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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1887, p. 8

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0__ Amon" m WlIy7f8 81U-Iu myhIreofluat w..k lu Lavero lb.tlbbismai f au hospital lu Whitby, LUXit ulhave Suco.uded iunmi" il amir.>' undoe#od that Ibis hospitali luBul le beas srdea upon thé. rapyesuv ef.auation. My id«es a li il hozub maitained b>' henvolenous sud bequeute aloue. luat"ntletter I deait viti su lustitntiom ealéulated te banefit th. iok sud affiicted ol a&Uclases. Inew inb.nd tooffer a sugges tien vhici I onider vould immensel> bone. fib thi er>'opposite portion oethie coin- munit>'. Wat I now propose, Mr. Editex, M aa.bLildiug, or buildings, te b. used '1t l yteyoung peopeofthtii twn su the &llegiat. Inatitute. the. gpilB alone te havi I e gmnasium duriug secol heurs and the npublic aI an other times, sa a free reading room, librar>', muaeum sud gymnasium. Periape il would oui>' b. necessar>' le- serve the, gymumsium ferrIthe child ren dur- l¶the. a>'asd net the, viole cenceru. need net attempt te outline the advan- ogf an institution embracing ail tiese deatenta, sncb malters a mny aalybe assuned sa being self .evideut, i w ret become a manufacturintev su ad an i1à- tolligunt people,. W.aiH know the. 1mw re- efuiros that a Omnadin imuat b. built at 716 ttitq4 itheul delay, sud why mn>' net the. remaiuing p;rtieu ef the towu bave an intorest in thc vonk. 1 b4ve been think-. inga gret deail nbent the imatter ince I saw the bIter yen publieiied some time &go froin Mr. John Dryden, M.. P. P., wieroîn ho suga ut tuatown gymuanines and offer- ad e bond a subecription liat viti a good «M s.If- wver. a progressive people vo wonldbuot vuit until -bnevoleail parties liii. Mr. Dryden premsodthe mouey inb our bandae but wonld have a scieme on foot and oq=itte¶PPointed te coliçit tiiese sub- Xù àiZWer the trpaseof acelegiste in- ttute gymnaslum usbuiding c,3uld met bd altunted for avayse 1 bave eiected, as b.ing the muet suihable site I can suwgest, the. vacant lot connering Byron and Colborne stroobs. No doub the three wealthy propert>' ovuers OPPOSIte, Jndge Burnhnm, Dr. Gunn aud Mr. G. E. Gross, wouid subscribe handsemely if for ne other reason than to couvert tuis fromn a builock pound Ato a living institution. ÂâasometiinR muet b. don. aI once it bas occnrré te mete suggest tint Msssra Dryden, Faroeel and a few otiera, wbo are old pupils of thile institute, sbould b. appointed n committee te have plana pre- par.d, sud if necesary lithographed, and vhulst acoept.ing donations of money, aise taie cuni saties for lh i usouxu, books for tho ibrar>', er apparahus for the gymn"aim. A cominittee witt as reasonable amount of euergr sud public spirit ahotidd almoal s@ecnre enougih o eroct and eq.up bis building in a f ew menthe, sud very illo, if anything would como from the tewn threugb taxa.- Hev many mon am re in l Whitby tevu vie wouid b. nmpiy ropaid for $100 outlay in tuis malter, by baving ite free. us for tir familles ah ai! limes. I am not in favor ot direct taxation txe maintain sncb ina- gitu.tions. 1 hink our oducationn d en- ightenment in this âge shouid dictat. te us a course to pin-suc iu Ihis iatter. If there b. any wbo are fot sufficiently public spirit- od ho tae an intrest in this matter, or -wbo are tee inean, let them not be a hindrance le others. Let thon, be count.ed as boing out of the question. SWe cao easily sec whait success hie atton 1l od the efforts af the lad ieb' of lt.he ow ln est.abiashing a f ree reidîiz 'rSm)t, sud cf course their assi.tnce could ie counted upon li tis malter. 1 Malte thoesuggestions wthoul ahy.-Iong palaver of argument, confining mnyseif t4i aa expiaîîatlon of an1 views An the briefeat vay, and 1Ir.iav say, ian concluding ny second lette., thaI I boieve one yearls work by euorgotic mi nsusd votuen would se. theu. achomes far ad vanced, sud five years veuld tlnd lies. institutions a crodit ho the tôwn. Lot me again romind your renders thal sernthiing mvst b. daue ilu tuis gytn- sium malter. Youra etc., Dec. 6th, 1887. $5 is puifor autvou in lW.stDur- J.tlggins, Qc.odwood, bas been finod $50 sud conta. Ton cases voe.tu bo tried st Part Pery ySterday sud to-day beforé Magistrat. At Wsrkwortb $800asd ceurt wuva . A inedt a single siliug. A local paper dovu uer. ,alls il a roirîing business. AUl fiues heretofore impoaed in Souti Ontaio are heing colecled tiâ w eek. The suthorilies soom bhonud te cloar lb.ehhot before theré àa u> furtiior busin~essdda.. A report s fiying round, andv. have ne doubtis correct, hbat every iolel-keepen in th. e unI> is te b. pulled a. soon a. thoy ecu b. attouded te. SAuce the. ScotA et came Ato force ltbui écot the. ceunty et Ontario aient $4500 Iu returu about $9,000 bas been levied in fines, ovor $7,000 collected, sud 66,800 paiain mb tho band» oethle ceunI>' Tréaurer. lunsacase at. Uxbridge -lsat veek John Haunab, of -Blackwater, retnaed te IesîAfy, sud before comnatttiug hia sfer coutempt et court, police Magitrale Borne gave ibum an adjourumont toe .usble hlm le secure legal advice. *Suc.thie Scott Act came itb force lu thi8 count>' Police Magistrate Hereha. banded Înbolie counl>' renrer lie sai et S8,800, finesecoIleoted, et vhich amount OMO0 vas nolli.cbediAuthe Seti and 6>9W0 in lbe norti. In lie north tiiere yeî n. 'Mima 8%050 unooilected, andAu lb.heth Btuw your oaadiW ai the BUM. TRI Thompoo'a 7onand sd empi. M(Avu eu loibe sud oloaklmge ab loy. ftiPriéss&t'W. G. Waltm-s. Biyour doflaast 1h. Bazuson Thnruday sud Puida>' mout. 1 osunot leave t l ot usulek I Mui t tend 1h. Baise. Ladies' sud girl'. vool veshi prie.. loy ai Rose Brou. Ladies' Astieian maullos ai correct price,Rose Brou. MENS' hear>' tweed overcasta at loy- est prices at W. G. Walters-. Bàâi e î.barber; omniums over- bauled, ecrsped sud sioru. NECW stock cf gent'. peres lawb capsI ai W. G. Wallons'. Rosa Brou., are offering their large stock 6f Parsiau Lamb pnd otier fur cape st reduoed prices. Miux'a, youlhes &0dboy'. fine blue napp overcostu aexoeptionally low rates ai W. G. Walters'. lir you vaut te gel parlionlar f611. go tie Pringle talloruag establishmoent, Oddiellown Bloek. Tîxu ycur frienda forià disb ofoyster sud OnP o010090.ai lbhe ouuiei ehausher on Thuroda>' sud Friday meut. COattlkrney Farevel vas ai Port P.rry yeeterday sud goos cul agala to- day promooting Soti Act violators. W. Thomponu', for oysleiu, ciar or candias, uorth of the. Monal itelegrusph offie.. Qive hilà a ea.1 - ONLY the bheu and Most stylisi goode kepI in stock a thi. Pritigle tailoring establishmeut, Oddf.lows Blook. Fiel clam suite sud overcosta mnade to ordor iu correct styles at bOosl euh I prie.., Rosa Bros, JThe Royal IHôtel fBarber ehop àje h place to get a hair out or s niee eaay 8bave. Useo Dr, Dcrenwond'a Great Gorman Hair Magie for baldnses, gray hair, i. for sale by &aH druggist. DON'T forget tbat wo are soie agents for Red' Hot Underware at, A.drew M. Rose. We have just rec.pived a new stock of men'a snd youti's evercostestaImucb below regular prions, oel snd se. hbem at Rose Brou. A. foot wortb remembering is thist Androw X. Rose sella more goode, selle them eheaper, snd does lea blowing theu any ochier bouse ii 0w».- A large "soertinent of ladies' and oidren'., wocl squares, hoods, aouda and ;hawis ciearing out 80 per cent les& thon regular prices, st Roa Brou. DoN'T waste times b>' ryingte, Bad oheaper gooda than ouro you oan't do it. Go etraîght te th. dry good store of Audrow M. Rois The. lateit noveigies a in e, coliars, cuifs, cashmere and nqilk soo.rfs, silk banadkorobiels and gente furniabinge cf ail kinde. ches.p at PRos bras. Miss Mqude Güiin of Brockvill, in vlalting at Mrs. J. Rkichardaen's. The. Rev. J. P. Barker in te preaci at Oriiiia Duit Sunda>'. The. subjeot of the Rer. bMr. German'a sermon next Saubabli ev.ulng viiib. "Total AbsInence" The. Rer. D. A.. MeGreger, former poator et the Bap#lst ohuribern, aud nov pro- fesoor.at b£oaster Hall, viii (D. V.)>oocup the. palpit here sud at Brooklin usit =rd8 day. Many of McGregor's old lime ae- quaintancea vili doubtieus avalA themselves eoftth. opportanil>' ef hearlng hlm agaJLu Oonsumptiveià should try AMlei'à Lang Baiaam t can b. had-of any Druggiot. BimouakieletnPatition, ha.sumocmb- ed te the ajimo»ntba uln. SPxnny DAvis' PÂm.KU.Lu.-Ite effeete ane almoot utitsulaneone, affordlng relief from the. Moet Intense pain. Il sootiies tb. irrtated or inftain.d part, sud gives ruti aud quiet-te tthe sufferer. , lb lu exuinenhi the. peopie's frieud, sud ever>' ene shoulâ have il vith thexu, or vie. bis'eaunput their hands ou It An lhe dark if u.e<1 b.. Hanlan haa-acc.ptd Triokettla challenge te a race.-_e A OR YI1NG E VIL.- C/sildrmaaro o!t tnfretfwd and illim / on » orware t/se came. - Dr. Loao'a Wormw Symsp safol e4j àplaU Worm,. 1 MRRE]) Vanm ouror.ÂI b. e Vwoagê% on the 7tb . the -B". JohnP. Gi. lut. ,* fW arer nd )i Lwy Germa , m-sa EnoIdy lmu W,4 th t ea wr *"oerlin. *rà" 1te-do»*tr.4 wrhichb' ne are geiue us. no olbu«. à boxlu he houew v many Ob 4oo1«' RunMors of nuWS amifitary movemenlu ouù -the -Auaia-Rouslafroutier hav, beau w- uewed snd Are eoauing unealàlusta]3,- lin aud Vienus It. su perlor êrepence proven in millions o1 homes for moe thin a of eta. centuy It is ueed tby the. i :stltesGoverument Endorsed by the. hseds of th. gmet Univêai- tUeo as the StrongeatPureat, and mont health. fui. Dr. Prlce's te eniv BaklngÏ Powder that dos flot cont.sin Amzuoni.., Lime, or Â1u.m. Sold only in Cane. PRICE BÂKIN POWDER CO. 1 InuvTORR. CifiCÂGO. ST. LOUIs. NOTICE Notice is hsreby gvnthnt aplication wiii b. made tb the Parliament of Canada, at the. next Session thereol, for a charter te conatruot sud operate a Une of Raulway, cornmencing st or near Port Hope, Conuty of Durham; thence through the. Counties of Ontario, York, Sixncoo anid Dufferin, to el point at or near the Towu of Durhamn, Counn of Grey, with power to extend te Liake Huron, at or near Kincardine, ani Southampton, County ef Bruce. Dated at Toteneto 16th November, A. D. 1887. MORPHY & MILLAR 65 & 57 Yonge St., T4ronto, Solicitors fer Applicante. Executor's Notice to Creditors, N OTICE IS HBRIAiY GNEN IN PUR- I uance ef the Aet 29, Vie. Cap. 28, tbat Creditors snd others baving claims i.gainst AARON ALBRIGHTe late of the Townahip of Pickering, in the county ef Ontario, yeoman. are required te send in hheir Claima ad'ly verified te 'THOMAS CARTER-or JOHN SLEIGH, Whitevate, Ont., the. Executore of the last "îI and testament of the es d deceased, on or before the Sth Da-v ef January neit, and thatt immediate ly after luat date -theExecu. tors wili proceed .tû distribüte the. Assets of the suad leceased amongst the parties en- titled thereto, baving regard eni>' to the. dlaims of whîci the. uaid Ezecutors bave thennatice W..L BILLLU3S. whitby, Selciter for the. @aid Deceasd. Dnt.ed 8h December, 187.-S"n. OC4RD 0F THANK$9. .r -. ý0 no"Ji b"y freu thal ail erfo& rs sud olbersbuing elime ogaluat lais àoL lb. Tovu of Wbltby, deooa, vho dieduon lthé day of Ocobr, A.D,18M, are reqnosted tW seud t Mus. Me. A. HEouck or b. UORMI8TON, Solicitor, Wiiitby, ou or beloslt.eSfd day of January, 1888, a state- meut of hheir camesand addresses sud fani purloularsof thhir olsixus andesecurities (if su>') held byr them ; and that aller the. sud day cf January the, Executoe viii preceed to distribule the. assets cf tie deceaaod amocen t parties entitled lierete, regard beinghadoui>'te the cdaims of viich ne- tics, bas been given a. above requirod. And the exocubora are net te be luabi, for lie as- sets or suy part thereof le suy porson -or persona of whoue daim or dlaims notice abol net have been r.oeived at tho timo of cho distribution. Daled at Whltby tbies t day of Decexu- ber, A. D., 1887. M. lA. HOUCK 0. M. HOUCK Executors. ILF. V. HOUCK1 AUl parties indebted the Estate of the. labo once. M.AHR. H'wuOUSES TO ILET Secte' one Be/ore thse Boom Corne. I STOREY AND A HALF BRICK, S. W. cerner Dund an sd Heur>' Ste., 10 rooma. gpale lu parlor sud one b.d room, cellar, volt, cisteru, stable, henicuse, 1 ase land, lavu, ociie fruit. Warm, comfortnblo ions. An beat localit>' and ver>' convenient 'to Publie Sebools, Inatitute and Churciios. Rout $7 or upvards according te imprevo- monts deaired b>' tenant. ALSO THRREROOMED BOUSE, snng sud ce.>', vith oells.r geod vater sud largo gardon hsudy te mariot. F. HOWARD ANNJES. Whilby, Nov. 4h, '87. pi. £S hldumiIiu Hall.ý -JUST TO HAND- ira. IM. A. Fouck bopgus publsi> olytd LLLI expias. ber tlînnkajthie Canada Lité As- Neveutdesîgu lnLies' BR0ORS, liunuce Compan>' forthheir prompt paYmeni ef lie polio>' ou the lite f etronlite iusband. 1 PINS sud SHORt'CHLAIS. M -A.HROUCX IN» O%. - le V Whtitb>', Dec. 8% 168.- 1 ln. ULUUF.--l and 8 Day. SIL VER WARE. Pull Stock of New Geda, aimaKN1VBS, POREKS, sud SPOONS. Te& Spoons from $1.50 per doz. Exraordlnary Value. Cati and Sce hein, Jewellery made to order. Watohee, Clocks find- jewellery 1uepirea ,and al,-r a-., In Port pfery lieurs. Bruce0Noti RtMd .1) Wî,ieA» aeOut fer depuiy-roeve.aae i lu Uxbdge tovuablp Mr. Chue GoudliM nres from lie rglv.pvssiiI h l lt Mnue3 eoutesla' Msr. e ToM,. iakýtrxbrtagelva», ebnuêNBL- D. Md, Oug &s» out er X J'Or._ ws. . of novexsb P.. rissasud X>"amJ ur Rom d à "ubroiw mm fi ou&olorm, - .nk. ýi MU RÉ- NE'WCOUDS' AT DOMINION WAREIROOMS. I?~EI~E~T - ---:000: Hlave this week replenished their Stock. of Plushes, Mihlinery, Flannels, Man- tie Cloths and othe-r Winter Goods. Our Dress Goods are the Cheapest QIDERS. in the Market, and in ail Colors. show a big uine of Tweed Worsted Pantings, Overcoatings, &c. New Millinery just in. G ents' Furnishings. FINEM Full -lime of FURS. We have a big Stock of Goods,ý the newest and latest styles, and *e wilI not he undersold by anybody.' We have the- RIGHT GOOIDS and th.e RIGHT PIRICES. WbitbChaTS#¶ 18 the place. where you wilI find the largest stock of rXrnas Groods ini Town. The Stock is now complete in Crockery, .China,' GIas8ware, Fancy Goods,. GRnOCERIES, FR UiT &d01OYSTERS China Tea Sets for $3.50 China Cups and Saucera, $1.45 per dozen, and other Goods i proportion.- kw Corne and see for yourseZves. WANTED- -AlIl kind S-of farm pro4ute., SA4NTA CL AU8S HEAIJQUARTERS the largest and finest aasortýmntf TOYS AND FANCY GOD$ $ver imptbr-ea ler. for the Uoliday8. (a n xmn ot ~ oal an ex m n -4 me - 'g UINE 0F W. J. GIBSONe- WITBYCINA We Stock of 1 ý VAX*»IM. OWM% Àomb, imemp qw awmu ý ý Of all kinds. Also a full

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