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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 5

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BARNARD t h el. a 'liAS TOCKI lie has 0,cr hoid. GOLD WA TCHLS, u.ffs anti Fur laffs, Ladies'_ CHA INS. -DIAM-ON D Rings, L ockots, Tria per.. Caps, Ladies' :S. S. ISeat ns' Otter 0 Astra- i the choic< EWI bre EAP Broooh os, Earrîngs, Scarf Pins, Collar Buttons. Fine Plte Table Ware.-Odd Spoons for Suzar, Jelly and Preserves. Fruit, pie, rnb and Bread Knives. JSe8 BA RNA RD, BROOKST WHITBY W*1litbu Qllronlick. DECEMIBER 2,3rd, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 13 601N6 ON IN AND AROUIIO TOWX-A BUDOET 0F LVELI LOCAL NEWS BLEANIED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS "A aielamangM y. u0 ntas, A' [ath bell prent it. SCOLUMN. SDeeds. ti&1,to be grandly i.'p a sll tep towards Ga*d. 'a [rom the oimon sod à ir a d a brader view. ;reaod by tainge bound; td the tadderby which wc risc, 1Iy earth to oeb vaulted skies; eint to its ýuxnmit, round b y season is a favorite tune for actions which develop a par- Mturc. If yon wouid enjoyla a&ppinea,, bestow a usial tl more acéeptable ta FOOTWA/iEI1 -ing for aomnething to--h ~irong lu selectîng a pain Or Ioos, Slipperu, Overahoms au are siso nuch admired. Ifresh beginnîng! OUI, to timg1adl refrajin, f (AId eorrow and older u- itli the day and begin &gsin, iu a pArt of ictrcver, o seai which God 1 , îYs anti ead daya, and Wbaý Imore wit.h their bloomu- 'O o! un8hine or Baom a ale we cannhot relieve ,, and eau flot atone ; ,Y receive, lorgive the rday are our own: freahi bcginnig 'a the world madene* earY of sorrov sud et utîful hope for you- and a hôpe for you. ~and a11 of aur an 1ERV CEBRISTII ..W YEAII. Is& cO ]RIE, PIL M5T11Em 8LISE Wi CHILOUEN UW bs..kbqstu*I IOuK" i u e~lituD A. lb.tecandidates forn iid claie cortificales vers sucoeesful. &BOUT 60 Candidates an reviing fan Entrance te the Collegiale Instilute. As ve go le prous ve hear thal Mn. Peler Wilson la the happiosî man in iv. tovuships. Rzixnzn lte b. hisîma Csatals for et. John's cburcb Sundsy sohool in lb. DuffernuSt. uchool bouse aI the Bay, t~ Monday evening Dec. 201h. Tas Bazear held'by the ladies aofSi. Andrev's laut veek vas sucessful b.. ynttheir foudat hopec. They da- psdof a large amoant cf useful sud fancy articles vhich with saleastaIr.. fneeshoene sold ot boathe fooled up the neat sum of tva bundned dollars. G. B. WÂrsoN, B. A., Ph. Djofroeely of tbe Wbitby Collegiate Inatitute, but iat.rly of the Woodst.oek C. I., wui made tb. recipiant of a vatuable testimons.l by his laie pupilsaon lthe 151h îmut. We cougragoulte Dr, Watson o tean lb. ucces b attende< bie efforts aflen leaving Whilby sun trust thst oontinued succose vil follo,% bim in the profeusion h. bas chassa 'I I v TEm following %re the names of th. tbobers.fl4tlMfiug who were in at- tendance st the model ohool, Whitby, during the term jne l ooed, snd vho have reccivod profession oertiftostes s leaohers of publie sehools :-Ladies. A. F. Everet; E. B. Gnl.y; F. M. Luke; M. B. Motheruil; B. May ; E. Sanderaon ; A. L. Servie; M. Wood. Gentlemen. B.> J. Armstrong ; G. M. Caoepb.l; R. W. Cooper; B. J. Cour- tice ; M. Foley; T. I.LQreenwood; T. 0. Hodgeon; G. H. Johucston; J. P. Liauchland ; W. J. L.iwrnoe ; B. B. Lawrie; Il. C. Lawton; J. B. Reynolds; W. S. Tonkin. AUl the candidât@8 ver. sOuccesaftul. WE aore lm recipt cf th. foilowing letton :--Nevpoit Ky., Dec. 19, 1887. El). CmsanOLE, Sn,-Mr. James C. Ritohie formnerly of your love sud Toronto, but nov a preamineni busineds mnan in the Cily cf Cininnati, O. is lying at th. point of desth in Cinolustti, Hnela v.11 sud favorably knavu lu busiaess, Masonlo sd Pylbiausircoe i uniîsrsaly r.speclsd frhonei*y, fait doalnga sud the coul of genérpsly. neotoob i ple .of business-on Tuodaosy a week ago sud ou Dnot b@ s!euved 10 I&ho me -lu N*vPort lffl the Obilo rr where ho la st prmaeu being valled on by bis deVOtsd vWf. an inod, downg &ain lu beir over -fI him. I Sm very.,sspodllpyUm8 B, TowuszlnD, formetiy of T«Oruto.- ON Tuesday night Dus. 90dti au u eemmonly inler.sling limevau &Pm, lu lhe oïld*00-hoo ouse Ià "H1aîm Core.."The old sebool houes va beautHillyd d lheveuOeIl MUllos, .10., veI lgted bla to overlo' v iIh ppldfUil aUz sud ages fromin bis. Mon outtg nearly .ighty Y6au5. A 'tS P .oilng w ch <its for t)' he e . ~ bebeof Sueday abowl heéluinthtýal qos hpgps A Lt Ie 90 Almond.s on Tussday nigh:, ta en)oy an evenmng vilh ihal easy 11h. eongre gaiiou. Tbey always bave a good lime ont thon. and treat their visitons ota h. boat thal the law sHlows. A famous lime vas cnjoyed. A son of Mr. Williamn- Strader, of Morisbnrg, ie burdened vitb grand. parents. He bas fi,. living grand faîbens, lb. eldeet of the fiv. bcing Mr. Strader, of Matilda, aged 101 yeats. Hoe au six living gnandmotbens, th. eldeet of tbeee being Mns. Reddick, af Williamsburg sged 98 ycars. WE have been favoned wilb a fuil report of the South Ontario Sunday schoal convention aI Claremont, for whicb ve aould not make roomn this week. We bave alea had eme other malter cent ta, us vhicb bad previoueiy app.ared in another paper. W. shauld have been glad la have had il firci. but could noti keep up a subsoriplion Hast oc seeond band- neye. Sorny, but lht'E aur nul.. AT &aImeeling Of the friende of lbi Scoil Act in Brooklil on Tuesday las the followlng affcers ver. elecled: President, M. MoTagganl; Vice-Pneu F. Kluiohisan; Sec., K. Brigge; Trosu Royal Rogers. Motions voie pausodÙ favar af igidly enforeing the sot, ex eressing ym athywinth npolao Perguson je bis illusand scub"pi lions ordered le b. lakon up ta rais fuuda. Tua sooesaful candidate. si lbe pro- fessianal exmination fon Iid elas senlifloalo witb lbeir higbly ssleemed loucher Mn. Jas Brown form a very pr.lly group as soen in Mn. U sdervoods wlndov. The photos beautifuflly fm ed may a"eab. »en haneig inlMn. Brovn's cIndy _@e a ilighit loken of eateem st th. bands of thon for vhose mt«ees ho bas for th. ladt four moulhs been so zeaiously laborlng. trict Division Sons of Tempérance.vil be held st Gr..nbank on Thuuesay Jannmry 151h 1888, oommenoing at 10 o'clook a. in. Busiess sessionsin forenoon and afternoon and a public meeting ini 1h. evening at whiob a good programme vil b. provided, conast- ing of addresses by promicent members of th. order, muuio, rsdings,etc. This wil b. an important meeting and a large delegation from sach division of th. order in lt.e ounty is expeoled. LIcaNa Inspecter Dexter. of Toronto, came here on Weduesday and Cav bai for th. appearanee of Denain and MoBae at th. spring asizes. KResaYi th. only way of enforcing tbis or »3~ olber law i. by nczng detectives, and ihat Ibese ane botb efficient and trust worlhy mon. H. says liquor d.eoleivei often gel into trouble, and this is aboui haif a douen limes beo-bas had loetsani bail for thom. They vil give evidenew in th. Booti &cî csespostponed oi account of their arrea. The men lot for Toronto on Wednesday alght. Tmmaelosinig exercisse of Ont, Led"s Colles on W.dnesday ev*mng IstOcm sistl o f musie, vocal and instrumenta] Véry many of 1h. finondeof lhe.fasull ver. proBtansd Iiten.d tb 1h.pei formanoes viblipleasure, aeording sua japplause as show.d ibsir higli appreia ation. Prof. Harrison and the yonc ladies of bise éau roslvd hearty .01 gralulalionsemxa- heir f M odaafti e ach part of, 1h. -progrtame ld bée gwven. A.s an aidditiional treaI 11ev. M Orosaley sang senoral s Is dsly a ohariàof v*enot te ëq5Ued>y7a1 Ganadian voalioaITh., ec voslm 1hoou~l7 njjei II~ b# m gte usu liens. 4 «suds, I *iaaain I r r t ý i selection fnom Ross Brou large stock af fancy goode. PEBsIÂN lamb caps and fuis of aIl kinde at special pnices for Christmas presents at BoissBras. Nnzw assonimeuit gents lies sud a fine lot of oasbmcreesurfe. Andrev M. Boss. Men's snd yontb's overcoale aI redue. ed prioe aI W. G. Wallons' OddfeUàvm Block. Sux handkerobiefl in aIllbhenovest ebades s&s in oream sud wbite. Andrew M. Ros. Ovaz $2000 wonlb of nov geode. added te Powell & Oo's. stock for lh. disoofnt cals. Biioz Astrachan jackets away dovu in prioes. on'l fail te cees lbemn. Andrew M. Roms Men's Percan alamb caps aI loveel os t W. G. Walter&' Oddfeliowls 8»Ã"ur fancy bondered handkerohiss ouly bc.esab, extra value. &.odrew M. Roe. Miaaile ciolbcsud eloakinge ail re- dueed in prioe ai W. G. Wallon' Od4-, f.Ulow's Bio.k. 50 dos. mens sud boys shirts sud dravens ail voal, 40o. at Dominion War.rooms, Lea sthan mannualre prises. Li.>ms Penuisa amb mu&s and caps just reeeived, a&so S. S. Seal sap& sud e ufse of the finesi qnalily sud warrant. 1ed made from the' besI mantle seal. .Andnew M. Resu. 3 -Gent'a lies, ocolars sud oufs, silk 8bsndkeroehfg, e.csarfsa aIloveet = a W. G. a"' sOddfelbov'e f nee G ~a.r en Ir IL é., y1v the 000D8 FÃ"R THE HOLIDA'Y bl.v for thé li ê*a lmdaà. ?hsb upfrt h. mélyTory- papfe,»a Io =û. isu rWiapparano. ou Tù.sday TALa abouitelUoimuys, look ai lh. high tali. s b sdls*adwr .siblim%..oit Iu n other oolumn vil b. su lb. oard of tiýh. Cumm.roialbotel, 86 Jar-vis St., Toronto, kept by Huarry Kebbles who la veil knowu here.' Gi,. him a saui Whou in 1he .ityï - Mr.W.J. Undervood lb.photograph. or bas introduoed th. nov eleotrie pro. ea icisgallery with great cuo.essi aud satisfaction b bis patrons. H. reporta any amount of work, and ass for a vieil during 1hb holidays. EàAOH of the fis parties arrested for oomplleily in the Myrtie tragedy i. oui: an the samne amount of bail. #800 of personal liabilitios and 0800 from a ne- eponaible man vas taken form saa man's appearano.. Womn has basn reoeived from 8ault. Sb. Mari, la 1h. effeci that Mr. Wm. Barnard loel lb. ighi from on. of his eyes and nearly ruined the other tbrough an accident in ueing some ex- plosive in conneciion wilh his vorksas BAnL me aber ;',evauluMc rés Our clore Boss Broc. Naw lot of lm a.crtaina, lambrequin' snud 0. . &drsw M. 'os* OMKWi<ALO Uéefulsum atiy presouls aI Boss Broc. POWEL.L & Go. big ChriStmas dicooonul cale a grand esooees. SANTA CLAUS r.o.piiofl every day aeept Sunday at Bosaro. ACMUB lmea »aelegant engravlng dislinguia Banarde gold and ilier Nz;,w stock of opera chawlc at W. G. Waltsrs' Oddfelbow'c Blook. -- Sm Barnards immense stock of fine plaied vane..ý )ounOIRT the aged With a pin Of Barnarde easy fitlîng 901d speos or eye glans. * Lsoà»sof ttefu, pracotical, serviceable presents îCvirg Ouj store eyery day Rose Bras. DoN'T wear a cald Derby vben youl can gel a varm -fur cap coep at Boss Bros. Use Dr. Doronwend's Great German Hirà Magie for baldnesfl, gray hairti@ for salo by .rU draggisl... W. Thompson's, for oysiers, cigare or candies, nonth of th. Montreal teiegraph office. Give him a -caIl. The Royal Holel Barber shop ije lb. place la gel a bain eut or a nice easy sbave. Do your daty tb 1he cbildren sMd buy Ihem somcthiug useful aud warm st Bosm Bros. Dry Goodi Emporium. BÂmwRDS 75 seul cilver zname broaches make a very bsndsooee'lm&s present.' DRE BS GOOD S-A Grand Assortment ini Black and Colore, Bilks, Pluai, Brocade Velvets, Fanoy Goode, Drese aud Mêutle Oruaments, andl Trimminge. 'jel ScLEccT your Chriatmal presents fromu Rous Bras. stock sud you vil bave s lasling e.nd favorable impression upon the memary of thon 1b0=whm you gins snd viii b.surs ta pissalb.heladies. 1 .."Tickels--rail or ocean." BOY aIl nailway on ocean -ickets, loca or- for- ign, from E. Stiephencoul UPtovu ticket and lslegraph office, Wbitby. Guaranteed aI. officiai "rock bottom raie.", Chaise of ravys sud royal Mail ocustabmahip lnos. Tm Mebhodisl Tomabe B . a. enlortainmeul sud Chriuimas Sblp in thme allaeton for uaI- wek, ewsis ia long programme.?ats are r.. quesledle oud au the préset ontTues- day, froml0 a. mu. le 4- p. mu, le a <ommtto. wbo viii b. ab lthe b 0I noomu. Be. K. 'T. Crossiey May b. ber ii. ay Tslay».e7tb. W£ .opy the fiowlàag fromtheb Aim sArT owrsaIk Mi" FEU.LO qq, ayugComadisu eoiitraltdio.Who a bueeisluyiug with Madame OJora& hée na ine a Braidà,- Or-Gents' Fine Ordered Clothing a Speca4t. Gegts' Underwear, T'les, OollaýE, Cuifs, Braces, Gloves, &o. PeUfS-Ladies' Muifs and LSaps, Gents' Caps, Children's Caps. 0nt as8lortment of usefnl Goode, 1à simply' immense. ~ôl"ou Stock may behlid by'a visit to the People's An idoa of the extent ýand viaY-'- Store.' S~IMEW RE«'ýmTIRING G-LASGQW BIG SALE PROM BUSINESS WAI0 EIIOSE3,0 NOW GOING ON R. & C0 CMC'BELS' For the next 10 days lie will seil at Sacrifice Pricbs, Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Flan-.. nels, Blallkets, Carpets, Floor Oit Cloths. Me u'ls oyer-, Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Lms wool Shirts and -Drawers. In ail wo Tweeds we hold a laàrge, varièty of Pat- terns- which must be sold, at Don't Buy a Dotkar8' wort& until you look at our Stoknc I?~. & J. a~&MI~mLL. [rm P3rodu.ce taken*iM Eoecha'nge.' DO NOT WAJ Until the ohilly blasts of Winter have frozen the marrow ini your NOW I'S THiE 'T-I" M TO BUY VOU-R WARME.R LOTHING. Corne-and see oulr unilvaàlled Stock of Winb rerooting, PrCpUdrea,&. e Ris the largiést and most Vi 1TýH-E "a uotcsdBerwMu ButI~ons, AT 7- 1 some price. get our Price8. manu 1 1 1 LADES'JEýEYO-irn Beadedl, Braided, and Plain.. WIVT. tr ~À nei*ifl Tnt t T1OW PRICES. ýl 1 PAX«)Y WOOL GOODS-Wool Squares, Tam O'Shanters, odMttGoy; Sarfie, Bootees, In.fantees, (Juifs, &o. 1 1 lý 11 â.NCY GOODS DEPARTMENTS'are brilliýant withsh Goods finitbe o KRERCHIEFS-in Silk, Linen, aud'Fanoy. - 1

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