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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 1

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TI-ITBEy Wth calm Printed words, gteat thoughts, snd untlrint industrys adoaWPeace. Progreso, Kuowledge, Brotherhood. VOL* ices. acke Lnke~, ED8, over- ftts' ilbe no 'SDÂY, layse EEP.' patrons ta i have been cielas Scli4, or quire up1> Ã"on those te. tusie for 10e. ok.) Fssh- GoodesnÏ e large new ii advante 6 ir.Âmorisn. WHITBY.' vluabl eiuaU adON sudsa La. -9) -O' XXXIe Established 1856. IeLcadlng Weekiï In Ontario couty1 SUBSOLUPTION RATES. $1Per annum in advanae-0 ether- ,s.Subseriptions are alwayu payable at èW officeof publicationl. Stsam oquipment and bat fuindhed Book and Job prlnt.lng plant ini Eastern qntgrio, capable af exeanting ail clams.of vo ra rm the large poster ta the wmallest hmn4bgXL Specla mention ia made of the ,08gwpasoed pree f acilities of Tm CIMON- lg&l, with its aelebrated N. Y. Cattrell 0yllnder resa and other modern conveni- suffl. Every erder receives prompt, care- lui attention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISINO.M q piret insertian, perîUne, 10 cents; eaci oubsequent insertrin, 6 cents. Displ&Yed Advertisemente are ineasured by a scale af soiid Naupareil, and charged wordinizly* Advertliseineutesosnt without wrtten istructians inserted until forbidden, and eharged fer tull time. Ordors for discontinuing advertisemneits muet b. in writlng, otetorviso the publilali ers will net ho responsible. A libaral discaunt for cantract advertise- mente by the yeam. Cep y fam changes af eontracl adverienionts abeould ho handed iii net later than Wednesday ; and notice ef any lntended changes sauld b. given before Tuesdsy nean. Other advertie- mente received up te Tiiursday neen. Business notices in~ local or news calu.mns live conta per Uino voekiy. Locale, 10 cts. par lino wéekly. CerrespalidOncO seiicited frem in lparts ef tbe County or nelgiibrin townlship&. OorrespondentA. ara equested te send lu their communicationls as promptly a. pasbe RENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors. JOHIN STANTON, Sup't Mechanical Dep't. J NE.FAREWELL, LL.B., B RRITER Co tyCr9 Â ttony îg court House,- Whtby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, T) &BRITER, &o. Office fammerly c- 1> oup led by Fareweil & Rutledge, next o Royal Hotol, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMIISrONI, B.A., A TTORNB'Y-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Iii £1Chancery, Oonvoyancer, &o. Ornro-lu lthe Office seti of the Poal Office, iii MeMMlan'a Blodk, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-1O G. VOUNG SNITH IL L. B., B) ARRISTBR, &o., &.-Money te Lioan 1>Issuer of! erriage Llcenaes. OriiSmith'5 Block, sontit e! Market, Brook St., Witby. Jan. 22,1878. JOHN BALL DOW, ABBISTBR,-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOR B n Ohsucery, Oonveyancer, &o. Offc--Deveri lo Bcek, Brook Street, Whltby. MONET TO LBND-Pnivate Punda- nsuuxilup te 800, ai a 1ev ate cf in- berest. (y5 LYMN NGLI81H, L L. Be, AR"msTERaT LAW, soLIIOR ola B Ohauaer, convoyancer, &c., Se. Sim- 00s Street, Qihava. buxgh),se. Office heurs, 8 te- 10 &.M., 2 »0. 8, THUB"TERJIACE," BYBON-ST., Mq. C. CRtAWFOERTH, VETER à&BYSURGEON. Gradiste o!flb.Otarle VterlnsryCol- legs, Torento. ordera by mil extalograPIflrrPtlY atteunded te. Ofice af reslenuo f G. Ayrs4, oppos LIYERY and ý8ALE 8 TABiLES# BRaOOK STMEE WRTB mae Bnasu om" ~. ~ RIGGS,'jV RYJ 8.E o.Ring 4 WHIITBY, ONTARIO, &te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) A RCHITRECT. Designa fer Ohurches, Villa and Cat- tages a speolalty. Drawvugu prepared for remedeling exlstixig structume. OMuxM-Finlrs t over Howse's Dmug Store. P.O0. Box 202,WmmI'r. DUNN'S BAKI NO POWDER Ti i SMOKE the MUNGO !' The great 5c. Cigar, and the MADRE E HIJO WTi The great 100. Cigàre nR nw: DAY, OCTOBER 21, 1887. INEWS LETTRS. EONIOLz Oorrespondiee. f'a threshing, sd is nov mak- u r. olsu B.ed hbs r.tuued from ;J 0 'HECOOKSBEST FIEND - hie season bas nov set in viien a War.mgo CHEMi8T and DRUGGIST stimnlatlng sud nutritious beverago get olaity requimed. W. again drawAgnfo hty > UBLIC A TTENTION Procure s thoni direct troa the Manulacturems To the old reliable sud vell-tested oe ~-T1Hangling Lamps! z hanging Lamps I W. R. HOWSE t UJ Chemiet a.nd Druggiet, Whitby. .9 Wishe8 to iuferm the Publie thal lie i (D shewmng the greatest se wellase the This preparatian ha. stoad the test fer BESI and HEAIPFST yejarigainst junumerablo imitations ehih have been brought out, suddhau prove8 itaelf ta be the. anly Assrtmnent cf llanging Lamps ove - -roug i - - -a&- 61- owu l"a ,.w'J i3EN UINE and RELIABLE Pepatian cf the. kind which h«e been of-' ta the Public. Ask ycur Grocers saud Dmuggists for il s&d TAKE NO -OTHER. ~an Bie Oc ki tc bi b a' ti y 0 whieh ho w s sllinug at vory LOW PRICESI. FNEW GOODS I Royal Mail Steamers* .,I w.. i OWSE,l LIVERPOOLm LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. Su mmer ;(rrangements DATEKS OP SAILINGS PROM QUEBRO 'Cirassen - riday, Oct. Mot Sarduiati Thursday ,' 27th sPalyneslan Fmlday, Nqov. 4th Pariln - - -Thursday, 101 Sarmatian44 " 7tb 'ExtrastemSnoeo! the aboya carry caille, sheep or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGB FR01%1 QUEBRO. Oa.sm--460, $70 sud ]$80 L poiton of tatereem. etr cs $110,. $180 sud $150. By extra semr $50 an sd $70., Retumu,$0,$1su $186. XuTz3M EI>ÂN . SZEe $0 T belat train oonnecting thi. al Stmeris aiQuebe. passesWbyon Wednesday morulug. ToSoanctwltheh Extra StesuwsThrumi4ai momwng. tpli- songersansd thelr baggage are put ou board 1he (Oum sm tamipsetahqqebeairee of!&al expense. IMPORTANT ARRANaEmENT. Cabln, Intermediste sud 8Seerge passen- geos cmunov go on boird ahMstrealàw, if they vieh te de se. Partie sudUng Ibm thoir WMes ndtuhe Old country om, obtalu PBWPÂID PAS- SAGE OETIFIC*TE8 stto'wssiratas. For Tiekets, sud a&U otbor ihmatloa- IGeo. B. Yule BROOK BT., WHIBY-. 0 F en 1Týi Mw F, JýRING4Eý ESTÂBI ina PariOfW CHLEMIBT AND DB'UGGISTO i te Mm. Mathas vis desd. The eld min Mrs. Robertunre wba ha. been danger- ously il fer seme tinte, i. we are happy te vus rather ecoentiic sud qui.t, sud since learu, mapid~y irnpr'>ving under the akilful the death of bis vif. and marriage of bis lust dsughter a fev ypars ago, bus pèeieited on living sioe. On Tues- day ho wslked four miles te bis daugh- ters aud roturued. On Wedndsday mornmng John Parka hie nearest neigh. ber board 8monue fait ut the door, we on opeuing feund the. ol4 man. Para mrSdhim ij» and tetepheefor care of Dr. ilaxill. Mr. Stickney very nearly lest a valuable herse the ather day, which get caught in a, wire fence, tearing the fiesh in several places, in ane place the tear being a. large as a man's hand. As Master Arthur Hearti, a briglt intelli- gent little fellew son of Mr. W. 0. IHeard, wus ridinq eut te the fair at Uxbridge last week, an a wagon, ha -p.cidentall F ah,off te, s lue~~ he aid Mau had hsd âs fit cf oo enn r Smun t asd« àtalamich eUth by bis gsntlsmanly -iuthe night sud burt IsaedTun uta bsns u a nih.~ lod el with Maso0 Oshawa. We hopepz ureusns unet inade msny sd bled te death. Barrett will have avery succese, which h. fried. e ih a o hemaun tABEBuff. moet assuredly deserves, as he is hanarable vhsevo h.msygo.Theynng meu haro re aîd te b.e andupright in ail hie dealing, and anye nversation lately vit a pro.* raiw sgc lb -buyig frem him may rest assured that thcy fmi ma, e wreassured that oMm. Jon Nieclvsuddniy sum* farly and henestly used. fruit mand cvs v er. ih r.Jh ikl a udnl u- Orvillager, Mr. James Pamkln whe lha dryig sd euuiu ~ssb1sh.moned te Bt. Mary's Iately te attend for aine turne n camr ie wares an as very profitble uudustry. the funeral of hie brotkhor, Peter, f foot, seeme ta have met with dccded suc- ere oocurred te ns tht the St ayS ceffs, as he has purchased a hrse, and vii in aur village vhieh vas once hereafter guide bis nble steed alng bis s cheeee lactomy might be turu- A vory intorestiug service vas hcld raute, instead ef trudging an foot. Succs ftably mie sua industry of tht lait Sabbath evoning in the Proîbyterian ta yeu Mr. Parkin. Oippositien i. the life of >vhat gays the wealthy proprio. chnreh. The occasion being & special trade. sermon te Young mien on "«Besetting An energetic and enterprising aung lady UXBEGE. n." Theme vas quite s good sized frein aur town, Minss Maudepnce, aud auiecesu li.semo vs er nother yaung lady frein, Prince Albert s high ohool intende te give a5 udenc ad ptsd sudmoncalcuat ae beught eut the bankrupt stock o t uNvme.practical adpitdadclu e oMessrs.Tate and Barrigan,af Part Ferry and t nNvme.do mmcli good. will pen eut lu a tew days. As both are J. Sinclair formerly cf Uzbridgc, A vry iuîerstiug sud hppy eveut practical mîlliners and dresmakers there is of ef lmvsie bas typlid forer, came off hast Wedueeday evoning when no deubt but that they will make a success *Vicars vbo for mre veeka hbu Mr. William Brown of London Ont., Mr. W. Pearsn ha. been very succesaful yry ii ismecovering bis steugth. led te the sitar cf Hymen Miss Maggie at th a . faims wlth hie handeomo yarlig shear that Mise Nation bas been Anderon, daughter f Andrev Andr- colt. He succeedod in carrying off the prise tot teseli modern languages lu son, Esq. The groom arrived on the at Part Perryasd he wa. a fartunate hlgh scoel. W. wlsh her ue- sfternoon e! the vodding-day sud the enaugh ta secure firsylace -at Ubridge. came f aI480 >. n This speaka well ferr suchester, which ià oeremany caeoffa .80 . . fa.st becamiug neted fer having seme of the oounty faim vhich vas heldin m as performed by the Bev. Mr. Mo- bet stock in the ceunty. Anyaue doubtiug InPark. Urbidge vas quite asuac- Cleliand- The bride moeived a number this shauld sec the herses awuned by the L ltough the veather vws unfavor- cf vqry beautiful presents. Tii. invited Barmett Brcs., sud the beautiful. twa Yeau The fraude vho seem to thmnk guesta ver. not vemy numereils but old stallian owncd by Mr. E. E. Stickuey. neeesar adunes a frrabeaide the number of the fsmily includ- On Wednosday a! lest week, anc af Pros- .Iese om7ajnt t are'r n r@ eoMs aypeste, "Sons e! tail," in the persan a! Mm. ld bson. tee, but reelved CoM.sdM. ern isMr Jlemn Wilsan, came eut bore ad actul- s eolvacoe ertheir trouble. Flemon, Miss Emmie Heron, Mmi Mc- 1 ,atele ance!faur fairest maidens, Min 0001 y, eoem 1fhorprle elIsnd, of Ashbunuasd Miss MaOlel Ztta Lambe. We hall suspected that such Touda , Oeober 8th parl islad of Tomant, M iss Annie Pearon of would be the. cae, as we have seen this Mm.., uder the suspi...of the reki WMa.Alane Ludn.Mm ilson hoverig around Uhc Youg ladys8 Workers of th ii. P yter" n huroh onAiesobohroftebieresidanca fer saine lima, but vere net Pos*- ho girn su a ls. D. Oampbcl's. Johnedso~smn, ud Missf Lhe sbie tive af the !act untl va saw the yard lc Byrof81. catheminses,Missce rommnsd ieLzi with buggies, wbere wa thaught il vould b. u, o MotrsiMsse KelerAnderson as bidesmadd. The happy the propor thing te take a piepnsesd Goul sudM. luto! zbrugecouple lefs tht evenuns by the 7 P. sec what was goinq on. Abeuthal! paat tvo- se sud X- are Of angeri d tran,3. P. B., for Straitforde their Uic bride, dressed im bravu satin, sud blan- an eraneOîto ur MUG home, amid the beet vishea of uug en th"elam of ber fathox, came into t'ha L7 risad.. rom, iu uhicli we ia& magea te hideï m u ay hi m de..,am ong the vast num be rve! gq EEOOKLIN. - mediately the rst o! tho bridilpmyp Meur. Raph obinon ad Brt M an * afpearauce. The Part 01bee Man Our tomp.ranos hotel keeper KMrM, .RlliRbne udBr a.wisabîy f1Ud bVy r. Wes Lambe and the' .edgeu bas bis nev atone stable fasatnnghvbenthoedrgte k brides maid vas iss Wilson sister cOf tha stenng e s inih, wiphvin.dd eo. Helliday, wha bus beon qulto groom, (wba wa. aisb osment.) Mr. Dob- uten ng o a fi n sh, whio wil a d ii*M r. about throc weeks, vas abe te me - son f Olarem o t lied t eUér ,t,.sud seom ed ) h. comple and afreadY VOl) fr"-ih commence bis mental labr at the Cologia t . do il up lu s substantiel mauner. e a promiseswhic are anl bthe vel- on moudy last, fat, thon sud there, hoe armesliug lie- kg oommunity eau desire. Tii.e Uectivo comnitteeofa!tho Brooklilu ffender but the bride seeed se hapy lia- M.3.ae"r lest bis sidest daugb,- brandi o! the Bible- Society mot at Mr. we hadn't the heart tu interfero. May their- ir Enisou Wdveday yr be a alin's residence onu Ymiday eveniug lest, happinees always continue le Uic aames or Fima o Wedesda by a lgnnfr th Du a!oftransmaiig busintS u ii et lb. wi1r. lb.eîb bapyposeeo o ma e roiest i eaptured inhistovu Ibis yesr. May good look follow them, M. A. is a tory fotnnaté lad. of Chrisima goodi, compddsng takeia bis fmivto Michigan vbre h. basa field o! Is'or, sud perhs; e r. Ladie Wo Boxs, lnpa* th han luRaglan. e isi Lades'Wok Bxes .mm & »logashe keepe bis lo *Whisk Holder8, bas»ben u*e hbit of deùin *9lb Odor Cases, Wed in urder iu ourblooslty, Odor ases; Mr W mr-hI led Miss P. Brysatt o tb. bymsonssl sitar ou-Wednesdsy at Mîrror8 in PIu8h, b oho oidmv,-Sa pif@ius by lb. Md.'. brotheÃŽrBer. J. BrYsuýt. i gve Wilia&mmob lapples lm Toi/et Cases, ou baha ea4 ipajsI Lairg5te Va8e81 htmZI ' rsthfmlà&, Wahe u]p Bily 1 the bappl ceuple have gozm.wetý A"i an asortmeut e!felber muâles mutablem WSSt.P teu esIs.Our lmer xnr). uMBrilesb nu u . urso!fLaU wb*ejwhlih is CoUl a"d E»aM*we Dur. &eck Hfre Iokingfietbebl ai dn_ u*h Purc-nnfi.a.iAf Itt~htWo! bis-proeWlFby bavl*>g tee h l Ib Tlie Savatien Âtmy banquet sud jubilea vas s big succems. Tic rocaipts aI tha banquet ves. 35 sud at aIllite meeting ou esUwdîay sud unday lbe barraces as crowded te 'the doorS. Amu0 the officers pretul vere GapI. Morris,. c.,: djt. Lewi, (1ph à isheasd a number et ethers. Mr. John Robson bas latcly 1pucaed:a Whose-poW ecnmefreinh Obon iUey 14AnfU Reo, aito.H jatends puhtugfl - Rsmnto rua 1h itah certain isson vian lte ater povor in Mr. C. Realman h ualcing some, iuijaVe- monts iu bis aie p by pu.lt -in l nov front vinidovaet. bau iatMD& o! ýfuri- hure on band sudpate cii W pud tiv itete, lghtiung Edi to W. e. smmyto lesmta liaIDr._Ouibemtr I Sundsy evoMin Mr. Juos. Monuk msetauttiug a'new roof on hies reaidenceono Main streeL. Mrs. Amas Heover a! WalkertOn 'i.lm hovu viasinhluer mny friands., Mr. J. F.- Stouffor..and: Étisa Keturalu Steuffor a! Codar Gj*vc vome iu lova Sunï- day. ýMm. P. Dsvis'cild diod ou .MoudAY lest sud vas bumiad stîthe Altoua Union, Cerne- teryTuoaSY aflemnoon. <PoW igginud eo0xpauy tlic traie1-m mug baud-àtS atvaIdeu Azm yhOik à,cou- met lu Sleuffrille OU TUesdyngh. Mr. D. W. Stouffer "trtedfor ý-bati. rï- tage Ibis veek viere ho luteids-«pendxngý tii vintor. A goodimté e kenWé.> Mr., J. A. Hoover bid bis ~ uml ~O~~A~OO INDI>fI CIL Oolic, - a I OtT~D30 the *1 a is er 1 NO, 450 ýj

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