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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1887, p. 5

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IGLIE , o WAIHE -A.ND- pENDANT SET. and Hlunting in the newest Opetyl"5ýof GOLD and SILVER CASES. -2 7~.c mrEJa For Ladies. ever seeil rfect cid«t ýxpected to buy- jplease ail Qiir it. -flow far we, itically examin- risig %ders in Priceo vç marked every COLU M Ne 3LA UGITEI. r ou.stom - wr are )È lin-esat - R PRICES r to do this tha a neit summer. ' shoeo! a-sippera! iren s tan colored or- wearing -gooda, for Bargains f edsome a] the Most -hborhood. & Co., ESTO. Large, extra strong Watches in Dust-Proof Cases f or mn Ail Grades cf WA LTHAM land ELGIN Movements in Stock. J..BA RNAIIRD BROOK ST., WHITBY. OCTOBER l4th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, PlIAT 18 BOING ON IN AND AROIJND TOWN-A BUDGET OF LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED Dy CHRONIOLE REPORTER8 A 3hIelsa amang ye, takin notes, An' f aiM he'U prent it. MR. TUL bas a nov plate glass lu bis show viadov. 1Tax grounda cf th. Coliegiate Insti- tut. are te bo eniarged. OAPT. Fisaxai, et Tornuq a groat favorite iu this towu, 18 te -conduet the Salvaticu Army meetings next Sunday at thoin barscks ber.. Out stony Ibis veok iO a very poor one, havlug been vnitten by tbe fight- iug aditer. But il will maka -the read- er'te blood run cold. Bo fer Ibis qeason 1he price. efbarley las mn s littie higher than lest year. The shortage jese great, hovaver, that the saine amount cf monay lu het like-, Iy le be pald out. 1Èoa soea ime past parties have beau stealing and cannying off lumben froin Mn. O. Jobnsou's Inuber yard, sud tbis week OMiet Joustable MeBrien bas boon waîching fer thain. Tley have kept sway se far, but le expecta te coller tbem yal. Ruxaxua «"Y. old foike" concert iu aid oif lh. W. O. T. U. free neading recin te be beld in the Musc Hall on 1h. evening et Octeber 2111 at 8 o'oloek. à dravlug rocin et fitty y.ar %go wvil b. ropresented sud mi il b. given by meu snd voxuen cf ibat pêaiod. The piano lu usa thît evenlug bous aan age et oue hundn.d jearn. Admission 25 sud 86 cents. WE vwanicotrrepondente et Audlay, Gieu Major, Broughaman sd Kineae, sud ve vould hike our other oorrpspen- dents te vnite ottn suMd avester. If notbiug coeurs-te vnrite about mû.e up something. If they live lnunsua a poor looality thatit i i mpossible te mile up s lie about il, va advtmathémn legiva sway vIat lIsy lave sud -go v.esl. Oome, wbocper.up, boy@, .ac ins, avary veek. IT ig vonderfl 1ev an induelnlous mn u au gel bold cf s largetraie. Two on ibm.. yoarego lit. J. Molnlyr slarted bauin uthis lewn and le- day it keepm hlm f.inly b bklgis ecek te gel lis ordo"ns Moi. Thls -<ai hoebu sold sud el up tiréneen ot bIe Pesa. futaie. lb"o, vhieh le tle largest sboviug mais by mn"Y ageut outeidaetfTorgulo. H.Se ime publ abig tInde l ineovos EA" l ivo advertisemeuts smd «Uand m i bisîl stock. %1 Au the lime.ton muidy roteiearrve the bsrley begins, le peur ln. ,Iiib wack's raeis pourO ai o ' upon lb.h raids until lunoeuy placesipedsto in tb. Middlaefth#le luoresud ou Prida&y sumilurîybI a ala reu- Iaisi ttb.bor III. bthe*8&me styu'YserMdmotaune et he , fruets apoken teoip aooouattfor tle <ast ibs <taindc. ose corne ,lu, lulange qua- tihiesutil lhmIo lbls oe. und. eu- lapa the farinera ffgo-hlms ieloffse autil lbe naîin coes.'aid sào tilon TEE habennaitehaoi, aid good mélny otbensMénde Ob tiIpto Pl*iuq*tt o pmad.7nigît wipated the, fis hrimt 1 home fetial ii tsetbM o4lb*Ur 84 à gresi mmay oehr. ,hnv le bould do bûi de'b.' tdp de--1otiro.. .te--.Um 2irwe#- NG IT là 1&417,ba t" en* v f;MW lM t» table of the MUIdud6nad Ttmuk,, on th. 6omnpleticu cf the nov hmcabridge i P.terbao will effeet sorm. extensive changes in *h. trin serI... Tn dati ud sedetofI a test expresv Ml ruhon Belleville viai peterborosma lndsq OrToronto sMd rotura.Thé e alexpfsu u l mi une Dowi 1esye eteroumoi dà via Port Ho0pe. The OUclit i rau straighithrough freinPort Hope te vii 1ev. Lndsay ai6 or 6.80s. m. rsohing Tornot I9»8or W10. m Llasy yulb. lhit 1 4"d' 1er Moui" mon, irportaai .1baitioow,. Ti:n . 'é.u*I -Un. o aut rgemnt ike t lt force, bu in-5l~fqnost 1o r Oë '¶f spired." IN another columi y' pub"*~.m~ mutioulinà hmktý KJ. oDrd4 tellepe*.O 1311 -Mi-~ 71&. pars0" ai .G ae A osgment of Loiîls-ans lo#tery ticket vsseised et St. Thomas on Saturday. The tickets veon oonsind bo a lcttery syndicate thora. BiA»M a U. Jno. Dehart's advenuie. ment of à tarin 10 rouI in the 7th cou- cession, township of Whitby. If -ycu wani torouI a farin go mud se. Ibis one.. The effeet cf usina the mail machine in tovu may b. sman aI Ibis season cf the year. The turupikes betag alniee. ly roand.d -up there -are ne water- ponds te bu een. A numbeir cf boys vote brongbî b.. fore Police Magistrate Harper on Mon- day uight for pelting another boy witb missiles thrown frein catapulte. The magistrate ict thein off with 'a severe reprimand. THEE Ladies Aid Society , f St. Andrews churoh propose holding a grand harvest home festival the firet wesk in November. It loto be a fruit festival The date.sud particalars ire net yet deoided upon. Wî uanderstand there is to ho a grand cobool entertaiument corne lime soon to present in a public manner the ban- ner, modals, cups, diplomas and 0cr- tifloates von by Institute pupils Mu their drill exeoises during the year. On Wednosday morning lb. Misses Haotob, and Mesers. Fred Hatcb, 0-cc. Boss and -e. Martin left banc for Madcc toceclebrate ihe marriage cane- mony of Miss Ooe, lateocf whitby 10 Mr. Fred Hastch. The parties had not retnrned when ve vent 10 press, con- sequently ve have ne particulars. Tax Oober number of the Ecluca- tional Mont hly is really worth the whols year's subseniption cf 81. The several subjeots discussed in Ibis one numbar aloue covar a good part of a teaoher's vork as wels bringiug up oqually s tmany mattos of deoided intarest 10 aIl friende cf common ceuse tbeonies in' education. TEE Lindsay Wardc6r bas been «u- larged sud i@prpinted- on a splendid naw pness. W. are -mach pleasedto hear of our northerun Aoighbors pros- pcrity, and hope ho vill bunt up aH the cpicy items cf local neye, in order that ve may ':e able te soteal soins veekly to put iniunr budget froqm Lindsey. M»s. JAS. 0p]RMLSoI Ibis tevu sud Mr. Robert OamnpbelI *ber son, by a pieca of good luck eseàped being on lbe train vbicb met wxtb lhe awfut diseter near Obicago ob- Tuesday nighl. in vbioh ona train ran in10 another aud botb ver. burned villi ovon thirtypu- engers. The Oampbells ver. returuing frein Missouri sud laid over for on. train longer Iban lhey lied intended to, otharwise tbey would have shared tbe disaster. Tait Sunday sobool choir oftheb.tber- nacle gave a very fair concert on Tues- day nigbt, but did net bave a large audience. Thera vas lots cf singiug by many combinations formed frein the choir, s reading by Miss Minnie Powell a recit&tion by Mn. T. A. Sebole ansd viella dustis 1> Memm. Warner and MeGovan. Thes. latter caus.d terrifia sud determined eneores. Solos vere sung iu a meut acceptable mauner by Miss Sarah Brown, Miss &unie Morris, Mr. Ale%. Wilson aud othans, snd duelis, quartette sud choruses ver. sang by se mauy people that w. oonld not ramena- ber &H1 Iheir naine. île baudsffetue c ga en a 0Il 6rcIre e.Bstl. lSitjlea descnriptlea wadra ose as ecoer Ouni habif tfteoy, ad O ouote teiowu .tasle. TIers lmprobably no theuIl Iaiwaatb.d.iç e-hold bIs~ cr voeaeoyla bhê og but th.tbe* ueuàaanp4Ã"s le... lu'amm' , 0 *ho »-wio me-viïe 74 F In FÂLL GoDS. '1887. WeIreaginin the'front with IIew Siyles. We showthe -fineat assortment in W!nter Proais'Goods iu ail Colo'ra. New German-Plaids, 'Costume Clothe, cnaCloth, Princess Cord, etc. New- Plusheà,- New Velveteeno, New Brf*i, 'and N4ew Triminga . mi.ANTLE Faland. Vi- vteher le put up a smalIwýood steve the' veethar slrongiy fa'vonlng ceaI aboves nid furaaes. Dox'v forget ven y ou vit î»y auotloujmae bus 0 a a hIs1eoffie for ibèm. Look ai the bilae pnintedl by ns sud compare Ibem in vili ose you cee frinm other offices. We are not afraid 10 have bur vork compared vill others. The public exhibition in, Toronto of ivo Sncb Callothenie classes sa those cf' Guelphi sud cf our Colegiate Institut. bas borne immediate fruits., Several gymnasuuinsbave been opened for the Ieachlug cf calistbenios te girls sud aQ are fllliug up rapidly. W. did ne& tbink Toronto hadl anytbfng te leamu frein outside tevns. MiR. Jom (0. JàmiEsoN, brother cf Mn. B. R. Jameson cf this tovn, publishes s card to-day sboving ihat ho is agent for tbe Homuans plan cf lite assurance as criad on by the Fedaral Association Oo'y. of Hamilton. Mr'. Jamoson is a man Who bas held good positions lu Sootland sud should-be able te carry this popular plan hoer. AT a special ýmeetin2g Of the tOwu eouncil on satui-day nighl, ou motion cf Beeve Smith, eoonded by Deputy- Roova Rulledge, il vas decided to sink a lvalve-iuoh pipe frein tle nontb-aast corner cf King's tannary &long Green streol te Outerioestreet sud lIeueesst te the nailway Inack. This le exsotly vbat vas recommeuded by tle Board cf Heaith, sud Mr. Chas. Kiug ia to psy $100 tev'ards the proposed vork, sud aise bud a c.s: o preveut any colid malter frein ontening ile drain., Wn hbave received A letter Ihis veek slgued "EBnquirer," but vitb ne othar naine enclosed, asking us te auswer a numbar of questions regarding the by- lave recently psseod grsnting boans te manufacturers. Thon.e au b. ne cbjeo- tien te ausvernug these questions, sud as a maLter of coartosy v. shouid h. gisd te do se ; but wheu a conelderable amount of troubleansd vork irinvclved we "hik the enquirer should seud lu his naine. Sunoly or correspondent muet bave more confidence lu oun methode cf figuring than be buasnlu r honor as journalista wvIe sould not betray the vnit.r of * letton "Enquirer" viii please send lu bis nains. Tbe 73rd regular meeting cf the Wbitby Oeil let Litenany Society vas beld to-day Oct. l2tb. The principal Mr. Embr»e in th. clair. After the Soretany read the minutes the follov- ing programme vas rndered:-I1naug- urai addrees, President Webster; Ins. Duel, Mimses Fimansd Hem ; Read- ing, E. A. Gregory ; Song,' Miss L.- Wood. Througli tha meeting Ex-Pneu. dent Groanvood was »Rled to the plat- fotenand addresed the meeting lu bis useal vity style. The followlng is the prognamme for nei Wednesday Oct. l9th:-Piano Solo, Miss Jaunie Almond; Address, Mr. 1Embre ; 8ong Miss May Pringle; R--diug, iss .Montgomery; Vocal olo; Tha MissesKoor; Recits- tion, Miss Jarnett; Chenus, Boy's Oc. touse Club; Reading, Frank Johuson Song, W. H. Greenvood; (3borus, 0-les Club. Taxi directon cf tlB. S. .A. Sooiety met lu tevu on Salurday tl U tle ail appeels sud te vuid upneaffairs genera- Iy for"hlyeer of grecm They ex- pressed thenselves as moretIen pleas- ý e;l yu Ieli.ehiiio lie rA1* .- mi EILINyE, "I? We are now showing the Leading- and Correct' English can Styles lu Rats and Bonnets, etc. MEI ITTrs y Frencli and Amen-« 0LT~I~G An'unlimited choice of designs and patterns lu Tweeds and cloths, afford the greatest satisfaction in secur ing styliali garinents, perfect fit%-v and styjiali cut guaranteed. We excel in Nobby Overcoatings, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings and Stylish'Pants. New Ties, Scarfà, Coilars, Shirts. and Undeiroilotig a No ,DEVERELL'S BLOCK, Gý-LÂJSG3-O w J- B}IOOK STIREET, WHITBY. w -AREEEbjlQTTJsEm C1~MI~BETa Coinmencing at once .and continuing day by day until the whole stock is disposed~ of. Parties ini want of Prese18 Goode, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Tweeds,:. Coatings, Cloakings. Ready-made clothing ini Men's' Youths' and Boy's, Tweed Suits. Also a large stock of Mono' Y ouths' and Boys' shirts and drawers,. gray- flannels, shirt- ings. Several cases of Men's and boys' wool Box, Womens', Girls' and childiens' marina hose at HTALTF PRICE. Parties in want of Goods will find- at- this sale they w-ifi.lé'b able to get goode at one-third leas than the usual. price, as the whôle stock must beL oleared out by lat January, 1888. We offer this Real Eistate by Tender. PÂRCEL No. I-The Double shop known as -the GLASGOW WÂREHOtJSE; whereý we have done such a large business for' many years. *PA.RCEL No. 2-PÈart of Lot 7 and 8 on the Baise Line, Pickering, co"taiming244 acres first-class land, two dwelling houses on the premises, the barns- are al nw wt atone stabling, weil fenced and watered. PÂRCEL No. 3-Part of Lot g3, on the second concession, Whitby, Containe 651 acres, choîce land. The buildings on the- place are ail new, built 6 years, alwel fence PA.RCEL No. 4-Pasture field contau*nig 3j acres weil fenced, directly west, o f"On tario Ladies' Coilege gate. PAUCEL eo. 5-Vacant lot between Ontario Bank and Ontario block, on - Brook str-fwi$h rigkt-to use- both wallsinorth*and south. PÂUE o.6 -Vacntlot eaat of the -Engliali Churcl on unas street7< Tenders for the real estate will. be received to let January, 1888. No tender neces-. sarily accepted. For ternis apply to R-EP J A E~HL LIVING CURI -IN,,OTIR STOIRE BU T- WE- HAVES DEAD COME AN A very. choice assortment ordered Mantles and Jac)iets, botter gazmnents entirely tailor- miade, correctly cut and flnished, assuring an appearanme not approached by any other tailoring establialiment in the country,_ DS loods 0 in Pei CLOTUS -AND IJLSTERINGS6 ice. Do as 133rob IZO, ' 1 - 1 1

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