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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 1

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1887' SALEI ERIOOM.S. F i i(ays. FUR GOODS, T iIiTBY -Ju 1'~ A' Wth calm ?rlited words, groat thoughts, and un*ltfg iiiduitry, w. Ã"OL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTAIRJO. FR1 ~ONICLE. Pr4c9 ogrosa Knowledge, Brothorhood. -DECEMBER 239 1887. ear out their stock Beaver, S. S. Seal, t~aud Nutria Caps lefs, Ties, etc., etc., instead of waiting (3 sejson over. WA,, ig redÙ4(,tions, in &11 l, seful and elegant and we have the Flannels, Blanlket8, a-s, Ciloves, llo8- ,t CIIEAV !-VERY ailoring and fine- )Vercoats e-ur -own ers, ksocks, Braces, is oever, >iow in m Bar- iIo ~coe rgest stock o)f ncyv Goods, itock of GYSTERS Jnd Saucers, $1,25 ýNl produce. NA T STORE JABTERSR 31OODS aine them, -a lo)t of (ESA- de ~C d.select yu Satchols, Gifts ND CARDS. Ilection eoflooks, Dr prizes ;- aise 'hrngs in gift ,M mention. ko!xmai Carda :w MACR,) BLOOR, WEIITBy, Son..sd Ules. Established 1856. he Leading wediiiluOntario CouptI. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 91pranum nir advance-8l.50 other. gju.e. ubscriptiols are alwaye payable at rFe omace Of pubrusatIo. Steam equipmeut and beut furniaired eok and Job printing plant lu Raston Dntarlc, capable of exoouting ail classes cf vork frein the large poster te the sinalleat andbill. Special mention is made cf tire insurpassed press f acilities of TnE CnnoxN. ci.s, vitir its eelebrated N. Y. Cottreli yllnder p resus ad other modemn conveni- nces. iverv order receivos prompt, cane- A. A.IOQ8T ste vitir Langly Langloy& Burke, SMOKE the MUNGO ýOrente,) i thè great bc. Cigar, and the Designes for Churches, Villas aimd'Cet. tages a 3peciaty. Drawings prepared for remodeiing exlsting structures. .E)Ij P DI:? Op,.xcu-First fiat ever Howses Drug Store. -jA TT P.U0. Box 202U, Wil!TE'. FAIM FOIR SALEI A. Beautifullyituated tar= ln the TOWN 0F WHITB3Y. ul attention. ITire underuigued offers for sale iisfat=m - t1 cf 49J acres, being situated on tire euatsiclé TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. cf Brook street aud north cf thre Grand t1?is netoprln,1 et;ec Trunik rsilvay in tire Towni of Whitby. Tis Pireinsrtinpelin, 1 cens; schfarur is as guoti a piece o! land as eau be anqseqant inserton, 5 cents. -feurin uthre oountry ,bas a splendid situa- Dlspilsyod Advertisemlents are nieasured tion fora tovu park or driving park, in in by a Bca," cf solid Nopareil, and charged as good a etateocf cn.ftivaticn as aiy mn .coordingIy. could viair, is fencedetortiroly vxith board Advertiseents et vithout witten fonces, is dlean ô! ail bail veedo or otiror ob- instruotions insertod unutil forbidden, sud jectiens of tirat nature, bae a stneam cf eharged for full turne. waten mmm g tirougir eue corner vhieh Ordenu for diecontinuing advertlsments nover fasils. Tirebarri sud other outburld- muaetre i vr;ting, otherviso tire publisir- ingu are of!te.bout qualty aud ainueut nov; Ps yul not ire reepornsible. theebouse is a noariy nov orie-stcroy build- a libéral discount for cootraet advemtise- ing sud c eau rmised a storey itb ne great meut. by tire yoam. Cep y for changes cf expeumo. Tirere iu a goed vei.l1cf pure coortract advortiuernente airould ire irsded vater. Thore is a yeung ercirard cf stand- i net later than Wednesday ; sud notine anrd fruit trees, juat comxnoncing te hoar cf anyintended changes sbonld be giveri fruit. Tire garden in as gooti as eau ho before Tuesday neon. Otirer ativentiso- fouud. Tire farmu te corivenieri to Cchoiols mente neceived tap to Thursday neon. and chunceo. TitIs gcod. Libera! termes Business notices in local or nevu columus vwili ire alloved te tir purebaser. Fivo cents pet lino veekiy. Locals, 10 et@. Apply te proprietor on promises per lino weekiy. CorrespondOIIceoiciteti frein ail prts 46-12iri. GEO. BICKINGBOTHAM, of tire County or neighboring tevnships. Whitby P. o. Cornespondentu are requested te moud ini1 Whitby, Oct. 20t1h,1887. tirir commnuiicationssau promptly as ______ ___-- Possible, -- a.,nî i inf i fDnuiel Mail HENDERSON & GRAliAM, Proprietors- JOH-N STA.NTO>N, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BAJtRISTER, <ourty Crowri Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office,- South wig, Court Houee, Wbitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, SARISTER, &o. Office formerly oc-. Re upied by Farewell & Rutledge, rient Royai Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON,9 B.&., TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR 137 Ckancery, Conveyancer, &o. Ornesi-mn the Qiffice asouth cf the Pont ce, in MoMillan's Block, Brook Street, itby. ly.lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., ARRISTER, &o., &.-Monoy te Loan Issuer of arniage Licenses. Orcs-Sruith'a Block, soutir cf Market, rock 8tL, Whitby. i22, 1878. rJOHN BALL DOW, (51-61 ARBISTER,-AT-LÂW. SOLIClTOR Mfoe-Devenill's Block, Brook Street, ONBY TO LEND-Prlvate Funda - Umeuup to $8S0, at a 1ev rT" of lI_ ARRISTR AT LÂWb Ë&iLÎêIi!ORIN~ Obacer, Jchaynee,&., c.Sim- a Street, Oashawa. IJUUIIUIIUN LU UIIIqaîMI1 1887. STE.&MBHPS3. 1888. WINTER 'SERVICE. Sailingu betveeu HALIFA.X andi LIVER. PoOL, Fortrilgitly, via MOVILLE. SAILING DATrES. Sarnia.. Oregon .. Vancouver.. Vancouver.. Sarnia . Oreguri... Oregon... Vancouver. Sana. Prom Liverpool Thuiiday, Decl. 29th. mi . 12th. 26nir. 44 stl7th. 64 318t. Prom Halifax Sat. Dec. 24tb. ... ..Jani. 7tir. di .4 218.. RATES OF PASSAGE. Prom Portiand or Halifax te Liverpool. Cabixi <50, $65 sud $75 ; Secorid Cabin $80. Steenage ai lovapt rates. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., Genaral Agents, Kontreal. B. STEPHENSON, Telograpir Offoea, Local Agent, Whitby. RUlan[,inE: Royal Mail Steamers, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW.I WIliTEÈ ABBAI«EMENT19. DATBS 0F SAILINGS. Frein Portland. Frein Halifax. Parisian...e. 155h Dec. 17th. Caspian. -...e.29tir " SI81t. Parisien ... .. .........Jarn. 145h. None o!-tire 0abOesteamers Carry cete, sIeev or igéia. MADRE 1 -" HLJO0 The great 10c. Cigare. WTa la .IO!SIP CHEMI8T and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procures tireu direct frcm tire Manufacturera. g 4 .4 RATES 0F PASSAGE IPROM WHITBY B. MELDBtJla, M.B. (TORONT-O te Liverpool ortLoadondery via portlanid. University,) L.-B.C.P. sud L.M (Ban- Cabin, $61-10, $7M10 sud 8M-10, accord- uir) o ffc er, e1 . ing te position 01et teroom. .Ixtermedate q» 4 sud 7 teS9 p.-m- o& 40. 8ieevage *M. Whit.hy to îierpel Lndo"endovit Jo , THE «ITBRACE," BYRQN-ST,,s ilax. O »uIO.OGê $7.S6, W, WHITBY. "o O'a""wn ___________________________Tutsrrspdl5epgoebookeate erea M1. C. CRÂWFORTH# Glaagw saienais asLivftpoL Stoonagepaenesb@e te or frein BUREONGimaot, Beli=Ut ent.vorLade V -BRUINABY marnON »e rate 'lvroo.Bii Grdute~ .h Cl.Pasengens&A dtiror are put$cou legs, Teronto. Pense.! Ordens by mail or isiagrapir pzorît.ly Tire "asitrain ýoouaeo"iiwth tires. attended te. st.eansers poueuWliibyf10Trda 1UOffie ai residenceacf G. A OruiPPO-IIte fo Di.Beogart.'s, Dundlaesiroot, gy hi fin For Tilaitomas0* rai SBERT EROS. a Te8s u il0isnWaasin LIVERY and- SALE STABÀLE&, "T A GEood 34<msud ood Ror«ss. Tenu~f g~i, x RGGS & IVUY, y' >-- ~0 mo Coo 0 C ce, ml C) g ci Qz Q"a c,) LOCJ WS LETTERSe Mrn. i as «gýtnicely -settled in hlm now de enta over the store. Ourn nov nI. Thoes. ]EL Green vood, han. te 1 lngagod for the coming One of out' enta. Mn. Naylor, who caome eft Pm Âbokta ire ~ t iutudez Mn. Suran vire punciras- od tire houe! 1 epe by Mr. -Hager- XDM ta pu p a ov stbe and other- vise impro'C nov residence. Joshua D àEsq., hsd a very sudden attack of ira mtien on *Saturday laut. whîch confine&à tohiasbod for a day or two, we are;Pte learn, however, that he la nov raph ie cvoiug. Any one whpivishes te spend a profitable as vol as an e*yable ovening, had botter attend he emruay, tebe beld on Wed- nesday eveninï> -the 28th i tire churcir. After agrand oystersgupperhbsben partaken of the Býey. IMn Addrsonof Uzbridgo vil de- liver a lecturiýý on "Character Buildinj,» which promiseste ho instructive and an- tonesting t h o ld and yeung, by ne mneans the leastarrpotntof thre attractions ef tire evening, vilbe the songe that ajrète be rendered by(-the Manchester choir, vhich, by the way is gaining a ight royal reputa- tion for oxoellce. We trust a large num- brvwilltunribut and do justice te, the effortà et thoewbo have been instrumental in getting up this ovening'à enjoyrnent. Qite a cÈowd oected in the tevn bal on Monday atternoon, at thre meeting called byý the Scott At supporters of thre town- mhp, fer tho purpose of nornating sucir mon for the, coundil cf 188, as vould piedue themWPae ot uphold tire Sctt Act. A large icontiget came devu frem Green- bank, h e&e...yMn. Watson. Tis $ta4tle- ma" vasbo!eV]l electod te tire chair, 'and after explain4ngtire ebject cf the meeting, called u evral gent amen te x~a tir i=vew, - Meuars. Dobsoen, TinLck, Christiand Mb~ers addressed tire meeting. A cemmttes <ofeurteen vusfinally appoint ed and olosetes4in aun adjoining reom, ina orden te u.t*irlnommines. Atter about tvo o hure dcnsson, tiroir report vau brught - , âdthe fellovlng gentlemen were nifo&tW for, tire cundil et-1888, R»ee1Jolh tý&)omnlut Doety Roeve John St obu,2üd Deputy Ievo Thosa Anale ouulinS# uMoeurs. munr-o and Uzo., r. $mM is ily on tire meni 1-im îkW* aT. ufaçir-te officiaipo àem d1 faîearrilng it te oicL. Mn, OnogI.sofer Mr the old Trono. ohe ouaoetthe bnkha 44dnos <t.it. M"sstoill sud Mr. OlI.Aretriag o=r Mis 1for ana! annivenrse r ic neoe yerSove. As thre tvigu are tender tbuy viii bond «auly. <et te bot.,sud cae nea ha lng t b tallovvîtb a bigitte. The Grange uripper at <ur Tmiperauce boure vastireSource -o! a 1v pleasat heurs te ties ir cmeeu, b ut tire atteudane. vasMMna. Tr<ager. are a v r qiet ovse ai or0 te geuralWho acam t tbstemperaoehoua.. Ounalir lU" a làthe batlu tire osuatry. Tirst=oruetvas large. Tire show of tea m rsspeultty pork ad beefvouldbe harilto oqwta n tiDoulnion. Th.dmyvssilthat. eoU lis, deslred. 'i OParsons vêe, presait., A mont .xo.lleasupper vas"sed by tire-hoat aud irestous f (Mr Tempersne houas. st tLa5 iBrooklizi lire Mnt C. W. Bisan1s tla t vel t it. fMendiaimFenils ad oh in aisia secticoeounury. Kep.atoeasn Tea-parties are boginning to boom Presbyterians oni Christmas and Mothodists New Ye-ara The lone widower arnd the eharxn young widow are mashed. Get ready for a charivari boyg. Mr. Wm. Real one of tho ploneeruof Beach lu vory ill. The docoers ve ne hopes of hie reooVAry. The Division of Sons ef.Ternperane in inx a fioiriahing condition. New ýnmmler are laddd vermeeting. They'gave e ne of thoir pprlarfre.e noeeitelas#' Thur*Uy, A remarkable'oae ef abeent-nxlndedneus oeorod ti oe eoetthe churehe% bore a weok ago. A Young Mari wbo had flot seen a woek ôt married 111e brougbt bis bride to cburcb, and while she stoppod ini the lobby te speak te seme finonde ho walked to a seat and thon thinking of his wifo had te go out again and show hon in. Port Perry winces over the charge cf being a tough place, but wo tbink it deserves the name. There are only a tew mon lu this neighborhood who will diegrace thom- selves b y getting drunk, but about eveny one of tat fowcame homo from thon. &bout a week ago beastly drnr4 We would suggest that the place b. boyeotted by al nespet- ablo peoplo, until tho business mon of the place doos somothing towards making their town decent. A well attended meeting of temperance ratepayer. was held 'in the Bons hall last Tuosday evening for the purpose ef organ- inggte township te select aud elect a council favorable te the Scott Act sud temperance legislation geDerally. Strong partisans et both politicai stripes anneunced their intention cf tlrowlngsaide ail party Wreudice and unltlng in the common cause. eie confident Geenbank wlfl, i show itseif the banner temporance aoi¶ division lu the county and, vo would 1k. te me Beach tho banner mumecipality. A genera k meeting viii bo hoid li Manchester on Monday 19Lh. The seed wheat manipulaton bau paid us ai visit and sucoeeded lu getting ordfàns froin some of our amai farmenu for some nov kini cf seed sprng wheat. We prediot that beforo thon e ev mart farmers are another yerolden thoy viii eaeh eut anothos wZLsoM toot.h, and meme o! mois confident will pay out SMOin theprng for $25 worth o! wbeat sud $215 wonth ef experionco. Il lu only a 1ev 7ean &gaince some other iamant farinera iu this neigbbonbood forked over $M00eacb for nome useles. hay f orks. If yen should dun an y of the parties for "~ for charity they would pload hard tixnes, but a swindler cau put in bis work every turne. OXREIL Mr. W. P Muatad of Tororito t'n!ver- uOity lu home on iris hliy. MsffloSenR ithoru as aamarried Ilut week te a medical atudent Mn, J. Fentar. Tire Uxbridge Gle Club irasboon practie- ingr for thre Xmnas concert the lat fov Bey Gue.Biehop addàed suan udience in tire Oniaro Hl last night on Temper. suce atter tire co t1t.1e servies. Mxu& Humphrey of Winnipog taover hirn sperir»a fov veeku ameng bgler reatves andi olti fnends. Sire loch olm su ad ta as jolly as even. Eleotrie llght.wu as ed ln the Matbodl sud Preabytentan cirrrcheslaut Sunday foi tira tirt. It ligIted the-ciurohes vo l and in munir better U thtre gas., -.Miae Annie Evenett, tata of Wiritby Modal sehool ham bSenap umted to fil tire' vacaay, oaUW dby wMiBss lse.ving' tevu te the hargefet auciool'-nearer honi home. Wa visirlhon avery aucoos. ý. D. M. Gard, Euq, s andidats ,for tire rmyoralty sdifnr Bsoaa1dn irmuef ievil W I =~"ot»?tlr rhd into tee Mu mnyt nuat îatine, wit work I Thieîm4 kdtyoi thre asool trntees« çe-; cidodto i dauantire head nÀaer -I 't.otatgr infaoùs plots tirat iramlaers Üàý b tovu ton a number, of 7esm. Itieaime bIbh; fore tire publiectthe exact.lahancté* f,&tm, mon, viCiawheni the olt.fenhbavIE te' dat. WhIk ould an- edtordni ý h ' foxud ýont' tirailais P D di4 mot perfIý ran Aù tieu iraxnosmd onùlim t 'Sack h1mW , eeranyvl give te public tie boriefit of f11pau- aanly your correspondent vawnt oec tefortunato onos to_ receive an inviain Two of our young sports went sh, oth ie, othor 0ay and-net belxag satisfiod * b wat they càuld find in the open air had te go Apt Mr. JOnes barn anid shoot bis jpigeonam ,bflt thon I suppose they are practamng for' the shooting touénament vii st'onn off se son and they wish te do thre Whitby sports Up. Thre sch< sava a eCM U. tAeEURN.y .5. vil -Mn. John Burobll tudent ina the GColi nà- Wood Collegiate Inlute lu up"d'ng-irà vacation at mere, Mr. Burchilwbate,#Pr ho inay have dono in neference' te -Cdiling- Wood' s fair daujirs bas ne', at "ny rate, talion in love with Collingveod ituelf. Mr.. Thes. Routley cf East Grand Fenke, Min., la visting bis parents sud -brother hoe. Mn. Rcutley le greatly taken up vitir the Western States virere hie han male a homo for hirneoif vithana 'very fov yeans. Ho believes in Horace Groely's advice te, Go West. Many cf Tom'u old cemnades have, like hirnself, sought other fieldesud pauturos greeni rd vers net here te vol- cerne him, butUtose vho are otillihere .gave- him a right royal welcome. We visir hlm a safe sud plessant noturu journey and corn- tinued suees lia iis western home. The Xmas f air ou Tuesday- vas à succes anid gave great promise for thre future. Tire shov cf fovils unet se extensive in tire turkey lino as had beon expected- altrough the amples vero *ood thist *ve e" v Gesse aud dueka vore plentiful aaiso,ýe're chiekens some youtrful -and somoà-v'ne'r- sble. hoexhibits of dnessed hepo an d hirid quartons cf beef weno wonthy eto our largçe city arakets and ne doubt vill find tirir ay te someocf theru bofore Xmas. The follovlng 1B tire prize list :-Best 'dross- ed hog 8 ntnres, 1ist Uco. Minty, 2nd, Joo. Harpon ;bout hind quarter et bof-4- entries, Lut Geo. Minty, 2nd qXosepi Haràper ; bout ps f dresaedtturkeyaeOxford pnize 2*on-» tries, lut Jno. Balsdon otù frc rae turkoyB A. G. Hlender*onr prise 3,etis lut Jno. Baladen'.; bC X - Mn f dnossed W. Wilson 2sBprise S it -çelut, Jno. don ; bout pair et,, did e g b Brasir's« pie 3 onttoç ,lt a. Tanvis;- bout pair cf d1ressed ducks D.Sheeh*àm'u unize 2' entries lut Jno. Ba lra ' ; ,bat,p f e dresa. e4 ducku Alex. Wilson's isie2 enèýitries lut Jas. Tarvia-;bestj1i-retof s~dcikens 2 entnies 1 aud,2 à"no,,Balluln ;bout collec-ý tion ef dieRued 1 ws TXk *--Bi ldu~bésat basket et butter - 20 ene lb 4--PlI anlr & Osaes 4 envries, lt- -Mrs.,Winnaot bout 12 lb erock W. Wlo' n~ 2 enve lut Mrs. 8 nýn'îa bat bbute or betsRhoe îen -bann8u. Hall, 2rid Maýjor Rodgou, 3rv m Jutiges of prodilce. Mea. Jn& Jas. Stokei andi JnO. Monnison. e herss, Mesua. Jneo. Kerr,. S. Me Geo. Manty. The,.,attendaoaam-- large sud the man agers8 can ' 0 theraselvèeon thireisOuf tlisi WeR ! Say? Were 70en at on Tuosay'nigirt, t No. Da yen tua . lYo.Wellyen doua dobedailleti extract ot ail -th bavýe ever had vere opo4w Iou heusliitythat ýprsvànlod iÃœ 1-màorable ov'uMng 1rkwe_*ultm envv. Tir;aÃŽamateiwUrMUstmnla ton tire rg-te fnd, i'dlock ahi tili joirtw Lckt>, -ODy sd s N .2.: -a--LN -Li seil the i 1

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