Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 6

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Sound th o olquu misêrue, Sung by veloos deop sud law. Pale, aohlng brows aire bendlng, Brothor's, isiwer'yesa site'et: And the. sorrowlug pu-ents sadly Kisn the éisyo 50 lnd sudot. Husiiod is'mlrth, wltiin tht dwelling. Sombre drap. are tii. 'ans ; And eaolh foot 611 Ochoes lono1y, And thateho, eaoh appals. Round a ferrm, vhose msnly beauty Artisa'.Ye MightfItIy prise, in a hrou. ed eOc n lyixw, Prayers, l5ke perfumed luaenso ris.. HRands, by uacred ails anointed, O 'or the. palseless bozom rest ; Hol7 in the. émue, stili wraatiiing Lips, a veilod (3ed-uma inpressd. toThey'rr. in bad uape--matt o lb.bao. , up Win 4m,ï. eoit akoe $ça lut "iotheridtor. And 1ly, ju'botter oounty oroner, iiero our road'-inn. aud give e m a 1111.soek-osua't 1.11 Whou. wo may nood te urne hem. And jugl gire Ihouilo undorstand tliI eer PAyi'ng the. higiiest prio. for the. right klnd eof.avordiot. -We eau siford te do I'y. diohargod a&U the. fagmen and hired soine 'oheap ongineere. Beaidos, ail our conduetors ar e gttlg prolty volt fied nov, aud w. have savodl onough on bridges ta arrange a&l the ooroners's jadtes fram hors tasau- down 1" Glimmers ofthie many taper. Shed thoir radiana. round that brow; A bear having been seon an the. shore Barl:y coed witb goulus' splondor, ef Big Island, a fev day. ago, a party Laid lu dreamlusi ilumber, nov.-ornposed ot k. 0. MeK.ay, of Toronto, V'er that fading "rne of manbood k. W. Eoolestoniof et N oYrk, J. Lot un, .'er 'vop hep&, Hndorson, oet le Foeot Rouge, sud Offer up tliaprayer of chidhood, John Godfrey as lea.der, teck doge sud May Gad protea sd wateh gme.: nsd vent over tor a itnt. And <'M.i.n&nEs" hey gel1heh.hut toc, for lie boar happoned toe hhre, sud feeling lu Aun Economical Ralmge oi l rm. The doge Beaver sud Btuob mon gel tb. Irail, sud veut off ZUMPING AEOS8 liVRS inTROUT u t'ongue, s-dam parlySateroe BRIDGES. oaah seo0ehy hoplng ltie brute vonld - take smre other direction. Soon lier. I hsppened lin lhe genoral beadquar- Wu a 6 1Y Oet lier.ho go..! Here 1h9 tors ai one of car prornineul railraada came Look eut!1 Whioh wayP lie-otier day and wsndered sround Wbers ? Right bohind yen! Heoni for corne lime. kmong oaher tbinge I Hang You, if y on tool me *gain, V'il nahiced vas a large aigu roading, ",Edi- shoot yos. Wiiere lie douce did My toî's dou'I Pais here." It brougit te bal go. Then liiez.vas a crahing my mmnd lhe flores sud viîberiug în. Ibrougi lie brasi, sud lthebearoanher. flueucos of lie Commeroe lav, aud I *d eut ever su open bih t of raing1 stopped snd vept silsutly. Whieuge l n rund, and Mr. MoKay let blaze vilhi giviug vay ho My grief I isa esinetat charge cf huokehot. Five Minutes oanversation in thooffice and lookod in afler, vhen Mi. MoKay vas beginning lie doar. The. Presideul efthle road again ho "claibis vind aicOly., ho oh. wasoonversîng viti one etfttie super. served %bat vien a heu cornes vitiu "Lot me sse," eaid the. Presidont; 10ooo for oomtert. The bear lion1 "1yen look enough tixuber eut efthle made s duuh lu lhe direction of Mr.1 Besring-C>reok bridgs snd lisse tva o BesOten, 1* gentleman vie is con- culvsrté la rébaild liaI bridge viiere nected mlii lie West Shore railvay, the train droppod Ibrougi Iasut veek ?" sund natura lly nal aoquainl.,d vith bueii "O0, yse, sud b.d a lot loft," îopliod oiquette. As the. hoar neared bim, hoà thie Suporintondouh. roMarkod Ibal if eh. vauted his seal se ",Juet bhae Wh&&twvas lti sent up o bai, se.oould bave il. uo'a he 1b rny bouge-il'l como lu isndy noît smoking carvas good onoagi -for ir, a vinhor for kludling-waod. By lie vsy, sud disoharged hoti bariolemh oee, ho j yen iad heotter ligbtenu p ail the lit eut-wilb otear orderisud ful stearn.a bridges a litlle-they vero built alto- The boat lion turned iute lie brusb i gether too beav to .tart mi." ansd alang an old lumber road puasingy "I'm daïng sa-I îdun% pu& anyllilue Mr. Heuderson on lie vay, viohock e hoavier than tvo.by-foura lu .uyet a running ohot bul vihi noeoffoot e tie nev bridges. Ihabaesc oeme Czroling alonni, the anirmal rturnod i for hoavy timbers ou largo bridges." hitaore bo hid Urne to e oad, aud drev "1Whsî's liaI >,, lie second barret. Juil thon lb.eboa, "I ta ke tour inch boards and usil femed go suddeuly *xpsund go &beuh them togelier, rnsking vial * ape 1h. Mise et a Shetland pony, sud vien to, b. a timber six-hy-six, or larger, it tbzev lie bain on il* aeekon en sd, acooodiag la lie widli f et b oati@,ourladilus. Up, eioved ils leeli, sndM Hollov-grost sving et timber, yen growied, Mn. Heàdorson oonoludedD 066 PU hât hohad no turthhr use for tbis l "Y.a.e.s, that'. se," repliai Ith@ Prosi- coutry,an- roedt liba1 dent as ho put bis fées ap an the. vate- parhY tall. 0pin-.Juil lien ltie doge basket ; "but inoh boards, yeu u yincha clouai ap, and lie bear ruhed by vlh- hoard-vbat &-bout halI.incb t'l ireiiotýRinderson, rau dhieolte I "Tbey vould prebsbly be bette- Godfroy, Whsovas standing on à adeig a yon've mrnaged riiroadi longer thù-rille lu baud. Oodfrey'a firsh iatleh a] I have." grazed'an old atamp sud glanod, but ' "And yen nail 'em togethoen" con- Il e stalled a&hoar tli lt u non i tinued lb. proaldant, as ho appear.d t. Ils$ aunohos sud boat lie air vi l ft e ho lest lu thangbt. "Yeu nowi nals ,.vu. Thal vas Goitreyà chanme and 61 are exeneiv." hoplnted a -hall tair,-lunil@ -chou.. C ,,yes;,,ve migit glu.e'em &t the. Dzopping on il@ legs ilt an a tev yards, 94 oornen.v wen Bever liaugi -a voer» cf p 6*Tha'a mare 11k. it-or -seerne te f Ivlvo e rMdid fl tknov eough te hi Me if liey voespetut ogether liaI. keoPaway frOM ils emanId got a slap B t hey would be apt la stay-migîî sortcft lhe psy liaIknooked hlm sensoles. el et vedg. 'om a UitIle st lb. onde »Me. Bluoi and lie boat tiien took a round, t how. Meiby yen botter nu glue, bey- uhen GOdfroy sethbod lb.e czimmage, tf evr-the public likee te i.. thinge vi*tb suothez ballet, sud lhehut vas w gesi sud strcng." edd. 1h vas a th. hoar, very large, lx vo a; egel hocaster ho lb. public a very od, sud very poor, aud v.lghed t.l Unite." about 200 Iso. u "10f ooarue--dom'l vaut 'ernm-to<eh hi Intotbhabil of walking. Bytlie vay, S8he Kiled her Betrayer. th they seeoo egotting @truck on imon bridges.' - to- Third Trial ot s Firmer'. Daughter forM "Y.s, lle nahioed 1." Murder." "OWelt, anyhhiug ho plemie 'em," iaid lie eiliglng president. II lId lie FATAL NMEETNG WITHmmERpÂRIXOUR M R objef ougineer te bring lu a plan tonrsa E noS. th bridge lutended espoislt oi thi.pub. i io to eland end look at sud les ise tf The thrd triil o Amie ]. 0«n,,,ýof "f lui a4mur.Uou Il la a le hofoteav BOmuY# Va., aà ou n ured ic shoot ieu but I ftsareb.Style viii b. v onfor the kiling et ber peruton ahoepIber tee oxpoffl Ve. Benjsmin Brooks, lenuinate saturday 40, yeu, il vould7-golte lbtink of nigbI, sud the. casewvas ivea te lieE pliowuvasheard Irmmoth 'of ba t 'ao#ineltI 'ber bor.; n . e a Three limnes bau the. trial bo-bun. - Twice- sometbingbhappeued to: a jurer causing a poeîpneuienk -Thjptgae il began con Tuesda7 lauiand endedyetr day. Thogirlttifed IatMon -the. FridY Prev*'uS Brooks iinalstei ua ae sould retuin te0liv. w"ihe ,and throatmned ber vith a knife. f8h. veDt witl im lthe b.ime, but, 4eluùrned home at lb. firet OPpertnil. _On tb. monn h. enterad bthio*etuldia flt nvler. wus a seul narunlil Brooks jumped up, aud, oatcl hl ef hor bridie, eaid hha 4 herWvi9roha wanted ber, and inlended la kil ber. To lake ber owu language: "]R. tried, te Pull me off the hors.e. Rer.aohed arend as if h. vas going te gel his revolver. I had my revolver stiokiniz iu helveen the. buttons of my dieu.. I pulled 1* and shol.iiim."l Ail the vilnueos'for lie, dofenos tesêifiei thal Brooks badl beau hhanging' mroud the bouse for sevînt dayu, aud hadl seiu on varîcus ooaions thal the. girl sheuld liv, wullim or ohe sbould Do an it ybod 4 , rnuaid gry-iade ma theu elu th. sigtios, sud bas aIvey" beau son- sidered eoeet obeteuot-honorable snd reipecled men luibis région. nis dis- tress sud anziety vero plainful te wit- issu as be maln the.court reouday after-day, entiroly absoîbsdi là itening to the testimany adducod foe sud aga nul hie daughlsr. Wbon bld te etate whaî ho knew about ltheoese, ho Bid: "I rsoolleot Ithe day Benjami Brooks S baund dead., I vent le where b. was Iylng with Anu sud oSy vie. I nerelY looked at the body sud cme back te tthe houe. Atm took me te tiie ils... The.pistol vith vhioh sho klled, Brooks bad been aht mibouge for Rome Urne. I had it loadsd and. put lu bhe sideboard.", Mr@. Offnsr, the. girls aged Motier, àho testÎied.eorrboraiugher hushand. ks il has beenthe general opinion oe liat tho prisoner would ho oleared, b. bas Dot beau olosoly inarded ah the il, hoing ahlowed eensiderable ltherty, Md semetimes evon appeaTing on the breols. When oiié appearod lu court- osetsnday marniug ber manner betoen. d tie deepoat distroe. Sbe vs afgtI d suldvory unoorlaju se teber probable t. HaugEman EiMnss Show. Mi. John Binus, the ox-bangna, te ne ted. Wboîber hbasbupioked Up lie Dov ides vbiohh basbuput inle praoiee 'arh nocipleaauresults trom tie faosbut a 11111e repellant Mueum irevinatorarm a oss ua, vieillei Jiambor etfliciter.ait Mi. Tbmeud'a, it is impoesibite »Y. TA b.*mMmm a Yong mon, frIn giveu a biograpIca akeob ot Binus, sud thonc a u"le rang up, ieveslng a ls"hhivib s regalar orosebeam, sud lii. subjeot sading on the drop, uliapped bande and foot. A suzplioed chaplain ands on on. band sud a nnitrmo gaol goveruor on lie cher, vile Ivo re- porters, or ludividuals te represeul ehem, valci lie grim pro.eedinge. Binas, blac bag lu baud, alepatoivard 'zhraotu tb. rope, piasthle noce eound lhe suijeot'. eek, su d vi e i seing cf tlie peeltozs -bus boon rugit te su intense pitcb, dravuthe boit, sud lie vax figuri disappea tul be plitbonsati. If the auhboiridu dod met put a shop le bite gromme enter. elumorit Binn@ wvil r.ap a ouue,. îble fortue, for the baste for bonus-of bis kind lu net eonfiuedi$o Par.-Pau <aU Gaout#.; Tier lua nvupper out lu rhes. proprietor, il ler sud "Ch ho2t imgoeylbhusf thnae ý lu 1publiee.Ihelalma te EAa.UN reulaume- in levu, put muci do m iat WesternpapersSay aOuit ion. Th" <'oal avrnge h LteIyw Whie byffeo<bekoya ev hsy rhu15livsOffoe-.Wy OM rrnî~ iand, Mme, I uA l Dr. Oarsons OaCtazn Curnlwhat te D ame lmp.us a "Oaltarrh ouze." Your. drugpltlsun rs to rfund the money if if ausbto givo aIfato What can.i MOre far, sud need y n ufoer any longer ? We learu from an exohange that a train vas Mn a distance' of 858 miles throngh Texas one day lait weok and was neyer robbod at aIL It was probably @6 gravel train. Y 0tUNG MEN muffring from the-effects of early evil habits, the resmit 01 ignorance or fofly, wha find themselvea weak, nervaus, and exhaueted; aise MmDLB AGED sand Oi.n MUEs, Who are broken down from the effects of abuse U~r over-work, and In advanced Itfe feel thie consoquences of youtblul excoîs, moud for and uu M. V. Lubon'm Treatise on Dimeases 01 f Mn. The book 'ii b. sent ealei ta .ny address on reaeipt of two 3a stamps. Addresa I. V. LEJEON, 47 Weington St. E., Toronto. W PERRYDAVIS' lem PAl N-KILLER [8 RECOXUENDE» BT Physiians, Minister, Jisalonaries, Manalgers o!FacoisWrkis,' Plantations, 2Tre nHsiaa --in short, ever!Jbody eierwhere ,who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN TNTERXALLY MIXEn WITH à 'vINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND SUGÂR, IT WILL BE POUND ANEyER FAIUING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACU, SUMI- MER AND BOWEL COMPLýAINTS, SORE TH ROAT . &c. APPLIED RXTERNÂLLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PRONEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE ANID BE8T LINIMENT ON EÂRTU IN REMOYING THE PAIN ÂRISIX.,G PROM SPUAINS, BRUISES, RIIEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTIIACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per Bottle. Mr Bewareof Imitation&s. W ELIX iR TI b genle yet pturesa lionle epecal'ly adaptedtterle and cure cf tatc faI eIo <> eij attendant ripona low or reduced *Mtae eft hiessteii, and usually nocompanieO by Palier, Weakness and P>alpitation 0et he Heart. Prompt resnire 'vil follow Its use in cases of -Sudden Ex. bau8tion arisiig froin Loss, of Blood, AcuteoraiCbruiiic Dlseases, unîdin thie 'veaknews hiat itivariably ftccoiiii nies Oie recovery frein WaaLing I'evti r-, Ne reruedy wilgive more speedy rielef in I yspepeia or Indigestion, îts act'*n one thse stomaci beingthiat oiea gent le and harmnleus touie, exciti gthi.or 301 c digestion te action. and lies a-or Lg huinedjte and pernmnentrîelief TIsé carminative properties ofthe différent aromatice whici'the Elixir contains rendez il usef al la Flatulent 1)yspepsk. It lu a valuable remedy for Atouts Dyipep8la, vhici le apt tho eani tu Dpraonset a gouty charmcer. % For Impovfrlu ed Blood, Les iof Ahppetite, Defflndency, and in ail case viiere an effectIve and certain stimu. 4ta le tUred, theic Elvi vii h in FYeers « f ala Type, sud the varlins evîl reephe feqllewln gpo. unr"ý o e o edoer ,weî eather, t* yU Pl, ,a a valuable- restorative, as the combiînation <if CincionaCalssys ud Berpentaria are univfrssly "ognj*d asipeoifmcefor lte above-ameddimer., der &oyaU D l sîain ,.Uca àlaow&London Inuurance Of Great Brftain. CAPITAL, 42,500,000. -ANNUAL INOOME, 01,500,4 MAXE arm Property sud DweU Hanuses A SPeOialty. Very law rates. B terme af payment. Simple poliaies. vexationa conditions. Prompt settiem, of laoues 'vithaut discount Be sure yau nat inaure until yen kuaw aur terni conditions.. Enquire af B. B. B. HID WABD, aur General Agent for Southi ( tarie. Office lu Whitby-Part ai D. Orux tan's Law-Office. AUl letters addressed Look-Box 78, Whitby P. O.,"'viiirece prmpt attention. Ilsidenae-Ham C tage, Byron street, Whitby.- 2 INSURANC E BATE S, LOW 1 ADJtJSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 among the. bo6 ithe ii.va suahse, RPOOL, LO1PDON G 'LOO, and TOBWIOH UNION, rte lundi ii n smsta suit V. -B. PRJNGLE, NOTÂRY PUTBLIC, Whltby. Campantes si The:-LIVR The,'iL. The WA TEL The N( Local priva lowest rates. wS £ULwnutar!v. 40 ient &'Y- 1 to ive lat. ld, at 47 THE WESTERN BANKR01 CANADA, TýIOMAS DOW, Manager. MONEY TO LOAN1 0100-000 FOR INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE 8EOURITY At lovout livng rates-cf lutereît. Meney semurd vithin 10 dasfa Apply te lcain JOHN PARQUHIABSO]E 000500#000 ay 1Th, 1880. Pu b er ot -er Tornis .1G repsm m e ut càpin i al ma ete suit b errovier Firit am second mertgages beugbt.- Ad. v&Muces mad. on seeond maortgages and ta paroi&s..f&ami]No Coula irncurrod in makifg. applications ta me for money ;.ne "çet'a focs; no delay. Parties paYing lugiez rates ou mortgsges iionld ýapply te ras aiOnco for lever rates sud savo mouey. r ly2 20 Aeae Stret East, Toronto. TO AGEN TS ZDE o, and 48 Front Street Boat, Taronto# g et np tie Neatestiniost Complet. mnd Boit Sélling Needio Pakage lu Amica«. BndI&5Cnta fer Bamples ef N-w* No. 4, finiuhed lu Fine Plusi. Parteuars sont vieistampesoe suolesed foar rsply. DoniwrrIfynrenaispymt WrI lau.Owy 1WelnbnSr rait yool.Bn tmafrrpy Dom- -inon iied W rkue PAINTEB, SIGNWR GL4ZIER, APER IN A? T2~ Orders from the country -rr attended to. P Ký SIEIOP-Frst door Mr. G. Y. Sznith's law office, Whitby. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. OWNE0 0Or e boci"Ea Universe"; belug a full aud graphj0 (le icription of ail that la 'vanderful in ee continent ai tiie Globe, in the od , 'vatersiand the- Starry Heavena, Can~ thrilling adyentureî ou land audse ne'vned diecoveries ai the 'voride greaie- explorere *lunal ages, sud reinarksble h.. nomns lu every resuai ofnature. .- braoing the tiking physical features of g1 sarti, -the peculiar ciiaracteristî~ ies 01t huinan race, of animas, birds, nseata, et., inaluding a VIvid description oi tii. Atiz!l tic, Pacie ad Indin Oceans, sud ai thé Polar Seau, the. Meustere o f the Dt beantiful eashells sud plant,, siugawI fluhes snd dweilerî in the 'vorld of wat.% emarkble Ocean current, etc., togethai 'with the AMAZING PHENOMENA OF THB HENET DAVENPoRT NoRYNEOP, D.D., OXFORD PUBLISHINO Co. CertifloateoOf Major ZLrpeOEsq., of Whitby. -1882- To whom it may conce'rn. - Thi s t etaartify that having exaùmi, repaired snd nsed s great variety of Sewing Machines. I have ceme ta the conahuslci tiat the White Machine iold by L.air. banku lu oneoaithe boit made, sa u My opinion his i a machine that 'vii fot easil got ont ai arder, and vii lait mucli long , than mnt machines, as care has beeuitakeu ta prevent 'vear as muai as paisible. 1 cmn iieestly racanimend it ta parties wanl. ing a goodamd lasting îewing machine. -1 purchased one of he White'î some monul -1887- Machine iu nm famly, I cmn fully endors the abeve =-rifcate'aud icm f uly recorsý menadthe machine s s afsnly swi machin, coEt legos for repaire thmn Say machine i bave- ever had anyhhing te d Soldacheap as th se st, ais thg bôès% of the best. ch«pe1t L. AIRBAKS, -Sols Agoni for thi District. JO ýH 1 N1LSOT JloNS¶o In D Uerel lo o .Dt(G- ROBIS-tIlTS, BEDROOM StJITsu u OW Io ike uma wa bè eýll ltb now b. mueh leot ta a"-7 thak potalo re a yeWr-eYBiY deoa] lsa te hive beon ,canse ho wae an ar y-tuhis year wd I4kts ou s. t I zzAn* isy b.e bletICIpaini 1g.a froeif nd .to, eud sud 7e Ob of et carodinal -virtues. caU Pt slwaYs Jnageý by Tii. man Who wèùe a- pin Ma~y horeally Wealtiiy. W. are glad ha aient dovn- ~tha lia ler. seeme te bs mi 1 phOr-than eveér belote. m'eugrnn-"Witl yen gv le~ymriago 'with - yourrd j»Otd mirnn flrmly-"'Na, . Do)i't 1 Imàrrysaman vho wi -t god a4ve, girls ; butý. ou 1 -09d a y n uet choose a n upsoutJi is 'romcmbered by hi Gàibidi for hie red flannel à yori a aaidenclathear are i in. ausn hy4onth TBeon emn, edarub i.e ring-Pip hy oua e Thty donen eda club;ohie gaiig-ini'. r ntei ie FiTyýî.îeeny e saiga pe I hi siaug"t vndzbihel f Twa cermens loch bv uD lu a saud pit near Ornai piobably beloug lo tis Tuek-a American civilizatien.- A fasin leader in New iad teeti ilhled vili diamon aooiety reporter siludes te beôr Ila brilliant apeniug."i The., politicien wia places h tis banda ef hie trieudi le s pt laflerward, liI i. ougil te hu np hum pechetis-firat. Of late they hevs chimnneys im *Whiah ai ai theirevu imol Nqow a muslc-conumm nia Io leeded te help ontt ho b. A icientist deolares liai chairs make people deafaud x ed. This has issu ucticod, vien hwa yongpeople anrfi iug chair. A tescierin eueoatourcait vas reutly married te, one c girl Pupih. Il vaan 't muob Âu&y teaier ongittlobe aile -sobool, belle. .1 anlos essy on "Tie Bès as bs cmpeihin ablani paper. Agnehus Popinj.y-"mGoed1 Snoeks, Iudor«Mtand -yen1 indulgiug -lu pute sud, -eaU 'caIi»g ana, hedfathor put -'INever contract a Mondsl man wbo -ta net boter lieu Baya eueeoft lise gratin adv ThâaMIualvetyvoll,as ina <osnoerueýd, butl ia un fq»ow? S. n gIý ,4hc4 t fCEz 1 Atr Prss ,h Osy Cnpe Corne Qe f'or I ie aiad à INSONý r Po : i agUt wu le' slluoknp le Il tains." *aha vamnlahaa é1 01 lug9 vo: et General Huse Decora -Pape,' [urnished [rom 5ôc, 1 lý ý, Iffl. Whitby, Nov. 7th, IYA ý WMtby, Ifebruary 16thl-1880. a.&Zj:tj (Diq CAMPBELLS

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