ratoi, a Rioll man uow reperied '-WLen a pusson stands in de Mniddle of a cotten fieldi au' equinte dis way au' * dat way il 'peas t teim dat de world amn fia.; Wo dean' blâmne Brutider Johnson for believin' his eyes, but wo blarne him for net believin' in geog. taphy. -Georgraphy says de 'eeorld arn >eound. Ail de white folks say se. Al de intelligent cnil'ud people say mc. *It's sartin don dat de woîld amn round. A momaber et lb. ledge dat blieves oiherwise wouldn't stop dar. He'd oons assoit dat de sun rnoved, an' dat dle wved webbled instesti of turned, au' dat de moon was hnng up dat' ou É urpese to make onions giow at night. ~e'd keep de lodge stirted up an' évéry- body mai, au' de reult eau esaily ho predicieti. De offiehul appeal cf Limit- e d Johnson te b.e reinstaieti am, darfa', deeed,'an' de sekahun of the EHalifax branolu ndropplt hlm from de rolîs is austileti by a large majorlty-"i On'motion ef truste. Pullbaok tlb. report was accepteti sud adopteti. à , communication frorn the Bev. breos Green, of Frankln, Ky., wsm Ihén annonceti. The 11ev. Green stat- éd that ho was a preacher in searoh ef a fok, anti w-mted te, knew whalt th ehanees weî. iu the uerth. Thé tanks *096e mot only over-crowdéd lu thé outth, but thé récompensé 'là deUane mad cents vas se ,émal :that oêloréd Éreachers hati thé ýhardeS kind o! work "11 t kon 4.atl 6fskl,9" ald tother e ardois' au bhocsaznned the .cmnmunloa,. rSouth of. litby, of cflb .mrphac de, , 41 inevey UWorld cf Celtaîuung z>d ea t "kagie phe. Lfres of the ties 01 Lb. ieote, etc. the Al~ the Ssingjs 0f 9aer di filça ÀLR'S LICTUR-1118 NE «8 03 WORLD GROWING n&»ADI) ?- o $lis E181"-piOKLE5 iMITE OB8 Uls WHE5LBUIROW-LflUT kî ED JIJIN5TONS QUAR- t REL WITH GROG- RAPHY. el if 1 var' te liL my lite over &gain I sbould eeek tebe aà bilosopher, said i - rotheIr Gardnert, as %be thermometer t Warked uinty-eight in Patadise Hall;1 0 te i bas spent a good - bshroofetde las b Oixt y y'rt; 6fitbin pbilosopby, Bsa' feel0 dat il bas been de wuos fur me. If ' I bmd de ensuce te begin ail ober &gain, I sould de difforently."b --.e a baby, I shoulti tesson dat de. mo' I1slept> de faeter I wcttld grow, en, de (aster I growed de sooner I'da git beyoud babyhcod. qi'i -As a ohili,> I shoulti tesson dat bannpL" thunupefallï an' heari-aches ,sr', a part an' piarcel cf my lot, an' de 00, 1 basd of 'crin de tuffer I wculd0 grOWa. uhI'd take là bit of chalko an' fjgger up dat I'd git about se mauy lickin's a week-bev about mo mmny figbts wi 1 de beys-l'ara about se much raseality-be disappeinteti abpui go ofien. --As a yeung mnu, I'd figger dat 'de wa)rid wa'q bost befe' 1 wassheard cf;t dm1 I'd b. sieppeti on about twicea week ; dat 1 oould't reforin nobody or nuthin ; dat de me' au %ions I was te pst things de more sboe-leatber V', wear ent ; dat the churches coulti beC lefîte de presobers, an' de gnv'meulte de pollytighucs.. "As au oie min I'd feel dat wbat 10 I or' &IL right, I'd take my blazzsrde in de witer-'ny roasting' in do suwmmr -birihs, deaihs, joy@. sorrows, teats, bopes au' ali dat as suthin' dad had to cerne ini dis life an' be put up wid te det Lest of eur ability. Yon u ay figgert an'us, but 1'm tqelu' yen dat do man whe biu finti a wallet in de roati to-day-lose bis mulle by deatb to-mer- row-ditskiber da& bis wife ha-; elopedf de day arter, and tura up at (1e reglar Friday evenin' prayer mettin' in eooed shape amn gwitue te Lake s bliz sheer of dis werlds cornforts su e oiltaben jisi as soon ms de test of tuq. Let ns now paroeed wi1 de rtglar cf busi- ness."I 4 The secretary iinuned ta communi- catioe frein the bn. OGgback Taylor, a re,ideet oetonee etthe suburbA oet Montgomery, Als-, keown as. "Vos-. uvins;, stitilagbis readiness Le journoy te Detroit and appear befc're the club sud deliver bis lecture on --Is LeL WVerld Grewing Badder-Sbe is." Hoe dide*t~ want te make euy cuoney eut cf the club, sud wonld, therefore, corne if al bie expenies were pmed sud ho was preseuted with a pair cf two-shilliug suspenders when he loti for home. Pickles Smnith, Who Lad bis wbeel- bsrrew stolen the other day, sud cou- setquently behieves in the badnesa cf the worid, moved tbat the terme cf the speaker b. cepted, but ibe President waved im aside anti said: IlWe km net inceurage de hou. gom'lmn te put in au appeurance. In de tu»& plac*e de prie. arn tee bigh ; in de ne-si-place, if de world amn growin' badder w. can't holp it, an' Lis leokit' won't mako ilt any better. 'Doot I cau't accepi bis conclusion ai ahl. Nowv a laie deciaion et the~ Unitedi States Supremo Court lu wbai is knowu as thé drive.velcases, wil L e baileti wlîh greai satisfaction by the tht.. million farmers et the conutty, whose fluancial interesie voté sifecteti thereby. Thé inventer claimed a royalty ef te* dollars emeh ef these boteti wells; but tiie court refuged te grant lu-Ibus, ibis important decision le worth juat thirty milions to, tLe farmers of thé Unitedi Slalom. Thé State Granges et Iowa sud Mnnesota voted te taiese 25,000 le figLI thé patent,-au expeume they coud wél afford lu view oet he immenseaount st etake. i- Speaker Carlisle has éaîiy strivet in the Capital, fer the purpoe.o o confer- ring with the PtésIdent aud théeSeore- lary et thé Treaeury, ln référencé te the tabrif measuré vwhlch, il leunder. stooti, wae outllnin tbe hésecludeti shaà es eoa 0k ViselutI summêL Il le repoîtti that Mr. Carlisile lu héb unaniinoumly ré-éléolt Opeakerbyu party, snd that théesehole iffléncé of tbe administration wlll bé é*l.d- li] fayorofeta éuotion oftËith iMThé Pîéei4om féels encourageaa am oedé* this poll heI> ri ofsu thé;a laie élection luNéeYok -tat4. vheri a reform ef thé taif awurmade', adis. bluet issue lu thé Dernotié e afér The sugty couttoverey ~bou- Seertsry Lai suoïd oOuiîisa1oner Spaths ovés'thé Omaha ralloý lant grant, s u wîebhd thé " mie@ -sad new8mongus c f tbis -Oity a r& , morio1 forthé pasb "weék. Aller All, héouîy -whlitier the InSérJor -P.partoint ahai! bave 'one or two: headé,'* ailanoftSeorétary Lasma@seul b g Il ~ ?~approe. 0f 9oir" thé- ouiv, utérnef'ofrhe vu *4 whleh doctoi'medioine AUtit oretev Afierusiueg four botteset £urdock loo& RBities h.wua entirely curet, anti mIa"ton that she h 1k. a new woman amn The. brethers, who killai an Indien1 near Rapid City because they suspecteti hlm ef ûiring their straw stacks, have been acquitt-1 ai. Croup and Throat and Lang Troubles are treated suoossfully with Allen's. Luiig BIamn One cf the Chicago anarchiste named, Llnggrdestroyed himseif with a fulminai- ing cap on Wodnesday lmsi, and. on Fridmy Pareons, pies, Engel andi Fischer vere hanged. et oee-c1 hem express*d 1h. leasi regret fer hie cridfie, sud twc cf them houted "Long live anarchy 1" with tueir lesi breathe. Their crime consisioti cf kiling seven policemen with dynamite lu May, 1886. sepot in., dein m' Opont. Pi s lulght, de cull'4 br d~r uh bi de Ohie Riber-has got aon elk~ kin attend to. h rnought-not 1 &aba bing fui hlm lu drop smorne bishlm e-î lgnu, an'fur eberal thoumand .preaeoe- e te pick up de ho. an' go o work." PROGRE8SING 8ATISFAOTOEILY. Whslebone Rowker thon secured the cor to make an euiry. Ho wanted to know if the fishery dispute with Canada bad boon settled. He hadn't Lad a good night's sleep ince the talk of war, sud bis wi'e badl quit buying Lobh witb a Canadian lock around the gile for fear they had been poisoned by the enemy.' "De Oha'r arn bappy ta state in te- ply," said the- President, "dat de matter am under advisement an' progrelsin' in s salisfactory manner. D ar' wcn't be an fout between dis kentry an' Can- ada, an' de trne amrn net far distant wben do Yankee an' de Cannck will once me' mit on the smre log an' spit on doir Lait in ison. Lot ns go home.', A TO -8EOzw:E #&. IME GOD __TWEýED SUIT AT PRICES NEYER BEFOBE- REÂOHED IN TRE TRÂDE.- AGooa Sui*t made to-Order-for $12'OO à , large stock of Scotch, English -and <anadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. Â Special lino of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per.,yard, suitable for Busipiesà 'Suits or 'Boys' wear. À FUJLL STOCK-OF GIROCERIES ÂLWAYS ON RAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and -Eggs. BBOOKLIN, ONT. Mfidwvay between RBrooklin an&d Colutmbus, onIh7& 7th concession. We are -now prepared to make ail kinds of Wooilen Goode, suç~h as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Union Flannels, Mheeting,' Shùrtings, A]1-wool -bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, suad Yarns ini ail varieties and aIL kinda of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing ini ail colors done to order. EHghest price paid for any quantity of WooI. Ail orders promptly fihled. wR Do BO WEIIMA N SONI Every observer who wralkm the streets of a great city, and scans with intelligent eye the colorleas faces of more than Oityjr cent cf the people ho meets, can eaaily mgrec with us in the statement, thei this mgo, which makes sucb drata upon the working energios cf the greater part cf men ~in the intense pursuit cf business, bas de- stroyed in a proportionate degree the ani- mal hoalth and robuit constitution. Nature, in this stage ef exhaustion, cannot b. re- stored cfisolf, but requires smre stimulai- ing tanic, to trengthon and keep the sytem in rogular order,and in Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine we have the exact reinedy roquired. The peculiar operation cf ibis medicine, in cases e!fgmnral debility mad norvous prostration,h as undergone long and close observation, and it is believed il will nover fail, if properly and judicioumly dmtinitered. Prepared by Northrop& Ly- man, Toront.o, and sold by a&R drugglstm.' Fierce storms have beon sweeping the lakes and many vessels have met with mis- hape. Holloway's Corn Cure deetroys ail kinda ef cornesud warts, root and branch. Who then would endure thern with snch a cheap andeff ectuaI romedy wlthin reaoh. An ininate cf the R. C. Orphan Asylum ai London died cf diphtheria on Friday. . Allen 's Lung Balsaru je wsrranted to cure the mosi distreastag Cough. On Friday a tramp hung himseif ta the barn cf a farmer near Stoney Creek. Io ther. auything more annoying tan having your Pcru st.epped upon ? Is there anything more delightfnI than getting rid ofit ? Hollwsy's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. Sir A. P. Caron reschod Winnipeg on Sa- turdsy en route to th. Pacifie Coast. Prof. Low's Magic 8tdphur Soap. Healing, tee thing and cleaneing _for aU ertptive du8eaaes of the. aki*. Delightfu#l for toilet rtae. Henry M. Stanlev was roport.d on C- tober 7 to ho 40C miles frein Emin Pasha. CONSUMPTION CURED. An oid physician, retirod frcm practie., having had placedin lis hande by anu3ai Indis rmlasionary the formula of a simple vegetable retnody fur the ispeody andi pen- anent cure cf Conaumptîon, Bromchb", Catarri, Astima and ail throai anti Lung Affections, &aos a positive and radical cure for Norvous Detllity and a&U Nervoua Cern- plaints, mter having Lesled is vonderful curative pewers in thousands cf cowms, has toit it his duty te, make il known te bis uffrng follcwa. Âctuatod by this motive and a desire te relieve human muufe1 wiil soud free cf charge, te m&à whodesine 1% tbis reca, in Germait, Frenoli or anlih wt lfdirecoeufor Pr. M* ma Sout b y mail by addremug * rluup naingiisapr W. A. Noyras, 14, oe &eu. Block, BOCh.ter. N. Y. DUNN'S BAKINO PowDER THE COOK'8 BEST FRIENDý Waahington Letter (Froui eux regular correspondent,) WASHINGTON, Nov. l9th, 1888&-One bhing highly creditable te Mr. Cleve- land's Ad ministration, je the efficient and economioai management ef the postal business Of the oouatry-in tact, there is s fait prospect that tbis branch of the public service rnay Le inade self - subsisting for the firsi lime in its îistcry ; îndeed, there is à promise that it may be made a morrofetGeers- rent revenue. Tbis Biais ef affaire je really as eurprising as il Ru gratifying, when il is rememberéd that for a num- ber cf years past the annuel defleits of thie departmeut have ranged frern eighi to fitteen million dollars. For lbe year ending June 30th, 1886, îLe deficiency wss $6,900,000, but tuai of laut year was only about $400,000 ; for the paît fiscal y ear the marne reduction bas been ReînR Ion, sc Ihât t e probable thal on Jeune 80, 1887, the doficiency Was net over eue million dollars. Iti. estimai- ed lb t befote the close cf lbe proseut vear t eo postal business will Le a profit te thoe, Gevernment. This greal Federal Deparâment, wbich cernes nearer than any eo ber te the people, is an nterest- ing to"ïic at mIl urnes -particularly 50 Dow, b'en ihere appears te Le a sureng preba ility tbat at no distant day we sbaîl bave oue-cent letter postage. Few roalize tho magnitude of lbe United State& mail service. The free irans- Portatýons cf the business mnail et $60,- 000 4ffice bolders throughoui tbe conutrý' coste the vasl eum of two million dollars; the newspapor mails, which constitute oes hitt4 et îhe mater carried, bring but on. fortielh of the revenue cf thé service. The United 6tlates bave mors posirnasieru, postal employes, aud postal rouies than any other country in tbe world, whlob le the very Lest indication cf our subistantial progrees açed prosp.rity, and the culti- vation et -the social graces thal es obaracterisiof the Ameriomne. For the pasi year and a hait, pennies »Meemte have boorne popular, .ipeeially in tLe West-in the Euti they have been se frorn lime immortal-as lb. only United 8taies minit tat makes emaîl coins, tbat in Phelà deiphia, bai been unablo te supply the grewiug de- mant., tbough the dies bave been, andi are yei, runuiug nigbt andi day, Lmving auring tLe period in question, filled orders for eue andi five centi pieces, * arnunting te more iban s million dollars, and yet the mintisje#200,000 bebind the orders. If ne more démantis should Le made, il would tshe the mint six weùkuconstant work le 611 l te orders noir on file. C. O'DEA, Secetary. tram«a B. Day, Eaq., Accountant, Toronto. &a,4-Havibg sme lime mgo comltai acouse of study in your eColgeand hain min. hd auypprtultee t rovngboth u à teacher and! aà B member of the Bo= ~ of BXaminer. o! publie shool teachers for th. Ooanty of Durham, 1h. -greal -benit aMd valuce Cderived fxom yrn.etruoe ".d ezP.rienoe san Accountantï I-have such. VIOMurM i us p*bfClytefflfylng te h.mupeior advantag.s efleredbyyOUr Business subo d tu ecommending et ote .patronaeff snY who mzay deire a course of ci-mn&other for business u 0pme9o for mdrtùing 1h.,charge ef-tth. Commercia Départient now ibeing ognZed lu MY O et l. i1hSehools an&bime shoola et Ontario. W. B. TILLEY Katemtlmiand CommercalMauter, Port Hoe.HighSEol, ati3erelary cf Board-Of Igauineez 1 O.otDunbam.à o9puflETE WITHOUT ELLMAN & «NDON MAI OSm ost at nlght-woree byN 4, t"crthing-very distreçSti,, 0lowdta continue tnmors form whic o tn bleed and *uloerate, becoringuverysore. , S WAYNE'S OINTMENT Stp the Itchinu, and bleedlng, heals nlceratioii. adlu 4 maycmremoves ' MANHOOD! How Lost! How. Restor ed 1 Just published, a new edition of ,or. Culïerwell's Ibatd Esy on the radical cure of BSp'ux&TcoeÂS or incapacity mnduced by eXceua or earlyludis- cretion. The. celèbrated author, i s"di- able mosav, clearly denstrates"from, thlrty yearesucweeful pracfice, Ihat th. alarrninq corsequences. cf early error Imay b. raJically cured ; pointing out a modo f' cure ai once simple, certain,ýf and effeotui by means of which every muff erer, -no mat, ter what hie condition may- be, may cure' himsel! cheaply, privately and ra<icaZ4. ig This lecture houldl be in the handua of every youth and every meà n th lIand Sent under seat, in ak plain envelope, tb any address, pat-paid, onreceipt e four conti, or two postage'stalups.Adxes The CUL VER WELL MEUh CAL C00, 41 Aun S., New York., Post Ofe Box-MO. DR.- j \IutE-cil jUs OÂNÂflÂ'8 AN» ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KIEEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSBINES88 GORRE SPONDEN CE, BUSINESS ÂRlTHMETIO, COMMERCIAL LÂW, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTIOALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN- CANADA. Bond for Circular. Âddress. 27-7 îgraing ixammued, atSewing L. Fair- La in Mîy eot eaaiiy fl longer on taken ile. I le$ vani- binue. I SMnthe emdorme reoom- à ewinbg 4an ay ,K te do- PB It inj the, j i J UTS see Lia - ým- iý T