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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 6

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Tlwo lPreùhrs ?worÇohe olhed =iny soul one ig O.b , l.4 _ hiume fleset thoughi, une biumodby anoy's srflight; On. bitter sngawTog t. The Brut, !nesh fresooed fretted roof, Wbft iowensk"Mngweet the air, On orute daistood aloof, And uttred prhef ni prayer, 1h&UWe hie God, in mankind's name, For ll«ht, for Hjie, for home and friendu, For s11 ihat tbrough our senunous trame A thrifl of gladuée.. ends. Andt then ho spoke, ln ohoicest phrase, 0f frulful esrth and g1orions heaven, 0f love that guardeth & our wayu, 01 Pardon freeIy givzi. A.nd liatening in a oushioned pew, Wrapped in a dreaniful, hazy mist, 0f music, lights,. 'sud warmth) I grew Â& endden optuist. Wedi 'b'&'t'y, g asd culture rare, P ou e isbodf air by fate, PiUled up 1h. pews-no hint ws there 0f mieryi wanî, or haie; The. world was fair-and Qed did reigu!1 Bo rats my musingu glad snd sweet, As et the organ'a g.nd refrain W. ared ie Street. Into the streeti <Twas there I fouud The presober who spoke words of woe; The. Stars &bon* fierce sabov-aound Ail Ibings *ère drspe l n ow And bitter vsth. north wlnds rage, Yet " Ca eWdforme went hurizlng on- Forme bout ii tit, dis aage, Prom whom euoy semed gene; bxread; A bal7, velc begged fer bread,, And veicS rude made ulghi mor Wih osths enfonaing vends et dread; I vonderen.-vuas ednear ? A&nd maadened men vent reeling by To homes where wives, with lnwsrd moan, fushbed'ohfldhood's q uick impatient ory And hunger'. fretful tons; And by lb. street-lamp's fllckeriug glare I glimpees caught of fiees bold- Girl faces, wheee delant stare Thomr dimmal story told. Prom slgbtesuadesounds likeithe»e, notcreeds Did Ihis tmage preachor preach te me; RIO seMon vwu on buman ne.ds; And ibis the moral ihai vo drevr 2%M man fr mans, in lar gemeu, .Èemeg--waiHeaven fa*trto do- l oving Proidnc Her rire. Love, 187 TEEAUTBOR F ""MISS LFrToi'S LOVRRS," "T«E COURSE 0F TRIl Lovae"-£TC., ETC. ""His money, of eourse," eplained ose of tb. quartel. Heglen bsppened tb hear theorernsrks Ainiait b<14 me 4I. oson boipaie f". . l .PierrePOintmîght b. nlght; perhape eho eould flot live long. Whst a ret, wbat a refuge the '_sy. would b. 1 How g1ad17 eh. oU Id=oseber .yeu toeo * un b. e rd 1 -I 811. W..U Uttlgla a dlnly.llbtd "fflsarvitory st lthé lime ; ber hbasdà h"d - lhber for a kv inutes ; 6b, b. wqlRlu 000r ,sn4 d thon !b7wrd 0 hardtiildiattan eish b u MA. bali-reorn, sd a fov Pt11veji be a&b..saeles ber abs. -Iwssr.lef80 %lrto 0«m Mily bey.,.,, entoralea 1okd nt t~ ~Pservto'~Au. lb. upon bù fs (, eb.o MO ed v ilh.aa tbtlU of amltsh "Vie il-zernêmbne» The last "o e ay hsd »s «Oh 0 wi PSb. Mrs, a ted HfiledIsbaîri @sesb.b us ýantnt leÏly«O fodo barfmdy'e sake. Geori. Bllio#o, lov. le oir«,aty kewliait emébdbiens 'saM ho nppobdtsd ae. b iin4 te. lms4 *rIer na, ~p!4b.rs1L for *0 M#0bieb.4satho Ilvasw ut s rowentswy meeting, > ce f ,zpgn$oBaS ~ flta bIhr "ýa &@tËatger, sétr A auge dkm" t-e ostMdthon. vas a,Awléésgeh < nber b..,d, thon, vas au omati. & oin u onsd as'o! mr ywaters ubing to in k .àsvaa vah&0K. an.a .m.h.. b. I4m0 lsr;bbs~n fùof a We'das hu Ia.fl fbs~ III' b.ggsr1by *&wn4 4lqui." 1 "I # vol net abisua deîv eu,"repldHelh s caibmes Ea4.illSl he Wlsbrpm l m- p,»i-*"bX proeeaang.,b aaisei ou reiwtareadt threv lhem linachotber's way, sI,' should -be es total slnagens. Hor pi Wauity bèd s"dY weaken-ed ibis1 soir. afidb. feund hlrnselt aspin ai sgaln lhli g ihatitilwould b. wi sud b.tqo for bath if ý1bey ?ould ba one interview, in whaob, if posoib, Helen mig hl explain lier couduct, ai whlch might end lu Iheir boiug friewe P Helon, howevri, wusthé wiser cf ti bye ta ber secrot communinge -vi regard le him. Ber duty waseowc sud, by Heaven'a belp, as emeant keep it.. 8h. muet neyer loch upi hie face agamn. 8h. oould flot, ,hoi ever, torgel hlm ; lbe old days hi corne baok te ber with a terrible ii ienhlty, snd ber lovelese manulagfe wi muoh more nepugnant to ber Blues s] hsd isu nhlm again. 8h. wuas sffenlng sorely trom t] change- recasait, wbeu eometbùr bappened ta change tb. ournent cf hb lhonghis. Claudia Chaytor arrive fram Itsly, wfàlking anc day unsi nouuoed luto the draving.room wbcî Helen vas seated. Helen knew hoi aI once-ah. vas lh. living, breathiz image of ber pioture. 'You are Claudia," she sald. "*Yes, I arn Claudia," replied thi nev-comon, vilh a li. laugh. III ai] Dot 00 olever se te gnose Wbo yen are- net th. nev sirnt, surely Pl" IIamrnn. Ohsytor."1 "Yu"eboed Claudia -4 Ion Why' , iisnwt se old as 1I1arn V" III a;rn he.and.Iwenîy," eaid Recbn "Ah!1 1 sux wo years abcad of yen thon," rosponded Miss (Jaytor. iPer haps, afier ail, vo may bit il off te. gether botter than I expeoied.1 tsnciod yen vero somotbing vE ry differ. ont Yen muet kuow il vas a grosi blov to me on bearing yen baid goi unoe le marry yen. I bave been cou. eidered bis boire«s for a., long, sud beoz miitrese eft Ibi bouse, thal I didu'î tancy bsving sny eue put over my bead." Helen vasspared lhe noeoffiîy ets reply by M».r bsy0" 'soetrance. "«Ah Claudia; ore yen are at lest 1" b. said, holding. out iei baud te he niece. "lWell, unele,* ah. rejoined, III hope yau are s glad Io èee me se yen <>ngbt to b..I'mVn very pleaaed ta gel bome- again. Home sglu! H elen wuastsruek by the expression. Was Ihis ho ho ber home in future 1 Dresry as il vas, ase titheii prouencecf Claudia weuld not mais.lil bnighler. "Nov yan bsve mot eacb otior, I hope yen viii b. p>od friendu," ssid Mr. Obsytor, sddrsssing Helen sud Clan&&s; Il is my panilular desire hbsIo ou buld be," he snnonced, lu bie ovu peculian pomponsftahion. l"Don't bîsme me if v. are net,"1 respouded Claudia. 61I1hbve no wiei Jhs ve sbould beisnu hing ebse."t "Nor I."' sdded BIn gently. Claudia pneaenlly retired ta ber ov. noom, vblh isd bien luin rdlnesa for ber toi soe m 1w; snd, masoson nas si lied dluap Pesre Mr. Obaytor turnedsa -rvnngfsce Upon isVif, sud sid 11havehbail anie. rnornlnget Il with hstaomp-of &nqater.of. yous. saneeusdog tliaho b. .However, I *hsn't bave any forlher bor, as I meut hlm about hda busiones .may And some olier office te 1db. bis lime say lu. l've b.d qulte «engh of *vlgs»t bsh oe2»akdHln A yoqug lady correspondent vante te isnev bow aho eau tlUa luly good man That depende a great deal upc. viiet Oe. vante la t.11 hlm. "l'y. nrockeued vithout My boul ibis lime," rcmarisod lie tomais gymus as aie gnceofully glided davu the rope fire. eespe sud psrtorrned tbe vanlshing lady &el. "*Would yen lis, lowe. my aquuais, Mn. 8nsgge 2" seked lie Professer. "11WelI if be'u eecnrely chaixt.d I angll, but I'Mmnid o! vild beasha," n.plie the oId man.- Pa. visî dos 'avooden weddlug mean ?",Fa looising cm is papor. Il mue, My -sou, lias if lie vedded, paries voie free they vcoden gel msnnled again Tbst'e ail. y o s e h or rpifllmp oed.m nu»., fôl phyim moe =8pd timprolad by relief fr IpOysiil sendtanS, uaudy ther vay.e top ouyor frend' coin, ud 1 M pulsaew Cor Iutmlo l trongeeul. Puand'sPainlesey mOis thaer, by qulokly sd ature slyt remttopoo iu em, lue. Bousen f ut7 lmtt ti mp~oeis alul»eu eirme sb A bobluintisealdevalis coul the tovu et Perth "W0. Mr. Barlow lmade th"l smby WbÈgga nsuf e»freai Astisma r"uquik m"rm»ntrelie byuging Seuthekiu si mm ur. 8ld by druggni or by mail on isoolp t fPd"c. OragevIl vlëbcub 1g! suofoT.beCo, Wheoeae <zaces BrockvillU sai ly relevebndand ouid. mivuediecet art. Cornaient sot aecesssra W~omma ,lyenr Bnsebrid net De net delay -lu gettiug 1relieffor the ie folk&. Mother Graves Wom xte- minator la a plessant sud sur cure. If !ou love your ohiid vby de yeu let il suifer vheu a remedy lu £0 near aI baud? A Poelmaslor's Opinion.- 1 have gret pessur. lu ertilyig te the usefuneas efHagygrd's Yolow Oil,» vries D. Kasvnag, psmaser, f Umiravfle, ont., ,*baving used ih for sorenoîs of the Ibreai, barns, colds, stc, I flnd nothing oqal te it" osed 1000 nwt liug baste sud burrled te ý,ber -ïtbllàr lodgiugs, wbicb, on lhs ai 4t feuaoon, voeeertaiuy a said centmeS.-4o tbe cool sud spasions drsving-room ehh] b.d $0, laely quftîsd. The. y.lbo blinje woie drawn -np, and lie n shoe nrthlssolylun upon tl. li lard borse.bair ots upon wbicb Mr, Kantyn vas lying, evldently lu su nnea.y sle.p. Hie daugbtei pased 10-gaze aI his caiOenn, molauchely tace. "Poor papa," abse munmured "'paon, poon ppsPBIl" "Eh-wbat ia il P Ah I it's yen, Nelly 1" ho oexclaiuaod, vakiug np suddonily. "Alwaye <lad te see yen, dean 1" "Hware yen te-day ?" ube aaked, bendiug ever him snd kismg hum1 affecticnstely. 11I arngoing hto bave s cap et tes witls you, papa, sud s chat. juet lot me mako yen moes oxufon., table." And abs paused junta lt4ad- ionrning roêm, wbeue she qiqiqk1y ne- turned,,brnging a couple of' pillews le prop up tbe invalid'a bsad.-1 fThanis yen, dean ; that la nieIl' ho said, gratetully. 61 migil bave gai them for myssîf, but 1 ast dewn bere aud feU aulecp." "INow, lot nuspull tbe blinda dawn and keop out the glare. Iau't ibat botter ?" ehe saaied. (TO b. Conun"md naniv4. £.PERRY DAVISP~ PA N-KI LLER 18 RECOMMENDE» BT Playsicians, Ministes, iiiossariea, Managers o!facY aWork-shopa, Plantastions, NrsXinHospitas -in short, everybody evejWl,.e' w/w /has ever given it a triaL TÂKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITII A WISE GLAS80F ROT MILK AND SUGÂR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NE VER PAILINO - CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMAC, SU-um MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, EXPERIENCE AS PROVEN IT THE MOf? -EFFECTIVE ANI) BE&T LINIMENT ON EÂTHI EING THEPAI APAN RISO PREM SPRIS, IRALIJISS RE1JMA. TISACEURALGIA SELLE FACE,, OTHACTES, . BURNS, FpOSTBTS,&.c,&c »«-Be s.ofpet o ~*' Beware 0f Irnitationa. '~ ELIXIR Thio agréeable yet -patentvrp1 ton la especially adapted for teile ad cure of-lai easns of disodoi attendant uponnalow an reduce shat oi tie s y ansd usually accompanee~ byPaller, WeakneeesdPlptue 01th ti Ieart. andmPL resuta in 1011eW lt8 use in cases ci Sudderi Be bousion zrising froua bas Of Blood, Acnie or Chrlo l)ie ieases, a.d in lb. woakues tbatluvariablyaccompanies terecoerjr frem Wasilg Fevere.N* rmd 4lgive more speedy reief lu l)yspepsaa or Indigeeition lia action au tho stomaci being ihat of a gent]. sud hanmiesa Ionle, oxci thle orgaus af digestion te acion :sudthua affordmng Immediatesand Î p ernurelief lh. carmlnaileprpeues of lie different aomaies wh e Bli l ir cntine renderituueW n pu latuJcut. Dyspepsin. lu la a vahable remedy for Atoni D)yspepoia, wbloh a api ,le -occ= la leM4ofs oie outy ciaïacier. - Pa rpynShed -]leod, Lofe Appetito, Depndecy,d i Ucaes vier. an effective sud certain timu. la n t . ln , b ure d, li - ll la vI.b in Yevers Of a Malanliye u thse varions vii remût flowuezo sur-e te te cqld orwet eaW, il viii poea. valuable neoatle, ïa he Oomb atof aiCinchonja OaIlsay and- B e p e l. ri r a u l e r s i y r e c o g n Mz o #s up6eoicBa fer the. aboveziam»d IdisS'. 4e14 Glasp - Gagof &Greatu 1r painoe of Gi'eatErftain CAIA, 02,500,000.'"00 MAE Faim Properiy sud Dvclliuî Houss a Bpecialty. Very loy rates. Haay terme cf paymeul. Simple pelidies. No vexations conditions. Prompt soitiemonl et losses vithoni disceunt. Be sure you do -net mesure untiltyen know aur termeandu cenditions. Enquire et E. R. B. RAY- WARD, our Geuceral Agent fer éSoutb On- tarie. Office lu Whitby-Part ofD. Orme.- ten's Law-Office. Ail lettons addressed to Locok-Box 78, Wiitby P. O., vii receive prompt attention. Reidenco-Hsm bol- toge, Byron street, Wiby. 21 DWl ýMENTS LIBERAL 1 EOSSES RAID PROMPTLYI among the best in the world, suob as, ?POOL, LO.NDON i GLOBE, ;ANCASHIBE, 'LOO, and rORWICH UNION, 6f o MT M BZ rte funds in n sms tesuit ai 7. B. PRJNGLE, NOTARB. PUBLIC, Whitby. RATES, LC ADJUSI Com-psulesa The LZVEII The Lý The. WA TEJ Thse Ni Local prive levesi raies. £Urnutar~. HT , WE ONTAAR 0F THEOMAS DOW, MONEY To LOAN! 9100-000 FOIR INYESTIMENT. ON BEAL ESTÂTE BESOtJRI. Ai lovesi living rates Of interest. Money ecuredvithi 10 da. of puhi os one ynommedi t; me ris~ni Apply la - - puenae ee b. htie'some menth JOHN 1FA QUHRBOSN 4ego, sud i giva o OrY lâj&BPHN. Whilby, Feibrusny ili, 1880. *9.-1 Min "veyens - -._- Miohne 50 c iboWhne 20oi $500,00 TOL b. calee sudeeau fuily rand p uj qu L O N.m od , lb. m achine as a 1amiy-.sevîWin A-t -6 pan centW. eanly. TeWsof-ropaY machinestebsfr o1r, bua mon cf prlcijal nad hosui borovrp' macfli Ihave even ad a yihtg o-- Fixai sdsecond' oiao egai d il.m< JOB HARPER. vances madi ou. econd morttgâie-ad la punolbase fam q.Nocodae luifrdt»h U Sold ehap sa lhechespeut, and i. lbf &adlng applQiesilenst-o me for mon. ey ;ïlk bout of tlba. tal'fees; ne delayi P5ntios psying SosAoiBo'iu ltil hagier rates on mortfgages heuld appîy t oeAlneo h1 mtit mne at oncèe fr lover rates sud sve-moey. Write or cal molll o articulaire. S. E. BEYNOLàDSO..L TRB Unua laone r te cesmacde,as iu My. opinion itla a machine tisai viii net easily gsi ont of eider, sud viilasut mu* i-longeî than rmcii machines,sa cmrehas been ltaken te prevent Wear as much sa possible. I In eoeeIIs Rookfor, gour TO AGENTS sud 48 Front Street. Hast, Toronto, gel UP lb. Neabes uout Omplets sud Boni seulng" P l edI a ok n ~ s n o . S en a 2s en t s fo Bailso ~ e ,fused in Fine enoloed for reply. sn Pe*oep 1 O. ovdyi41' Wellinigicn Btreet Hau, ernt. on sam o orrely G. M. MuU1 ctResand Doni atien, uhere w ey- returnedl. anise omiflg fi is noet aune. en from -MoLÇâ 1 ont jiat tien, L-in. ajeW Bge nr ivo revol'v9i itm Up a&ylnî ted au aile ifdor thimi amesH. >lZgave" DR. DNI DBV!e* e j q * H ~ Y OUN<G MEN uufoerfng frem the.effects of 1early cvil habits, tho result ef ignorance or fefy, whe find thhoselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; &as MIDDLiE AGEiD and OLD ME.N, who are broken down from tho effects of abuse wr over-work, and in advanced le feel the eoMtepueof etyouthful excess, send for sud màu M. V. Lubon's Treatise on" Disoases ef Men. The book iii bo sent seaed te ay Itii. essy la mais. light cf a peund of caudies. The mothen villi Ivin boys ise what it je le hall from son te son. Blessed are lhe pioce maisons said the amali boy vien ho drepped a easily ponclain ernamnent. Blebson sys h oe .eujoy geiug te Now Yonk. E veryîiing ia ae0 jelly sud ceevivial-Even thc cars are.slevated. -Great change lu-inte veathro ibis Mn. Do.." "lYcs; there'. more change in the otionthan there ia umy pookela." A man eanuel 'omember a tblug by pshing il in bis bat. Tho psstiug doe net preveul the mnrux -em rgottlug .1 1 1 il bDs bt, pasieaud haIl.he'cil oihigos' gsu halte' emight noten'.De' gwup tn o rmul vical sometimsue ston shraw. A subseniher usk: "What cause ringvaoe el'W.do ual isnaw posiivoly, but the ebanoeare liai the. ngvcniu are caused by 1h. vains gelng lutc HE WESTERN BAUR OF- T CANADAt Whitby, Nuv. rth, 1W2. ly-47 1 lu ramper WÂ R-Ài Ipe -te be hibe pli î-SIGN WRI -eatoth aitil G L A Z E R ; A~ Tn s t ore IviO. PA PER LvLU N ri took a l KALSOMNE a id vont KA4LS MINE13 spokle i h* hoND- aid. ex Greneral flouse Decor"' le pnisenere-and 9 i eingvih Paper /'urni8hed [rom 5c, a nRn aTbisai es Orders rd sI re n . Whs h. M Oresfrom the country proMpýý pêmnîn said ho hue * attended to. îlile dco. Braman Ký HOP-Fir.t deor South C< bp1 th meV'sou Mn. -G. Y. Sinith's law coffice, Wliitby. B's nDenain sud Whitby, MaY 12th, 1887 - 2*4eblsk fur ceaitooffl -Ha~ve given t héili foretIhe fret eheot AGENTS!etAGENTS!I.- aeiid l, ïer e ia h8 N OW EADY-Or new bok, Eru ima with the fui .LN Ban-sd Sky; or, Marvels o! ji > he,,tisack, wvie tYniverse" ; being a ful snd graphie d, eduffiee w oe 1 scripin et aul that is wonderfuli i eVOf Ojs ate wore dontinent et the Globe, lu the vndw - orla s b waters snd tho Stanry Beav n * cntInn pt a b thiling adventures on d d se& gWe four aboi-- nowned discoveries o! the vorld's greajt )4Boa fir6 atiIbe1 extplorons inlU lages, aud remarisable phI&b ainilg aý nomous =» evory reahm of nature. -u1 hoifrd bracing the alrildng physical featunes of tb S OCther ed.n eazi, h.hepeculiar characteisticiet Of . w hetnvbeblhé human race, et animais, b"rd, insecta, etc, - kpiov heh o iucluding a vivîd description oethIe Allasi.' The final shot vas tic, Pacifie and Indian Oceanýs, sud of Ù4 Whvjo, voie BOUffiuiS Polar Soas, the, Monitors oet ho Do%.1 éait. beantifug acashels sud plants, singuk T r ieoe fiuhes a2d dwelleni lu tbe wori ef "va ' iaTo Mn infront remarisable Ocean currents, etc., toge tlldonlufrn viithoh lih ws ~8shot, dliv AMAZING PHENOMENA O F TH B is loit iand dý BOLA ÂNDBTÀRF SYTBMS - (Juldpnly ose lhë SOA N TB9 SIlE vtýas a revolverj HENT AVNPB - b.d the revolver i11 Hzzy D&vlilOBTNNxnop, ]).D., - is baud on Dl i Embellished witb ovO? 800 fine engraving,*take hold of hlm. Liberal terras te Agents. '-Denint, ene wiih ebouting hitm ovel OXFORD PUBLISHING- CO. - vre ai Deuuù"W 5 JODAN T.i TOROTO ,on, Ai Browu, MoBm 5 Je,~scST., - TBONT, 01?, ot appear to .Browu vad rusI five foot fro M Certifocate of Maior Hlarper, Esq., bot him. Ai lbt of Whftby. .Beaflrod ait ii furinceai. !Ise n -1882- É rown. IW55 D Te tohonit mai, concern, oed. This ia- -lo certify liai having examined, .1- nspecter Stax repsired sud used s great Vs1rety ef Sewing -Iidonoe tiat ho di Machines. I have cornete the cenclusiol, g'h rvev il£ Wit and Humour, CAMPBELLS r

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