AndZtms tooafom ou Schangos In a rifle match, Ilut wo.k betwe ton mon esci (romn Orillia and Brai ford at 100 and 200 yards range,t 4score atocd anth t ihe Oili 66 Brantford, 686. Majorty for OriIliaý Orillia basiness men have got. n trouble over their siectro ic lits, sa appears thatt h... iights, nullify the masurrince policies until emcbh ight is:î *trected y arofes8ionsî man. Il wi b. orne tIle before tusa can be don, and eveu tiien th. inspeetor charges1 per iighs for the. fluet light* and 21 eaoh for &Il othera. Bouides Sthe troub, and risk ths entails au extra expen& WS. Bnohanan a farmer in Medonti near baers,-made a borse.grade latelj and Luet week Chiot Constable Ciar recoived instructions to go and ge Buehanan's berse and ship it to a mai in New Loweli, near Barrie. Il ha( beau stolen. Farmere shouid no& trid, houses wish etrangers. The investigation into the oharRei agiinet Police Maigatrate Partridge, wil e beld on the l8th Dec. at Barrif before the commibsioner appointed for that purpose, viz.: Mr. Winchester, <i Oagoode Hall, barrister. After lie haï beau put cbrough thie judicial tmii Mr. Inspecter &ngue MoRaty wîll be oalIed upen te expiain bis relutous witi Motbzer Duanand other diarepusabiî obaracters, in referene b recent pros. ecubionu and convictico under the Soott Aet in Orillas. James Hogan was 'ncarcraîed in !ha dungeon deep lait Tuesday aorn- ing ne a dangerous lunatie. l'le poo fellow, aoeong other particulars imagin- es birseolf the finit oreâted man. COenty couestable Cotton arrested hlm at 5 a.m. Tuesday, after ho had made that section of the noblm yard near Coldwvater read howl. El. tmpt.ed thie lite of several of the ret;i.Jeu,s Rt thes foot of &hoe Uil imtediat-f-y alter hoe had teeuj brouz'it baine frutn HIart- ley's camp where b.atiad been working. It soee tbat orne years since ho was severil~ in> ured wkile on the drive, and ince thaS limae bas acted strange. ly but nover vioeorzly tili cf late. Great oxcitement prevailed a&thLe cnoer of Simoe avenue aud Mississaga atroiste Iaq& Ttiureday afternoon. The causes were tih. duphicity of a gipsy horse grader, the greencosa of a certain yanthful Marait. and thie rightasenl- dignation cf th. lattera mober,-a portly middle aged mnatron wbo bar. rangited the crowd with great robubit îty. Squire gipsy bad g3t the. botter of Young if ayseed on a hora. grade. * The bargain bail jues beeun oended when bis mother arrived st the caucus, teck the platfcrm u d radox thîngs liv.. ly. SU@ vas arrested and lodged in tb. cooler on West St. The. came vas set- tled by Mayor Bubiason chat evening ina imanner wortby of King Soiomen. Thbe eld lady was condemaned te foot the. bill,0f ;cote of ber arrst, vbjoh (set viii doubtlees ho she mesans of1 ebecking bier oragorial propensisies in1 future and the. tner wsordered toc baud back the herse withount delay.' LDiDSÂY. The curling club commences the âesson vîth iLs auca dinner. * The Victoria couuty cencil met bore lut wveek sud passed resolutioqs en- oeuraging tho Domniion Qoverument te go vith the Trent Valley canal. Iu Lindssy jusI aI prosont liere je a docnd ameug meehaulos sud eshers for tueuses io boy "ou the instaSaomet h4an" and any et car eapitalista vho ha" a fev thonsande cf ready cash Se, Spar.eviiifiad &hies obpsyiug zeveasmeut as veilias a public spiritod moe. Boutons are bsginuuug te realize &hat psy ret s long as Shey May tiey bave nothiug for Iheir ouiiay aI Si. and wheresa on the "listalmoul plan" $100 a year fer say ten yeara on so givos hem s very ouutortabie pnopersy. inn" are higi and# rapidly advauointg: lu tsot la ton msuy cases tie reute rire nov Muinlbd vace. cf lie chis eof bouse offored. Mr. D. M. Leany, of trou iadder (smo, vau on Monday eveing the vTidim cf etier a practical "6joke", or au set cf pure malevaeoce. Reviu; occasion te go it th ke couny ho "bteheti p" hie herse ' te e oad wagon andi accom. niodaled Mn. A. Doran witi a seat. Tiey 'had noS gene"more thSkiasffty yard, vieneue, ef lhc front vcois came oiff, thnoving the rlg fenw rd sud fnigbteutng tkie herse, wWhh tarteti off aýs Ilvely pao.. The two gealluou, jumaped eut unljur.d. The hos-so spoiedtliy freod twhefom lie vggM i vil asbadly, brôken, sund vas * csast afler runtg a short âtstagc.. ou tnspection ilvs4ud iso - pori3on bd reulovd he ulfrm1S frout *iSol, tim %tis hgle accident, vhich miglit eaMilybave rosuitsd Sort. ouuly. Mr. LIry ntlod raoea sd- lug froin the stabe,bat cannoit iagsine Who coula have a motive for dem; 15t. Twc hoess fchlowed OcioSier in Sfuserai Promeosion lait veek., Il appeaus a probable just nov lbat th ahcsbool bosrd viii Putcia,. the drjli shod ajacntgroudca upen vhlb te btitI&.publie so4.ol building. of Bowvnitlle Young - latiueo' voue mtxied sp. took nis. îam .tu.w.. end m'ay*o Uon g0o homýe wi mers -in tiil lie ont bat 1Mjarkbbxg ,1 Marketf-Wtleif1» About 10:80o'eooo Tbüe it on tbe roof iRe V Mir somo resideno. on Mifi t ----- li- alarma waa given sud lui vas W acon o bau"d. A o 219# could be prôcuod, (tifé roôfI -6 $1steep piteli) the fi.. *a. put out *ith >1 few pails of vator, The fire'ia Mle ed goe-have originased from a smoù 69- ing spark (rom the ohlmuney,4 wbïli hbýï e, beon oa flue in the. mcr ug. 1q lY, On Mouday ovenlng lut l.rsl4,uie î1 rk of Mr. Thos. ifook, baker, o f-Mêr&hà oe et Village, vas beseiged by miauyof t$i 91i- In Villager ors 0 vmbh hm Qed peed on his vice tri tnp bLes Angeles# Cal., te roeup.ras*. 1i4T-7 le hi@ failiug heaith. Amougel the vijsiter.' vere a deputation (rom 5th. C. O. ofOýY es F., vho preseuted him viti a besutuful~ gold ring, boaring the Ibre. Ihike, aud hars ia a enitablo inscription. Mr. Book loft r on the early trainon Tuesday the 22ad >f inst. He vili be absout dnring the Th s vinter menthe. Hie, business bore ulh P.beoarrîod on lu &i il braoeea as nasal. cns mnuit *ue 6 GLENIAJR, crtrcp& Lm ,ns8Vtable* Our bible elas on Wednesday evea- and Dyspoptic Oui,., the inat4y céleisi iB R -une estili goiug on, but sorry vo are ]Blbod Puriller, a comprehenslve famly goi g S le . o u t acl er. W e end r rm edy for liver com lain oc onsi oy bier eurtShauka for Stie past. idgsin a fpyuical oneru, ta*d female complaints. Mr. B. Dutto had tht miefertune te ubrc rs diesaot opoe log.eue of bis blood mares valnod at nd f ofulih neors cfmt e ,aié $200 hast veek ; causeof et abiunfiam- Loague braio meeings rmatien. Mr. Wm. MaDoal aise lisp- pened with a misfortuno one day hast la bertZAnd TO The PIaL - veek, by losing on. of bis fat steers . Dysepa s sdreadftl Disordergd liter vbich bung itself in the stable. Billy 18 mssery. indigestion '0a 106 gq<>u yon must bave liedLb. Chain Sco tiRht. The human digestive apparatus iaiouoi TUh aet aripv event vas tie mar-. emesS coeplicatod and vonderful Éiug niage cf Mr. E.' Silvor to Misti Mary inexistence. It i@ ea1tr put eut of o94e. Ann cinesb bcli earliee. ii. reasy food, tougli f, loppy fced, lab. Aon eInosh boh ner hrs.Tnecookery, mental worry, hate boum-, irrogUuarý eAremoay teck place on the l6tli aISthe hatits, a.nd Many cuher thinge whlcb owgbî bride's father's. The bride vas mesS noSt tolie, bave made the Aneican people bandsionisy dressed and vou-e tbe nouaI a nation cf dyspeptîo& bridai viii. We visi the. yeung couple But Green'@ August Ployer bus doue many long sondlhappy days in Sheir Il weuderful verk in reforming tha s"d new life. business and making thie Atuerican people go hee.thy that Shey Man euJoy tlieir meale nnity by the sad death cf Mr. A. Rexember:-Ne bappines vithout Merrison. He was an oid citizen of healib. But Greenla AdgustFlIetr ingi this plae snd vas appreciat.d by aIl health and happîn'Oeate the dyspeptie. " . with vioo bo vuacquainted. Deceas- Ycuur druggist fer a bottie, Seibnsy4ùvq . -Su U ."&à iuze uu r over IWO mnîbu aad on Sunday, the 135h lie s cailed from car midet. W. Sonder ir ympatby 10 bis vif. and fami!y in eir sad boreavoment. oui the Lakefl* hi a omtialmo comnpany vith 800,000 capital. St. Audrev'm vase elebralod by banquet aS skie Grand Contri hotol. A bOY in Shie lova basslesady ho., sovorely hurt ecasing, sud Si. scaao hsrdiy begau. .1 On Fniday oeorulg thé.arravlog train from Toronto tac USmb a day-ft.igbi wbich vas lu progresa ou the Irski&sud cnt one cf le.doge lu &vo. The ceai supply ibore la nearly ox- hausted aud &"biaok_ di&aedaxse hiable te ge up 7,5 oqS. or a dollar a ton any day. Oue man Baya ihgvii vear more vol and burn losceai. Two boyrs, Swo giuns sud avalabî bound lot; lie. Sucelobrate Shanke- pÃŽving day. On Skir roturn the honnd was mîisie;,They bail madE o e ow- Suce. forspo.d bud shot la vhule chas- *ng a rabbit.* U Frida'y moulu; las$ a (armer icar lie r reîi vif. lu tbepolice Dai-t vitli Shresteuiug 50 poison huma. the magiagrace Putsgtent off for a week, aid arged Show tgo Sry sud settie Sheir Iifficulty vithout #à publie scandai. On Sondsy Nov, 18, me Mn. sud Mrs. ma. Elliott, of 8miïtb, ver. relnraiug bomeu (romuxarci 'aS Lakefisld, viti a eam of coite sud a top buggy, the king. >oit eame eut sud tho colts rau avay, peting tkie buggy snd turning Mu. Sd Unr. Elilott - out into tbe. top. Chey Iero drsgge4 &lonmg -a ocualder. bis diuaatce, vbeà faIt. Elliott leS go i. linos snd tie colts rau homo. Tho aly damage don. *as s paallbruis- 'g sud bisekomug of lb aie of Mn.. :%,tis, fae Sud the serapiug cf Mr. ithtott's face end fbrehad. About 5,e'elock .Baturday mcrning ie b~arn of Mr. Robard Ilico, North ouaghap, situaled about lire. mile cm ov town tegravol rosy a taily destroed rn. Lillio sunt out to lb. barn te food mre stock, sd piao.d the lautoru, ioli h. car-.1 sd, upou lb. fsnnlug miii. Aca mpod dovwùu uPon lie miii sud lknock.. 1[tie lassern -oerile. mev cfistrW*. ho viole, pRoý,wsoo pnblaz, ansd wus vitit dtfiIculey "lhe stock vas yoed fromheibo u bo al hvos." h lir sas»g orop er. 0umho f I rit Tt oi 1 Wedi8nos 1 frein bat Thé rumôr LiastMr.tu atone r'vol corne Se America in the Isp g has tita revived, but ia explicity den!l To&lwA . Oaffrd. rmth rm oanil wlcrionesuof outing fi-m theere nd t1 idenc y utof oous v"'l nomsBesne a ecy, losa cf maeue y 1CUI a n F EipeLiaS viii ra end FREE 0F CHArGE. y The greatnBou ams, aeerd bya l-dr nd Amth erlo. end aseiT. addresta enoe Sew tuek 1 v. SP .Iii,8in> Noaw York Oi*in parla. -- WOR3f8 cf feu d.esroy childrmns. but Freemana #Worm Powâera Zetroy Worm., and e:j>el them from là e 87/Item. rTfl[E G-:EbMT Strength Giver. It centsins ail tke nuteitio« nd ui 1 . giVir4t eleMOnts of met athe Diom digetablo trra. Pert INVALIDS it CONVALESCENT& Tiesno n norosten foongtd, aad the uoak eat so mclu eau re Sai" s,%" ii ment, eue of lb. Mest enoul tanma. cfy lh.ugeSa>.i htg Mu ff. ost e'etfe no wpllSdaptsdtcIdosthat Cmt e cou omntpation, u o n d J s s a u" YnI e to a n » , . i , lo n g u rg t B t c h D a r r h o e u t u t o , à -. H . A*M»x, IL D., IO SWonns, gives seep, Sand prmoteS di. TuE Cnsnaxra -CoIWpY, 7 Murry Street, N. Y. o'l T ýKro AGET, - WHITJ3Y. HIundreds of J. F. Pease's "(Economy"ý Warn.Ajr Fur- znaces are now being used and are giving perfect satisfac- tion. The following specification is anhjexed to every or- der, and is the guarantee given with every Furnace: ,"Economy" Wrought Steel Plate Fw'nace, Double Cased, furnished w-ith Vapor Pan, Check Damper, our Imprcved Anti-Clinker (3rate, aud ail th e latest irnprovements, as described ini our catalogue. The Warta Air Pipes to be supplied wi*h Dampers, with Patent Attacliments for regulatîng the supply of Warin Air in different apartments. Furnace Dampers to be conne cted with a regulating board,- to b. placed in the Hall, Dining-Room, or other convenient place, for -operalng same on first floor. AUl Furnace Collars to be double, to ensure safety and ¶nrability. The Watom-Air Pipes, Register Boxes, etc, to be made of thie best I. X. Tin Plate- Ail Channels for Upright Pipes in new work or expo&ed openings tW be thoroughly Iined (to ensure safety) with good tin. The S8moke-Pipe to be'made of heavy Gal-vanized. Iron. The R Pa to býéthe TUTTLE & BÂu&ir N. Y, man C f"t iîý ôl hï.à tw uuiprovea patterns and fiely flniehed.e » 'AUl materiai to be of the best quality, and the work to_ >0 executed in th. meut thoroughly- workmanïlike manner. - The CoId-Air Ducta---one' leading from tihe outside for Ltroducing freeh air, ad one from the inuid. of the building, elther cf which can b. uued as demred-to b. built of good, sound, matched lm kr, dressed on both aides. We guarantee to warrn the rooms in- whioh, Registers1 r. plaoed to 70 degrees when thae outside temperatnme lu 10 degrees be-" ow zero. The purohaser to furnish good coal, careful attendance TREA SUIEI?SA LE 0F LA NOS FO1 TAXE« DB Y v ir e f a W arrat un de . b u c the B s d 5 . Sad ! l . C r o to Of. tfh e Coun hy cf Ozu harilo, d th u F S iD ay e t eo be , 18 7 cana ~ g toley ueute Jada es$oned in the foilowùng Hia. for a f taxes thnôeu , a4n< coite,~~ ash'm e frh ereiy; give notice ttSuneà -Èttck iarreais sud coesi are, soonpall,îin elucnmphuce vith the Asseesmaent Adt, proceed ta IeUby PUBLIC A U C n O N , S k Ie a d n s ', o r i e m a c h t h e m e f a s m a y b e n e e s " s r l à , - t a x s , a SS1 Court Blouisinuthe Town cf WIIBY, on WED)NESDÂy, tue POujaTBBNTJE- day cf I I i v b a 14 TOWNSHIP OP 'TflOBaH. AmeusCosSau lopa t 6 * 287 2 17 uh kiI i 9 80 Co27 24U TOWNSflp 0F. BROcR. Bqaar 14 82 8874 295 7 uatei140 10 0 d.55 28 Wost b, TOWZ8H OP0FSCOTT. 17 2,96 218 lm '.5 'M00 0 00 Total Ptutenfed or AmnIunesh- -od 5 04 751 12 99 514 PatenetIî pet""Se AT COST. Mutual Regerverund Lie A ance Of New %ok. OmainGcverament depo 't~ S0o Accunlted roserve fnd 50,e1~ Deâth daim8 paid dnring 18 1A New business, let 83'nos., 1885, 1 479,%. Twonty-fve per cent. ci .11 are depcsited with the Cen trai Trustlne pany cf New Yerk, as T rustco serve Fond. tut. fthe DA. Lite Insurasnce at leà s tha.n.hi crdinary rates, and security Peafthul i0. assesements made in 1881, 1882,l8q and 1884, and in ne case can they be rao troquent than every alternate Month. 1ià ou1 xpenses Of management,~o imited te $2 per 61,000. Aun active agent wanted in every unre. presented locality, te whom a liberal com. mission will be ailowed. Appia05 soicited and fulil particulars fur nishtion the undersigned. nsey H. GORDON, Agent for the COu.ntY cf Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. Augnat Sth, 1887. MONEY TO LOAN. On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rite Interest. ~ ~ EOS? Appraiser fcr the Canada Loan and saving. Co., and agent fer the Western Asauranc Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Wlhitby Suitable for'MaPPing Purposes, laying un .der carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Applyto tf. THIS OFFICE. -~Unappreached for -- Tcne and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE, GOOD HROBSES, NIEW RIG5. L1V ERY and SALé STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. - C9A WFORTH & DEVERELL, TIRST - OLASS TURLNO1TS F'urnisied on Shortest Notice. 7omnwrojijl Travellm litberallj ceal * 1888. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATE$. &ÂBPEE'5 ;BÂZAZ is a homo jeurnal.. 15 îabines choice literatur, s.nd fine art istratious witthei.latest intelligence te. ding Si. tashions. Each number has- Bver seial and short stonios, practicai and ne!Z essaya, bright poome, humerons etcos, etc. lit pattera-sheet sud fuehion ate, 'upplemeng&s wQilatone help ladies te 0e many tize8s the couL et the M iscnip. ix, sud papers on social etiquette, decora. B art,. house.keemng in ail ils branches, kery, etc., mû. ils ueëfudl inevery houa.. Id, sudsa Srueprounoter cf economy.lits [torals are markod by good sens., and ba lune là admigited t te 1e clùune SkaI >ARPER'BPWER1001UAL0 HARPR'8kG~[Eu.4 00 HA.PEVS PEOPLE.. 200 PaaeFrëe te aà i.bsrea uie tTntec Sttoe Oasa<aor Moso PS, Siol LivE ho'6 net by . u.pi ryar Mon lx-an W. Hf wrr tewberO Frenchi piI .ivt.An article on -bhAtand Manliood," - if~tons of an selon j~eg-eassîintereRstin 0ae i'»kno-vn te, w$ing. In "The Evoli *Ohaýrlofi Bacon igives th sceO Ian usuai. "E b.ostof labrador"i té those who woar -th, wbo do noS. The Buthven, takes us th, - Miniature," thaS le Bn- fclomplished Dr. A. B the taie cf "Oharlos GenlmauY sud King cf i,3. aine, a scientiflo i "Magie Mirrorof Japi of clever esoiesby OaSrew, W. Béton, Mjathews, and oSier w S-ail briglit, dramatic, numbor gleame with fi th. colored plate te thi *W. Pierce's wonderfu Lucifer,"inrae e ffective intorest. The illustrions vnitu lhe Christmas Nunu Magazine -are T.,- B. Hlowells;, Amélie Stuart Plielpe, Cliarles Frances Courtenay Charce Kina, George Burdidge, Wii COarilt Bradley; Andrev Lani George William uIi Warner, Mark TvaW Everett Hlale. The ci A. Ab'bey, Alfred Pi Dielman, C. S. PReili Gibert Garul, R-- F Frederick Barnard. tnde of emaîl illnst lwenty-five fullPage, froun Muïilio, and ei masterpicecocf gem. i AIl cf the articles, su are complété, sud ail pooms) are elegsnly Waohingto (Prom our regniat WÂ5HINGToit, Nov STuesday liast,s t thé. -ailthe members wor first lime u a month- Dey the sick man offiia family, havis Se reoèupotatê hieh indifferent success. ivül service rot publucane Who s * very broadlY, wheu YorkC ity during thi etftthe politicai cam~ * - 111e aid that1h diseussed st the lâah *where .1he fortheonm * dentii mougage to, initernational. nego~ gros.. over the fa with cuir u&ighbors Sdiplomatie duel b8l Salives cf.tvo cf the] the iwoek, *sud as pr& ýodutive cf Im er nuf goodi-or - capsaiy commiitM 5k' Infi Be RÃ"a fléK 1 li rýe. 1