~rationsfor )f thOres îok, latest beit ~ai sVl. ths -ail Jackets [ank éts Iover" lents,- lhowizng' asitons, . ?oweras 'iii be. no ESDAY, days. *1 M-o. CEB EEPlI si patrons 'os hae Rtcela8isolS per quire1 nt on ihoi Mui for: mock.) F Dy Goode omptly. i advas for Ameri LctK- ,WmT HITBY With caNin Prlnted werds, great îhoughts, and untirlng nu VOL. ý KXIO Eà stabli5bed 1856 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $1pe nnum in advane-II.b0oather- ,b. Subsoriptons wa lways payable sit the oOfC 01 publication. ~team oqipment and boit furniehed Bock&and Job printing plant i hastern Onttrlo, capable of exeoutîng &U classeofa rk from the large poster to the umalleat kindbiUl. Special mention je made of the gstirpasBOd Press f acilities af Tira Cunaw- with its e ebrated N. Y. GattreUl 1lnder press and ather modem Conveni- su005* Every aider receives prompt, care- ~&. A~ I'dST &te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Demigrie for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a specieà lty. Drawunge prepared, for rsmodeling ezisting etructurxes. Opruxo-Piret fiat over Howse's Drng . .Box 2se, WKITE. FARlM FOIR SALEI A Beautifnlly eituated farm in the TflWN OF WHIT]BY.' jful tention. A1 V " £il-%- - TERMS 0F ADVRRTISING. I The nndersigned affers fan sale bis fartm irst in serti on, per Une, 10 oents; ecdioa 49J acres, being situated on the eaet side subequent insertiorn, ô cents. af' Brock street and north ai the Grand DisplaYed AdvertiseiflO!ts are measured Trunk rsilway in the Tawn ai Whitby. Thie by a ecale ai solid Nonpareil, aud charged farta je as gaad a pioce ai land as eau ho cordingly. faund in the country ,has a splendid situa- Advertisements sent without written tion for a town park or driving park, la in Instructions ineerted until forbiddefl, and as good a ulule cf cultival.ian as.pny man Fl oberged for fulil ime. could wigh, i feuced entirely with board Orders fan discontitainfg advertisemeflts fonces, is dlean af ail bad weeds or other ah- muet be in writiflg, otheriisetle publieli- jectians ai that nature, has a stream of ars will not be responsible. wator running through ane corner hh A liberal discaunt fan cantract advertise- nover fails. Tie barn and other outbuild,% mente by the yoar. Copy for changes afinjge are af the beBt qualily and ainat new; concut advertiBemnefts shauld be hauded the hanse je a nearly new ane-storoy build- in not later than W.dnesday ; and notine ing snd eau l'e raised a storey with no great cf any înteuded changes abould be given expense. There je a gaod well oi pure before Tuesday noon. Other udvertise- water.. There js a young archard af stand- mente receivod"up ta Thursday noan. ard frujit trocs. just commcenciflg ta bean Business notices in local or uews coluruns fruit. 'The gardon je as good as es-n be Five cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 ots. found. The f arm je convenient ta echools p er lino weekly. and churchos. Tille good. Libers-I terme Correspondence salicitod fram aJilvarts will l'e ailowed ta lhe purchssr. of the County ar neighhainig townsips. Apply te proprietor on preinises Oorrespandent5. are requested ta seud iu their communications as pramrptly as 46-l2in. ORO. IGKINGBOTIIAM, pasile RNDE BSON & GRAHAM, Whitby, Oct. 201h, 18P.7. Praprietors- JOHN STA.NTON, M i ___________________________Dominion LUneotofRoyal Ml SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. JOHNB. ARE ELL LLB.,SAILNCi DATES. JOhNE. FREWEL, L.B.,LIVERPOOL SERVICE. D AIRISTER, oannty Crown Attorney, 1>and Caunty Solicitor. Office,- Seuti wiug, Court Rouse, Whitby-4 JAMES RTTLIEDGE, *Sarnia ........Turds-Y9 Oct.27tb. *Tmnat........ Tb... I ~ l&ih Montrual......Thu.rsuly, 4 171h. B) ARRISJIER, &o. Office formerly ac- ri uba 1) cpied by Farewell & Rutledge, next 'Sainia .......... Friday, Oct. 281h. a Royal Hatl, Brook St., Whilby. *Oregon. .-....... Thusday, Nov. 3rd. - Torantoe ............................ DAVID ORMISTON, B-A., Manîreal............................ Fram Portland A TTORNE'Y.ATýLAW, SOLICITOR IN -Vancauver... Tnrday, Nov. 241h. CI (hancory, (Janveyancer, &o. From Ilaliax Orrc-In the Office Banth ai1 the post*Vancouver-.. - Saturday, 'Nov. 26th. Office, in McMilan'a Block, Brock Street, Bristol Service fan Avoumanti Dock. Whitby. lY410 Weokly sailinga irom Montres-. RÂ&TBs or PA5sAG.-Cs-bin, $50 le $80 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B-9 according te steamer and berti. Secont4 ARBISTEBR, &o., &c.-Money to Loan eshin, $30, Steerage at lowest rates. B Issuer ai urriage Liceuas . Passengers eau, enibmrk aI Montreal if OineOZisSmit'B Block, south ai Market, they w) ddoue. Brook St., Whithy. *These steamers have saloons, Stamb- Jan. 22,1878. <tf.6 rooms, Muejo-rcoml, Smaking-rcofl, sud Bath-roomls amidships, wbere but littho motion is ielt,and are handsomolyif rihed JOflN BA4iL. DOWq asud carry ueitheî Cattîs uci Sheep. ABRISTElL-AT-LIW à BOLI01TOB * DAVID TORBANCE & G., B lun<hancery, Gonvoyancer, &o. General Agents, Montroal. Offfoe-Deverill'5î Block, Brook Street, Or ta B. STEPRENSON, Whitby. eerpOfi, MONEY TO LEND-Pnrahe Fund,-TleahOfi, n sumo up ta $8000, at a 1ev rats of iu- Local Agent, Whitby. tenest. (ly-52 - LYrMAN ENGLiSH,- L L- Be, <Tldr9r~ A"STRAT LAW, OLITQOR. A lU'1<in casStretOuhva.Royal MIail Steamers, LIVERPOOI., _____ LONDONDERRY,4 D B. .MELDRtUM, M-B. (TORONTO .3univeraitY.) L.R.O.P- sud L.M.(Fdili- burgh), &0- Offie hus 8 ta 10 am,2 to 4 aud 7 ta 9 p.m. Ne ,TE "TERACE," BYBON-ST., WHITBY. 'j M * C. OUA WFOIITH, VETEB1~.BYSUREGEON- Graduase f 1the Onhalto VeteriUlsZF,'00 tege, Torouta. ordeni by mail Or îOleOgrePh P"oupîly s'ttended le. office ait'residones cf G. vre,DPPOdtO S"EET BO(S., LI VER-Y anid,8ALE 8 TABLES,. Qood Rip aAec os. e*ns sonable. BUTRO 19' RIGQ$~I~Y S.E. c«. « lut Ss.TOat AtONICLE.< advocate Peace, Progrose, Knowl~ge, Brotheihooci. )AY, NOVEMBER 4, 18870 L k' SMOKE the MUNGO The great 5c. Cigar, andl the -iml MADRE EH13/G The great 100- Cigare CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby. Procure s thein direct fromn the Manulactuiei HIangjing Lamps! San~ging Lamps I W. IR. HOWSE, Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. 'Wîshes tl, mfanxn the Public thut hoi showiug lhe greatost as well as the Asertment f Hanging Lampseve? brouglit into the Town cf Whitby, whicb leie t selling at very LOW PRICES. NEW e GOODS !i W. IR. IIOWSE, CHEMIST A.ND DRUGGIST, wEITBYr Ras on baud a very large sud select stock of Christmnas, goads, compnabl» Ladies' Work Boxe s, Whisk Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toile t Case, Large And an ssortment cf cher artir f or premul. --jW.,ein )tru Purcndheaui B ummrer rrcifgements D)ATUS (0p ÂING& PROBE QUBBO _____ 'Circaai Fridsy, Oct. 21st -SardinisanTiurndy,"lit 7th ?PblyirssiWprIdy, NO. ith parletan -- .Thunid*y,. 101 sarmatian si - 17ih carry caoe1, thosp or pige. RA&TES 0F PASSAGE FR01X QUXEBO. oimin-OO, $70 sud $80, ae&Mo" lOC posit o aitteroouf. Relunnicetl $il(), $180 sud.#l1e. By eîxr stesine )jjý hlei a180 #W.uExI>ItE,$80 Bmno, $0 D isroa The lit tin gocueohlita wmhe monP4 ] a*, J er SteamerestaIQuébes .55whit J . Wedli.sdeYmOrni.IfS ceaeo i bpraimu, 0 Extra Ste amen4'l, Thnsdy aà omi a. aa- songer.a ml tixekr biggage are Put On bomrd tb. Och taxh tQ,ebep t. of ml offpeuse. th o~~l!~1AN~l3T s J bg E fl Vase8, lc i a l ook Bf r.. N EW S LETTERSU lire. Joeepb Lawrne hielately owu O orrespondenoe. movsd into the uncciupied house of -- &ccording to report our boys hors EKOOLIN.did flot eunt-up balf so bad on Monday Jeffrsy paid "s a viit an Mon- evening lat as did the Aehkrn boys. sé been working n Toronito. Lait woek Mire. Prettyman and obild Lt as iitow ovr undY lstof Pbiladelpbi.. and Mrs. Thomase and L ma Iie S . Hullday "W.O e twc ld.nof Dover, Dee reý aoh- S!ee . & b iiy ii ,viaftt o 4- t mthr ~~ ~ m the, sptitiaxid, ho camie and ,ettled ~a~ ttib~ie l. nvittinu in J iithiti place moine 56 years ugo whien illr Bflrin anad mvte were welii tht. part of the township was almot or NO. 47. The turnip season je about over with and tbe faim boys cen begin ~o dig the Thripelri essein uaderter ls. a thpar f ury cng in.to gthe- edut r .ipa Mrsfomnkhose'einaiWen d at ofenrng lasi W spen te evening et ws w pt Mi oc auelnd agod time al roun. ato pn heeeig Mr. E. Lebiman killed twenty-fonr b1Aok-birds at oe shot. A gocd big Nol te& question being aked by a great manY Ber. M. Mudden f Prince Abet, the w. gohng to have a skating riiik tliis presohed hie funeral sermon. sul Eowelen wae celebrated inithe nouai ABEBUE»N. cf esr. Door-benes were rung, gates car- The many finonde cf Dr. Cutbberteon J. ý4fl girls assîned male attire madwOiere arteysoyo c oun f bis gra Àd by a wrathy porion wth a revolver. removal nd wtebhuhm abundant succese Hi( biv. . . Philp drew unusuafly large in ie new field cf operation. Ho gos iÊr fgltian on w1nnday tW hear his e - te Elgin DL .U . S. 6ùg on the existing relations between lWtee sud temperauce. The storin a week ugo luet Snnday e *. J. Fairfield, MUD, cf BattIs Creek, ia ntght made quite a racket in this meure for the Royal Tomplari iin the nighbonbood, blcwing down fonces, do [w.bulohall Thrsday evening net. Re saig boumes and frightening tmmid, w' agea epttinas a lectu.rer and.,p o uaamn ou.W tonsondence arrived lates adbail to The- sonnai meeting cf the Upper ,*ftaild.-ED.) Canada Bible Society hors takea place OLAREMONT. on Friday evsning Nov. 4Llb and will e -aefoiiowing liet shows the standing b. sddressed by Rey. W. W. Smith, cf a" 4 q firet thnes pupila cf the several Newmnarkst, wbc is tho scciety's auth- f I~~~~~es ~~h m hoeirdpnhin fl.cized agent. Mr. Smeith la highly )Ioimont public sehoci for tb. montb espokel cf, ho wasthie aul'hor cf the 19 )f -October, Éth elase not reportsd. &tory in the Christmaue mumber of the fO lblIMinnie Burton, 2nà Tenie Globe lait year, that took the 8100 01 ailUSAd Geo. Ferrier. Jr. 4th-let prizo. b1 Forgie, 2nd Luthsr Bowos and The lateet sensation bore i. the sud- n' eoalane, 8rd Bila Rumohr. gr. den disappearanceocf Mr. Farlang, bag 18lt John Ferrier, 2ud Walter Mo- and baggage from Bandl Wilson's farin. 8 P, 8rd Bryson Parke. Jr. rd- The flitting was uccomplished during0 j I Gerow, 2nd Allan Ferrier 8rd the midoight boun- the neit morning V Mr. A.ndrew Nicol, whose farin fronts-- b Toitomm.on te ninth concession tht on wich I Terrance was riîabbed on Saxur. Furlcng lived ncticed au unusual quiet0 I ntgbt by Barney MeKenna, s about the promises mad on gcing down -keeper, and bai ince died. discvered thut the bird badl ficwn. Idenduay night the City ocuncil Everything bud been tuken ezcept at W diobare Veuble cf lb. iehay. Funlong wue pmying rent ka deparment, tn accordano aet hebrats cf tour dollars auac.Re.H MeDogau, reprt. loaue bis rent unpaid and ise ecine 'Trrr asfine 15 bis -hiee abotits b en dioeed1 auoaý on ondmy for inhuman trejt- iin Pisecng sd h bsattfied soins Ment f & bereeby beating ià witb a f bis arediters sd tW&Iahehobas t is vin whip. understoed, prcxrnsed an early mtl- à by-law ist e hosnbmiited for vote ment. lie moves Wo Toronto. st tbe Municipal eletions tW expend 1250,000 in rrsngig City drives Richard McOabe'q new baru, with ail trough the ravines. thie ysar'e crp, barnos and impie- jebix Certigan was cbarged on Bat- monts stored in.*il, on the 7th concoss-. day ta tb. police court with huvune ion BEssiwlhmbury was strnck- by hthrown hie sepson in to the bay with ligbtntng sud burnod Thursday niglit. th. intention cf drcwning the boy. Loue #2,500 ; insured for 01,200. pn Tii. boy wus remcuedl by a 'Man Who tbe mi afternoon George Thcmpsen!I iuw the &flir1. Shoinge lacoWry on Lot 22. 71h oonossÉ bKw. I. P. Dwigbi vwu fined $100 ton Buat Gwillimbuiry eaught fre froun ma bssvy Usgoode hall osta for spaiko frein th. engine fà lIingýon Ithe cotempi fcuti rsugimdsne aduml snd wus ontirely sammeo tien cf telegrains in th.esBut lons #1,600; ns insuranco. Norhumberlandl eleton case, afler czIoT tbey 1"d been summoned ho bring &hemn Thrd& ay oîg a&sernus accident tl coUrt. tsok place ber. ou 1th., anadi e a Thé. Sheppard iii>.! «»in bKontri ciflo Bailway. Two freighl trasins vers yul apa have tbeb.posiponel au Itr. raing1ne close Uu'the' othertsti 1Soieppard la uiek st bis residence. a high rate cf spsed. The is riosiý -Thé. licarei nsmmu ekuin dbrok, iuntwoo, owfflg te '.dfeetivei Kiliot, )Who, bmked Bothun ocf Ottatre ooug, .n beor ei".engins c f lb. t.raa-foot-rase againt Bingham'5 o IUowing traOuld. .toppe4I Uaknowacf tht. etiys, areDow tryiag dasýiiedtac 0ti.divtd4 orsand' de bard bhave Bingbam iaremted on &a mei*ieasMx cf the M>. The.engins vau warrant.badly deoesged, butuotitsblede 'The en ,gmeermi dfiremajumpe4& ntimet~ " Wby'g vso.lebraisd asusuelt.oses wth 'only s4g19 ipjtinies, aa P y iqthe ltova boyt Who emm te have en- boue cf iii. breukmenvote.burt. Tii joedui.ns~vsjUdag froinlb.h o otrel .e éswu5deisai lthie, aumbtt>Mgis$N lignaet. dpo1kdidr 4t- mproià litii nthe ume " ' Ptnt 1«Mgan, okt ~rytingiiifirsotelascondition. >tbing unuenal for our spruoo youzig acher bowever. Chalk Lake played cur boys a gaine 'football on Saturday lest. Altoom et the tos and had to kick aguinet i cyclone which wus biowing. Be- LIt of gaine one goal ta none in favor 'Chalk Lake. F. HE. Sangeter refèee, Brown and B. Nolan umapirs. A rad supper wae provided at the Altona louse. AUDLEY. The population cf oui littie town je beadily increasing. A raffle wae held at Mr- Wm. Gor- ,n's laet Friday evening at which the estern boys seemed the more enscese- CL Mr. James Somerville bas juet finish. Ià a very succeseful eeaeon'a tbreshing Dnd te now at work in the planing Ictory at Pickering village. Mr. H. Lawtco, cf KinsaIe, has been 3ngjaged as teacher of Âudloy sohool [r 1888 te, fill the vacanoy caueed by nur present teacher Mr. Geo. Wel- bourne acoepting a position in a scool near Oshawa. Now4thut fail rent, sale notes, taxes, stare bills etc., are becoming due eins of the farinera are beginning t6 look seven ways for noîet epring and some have tbought it beet tb skip. We hear that a fariner living a littie north-west of hors became poseesed cof the latter thought and departed- for fairer lande consequetitly leaving sundry creditors, to, moun-hie endden depurture. PORT FERRy. Boade good. sevrn1liUmes te shield itsesf ugainsi. ccld winde inthel. iorningo, but ulwaye doffei il agin sa lthe day gets vrn On Tuemiduy there vus a good demi cf" eoitemenl over the pigeon.shbooihg - mitcb botweer. Messre. Blong -andý Boverman for fl0O a aide, sud a gcod' inany vont te se. lb. Match. T aty fire birds vws the lamber 'snd emch ktlled ninsteon aithvonly.ono .Yards. in shoeting off i*. bide utaà ,25 Yarda' Blong won eamly. Anoiier match- is on for Fntday if reports "b. true. Moeurs. T. Dutacaster .pro pnietwo f the. t.ObsleshËoiei, sud A., K.stuc1atr» bar -tender cf lb. Oriental hOi m e e oeuh finsd .#50 sud as etThusadey for Yioltiae theS8cott Aot--No eïvidencs vau lton lb. parties haà ovned UP.- Mrt. B.. KcQuey bIie4mnt been' legaéà l Bummelà d n Dipapota ha4 M b. 0 iiWese iantlwuaspostpoued for A sa s olmis tst i 5 4s v liorbus, J v ~ ~ ,,- .0 c. Q ï WIIITBY, ONTARIO. -.-M MMMý . . 1 advo-cate Peace, 1 Prog»», Knowledge, Brotherbooa. --.M*Pooo .1 NO, 47. 1