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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 3

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Ib1o( 'Ir Tes c , l'it ehl Io ithe>yb.mu e month. sfnledby rry, Ont. LOAN et Loy Rat, )ST,. ~an sud ~,.g tenu Assurance - ~ilockb WIbl rposes, iaying, per htmdrod. OFFICE. LL" ached'for tnu quality. elpb, Ont- STABLES, TBY. VERELL. LU-OTÈ&8 Notice. orally deal ir DEAi4XLG. TATIONS &asy Infeler iwith Jute. rered and SOld by soulne u.n- robants Insu. ~pittaiion ef ~on by drsw- titidn te the tin UR at tpe ET 0080 r.dînegoods, roved KES) oie Agent. nated Aretie oùk1o OTSA. ' TaE 'ANADA nre HOM thit RK - 0091 » ~ ~ ~ f ,~mnte The flustrata Nom-@ (AmrinnMreprint) icw i.i R28 how tb' Englidh vité ,oetion , the î. of Ireiauti, ~Og nel5. or ile L. 3atne"a'. ?UtstMid D , tihe Br, tish Minsicu.i ~ ~~TOOe s'.dke lobes on the Rivi' ,.sleeping Beabuty repre.ents ..~d8ome tiger ai reii,whil, il tn- pruuelinfinysurrounded dmxirers. The price cf the number W09jo on vtoe Centa places it witbin rshfail. Every newsdesler bas Th rrte ffioe et publication is5inl the ptter ]3ui1djig, New- York City. Tbe paper entitleêd1"A Diplomaieo Epiode wbioh Miss Olive Rialey Se~will contribute te &cribner'. for N,,oMmber,recetllS a discreditable obapter 1 i.political bietory ef cGr Goveru. 1m5tshowinR bow the treaty witb Den- mark to purehase the iland of 8t. Thomas was ignomlficflsly shelved i Ljttell's Living Age. The numbers ci The Livin&g Âge for weeks ending lât15h and 22nd, contsin & Great Lesson . by the Duke of Argyll, Nine- tjentliOefliury ; Masaniello, Templ.e ,Bar; Donsatello, and tbe Unveiling of the Facade of ibe Duomo as Florence, National Review ; Realistu aud Indeal. 10Wm, Fortnighly ; Tbe Last Day et Windsor Foreet, NationalRetieo ; $ome Clerical Reminiscsu@eo, Temnple Bar; A Carihusian Monast.ry near Mrse, Spectator ; The Ubiciiy cf the Jewish Riace, Jéwioh World ; The Country Parsen as ho was anddsasho f., Blackwood ; The Prosent State cf the Novel, FortnaightlY; * r Twieieg's LetfTétnwLe a ThM Story ot Zebebr, as toid by Hxn C'If, ÇQ m' porarl; Morphînemaia, bv Dr. Sey. mour J. Sbarkey, Ninetocit& Cout'ry; LinnoeclP, AUl the Yea.r Rou*id; Con- temporary Despatobes by a Foreign Minister during tb. Early Years of Charles lot., St. J'amae's Gasette; Word@wortb'a Grave, Nattional Review; with -Major and Miner," by W. E. Norris; "à Secret Inberitaeoe," by B. L. S.,", and "Richard Cable, the Ligbi- phipiunf," poetry and mipeellany. For fift y.twe numbers cf sixty-four large pages each (or more than 3,300 pages a year) the subscriptien prias (58) ie 10w ; white for $1050 the pubhilers offer tue end aey one of the Amrecn S4.00 monthiies or weeklies witb Tii-e Living Aga for a year, both postps.id. Litte11& Go., I3oeton,are the publiahere. Frank Leslis' Popular Montbly for Novemben. The iniperial sud Royal ladies vbo vea lb. crevu l u Erope have au attraction even for readens in Ibis nopublilan land, sud maey will follcw wiib intereet Lily Higgiu's se. ceunI of EmpresseeanaudQueens vbese peurtraits are given lu Nevember nuni br cf Frank Leslie's Popular Montbly, freni Queeu Victoria te the talente8 lit- ensny lady who sh&ares the throne et Servis. A tour &long a saudy strotcb et Nov Englaed ousits eau be followed In lb. article "PFrom Bosion i-o Provine- lea," by A. V. Abbot. "Verdisud bis Oporas,"l'y L. C. Elson, le a sketch fùlI cf chani, l'y a viten îbereugbly aI home witb ail musical lore. Iu Florin. Maicolmn's sketch et British Guignasev veil a part cf the continent liSile kncwn sud strangeiy -mixed. Goueral Bisbin's sketch e ft1he great Sioux Chiet Spetted Tai je fulof inter- est, giving iudividaality t e o thIe meut fameus modem Indigue. "Cuara sud ils Lisibles,':' "Nature'eGas Wcrka." anre e, tilitan, bat attractive. Ail these articles are fally and oapitaly illestraled. On.eofthlb.important pointae in the numben is lb. commence- ment ot "Prince, Liicifer," a new serial novel et urpassing skill sud pover l'y Ella W. Pierce. This mailtl'e bailed .viib deligbi by ail readets et veli drawu character. The Minoetenies mi the number are ail extremely elever. Washingtonl Letter. Prom our regalar correspondent) WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 1887.-The Federal Capital la pmeeusly lthe city et conventions aud grest public meel- luge that hring tegether the people frein sH parte et the gresteul nation of the globe. Laut veek &bis cily hb" tbe Landrymen's National Convention., sud "hi vek lter. are Ivo lu session aI lb aQ*rl lii. Carrnage Bxildou's National Association sud lie National Agrioulturai Convention. Auslthe latter l e eouil oeofe pecllintereelteto year readers, I vill net enter mie 1hth delails oetIhe firal Ive. The Agricutural Convention la cati- ed l'y virtne of ail ateof lb.fouly-nialb Congres, and its membenship consitt eft lie preseltatlveo of AU'lthlb agn oulitalcolegMsd experimetal ska- tions lu thse -United States tise purpos cf tise meeting being le demvi-aja sud measete improve lise metisod of tsnming sudhus luorease 'tbe fettMty snd producivellu' et the agniotural are& oi 1b e ountuy'And il gos' with- cal iaying, thalt tj isaoi of t ise questions by uch a u.pueeentalive Md~ intelligent body-1io mutal . inter- change of virs.sud opiprioem wiil be vaslly b ,febflolaltebo mf ns - v sl'ly lb. l'eue s"d slew ot the land, toi upoibeir arduzous labo'. depond lhe matenlal prospé rity -a d elibelug ea the wboie .ouutuy political circla of tisecaital about the Ob* of e bugm.r1V -"d - peflUea t oop$, on lhe rslMouiday ln deoliau of Judge Bond wili b. BeaasIo;ger A. Pîijer and P,ànja. min F. Batk r vil brit'g the OWab,9. ef the Ctinosgo Anarcista tei the *tten- %ion ofthe ,Supreme Coûrs tbe I*ui. of Ibis w.ek, wlih th. hope o! -seourlng'a upercedas, and rernandiu the tril-tô tb. Illinois oonnte. Geai. 'utier' lè- tatuer in ibis suitsje 01e,,ad$ a day iu addition while engaged u-pon ht. Mr. Obeuly bas materially modified hie views op th. relations ef depart- ment officiais who are mnembesof political clubs to the civil service, and bis colleagne, Mr. Edgerton, tubes issue witb the original position cf the former. Tbe preseut attitude cf the majority cf the Civil Bervioe. Commis- sion upon tbis question, I arn serry te say, lu far from *flcouraging ~to the tnn. friende cf refonu. The examaination ef the War De- partment cierke, under the new civil servie. raies, which vas auspended lasi summer, bas been nesed, and in cou - sequence, lb. olenke lu al the other Departmente are &gain baving their appreheusion cf gciug through Ibis dnead ordeeal arcaeed, for evenlnaily the nevisedrunies vil b. applied te ail. Thon. Jesa serions Cabinet d8lsagnee- ment reported over th lb. Â1asé sal fisbery question Mesurs Bayard and Garland being the disputants "ad hta given ont that the Becnetary of BIats vii resig scon unleRi bis views Ou Ibis matter or. shared by the Presi- dent. Itii.rune Ibis report bas been deuied by oeeof those cbiefly coneeru- od, utlll1 believe the ramer is net eu- treiy nnfonnded. The latet meve cf tb. Tresary, iu lieu cf tb. ccntinued purchane of bonds, je au eider iniefeas- ing the nanibeo f national tWnk do. posita.riea for Goverument fuarda-the object being a diffuasion cf a few meil- lieu cf lb. surplus that lu becoming sncb an intolerable burden both te the administration and the people. Scott Act Melodies. TEEZ LYRE (LJ.ÂR) AS TONED AT UXBRMIG. Police Magistrsie home', parler concert, held bore lu aituîrday, vua saccesbetb fleanciuily aud otherwise. A gres& many frein towu vere lu allen- dance snd sevorai (rom the country drme.in te bear the talent wl'iob bis houer bad se kindly prcvided. The firet aong on tbe programme vau a base soie l'y Mr. Jne. Somervulle, oeitted, "11Namy a drop sa IV',"which vas vel reudered, snd elieiled naplurous appianse trom tbe galiîry. Tho nexi vas a clanionq t sole by Mr. Fred Stonen, entitled, 11I gnoe it muet bave been strong." vbich vas net as weil appreci- ated by the. audience s il sheul have been. Tbey seemingly did net unden- stand tbe sentiment cf those words. Number three vasa- àloloteh ng. sutitled, "'Naething tike Denlingrtou's," by lhe yel-neal man, wbieb vaa.som veil rendsred that h. received an en- ocre sud favored hie h eters vith s duel eniLied, 41I S.ll't lb. trith, what vad ye wiseL for main, mon ý' Then there was a ten minutes intermiioneu ning wbîeh period His Wor.hip favomed the auxiena uienera with a villa selo in B flat, eutîtled, 11l'1l1give theni Ive or lbree daya le col, hich teck very veil; as eue of the audience said, l"'Tii eld bat ils beautiful, thebeo'at I ever usv." Intermission beiug uop Mn. Joseph Workmau meandered te the Iplaform sud renders'd the beautiful song, "COon- reot yen are, mebye,' which vas ou- doult he eeng oet lie euterlaintuent- Mr. Workman h baoautWul bariton (wbeel.barrov) voice, sand wlpreper trainiug wcitid make on. of the stars of ou Canadian stage. Thon Mr. P. Whitney gave a tenon solo entitled, $"Why did'ul hoe mell my brealh," vhieh vas veil rendered sud duly appreciated. The neil vws a aong l'y Mr. Thos. Whitney enlitled, "Only a onp et cold vster," hicb really delght- .4 the audience sud made th. prose- ouling attorney smi. like a basket eof chips. Mr. Andy Diok vas next on the programme sud sang very aoeeplally Ibat besutiful seleotion, "oh t vhal si bad memory have IV" The next wva tembitout solo, entitled, "I s'pose il must have been thse !aI pure qui., but I asked ton <luger aie," by Mnt. Frank Kirl'y. ,The song wu se psli*iO,..ud menoteuobugiy reudered tisaI a il dia bot >l'ring tsars te lise eyes, il l'roughlt n bte, thSrlfouth, and Mn. Kirby retire& &Mid 1raplýurous applause.. A moulh orgau solo SDtltlode '*rB U1afid mba -for ulDQhyday." - . l I I. I I I t i iiuiwd la-tpe back, i ~lg loto.ffluto meru, h ouIt over n hi. peteng 1he ag ZY cualomera ="Un g three b t it.o bead, wher& s long tim. Wi l'un botties. 1 I ,woldiputbe w BavelTeu Neurmia.- If 3yenare Sufleulng lbtonioes ef neural- giand have f ailed te gel a reuiedy thal wl afford relief, w. wunt ýyen te try Pol- son's, Nerviline. No remedy iu the marketi ha given anything 1k. theUmre degre.Of .satisfaction. Ils action or nerve pain lu simply rearvellous, and as Il iu put up lu 10 cent sumplo bettles tinosl xt emre le inveived iu giviug il a trial. PeIsou's Ner- vinêeis the meut pleasaut., powerful, and oertan Pa" remedy in the woend. Seld by ail dealers in medicine, 10 a&nd 25 cents a_ bottie. Mme. Gerster vilsail for New York on7 Nov. 5, accempsnied by a fuil concert cern- pany. Worms derauge the whole syslem. Mother 6ravea' Wcrm Exterminator derang- esu worme, sud gives reat te the sufferer. It only cesis iventy-five cents to try it snd b. Cenviuced. Threelpe were oranited iu s humi- ing dwellngl Clearwater, N. B., on Fr!. day nlghi.1 There lana case of disease aeeng Boises sud Camle vhsre "Maud a." Povdsrs ar net calied for, and by their tisely adnis. Iratien vii save th. livea cf many valuable animais. G3eu. Domer will succeed (3en. Stephen- sou lu th. command cf ithe British Ireope iu Egypt. NationalZ Pille are a milclpargativo, acting on the. atomach, Liver and Bowel.s, ,-emvùn au obstr«Hton.. Jndge T. W. Taylor bas been sppolnted ChlfJustice oflManitoba. Wheu Bay w»s sik. vo gave ber Omalert. When she was a ChId, abs cried for Cateria., Whenah. ebecame Mla.. ah chug to CastorS.. Wb&hoh.hâd Châd~rssah. begave thun Catesi Dii RES Irer dainte, mnes% Xe ]Mood, )PSia, In'y plaint, Beaee& The Great fiegulator 0S tâte tomo5b. tVer, DOW.lU s& muoQ& cur"s Keadache. CenukI a4" Bull"uup tMe8ytern Read 1h. foIowng:.-1 "For years Pmn I hae snftoe.d hrm dys- ep aand I wus recommeded to try Dr. der>u Oomound. I dîd me and found il a perfect cure.' R. J. CURTIS, Toronto, Ont. Sold everywhere. ric., 75c. DR. HODD9RRS COUGH AND LUNG CU"~. Never failli. Guamateed. Fric., 25o smd TE UNION MBDICINÉ C0., PROP RI ETORS, TORONTO, ONT. Dlominion, Une of Royal Mail SAILINQ DATES. Frein KUmtroal. .Thrdav, Oct. Sth. ...g... . .. TuesJay,-à ov. let. Ternno ........Thurdsy, do loih.- MenlsaiThurday 0 7th. Prom Queboc. -Bara,.... . Fdday out, 281h. *Oregon.... Nov. Sid. Torontoe.................. ......... Montresi.......................... Br4iae Service fer Avoumoulh Dock. Weekiy salnge tram Mentueu Rýà=rs o0W Pè.Ue».-OCabk4 , 0te 11 accordin 1steamuer sud bec. b 8eon' Passenger eu mi' kaI ureii lhey 8 mdeaire Ts'*Uemm abave saiâma - aIe. Kisleroomý, 8oi . a~a B&Qeýüý mlabina.vhee but aItié Ane,' treatmentbaabeeu dia.. oeierd *werby àpermanqub ,m 'cfii "i hith2ei, incurable ment fre. ureeptoCMap TORONO, CNADA 4OHN. FERO USOR 18 SHOWING à SUPEIOR STOCK OP English and Canadian Tweeds, Scotch, -And othon fi.ne Unes of Clotho, for Spring e-ails. AU garments3 made up in lateet style on shortesi notice. R6ady-made Men'8 and Boja' 8uit8, Genti' Furniahinge and Underolothing of ail Kindâ. INDETRUTIB EOVEREALLS! Imm, ! MATS!c HATS1 Latesi stylesin Hard and soft Feit Hata VERY (IHEÂP. JÃ"HlN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Wu y THEQUEEN'S JURU-LEE. TILEBRAZILIAN WAIREELGISE Will celebrate the event by a complote revolution in the CR 0.KERY TRADPI, FOR, THE NEXT 30 DAYSO (Jolored Dillie r sets, Coloreëd Tea, sets, ýad colored (JOhamber .sets, <tuallY given away, & large, stock cf entre New ?aàtteru8and setyles té select from. ' Rememémberti We lma the traein T3S mdCOFFEES, and gene-. -'yai Groceries. We carry alarge stock and sgell afbottorn 119198 W. Jw THOMPSON, Teiegraph Office, D Ti Te .mi wl LRECT OONNEOTIOIN 8 se Commercial QableCoc. The Baltimore & Ohio TeL Co. The Postal Telegraph C. And ai other TeZ.graph Lie. c) ecre prompt disptch, use lb. C.P.By. Ceo. Telegraph. OFFICE in Riohardsen's Bleck, near îrket Square. Erders taken for Ceai, Sat, Gypsnm, ratéflime, &., for The Rathburn C.. London and L anca8hire Life Company, cf ifepelcysudha des edill. Reel-rer eneral& appreved Canadie secuities over 8100.00 for each 8100.00 c f liability, thas afferding .&BSOLUTE sie- emaity. S Parties desiro e cf assuring tibeir aivez in fiud iltet their sdvsutage te cenul the nersigned before assuing elsewhere. JOHN Genral Agnt Whitby, May 18, '88. -ly l. 1 , Flz, 1 ,ý PAT E NT S- CANADIANS oanseenretntstls, .Uthe 8 k yeam patent ;othé'ewietimë *iU Ivo yare.Total cosl of Unitei PaIet 10. o #2$0 on ablktap» the baa cê ywhen te nl ils Total coul of Canadien earSpe Ibr, $15 year, $74. On reesi't'ofj drawlg, lth deuOU lptliQiinveï wiflendadvloe,refrneadi O)po site U. s. } soldillerof1 patent O00ce0W4 1n tisemeni BITIUB 0FTHE" CO. BI 1.Wb~1 9. ~roii 8. Po* i TT...1... r.8 9 any quantity D&O.ge aiMi or toe8TP eontittuou VI leeiol-aken m .Mr, Tios. Benu *OAand 0 lise man., fifleen, cf 15eý lisi b 1 ý000- BAlon ba, iveroo L CanPadierandl Barltoa d B, il et ahe beul quulin ana andeu agpries. oal oetle s & find Iig urpeetd yô -' ÂGNT.: 1 -- Il 1 4 1 I FALL SU ITS. 1 1 ",- HATS 1 HATS!-

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