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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 2

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, - 2f *nd Iltemns Stolenfroin eut' Exehangcel. HOU. Sydney Smithb' Insfoto* et Registl7 offices, @peut Weanesday in Own. Sprutt mud Kilen, bave a large efiso roaster at work in their ostablishmnent. h deo its work w.ll. 'Ceuni! Trearel' Matchett, reoeully pald le'Ms'. Stepheil Washingtoni, for hio brother Levi. $6 bounty où a woîf, ahot by thé luttet in Digby. Chiot Bell ss'seieda ramp lait week for stealing an ovsrooat frein Isvin'a hotel. Ra vas caught ai Sunderland. breugil book here sud sent up frire CÏpt. Crandeil declines te stand for bis, Cotiudil for next year. Thisinlate b. regs'tted, for vhateves' tailingo the. old veteras bau, h.o estainly bau been a goodeopuncillor. The eloclors aboula deeline te .11ev hie mrerment. 018 Resdet- Kra. Ellen Armstrong viha.uresided iluths tovuship et Opa for oves' ixty yêas's, sud ai lie advanc. .8 &ge of seventy.eight yeare, vlaited tevn a short lime &go &04 iad a pietegrapi taken iu a group represeni- lag feus' geseritious,'lu lie persen et hem dinghies', grand daugites' sud groat grand dinghies'. Tii. yeungeet boing ton yoare old . Who eau boa$tibis. West Victoria Farinera' Inatitute meete on l6th sud l7th January. Prof.'a Brown aud F. O. Greuside wiii bo présent, ba&vuut farinrate belp aie. Lot E. II. Hopkiu", F. Dix, J. Omuesu, M. P. P., T. Boal, J. Campbell, A. . O rabain or a dozen others prepare papeta te r.ad ou somo important fariners'ubjeci. The usines, Robt. Haunab of Lifford and Gao. Laidlsw, bave boti been suggested ae£ood mon te take part. Let il be a faruiru meet- ing and not a peliticai eueas. vusthe. lut, PETENC»RO A nov indusls'y, the. Canadian Lamber Cattilng Machine Company, bu located lu Belleville lunouusider. allen of exemption frein taxation for a, terra ot year. Theoompauy, vhioh buaacapital oetU%00, eoomposed ot influeuial cillassofet Toronto, sud vfili.itplày about 100 bande. - Tie promies have becoeu red aud wos'k vit b. oommeaeed ha a short time. Tii. Icsokansd galetaIBurlelihave be.AU6 oompleied, iiin ecpaid off,;sMd Mr, WM. oug l-keepe us'a aken pouesalen. Thê w<rk .vason Ms'. Goodla's oonlisoat, mdi *under Ms'. Net! Wade'a sapable upersteudene lie vork bas b... weildoue luIdet. Il wu ftmilly .esuplete& -_ou Tiiusday On Tuesday Mr'. David Paget, et As. phoudel, met viitsu M Wlet wih :ay prove fatal. The. Norvood Begur amye Ï; u u ngaed lu thmre ou - ea vlthbbos'esmi. ahoreosveil a klck lu Iii. face frei n e of the aimale Hils -Upper jae* sud " b bote ek bose voÎiebreken. Ris facela tes'ribly dis *gur d udils s'eovey la oo»Usered mioet impossible. Dr. Ford, of Nor'- v.ed. wvas e adsladolug-a&l liai ho eau for tiheunfortune men. John O.lline, eommitted for trial Î. fon Làakeflldos a uofarc tiss, wus td4sdet the. court bouehere Wed- ueMday &ai eroon, before Jice Welles'. A barn, owned by Mr'. Nioioli, et Douro, sud useed by Mesura- Lefîvre ast! mn u asbun., aud lii pruuehvisg. bossa @oesn tei MIu1 nt tb aý îepvhlolu à dravu le Wit and Humour. Tih bades" bioof hetisyear-Tbe equikuoche. Uprigiil planes are otten playet! by do'wrigit bores. A mannsy be behininn luvo'k sud .lull slow puai. Tila is se if ho la vioslig a bas'ro. "1What lsauan plaulel" amked a Son- dayscboot toweaieofetber clame."Tic vif. et an apostle," repiiedth te young Iiepsfal. Minuter (nakiug a call) -And do yen alvayis do as yeur mamma àtelle yjeu te. Plouet.PFlouls (empasaly-I do sud 80 doos papa . Flirtaloios laicked evervoue kuove, but someiow a moane»veu resUesit quit.e serengly a» io dees viesh. and@ se is viirilug vil sen. ees tellov. Tire boy vii. vilstes tventy fi"e heure ouI of lventy four may net be- orne a burglar or a nurderer vienho grews up atte&ILa ail ulkely soi le gs'ov up a en g a ais'siest ai hm. A.eh fuaitem. says liai tie ',V,! corsag uilb. ha vogue Ibis ft a 't winsor but the wýrlg.es*eglecia te ha- M~L.,uss*abe mecus'd by lie pcB-, Sb@.'X.s. I like it.M pp '.aêil OhIIrn, fooled wlth matches in Mo- Olture' s iW, Ho1ad 'Landing. The hotel waë dîui.ged and -the.edjoining Thé Whitby <hronioie loa s red#èbl papes' but the. mot readable portion toi eus' mimd laite district a'. wa. Rea every weoik 1 it »e tbiitooluoeli oo the W~..~$nWr&~ Streteville viRils a bank in whiob te, deposht money, atreet lampa te llght aussitiihburgiars who flnd their wpy7 by the oetlmet b ak Georgtowns~qR!tubl la e b-pr vided viti a tont hat, trltum.d lhh sibbona, su2d"a flageolet, witb vhioh ýte peua tira. îway "whie:herding ibe fetie ow tibt u1ael ufgfRe b baok domn of the oltizens, A party et sports men frein Ottawa who vent ehoeting iu the. nortberu part ef Beufrev ounty viiere obiged te tae i M_ cati te the effeet ibet thoy vers net vb.isfrey ifeoe.ra bes'.tboy oould gel hotel acomomodation. Wheis ànov. bsinag shipped frein Manitobale ora, teamed te Wintes'. boumne, gs'onud jute fleur, teamsd baek ataiu te, Elora, auid ahipped baok te Manîtoba. Tis aeme à long ViF te taho griat te mIIII, but h lue dons, nover. ihéesu, SOIF. thleprs Theis. ethe he isBarrie Âdéanoe epeake ofthe'cOIpdldatos for tbé mayor- ality eft tut tova. It les doubttul If any ethes' towu or city lu the. Dominion could produce snob a brase cf candidates as the. two nov in the. field for the. mayorality. Several local Papen inluSimmcocunty vant poor bouses, but they are ail sncb heop tut esci viii oppose auy scheme vbich doses nt bring the poos' houes te ils ove town. This la tb. way public business lsaîlvays s'etarded by local joalousies aud selflsb e.-Thie libel- lons statement je frein th. Whitby Chronicie. à porion je operating in soed vieil in the eounty -of ifalton. Re gela gay saoen fariners te enter into an aaree ment te sow ocifour buahele etftth. vhest, thon sieulders lie vhole burden ef pmyment upon on.et thein, taking the promisaory note tes' $240 for tb. 28 busbi. A family by tie naine cf Bril- linger, reidlung on tie 4th Cou. et Whlteeiurob, are paeluig through ex- eeediugly sorrowfut affliction threugh the ravages ef dipitieria eft he meut virulent type. Thone vers mune ehildren lu th. tamhly, sMd wltbln tvo vee" four of thein, aged s'espeetlvely 4,11, 19 aud 21 ysaru socumbsd te tthe terrible dissase. The sigibers are &Ul figiten- ed te entes' the hous and the. Parents are almoet exhausted vith fatigue mid bere&vmnt.-Era. mile. Brîtlahr-ifly t mile oftpavk ? By jove,ý autrprose- isea. Bacon iens ýfor thléecrurê et Wiiat 'w00neides' -tbe b ot aSU haun nojt >en inethisa: Ooli W'ab a ~ohuuy ýjuat after en Say Jack wyul la a socki 40e iuç la chnrch vhs o -boul'ie. Triê. b"st -Probibly lier. lsn'ft "Ilote yen d$ell yotsiman doeu'lever Il aeftlylo is ccis e, Loveire proueptes Sud h. teudes'ly, as40 the tas-I l'do net ni 'nou e eoinme thal UPat's wiat everybodj the ingoulus maiden. ¶1 cime se dssp tust yen star# tviukliug. Omaha min-I hei ed an auti-uveariug soc St. Pulninu-Y.. 1 bu jolu- nexl FsbrusrY. long P The Minneapeli b. oui in Jannir'y sd, tins teool001off. Joues-I m»Y Smith tc àg s groat migiclan IsaI nigit. Honlà-«e yen lemnado or suy otier dri»IýYèU vaut- ed ouI tfa wvite but. 8it-ia' uoii ve'vepgt a grosêp'-der n'cor- ner vie eau give you ' fveforty sud torty.five cent bttthe f b sainetub. An Englisi membes' of Parilmeut lu a speesi declare îsd liI MrGladstone b.d euuk bis bo&ta1 aud',-burnsd bis bridges. The local piperu lfuormsd lie bon ,nember's constituentu liaI «Ms'. Gladstoueb.d suuk is boots sud bumu- ed is breechee." A esacier lu a boy'@s acool lu as id- joiuiugt eouuty touund tosty big pupils ouh et .ixty-tirece obad nacrescd lis constitution et lis UnitedBlutes aud vers ignorant efthle cause vic ledl tcte .preparation. Evsry molbes mu cf them iover oculd tell the standing ofeucibase bailclub etftth. National Le ansdIth. A.maeasuAs- A BtupeudouB Work. a ?EIU'KPRos' UMILVT ENGIRIMOR wHIoH au occupIUI>21 TASm. Aumtn, Oregon., Dec., 17-Tie California sud Oregon ballvay vas eompe"edteday. Il repressuts 21 Yomrsetfailay ooastiucilon almee eteadiiy puuied through'- leprojeol et musmouutilg thi ouataià!s'gemet Nortiier Oslilfornis sud Soulieru Oregon. TiceaOmplishmeat lan-rà,q eti' by .ousmereial irotes of lie Paciieésut thie setimportadn ha is mguflen smo.the compleion o et ba.tisiovcr- land s'ailay systermn. It,&«ouU. fort1he firsI lime lrail cmmuounosb.- tvesu tl i baes fthétue acMe sud places endos' control et o»e railuy cerporahlen asu ubrokesli.us frein Nsv Orloans te Portland, a distaseet 800 miles. Ils pujectore couent!fothel mmnfrein a strategi. uisndpohituaIs tie compliheofethIis nortiu i nk la of vital importance, théienational go verueput as a doeeaive measure ha case et var sud neopeuiy for rapit! concentration ofir.opS., sud P rin!breugitlarge miniers of proininent men te vitnesu the riviug 0f the laut epike. Tii., party frein Oregen lueluadsd lie Governor sud othhr Moit., offioers.Thoere rlag erovdiiu' alpeints b,>peI lbh Cali- tomniatraissut! gram- euhbaurvs serti lie heavy train vas dkia n- P the ee«p approaohes'ofihe oounlalu Bfla i 7 o1losk tbie morning, 4000 test abOve the. ses leve), atlie base eit MenaI Shastavwbioh riù 10,400 Mot, for Ifli mnG~ ~O~WtBI5bO1r0U5dBpl~S4tO*li4UStbBt I ~oebeoeea OolIe, Oa.*IpIUOfl, AiWHEmm3LD., Worma, givete.isepon promuSdi- UI Bo nW.e I -A meBt, nna, .Y.; EX.mtu Ooât,77MiySret .Y appeitesud gênrm ea deit? etinthe as etsf .pasd nrat dipeveletingyte sud ofin thé blnd hest moeioh relystm- rnoue remte d as Nrh r&Ly men-u Qurinneviedmybsdortrp'&uydx'ugstoe Qulisnice weom ended by tduhg ste Thimbrettic eomed tathetyin ase et indigesiontheneldilifcty nois u peiof sudgsin ner e altinset ilIndufa luise ando sevoall ein ficll t einlron s tloma sud albness in tcu, tdelssud the veàavbuiemhbrain verkaWo vhousay. Nohaeyer bo wiut I. Ilvi strugthe yeu, eep ens' sys t tem u egl etrer, and yenabia yen sytem ncossully grraeapeti.vokyon have ta o. tll la plssanthtathe tastenanventie oth- ing injurite te tibe moan deticae ottn ln uion. sBe ebrte mas for ctheQunine tie.repamre by for thepQLunine Tarne, sud varebsu treoe & Lybeatis Tornto uand ye ave sueiynval e for you meed y Dnggiave soulvit efo.yu my. rGlatne ebliete aeanatv part lae oeetfvinteranatina arbitration. Titlat ayv euThm Alune Ieai1 es bThi ng m ahieyury ves.Alncrl ma- crshn ch iNet y te rg erfu ai-s ias, t ic t onu tl tie tbes sudp cavitie eing frem litte thesand Whu thes e ag roggo sd hokd it malt vhanchleughne tandho hrs ens'i mugi qannet hal ougthe ork. And viat yo theys d~,tannot l do eil o. Adw Chyab? ut oold, cough oup, ueumnia caaIrit coautle o pny e u aniby etarh hbei m nasesudad sud- theng ob- sftrton.,aad nae ad AUendit a tegel rlst. Thero, alla utcsre vay AUott e gel nid et. te. That s t e gulake Boe raof yrup, htih oany dugga viiel yeOh ents a bott wie. Even ggst iU e oh it75senad aile n, en mif epend upn tuse fer eaIn. u aydee Apn hs ormbsceri..,CalsWle bAtlumitedbey, Ag 1, Chale hi te,a age<l 9, ed bisoy e, ag1,ked hs thr Ked9,adhi ero.a Hur. Th9.Pllaunoto ppis et onl i meitalnbutolb. phie to nl vetare.tal menetal enuip te h dal wealfare. Salt ottisbloed ae " penCtly curableh umrdo ofteBlood Blue r tycual y ud PBlod t r&C.vaeosFnkua, vutl Cnmoe v70 au»ot pantn. Saturday. LOU $8,000- A Quarter of a Century. For more than tvsuly-ftve ysansh»sHag- yas'd'a Yellov Oil boss sold by 'drgljs andiltih»aneveriettalled to e vsisea- tien as a bonsehli emedy for pain, lame- nous aindsorenesofet héfleah, ?er extennal audi nterflaluse lu aU palutul compiainta. The. Rusa attempt te, raise a bean bas fied. To ail vho are ufesing rmnthe errons and indiioretions et yonth, nervous veak- uss, early deoay, bosetofmsonheod, &oc., I vill sen ga recipe tust viioure yen, PRER 0F CHARGE. The gneat srnedy ,a» dluooivered by -aànislakyi ot Ameria.Seud a ael-add on evelop>c ho th. R.v. JoimsT.r* xuaij StatiD, somo York Ouq. A EW INVENT10 mia OnVumu'. udr<have sae0 bôd50ord daily. "batV' vîsievery s'armder sdWood Chopper wsts. lirai enfr f rom your viefni±y seems leth ecs No i)nty te pa', we msnufae& trluand.Write for Ulinstrated Catalo3 sent PRÂ te a.L. AtidreseOLDING AWN utc suo ,, 055 165.Ca"i tnuet1Chsgi" . WANTED 1 1,OOO YOUNG MEN p AND LADIES. To repare for the higli and well-paymg ataon9offered by the Diretors of the College. We trust our reader is one for whom wealth han a charm-one who de. sires te searn money, sud who is not afraid ta work for it. In that case, wo vill offer hlm or her a chance te, coin money more- rapidiy, more easly, and as honorably as at any other occupation. The advantages veoffeTr are se -numerous, the power 50 mystenious a.nd vonderful, that ne vonder it has oreated such a powerf al impression on the minds of the Public. This ijno humbue or peddling affair, and va vant only those who ae ambitions iu life, those who are smut, energetia and industrious, sa they alone are sure of succesa. But a smali. capital, a short trne te prepare, snd satlsatcry referenoas are, rcquîred. Ad- ,dres by reftux mail. The Toronto Business Coliege cor. Tofle a»d EMB litr ets T RIB PAPR may be foud on aie ai se. P.- Reveil &Co'e Nevipaper Ad- vering Bu reau (10 Sprue St.), vhere ad. vertWsng contracta nay b. made ferit NzRw Yoni. TuE 3MG - E1 Strength Civet'. The-t te'~4tbU5aflds of l et thèse chronlo weakesees aud distressn alimenta peculiar te temales, at the lnvaidi' ai8ian Intitt., ,Buffalo,- N. Y., has afforded a vet experieccein nicely adaRt.. lng sud thoroughly teoting remedies -for mhe cure ot voman as pçollar maladies. Dr.Piecess FvoriiresPeription la the outgrowth. or resuit, ef this great and valuable experlence. Thousands ortetimo- niais, received fÉrm patients, snd from physi. clans who ,have tested It lu the more aggra- vated and obotinate cases whlch bad baffed their uill, prove It te b e the. most vonderful remady ever devised -fer the relief aud, cure of sufferlng women. It ia net recommended as aj "cure-ail," but as a most perfect Speecic for wemnan's peculiar alimenta. As a o erful, Invigoratiflg to .e It imparta tieflt t the wholeg ystem, sud te the womb sud its appendas-ee in particular.,,For oververked, 6'veri-out," ru-on"-dcbilltatedtehr, keeperLnin ithers, and teeble vomen ~enraly, r. rce5 FvertBPrescription tegreateaetrLbonr,-belng unauled as anappetli morilsd restoratlve tefic. As a sootiug sudw sta igheuilg n.rvine &Favoite, resai ,l,,, is taune- ualed aInvaluablo lnu sun ' id sub- aulng nervous excitabili Irrlity. ex.. haustien, prostration. hYIterl5. spasmea aM other dlstreuuing, nervýols symptelfl com- moniy attendant uponfi unetional and organic disease et the womb. It Inducea retreshing slaep sud rellevdl mental anxietY sud de- opondenoy Dr. PictrceO5s Favorite Prescription la a legitirUate medicineg caret ly compounded by an experienced sud uskinlful physicla ansd sdapttewoman's delicate erganizatton. It làa puroly vegetable lu ita composition sud perfectly -harmiesa in ils effects In any condition et the system. For mornlng sickuess, or nausea, from whatever cause arisinir, weak stomach, Indigeston, dys- pe psasasd kmndred symptema, Its use, in smail doses will prove, very benflfcia. 166Favorite Pretocription lisa aposi.. tive cure for the meut complicated and ob.,ý stinate cases of Ieucorrhea, excessive flowlng, paintul menstruation, unnatursi suppressions,. iprlapsus, or fahinq of the womb, weak back, - "temm le weakness,' anteversion, ret.roverion,.. bearing-down sensations c-hronio congestion,ý Inflammation and u1cerilinn ci' the womb, la.- flammatien, pain and teiuderuess iu ovariej, aocompanled wîth "interrnai heat."l As a reégulator and promoter otfuno.- tionai action, at that critical peiiod Of chang frem girlhoed te wemaod 6"Favorite Pro. tan i a perfcctly sase remedial agen±.. an Can groducêe- nly, geed resulta. it fa eweaen L eaclioua sud vaàluable lu its eff ect mente lucident te that later sud moat criia peidkon m " The.Chunee Lt. P71&erltePreripiioli!bcutswa In connction ;vitix- the use of Dr. Pieros Golden.Nedical Dlsovery, sud umaillatie f e etDr. Pierces Purgative Pelleta (Littie. Pimer'll>-cures liver, Kidney-sud BIaddo 1diseuses.heir combined. use aise removel, blood taluta, sud abolishes - e.anorous and. ~oritOT~5CVi ROU ltthel o* medicine teorwom.n,asold ydrhugglsta, unier a posiive¶ u.raUOee, frm the munit- fteure wlll*lvfeaodtlsfationuevcry- cs omoney ill ho refunded. .This guara-, =0 enpr n te d -onSt-i4 boà-wrbpoM.a sud fthtnly aric eut for tas"y y1%Ma bottlékor <&$5.00. *io. r~ No' araIiu*raedTrestie on .D1uaai W às <OpgvP&M ft ýCoVered), Èend tman ist atmps. dru 6" moan 13 EKWAN.UM 'L ife 1h contains .11 hie' nutritions snd lite- Tic Duke et Edlnhurgi t. vitaiting teIv oineleUet etrt' iî uh.n me Crovu Prince oet *ermany. dig,ýeibe tons. Forhe o dNA igetief6ONALEF ENr HOUSESTO9 JET adew'on.Befor. the Boom Comas I aid»as u Henry St. 10 noo. imion a" ! onc edroom n, osias' ,ioem» àrI.Wrn io 1'a Soboo1m, Institut. and Churoiel. mie!by tenant. ti eaeet etomach jaas relamsu amsi- W~HAKNES, E O.S.,L., Aualy- tical Ol3imlt tt e i Britih Goveru. Px ment, on. of the meuteminent analyste of heage, asye nmisreport:' Ii ïot on. of tii. Most pr.tfoo<Za 1 have eVe, r ezamined," AT COSTO' Mutual ReserveFuu ieAsur- aiice of New York, Ganidia Goemnmntdpoat 550,000 Aoonmûiated veserve find (oves) 3'15,«0 Deati dlaims psid duxing,1884 479,%) Necw busness, lut 8 mo..885 '15 000 000 -rr Tvnty-,five pDer cent. ef ail ssermnts are depe.itod w*th the Cetritýrust- Cern-: psuy et Nev Yerk, au trustees efthe Re- dcln othé L ributoré liam« DOsL ao as', flIîiry 7v'tti >lke, Theodei adely Waimer, J" M. M . D zecorpa of rl 6Ë their handiwoirk The LibrSrY 3a iDecembar coutains t Gathooô 118ViiV5A Qetrfroîm lish ,Science aud the. Bisi Hnzuley. 13Th i Mu India' by flHèrs RU.atrai France, âIe RÉeview. j&180 brie4 Baturday BReviet'J canada, A.iorwcan - Queries for Jouùrn .Hâonos'. Single co1 per year. Jh higb aud low tari iiiedconntriOs flnd an unusafllY rel the gubecta by Ho] under the-litle Of 6 lerence With Proil tien, in the. foi number oet- -The Monthiy." is ahrtèIit rleh tâblaet ofu-Otà the year,, Dr-.81 ,aunable artiOelS Links betWegu CGb criticismel on Spu an .,mineut Prof are discoriraiuLtÙ, neut dogmees. lig ha: a bold aud PO' Litenaiflg 'Weme interest aven tIcu ber views. Dr. .1 Iieg - usul abiityi Beach -aud 'lu Ol4as a u ligiO Ormialen mfia for the Puljiit , Cabinet, sud tb. Wm.' ýM~. Tàylk Christmlas sylue in the 'r berlain, Edwar Gibséon -ef Lond< Arcidei on Ma Winclioell bans a Ma;n ana Evol -partmnt5etfPr -Ludlow is'e vol ~,parts of-the5 n= r maik.- lu- shor Panblisisbe ut! 20 Asiesoz k W£sMzTOý /4. Y' e e 'e ted ho li'a t r vii 'li' 1 1 0 fi ' 4 a 6 1- . CANADA - JTORONTO - -

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