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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1887, p. 2

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ri' 6 ~-, ~w a, andiItenvas ýio1onfroni eutr ichanges. $,,ive pige died mdduly:and myâteri- onsl lat wek. hey erethe. pro- for :t:>of:Mr. W'é Mob::ald. Be vers peieoned, bus tues seeme unllkely. Now tobogganere- are beKinning te hunt up lait year's suite and get thefr eleding appaattus ini good erder. Tii. elide ha. been tneved frozu LMie Barrie road se tthe Goldwater road aud placed ia good position. It i. about a hundrsd yard. long and viien ready for bueinees, a. it wili be next week, wtt afferd plenty of amusement. On Baturday, Mes&a. G. B. WiSon, F. Toogeod, W. Paine, 0. Wood aud- A. Stewart, ehot at thi. Rifle Club'. new range for the modal ¶>1ai Toronto laut f&ll. 'The eheotig va. don. st 100, and 200 yard. withao uider rifle. 515gw' a dpirite(1 contes!, 1Mr. Whiten won with a score of 78 nut ot a possible 100, and thie with the weapon used, je ooneidered * marveUloue vork. &gocording te tthe Ottawa correspon- dent cf the Mail, Mr. Wainright, as- 5istant, manager of. the G. T. B., le autherity for tte *stàtenisut tbhat 5h. Grauk Trank railway vil! s-hortly ssiik for aseistance frein capitaliste bq extend the Midland lin. eatward-to Ottawa * -th" ceinpauy already poeseeing a ,/obbrt-qr for a railway known ae the * ..r Toronto and Ottawa. Th.e eplanade extension ha. been a frusî (ni source of rmoresud reporte, * auJ it continuies ta be soestill. The latei ruiner has it that the. reagen the extension ha. beeon projeoted is becâase the. Grand Tunak intenda extendiug ite setem rigbt through te Sanit te.W Marie frein Orillia, and tva extra tiaeka aeaceordingly nefesary hore. Per-, hethie bae been given tise te by the@ Qç Iset of a couple cf engineor going ever the. propoeed ro*4 snd reportng tavrt.L ably upon the. route proposed. There * <I rnay or xnay net be any truth in. 15. Hauling atoe efoi thse.- vor ia Dow going on, several'parties having large contracta t'Ofulfihi. ~yeuudman naineciWaller 1.11 cff fbuiildin fovned by Mr. Beilly on Ruse1-8ei1 andbrekae isleg lu bye .7pîaes sud 7hadhesilbal rao f ou T esday Iset. Dr. wueodasslled in and witisthe. assistance ot Du. Coul. ter @et the. injumsd 11mb. Herbent Reazin, son, cf Inspectai Besin su apupiof the Wih soiool, ' pped:one day lait v.ek on sunuuqoVen part ef the. plstfemm aà- the. 'hool * a groandosud t.ll on a broeni posl loft on the. greuud, entainlugs.ev.re injurtes. ~>rrmeardTe p ould b. e rmovedsud i'the * 1uLSnssay tire tw a, v.ry strong punerai feeling lu tarrof harlng Mayor Wslters fer suother tirn.. B bas made an ,zoeUentye,"**a il. pracliosi aiiIyq ynar. Tii. feeling àla ti sti hoid have th. houer of re-eleaton by a&ml&- j . , Malien, se -h. fally deservos 15. lu Maniposa Show. es orne todtf Mr. Bowee nnngaglutMn. Brgad for * (11 tise,: zûveehip, bàth are gaod mon. '4 Mm. ýioubroug B abuld i. netumned and qdaubi vit! i. if ho stand&u. ,Mr. Farà;l>gon, Mn. Eyree, bj,, adam aund oth*ýs are sîso spoken et as osuldates while there ie ne knoviug vhat Dom- ination day rcnay bring forth. Thon. * mýght be ne 6rtest ai a&R. Mr. EM4wmrdJohnson, a son et Band- master!Jôhuson met vith a paluful accdent on Satiàday luatin Harniltoq'. esrtriage works, virore his empleyed. White procariug oin. vater tram a vat or resereir hoe-iipp.d japon thse wet footing sud suestinef aàh.a'vy faI,bp&king hie sukis boue. H.evau s~~tkihome sd-edeiasslstauo. ~1~'lutuàpt ov msiug tavrt Aindignant oommnrnoteial mma ré- t.do amtuer at ore n tht. veck, lIlusttve Ma hq uit. e leu e > ipobes ù/ ~ad. upo aumd ma e a if 1~uuap fliuu. A gvr UieB Dyei w"ý Va youug 1maUi tut bAd fîrel. inuth. living roorna. âber pier, vsfosud in & aneofomw whe bin bn Monday. A'-deotor injcîig e Oe'etemnlwite~ but'before hé arrvRqdlifJ thug looe he me c Ho s upposed td have interiorg. kt of proper nouriehment. A are - ' eu-rW î u.the- stables of r. A. M"hles hote, which, had it ne& been for .the. prompt action of Our brigade, ilglit' hâve renâltedvery eerîuuly. -41éilwuasthé fire vau con- flned te tîhq~ii1 althongh the milii. nery ,departmseàt of MnkrRc. ., ceived a drenchinX of w"ter, neoesary,* however, teo gave ýhe fire from upread- iug to King etreet, The brigade degerve great eredis for the manner in vhiih they -get. ltisi.firé- under contre!. Minaker #Ï-Bro!a. dAunage wu ihitibe neighborheod of two tboueand dollarst fally insured. The stable aud eontentâ were entirely destreyed. Ineured for #5004 rý' A large nâmber of our citizen. have entered their naines-en a subecniption liht ta, ensiler eur v.my efficient fine brigade ta purchage a neceeamay home vagicn1, nsbesadof oompelling thein to taise the . mney by euch a slow sud an- eaifactery vay a. giving cutertain- mente. This list vas etarted in eoog. nition.of lii. servWesereudered by th. brigsd'a -re ràou Monday uight, vheh bd 5 ot:beexlotinguiehed asý promàptlyas 15 wàa, might have des. troyedtio viole business portion of the towu. The liai is ai th. express office, sud any of our ciizens doinons cf subsoribinq te a rery vorthy objeet, can de se by going tuer. snd signing them name.-Sentinel Star. CANINTON. lb la expected tii. ceuncil vill pes aa by-Iaw courpelling parties to ehevel enov off eidevehks. W. are plesed to, hoar ihat M me. Doble wviseuvasseriou1y injuted Sorne turne &go, le rapidly improrîng sud ivil! sean b. able te -go te hem home lu Sunderliand, Wylie's ehool. fuse, Mariposa, vau deetroyed by firqà Friday night lait. The. fit. vas diséovered about 8 p. m., but bec late io gare the building. In- enrsd foi 11,000. Cae unknowu. Yesterday momniug aller the. depar. tare of savernan frein Debaon's -miii, 811611-pond package et yaru vas mise- ed Mmi Dobaon, or., immsdiately tels. phoued thi fa.!. t the store up tevu, anid Mr. W. Dobeon stood ai the store dor until the. voman came 41ong, vicia ho politely relieved hem of the etolen parcel. --U. D. Melabyre bas isd his black smâith shep ovenbauled, sud much im- prov.d, on.ofetuhe improements being th. addition of auothen forge. Thie vas uemeustaied by Mr. M slntyre'is luomesa- .8 trade. Mr. Lookhart le erting s feu.. in front et bis handsome residexioe hi.i 'fer style sud dursbility bids fair to ont- d-anyhing ou MRver atmt. Mr. Chrisiapher Svitzer isas ad bis harn enlarged sud piaeed on a stoe fettudation viii euabling undemneatis, presentiug a vry fine appesmînce. Tiie etabllug I. .speelaily voriy cf a notioe, vhich fer conronience sud good finish îa &Il Shah oould i. deaired. Mr. Hfenry Blanchard ot Sunderland bad the, contract. M r. Jamesi Tooher bad the. mistortnne te loe a very fine bers. lest voek from blood poisoning sud Indigestion. W. undefttand Mr. Willisa Pallow. dovn u sbeen .ngaged ho tesoi tise Vallentyne seool- for the. oomiug ycsr. Oun soheol Irustffl. have seour.d Si. service of miss, WsIhs-cf Mml.asm juolen teacher for th.e omlug jeai. W. have pi pssntcu eowdn eVit, tise WU15< of U W 4p m I hobe a" A.nartst ibuareov4m.daioi -h. -Parie s1o e"ean4i mvR French lhatter* te degu lsdl millinery for hie .sieblishmil . Ei je that for hlgh-ant 2?- A* Dakota geniue ha. luvented sa throo-eornerqd or flyizig jub. sail whioh- -ho attaches te a'n odinary Iigbt îàRei in snob a way as te catch lb. Wipýdî sending th. vehiéle over tii. 4reeia' ,-'r prairiee na the rate of ten or wely .tules an heur. Thirty yearg &9o the Pongano. ..- e etallers met to prsy fgr lb.' eonve't!lèn of, the (Christian@, sud ".di-g . 1h e&sgense vith which aU the *iuroiee are tskine up the. Temperance ca"Use, thes bsLondon -Echo, tb'.r aspirtions are in full proaeme cf realisabien. "71 In Rassis them. in neoime piui. able by deatb, except agaînst the eovn. A man May' Mujer a viiole- h*uegefol cf people lu01oolô dodudomqaps witi but a five-year seotwon.., but fle iýehti- ai... th. Goveruxosn1, tbý. momber ofhbie à, lyoraýW h. in e i 1 h. fortmes OW 1 lu siberia. audience thae$b.thae aqaane vh 'ich consiste cfa géuerali vvin9, -o handkerchibif-orlgnated on an -oece. sien Whou a deaf spebker et Chautisuqua' vas tins made te uuderktaud -'he approbation et bis aunlienee. hie doit. nons deisrring èi 'fmem heariug tie' nenal applaume. Henmy W. gage, of Syraeuse, N. Y., made a presien in ie ii.ll, executed twelve yeare ago, for a 060,000 bronze monument te Henry Ward Beesier in Proppect Park, Brooklyn. Mn. Sage is etili aliv., and proposete put up lbe monument ai' once, detipite the facbtiat Plymouth aburch intende te emeet its Beechen menoins!there. Frank R. Stockton's Iitenary career le very t-nconragiug te youuog antiere vie teel tbat tbfy are not *ppreceaed. It i. said Shah for a long time Stockton's productions weme a standing joke in tie publioing bouges. Hie mausemipt vas known te publshers a loug vile befere his; delicione humer a a chance te reach the public. Ho vas pemeever- iug sud hopeful, however, sud at lest the magrazines began to print bis pro- ductions. H. ie novW a gréat favorite. One.eyed people vie eau afiord it bave 'Ivo ilass eye, eue for day the otier fer evening sye. The reason for tbis l int t th.pupil oethS.eye70le sinsieri the daytime SisuaI anigit, sud hoe. lite lv. glàas ye. aret different eaie, s. as'tecorresponil vIls tie nabural eye. A eommon Irlass oye. may he hsd fer 8$10, .but- safi1M aim eye eois 650, or even more. The vili Dot I«taI ves 4 tise seerellons lu the baby wcf the e ys rougieatliglses by ahomical sètionï sud this reuginese iritâtes the ielh. A clergyman inuas rural parli vas rememiemed at Thanksginir vith a meugler lurkey, ane of lie kW d hat bang ai the deor ofthie markets et, Thankogivlng lime. Tise family vas saU, su ad mes! aitr meS si lai unky, dibobbed op semely." ,AtI&Mes0ouedY the mitistersa youug boy maifested a prodigfions appetîle. Ai"lu sd. gl iso -psss bispa buhlis fahie motusubecame #.m ad u oak.d bixi vieS ho was estluio- .muci for. Wuth. ilsuaothmuflfhuin e i iavred:-. -mpathe, I momy=n uhuIthave' to amy esa rer ieS ld urkoy ssui' a s i for InfantS and Children., «Caftol la n o rcZ adwpted to children that 1 Castour" cures Collc oumtpation, -recunend It as supeirior to any prescription Sour Stomnach, Diarrhoea. Eructation. kuevuSu m.' H.A.. RCHES M. 3 I ils Wormns, gives sleep, andl promOtU CI ]LU e.OiSoS 51a, Boky, WIis jurious rnedlcauon TES CzNTàuR CoxPN..Yr, 77 murray Street, N. y. deéàth te the aset King of Prussia. Hia Qon, the. neXt boit, je but -foutr-yeare L U E NET old. Tbe vaut Empire, built up by a jgne IrM4 of trong men, bangW' between ii- " tettering age and infancy, with two fatelly deoeaeed lives bet.ween. It i. a Mý eôf e hhavey on pitiable eiht. amn o z un aes ed 5 a6 ôcorde * daàly. UffJgcgtg'>whbf vryFreraWood * Olspper waiits.e rtorwfo yu inity 86 w. PaDu ypa, we manurac- CGore to'the bridai chambers, DeCistei r in iutr.eClaoM Corne to the mother, when ,ah. -feele luiig o>- SIôail9 eA f85OiNa, Rue, For the firat Urne, her'firet-borasbieath, ot 18 aa SreCiao U And thon art terrible 1 I 1 Mi'e untimely deuth whioh anuallyA carrieff off thoueanda of hurnan beinge i WANTJED the prime-oi yonth, i. indeeci terrible-.- The firet approsos c oneu0 ption jeinel;dieus,. and the sufféern h=1usitleMest -unconi- scions oalite appncach. Ou. ct bhe uioet alarming symptoms cf teis dread disease is, lu tact, the. ineradicabie hope, which lurks in the heat cf tihe victim, preventing hlm frein taking timeiy etops te arreet the malady. TisaSit can be arrested in lin ei rlier stages le beyond question, as'- there are hundrede cf well-aathentioatedceeg where Dr. Pierce's Golden Mediosi fDU covery hue efected a comploe cure. 4, Cruz Rodniguez, a Mexican, who haj murdered hall a dozen pensons duriug h]b Ille, wae haugedast Uvalde, Texas on 'ri. day. Why suifer tram vesis nerves, vaut cf appettiteansd general debiity ? letting the Ieos f eep aud rept uupoverish thesystem sud thin the blood 'wheu sucli really meri- tarions rernedy as Northrop & Lyrnu's Quinine wiue may be had at any drug store. Tisi article ie recommended by the. higlicet mnembera ef thse medical facuity iu cases ef indigestion, general debility, lons uf appetite aud nu-vous affections etfaiU kinds. 15 is aise specially beneficiai te, children sud *males, sud business men, abudents, sud those visa have mucli brain vork. We vauld say. Never b. vithont it. lIiiw ehreugtheu yen, keep youz system in regular order, sud enable yen te succeeefilmy pape vith the wo kyen have to, de. is piest to the tet l sdcentaine note- ing inj u to thbistsde iate constitu- tion. Bemember te ask for the. Quinine TWine, pepsred by Nrtop&L an moey. Druggit si b On Satutday moruing HRt Christepher eiot sud killed Richard Sullivan ouns arrn fleur St. Josephs, Mo. Bath vers larm lais- p" rativean îhq are mildandZ thorugh. Sir Adolphe. Canon sud psrly etutheil to Ottawa fr-om British Coclumbia Saturday. la MI«e. And Te The Point. Dysepsi e sdreadl. Disordered liver le ruibery. Indigestion le a le tegood nature. Tise human digestive apparatus le aisé bt tise Mo0 connplicaled sud voudertul thmnge inuimco. It 'laeasly put- eut of orden. Greayteood, tougis toodiïrsicppy tood, bad cokery, montai varry, laie hoûne, irneguWa 'habit,,sud many other thimge vwhioh ought not tébo, have made tee Amezican peeple. snation et dyspeptios. But Greèn'a Auguest loyer hie doue a vodttul werk lu tetormuiug ibà s&a biïineus sud insking tii. Aumerlcapeople oc heaitby test Usey ceau eujey thefir ms4la aid be happy. mtneber --No happinees .wiihon't h:eh. But Green' Augu lover bringe héelthsud happlneaoto the dyspeptie Ask, you dtuggàsi for a hoSti. Sevcty-five liquLor iconse lav $n ing: anuzuben eofesiceu Tozi -&T 03w Em-.-- 1,OOO YOUNG MEN AND LADIES. To prepare for the high aud weil-paying, eltuatlcns offered by the. Darector ef te Coee. W. trust eut reader le one tor whom wealth ha. s charin-one who de, sires te cearu money, sud wbo ie net afraid to we*k for ht. Iu that case, we wiII ofrer him or lier a chance teooi muy more- Prapid1y, mono eaeily, sud as houorably as aS any other occupation . The advantages w. effet are se numeroue, the pawer se mysteinicesud wonderful, that ne vonder it hie created such a powerf aliImpression on tue minde etftth. Public. Thi àne hui4bug or peddling allait, sud wc vaut enlf.those who are ambitions in lite, tiiose who are emart, energetio sud industrioue, as they alozie'are sure of succesie. But a eme.l1 ,apital, a short Urne te prepare, snd satisfactory referencea are requireci. Ad- drese by retrn mail. The Toronto Business Collie Cor. Yenge - ud Shuter Streets, TORONTO -.-CANADA. RIS APERmaybe f ound on file at vertiuing Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where ad- vertiung contracta may b. made for it Nxw YoiaK. st rength Gver, Il taisal nara- aud lite-ý givig eluneneot ess-uth. Mest digeetabie form., For INVLID (fCONPVALE6UENT8' Ties ne more sbrengleùing ted,sd liiva estomach, ca:l rebain su sat Doyoufeeldull.languld 9W Irltdlî.4 lemansd IncdeorbablY e*thphy L.~ cally and mentally; e a sense of fullnees orbloatlllg"miter * , crof Ilge. ness," or emp>tinem se toi*h lntemorn. lng, tengue coated, bittr r ncitte mouth, irreguWa appetite, ce, frequent headaches, blurreci eyesight, floatbng apeks* before the eyee, nervous tier4on or ex. haustion, irrltability of tàpr hot flushe alternating wxth - ohillv tiens, eb8 biting,- troaient pains brsdthere, cf~ feet drowsinern lifter m ,wak eue, ci dlsturbed and 'unrefree leep, constant indescribable feeling Of re4or et impenci. f ouhae U or eny coni(dersbie number of these symptems, yen ar suffein f ro that most common et Âmecà, âs- Bilions Dyspepsia, or Torpici ver, asoclated with - Dyspepsie, or Ind n.l' The more comhplicateci your djseasé:hâsI-lJe0rne, te g reater the number and i dverity 'o! eymp. toms No matter wbat e t 'l la reecheci, ]Or. Plerce's Golden lyedical overy- wil su'odue 1t., 'if taken -acording te direc- tions for a reasç,uable length of Mine. If flot oured, complications multiply'snd'Cnsum. tion of1 thu n&gs. Skiu Diesees s ért Dise'ae Rheumaatism, Kidney Diseuse, or other grave maladies are qulte Hable te sétIn sud, soouer ' or latur, 4aduce a fatal -termingtlôn; Â Br. Plerce's Golden Heffdical. itý Coverv acto-powertnly upon ic eLiver, and oleanses tLe system of al blood, uts and !m- purities, front wbatevcr cause arlin . >ýit le,- cquailly .icaciops in, acting upon gKld.rl. neye, ana other cxcretoyor ;Clansng; etrengthening, and healgte1 .A an appetingreetorative tônt1ê lSt motes' digestion aud nutrition, thebbdngu both ficsh and strength. Iu mafaildfstricts, h this wofd! fui medicine has gaîned- great Fe1ver Duinb Aguel aikndeileae. 1 Dr. IPlerc esuCGolden Jeia I. Covery CUFRES ALL HUMO, fromn a commen BlotehOlir, Eruption, tb'l woret Scrofula. Slt-rheum, -"aievcr.aero Scaly or Roug Skin, ln shortý ail dsse causeci by b aiblooci arec C i UU%éd by thls j powerful, ýurifying, andi !u%îu.,->t1g.medi- cin. reaBâing Ulcers r"îpiiy beaUune Its beni xInfluence. EspeciliW bas 'it mi. festedi pote cyI urlug Je fittor, BeECme, Erysipelas3, Bouls. Carbuncles, QnrM esro-f- k. uous Sore ..nd Swellings , -Joit tDiseese. "White 8 eni lneGoitr, 6eà Thick Neck, sud Elared'I Glads. Send tezi centesli stampe for a liarge.Trear.i8e, wlth colored- plates On Skin Diseases, or t; epre a1ount for a hfrcarlseou Sctofulour, AUrc Ions. diFOR THIE BLOO 12THE ! UFE.0 Thoroughly cleanse It bv using Dr. Plercee's Goldn Iedlal i>fecveryg, and'good_ digestion, a fair ekin, buoyant spirits vtal etregti and bodily health wiil bce,-çtab chd. CONSUMPIN ,whlch le Sorofula ofthe Lun larrte aud curedi by this remedy, if. sutlute e, sarier stages ef-the dlees. ie mar. V velous power over tels Vrrby 5ss 1 wheu tiret efferlng tua nov vend e cm edy te the public,-Dr. Plerethe sroul cf ýcgIing it bis "mi.upToi 'utl abandoeecitest namne as(to cve fer a medicine whlch, frolm ta vo cm. u1 bluation ef tonie, or strengtenlgtrtve, or biccd-clcsieng, anti-blneus, ansd nutrIfe ie errties, la uneq' ot -oui as areme9grofornumpion fo LieBlood, and. - 1,oIsf i. repréel lôsi eight ef, a <505 f theolo0 'fuorge thse'doobi * udAoetolic .-the gmeatamm ýuhe motte ol .psinChrii nit 0hriàto sud vihole gathei *éI heuhai day osais inde tie iddreaui suad sud aongs M* ~L of S'pu' UPOn7 the sut ý-meetings. 7<e pamphletiotl -yourself. of tiiassern w.)1 m- the a vibis thougist haring been of v ide ' lf ecrudition epinit manifs le exellent. *Dr. Scisif, Il ment>tonr i s; ud think of * ago, vien S ~&been impobo wing, *oud ansd nv i ' At noon A ver. rsed ýCapital for S close of i : Promptly a *feu in Çtih called tao u S iug slerk iu uplifted 1 Doxology Houe va eue began aller Ihere ~u8o 068 Hala SI L ife Inu'a AT COSoe. MutualReserveyLrle Atm~ auce of New YorL - serve W. H-BR.NESS, F. Ce S., L., Aùaly.ý t ical Ciemislt tô'hle Biitisis Qoveru., sait, mt, ton.e Of1h. Mes!tmunzeyl rdw Of the age,eays lu -bis rejport: "It ù one of thse meif perfe!ct food$I aue cou eV er? ezpa Mied, 1 a . . a I B 4 4. 4 0 0 4 . *4 a 9 ýï A ti

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