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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 7

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sudt aîlS renapr' ~~~as uowis like' manY mon <j,.badt 1h168rOIY loe&ber voice, Ibo ine an r b . m ac h loft f ler. z Wodote gay that potate rot cornes * stnyear-Overy decayeti as it lir t bhave been the firet SatbecaiSO ho was an arkis t, but . 'ot credit Ibis. . tia whtnt or man ieétdat makes I&1 JanP in tbis year wort'. Iti ho thinks ho je. ,h, preachér tells yen that yen sliould frlove, ad yul lie often marries Mr MODOY. 4 mn0 ay be able le paint a town enàQflsu tu snd and ysi possese SODe of thé cardinal virtues. you caut always jndge by appear- Th9.Ve man who weare a diamond -00 Ma1y be rsatly weallhy. ,We are giad ta shout dowr- fromn the tep ihst there 0001318 10 e more room bup bere than ever before. yolnag man-"lWill yen give seent credit rather than, «Usure for savng' boIety 1110trbubli." thing ve ywelrd dmyatewicus &bout the midnight hou,." Hostetter mo. Ginuio-"IYe, I have noticed that if you yak. up in th. middle of the nigbht au uncertain feeling cornes over you. You air.'t sure whether it is yesterday or to-morrow. A certain Irisb M. P., was deoribing bis travelo in the Far West, sud th. "1virgin forests" there. "What is a virgcin ftesi "aked san andiior. 46Phawtisi a vairgin foreast, is il y. went to know ? A vairgin forest, er, is one pbwere th. band of man bas nover set fut 11, Enthuuiastio Buuday sobool leacher -'What beaute thore are in nature1 You wilt remember the beautiful walk yon took a inonth ago wh6n you went througli a splendid park to your treat. Qed made* the country, but man made th. town. Now, my oidren, tell me what you firat observed wben you vieit- ed that bomne of Nature ?" Ans,- -Keep off the grasa." The Indiana White Caps. À ANG&M 'PUAT'P W'11ODflTQ1?QA ('TVTTT7r $à., old mn firmaly-"'Ne, sir, flot COMMUNITy. 1Don't niarry a anu wviii ohew" A depaicb frein Corydon, Imd., aslateo - egood adyjos, girls ; bat, on theo oller tirai for twenty-seven yeare Southeru l hâad. YOn muet choose a mon wbo Indiana bâs net been .nlinoly free fNomh wil mary.lawless organisations ot mon, bandetid Mloeutb is rsmembered by bis bai end tegether estonsibly for the purpoeeofa agbiifor bie red fiannel shirt, sud correciing evil practices of aU ikntis yGtibî d lote ontiae wtiih could net be reacbed by lav. it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h issl lîo ontmiel The &"White Caps" are tl utlsiof Iheso Man. to0 croate a reigu, of terrer. Many ] SeméwollOI, v ben, re ompa'n' instances et crime are neporiod. A case igg beoitlsethey de net bave a club. willi an irresistibîs humerons phase is Thoy de nol need a club; tbey have thie said te have occunreti noir Newton's rlling.pin. store, in Orange Couuty. Some locale Fifty.seven years mgo people were the scene of tb. whipping iu Jacksen gsiDg in wonder ou Iheir firet gaslight. Township, sud as Jerry Boltien, the To.day they are gazing lu wonden ai vicîlua, lives there, il is likely "tihaiis théir lasi gas bU. in rigbt, alihongli beyoud oontesuiug Two enormous loelh have beau dug iliai h. was whfpped. Bolden refuses OD lu s santi pit nea miOnaba. They to Bay wliere it occurreti. He bas probably beloug tg the Tuek-au age of positive erders, hewever,tc, 1.11 every. à,merican civilization. body lb. ircumsisnces; se bis .tery is A. fîshion leader iu New Yerk liasbhre gîven in bis owu language:- had leelh filieti wîh diamonde, sud a "Laut vinler," eays Bolden, wbc in a society reporter altudes le ber omileeas~ tati, nawboned baokwoodsman. 'Il ,,s briliant oponing." veren't foeehn' quit.. peeri, en some- The pelitician wbo places bimasîf in time wenliflouten firewood, en my tbehads f ie rindeidaptto relievif. bsitr oe y vte belptp i. aterbarde af bsfriendo lav1 elsedOne day, erelong lowand spriug, I gel opfheward Ihal iretogllebv swda note, wbicb vas luoked t. my barn op bi pooels frsi.door, tellin' me ef I didn'i cultveeti 0f lite tii.y have chimueys invented enough te last through tbe cemin'1 -Whieh &al of Iheir own emoke consume; wiuter tbe White Capers would liok Now a munsio.cousuminig piano blazes enten me. Weil, tiissommer 1 Is nsedsd ta hetp out lhe boom. bey bail ager poerty nigli unter ail lh. A scieutisi declares tht rookiug lime, se did't gel any cul. On) Iset chairs make people deef sud near sigbt- Monday nighl I bearn some oee ollin' od. This bas beau noticeti, especiallY me en I vent cul. Thon. vuz about whien two young people are in a rock- lvouty meunin White Capse uteu tbe ing chair, barn lot, anti, vithoul sayin' a word A toacher iu one of our city sohoolseue of 'am, wbo lied a whute bandiker. wae recontly manried te eue of bis big chief lied areuniei arm te show that girl pripils. Il was't muoh of a fesl. lie vas the leader, led me belveen the "ny teachor otigil lu be able te ring a shafle of my ltte spring waggo, en1 sobool belle, noverai ou lbem ltied me there. Then Ateachen bsving àaked hi. ohm tolt.eleader soiti, "Jerry, we toe.yen ter write -an esgy on "The Besuits of Laui- ait lu your ululer veedti Iis nommer. 1308," a certain bight yauth banded inl You bav't doue il, anti uow vs are as hie c omposition a blank sheeletofgein' le help yen. We vili go te lbe paper thiokel on 1h. blli su ohop sud loati pipser. . y-'oo mrin yonr vaggeon en v iii haut il te the Snooke, I undenssanti- you have beenu-von ant anth er rym1e wip, rien indnlging lu pute anticallo ittely. Iloseandiwotmon iii nloadheI hon Snook-",Well ys-lhat is, I tidt he thse tomnwl nod'It oallng m hontoue putme ot. 'Gentlemen, I've lad the foyer en "'Nover coninsot s frioudship witb ,a ager aisommer, but 'the big feilen Boys Smin wbo i s net betlen tlan younsetf," back, h. titi:' sys ancetfthoso gratis ativico vnitena. "'Jerry, yeu've drunk eough Ibis Thels ail very veli, s fars yen are aummer ta rin U althe ager lu the cencerned, but bow about lhe othen kunobe inter the Ohie River.' There. fellow ?- - upon ihey put the bit lu My mentI en l'Thoes na e u. ithoat an excep- tho driver gev the. linos a jerk, on 1the tien, My son." "Oh, isu't iliere, pi 2 other féllov bila me a crack wilb hie A. man muet always b. prenent while beecli-Rad, eu I vent te verk. Tbey lie ie being shaveti." -My tour, hadu't kepl me a bau]in' ail uighi, anti long yen botter sendt bis chfi t l bed ? Ho'% leard moruin' told me te go home, tee clever!" 1said in a kinder o! a jokia'wa- The day is ahead o! us peen buman kid, - il'Gentiemen, wben , vork my hersee Wben the suni 10 the soullivzart anîsa&l day I rub theondowa anti gir. Ilisu For, with comblagef vinter, more clothea a gocd foot.' man muet find, "Thon lhey tint my armea run' a Whie the dog con disaa bis pouls. elus saplins-, lioketi me for about Aive Ativice le amateur wrfters, portion' minutes. That'a al ihere is about il, larly iliose vilh poetei. geni:-Before en I vouldnl 1.11Ibis ef lhey hadn't yen begin le write always b. ure l&aI bld me if I tidn't thot lheywvoulti lik yen bave someihing te say-and then me agin. I siart for LouiavMle tonighi dcn'l amy il. -thein's My fix.in'e on tbe waggn-en 11Wliat kinti of boys go te beaven ?"Il I "imIl neyer comae bock hure sagin. Do moeot he Sunnay sohool èupointeudeiit. I-kno w vue 1h.Monu ?Et L diu, I "Deat boe," yelled the youngesi mm9- wonldn'itIt yen. I'm ne hog. I know ber efthile infant elas. when rve heti eneugh." Now the trosentudelel barries T e ianid. wih the note The Xaried WômanS Little And the necessary bootie,Gme To obtain bis overoot. Prend mama-Don't yen tblnk tour I1tdn'î hhink is il fair. The married baby~~~~ watéiaeetbspp » Weil Idle__ n1.- oeuiryfor111-s1me III vani #10" midt hfactions police jadge te th. prisoner, vIe v084nUVfor beiug dnunuk. 68o -do., " rpliod. lthe prisouen, "but 1 dcni'l mn4>pos ithheof Our faces is goot! r tei." Nov reaeoso re arîàslug *ey -me.ia Iliat go te saovr wcmam IncspaPl for public bulnus People wbo Ion seem le kuow enough tb be Oteiu about Iheir eoges or. ýbsdly thbc cIa. te trust vAlu the.!destiiesof #à nation. "Daclen," us$4 Mr., pvIlw<eod1 "my Iliroal bas -beon, ou. for everal das ;whatshaUI do for il ?',Pr., Bluni -" ià t as; lWs ve'wonk. ed. Dog'tdo "a ing fWwo e , but She concert sang, 'Ob#,3rth is Ofa sidove?"V, ~ OuPper, the loo~ ber plate -for l"I * "Don't b. te* amB ianv hmm se tnem Witt a* O ILU wsumew epAnsi$iOtilad1*poogy :"'ua gays, sEt534 Iknow you'l1 b. boredtoi le daIbut wonên-$p s% untae meies' l e 1 pol" r p tte. iwll,or.4t* em'-t Andtih ano ibdes t e sy.ug,gýt1 kb '*l tut oF~ hn 8~~kos-pe fetty - Weil that -a gil darenst do -Suythiug cf he kwd, andi she knows, too, she *fialiers yen. Ig -111 e, & woman wbo goto flaliery 'and atlent4oni -aud ail hat sort o! eilavilisevie snwmer trp i aie sde omfÏortable- by, il'. the voman wbc o..ab îSuy- iug "I1% an eld nmsrried wO'înan."- San Franciaco Chronicle. Good Health. Good liealtli eemes from a aproper amount of exorcise U Setiug gooti healthful food. W. are net surprisedl titai so mauy people sufer frein dyapep. aia, wheu ibère is 80 mach adulteroîion ef evory thing necessary for food, butiti does us geod te know thal thens je eue firm that are makiug Bsking Pow. don that ie pure and eau b. r.- lied upan. W. refer te E. W. Gilet, Teronto, Canada, sund Chicago, U. S. A. Il is oalledtiheb Impenial Baking Powder sud is advertised in lb. olmua ofîhus papea cvsry issue. Il is madie froua pare oream tartan. If yott bave net use ti 'bis brand 1 ao.k youn grocer for il at -once snd vo know if yen once tryiit yen vill use ne elher. See also their- advl. ef Powdened Lye in Ibis papen. Are ueue11y averse to propriet iry medicines. Nasal Balm is a spocific for colti ln th. heati sud catarrh, and having faith andi evi- dence that it willcure those troubles, we sak and court a tar trial ofth11e dsoovery, and a fu&ll investigation st their bands. Il is no credit to say of aman that he la regular as a dlock. To some il miglit in. ply that lie moyeu throngh lite on tick. Perr Davis' Pain-Kilter sas a diarrhoea and Dysontery remedy oeldom ever tala. A Texas mn u invented an apparatus for extingutahing sparks. Re bua probably worn ont hie boots on th1e boaus. rhe most detigblttl handkerchief odor la "lLouts of the NNUe. 'gWhy did you leave yonr country for Canada, Pat ?' "Sure and it wasn't for want; I had plenty of that at hoLme." 1Neleoted coods, Pain in the chegt, and a&l diseus o e i.Lange, are cured by nsing Âilen's Lung Ba"sm. '<Wlitan r the.principat amusements ai Asbury Pawk ti.summer, Fwed ?"'«"Indi- gestion prlncipaily." Prof. Loztîa Magie Sulphe&r Soap i. highly recommended for aU humera and akin diseases.. There is nothing conaolstery for th1e pa- tient suffering from a sevore cotd in the head to be tld that "1colde attack th. CONSUMPTION CURRD. A.n otd physiclan, relired tram practios, having had placed ln his handa by an East Indus missionary 1h. formula of a simple vegetable rsmedy for th1e speedy andi perm- anent cure of Consumption, Bronchitia, Catarrh. Asihina sud a&U ilroat andi Lung Affetions, a&tao Sitive aud radical cure for Nervous Debiliy sud aII Nervous Coin- plaints, afier having esit lIsw'nderfal curative powers in thousands of ornes, bas feltllthis duiy te ina>e Il knownle biW suffering tetbows. Actuateti by 1h4 motive sud a desire to relieve human suffsring, I will senti Irçe.of charge, te a&B uho dusiil this recipe, in German, Prencb orEnla. with fuall directions for sprlg at ul Sent by mail byadrslg wiih slamp, namix4g ihiu paper, W. A.. Nozas, 149 Pote. W#, Block.. Rooheat. N. Y. Notice to Oreditor8 I Parenusuto leetion, 84, of Chapter 107, of tb. RevlssdStatutes. etOntanie. Notice in heneby aîven thal ml Oreditons anti others havinclalme agoinsi the estate of DÂV.IDL. BBERD, lie cfthlo T ofo Whitby,*luthe Counet o unlàro gentle man, dZo 'seWhovIedietion or a;>u ilsh 27th day of! Soplember, A. D 18876are ns- qulrài le sen1 by olpr l nti .huie- idteG..8 ort.. MiiTown. ef Whitihr,BoUcitor, on or bob"fer On~zttday ef December, 1887, a statezoni tt r names and addremesasd the f511 - rtieu- lare cf iheir cama m scuri i s my> hold bythe=. An ti 11atter lb. aMAtiFIrsiday et De.W cember, 1887lt.eniersiguçti eowuo*et th. BalaI. ci lb. ..MdDovit! L. Betiviii reeed -to diibute tlb. asa. of tbo. la, Q id Temao ameng th. parisutietie" t limr.. te, having re o t le tii... omely o! IC bave -reopietinotice asà a-oeaDiW 121h 'day > lober AD 1887. snywhererbou olh, G ISTH4E TO SEOURE A >OýD TWEED SUIT 'AT PF40138 "B ERBEFORE REAOHREN IITHETRÂDE. 1WNGT1 A Good Suit madè, to Order for $12.00.- A large stock of Scotch, English and Ganadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. A SpecialUnie of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, si;itable for Business Suits or Boys' wear. A FUJLL- STOCK 0F GRIOCEIRIEPS- 1 ALWAYS ON HAND. Highest market prioe paid for Butter and Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT; FRNIT U-RE -FOR--- Cottage. or Castie, -AT- PliCES WHICH WILL ASTONI8H YOU, OÂLL ON WM HIAIJLT, BIROOKLIN. cm Funerals Fully Supplied." WhiIoby W'oollcn MiIIs, Midway between J3rooklin and Columbu8, on the 7th Concession, We are now prepared to -make al Goodei, such as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Sheetîng, Shirtings, Ail-wool bed Blankets, and Yarns ini ail varieties Knittpd Goodes kept in stock for the patrons. kinds of WooI.len Union Flannels, Jlankets, Horse and ail kinds of accommodation of Dyoing in ail colore done to order. ~gest price paid for ainy quantity of Wool. AiÃ"rders promptly ffhled. uwa e De BOWUMA N d 80Nl AROAD Ç, TORONTO$ À &Sol Toruhl qulppod for BWwsaTranutg BOOK-.KERIPING, i PENMANISHI2P BUSINESS CO0-RESPONDENE SIIOTKAD A» TYE-WITIG PBOTIALL TFUGHT.l FINEST -RO0MS 'IN -CANADA- Bonid fur Qircular. Atdres, A Great Cause' of Hoinan M"Iseîy I8 TEM L088 0F MANHOODI1 A. LnaTaon TmONiTmE, TEEATNET' and radical cure of Sominai Weakness, or Spermattorhoea, induoed by Selt;kAbuse, In- voluntary Emiasione Impotency, Nervous Debility and ImpeAimenis te Marriage gener=l;;Conaumption, Epitepsy sud Pils, mental and Phydsiol Incapacty ; &o. -by BOBEET J. OULVBWELL MD. The vorl nowned author, inÜîÎad mirable Lecfle clearly- pro0ves f rom hie own expeenncei t1h. awfni consequencfm of getf.Abue may b.' effeotuaily removed wlthouî dangeroue surgical oporations, bougies, instruments, rings ci cordials; pointing ont a mode of cure ai once, certain and effectuai, by which every sufferer, no malter 4whai hiu conlition may b., may' cmrehimself cheaply, privately and radical- ly. corThis Lecture fol proe a boom -to thou8aiada and thouwaeda. Sent under seat, in p ain enveloÉptù any addreas, on r"celt o! four conta, or iwro postage rilamps; . ad rosa The CUL VER ýWELL EAL Cot -~ 4lun8tNew ork. Pod Qmfie Box M -Ayl DR._pO'RENWEN'D'S. C.O'DiP, Bof., aooostn~.u.t, Toroi.fo. ~amstIme awoaomeletad aênrmà~nf ~ a nesure. kEn, tsaturo5cf114 , Inetmoete'e -11 te AlaD uts, dluenn )rtd ci Waters, 330P', DD., ONTO,QNT. rpe% Bâti., )ty oftSewQzg » Conclusion~ 1 byL. Fair- e, -ýj in my 411 Det ea.ly nuch long«~ 1. been laïeg possible. .I parties vani. Machine. IX- lomenh tien. àEAIIBE.,. asy anU teI as District. 5w.... r your 1

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