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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1887, p. 3

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MMI0 sy, Ont. LOAN Blotk, Whitb3r irpeses, ulyfz» pet huudi,-. acited for STABLES,' ~VEIELL ýorally ds DIA! 'rATIOINS îanvy Imero ,with jute, 3red and uold y somae un. rchante trad- î)Puttion et C.orsibea, on by drw- ntion tolite gmnuizia Seaon. Por Ks, ieA Â. Mt, rat.d Ardu foi Sae.' lot 22. f au, Lu« ou Ire r a t«M ~sgO luLtter. prllOr rgular oorresPodeIn) 0 t fa rau 0c00 81nationalcove OP te relieve the m0notofYt Wasitiug- th' do bas been rithet &uCl iD Incelia&d- 4% rne the ti.short esessÃŽO' Of Con- %01 laq& gprl'g ; bul Dow b cly5 olvn by the rttem of lte Prasi- ma jeetecabinet, sud the upiaine ,atfroni theiri respective vacations, PI sa Weillas, the.near tepproacitofitle. B log5sinof congrets, viicit iii foi logbsessiot close unlil bot of lte fi' great poitioal parti:s nominate Ih:iu idg .andidates for teP sd5c 6z 0 Therefore, ÙtueFaderai Capital'ha. at agin sesumned i tenominal position sin thegrnd onerof activity in noes w .sud politios. And Ibis faot is fully a sppreciated by tbe argue.eyed reprteen- ou tativeg of the. great jaurnals of t.e country, who are again gatbering in m Ibeir old baunts an 'newepaper rov." Il The Presideflt is scrutinizifg lte re- pi parts of the. several departments and re gai.ning therefro lte necessary le- pi formation of the condition and demande of the public service, e ltaIt e eay b. qi enabled te prepae bis annuel message tl for the. guidance af Cangresional legis. bi lation the. coming session. Titis vomie added te the reuule.t routine afi exeon- I& tire business, muai af wbich ha. fi cecumdllated during te ehiof maaie- %rates long absence, wili engreahisean- à entire attention from aow cnti1ltse meeting of te national solons for thec1( long talk. il Wa&hingtÃ"fl aspires tle héàa onven-C tion city, and is meeting with fiattering i succoes in that direction. In addition te twa or tire. held tuis year, twa il more-tic Amerioan Evangelical Al- i liancesand the convention ai third eud 0 faurti-elase peelmasters viii assemble 8 in tbis city in a few veeke and ntet content with lieule, tb. Capital city is1 xnaking a strong effort ta secure tec National Democratie Committee. The Autericalin embers af the Fisheries CommissiOn bave reaobed tbe oity, and their Englisi Associates are czpectcd early neil week. Evidently lte negotitions vill be conducted on a gorgeotis@ceale, for the hiRh joint bas engaged tbirty-tWO large roows in anc of the finesi hotels ofthIe city for ils ex- clusive use ýon Ibis great accession. Lately lier. bas; been a greal stir on te civil service question, eaused by the ontgivinge of the civil service commis- sioners thieelves. Mr. Oberiy in an interview, raundly condemne the de- partnment clerks for b6ing memberset partisan associations, and making con- tributions for political purpoes,-tak- ing the position thst sncb action vas unlawini and mae .the offendere lubble te fine, impriaonmelili and dismisel; Mr. Lyman takes ground eqnally ad- vanced, but Mr. Edgerton antagonizes lb. viewe of bis oelieaunea, and boldly assumes a pnreiy partisan stendpoint. .The grave differenees af opinion, bave hacoino snob a pu,, irandsa tha'-inny believe the usetuinesu eoftth. commis- sion is a thing of th. peel, and thst il wilhaia te b. re.orgnized bofore il can aceomplish lt.e groat reforme for vitic it ilw&8 designed. The large number of cases iateiy appeeled from liee8ttte couruts lec Supreme court of the United States is considered by some tco be an alerming tendency thel msy necesitete almeet a camplele rvolution in Americen Mauy of lte oegraaemief vho m nov eeeking queutera for lte comins vinter, find difficil, slte@&yin@ goe, le "omake bot endse. meel', as good living =edbàu»se tnt au itigbin luWesiingtoii-thU, Cougrcu mnen vitose iccomea reim=ite umalelber .eonsertVO ailotir Èalân ouo1n urant exponbas, or fôteg( lte pleesures sud triumpits of lbi coàpiwai' gay social lii.. Onùlte oa, 4oed anosl ef lte veilty nombers di n*olliite on eaiiug, anytipmg ont o ltait salaries. Currnt Literature Thte constant succees of The Illui lrated London Neye (àmerican edi tien) le nol by sny méans a urprie wba*n he ol. eaten s of asinge v le coitâddetad. Wreafor' instance1ü is&ua of Ocleber 201h, no* on lb. ma kel. , 1%Tha pplamt llalona, gîving a excellent colorad portrait of IPrinceBi auarck, àla vaitiablasonvafirlto pose iinl addition titars ara ploturas tite l(izm of.1 Rydrbad. lv.Pages voted bo ilntrtùoua of 1he data Ieatd, smobOY page of ouit troopisa Bcràsahý âne of boder ,bt@b*S Kalso, ona of BristolCatitedrel, obé> teDe«L p -, attri, liveul ,dog è a-aM 7 &ty u aituîsix oium"u lettea aI2$rJb ~1pelated .matter, mst 1ol qouve % ôi.rOOoI pî4#W-,o ite #. tory page, sud lu servîo"t rev 4&liA Voléea 14 es iaueof Npvembe#r4 a ooutinuod 4.9.6ô; $5M-ekT.Io&, 15; T bretla sd outrival aboy pr.ious g0 % ad -voýioe cf romains tO Buabl. ies anouneed tille i. One Wo. eem t y1l.VT t~t aft Page thtee la amost int.restiun voul1reouiend thult aid îb a xteu4 Srtmrent of the papet'. The.8lttindîý of 50e. petvwk b. g9pea f.Midt tooau, whor to ai b. tound tablée"9 en loyeav o hiOk3omxKiàiAoPO*,- bund lettersanad conlributed articles1 That tl biiéttion oIOa&lM8i1r éoti aIl who desire w express ltaeit anîndigent,bh galeauasti l Lias in print. It ie really th.e ub. e.il.b 76c. per week grai=toenpd crîbere' owe page. of year, M. Gleeson, Commission«af SPages four and fi,. are the aditorial Girl'a -ome, Toronto, for keeip of Annis knd ne spqges a Rive1'everything of Alhright froeuDec. -281h,1887, to 28th itereet in the world's doinge for th. Nov., 1887., 84 menthe, et" $4.25 par week, while the éditorial columne show montb, $1.44 50; Jne. Cowan, supplias fait and indepedent I reaîment. of -te fanudlings, 76 et. iubjecta. - - On motion of Mr. Mackey, lb. report Page six Ireats of matters of intereel, vue adopted. more espeoiatly of the. new Shought of Mr. Parkor, seconded by Mr. Percyt 1e day on mattera religions, social and moved that-he clerk be instructed to political. Tbie iu a nov department commuicate ith clerks or represeuta reently opened and has proven very tioes of adjeining annlipalillefl wbieb popular with readere. have pased by-lawa adoptiniheh.vire Page seven aives tbo weeks' xnarket fence act of lb. Ontario Legisiatur, nuotations and muet be invainuable te askingr thoir opinion s te'.orking he fermer, producer, merebant and 8Ddidtility of said bot. Orad busi1105 man generally. Mr. Perey, ue.onded by Mrné Parker, Page eigbt i. the Farmtstadpage mored ltaI the tee ve hoinhlructeil tg, and gives a vaut deal of practical in. %10D5U11 b any arrangement muade by, formnation on agriculture, poultry, e.t.he authorillea. of the Girl'. Hoc»s lu Wall selectad or original, poatry Toronto te the placing of Anme AU- appears on th.esecond, third, suit and. btight, an indigent now a charge upon igRbh hpages, s veli au 1hefirsI, and tih mnnioipallly et sala hbena, a lovers of verse ill find ail they desire privete home, as indicaled iu th. latter in es-eh Week's issue of the Detroit tetitis coucoul. Carried. Comnmercial Advertiser, wbich, by lt.e On motion tb. Reeve vas auîboris. way, vas established in 1861. .8 le sige orders drawn on the. Ireasurer Tbe publishers effet a epecial indues.s ordered and passadl by the ocucil. ment fat subsoribers, in their twenty- On motion the coucoul adjourneod b 1111h annuel prerninus, Jannary, 251h, Mocday, Novembor 28t1h, aI 10 a. m. coneisting of 825.000 amoce 100,0001 subseribers, and aiea offer athor pf'v11- At St.Lauis on Monday a balloon ceflapa. ega te subsoribe, ail of which cân be ed 6M0 feet in lh. air and the man feU te Lthe learned by sendicg for a free sam ple gron>tzd and was kUite4. capy. Addrese Commercial Advertiser, Diphthoi18. Detroit IMicit. Lest Jsnuary," uayi J. N. Teepie, of ilrne4,dtJflLt eda Pickering QounciL Regeler meating aI Brougbam on Monday lest, aIl lte membere; beîng present, Beeve Monkitouse in the ciait. Communications ead f.om Ira B. Cerpenter, ciaiming damages for over. flow of land, 810. Frout Secrelary of Girlo' home, Toronto, r. ALbrigit girl in thet insti- tution. Frein John Bell, Solicitor Grand Truak Ry.. re deviation of roed acres. lots 28 and 24, lut con. Lina. From Wun. Logan and cîgiteen other', esking for aîd le Jane Losie. From M. Gleeson and ixteen oltere, asking for aid te Mr@. Moren. Severel acceunîs vote raad and. re- ferred te lte Standing Committees titereen. Mr. Percy inlrodoed a by-lav te adept a Coporete Ses) fer tbe munioi. pelity and te dispense viti the. one nov in use. Passed. Mr. Parker inîroduoed a By-iav te establisik a higitvay aewoss a portion of lte original road allovace for road belveen lots 20 and 21. 8md range lina of te Broken Front, sud for otiter pumposes. By-iav t..eived 6Iretand second readingo, and il v-se ordered ltaI it be prinled. Mar. Perey, Citairman, prescnted lte Boad sud Bridge Cooemillee's report, recomumpndingltaItte foilowingR accounle b.e paid:-Chas. Petly, 255 tlues supplied, G. E.- Alger, $88 per M., $9.70; Uery Hoedgspz, for 59 yda. gravel for wesI loveline (Marlutat paying lik. amnuet), 82.96; Titos. Hor- top, for fixing approactes te nov bridge et Evan's itil, 9tb con., $6; 0. T. Gar. bull, t.pairing oulvarîs on northtbove- lUa.,osâst of Brook road, (V %bridge peying like ainln), 1 1.62: B T. Pbilp, gravellig on eutl tovuline (Wbitby having paid 1k.e mount>, $80 ; A. B. 5Leittus, for planie for vernI levuline lf(Merkiam paying lika amonut), 62.50, a e.Vacioru, cedar -for colvert, ou 8mid 0con., roaiý div. 96, 42; B. Ward for - 1 g yds. of graâve1, 98. ; John L. Joues, foi 56 yds. gravel sud right of vsy tIbeto 48 5.60; John Anson, for 61 yds. of gravé >_ ae 7c., 18.57 ; John Berry, for 527 ydu leof gravel. #-ô8.70, do., for lumbar -foi mum.oipaI"Y, $7282 ; -Jas. A.udarso 9 damae o 0otop s an et'. sgrael pil 1' 15 ; T. W. Lamoraaux, 16 yds. grave MI81.28;Jas. Lldgetl, 1v. days -gî on t Me uteOiina, aud 2deqys felctlg sud tukiin sdgaeahome te WbltbyO #il; Wmi. <Ia dao man,an d tom ntw deys on roui ey Machina, te; BliàaliJouas, hall 8. te plowig, 8#1.50 ; Thtoma White,;- "0 piting 6Ïidgoabetweaîloti 28 sd 2 or st lar4'ýý,nu, $19; Wm. CeamaW Io riiing aïd a~oohs tobiga on61 con., oppe 'ï aI - 1db-o Genuer rs ai9n Jamas~ *soucoq liag lu' JLS. M b~&w.u carry Jas. V 25, 511 sema i and day, but I kept rigbl te He a' Ycliow Qil sud brougitl my eiludren tt~g ail right." Yeilow Oil cureszm&U complainsteand injuries. Harriston hatl men have clouai theft bars and raised their rates to 40 cents a mela Use 1«Maud SY0Conditiofl Powderu for loés of appatite in your Horues and CaIlle. Le there anything more annoying Ihan bavlng your cern stepped *ppun? Isoltera anything more deilgbtlul liban getling rid ai it ? iollway's Corn Cure 'viii do Il. Try il and b. oonvinced. 'At Bright, Ont., a black bear was shot cn Monday. Ou Monday an accidentai dyvauiitO ex- plosion at High Bridge, N. J., killed four MOU. Croup aed Thtoat mcd Lung Troubles are trealed succesufuilly iti AJI.ns Lnng B&lsam' 1~ 1h. Haldlmond caxcpaign. Prema'aWorm Powdera are tufd an aU cmeca. Thosy désya" <drfflor01 Worms in ehii4rm sor adndbs. new Tein perauce teit book. W ben Baby wu Mel, v ve "b ur Cuataml Wben abs Wa aChil&t.sha cmdfor Casterla Whon mabeci.Misba, sitectiangte oCatoria, liban u"bail Chfidreugvt«Q S e "MaCaetoe -C U RE s' Lt I I I Thle G reat Regulto 0f * b ob. LtVu~~*S' -134,M0fe oe Kamiri I able teonanmut. i ÀA sent fi'.. on recept of tnpb > wfoW]TOO CARSA.'ý- I FALL SUITS.I JOH N FEROUSO-N Scotch) English and Canadian Tweeds,1 ÂKnd other fine Unes of Clothi, for Spring »nits. ÂAU gements made Upi lategt style ou shorteet notice., Ready-made Mfen'a and Boys' Suits, G ents, Furnlshin4s and Underalothin4 of al Kinds. INESRCTIBL OERLSI HIATS 1I FHATS!1 HATS! JOHN FERGU SON, D=u sSt., Whitby TH.E QUIEENSJUIL8 TU BRAZILIAN WAIRERUUS MI0 eRevn Y- ltRÂÙluion, h FOR, THE ?,EXT..80 .DAYS. Colored Dinner sets, oCdoredTça sud colored Ch xbrstw ýtùsfly gien aw&y, stock of eetr ew Vteu n tlst select from. Boàêmb6'tthis. W~ e à,the trýae iu TEkS ad <JOFF'?e}8,, M F~~1~roermo. We ýcarryaarge stock ad siiat- ome, hepfor. iit- lm to Teleg p~Ã"Jce, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS,, ýDIEEFCT CONNECTIONS The0 Cm e ciaCble Co. Thiaitimnore4, hibloTe]l. The Postal ýTelegraph . And cal other Telqgraph Lin«s. To seoure prompt dispatoli, usie the C.P.Iiy. 0o. Toieegraph. OFFICE in Richardson'% Block, near Market Square. Orders tahen for Coaa, Salt, Gypu3um, Waterlime, &o., for The RathburnCoQ. A lag qântity of Land Piaster ana1 Sait on=ad Liverpool and Canadian ini Barreiesuad Baga, ail of the boat quality ana iowest prios. Don't forgeto eallmdi anmd Ibingýa as, r.pres.nted. E. R LOW London and L anca8hire Life Company. Receiver Generslinixiapproved cansaian seinrities ever $100.00 for eaoh 1100.00 of liablity, thus affording ABSOLUTBX se- onrity. Parties desirous of asmuring their lives- vil ûnd ilte otheir&advantage toeoonwalt lb. nueruigntd before aissurlng elsehere. JOHN FÂRQUHARSON9, General Agent Whltby, May 18, '86. -iy. PATEN cau5~ Ihesati two years.- Total cost ol ' Patent 160,,only $20 ouniakir te balance only vheu pals:t Telal cosl of Oan.aman 6 Yi!" f15y6>uoar,$74.' Ontreep dawiug withclescaiptiooJl ' Address, C. A. SIC 0'u1 . .S. Sletr ?lue mention whare you MI OeNT F JE vu ru« CANADIÀ"ý - 1 22 1 2! i 'l 1 il is

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