli capital. 1 find lime report cf lhe Utah Gou -mission will net bio witbeut populan ii . teregt andapproval, &asit shows osal .factery progreais in oxtlrpatlng tIl tvin reliaI polygâtD, undor the rig openaticus of the Edâmunda set. Bm> th. passage cf Ibis law iu 1882, fi, hundred aud foty eue porions ha, beson indlcted for lthe practice cf t] peculiar institution et the Meôrmor and of this numbor 279 vers couvit ed. The o enrissioflOr condoms t] moeeint for the statehood cf Utah a sobeme te freethie Mormon chur fremu th. igoncus ,lecutioni cf the la At the Motrepolilsu M. E.Church, which lthe famous divine, the Bey. Ji P. Newman, la puter, tier. vas drarnatie amd nnusiial cmue lut Sic day-tbe occasion bolug the doune tien lu hie sermon on "Infldellty" th. anarchiste sud the socialise, vh sentiments were gneeted vllh gent and vigoroDA applaurne from lb. gr congrogation preselit. p oiiln4 i~4lier ee w. ood1<l Dr Ji. DimKeIlo$e shbts~r1B. - # "«é6d 4poseand i Xrer& froun '-dru mazy shot arlioles izse u,-& extel. Ionam thcrougiy lm lent otbe f Ibiffavcrite famiyceadsney magasiae. su er I7by ObiWS'BBl«8t pilLM Den. f mdi - Try a boffla. Il sè G ao séiueÃ"UB RO"iI FOR T "E EIrOH AND 1 Belin de spate PLAN OSES FOR T138 POOL hewsê Germany The Nai-gtnqIulnlb. e PIiUM leu iu Chibas, i.s ztuated in 1hý Freno Denoeasion in. Shanghsi,wlthina stono's thnow of the Wall of th. nattive oity, ,ithin Whieh ne opium ehopi are enp- poaed te exist. The thronge vîiting il repreisent-ail stations cf 1ifé-, from the ioodle te the wealthy merchant on amnal mandarin. It la with diffioulty that one gots inside through the crcwdseof people bsanging round the door. Those who have nos the nequisite number cf copper cash te procure th. baneful pipe watoh with horrible wistiulnese each cf the more affluent'puinluwltb a non- vous hurrled stop, or letton ent wear- ing that peculasr dazed expression wbich ornes after tb. smokon's orav- ing bas been sati8ded and.his transient pleasure hbu pase4 daway. On. re. quirea a stnong slomach 10 stand tb. sickening fumes with wbioh tbe air iu. sidie le îhickeued. The alcade cf amoke, th. d.im light from 1h. numenofls color- ed lampe, the numboes of iuclining ferme wlth distorted faces lient.aven the amallfiamouat wblch 1he pipes are light- sa cause the novioo a sic en pg seusa-. t a eo s h eobaoe Butsted10ionscoene l ueced tiact tm pe la gtel up o à n an en tuv.th psie. lu lime co n ie lever nom baugs eue cf the fineet cf Obluese lampa, the ceillug ila of ru'lby carved wood, wbiie the painted qalie are thiekly lulaid vith a peculiar rnaked marbie, whlch gives the ides cfnuofinisb- ed landecape skotches. Numereus doors on aIl aides lesadte thme Omokeo sipartrnts. Iu lbe enter portion-o tbe building stands a ocunter oovered witb littho boxes cf lthe drug reacly for spoking, wbicb a dozen aesistant.s are kopt busy ianding eut te lime servante whc wait apen the habitues of time place. 1The average daily receipta are said le be about £200. The smokiog apart- 1menti are divided iute four classes, Iu the cheapest are coolies, vime psy about 4d. for their arnoke. lunlime dssrest the e moke costs about 7d. The drug sup. i plied lu eaci clai lach h lesaime -both in quallty sud quantity ; il la Lime difforence lunlime pipes limaI regulates thIe price. The best kirade are mnade cf ; very, the item being often laid wltb is atones sud nendened more ooetly by oe reason cf elaborate canving ; lthe cheap- O6 est kindi are made simply of hardwood. ýd The roome sot are furnieimed accord- a- ing te cas. lInlime Most expoumiVe e lime louage apon wbicb the sinoker! r. 'y cllinelacf filue vslvet, vilh pilowsof le time samo matons1l; lime fnsmeî cf oeuh re coach are iulaid with momie-of-pearl re and jade, aud thé wboie air cf tlb.. rooeorislaone cf seosucus inxury. Thont n- is aie a nuniner of pivate roorni.I n- the pocrer section will b.smon mau, i: woarens of the tattered yeilow andi gra, he robes of Buddbisl sud TavisI priesta rid Womeu forin a fair proportion cf ti cm urokeru. Time commoli belief la th& 'Oe 1he opium sleep lu attended by a miii iv pleasursble delirium, withm bief glacs heocf Elysinin ; but Ibis lasime exception 1199 potl lie nuls. People umoke toi salisi et- the craving begotten cf proviens indu] 118 gence. Thon. ie accommodation fo as 160 amokeni ai a lime, sud thon. -ch seldom, a vaoancy veny long. Tb W. streain cf smokena goaie on frein ear cf1 rnrning 111 midnighbt, wben the pis De. closes ; lb. cloude ;f srncke go Up is 5 a . oeesssully ail day long. Un-. -________________ cf lich t o1 Ouret iterature. m Ail lovers cof the music-drama will b. le interested ln tb. Paper which Willia1m F. Âpthory, 1h. well-kucwfl musuie enltie, Winl centribute te Scrbner' Magagineoor lRovember, on "Wager I and Sceulo Artt," hich is to be fully iliustraled fromu th. 0 .ginal and Bay-. renth sketches. The November number of "The Popular scienoe Monthly", will contain 1h. fiflh paper cf "the Hon. David A. WeIr lo's dIosIIUon "The Boonomic Disturbacles ýi6ce 1878." In it Mr. WOWell Ihow that lncrema e ili- lies and cheapnesa cof nmatntUand transpoflIioU hbave been the oblef fadeor lmigprioe., while soarity cf goja LM ad uttitt e tdo with 1h. malter ; infaet,'1thst gold la nos soare, but la mcoeabmdnn4ltluproportion to, 1h. a.d f i, th~ s'u' ofors. The nollo on lb.eover Page c b Novembe? numbu cf Frank. Luslie'sl sund*ag vagasinoW.&joanal of refin., cdq ueftl and interesig liter&tluN-is wel a O cL lu, 1he. number. The arlaie, lng n4 hort, beau'th. *hrct.The seloS ilutras4d pape" natnrallj deiandtl h. fiut alletioDe "eitUandthie Vaia3a," by Mare Y. Valett», la ae îtrotîgm the iilusirations ic polre soln>e«recent diseovettea lu tcme. ,4E& phffip Bld. ney "bir Edinud4 Gosse,'wlth a pore trsIt ad viw's of -hiehome aI P60s- hunet, la a oharmti4 siudy. "AWa)à in th.o 'u'Qei,' gires alb Même .porle cf those . lufr.quente4a u4ad .1 ri la re :n ly by à e ly [Il ~is in. micuion bJy ne mea peo ak somaeo. mad out. g'u Dymsery Coruil la qm knowui to- the-poei ilable -for the cure et dirroe.crlping pains Iata. bas been used *ihgratfuirmls aisuromer complsIgt :èIhat wilI cure pli. os' desribe the alliance ,kuslnia aa d tnlà iyas in ion iigainfit Rusasa, sud Dnisua cf tSigner Ozbpîtjs Ms make-so, etténgly la, fi the diplomsia ave "Mlttie acbuld ufened fom a e ve ccii upon theing, ummlishe vas ike a li111e skleion beo e she took Bur- dock Blood Bittons aller whloh ehe became fat aud hearty,an was oured of weeh ugi, constipation ana debiiity or watiug of fleuL, from whioh two dootons b.d failed te ne- lieve he." Mn. Samuel Todd, Sturgeon Bay, Ont. Cardinal Tabheraudfinea wth thme Lieut- Gev. ou Satnrday. Thon. la no case of disease amoug Herses, aud Gattie whene "M.aud S." Powderu'an net cailsd for. sud by thein timcly adminla- tration will sve the lives cf msuy valuable animale. lu almoat centaniy yellow lever. National Pille are a mild purgative, acting on the atomach, Live and Botoel, removimg dl obstructioml. Extensive Cutomi frsais have been pen- potrated lu Oregon. Msuy cf the wonst attacks cf choiera morbus, crampe, dysenteniT, aud colic corne suddeniy lu the uight, sud the meut sp.eed. sud prompt mesus muat be used to ne mbtà bieii dire e ctI. Dr. ?owlers Extrat cf Wild Strawboerry la the remedy. Keep It ai hsud for emergencies. Il nover laLis le oure or relieve, Sir GLarles Tuppen srnived ilu Halifai Sunday. Wnm Baby vas siok, va gave ber CasOionS Wtien the vws a CbJld she cried for Catorî*, Whemm ahe became Miss h. clung to Castorla., Wl ho h hd Children. ah. gave them Ca&onla, OUF Coinlil Bilioim IMPW Mit Comp Dis )Pea. ie gula to 0f th e is eli". LITer. ow.bl m a mIOOd. Cures Headache. Cost- pgatil, Feame Camlttan sud BUM9 UuP ltme BYâtm. "For ycas pan 1 baye uufored from dy pepuls aud I vas roonmended to :; ZDr. h4dder's Comirwmd. 1 dia se sud feuud it a perfect cure." B. J. CURTIS, Tenonto, Ont. Sold evenvwhero. Price, 75c. DR. HODDBR'S COtTGffAN4D LUNG CU"Rn. "I_ %- - B T0BRNT.-Twe hontes, eheap for Muit- abl tnau4ppy to Telegrapk Office, NÇOW OPEN FOR BUSINBSS. DIRECT CONNEOTION S- The Commercial OCible o o. nei Baltimore & Obio TeL Co. The Postal Telegraph Co. And <dZ ether TelegraplzLime. Toseouro prompt cdispatch, use lb. C.P.Ry. Oe. Telegraph. OFFIOB il RloAsou's Block, near Market Square. l ý Il 3. r '4 FERCU Elas aWNd MERO CKadE anad Idweo 4( 5in Lond Thmis C cf Liesp Recuivel iablity, Ounmly. WM ifini thme undi 80ON atn Tweeds, ,na other fine linos of Gloths, for Sping suite. ÂAU garments m»Ae up ini latest style on shortest notice. Undepclothing of ail Klnd8. HATS3BHATSI HA-mýS LAteest ylesin Haerd and Boft Feit HatsVEYOA. JOHN I«'ji9 1 USLI'4 50ev l. ____________________Meand THE UMN IRDIRCINO., PROP RI ETORS, TORONTO, ONT. Doinion Lins of Royal MailTH B A ILA W RE O E -~ - Willn clebrate the event by a com pete revolutionlu the The mou daelibtfUlhandkerchlaf odor l in AA~ [~~outs Vunouver.. .-WeduesSept 141h. Colchester election ha& heem fix.d for Oc- * ~~ ~ Thuruda, "f XLnd bober 2Tth. S. D). MoLellan à z. ZPOcted tb *DTu ......911h. )PPM. the P otmtre" *a"- Toronto ....Thumday, Oct. 61h, prof. Lo'#" Magie Btdphtw B9«W Montreal .... ces3lm. i,ighly rmmauwflddjbr < a4 ~l mO75 *VaIOOUVer. TUMdAY, s h Mnd ski» dm"6 VaPccuver.e e~~~ reiin *~~ltVppr Oeo......... rma"a "291k. * n he oheot en Toronto............ 6............... Luf1h. L à »gu, arecred by Koitea........... .. ...... in ne' à n aum aovr..... dam&q 9Oct. 9M1. usina AllewsBristol Service for ÂvODmoiI1hDok Spain la busly senaing troopeforweird to Wely milngf rom Montrel.L - Ilorocco. L AIE8 or SL E.OB Mi , to 180 The "Royal" fiavcrln< extrada are ab&sc ..eaagte aeo at Lutely p0Z. cabi'4,18,Steaga lw maurice gtrakosch, 1h. great ImpresariOPsaap.reuembak at iMontrealIf Penn Dais'Pain-iUes a à dlarrhoe sud Dye »iYrme4ly medon "Ue aa. The alliance betweefl ultnia, 11517 »a, Germany v»" made lfive Yeau*, For Bificie Disordter sudÂolid Stomaeh, Caià pbeW8 thartieMUCcompound lu rY, hi MaPetobam eqlMsu a worm msdloeê Bu W04 sud seel l doost peaO U. nos chOiera jet pnealtib iùinoWS Han ued of t coruS canneS wlbalaud1 HdUoway',9Cern Cure:It in effectuAi el time. Gel a botte aI ,once aud-b. happy. PnintMetu l NevYerk ara Sou tdlWke, Fruwi58 orm PowdA'I *W,"f if abie td Wk, ' and o.p.3 <aU Ii o wormfrP'5 hil41on sO? , a4 - suoarr oeteOil QrSoL=~PUR- 'utile ORC e. q . B fLndPlte,an !n and Lpol.anosire m ie à C om paeny. il » eopsyice s .verydesl*slefo m osoe Tes ha.~eoIew1 ïGoneral in approved 'Cama8iaeii es over 0100.00 for each 0100.00 cf, thug afordiug ABSOLVUTZ se- so deisirous cf asuning theirlivefl id it te their, advsutage, tc( ousuli onslgned belons aasuring elseiheÃ-e. JOHN - FÂBQUH.&ELON i PATE canlecU!ePalnîî time asmetenus au ratentS -TS.I Oolored, Diner st, oordTe. and colored OChamber sets,à tal given'wy stckf euthie: New. Pstterus "an,..,tyles t seleêtfromn. -Rmmer t We ead thetrade lu ra Geris W i #:FrHghet'price Pa] Ejggse aud farmexe Bac p1eue Cali udè0 corda e - 4 g * v. y -. r,' t * *'S4:~ j Xrpcas, layli >r hundned. -OFFIOR., LL" 1 cherd for icl, Onat. STABLESf Y E REL L, '221OUTS it DEÂIMG. Se~o The Grea t FOR, THE N:EXT .30 DÇAY.IN s g' sumý,RIL ABRANGUMBST.. 1 d3ATT.23dri IMAMMIZ 1 1 ý - t- -. - ý à RW 1 JOHN FBIRGVU-80]Ni Ae ovtreatnientbâ ioïmaedwheey.a dsaela absouteiy Blo( Scotch, dan keaonotintefeÃwth sont free on recept of staMp b TO&NTs a, AA 1 ýd W aenam, &Lfoverpool su Co.anh FALL SUITc, 4 à 0. & JOHN General Agen Y,, ]gay 18,'86. - -li RJES rer laints Lenees ---.--00 and Canadit ElngUsh 1 Dmd" Btý'Dv WMtl>Yl