M the low» 1" Etbut 6.0choys forw Mmd Out-Ot 4b9 abu ni m ied- lu _Jfauoa.urb h eu lm* th 0 fi Ii tiu loaa vn~with whiob tabis lait ouï the- v Euii 'er h ~ a. sy I-&1 atij Ié êim villa1;bus moutb My dear lady, - deore"lg And sing f» an oXtsbag US.~a ~rubigodh<ue bnvr.ynmrid2 la pi. . sve*y .as.Norgln au u lhd eam On Ch. 26th, b1fr. Bai. "Gol mrsingfrind 't, Crole oelok; y homme ne** for. n.arly neveu year, The old gentleman sCared ai Mine for a hei-hoe r'. -il ot whieh tlime- Wiani MapleSOn Ihen raPidly r.ad t. heaor'î will. And firmer J>nm ook -ont hi. luncoh had l& sMy ul'11 ste9ward sMd I vas teb& disinberd of ] An ei.wl h a zest. ehelper nuder h.aime roof. million of money if 1 Marrzed (roi "1A barder ak It le," eaid h., 1* has been a hard, self-denying 1f. date-ao it vordod. "Than fellevlag up Chou. yearsfriprap u frm Orrnendlngfeneeg fer, for me frhmprap;b o eo I vau msriod the day before. To fel M sevcty #M.vould nover have borne it. Till latter. "o kmey eel oy uz;Jy Ce ard old!man had neverdieovr. "8lhe." "Yenaak e wh J eel e yeng;ed our love ý; and vhen ho bed 'er VSm-sure' finonda, 1 oa n'CCt.- hr But Chink it is my good wilo's i&uit., vasDo more peace for us under bis atitPoBABILITIgS SOltCEnrs BE Who bepC me upsgo weuî b - erooef.LTISÀTUEWlA' For vomen sno sue ï;are Ho hali raged and etormed, deelaning EE&ELITIE- TU WKN 1112 tis peer val. Of tears; hat Do nieOs ef hie abeul marry Wil-FILrY Sh.'s given, me love, and hope and strength, lieu Mapiesen, On pain et disinheri. Svrivrebeîguiu For more than forty years. ance. wniten i al ok eaing unyle, a t AsndrBth y bhave oue vei, mine ag alvays a eak, timid evideno.etof venderful imagin Asfer as th hv gn.nature. Porbape somo vomen (j vas Power have lately been receivd b, mn httzg w4rms an old man,@ blood,nelneaboggil;m Ohbrh rainpblewbwub op A.nd helpe him 'ip and on;nolne'aYuggr; y8t rt.raigpbowtà c ouf MY girls, have nover eaused a pang, day had corne and gane) would have and plesure. *Or veised up anxieus feeru; &tively resented his CYranny and Porhape Ch.eineet striking oftChe Thon Wonder not that I feel Young. aeoerted thoir individual righte. I Ch. book berin h d ii And ateet sveny yera.oold, not, I vas in hie power ; for Ina Chie th. author has fairly ont "Why don't my good boys do my work wbo±i oeY parente died he hed 'teken himmef*f hie popular lin.A And lot me ait and reat 2 Me iw,a ponuniiese girl, and hadl from and ber belioved Kaiirîes are n Ah l frlonds, hat wouldn'C do for me; . that ime given me, in hie paricular eharacters in fiction. Aysa I libeth y ovuty,1be m e, hard vay. al $bat I needod te ive-not 1horoine, i. a beautiful oreature ATh avethe enuy a vpe min,, but some vould have 1.11 ihey fully Casted oeth. esseng, tntuesf I moeu4 Ce amel l leosoil, my fren<." earaed suoh keep. 66Ch foftin ea, u eameo Baîd he man 0i seventy yea". ISoarcely« ever the ed ai it fa Chaandmenai. vay.. Her patience vaiting for the cou Married in Hagte. I had beena weak &nd hoesaOB, atone Ot KaIlirtes, Ch. beloved cf ber yo fainChe world, flot very strong ia heelth, vhose lndividuality vau maitsi The night before my vedding day 1 vhoa ho had cerne Ce My faCher's hreugh centuries, Chough tCh. ohi Was ever nigbt ge full of heur-ver. fun2era!, and after paying ail exponses, dklledl death'regularly ocourred ouIj evor heuresosefull et dresry minutes, had simply sid:* "Nov g. and pack b. foiloved by re-birth, ja a fine il ChiC seeoeed Ce crawl afcer eaoh ether up yeur kit. Yon muet ceme viCla me ration et womau's fid.lity. threughî its dead, ceid gloern ? Co Norlington Farm. Oa't 8&Y, I'u The eloaîug scene, wheu te. yet it vas, by my owu consent, to b. sure, vwhat Cid BeCsy vi» ay, but ducte Kallikratee te Ch. very cent.r - my vedding day Ce morrov. I baid Chere1e nothing oe, as I soe.,tC e b h earth, the birthplec of ail lite nid it ; I bad net enly said il, but I done.. emezLber, my girl, 'tis net a order thît he may tante etfmera, aaid I should nover repent, lady'. lite I am oflening YeD, but I sup. je a fit olimax te the fine creati on. As Ch.e eriy dmwn breaks through rOS8yo a»areDot Coe fine a lady Ce The qusetion aaturaily euggesCed the gloem et night I hear h. oid cok nov vbît vork moins p-" Chisestrikingty original story js vhetl in h. faru Yard give a dismal heot If I bad been thon, aII vas oorrected Cher. js net somevhere in nature, preparlât.ry te hie firet orov te .nov by nov, During Chose moyen yoara I potent force heroby lite may at le day. have verked herd and lived bard, b. Cemaporaiiy preiongod. And, utterly ired eut, I drop soop And yet her. are hoie Who s&y Mrs. Aunie Jennes Miler, editor One--tvo...4re...4eur- 6v-. six- hat oid Peter Giennie i@ vorth hfaIt66"Dr..eaBaye@: "Inevery isa evneighît beats et Ch. taUl old dlock Million ef money.- Waroor'a Sale Cure bas tbs effeot On h. stair bond outeide my deor, and My golden vek ofhappineee is gene; give nov enorgy and vitality te al , 1Ijump vildly teo my foos, but althOeh William i eeIa oos"Me rv ece "IAt 9 e'clock, thon," ha had laid. stragely content. 8Ouat1 m or& and P ryîl Cultr t 1 bcd only ene heur-oniy ene heur I de net regret h. stop I have taken. (oyndeclro "aie ura ned ph] te b. Nerîb Gleunio. Simo. the moraing after My Marrnia ue.l culre s*ud Ware 1 suiedcure, By Ch. imae Chat ock etruck 10 I my uncle b.d been bettes' aud quieter, vas a eoafirmed invaliâ. I ove mai should be Norah Mapteon-a vif., a OdM. Bain.., Ch. lavyor, b.d be eCa xeln eoy nid ru, vife tona rue huaband. vith him a atui]Lohur hats uorning, aDd hositate o C eknovîedge it." I roarrrange my drees with a teverieb old Jenkyns b.d beeu called fatoe bis Hma lite seemu teeo rtC hu 0 yt..roln Ce ign o e document, te- Caen in frmer aes livebd longer th& I nlyStop te drink a cap et milk RoCher vith h. hired anre. thoseofetCh. presont, Ilistory Celis or. I leeve the "osf0yjg n ie dH is a miserable, eld mn"e@ta they ived more in e&CCerdanC le catch tCh.*train as il passes Ouri il' bisme h. ene day. "1 suppose vth neture'e iawa--Cbejr mode oetlà country station. "i i ii v. 54Iusd. What a grudgeg vaexrmlsipedfat I auyfa ot wm rd ; onty hurry tbrough h o m e h v g i s s r g . dauly lite th oy foiteWed h . ditate. W. sealey enet@tilHogrovîs continuaîîy, even in bis hurnataintelligence. 1~e lepy stoos ii. o n e h b u ot tti g arei"If ikuessa eme, vetf t.day, ose] dingy office vbere, by sou. strange A "Isaid ; "4ho bas nover mer. Ch. remedy ameag Ch. artificisi fercej MneCbod, vo are made uaand vite. iied.i atsofosrnjt heild : ÂAllie a dreama te me. j"No,~" abs leugbed. "I sboutd aoCsnatue.dc eetngC h i vewnden vaguety vboro are My Say snyOne Was the lober by Chat If vbsn diosases cou., vo veutd bnideemu%idp, where are my fther aud sithf r." ceamuit n ure, the chances are Chat we ipether 2?kbah 1 vhV et Course Chey 1Ho had enited ber as Chie moment, voniul ',tefr .vul h are dead-Jong, long mgo. I have onîy sud 1 wae bnoet vnha o-CetI etasrt no b tieod en MnY eld ucyans n d 1h8 e lying b.d. versation botwein old Jenkyns su d fern research bas shoun Chat miAt nýMdeB at Norlingtonfarn. BettY, vho, beiag betb dent, ver. atk. et thé ceumonîy kDéwa disees e v 130V oould b. b. bere 2 The enîy î g ever the anme matter in Ch. kitebea. heor niintehO ubelbysyt tbiug ibut soeeureal Ce me ià the ohin. -'Ah, val!, Betty, It'. abard day for Che kidaeys t he btepuifiosettb<o 'y~tb fsg rin onomyIfngo..William goos avay; Sstem, and if theyaekptf Ilook at it in a kind et tear as I and bov'It ld atrd i e lh ts b aC. re et Winea diav MI oid kid giovae ver it botore stevard et bais toigme o' lite, I wonder 2" Bafe cure, a voeotble compound and - l%*#vfug h. bouse fatô vbich Neréh "He kuova vbît ho'. about, oe aml poutnnatue uh trin a*loue, as bise ongo .n faitb vi lb eaeh other if My streagth The contente efthte Holiday, issuear great demaon mourrenare business ivo etations further on ; thon bat net been venkenoti vhen hai good met fegresbty dîverieé. "FO[ur b.ie ii caeeback for the rosaet o C h. offer Ce go le (Cenada bel cam, 80 Oeuatry b'ifty Veirs Agea"by -Che veà k ta the fatnu. udtenty, Thon hea d pnayel nie te Edater, presontasaa seajes et quaint "Betore yengo fate bis nooma, vitep merry bita betore ho startel, 1e. hat if Pictures matie ut the tubae,alnd eyer dring, yen wiil ake fi off le" eut hoerMy uncle tiieti I mlght at once come betone publiahed faibitis country, $0. touches my fiager, on vhicb h. bright ontt e bimu aslà ~gethea, vftb facidents *fa co00Uneeio Dow vedtiag ring glitters. And nov William vas gene. The vitlh Che jeunengetaayjeu cI aunot V'1" Ieaysbudanng. " B bip bat suited sut! I as asies; bt 1824 anti 1825,t t last amongvho s le tear.rnove a wedding ig ,happier ftan»Chao sas if I W dloufi b ina l g p"P'i cont of big enteut*in. "j3at, My darliag, bis hr heo is prayor. n tenVbythe fsemmen oethCi od viii"Since th. day etten my' majnisg lb aAeneutC.S ate achuyI. The train gees et>., anti1 am ulote. vhenMn. Bin.. bad been witIi y kilh the e meatare numer. 11906 hie face took ut me. trou h. maucle, h. bas been quieter» but tmreuge. on&aMrthon 4t ie,>.froua emint. viiov alermeti anti auxions, but I ly alions flot ta'jet me- out outbissources. "BAby (*nsu>ê" fes $ad! lttae laol roeosurnind utie silas. - sight. ChristuzaeSsteny luver,.ead 4Thaukïm.. It causes nie remark hel I bave been lthogth week I aiuobe ing'" ilan amueng it ,cfsat * 0 eut go eariy Chis morning, ton eveny- once eut, eftCh. houes, Of ibis he Thorale net a hall "Page baesn the*j lhfg itel leseupset by reason et seemot te tae.fil car. by keepiag me 00ver oftChssuperblypririted peniodical.,t myùnncloe's illness anti William'. noir near hua by ove'! proiense lao oouîîId ts pecimon OfttYPohraphic, beauty depurture. think et. Cha i he ne mUPenienOu ,tis c#euiieZ Thon agiatho. f eay eI Btty Thoe hip loa ellaIoniy on. wek The Deeêmberfje.,,strngfaCUOlr itan h. kitchea;; eutperbep e isa orce. vben my unobs lied eiaîaenlyr, "anasd de]iihtfui nunaber. PTrice, 5 17 kPOve I bave beeu ont; aad if Ch. thon On Ch. day Of - ie i, ý f erl yean. 743 Boadway, ew . -nurs, vise bas been c«liedtinfa Cattend came the reading o -eet l >8a uta0er'___________rk î *Mny unce .knovs, aise, -leuistAes, thinka wilJ h a v# e b e e n n to Ct o n es e a h o u e e -_ . Ã" &c a m e t n ib r t hibrv l e , Cl a - i W O n i l w ~ 4 ' About ay rin . Irne tMycwit; bu - I4va long ail, b= d. rà o su brnttil Craor ahe gbas ai:s. Ta de the -j'e& oeCu'aria, Yha l eau 1iy muCet. be oi a < a' mu v i hOaitQla ' jý$1 la e Tht lI arst i buwtis tmial diefahqooau qussr~ ndar goove n la C4taI al 115. . M sur. #fJ e Cie Coiff. df1 bung i uie andyMr. fe i l lllPnt iantsha pr - e~ ltien e l4e p,..T ai c CIO~ikpw.,ypj < Ah vih hoi Crmblig.flBOl>ihaCÃ"m4'r un Il ~aa"e d ofuT thea.a. P it a ed:i -emst .. aC if Iave greai pea6ur0»a intlrYing Ce Ch.e D.nt 5»Ih, pestlà nter,eofTjmtra'vule, Ot,"avaug sel fit for imoreneusfetCh., tatf e tis , . , b u s , c ld s, otc , I f ind o h n maCh equa toCe t.1 AlAustrinSud Biaugarian subjeotig emaployel fa Bussian bordbrprov1nces bave been orderel ont. Y G N )M E sff rlng &fr e C .effe t s o!f 6rYe-vil habite, the resait cf ignorance oCN r fofly, who find thereelves woak, nervous, 'Md exhated; aiseMOm,à >L»AGm, and OLD) s MEN,. who ans broken doWn froix, the effects cf -abuse cir over-,work, and in advanced hIfe 10.1 the consequsnccs ef yonthful excesa, send forI and BLAD M. V. Lubon'a Troatase on Diseases ntileev .Te book wiil e set s11eulToroto. any1,1, iMI î- LokBo 8. W ityPtOhelreev she. 1 ATE, LO 1 WSUiOPY-Fir newdoorkui.o Cage, Byreaa andeot, WhitbMerv PAIN-Mr.LG. Y. Srnith'S lawEoffi1eW ofitby. t i e . - - - -- to s.. i ,& I oo n t o C o n i t ft h e M a l o e, i n ol u.,r P K R S aea nd rskyoran adMerves ce-h co0n iecfteiGobethe world cf bones ~ tto-s us. in opUIazs The LIVERPOOL, LONDO N d- GLO E, fl na dic eie cfte w r 's ge es suCthoho t, Ve Mbd?,i 'emwhere T e nAuI Le ome in & una dren rabep e iflihW eo o asser given it a triaL T/e Tle LA N ASinE every rea hn f nature. Ema. Mila TAKýq NTERALL 'XI p he W TELOOandbracig he striking physica features of the o a ngt AKE W NTEYA LLY OF XHOTWIT WAlDT eN R W ICH a zd arth, the Pe cutliar oharacterist s f th e mutneJN S GR WLO' OL BA /lrN RWI H NI Nhuma" race, Of animais, brd, ilietsj etc. tcluding a vivid description f the Atlan, bled SUGA, J WIL BEFOUN ijcai o ~7"~.~.tic, Pacifie sud Indien Oceans, and cf the A NEYER rds n sumILosui e Polar Seas, the Monsters cf the Deep, ly t e C U R E F o u p L ovao f n a a s i s C e s i t b e a t if u t s e s h e is a n d p la n t s , s g î e ln-SUDI)EN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- towest rates. , dsbingunld GETO RSTOPPAGE 0F Wr.witemkbeoencreteectgte cou - CIRCULATION, CRAMpS,W.B RN L , wtth Ir ef PAINS IN THE STOMAC, SUM- NOTABY PUBLIC, AMAZING PHENOMENA OF TIE fai MER AND) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Whitby. SLRAD~'AR lity, SORE TIRO-AT,&,c OA N SAR ET bye E PT E E XT POENALT THE Xoa I. binelliahet wi±h over 800 fine eligrevînige ie EF ECE AN)S TLIV N IMTE T MII Liberal teris CcAgentsj. a EART H lIf REMOVIV,~ f- Ai_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ et ýj q ARISI2rG FRON OXFORD PUBLISIIING Go. of SPRAINS, BRUISES RIEUMlA.. 13 -E WESTERN BANK 0F 5 JORDAN ST., TORONTO, OST. 13c TISM NEURALGIA SWELLED r C ANA&DA, te FACE, TOOT TAC E, WHIT R, - ONTA RO.Ma H r e, q- My BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. THOMAS DOW G ctOOfMk lpr , Es. et 2.5ets Pe-r BoUle.Cereficte fi rr-Manager. of Whitby. ne- wam Of IDltaos" Ug WhiCby, N*q.7Ch, 1882 ly-47 To whbm it May concern. se ___ _M ON EV TO LOA N ! repaired and ned a gret variety f Sewiig> ehMachines. have cm foteConclusion gh *I0Offl FU I N VE ST MRE NT. hat h, W hite Machine sold by L. air. an batiks is one cf Che best made, as in zay usCAJYPBELL'S ON RMAL ESTATE SEÇURITY. Oion 't ius emachine ChaC wil rot eail « get OUt of orer ansd wiil lest- iuhlne At 'Oweni living rates ef interest. « hn m cii machines, as cae as been aken te prevent Wear as mach as possible.1 OfU NI M o ay sc red w ithi a 10 ay e et & p. ea hone ty reco inm od it t parties w nt. plicati on. ing a gooci sud bsting sewng machine. I --JOHN PAIQUBEAB SON MJOB ARLPER. of *L X I WUtbyFebruary16th, 1880. 9- After fie years use f the White Sewing Id T hiq & T able et pote rt repara. M achine in m y e i y I c n a l n o s Clu sepeialyadaPted t<r the ~relief too T ON he above Certificate sd enu fully recoi. aten an t lu a l caor cf u ordmae A 6 per cent. Jearly. Terme f repa y machine Costa less for repaire C ae n y of t nd usualliy agpnW mn Yté mca uPl- Dd ositbroes machie I have ever a anything toao âC by iPallr, Wekauss id i 'alpi"a o a 1 e ond tit.a. of the Ileart. Pr.,mpt reszî;tii o ff i v&esa mace on second Io xgages andt t if folw t' se ;1 f i(iltr E . p reaso arme.Ns ot nc re n S ed cheap as h. cheapest, and is th * hau,,stioit a -. roin ,o q q a ing applications t e me for m on y; DOne stbotf the besz.th l'!o, aqent's: tees; ne delay. Parties peying SL AIRNtKttSDsrit weker 1m ln.Ihy ac y îî~g m et Once fr bwer rates sut save money. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th eoery frciu w asing 's,-. No Write or catI immnedîu±eiy for particalara. rtuwedy wîi give mnOre speedy relief in Dyspepsia or Jdigestîonts n o g2 . R. BREYNOLDS) C.A.Iel, 0N destomachbeh atfa gel.tje and Y 20 Adelait. Street est, Toronto. ~ y ~ f digestion Cc actiol. a îîj - _________________________ N I (" 1 imnned iateand ding AaAlleuJLU-el171 Ž>Thé Caminaiv propetieq cf the different.JH *arematics which tthe Elixir contair,. TO A GENTS9 -NEEsDLu Co., 46 s re d e r it u se u l il, F la tu len t D y p ep si-, sd , 8 F ro n t S treet E e , T rotBg t n p I l D c e e l l o k f r y u - IL s e vbuabl rèmey forAt heCh Neatesi nuost Complets anti Best Sailing Fr o a sgent y carncrr.fOr bemplas et N..v No. e, finishot in Fire b7À F o r r p e) v e r s e d ii b o d , L e u e t f l s h . P a r t i c u a r s s n t W h e u e a p r APpetite, DeBpeud'ency, anud i l a M encloed lfor nelnly e iapar wgherean effective ant certain stimua. l s t i s - r e q u b r e e l , t h e E l i x i r w i l bI o n t v r y i l y o u a r e e u t c1 e m p î c m n R WroG F O M S I S t e u n f a v l u a î s . r i t e M n 1 W l n g t o a S t r e e t D N N G R O O M S I T S , In Fevers et a M alarlal7>W , andl Bu t, Toronto. sei s amps for repli .B D O M S I S the varius vil resulta oîow1ungexpo. 1 KIICEEN Z& SUT a alable atorativeý as tie 1 VLA4(i TRUB tP c st a sy C np tto onabination bof Cinchona Calissyn sud L.O.L. Neo. 169 8 .piesbtgt - Srpentarin ue univesay recognize<j m ets in United Workmen a specifls fur th above-named disor. fhLodedaaSmsdBf eoh Sdd ly ll Dunrs in pmi y VdiAinmCorne One,.'Corne aai se G lla*oe Lnd~ inunrance O, of GetBritain. CAPITAL, 12,s00,00. AMMNAL INCOIfE, $1,g0o, MÂBFam Prorty and Dwetlfng Bouses e Specae y vs loy rates. Bas3 Carme ef paymsnt. Simple policies. Nc jvexations conditions. Prompt seulîement Of 8et ws ithent discount. Be smurendo Inet imeure untit yen knov oui terme sud conditions. Enquire cf B. B. B. RAY- WABD, car Gai oral Agent for SouCh On- Coa's Law-Offloe. Aill isters addressed te JAINTE RY iSIGN WRlTER KÂLSOMINER, /1-AND)- General .&House Decorator. Papes" furnished [rom à 5e. a ROf and Upwards, Orders froi the country PYomptîy attended to. Yiisan %aat BIPsesb »,a )w York mani ~tôtofet154,367 Itl gC Ch. port tof Nevw tIen yeara. T'he o' Mfon ef Italiens Chis 3 it 85,000. aretut statiatic-8 in les* show that the lai ldfmiiis fi te b4ou S of,20 and125. Piin hoParis corrond, pr-emys h.- rememhl Sble fa Ch. Bing honi 0uk,1 a toreiga lady oet pinten und two actres4 ,ilekied ox?.noe, oeil ahes, washed do, Dacayel oranges hbu Ibo W*rth soznethiag fa inetesa etthiowîng ei wae wssedfiy'disposaI ef ers la Ch. scuthenpuz five dollars pen barrai. tanCleui te use tise ontu When we teck at th encee .limbeefthlie- effigies et great mca ti publie 'places,says Ti Wb sare impressed with whviaI a mistorlune fai ' -'ie.emiena oflizoi Creusens alretchen or. t aýýrticle f aoC ti hs 5 Tise golmines or il to Ce b very productive. are more Chan 2,000 le many vi» bs suak e Chat in Ch. nean futur.' Ce tise predictions etfoou vise said maay yeansi woifld ever-be fQund i depth greuior tissu a bi A ev yeaia &go a pIl ber.in Che., western pai State arose in experien gave a ra3vlew k et-1 ho .came t- e -o Chank Gel I owel nI quiet Mafa a rÉ eb Wp anti said, 1"I isuve against yea1 h-rothsr, havel- ergolion." «, tud he speaker unctn ~was outiaeet-a goà '~Tise Bolgin Changed iOan poil Chtihs se au fluropen oony sa rbieh:e o ônsae - fav o9nt et Japon lias a f weà rng diameai eut Ibis practice la Ieooart ef Chine, several yeare ugo. amosi uaknown in<C ffoun su, Who evu Lodi, aua-vise had 1 ýh. olI Missouri, Pb. eO melons, His nei, ho -ides et Melonu min, and he, was -c" Df Che country. S. C bud- bore melons, 40 ýs eleareti #20MO0Oft tati now Lodi leChf tnicet Ch. éPacifie a neWho -very Wei