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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 4

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é 1 & Ti[ElUESITBHI1G Ir par8es, Odor Cases, Toile t Casés, Ladies' Companion, -FOR-- I. e ~ 'M e g a;, e s ~ .9 À -AT- MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Si oo PER ANNUN. w'hltby, Fri4ay, Dec. 23, 1887.1 IN ap.akmng of a report rscenll cur recl IbiséPort Perry va' te have a bonneed manufacturlng eulblahmtat soon, the Oshawa Vndicator sys if àl .ould have féoud ont th. Manufactur- tes naMe it would l4ve t1usd teb a-r utaePort POMyin the mttOi. 111h. Vi*dioat" owilIbo segooda«steoread au mm .diborial Ibie v.ek, il Wilne. it a lossun Oshawa l.urn.d, net âme &mgo, in uuemining Whitby. Il 7 ypay te bons a fa.bory, but it den'l te ousbid .verybody .1... W. #ould 1k. the Vin&1iooWrte0poiut out à sinle instance vhare Oshawa made auything by suoopinq around lrying te *oal a marëh on ils uighbsrs. Tas sase of tlb. rest Myrtle affray having beeu sent te 1he courts, vo have ne rlghl 10 further disous il tetb. ptju&loe of auy of th. parties,nr do v. duuire 0? do se in particulair. Ther.. fora, vithout oommeîlinig upon the eV- isîenooiseif, vo vish te @Peak of tb. manier in vhtoh il vas given. Soaro.- ly a vtn got into bh box but on. owuIAose. iu a minute whslber or net h. Wua Saeott " mm. If ho veon au anti4ïoptmai, h. oould «eu recail te0 àmii *verytbing poinling te the gant oft h. deteotv«enad uotbiug mnueh ginst lb. others; if h. vere a B" et tmati ho eotittieasill îay the mm voreatta@ked bobi by club a»d piste1 a e fighting for their liv.. vblle *eeoùrt Pirry mm su eaUb. r. v»ted se baviug ased flthein. 90hith e ke f ehdeuce*0 bo i oôortuuno*AdaltpeIple forget tbat their athmusina*ium te 1.11 the <hole ftrwt oboth . de. eo Ibey only tell bat~ g4t*hem-ulmd5féoed te. Il isems a ulgular thing that tb. liquqr que.. tienu sheuld se divide iju i sd vit-ý. 1. ou i o aUt e rlymm t foret wy aie iman *hei lhey viiigo sul tmlaly aveïr avoy a holel1-keeper's, or tweteelivee llberly, merely beau Ibeir ovu prejdioo. Tihe XyftueT gdy.' On Bauniay meming -lait aI o0s .'eook 114b. CostableOolverly and. Constable Drsv loi% t ite for Port boeu provqenat Soott Ast violators. 1 the»,trled to get back mb lb.hemet& tlon,as I1uinelled Ilquor ou thé, breatb of Brown, -ud Trebeil. Brolwu eaU» "No, Fn- OU are goiug vitli-me. Brown iirew a revolver and haiid 1 to TrebeIL.Trebl pusheilme sud sai "Go on" 1 grabbedold of Browns pistol.. Brown and I lied a souffle for possessiou eft1h. revolver, Trebel <rab. b.d me by th. riglil arm, pusbed me towards the building aid'commenoed striklng Me over 1he heai vlth a cane. Brovnueoioked 1he revolver, but il did not go off. 1I drev my revolver, wreucbed Brovnfs ont of bis band and hsld il anti 1th. souffle vaa ovor. Afber I got Brovu's revolver he dis- appsared. I thon ezamlned. Brow'à revolver eud foundeiher two or thres obarges lu 1. The nus ickah ouli have broaght a eattrldge round 10 lb.e hammer. I gave it 10 Inspeotor Stark. In.poc10r Stark svorn-Beived th. pistel produood froin Denain whmu ho îurreudered. Pound il in saie con- dition as at pissent. Amn of opinion il bad not bien roeutly fired. 'Two ohambers of the sevenanare oaded. It is tweuly-tvo calibre. Denain rssumed-The revolver nro. duod i. the oue I gave Stark. I did not change its condition in any vay, by rsmoving abolis or otherwise. Latti. mors came up vheu Trebeli rau avay. Lattiniore made a rush ea; me, but luru.d book suddeuly. Borne shots wers thon fired from 1he corner of lb. station. There vers abso oller @hote fired duriug the souffle. The obole fi'.. id from, the corner vers probably lwenty féet avay. This affair look place about seven o'clook iu th. evon-, ing. After th. rov I went into tbe station andsaav MoLean, Mauligan aid othîrs thone. Asksd Mulligan le in- speot revolvers. The revolvers pro. duo.d bers are th. same andidnthle esasocondition. To Mr. Dow-Came e mb station from West. Binili of liquor vas strong ou Trebeil and Brovn. Didn't kîov Treboil previoualy. Nover fixed my pistol in my 1f.. Nor did I Browu s- or auj other that uight. I loadîd my revolver &bout four monthe ago. I oarried il aloîg to proteot myself if emergenoy shonhi arise. No firiwg loch place during tb. souffle by elîber Browu, Trebeli or myseif. Dii nol sec Brown faLi. M J. W. NMar-Knovu Brovn. Lent hlm revolver and eartrldge on Wednesday lait. Ths revolver pro- daced b niot tb. one. Nor le the seeoeeprodosi 1 h. rlgbi one.. (The magistrale b.d lvies lrisd hlm vith Denin'a revolver.) The revolver nov produoed (the third one) is the oie I lent Broyn. T. Dancater-Brovu utays si my place6. W«. luttibere ou Wedueeday nichl. Us loft M, boume aloi.. A travfle cam of lb train that nlgbt vbo uald Ivo gente b.d béen sanoyed st Brooklin and had corne 10Kyrile. <lorbin saine over just thbn and after h.arlug th. traveflr'.etory ve vent on le 1.k about the deteetves' latter offering 10 suitIe, botb Coshi n ad I agreeiug that vo voald nol give a sent 10 have tb. tbiug setIled.I vasafrhd tb. fellovo vaut.d 10 gel tb. "double- cross"' upon u&. (Meataing tbal aft.r being paid off be f.areiith... "pe"w vouhii Inn 1.11 upon hlm.) There va« lalk of ginu ta Myrtle t10 ai vll 13"eLUii ntenied te go butcoafli mol finaly. i sumgestedth", Trebal ge la oMI pI... mi b.o vent W... qp OU Ko -bas -Aud tge bringla up Bol -th fe disusof W. troublé. Heajil-mneuglist Breokfil te unake - me apprehend imdlflty.' Bo vs wlu-ia#àhurry lt. gneltêta Y41e. my boueut b eiug toa briig, Il As "eders'lup. 8aeboenin1h bail. meus mnce lait spring. Hideae tour eit Iis ouuiy. Rai tovevs-u sosu Trebell bofore thaitiglt. Ba* hlm thon: with haucap do" iabo-itIears. la tis Gouil ià th, e -mot imè Il' uv TroWýbelHeard no Pureôn Esu "shoot t" Diai uot n'ow.Douui abad a,evolver on bis person. 8eI'w'lal bis galobel ai Brookin,:.1Brovn pass.d 1the sans to Trobeli bofors h. w .iï, ii$stoî. The pistolvas poinbsi-aI Msuénin's bsad. Brovn's pisiol vaï -Dot lyig loa. lun him baud, baltvas lightIy grasp. ed and presentei. »rown qmuii' "l'il shoot jon, aid "Oomb with me," daring the oonversation. -Thalvas juil belons the souffle look plae.. Aller Denain gel holi. of Brown revolver ho pulbilm ton or tvelve- feet before h. got Possession et il. I b.ail, notod paries at lb. corner of- he'buuhig be. for. tbis,s aid bi ea kepipal eye7*7 upon tbem. .Aller Donlu ba isken lb. revolver Broya rai va Tiebel let up and rai &round uhe,ïornêr. The sbooting vas bolor. I rati up le Brown, Trebeli sud Denin. -Biowvu/vas b.. lviii Dennin aid me vbsu . lb. 'sbots vers fired, and vas fading 'h. 'vest, Dounin vas norlh of hlm sud iai holi ofbis niglal bond. There, verêse»veral oboli fired fro» théb.oornerof 1hàlb. lion, alu u g b th ii d sholTrebell ad Denuin ve . ogelber vhen the third -shot vas fred aud&-,Brovu had Mu te -théoorner. Trebeli aMdDèuil voe thon sait of me. Can'lsamy boy mauy ihote von. ired altogether. Sav Dounin's bat vas bout aft eror ing imb the station. Demuis ehowed 1hieito re- volvers 10 Mulligan. Mr. Paterson raiid a question as to vhelheî Ibere vau a conspinacy proven or not, stating Ibero vas ne evidence of conversations vbereiî oonspiring vas don@.. Mr. Bigilow said]il ea uannecessary' le prove 1h. cooversalions. More oon- coeted action voks enough 10 prove oonspiraoy.. The magintrat. deci4ed 10ocommait TrebeUl, Lattimor-. and Corbin for trial. CHARGE AGAANST DENNIN AND MOREA. John 8. Doui and Wm. C. MeRèa ver. thon charged with having shot Goorge Brown with injtent tb do bina grieveus bodily hsrm. [TIhe evidonos of this oaa. vil b. giviii noît wseh.j Ngood va. Smith. TEE CASà TTLKD--COPrrTRF TE DRE. Tiais cse vasboard'lu lh. Toronto (]bano.ry court on Thuraday and F'iday lust, belote Mr. Justice Robertson. Daug lb. second dey aan aicable setieulnvwuaariv.d et, sud as only eus, aid. of th. evidince vas given, vo do Dol report lh, but <iv. a o00p7o th decres iuitead: In the Htgh Oouart of Justice, chan. cary Divison, botwoeaWiliam Hood, PIf, oand M.rtha Smith oad a. Young Smith, Dts. it inagneeil Ibui the folowung J.u b. pnononnoed herein - The vil of Mns. ffood, dalei 21h Pcb- rmy 1881, i.to e h .lnestabhlibs sa tài;Su8 gte Coirk ef th. Oounty ef Ontaniê-ilireto t e usmbate theri o th. defenlantI Martha Smilla, ber huebani ben.by oonsenting tbonsto. The tbros dau1hterm of lbe defts.-mnn tinDoInra xaaidwMary Manta ar t h PURS! PURI E ES Ho- IOL 1 Lu -DIAMC Axe sliowing special value ini Ladies' and- Gents' Fur- Coats, Caps, Muifs and Fur Trnm. mings of all idds. Ladies' S. S. Seal Caps, Ladies' S. S. Seal Muifs, Ladies" Per- sian Lamb Caps, Ladies' Persian Lamb Muifs, Ladies' Astracan Caps, Ladies' Astràttan Muifs, Ladies' Mink Caps, Ladies' Mink Mtiffs,-'Mens' S. S. Seal. Caps, Mens' Persian Lamb Caps, Mens' Beaver Caps, Mens' Otter Caps, Children's Grey Lamb Caps, Boys' Fur Caps,.Ladies' Astra- can Jackets, Special Prices, CHEAP , Mens' Black Wolf Coats, Mens' Coon Skin Coats, VERT LOW. Don't wait until Everybody e/se havle had the c ho/cc.f THE STOCK i~s Brighit, and Fresh and the Prices WONDERFULLY DE~Cali and sec for- yourselves. 1:;26.o80s8 #::7 Whitby Dry Goods Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and profit to use XKAOHIN'eOILS. Guaranteed inot to gum, and wiil outwear ail other Machine Oils.1 (ijrP Try our Cylinder 011. It lias no equal. For sale ini Whitby, by kZ W&. BRYÂN BONS., Dundas Street. HM (D NEW are CHEAF Emp9)rium. BURNS$ COLUMN. Noble Doeda. "r-olt l Iis Ihiig lo e b amîdly tmue-; That a noible deodis a ste op eed fli Liftng b o eu ra Ithomuic= s Tàol a pulue 5% aida breaden But ws buid 1he laider bywMvh h e, prom th. louely earlh 10 lbe vaultei ldkes Ad ve mount 10 ilasumit roundzby nouid. This Holiday seuon lu a favorite lime forC -those gracions actions whiob devebop a pen- sons betler nafiar; If you -_wouid eujoy a, glow oftbrus happluns, besteaa seful gâft whoe t inlu eeded. Amorag usefui pros. eute, noie ans more acceplble Ia WAIiM F00TWA-nRF! IfyouaeIokingoraomelbimtogme>c you .caLflebgo vronginiaotngpab:of Ou Oloth Homze-5hoo, Blipp 0, Oenbe0 CODE EARL Yi- Earrîngý Fine Plate T for SUaRW, JE Pie, Oru BROOK si LOCA W1IAT l 18 i 'BUO6ET OF ALLthe a serlifcaes i ABOuT 604 Bulrauce t As v. g Peter ,Whlm îvo lovnshll Ts Bat ,h. ue.nlh 'Xmas P rosent&s. AI' a 6. ho

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