seDeopre country p -roi tl ed to. v office, Whltby. 1887. 4 ur tiw book, ag or, Ma-vois cf thm fu anti grapbhe. ýs woudeItul la ey beý in .the world oi .7 ùIOa.Venscontainh,» on landi anti .se , the werld'a grests ad xemukrabie eh...s alm et nature. En.. ysclfeaturesoif 1h. La,. birtis, Insectç, etc. 'ription oL, tAtbs w ceau a, anti of th. ;nîters oft theDn and plants, singI>ia .a te world etotf s ,,;r 14p, 3-m. at. bie tdby L X ut madigea lun.4, e that will noteaslly Vxi laut much long4m ps care bas beOn takes Lmch as possible. 1 mit it 'te parties vaut. ,eewingmaebih&e. It Vhte's some menthe ratisfaction. UAJOR HARPER. b7- of the White Sewing y 1 eunt uily endom t: can fully room.. ta a ta*ily sewlug or repaira han am badà n hir10 hAJOR AP . iheapeat, &antila thé- nt for tis District, iSON loch for glour I SUITj rS,, -. S UITS, FiCHETIÇSU] Le ail, and zoo HISON. TES, &gent,Du4ao.s RoiqNew.naoiSU atfe Besrieno-. tra. ieUS WILLIAM. 15nfow pre aring for genera useo j.te ôc lb.eattention of your readeva 10 whaî I have ý,qdthe. ampaigotr'B Cern- fuse during ôr receeding a woiixiaj ea alpaigli. ureka jà a gweelpresaionfer thie unique asili.gotifor any s"e nti behalf of any party, I care ciwhat political bebalf lhe orator b.. Il je ntended for Immediale w lik a bol Of dry plates On an aer phoographie tour, oniy thst D îg aore on ahe principle of th. Or- mett, wiab frein 5OO te 5,000 tunes ked wÎt.hIlt ready for use. is in1tend ed to b. worked oasily où eà 9 rear platforcu cf a epecial car, snd abselUtely prevents repetition or 1h. applicatiefl ot local gags. Every speaker of any importance lia C samore or les from whaî May je Wiled ahO misplacetigag, suob me > ishegrave of a veli.knovfl ilember of Gongresa in th. vroug untry or awelling up wfth parýdn oit prîde over large soap worke in a drail îovn flfty miles away from th. oncwbere Ibey reaily are. &Hl these tbinge weakeu the political poesibili- gaof great men snd bring cnurnel>' opcn ahe party tbey represent. RIS GREAT BORINE. My idea je te arrange a sort of Or- 'OnetOou the rea platform ofthtle car, to ho operated by steaxu conducted from 11be engins by iLeans of pipe. lb. conrivance to b. entlrely eu% et ighu, under a neai liîI4laepresd matie cf th. amerioali fiag. Behind ibis au emin- ent man may stand with hie hand sock. et iito the brestt f hisfrook ocat neari>' up to abe elbow, andi whieh bis bosoin *welle with partionable pridetheii en- gineer turns ou eteamn. Previonsi>' the privaae secreaary haà ineerteti a speech ' Iepaed n putýedpaper. fnrnishet y n d i nthat special aewn adshowing a degree cf familiarxty with h at neighborhood which would vin ah. suaire adoit population. Bahut th. machine th. engineer speaker waves Lo and frm, sunpiy mak- ing ah.egpelures snd shutling off the Steam witb bis foot whenever abere je a maniteit demire on tbe part of the au- dience te-applauti. I a&m baving over five buntireti gooa Oue4IiRht bovua prepared in Ibis vay, anud, if il would net take op too muai ai yomr epso.e, I "nil 1k. 10 give boe oeespeech, illustraauug my ides anW showing lb. plan in brief, ahougb witi each machine 1 furnish a litt1e bool "'EVERY MAN RIn OWN DEXOSTRENES. Tisi bock telle exactly boy le wori the. Carnpaiguer's oompanien anti maki r il aixost a plessuro te aspire le office I have obesen as an illustration1 speech s ibl bave bsd prepar.d Jo Asheville, N. 0., but aIlI he otherOan equallv s pplicable sud apropos. s8es taia&H beariuge ar eie oled before yen start, espeoially poliU cal bearinga. Se. liaI Ie crnk î jusl tight' *nough, vitboul being tei tiglit, audaiso that lbe journais do uc g lo& - ot.)fÂseile , tains yl do vol!l entui of e 70 coltages santir he bmito meudi tbrougli bis vhuskers. Ashovillola beautiful spot, viierea poéri couic!pi iu a higbiy .jyb.sie, l nicking- aloug 1h. Svsibtana lrca the day end tla o .ovonng villa-Pin Levy saI bi boo.ounlugheber c lu tbe aloamlng. Notblng eau'pou bly b brlIllmger Ihant. hburtPiu teo era ba r m c!luhu eo bU cah Tm £NU*L RAXNPA lier. la40.2' tachesvbÎI A- mékl tobaccomaa ori ca.b" hdo v Ten mU,. aw" .y etahm cb g~an.sdo kheato. Para » oly a nue. %wa w it lamme uýIouudig on baend far ai the e e .osa rasol. The.7rm Bar Bsmwbtbés your feet OCn i ightsud tbe sun seeti 5%üa,< wil !las bount<IJoaw4re of rhoW* tirons, sioèho. p aglu oo no»t oth«er d x 4uS Isof1 ll alitude. of 6,M *-1W s"d asm uinufai t5.8Ipohu, if bI W o miles distan tfle Lê** EssHaOY- Bear, mat of s. tomu ih.o combe omtS #M ".heountry, T~M Tour farm abuà s»1144 ta heartbum 1osreansd Bnauolal esMo. gouey.Rr. Raud lph&Hnt eau do yIo u 11ob p iuli g fo r yo , s d lb . Oýtien aud %t À 0oewil ive you the nova. You are on a gootiUne, of railroad and! 1like your air Tory muoli aid. frein tbo a*rja1 plyed by your home baud. certiI on have lher.'the makiug of a great City. You have pure air enough boe for a city four limes your preaent eux., sud aithougli I have seeu most aIl 1he Switqerlanda of Aineriea, 1 thiuk that -Ibis i. ini every way prefer- able.- Peopi. who are in searcli of a Switzorland of America Ibat eau lie relied upon wilI do well 10 lry your lown. And -now, having touched upon every- thing ef national importance abat I cau think of, I will cloue by telling you a litIle aneedote which will, perbapa, illustrate my position better than I could do it in an>' ohher way. (Bore I insert a humerons anecdote which ha. ne sV>ecial bearing on the politioai situation aud during the ensuing' BELL Nni. ÂSOiabiDgModesty. THE ÂFFEOTING RISTORT 0F OLI> BOB BURGESS, 0F F&RGO. I notice Ibat olti Bob Burgesa, et Fsrgo, bas lugo me way goI himseol lu a local paper, snd says :-Ibave neyer madtie .succese luilb.he nd thal msny mon bave, oviug te uMy vaut ut confidence in mysoi anti nabu- rai reserve." Mr. Burges e righb ; bis diffietiec sud sbrinking xnodeely have &Hail sag rather held lin tievn. Wben ho first began business in Da- kola b.osut Up as a lawyer ana boan agoni. Bi@ naturai rcerve causet i hm let charge 5 per cent. a month intereil sud torecloso morigages beter. Ibey vers due, aud a 'tigilane oxaimittee cf farinrachasot i hm acrois the ceunI>' line on a mun. Then bis vaut uf cônfitienoe in hum- self began ho show isueif. Be vent te soliciing fire imsuranee-hie abynees kept hlm frein everytbing eeat lie didln'i moceeti v er> el even in Ibis emiuently quiet anti retired pur- suit. Re guI droppeti oui cf several bigla bnudings, kicketi ever mbtce latter pari ot sevoral veka hèno., anti reeru ev Whou be'd bave 10 jnmp a fence anti kick ouh bock ai a dug sud ' satter biauk applications sud 11111, tin bousesaignsa&ùlover the yard. Be Sgava up inaurano. aindientereti on lb. Ssubdu.d ite utfligbtning rod "Lut k e <ut along botter vllb Iis-more1 suited to lits modesi and quiet tasbos. Ho weuld drive up le a fsrmer's bouses ,k Whonulie vasaway freux home anti ,e put izhtning rodaem&l over lbelieuse, e. anti bay-barn anti chieken-coop, sud, a Wellonse. Be voultput 'em onthiol or to.. Wbme b. tniqieedfariner trova î laBo th. yard lie oul t iinla bis builti- mnga loohet i bke porcuplue. S Bob said lie va a scieublut, aud ihat holi ha tioe that tl iting vas îj different thon il uaed'le b., andt hs1 il e out usala akdovu te r.zouf unies. It tb. pointe ver. mlghiy lblick. He claimedti aiho, b <pithb.building prop- ,d eri>' covereti vilb bis rude ilial a thun- derclouti volt iooka over lb. brov of the lhi anti thon go awa>' off arpund by th lb.crel andthIbmreti adbooI-bouse rosti R nidsati Ial lhebati aeu ligbtinu en strike at bic bouse anti thon boul liku or a plgundér the gte andgo otaorosslthe ,.pature end over end oieungune he soi 39 like a boy afler angle,-verme. ne vaa g. ivays Coing lu gel a balloon soin. day le antitala. uneof lhe ligbtuiug.rotie su o. go up among lb. céloute and Make Ibe a eleelicily beg fer menoy. a. Wbohou thefmer go bome and a4w an bis buildingsal brWsIet i p be vould dr som016"e béglu te avear. -Bat oLd *Bobueariy alvaya kilosed hi= mInt ~~> psymg. If lt.he a-mm nI sy, th veu!bave hlm arresteiMefo btinius ilgblulug-ctia »de fais. prte... It Idonldo any good tolaw a dlog #A Ur' bomneto *6 i b.bouse; ha vould sur etab thed- ogan!run a rod up ear its Sdead body. One. d1yhheaodab-mam ut .ay hoa*»going to bulcà aboue. on k. .omq lant haoeo4, &aah. ont mit theb- lb. meneeoolas bey vouli bv OP' ha if lb.y bu Canobnldtas. H ai. madtbthe ~y for - titea» te. -Hn ntoi4 him Z6 oo d put, ls buldk4 as 8-aroitiijdorthe ârda. fEnmal seau anti Thon iho g<utheb. ageoy for, 6 work oulilleai The Gisat Safrouly or, >*oof Ibat non BuflerWoolb Alphabet»udwQrked soveral lowne Ior il and had bouli legs brokeu and, ot bis riht oye. Re ehrauk from Ibis aslcom o oà lag- ion and yent ho sellinir rat trapu, lova' harpa, pillowohain boîters, esap rocipos, misfit'fais. îoeth, aud other paient rights. Theo ho vent desling tinsali to prevent lampa frein .xplodings whloh would also burnonou etoveplpos ; furul- ture polieli patent bird seed,upure for game ecke non-explouive roof pat, recipe for reoo'ng fiy epeoke froin oeil- ing, alto freekiese; Every Man Hie Own Bore. Rejuvenalor," a tiandruff anti scalp reinoveà r, receips for canning b.rrmgR, and' "Hait boure witb rats ; or, Olti Bob Burgesi.' Rat Beooer andi Geuerth Vermine Victimisier." Andihosoit a&l the8e thinge and matie money anmdtnev h. ihinks ihat ho would hav e suoeedeti botter if ilbhai flot been for his natural reserve and ut ni confidence in himeelf.-Ohicago Tribune. Mr. Geo. Tolen, Druftist, Gravenliunut Ont, wrzte& "My custemerswho haveu;ed Northrop & Lyrnan's Vçgetable Dlsoovery an4 Dyspeptic Cure sajy that it hi~s done, them more good than bantblng they have ever used." It hb. indeeti a venderful in- fluenoe la purifying the bleod andi ouring diseases of the digestive Organ, the Liver, Ridneys, ana &mildisorders of the systein. Tamarac là an Rlkzir Carefully pr.pared by an ex- perienced cheit, aith the weil-knowD Tramarmo . the fiindamental prineaple, ana ail the other ingredients in is composition are of the purest. andi boit acalated te re- lieve aIl classes ot Ceughs, Colts »adLung troubles. Menu. Putzam and Angeil, Secretary Bayard'a oceadju'tors on the F"MeryCern misaion, are in Washington ýonsultingwitl the Secret-ary. Stop lu Continuai hawking and %pftting oause by permanentlY removedbyNasa Daim. The oft-reported demise of the Sultan e Meoce ha. not yet taken place. Mr#. Mary Thomparon, of Tovoto, ,vaa afflict*id wUih 'ape Worm 8 fm. of which wo removed by on$ bottl of Dr Lawv'* Worm Syrup. Petroteum u flowing s0 fuit troin the welI st Baku thatit à tlouig the town. I i f e 6 s Psy are the reniedies whese beneficialJ qualities anti reai meritu bave muae go Wepular with the. publio, and Inceeset rm yearle yYer theïr consumption Wh"c, ,wulst psuessing the .Most valuablerem- eaalD"nnrtjoa»aryei eceiîmple in Iheir om nr, and 8se eay bu take a. lb. Quin - tie Win,prepsr.d by Northrop 4 Lymmn et Teronto. This aicle in Prepareti roni th. pure Suiphate et Quinine, oombîneti vth fine sherwV Wine, and cheioearemation which relieves th. Quinine etf lis bitter haste,- ant oe aci impair lu the leaside. = the emfoaoy oe t is ation %)On thep. t; hile umali doges, feualy rpet ed airengthss th. pulse, insausse msna terce, lani nvigorate the toue -of lbe uer- voua sysiexuMdati ias, Iay lb. gena vigo wbloh il lampant, ceates an appebte, vbioh gives ithe ciomach tom. antdenerg, Mdt fortifies l b. systexu aginsi ail infect- lous dimease. Ask for Northirop &:à ymuuln Quinine Wine ; moItiby aiU dmug its. Italaxipreprator the campa Maaowa ae ativlypromeedng. aI Bcsoou'sMULSIoN Or C»n ravencx. OM e mmiopasPHxTzs l inti aUil o rlilt vn. Ib inat anupelor te plain Cod' LiverOil, pab1e anti ea.iy tilgabet Dr. Martin ie Stanton, Dur>' Bucks, Lnion&, aux- lanti, lya: "1 have preseibeti Beots ahi., efficient, and eau b. toler&W db>' al- most an>' One peeli>' vien cti livmr on lit casul h borne. Put uain lu50c and 01 "i..1 Themeetin4u othe Inb.z-Provineou- n fernoe atQuibw ea» to' b. open ho lie The sasnu t eof rtantim -summer- ddu ins Ilte imé;viten lb. vorat tfo f choiera mrinsandi boveli Oumpitel .3er]Cprevalb. AaaeuriD.P ['a XxhraoetfWild Slravhazy houiti h keptast baud. Pur 80 yeesra1jIt bau hee .é mout rolla"eremei>'. Lord Duaravn =anthelb.LondonSpeeta-. tur bave mbeu opng up prasésfor b. canadian maloule - F 's T 4PI~ Gxi!flTT~D! A A ~ tJ~I~.f ~ AMA~ ~. E E GOOD TWEED. SUIT A A A A CONSUMPTION CURE». #Svabtn Wplasea i ithantiA b>' mi Ra IN ma ,n.wr Ibe m ~mnk se à mai AT pBEIESNEYER BEPORE BZÂOHED InqT13T=&DIS. L. Goo0d Sui*t made to Order for $12.00, larg stock of Scotch, English and (lanaian Twoo da, Black Worstods, eto.,.to sélect from. Speofal Uino of IIEAYY. TWEEDS from 50 to 75 centq per ya, suitable for Business Suite or Boys' wear. 1?FULL STOCK 0F GROCERIES« ALWAYS ON HIAND. 'Uighest market price paid for Butter and- Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT._ F RNLT UIRE Cottage'o rCaà stie, -AT PRICE8 WHICH WILL ASTON18H YOU. CALL ON WM. HULT). £BIOOKIM. J "Funerals Fully Supplied-:" Wbiýtby Woo'llcnmis MidZway beiwëen Brooldin and 'Columbus, on tii. 7th Concession. We are now prepared to m*4e alkinds of Wooilen Goode, suoh as Tweeds,' Ful Oloth *Union F lalnels, Sheeting, hitug Ail-wool ýbed Ylankets, Horsel Blaukets, and YarZ ns iail- varieties andailn kinds of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the acocommodation -of Dyeingin aUl colora doue to order. ' Hihest price paid for any -quahtity of Wool. Ail orders promptly fiLUed. w*De BOWEIMA N 80N . A mai h t-.oE y etcbn- rrrzu ofebleMd md ulcerate, becomlng veryoe ocnnetur lniWd 4 S~W~AYNC'S OINTMENT> 4 tos the itcing and b.eed$n9, lal ulcerîtionmdi~ 17e w n'tmany Casesremoves ok AVent Caus:e, of Bunan. Miie voelunta*y Eieswean Impcl.n M ros Doimelht',atilimeci lOIitSff tc marrag goei';Oolit ntikIon, dpieyti mtiter wbarlbis nouti an itr, u bis et- mirbleLeue l rlv"ysand raial et l-au ehoefe povea bo rm o viteu"daer uw suin I=sa l optos bouies inl*uae t rnex cor iale polnIULget eRWeturAe aI oce cei 41ici ve> sffrO, i maiter 'viaiB Od to qb,~ DR.D AROADE, TORONTO A Se"ohoowhoogbly Reqpped tfor Duuue BOOK-KEPIG7 BHRH AN D TYPE FW4EST -R( "odfor Or..Âda >IG il " Old TU» Favorfte,