IIiTBY e ULE. With calm Printed words great thoughta, and untiring XXXIe WHITBY, ONTAIRIO.S' 87.- NO. 51. Established 1856. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. t $per aunn in advance-51.50 other- trise. ,Stbazriptions are always payable et the office of publication. Steam equipment and best furnished Boo)k an4 Job> printing plant ini haâtern Ontario, kapahle of executing ail classes of work f rom the large poster to the âmallest handbill. Special metntion is made of the unsur=asdipress facilities of TnE CInION- 5CtLE, w t its elebrated N. Y. Oottrell oylinder press and other modern conveai- ences. Evexy order receives prompt, care- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. First insertion, per line, 10 centB eacb subsequent insertionl, 5 cents. Displayed Advertis3eenft are rneasured by a scaleuo! moud Noupareil, aud ch&rged a0oordingly. Advertisemfeflts sent wit.hout wrîtten instructions inserted until foribîddeii, and oharged for tuIl time. Orders for discontiuniiig adIvertisements must be in writing, otherwise the publish- ers will not be rosponsible. A liberal discount for contrac't adver.ise- monts by the year. Copy for èhanges of contract advertisemeflts should be handed in not jeter than Wednesday ; snd notice of anyintended changes should be given before TuesRday noon. Other adertise- mentio received up ta Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news colomus, Five cents'per lËne weekly. Locals, 10 cts. par lins weekly. Correspondence solicIted f rom aIl parts of the County or neighboring townships. Correspondente are requested ta send in tlreir corumunidations as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAIIAM, Proprietors. JOHIN STANTON, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. JOHN E. FARtEWELL, LL.B.1, D BRISTER, Corinty Crowii Attorney, an sd County Soliitor. 011#00,- Seuthr vin.g, Court Houtes, Whitby -de JAMES RUTLEI)GE, BIRRISTER, &o. Office formerly oc- oupied by Farewell & Rntledge, riext o Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IlS Chancery, Conveyancer, &o. Orrîcu-In thre Office South of thre Pest Office, in Mcbillan's Block, Brocir Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B ARRISTER, &û., &.-Moriey to Loan I)Issuer of erriege Licerises. Orricx-Smitb's Block, Buth o! Market, Brocir St., Whiitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf -b JOHN HALL DOW, B ARRISTERr-AT-LAW, SOLICîTOR >iri Charicery, Conveyancer, &c. Offe-Deve4l's Block, Brock Street, Whîtby. MONE'Y TO LEND-Private Furid,- n surno up to $8000, et a 1ev rate o! iri- t rout. (Iy-52 LYMAN ENGLiSH, L L. B., >ABRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR I B Ohtricery, Convoyanoot, &c., &o. Sm 00e Street, Oshawa. TB MELDRUM, M.B. (TORONT O 'L)University,) L.-R.C.P.-and L.M. (Ediii- burgh), &c. Offce boums. 8 ta 10 a.m., 2 to 4 a-ud 7 toi 9 p.ni. Noa. BD THE 119TE.RRACE," BYRON-ST., 31. C. CRAIV FORTH, VETBRIN4RY SUBGEON.- Graduate of tire Ontarlo Vetefliaty, Col- lege, Toronto. Orders by- mail or telegr&pir promptly littended toi. .1 loe et "residence ot G. Aynes, opposite D Bg ,vDndi treeb, Wiitby. SEI3ERT BOS., Lt VER Y and SALE STABLES, .ù4Rg'ed GoOoa s6së- rm8 roc- -A. -A- 'OSTr. ate with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto ,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings preparod for remodeling eisting str-ictures. Oprrîcu-First flat over Hlowse's Drug Store. P. 0. Box 202, Warrav. FARM FOI? SALEI A Beautifully situated farm in the TOWN. 0F WHITBY. The nndersigned offern for sale hi. !arm of 49î acres, being situated on the east side of Brock street and north of the Grand Trunk railway in the Town of Whitby. This fatrm is as good a piece of land s. cari ho found in the country hbas e splendid, situia- tion fora town Park or driving park, is. in as gond a state of cultivation as; any mari (OUld wish, is fenceed entirely witb board feuesB, is clear of alI bad weeds or other ob- jectious of that nature, bas a stream o! wat.er running through one corner which neverfails. The harn and other ontbuild- mngo are of the beet quehity and alniost nov; the bouse i. a nearly new one-storey build- ing and can b. raised a storey witb Do great expense. There is a good well of pure water. There ie e young orcherd of stand- ard fruit trees, juet commJencing to bear fruit. The gardon is as gond as cen b. found. The f ar isconvenient ta schools and chrirches. Tile good. Liberal terns will ho allowed to the purchaser. Apply to proprietor on prenises, r'DCoý- UTnV'TMIILifTÇAM. WhitbyP.. Whitby, Oct. 2th, 1837. Dominion Lino of! Royal Mail LIVERPOOL SERVICE. SAILINO DATES. ?romi Portlanid *Vancouver ...Thurday, Nov. 24th. .Saruia .4 Dec. Sth. *Oregon 44 22nid. *Vancouver-. . Satunday, Nov. 26th. *Sarnia, ......... Saturday, Dec. lOth. . *Oregon. ........aturday, " 46h RATES 0F PASSAGE. From ,Portland or Halifax ta, Liverpool. Cabin, $50, #6; and $75 ; Second Cabiri $30. Steerage et lowest rates. SMOKE the MUNGO [cLelland occupied be descrîbed vas flot on. of irnagin- ain,- practiusl, and red op ber dude lest * v don't say that -but vo do 58y let The gront 5e. Cige.r, and the ELU 1' AIDIi> MADRE E H1570 The great 100. Cigare CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procures tbem direct trra the Manufacturer&. Hanging Lamps! h'anging LampsI W. R., IIOWSE,' Chemist and& Druggist, Whitby. Wishes to inform th. Public that hoe is. shoving th. greatest as well astlb; BESI and (CBEAPES Asclortment of Hanging Lampe évey brought into lb. Town of Whitby, whicbhbe is selling et very Ilow P&OIES. , NEW GOOD8! DAVID TORRANCE & CO. W . IEO VE General Agents, Montreal.W R.HS Y Or to E. STE PHENSON, Tèlegraph Office, CHLEMIST AND DRUOGIST, Local Agent. Wiitby. Has on hand a 'rery large and select stock A ll n r nco! Chnlelmasgooda,,comprising I1 jD I 5j j L Royal Mail Steamers.1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, __GLASGOW. 3 ummer 7arrangements DATES OF SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC *Circasian-/ Fridey, Oct. Sardinian Tburecday, polynesîan - -Friday, Nov. Parisian - - Tirbrday, Sarmatiari 2lst 27th 4th lotir 17th carry cattle, sheep or pigs. RATES 0F PASSAGE FRO Id QUEBEO. CABl-S60, $70 aud 580, 4ecording te position o! Stetecoonx. Returi tickets, $110, $80. and $150. 13y extra steamers, $50,S$60 and 870. Retnrn, $90, $110 anid e80. ITBTsXElUTZ, $30. STn.B&En, $20.. Tire lest train connecting viti tire Mail Steamers at Quebea passes Whitoy cri Wedriesday morning. To-toarient iti tire Extra Steamers, Thunaday Morning. Pas-- eengers anid tiroir baggage are put on board tire Ocean Steamships et Quebea Iree cf cil experise. IMPORTANT ARRANGEo'LA~T. Cebin, Intermediste and Steerage passe- gers eau nov go on board et Montreal, if tirey viur to do g.. , Parties sending fovrirelr fnend:inlutlb' Old ceuntry cari ohîsin FR3 PAL]PAS- SAGE OERLTIPLOÂTBS aI bovesttates. For Ticeehs sd,:U otier nenlI, apply ho Geo. -B.-'YuIe, Agent, Exp ress Office, Laaiers VVOFK DOxe, Whisk Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/o t Cases, Large Vases, And an asortinent of other articles suitable for prescrits. Cail andi Examine Our' Stock ief ore - Purçhaaùug Etsewkere. about 1 nt, eqoui sk ati ng ri k .r vas oeoming te tb. front aud r bop"e preparatien. Thero le rible wOrk to be don. to get it 1sha8 pe. 'Wm. Metheveon left Monday gt on a visit to bis daugbter in à , in. It vas a long journey for li4 to tais. clone but ho started ood spirite. &y'& youniz trees. Il is only a me #Ince Mn John Camplin had lstvoyed in the slame way. Il y tâ0 bad snob parties canunt b. cbut and puriished sas sev.rely as teacher, Mr. Spence, leaves on Wy for Hamflton, where be is go. Is ecomie so loy that the "."fibthé Ce. P. R. Company t e~a.r lb.station were g Iý ,ý iUj rei by t4b. a à gangof men vau et vorl I aket wýk-cartng dirt imb lbth llake i oay threa fo>Th-otler thn Dr. Gelloway -vas in Toronto on business list woek. The Methodiste intiond holding tbeir annual tea on Nov. 8th in Alexandra hall. Mlesets. Harrison & Leslie have 9old ont te Mr. Bd. Tiedale of this village. Poss-ession to b. taken March lit next. What migbt have been a serions run- avay occurred on Tuesday lest. Mr. B. Madill's mnare wbich vaesetanding In. front of Dobson Campbell'% mill door sudd.nly took fright and dasb.d up Simce St.* but before a mile was cover- aton, crbt of ralit ane afhimyagis- aigonngtof mlyandh. a.His exis-u tnce Yoauygngman howasiveied into hree periode and oach perid con- tained, if possible, more follies and con- oeis than the oQiher. But frozm the Youg man's fouies Mr. McLeod hatohied, some noble thonghts and neyer vas an audience more itereaied- in Port Perry. It vas a great tra. Thers je not a great deal of tllyet- -about thé municipal.- e1,oton. 1.Iajsot Bch m atters b e. are ai a 1ev e'bb .', In municlpalities like hivr ï ii terest wbstever je taken in theviag government, affaire ehould b. allo Wed by law to paus into the bande oftbe permanent municipal fficers, whoare réaliy the only parties that know any- thing about tii. corporatio'. affaii.- I believe it would vastly improve our village affaire if thi e e.the case here. I btsve hoard, that couniore Nott and Willcox are the aspirante for the new deputy-reeveship, and expect to learn at a public meeting econ tob ho hld that eacb f these gentlemen i. imprese- d witb the. belief that the other is a cheat and a frand,likewise a skunk and a fol, and moreover a bullhead and an ignoramue, and laetly a sncak and C BRWGEC. write on anoîber examination. od kMr. A. Currie captnroclthie beast. The "Joseph Gould ' Institute" vil b. ady stands high in bis profos- OSHAWA. opened on Dec. 9th. A good tine expeole 4 inst.111 climbne the ladder. The curlig rik is being rn.hed. cd. ier Boetcn,-of Broughamn, vili Mr. Karvey Gould has ordered a car of juring the fev dayo ho vil b. The Vindioator bas a név Acmé "White File," Manitoba wheat, from "'o. Cool cil engin. and other improvemente. Fawn Esq. Uxbridge met b. a good S. 0 Pblp ill resh a- Th Maor ffer $1 r'wardforthemarket for whet. 1ev. 8.C. Pbip ul pe onviationaye o f es $10yrevad îoastiho The to'wn je ailexcited over thre echool buce sermon on Sunday evening lone vito eachbo oudostn affair. The ccming trustees' election wii 13. vil tae. for bis sabjeot au ieak.no doubt cause a lot o! fun and a, great deal lug in moderation". Mr. Philp The new mechanice' Institut. vas cf work for mre Who have t.he gali te show ng' thé temperance question opeued Saturdlay laut. It bus a amiok- themeelves again for- another term as attention and bas promised te ing room in connection in vbich mcm- The ighî. o! Labor held a meeting a number of sermons on il dur- bers indulgé Fin polies, tobacco, choesl lut Friday and nominated thoir -men -for. Win tir. and cheokere. Why excinde thb. "oray- thc comingelections. Il loch alittbefreah, jolin Moore, our dtetion master,tur? but thre ecciety have spoken o! bringing ont a kiog a short vocation. Ho [W. haà ve a btter from O0shava vhich mn who stand in velI vit i1h people and is family viited friende in the ve do nt underatand clearly. The 'whc, if they enuvaeseil have good hance gafning 1he msjority et the polos. Rte place vas filled by a young wriler élaims, and w. believe it i tue, TieSct aeajonodfomls ýS oeinssit is to relit"eagents. that Oshawa bau a large number of weei, vas te.day diemiesed on, accoant,. of deutby did not gain tego.young ladies, snd that young mop Item witnessee.being alway. -Lt, looke S yun lb.peple ber. ? "b eenJonlg distances pay their court et tbe fair fo ssomre of Ã"un irozestw orking fel- Ms, Morevaswecomd aokslri.oe of Osbmwe'sbeauty sdgealv uthe 'lb.c»fernoappearaneand The latterorferaesusellv b lb tah fr1. ae onrmidla, mmscy daie ume i Mlt B. Wagner bas sold his bioyole Mud i. nov making a nov one. MisseB., Mowbray wbo has been absent some w.ek's vislling finonde in Weilon, bas roturned home. Mesu. Williams aud Caldvwell were tlirouabhebre laet veek purheing caIlle for tl b hisîmoe market. Tbey seeeded in bnyivi a number of fine animale for vbich w. nndereland %hey paid a. biob as five cents'p.r pound liv. weight. A certain genarone hearted gentle. man wbo livos about e mile Irte Ibi place, cffered to donate a steve for the ne. of tbe hall bere, on condition that a certain Bey. Rentieman eonveY lhe ame on a wheelbarrov from lb. place cf thre donor te -tbe hall. Thre chalenge vua eoepted end soon th.e bie.bodied clrgymnu as tniumphaptly wbeeling the, steve aloug t6 ils destination wbich vas quickly reuebd. Jacki mach. ire cIrer evening. ne bae been sicli for over tvo veeke, but i. nov somevirat rocovered. Jacki maya lia hes1 beeu very lonesgome as tire. bave bten but very fev celIons during bis ilinees, aud tiret mong these calotse the cirurcli liasbeen véry elimly repre. sented. R. says a fellov migirt die 1en d go elmoot enywliere quit. à anumber eftlim»es before entpof tire lam vold oeil r ound te glave: 1dm a puer 1in lire, nigirt direction, or even bù ask boy lhe vaso.. Jacki vas 'migb-y giad, lbhough, to sees IIos wrc id eme Yonr-'opondont,Mr. edite$ am berry girl., aud a fine YOung mm- be le9elaim-, in tire letter than il vould b. prudent le mcli. publics uniese . hoie Iter' le su advertising dodge te belp dispose of soin.etofthese -teresîriai obarme. ED.] Mrs. Dr. Smith met vitb a lied ecci- dent. Becentiy she bell béad foremost dovu coller sud sflstaiDed many injuries cracked ribe, cut head, broken nos., 8h. is very unomfortabie but je elowly on the mend. ý onr sobool trustees vith tbeir usuel good sense bave -secursd thre services of our ,presentebool teechor for the ensumng year. -Ho bas great succesa training tbe yeung ides how t. shoot. We vigh him êerfyinccess.e Our esteéméd blacliemitln 1É.Blftot havingseured asituation' elatthéb.De-' Mill là diée colbege, sa0'i so quit here. W. visir hum every suce8s but are sorry te iQOose sO gooda smithy, and heody mun. Ileeve Cutslagttlug ulong niely WîIh bis largà ensd' subatanlial brick vearebouse for lire scientifie hsudling et esggs. If people could 0enly secure a breed et pateibliens vbich . ould a duo.8 piolkled oggsi Curte would have beon saved tbie, ixpense. ' , s lla good msuy bon~s - ili b.' QÙV ol là f i l l h i a w » h u Mn;:Arbhur Coono vas m.Ie vinlage- on, Saturday.Ilà friendAare alwaySgl&o se hmn $kt home. lnter seerne tgcbavecorete stay his tiine, but penhape ve are deceived, *e tirougirt selest veek but the rein c f Satan--- day and StndLay diepelled our illusion. M. John 8mit]Ãr cf Whltby le plovlng> vigorousby upon tir Dnbop faim. Tho'. Elllot'e sale cf standing tinuber vas a great succS. Aversgng abýout $- 80 perw Th os. MoQuay iras dispoodcf ie bre. year o18 enir coltob W. MOrvis of Kanas BauiBray iras fond 'hie ge., stolesi fro m bis. apromises ex9, o llove'n., aineward wMU begiven te mcv tir, guIty prty- Thire. Balles has receivoda tter domrn. ing onfession. clureb Notes. "Jv. >ÉP. German viUlbe absent on, Snanext peachdngmnionazy emon&. 3ev. N Bý. Wiliougiby Iboa s orVpôirry. for Gu spir et tire ond o e ýoné nc4 years Ib is said Rev J. P. GerunauhbuA. ivia- lion te go tb Montreal viron hie, e ltý ee We undanendMesert re1eAndim-t' Il PlAN O~T Diarrht - f - * , 'Y .S -VOL. ~to0cek- odse peÉt We 'sted eof the wil the- SE tand es, at sett, Jhina Col- 4and ozqn, et a Seli- *1 titat Jeen e ta 'Ail ),6 loTeu 1 , ùâ9 1 1 Ta na 1