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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 5

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VvIIT2 -AND- ?0DÂi)NT SET. ,ami Huntiug in the nowest ômtu'if G(OLi)andi SIL VER cASES. SI&AI:LL W-&TrC-iEs For Ladies. La;rge, extra strong in Duist--Proof1 for men. Watches Cases Ail Grades of WA LTHA M and ELGIN ýN1OvernientS lu stock. J,8S. BA RNA RD! BROOK ST., WHITBY. W"Iptbu QflironicIc. OCTOBELI 28thi, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI - HAT 18 001140 ON 1lm AND AROUNO TOWN-& BUDGET 0F LIV-EUY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS -A zhels snfg y1, tskin note, An, tafth ia'll pi-cnt IL. SUNDAy's rtainshorin vas velcomied b the tai-mers vho eay the phow us vo now for the firet limae tus tfati. LooK eut for au intoetiig entei taument iu connection viti the Mohi( dist Tabernacle on Thaukegiving oveî ing- y Il r. 'I. ~i. Tas Boys, Octecîhof !the W. C. I. are going te siuDg lie ohd impe favorite Kemo Kîmo b'y epecisi requeet, on tho nigil cfthie Ahi sainte' Festival. Tas roade ai-o in fine condition st pi-oent-mainlu ontrth itb thoir condition al hile date hlst fa&Il, vian îhey veto as iof mortat and people bad beena driving lu tic ditches sud &long beside tie fances for yacks. TUE Toronto Board o! Trado bas for saine lime beau iuveligating certain charges o! unfair desling profetrred againut M.'ssre. J. B. McKay aud Ce., graindealhers ah Torontoeadsud at &long tho C. P. R. This firm is ciargod vitb haring e"toaded" its lvge peuvith oins11 pesu et lower pries, with baviug given bad veigbl sund varions ocher things. We osec by Mondav's papota liaI oeemember oethLe fi-m ha. heon aspeuded for six montis trom tbe Board aud anotier for threa menthe. A vcry picasanl ime vas @pont on Friday evenlng hast, at tie residence et Mr'. Wm. Epplaît. A nunihrorfe bis friends ln tovu-of vbom ha bas a boat -surptised bimacîf sud famihy by tak ing possaselion eft heir bouse, sud giv. ing litu> a beatty "'wclcoma hoe." te tic couforlablo rasideuce jute ibci tiay nioved a fev days previeus. A thorougiiy onjoyable timo vas spent by aIl present, aud tevardis the i"vee am&' heurs," lthe-loinda dispersad, viahiing Mr. Eppiett sud famihy many yeare o! happinesa lu tbeir uev home. Tue W. C. T. U. Fi-e Reading Room ie ho ho opened for tho violer every oecing beginning witi Saturdsy Oct. 29th. The ladies bote enpplied good reading malter and turnlehed a varm brighrom for the youug mou of tho tevu, sud ,tîlilbopo te improee iltle eozing yoar by adding nov magumies to their pi-osent number. Itila l e h hoped lie youug men ef Wbitby viii appreciste tho ladies' kinduose, by iringingIbothir compaflioni &as. We sre glad le istate that lb. lady suporiu- tondant bas been pienned vili lb. at- tendance se far sud hopos le velcome a larges number Ibis vintot. Wic notice. from a tolegrsm inluts Tbursdsy'a Globe sud from ether sources that Mi-. John Dryd.u's large hord et catille receully purchasodi from, Mr. A.-Crniehaflk, Aberdeenahiro, Scotisadt lu nov on ils vsy acrosa lhe ocean. The catlle wveo purchasedi by M. Dryden aI s very fiue prioe.st the sane lime lhe vasaloting bis ismoni herd -of shoop mcently broigit ovrin the faîl, but plonro-pnkeuUIonia eiuj prorsieul juil thon lie lid te basve the catîlo ou acctof quai-atine regula- lieue. , The wsy be ing now cboar -th ouatelei.ft iageon Friday for 0w ad&ansd vii ho bore iu a mouth or eh veeka. Lt lu knovu 10 b. on.eofthlb hast borde lu Bootltad. Tas folding avine machine advenuà ed l inoboir 0co1LU ininbigbly reSM' mondod le us as lmuLtslioiPb<>f me. ciaulcat genlus, s,:4fo'r .Pld am aatisfsctery work, *sy adjutault Mr readyportability, lWs qua &~PP6" ocrer tebave beeuinvuiad. bm. eau carry Il ô ho ie Woods undbU« i arm lu lise oting, eaw-40*0 Mi trim trée# où culuè lbo.-b%, u oevon or more i1ofi" t ot M c In e . r , É , iw0l_ day9 ed1 Mu don the tont tee T] Chr dwe etal for nel inat ori E. offi 0. T. V. Rbealn Boom on Mon. i Oclober Sut,4 1887, at 4 o'clook. )ON'Tr fai t l attend the Aul Saints' stiral on 'Puetaiglit. The W.1 LBoys' Octette are geiug le give: ue of their rollioking gisesi. da. WALTza TaouPSOi has purchus. th. bease sud stock of Mr. A. B. mning sud vIl rmn a oandy and cigar ýr sud oyster saloon. H. i. about nove m tb.th Ontario Block. à, prominent ratepayer of theb.w iplains te us %hat at naither the )del nor tb. Henry street echeel la 3 ator fit for use. W.e aulbth at- tien cf tb. Sehool Propetty commit- te lb. ecomplainl. To tout eppDosite 1h. Royal sud Lronioho office Whitby snug brick elling sud shop sltaobed, aie good bbIe and driviug bouse rery suitablo ra general agent, agricultutal impie. ents, sewlug machine or .nusioal strumout show reom, milliuery, tailer shos shop sud dwelling. Apphy te, Stepheuson, telegrapb sud ticket Le Whitby. -J am a ratopayer et Wbithy for tho 9 past twenly.fire years,' maid a lesdÏng man yeeterday te ns, l'and 1 nerer yet knew vione business il vas t hoock aller the street lampe, ne do I belileve anyone aiste knows, for tielghtiugi system o! Ibis towu bas always beauonlu a mess. I vaut te know why thei noi-th yard vas lu darkuess Sunday uigbt last during the big storm. Co yenu elme suytbing about il 2,'W. eau. At the hast meeting o! counoil the duty et sttendiug te aIl these maltera sud of iurostigsting &I snob complainte wer. giron %o Ohief onetable MeBrien. Any complainte mado te hlm viii ho attendcd te by hlm thesaime day. Wa hada the phear oaouWednesc'sy cf inspectiniz tbe fiue trephies cattied off this year by Major Hodgeun' famous Cleveland Bay, "Phenomencu". Thiis maguifflent horse la fulhy sustsiuing us in our estimate cf hlm giron a yoar &go. A yaar bas doroloped the animal te s vouderful extent astat hbtooyears oid be stands almoat a perfect herse. At the Wbiiby tait heocaried off a largo and oestly bce-valet pitcher wbicb bas beau uiooly ongravod by Mr. J. S. Barnard, whiho st Port Porry ha cap- tured tbe gold modal whioh le gotten Nip from a mest oxqulslto design for whieb tie ditectora cof lhe central paid orer $300. Tbe Major le voty proud of bis heresud holda bim lu epite ef vory msny tompting effets. Tas people ef 0ghawsa"stemaking another big effort th induce a company to purchase the Joseph Hall verks. A manufacturer hbaproposed %hat th. towu grant hlm exemption from tax- ation lor ton yeara and $10,000-65,000 down snd 81,000 per annum for speriod of fire yoars, witb intereet, tbough the Oahawa papere do not mako il lear whetbor the tewn or the manufacturer ie to puy the interest. For Ibis bonus, the. party, who je said te bave ample capital and t udorstaud hie businees engagea lo employ 50 banda for the firet six mnonthse 25 of whom are te ho msrriad mon, 100 mon for the second six mouthe, sud for the balance of te years froml100 to 200 men ane lo be employed. The articlea te ho manu- taotured are tango boilers, patent stove- pipe shbows, patent ehingles, galvanis- ed and cther ligit wares. The Re- formersys the proposition is s good eue thougb thore are some people in Oshawa Who show a disposition te oppose ils acceptance. TuERic wso s grost race haro on Saturday between a team of hoean sd a waggou blonging te Mms Souley, of the 4th concession. The atarI vwu effected Des? Dr. Begart'a reaidence on Dundas St., an d witbout tho assistance of onybody, InLuct there vas nobedy round but the. team and waggon. The team led off by a fuit lougth, tha vaggon making a geod strong run fer second place. Paesing Ray's botel and cciming down te tiie four cernera st Brook street tho team ahilheld its load, but turning 1h. corner te, go uorth the vaggon made a spart lo paâs and mighl poesibly have aueceedod enly that it. outat wheel, whioh tried te depoait it- selflu the Dominion bsnk tbrougb th. aida door. Knewing that horse-rsciug was s breaoh of tha lown by-Iawa, eut dovil tried gle 'utoeopt tha test a s iBrooest sud hsârely eaoaped heing brua ovr. All e h ol came off the 1wagon it had to drag oeof iteulege, &à il were, snd il. chances of vluuing wore greatly lessaed, but th. race vas nol givon zp by sithor unti l hey reaehed th. Srd concession. The herses won 3with th. vsggon almoal lapping thebr sceta their concert on Friday nightl tise body et the hall oceiu llte&d--The stage, wva rsged as le preseui as- antiquesu sepearancees ýe al, ceuenaiai pi..beeg tb»r-.».la, bu ~ -groud vo oor Ibree. 11111* oldi spluuing Visets bieis bave' useeudï# front lhee "old vifW7 f et iput.'The' ladies sucooededi sômirably _lu tiseir lulerpretation eftlb. dres and mauners of the olden lime, but as a gbné?rl thing were tooc youuig sud mach loo handueme le pose asliteoéId withered. up dames. Timor lbree white l, ing vige tbeid hegreal 1a' suggest- edi lie poibilty ihai somo prons of ilie elden lime eft cages'di IiMlter. AUC4 ver. nol allovea le conte ont,- but lisouglitau-,captW tvity * , e lameul uh>sseemed, lp &&y - belonged $e a me vien vllluplayUgý insluu !ta i ny, perhase'a.rngi I ped oflfre *m er qge.li*W I s t <1 i ladies blaok aIt voot houe frooe 25o ap at W. G. Waltors. Brxnt h.'barber; cranium or. msnted, aoraped sud aboru, Herse blankets durable and ceop at J. R. Philpe. GENTS 11usd and unllned kid glovos n great variety at loveat prices W. G. walters. Use Dr. Doreuveudas Great German Rair Magie for bahdness, gray baur, is for Sale by ail druggist:,. TUE shaughtor sale cf single hameau is stihl going ou lu ôrder te make roem for nov designe sud stylos, J. R. Philp. TUE black suake wbip stocke that your grand-father ued la .1111oeeof the moat useful t.am wbips. To ho had at J. R. Pulpe. W. G. Wahtere having bought a job lot of men's boys sud youtbs rcady made overcoats at lhase Iban manufac- turera Prices lu offering hhem Ibis week at vholeeale prices W. G. Waltera. Mas. HÂRaVEV repaira ladies sud gentlomen@ fut ceate, caps, etc. Furs made jute auy article required, resid- once Centre St. uortb. A atroetligbt patent-Medicine apontai behd forth on tie streol Ivo or thro4 nigits duriug tbc wesk. Hie medini may or may net ho aIl right, but there eau ho ne question regarding -bis mculh Lt vas sunrrfect vorkiug ordor, Perbupa il vil h o 8m. ime lu thi nexl century beoe. the publio vil know enougi te have netbing te dc vitb snob mon. B B Tais meeting aI the S. A. barraes ou Wsduesday ovcniug lasi, vas bd by Lieut. Bradley as u vairgohy attend ed. nie wva aoesime eue cf Whig- by'e voret tongbs, but tbrongb lb. S. A. vaa ble ttu from bis evil vaye, sud vbils s soidier lu this corps, von bbc estaem cof many frienda by bis estuestuesa and the reality et bis pro- fossion. Fre la nov statloued noar Bovmanvllo, sud hie tew menthes ex- permees anauofficer have srousod the spal sud fire obaracterlalie tote b. 8A. Ha vilounduel Liehe linese meeting te-nlgbt. The 751h ,-eguhar meeting of!tho W. C. J. Litetaty Society vau held to-day Oct. 26tb. Tho Pi-soldent E. F. Webster luthie chair. Aller tho Score- tai-y bad read tbe report o! the pro- Vioul, meeting aud the enie had read bis report lhe toiiowing programme vas rendered :-Piano ache-Mins B. Farquharson ; Address-Mr. Henry ; Song-Mise J. Tbompson ; Recitaticu -Miss Bessio Hatcb ; Piano sole-G. T&ylr ; Besding-Edith Dal.; Chorus -Girl.sGobette Club ; Esay-Walter Thom ; Song-MissAnie Johnson ; Readng-Frank Hlaro ; Chorus-Gb.e Club. P. B. FORSYTU, of Pioketluq was de. taiuod Ivica bote on a capLQ5 ou Weduosday. Ho bas beau tunning agenoies for organe sud othcr Ibluge st Pickering. sud had. il appears, docided te go te California vithoul 4s@eing" overybody vho wouhd lked go bave shed tours on bis bosom betore ho loti for tbat porenal eohme.. Luthe i-et plae on Wednesday morning a ospias vas issued sbating that bis cousinof Pickering wisbed the mediatien cf Sheriff Paxton luna.cnrlog su oppor. hunity te "se.' Forsybb sud seenred a seulement; vion, Io, vhoseuld humu ni, but tie general agent -of the Bell 0Otgan Co'y., Guelph, ptayiug that the etuiurant te Culifomnia mlght net ho p. rmitted te leàre bis native land uutt i t) st compsny bad "een" its oid au-I v, tued agent. Belng thus heset by oi qniuing sud "seelng" fri-jeuds, Mr.. F irpyti bas takon up hie residoeee t Cs.eîIe Docker where recoptione vilii le accrded the remaiulng frionds. eriAncve bl naysundisyofsudeMoa- daynalt. e bJe. A..nWihlaa dDon- eue o atho gev nra&. supeitndnsof oh. of erene racsd rto etwof: mhens ou Suendaeufithoegetwo nz mo'hob 1h. v oar s or unfuor able.b Drthi eteams e 0W naotd a abut. Dr.s Wilhiami h. 11f. sud man, o buyeh, la rady1wtseeche and powfutly Up othi eadlim e thnhtin great cenothe tih ain goed man rye oofbisage wbt oedeahitlte fgymIei oiseasOn ondreven"Iu lb gra tedeti O n t1h y antC as eat te s-metngof de *v len nw"ber, san u althal cou fl .te.Aler aiuarey taprouid n be ch lb.ie adfi e v esmiohprise, B wo. the ladeswn 0k bch par sd saedJi.eP. Geohn Ârtokte eaod "d prer 1fr. Johera u tprle" i ay erksMas oliurma n s ptextnareme as Ji chncra ast easurexthrêe d et sinea"aryet 1h. chtait nder h aulore. ofthelng ii eýùd r h1. Pt.nt eh4 iseh ed husept eRre. i B7. ÂLLDRESS Goc 870 LLIse 1887.0 W e t gain în the front with new Styles. We show the finest assoirtment ini Fail and Wiuter Dress Goods in ail Colore. New German Plaids, Costume Ciothe Vi- cunna Cloth, Princes Cord, etc. New Plushes, New Velveteens, New Braid, and INew Trimmings A w MANTLE CLOT-US AND very choice assortment ord'ered Mantles and Jackets, e8 made, correctly cut and finished, assuring an appearan( any other tailoring establishmentim the are now showing the Leading and ýn can Styles in Hats MIE 3sTr rrs Correct English and Bonnets, etc. ~ERINGS@ ýmnents entirely tailor- ~approached by Frenchi and Ameni- 0CLOTrriIIITGC. An unlimited choice of designs-and patterns in Tweeds and cloths, afford the greatest satisfaction in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylish cut guaranteed. We excel in Nobby Overcoatings, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings and Stylish Pants. 1t~ GCEJ1SF¶I'S - -F iU!?.jN-ISEmiI sf-8 . New Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Shirts and Underclothing. s rrEJ ro. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, GLASGOW BIROI,ýSTREET, WHITBY. WAI~EJIIOUSE, 4R &3L CAMZEPB.ELL, GR-AND CLEARING OU SALE Parties in want of Dress Goode, Flannels, Blaikets, Yaî'ns, Hosiery, Gloves, Tweeds, Coatings, Cloakings. Býady-made clothing in Men'e Youths' and Boy's Tweed Suite. Mlso a large stock of Mens' 'Youths' and Boys' shirts and drawers, gray flannels, shirt- ings. Several euses of Men's and boys' wool sox, Womens', Girls' and childrens' marina hose at HA.LF PRICE. Parties in want of Goode will find at this sale'they wiil be able to get, goods at one-third less than the usual price, as the.- whole stock muet be cleared ont by lst January, 1888. We offer this Real Estate by Tender. PARCEL Nio. I-Thè Double shop known as the GLASGOW WAREHOU SE; where we have done sucb a large business for many years. PARCEL No. 2-Part of Lot '7 and 8 çrn the Base Line, Pickering, containing 244 acres firat-clase land, two dwelling houses on the premises, the barns are ail new, with stone stabling, weil fenced and watered. PARCEL No. 3-Part of Lot 23, on the second concession, Whitby, containing. 65J. acres, choice land. The buildings on the place are ail new, buit 6 years, ail weil fenced. PARCEL No. 4-Paature field contaiing 3j~ acres weil fenced, directly west of On- tario Ladies' Coilege gate. PÂRCEL No. 5-Vacant lot bet-ween Ontario Bank and Ontario block, on Brock street, with right to use both walls, north and south. PÂRCEL No. 6-Vacant lot east of the English Church on Dundas street. ýInders for the real estate will be reoeived to Lit January, 1888. No tender neces- sarily accepted. For terms apply to -V--% 0; -w "IA w WE LIVING II1*12*T ) CURIOSITIES IN OUR STORE, BUT WE HAVE SOME De AD BAGAý NS COME AND LOOK AT THEM. We have a un*e of Dress ýGods ut,121 and 15e that- bei auything, yet shown, and a ehoice raige't- 25 1Or e PuhTimmning .is tez dedirable for za Firt-olas8 Drese.-- Wehave some YI elvets, *uet the -thig fors Q;JIL -T.AIT 900 gds i a 'c, S- ver se èct order Wo buy all.otr îwfat we examin. s - ings. iPrices ed every Do as JM-N. orth and ag, 1 Win Wn! ýht add : 'ou Go." itis ouly mre cioap- Iling s! than lhey, are tntuds ,tfaiy e tuit and, borbood. 0-t! t ir 0 a y ýs Ra 9 ý 1 9 i -"I

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