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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 7

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B WAIE 4 INTER, PARPER. H1A41 ALSOMINER, -AN- mnera1 bouse Decor per furnished from 50. a and upwards. .ers from theo.oountry promlp attended to. Ze SLIOP-First door Solt - G-. y. Sm itb'B law office, Wlatby. hitby, May l2th, 1887. S ~E NIS!AGEN TH 0W READY-Our new book 61"Ba Sea and Sky; or, Marvels ôî les";beiug a fuil and graphie tien f al that is wonderful lu e inei4t of the Globe, in tho wori4 ~re lànd the Starry fleavens, contabd~ ling.udrentures on land and ses, ce& disoveries of the world'a greaf crers ini al cgea, and remarkabîe ens in-every fé*lm cf nature.9 ing the-istrîking physical featuresoi i, the peculiar characteristi u01 au race, of tanimal.., birda, inseota, et dng a viviîi description of the AIls Jacific cnid Indliia Oceaus, and of -Secs, the Monsters cf the D tiraI BeasheUls cnd plants, inîu î andl dwtllers in the world of walem rkAble oceari currunts, etc., logeaI thé ',1ZING PIENOMENA OF TRIO )LÂR AýND STARBI' SYSTEMB NRY DAVENPORT Nonxvauop, D.D,f "Ilished with over3OO fine engravine al'terma to Agente. FORD RUBLISHÎNO CO >AN ST., TORONTO&, Lfcate of Major Harper, Zsq.,~ of Wik-.itby. - cm il ?nay concernp. 6 le to- certif y- that haviug examlne4I éd and uaed a great varaety cf Sewlug ï mes. I have coule te the conclus4CI hou WhÎte Machine sold by L. IPair- ie ane of the beet zmade, as in gay n it je a machine that wiU flot emaliy t of order, and wiii luet. mucb longue noce machines, as cure bas been tslo-I ! ~vent wear as auuch ase possible.. înestly rficornmend ita parties wan*.e ,zeed sud Istinug eewing machine iteed ene of tbo-White'usainme mon xd it gives everys~atisfaction. îr five yearm use cf the Whit.e Sev-ng nue' iu my family I eau tnily endars we. certifI este sud can fally recoom,- the machine ase a fsuiiiy se ue copte lese for repaire than aie 1 have ever had anythiug te do «- MAJOR HAPER. claeapa setho chespest, sud le the tb. best. L. FÀ&IRBANKS, Soie .Agent fer thie District. )HNSON sý .euereII'iy B/qok for gour RJ/TUBEf 114G ROOMI SUITS, rING ROOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KIICHEN SUITUg cgas tbat Oefy Compitt One, Corne ail, anad eeG for YoUrselves. J-. JOHNSON 8S OVIiR JOHN FERGUcSO)lîD lhiug Establisbreent, Dundaâ.bt. Offlce hoUrs frein 9 a.m. ta 19 n aand Gibr sree .î, J.I.BATESs, Nevepe îtt IVert:sNIb ýAgeulg 41 P Er iMes Building), New 'York, je redtu contaCt fot dvertie. en* Spuichaing an Ilfpraved ESEWING MACHIE t,71s for lb. Holiday Seamon. For sIe ch.ap by leok ~ cle thCooug . w.an toe 8wIoo.Thofra iaeD e ho speke ta tonagentdiflt her fm 1h t thèoe r s Brwflero atathedol . euint tegwith B rowfl&otsuvBnman look a bla coati. Swths H otBSnfo i.er T ic heefirt wa byDeninatDei ewn efre tat he rud Brown hask 1h enua in wba t a5 gIflg ta do, hi ta du. Bro nBr ado re ucienlet kinig with e rowpttn iand aupan oc *tha bo cot. k atinthge soffl. Îre The firet btwas bflr ed. Thoet. W md aba wefoe ttirI by Du roias uiok < fer i i ut hat a goib odThebit >ter stttht saidnw whas flrodaI go-e ri ga with meo for ctinghi bnd uillng OU ~ ruo, who WBan the ma i in the m aouffie wba worthewblekI ford o. wl e the abot ehoworo frd. Ta te, but fî [dapt .ay ebywDe. n ail tbquere wotreth fourehas-probabl ie. Thewth Moeabfire aithoIlaok ooated amote a a. wa rthe ur a ay. Tis wsslng n ha trahos flrod aw thema.nBrn h efe th rwohinth saon.fr Dot D Ther @batot waa fird from thèseraut f aro four ehscuffling. Don't now ho fire ut. a- h lckcae mns aT abo Mredieawidn e. BrownP fLaU thdow biifrn afthe station afntr how wsabt, s a w asomebng b rgbt.i12 h i a lot a idur the skrmisbe ito we.reolver. DA.t k nent ho ie bada Dnn' ca.setog t Tak hMrd Eo i.-DTher eerwn-ai fuDninronwt afitol suthonather ol -asu ghiov,6a oth hoad. Thtwin wls ea douingenthehos &red. 1 Cul Bten, MBethe rau but didgt ab uatrevlvert thotae moment Mo. R aea ±od oa iml. Tman wt to back fore ost. fuisno dobteDsonnunshotr Brown. was rnet noraysnr figb oued. Inspecter Stark ber. ropoai.ed bis ov- idenco that ho diiinet think emtbor of lbe revolvers givon up by Denon bail beon firsi for meme lume. G. M. Malligan Teroulo.-Knows biee and Donuin sav Iber ai. Myrtle ou the lSth. Tbey voent eut of the station, thore waes ome sboaliug and lbey retarned. Thôught Ihore vas ernoke cooaingftram oaoh nan's revolver but is net sure. Denain sskcd protect- ion Item MaLsan sud mysel. I vaik- mi oni. jumi.tho, 55W Bravo sud returi'- sdinl a Loy seconds. Aukai Donn for tva revolvers ho bai sud ho gave thâm up soying te largor beloog*d ta Brown ani the amaller la himmoîf. Denain ssi b. bai reuchei th. re- volver frein Brown, but "bantebmsel fired s @hot. lié mii Molles. shot Braon in eit-dofenos. Mbiea esaid uothiug as to bave flrei aboIs, but miated an attempi. bad been maie eta unurder thon'. James Hl. MoLosu ef the Toronto World gave eimilar oviionce to Mriilig- gan in msuy respects. Bai notioes Brown sud Trobéll beckounog Deunin ansd MeR se out. NezI heard a noise aud -lomoone ssii son of s -. Don't knav vbose veico il vas. I Moved over te the open door sud ssv flsshes cf revolvers and flring. On. shot vas firai by Molles lovarim the eut. I abouli say lhe man ho abol ai vae Troeol.. The s'îruggle eemed le b. in the corner near the opel porle vinios and bstwoou tbree pe esaI lessi Sav prisonora mnoue tation aftervards. Io positive Mdllae's revolver vai smoking, but doubîs if Deunn'm vas Noither of the prisonori maie s stale. Mo0nt as te having @bat any person Heard soma abats beloete onee I @asv MoRse fisc aidsome sftervatde. James Foret-Wae Ibere, sav soi skirrnisbing. Bav --Denulu vith tsi reoalvers, on. amaller Illan theoether HoiriDoenin say on. vas bis sui ne Brown's. Didn't bear elîberc ho priseaer'a sas yh.shol Brown. Thornas Trebeil vason. of Brown' 0ormpanions on the night cf the shocl ug fignred au-*'tebmanrnatheu lbbiac uy overcoat." To Conuly Attoru, erevel boestatoi that -Brownu w uot fluaI by,,Mdlae sud then by Doi n. The'latter, callildoul le MoRai < ul your peppoi~ai rv loi , Dou't do thalt for I have oz o.90 Ho, lb. vitu, vws onlyaboi ree foot avsy lrom Brown vben- t t starl.d. .i ' Iedi noÏ ' e-vbo-0 lis hird ehot, as ho wu" wnestli thb-1 ) eui- and a- u*pai4,,ý au ving fible"os ha tan rnwsy. 'To Mrt. Blgelow-He di not kuc wy lbey vere. gols-g- to Mie1e. - jst veut viht lb. 0tbeuëýîe.o co tll w1 by Brovu brongb a reoli sd stick vllb bl" thaï nlght. a-C tie i le au*iiçer - v u , s .- ef ilenUbesîd6, B wautvlOase X~euit. - ThM - ýpeu oi- Dtnannbauk,, vithe objeeolof ho lig Brovu- lHe,'MeW -* #6e enantne bande. The partly ldo omPorlPert I.Myrtiê st a prE id ja1, ý loÇ*e4-104 ;ý isone iilted lhai heovas the man William Lattimlotep' 613.br llred Oorbin, cf th. Oriental, botelt6 re Perry, lmsid h.o.wa1 t yfle ~ atiof Auring lb. sifair. He saw rowut and Denuin tu, close- 4uattersi,S 11 ho s teppsýâ baok ' Wheun-h. 55sw >A oinin pull ont a revolver. - &maomentà erbcOr i flr.dla she, h. %là net Il elactly where. Ro rau way se at as possible, haviig no doeete b. lots. Whou bMr. Bigelow resd tho Mêtr pnrporting to e b.nt mFrank [ornas, at Torento, aaying thal the in- bmers, ould b. bought -off, Corbin ïd, that the latter WBS 1h. tesson of :Loir visilteo Myrtie. Lattirnare paid imu a rentai of $20 per woek, for the riviloge of rnuiug the bar. Ho e (the ituosa) wont te Myrtie wilh th. ,hers s a malter of business. Whon àked why lbe party sheuld scatto" 80 auch if their mission was on. ofpeso., L roplied that Brown went into the vaii.ing-roem while ho wB5as et ap1her ,art of tbe station. James Dizen, of Myrtlo, waascure ïat Donnin had firod two abots, but te Lie beut of hie koowledge MoRse had eot fiusd aI Brown. Thia cloeod lb. case at 5.45, when >euoin and MoRae woro oomnitted [r trial. Bail wau plaoed at $800 eaoh and a suroty of $800, the emne at he othor mon. Lawyer Bigeiew setated that License Inspecter Dezter would go bail fer bothi,men, but ho wBu net presont, aud, Magistrale Harper te- nanded themn for a week -wlth the' ~udrstanding that they oould be bail- ed eut at any time. As there are sevoral liquor proseou. tiona pouding in wbioh thoso mou are nateial anssiku W&amu ndt Esui 4t, a pity -uler oompIe la gobai t iapo lm. be oos nil th he la lrOadfih.àdacbeai"I Thegrls ski~peéd &long, but il happoflOd Ediîb' o er laa& Whe.t could be for tbeso hoadaches 'sudthe rmigh, muddy complexionl, thal wuasu sno trial wse hr gentlo daughtir. 5h. recalled what se h adresaef Dr. Pierce's -Gldm. Medicul Disaovory, and on the spur of the moment alippodlinto a drùg store sudbonght a suplty. ihtokI- i6tha t'Ii he resuittha t ,l oeared ber 4isordered Llood, relieved the hoadachez, made -ber ski* soit fair and rosy. aud now ehe iu not only lb.e 66swoetest giil in scoeel but the meut beanliful. Oakvillo mouchantS are organizing theom- seivessimt a horses whip brigade ta Inter- view the rowdies wbe boiter in front of the stores and use vile language. A depulatiai' might visit Richardsans corner witb geai resuat. Tuz <'ROVÂ.L" FL5voriDg EXTEÂCTI are ual onty rue ta ibheir names, but are pr. paredi raofruits a of hebout q"Uay. Rabt. Pitcher, ai Milton. biau gene tc, Onlario's big * ng for three Yomr for ibeaing a herse from MCs Dempsey. Thero are a number of varietiol ai corna Hallowav'e Carn' Cure will 7remove auj a: them. Cail on yaur druggists sud gel o boIlle t anas. Aller thirty-esix jeare ai married 111e Tars MoKeivie, of Waikeitofl, bai te preseout ber buaband for nen-support. l If yen bave s Oeugb, do net negleat it buy aI once a bottle of Allen'. LuDg Ba-lau= Having ne doge Fergue lunatice lie Ilj cane ta, cow's tall ansd drive the po Screatui'OB neanly orazy. CONSUMPTION CURBD. 1- 'f I i. B 1, i. 'i r ~Â1a ÂE ~P~Z3S ~VE~ENFOE RÂO~IN1KTHB, TRÂDE. ~dSit mdeto rerfr$1. mck o Bcotc", Englih and a, naisuTweeds, BlaêWorstedoi, e .,to gwelébi ome une 'of -EÂVY 4ýfWEEDs from 60 to 75 cents per yardi suitable for Business Suits oirBoys3' wear- AFIULL STOCK -0F GROGCIEBRes, Higestmarket price paid for-Butter and Eggs. R~~ C. -W~RRElr BBOOELIN, ONT. Whib.yWooleMls c f i boey woold prebably, an heing relesedi- An aid phYstolan, retired tcam practle proceed with ltbem. havin g had placed in bis bands by au Bail Mr. Bigeow aaked thaI they bo mudalmiauary lb. formula of!Ob simple given permission le carry rovolvers. o vegetablo remedy for the speedy sud perm- sent cure ai Censumptioli, Brencbitist Caunty-Attaroey Farewell said theatarrb~. Aulhra na u al bral suda Lung roceni occurrence- vas evideoce oengb AffectionsB, aiea a positive sud radical cure- that they alroady had paver te carry for Nerveus Debility sud a&l Nervons Cern- suob a wespen. plaints, aller hav*ang te e l wonderhul Denain spakie very bitterly ef the curative paoes inIosudo!ceba îroatd. Th ~ ftot il hie duty to mahe il knewli la bis way ho had been srse.Tepol uiffering fellows. Âatuatod by Ibis motive of Breoklin, ho said, bai refusedl hiru and a desire la roliove buman SUifening, I protecion sud the resuit vas that ho is vill send free oi charge, ta ail who desire il, nov ini gaci. Ibis reoipe, in Qermail, Frenchb or Rngllsh. Magiatrate Elarper.romarked that ho with fulldirections for prepariug anduEaimè, venucar a ioublo.barrollodl sheî* Sent by ail by addtreseg with samup, carry unaming Ibis Pa1,er, W. A.NoTES, 149 Pous. gun under mu-hcirourantaucee, sud , Boc?' Rchi sr Y Lawyor Bigolow auggested a revolver that wauld shoot at a quarter et a -- mile. STEER STRAYED. Came ta the promises ef lb. Subeariber s Failing FulaxilO RD STEER, ans year aid. The. owaaer eao h ave same by provlng WALL STREET LEADERS GO DOWN ONE BT property sud paying expeuses. JOHX DAVIDSONq. ONE-WHÂT CAUSES THEIR FÂLL. West Wbitby, Dec. 12,18M. Bak reidnt çy b:o7 pr cent N O TIC ]EL The. poreentagelan mach largeir-*amoflS Notice au borsby given thst aplication fluancial operatoe. Ninoty.niue oui. vil h.made to lb. Parliam Ulo aaa et a hundrei et the "Napoleens cf Fi. aI lbe nerl Session theroffor s charter nano" cf Wall alreet end Iheir careers la construal and operate a Ù etof Railvay, inz faïlur. aammelciig st or near Pert Hope, Oeuriby ai Durhamn; Ibence lhrongb the Counliesof John Tomblin, once President cf tbe Ontariio, York, Simcoe aud Dufeéri, te a Hudson River Railrod, aud verthpeit a or noar the Town ef Durbam, $2,000,000, la nov s $5 buoket shop op- Ocuntu oi Grey, wlth power to extend le ,erator. Ho gauubled, bît- mouey toLe Huron, st or ucar Klncardine, andl John Morriaay, refused tbpsy, wvaSTouthamton,6tbCOUnlY o!Bruce. Dali ati , reortd t ol Oomodr Vndebil, Tronto 6thNovexber, A. D. 188. rudpartei te ofd bio modor Vde thillMO PHY & MILLAR a end Surn i ti h ie Pr ne d ey 55 & 7 Yongo St., Toronto, Henr Sritbwsss noei peutotSolicitors for Applicants. 1in Wall street, for a lime very sucoas -__________________ fui, sud for s timo-aocamulealed si for. etuneocf ever 6,0W,000. He feughî Exeoutors' Notice to Credltors. .Jay Gould lu numereua speonîstions, 1once ssi "l'Il mako Jsy Qould earuN OTICE lin hereby given in pursuance oi 1bis living with a bani-orguan sd N Sec- 34,- Cap. 107 ef R. S. 0, Ibat 3 monkoy." Whon ho faâiled for $5,000, creditars sud athoe havlng dlaims aaust 000, Gauli quietly - rexnarkod "He 3J11N MICHAEL, late o! tbe Townsbip ai m vight nov r h adognbm Whitby, in the Ceunty et Ontario, are roi try selsf.rg',h m- quired tO e d lu their cdaim s, d ly v rified, a sef. l James G. Michael, Wbtby, O ut., coe John Pondit wassonce lamons as b the Ex, Becaboraof th. laiteWilsudabesment Ihomliesî, but oeo e e î mosl mse.s-oaflbhe aid docoased, oo r beloete -b.16th '@ ful men cf'Wall aSte. Hevas votai'day cf January, A.. D., 1888,and that im- * 61,000,000, but bac at lasI joed the m diat lalrIl ate oExofuct os * long procession of "th. bnsted." proo thstibie sueet the sId Thosamoon areeaprtiesonblllethere. * ~ ~ ~ & Ths o resi elos00 their la, baving regâadel7 ote la e fl a. heade. They firet lm., in grinding pro- lb.e »U Bzecutors bave thon notice., ca osa of speculslion, their phyaicai D. QEMISTONY 6- starnina. Mentlifeebleneas nalunally Soliclter fer the sai Exocutorl 3- followa. Wilh phuca veakusalto Dated this 14th Dec., 1 887.-1-8. Il- cernes iack of ur@. Aàolear heai sud w Nerve are çasential requiçiteo Wall street sucoosa ; witb the ptitay organe l'a eut of gesr, neither eau ho relained. Iiav.you a pain O Derangement cf the kidneys e e ôm. nywhere about 7015? ,r mon remilt of mental overwerk. Wheou s mEpzaar nvw I thoy fail to carry off the vaste malter "A ' fL R Of et tueesystem, Une o ", that -deadly ~ z . t poipou, aceurnulates, auduuneaks through WASPtUAI. l' ail th. blood ch&pueis, The vbole lys. E )l tom beoomes a sr -f aspool sud 25Ct 0 .tottl. e ver function le impslred. Unleus . ey help la found, tlb. "generai break-up" ,a acon fllcvs. Mr Bi.,. vans, Président of th. Lumu- le, ber Echangé Banik,ôTosud N tr O" bro<ke 4own lu 1888, sud ipdown A N '.'E1 ne viht ftom 186 pOnuds ýto,-:i2& ffl poun&L' -ýHe tafldsovuewhsl, but oaf- ,~~ i'~ hetervper se Voyj ow w hterrible, Bg ot bol hlm buft b ,filE5 pou red 0.0 -1 He - ît,i etry IOTA. 7th onessio 8s -nýh We are uow prepared- to"-,mùe anl kinda of Wooilenl Gkoodsp euoh ,as Tweedi9, Ful- Cloth, jiU. niuFane: Sheeting, Shirtings, A]l1-wool *bed Blankets, Hoise i3lankets, anid Yarns ini ail vari&tieS and ail kinde Of K.nitted Goode kept in stock for the accommodation of Pa Dyoing i ulal colors done.to ordler. Higheet price paid for a-ny quantity of Wool. Ail ordérg promptly filled. va Du BO WERMAN ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bohool Thoroughly Itquipped for Business Training. BOOK.EEPING) ô~4 byaisi"for MAN HrD SOMI How Loati HOw etr I JusI publishod, a*o dtiuo re? BUSINEB CORREBPONDENOE, BUSINESS Â.BlTIJMTIO, OMMERCIAL LAW$ SHOBTHÂNI>AND TYPE-WRITING PRÂCTIOALLY TÂUQHT. FIt4EST ROOMS IN- CANADA. on bo o4Z c02 ureof raK !e.V£ ouA or incap a t atdued, by eue" sOt*iàly ldiia' oretio". ;' Thaecelebrated anler, uIi anr-ý ableeuyeerydmutesA$çi yu"~jet wiesu tbatcelhtb cure a-ianc. su 96V himeoif ehoplyb Pr IW This leotnr, -The CLVRi C.O'DEÀ,ScetrI ef Exaémlners o! public oboollouch»er.ro lb.outhe Y Of Durbamuthe vane dwe r tm ypur Intruction sud espleno. as- su ÂOunuuu plussue laihus pubulely tliUying t te .spro daî«seee ' afe a & u u o m i ol he - be p a ltS ou g ;W h o * ve d lraluh~~~~~~~~iÈ,elber1 uIness upoosor fo ierlkg hcarei Beaielnov belng irgn l many e othei1hh bocis sudj Do *le Matemaios an ComerialMaW.rBo. sud 3ecrlrof Beard à«ofxmer 1 KG ENGLISU BTABLE 18001181 - GOMPLETE WIT~OUT VIV V VIN K IT'I DZRED ~ p I - minubiea aLler 1 hsi I -begt im DproV loetr c'sud I tbey vonJ ~fr ALWAYS ON ý RAND. ib li Sena for Cireulu. Address. 1 'ý' PENMANSEIl

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