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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1888, p. 1

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SALE. ýE ROO1V[S, Ho lidays. FURà GOO[ With calm Printed wordet great thoughts, aud untirtng lx"user, VOL. XXXII. WHITBY* ONTARIO* I advoCate Peace, progrcussi-Know1edge, Brotherhood. )AY, JANUARY i'."6, 1888. lear out their stol Beaver, S. S. Sel nM auid Nutria Cai -iefs, Ties, etc., et( instead of waitî te season- over. hig redulctiofïs, i e, uisoful iud elegai andi we have Qi F-laiînels, Ilanketi ,aili S, GlovesIo Tailori n g and fini overcoats our own wvers. Sockls, Braces, 'jils Ove)', flou.,, ~cuuwBar-m idto sellIltie 00.' 1?siore largest stock of e ru wncy Goods, Ntock of 0 OYýS TERBs aud Saucers, $S1.25 trin produce. ON, 1 LNXA T S TO0E UAHTEPS. -t of (3ODS tLine then, a lot of 'NES, itc., do- ,nd select your race8 Gifts ýND CARDS& llection -of Books, ior prîzes ; also chrnigs in gîft to mention. Ock of .Amaa Card, 'ai lMACIç, BLOClK, WIHITBY. Established 1856. heLeadion eekIï in Ontario County1, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $1 per annum in advanoe-81.50 other- wise. Subscriptions are always payable at -A- -A- :OST. ate with Langley, Langley & Burke,QAf Ç Toronto,) Il. L. ARCRITECT. - The gre Desigus for Oburches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. B E Opricot-Firet fiat over Eowne's Drug Store. th1e office 01 publication. P.0.BoxMWnnRY Steam equipment and best furnished S Book aud Job printing plant in Etern F JM I~ E Ontario, capable of ezecuting al lasses c f IV-10RI AL work from the large poster to the smailest handbtll. Special mention is made of th~e ABatflystae mi h nnsurpassed press facilities of THE CnuoN- euiul iutdfxmi h ICLE, With ite colobrated N, Y. Oottrol ôylînder press and other modern conveni- TOWN 0F WHITBY. enoes. llvery order roceives prompt, care- fnl attention. The undersigned off ers for sale his f arm - I of 49J acres, being situated on the east side TEflMS 0F ADVERTISING. of Brock street and north of the Grand Tmunk rsilway in the Town of Whitby. This Pirst insertion, per lino, 10 cents ; aach f arm jie as good a pieca of la.nd as can be subsequent jnse7?tzon, 5 cents. found in the country ,bas a splendid situa- Displayed Advertisements are meured tion for a town park or driving park, in in by a souie of soli d Nonpareil, and charged as good a stata of cultivation as any man accordingly. cUuld wish, je fenced entiely witb board Adverti.iemnefts sent without written fonces, in clear of ail bad weed s or other ob- Instructions înserted until forbiddorx, and jectioi]5 of that neture, ha@ a streamn of eharged for full time. water running througb oea corner which Ordors for disoontinflina advartisements nover fails. The barn aud other ontbuild- must be in writing, otherwise the publish- ings are of the best quality and alraoat new; ers will not be responsible. the bouse in a nearly new one-storey build- A liberal discount for contract advertisa- ing and eau t'a raised a stcrey with no great mants by the year. Copy for changes of expenso. Thora is a good well of pure contrânt advertisements should be handed water. Thora is a ycung orchard of stand- in net later than Weduesday ; and notîi'a ard fruit trees, just comxnsncing to bear of auyintended changea sbould be gven fruit. The gardon is as good as cau be boeforo Tuasday noon. Other advertise- found. Tba fazi econvaniaut to-schoola mnente raceived up to Thursday noon. and churches. Titla good. Liberal terms Business notices in local or cews oolumnns ,will ha allowed to the purchaser. cie ents per lina weekly. Locale, 10 cas. per lina WeaklY. correspondance solicited f rom ail parts of the Couuty or ueighhoriug townships. Oorraspoudeuts are requestedi to send lu th-eir communficationese@, promptly as vossible, HENDERSON & Proprîators- JOHIN STANTON, Bup't Mohanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B. B ARRISTER, Ceuuty Crowu Atterney, sud Ceunly Seliehoer. Office,- South wing, curt Houas, Whxtby .48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, I )ARRISTER, &c. Office formerlyoce- )coupiad by Fareweil&Rutledge, neit o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., ATTORNEY-AT-:.ÂW, SOLICITOR LN A hancery, Oonvoyancer, &o. Ornes-mn the Office South of the. Peut Office, in McàMilan'e Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10 G. YoUNG SMITH, L L. B., ]a1ISE, &o., &.-Mcney ho Loan B "Isàuer cft arriage Licenses. U,,xlcz-Xii'is Blook, auxtii cf Market, Brook St., Whi .by. - ~, 15(-. JOHN HALL DOW, .ARRISTBR-AT-LÂW. BOLI01TOB n hanery, onveyancer, &o.re Wbiby. MON~ET TO LEND-Prlvale Funa,- a smuni up le $8000, t a low rate f in- reai t. (y-62 LYMANI ENGLiSU, L L. B., flARISTER AT L4W, BOLICITOR MN .1. (hanoery, Convayauoer, ho., &e. Su- *ea Street, Oshawa. B~ . MELDRJM, MB. (TORONTO .L) University,) L.R.O.P. sud L.M.(Edin- burçi> &c. Office heurs, 8 to 10 &.m., 2 toi&1d 7 to 9 p.m. o. 8$ THE 111TERRÂCE," BYRON-BT., 3TBRINARY OBGEON. sausle cf tbe Qularie Vetefa'7, cl- loe, Toreuto. - Ordoe by mail or tslegraph p»M<ptly ttended tb.% 1fffstlo.IrsidelieoS f G. Ars,eppOuite r. Begar's ,Dunda»s sixoit, WhilbY. LiV ÇRY and SALE 8TABLESe, BIROOK TBT WHImtJ3 0004 ]Rio &a dGOod 13«M. TwS -.» Apply te propriehor ou promises 45-l2iu. OBO. IUICKINGBOTHIAM, Whitby P. O Whitby, Oct. 2Oth, 1887. Dominion Linso!0 Royal Mail 1887. STEAMSHIPS. 1888 WINTEB SERVICE. Saitinge batweau HALIFAX aud LIVRE. POUL, Fortnightly, via MOVILLE. SAILINO DATES. Fremu Baltimore Sarnia.........." 7th. Oregon ............ de Sist. Vancouver. F - ' eb. 14th. From Halifax Sarnia .......Jan. 2it. oreon .......Fsb, Cli. Vencouver,....Saturday, 61 18th. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rates from Baltimore or Halifax, t<5, 60. $66 sud 17e; acoordiug te position of Mteteraoïn, with equal, ambon privileges. DAVID TOJBA14CE h00., Goneral Agents, Montreal. E. STEEHENSON, Telegrpi Office, Local Agent, Whitby. 7PLlan Bine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATBS 0F SAILINGS. Prom Portland. Frem Halifax. Parisienx- -.Dec. 151h Dec. l7th. Caspian . Dec. 29th Il 81. Parin.... .. ...... Jan. 14th. None cf th. above ileeners carry catla, Sheep or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGE PROU <WHITBY te Liverpoel cm Londonderry via Portland. Câbi.î, $61-10, 876. 10 sud $K610, accord- ing hoposiion of stahemeem. Interniediate $88. "0 Shearage 028.40. Wýhitby le) Liverpool or Iendndsrry via Halifax. 0" et 85,p7 I,$8.85à ee. cording e position q',o tamreoe. Ine m * 1 0840 Blteerage, b"$ 0 1ntersiediate peuseLgersbooked jO r' Lni Glasgow sanie rate me làiverp=., Steerage pausengers bookefi horc froni GlasowBelaulQuenstwn-or'.London,- sanie ratenai LiverpeoL.Brisol and Cardiff 62.00 extra Passengeri and .thum ba#ggae ameput on board Ithe Ocen BeaWabi »-nee fM11ue. pense. The latit rein Oonne«ting Viti he» steamners ,pasesW.i 80Thursdlay niering.' Parties sendiig fcr thoir Mouids u in t. 01<1 Country eu oblt" PBBPAI:D PAS- SAGE BTIPIOÂ&TRB at lowoul raenu Forickets and -iU ether lafnr=Uam, apply te W. Am Y i. the MUNGO! eat bc. Cigar, and the E HIJO Tic great 10c.Cigare. Tinu 'o!",p CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Wiitby, Procures theni direct from the Manufacturera rT c c ri c -1- Go ciw ~~b." 6à) -1C el> C c'i Çc,- 0 o -z m w I III o £0 caO 'AL NEWS LETTERS, CREONiOLE Corrspondence. -Black heu pnrchaeed Mr. Tarrant's .nd lot. ýhCoél bell rang out the old Yeur 'âeburn Minstrel Tronpe intend ,jus on Ifmlday Eve. it iuet.- they will giveoeeof their juslly ke entertainmeuts. VWe will give à, full lieuse. - *8. S. Ânniversamy came off ou day ove a fàl honsé and pleuty te -o onÙ, after which we bad an lu. tuai feasetin lie church, consi@t- of rocitations by lhe pupils, read- by friende from Oshawa, music by choir, aloo by Mme. Liddy and 81111 who gave us some excellent ,a nice little now years speech e Bey. Mr. Pulpe, of -Columbus, * riate emarks by the pastor and au. AUl wonl homo happy. osais. Frana and Clamene Stsmr are ding their vacation ah home. *Victor Campbel cf Cobourg msty, le visiting friends lie. Jeie Campbell cf, Oshxawa le hem cousin MisesCampbell. *Noah and Wil Luke froni To. speut Sunday and Mouaay aI . and Mme. J. Pin.e relurned ou dyniglit from Iheir wedding leur. visited fionds ah Bellevile, Fox. Campeilferd etc., wo welccme- back and wisli liem every happi- g people, le lie numbe r cf twcnly, aceepted an invitation by Mis Luis Campbell, te £î on -Wednesday evemnnlest. by Osiawa, Eaat Whit y and wnbumg vere wëll mpresented. i er smal geniaIîtyý Mr. S. Y. and R. Johnson cf Cclâm- bus. hl eur griet sud ficuring mille ovnhenled sud rmocdled. Tlicy have put lu lie- latest and impmcved me-ý binery and are prepared tle manufac- 1;IrIe ferbti.paleutpmoes. Oriel. iug and ohppig a specialty. Mr. Ellhaj a firet cl=Muer formerly cf Port Albrt. heulie management.! Theme isae.g ccdsurunding 'oountry ,,ud they wfll do'& mshing business. Another 1.11cm er ppeared lu inte "ITueus" lait we.k dealing wili mny coritesondence cf the provioe week lu you r pape r. "118pice"' number one gct more Ibh.h could stand and do.. net lik. le cown lie cern. Il le just 11ke bimto try sand place on olier sheul. dors lie burdon h. siould carry.;- but it iasslmessfenhimleotry lins te gel ont cf it, b.iaag known teô well for Ihet "Spice" numbor lwo or Spice & CÇo. inrodues a number cf slang phraes an6- hbir letter lu a ropetition from b.o ginning to..end. Thbey eg&àin charge withabueing lie coir sud hope liey wilinoMt te offeuce. The. choir wourd b coetainy very foolish tcdo sowilh- ont cause. I have netbing aan themz, se &-choir and bave hunen abuse. if lhey tae. offnce aI pili wMllat tbeir silly wiing -'ad-,-aclioni They appear to have, lie "Oetofid' or ti rn u he irmneblg a candidate who wae only a week in the gagea Mr. Simpson the efficient teacher' field and for one in whom rowdies coula for the present year. place no confidence, he made a- good On Christmas day Mre. and Ms man. Weilliams cf Prince Albert, Mr. and Mme The defeat of Mr. Dobson in Beach Forsyth cf Pickering and Mr. and Mis.: gives satisfaction here. The mauiner in MoPhail of Uxbridger were hère. which hie officiai heiâd was cnt off le Go Mr. H. E.- Derby found hie astrican- much like tie method lie adopted to gloves that,,were taken from Brooklilu Bqueeze olut Burnett two years aoR90, Lv mit i, themwia at the RàfnqAý numberc The ne* teachom Mr. McLain eutered seen tic on is dulies ou Tuesday last. A large party 'wenl from home toe M r. JOB parler social given byMre. Jno. Duif on MrJa Wednesday evening. Mr..Jas At lie »nuua1 scicol meetingMm. roy. T. A. Fisher was olected trusee ln lie Mr. and place of Mr. Wm. Harris, whose lime day. visir had exired.Mr. J< had xpied.from the, Our'deputy reeve Mr. Sandy Wilson ing the.h, ieaded thc pole with 109 votes lie A largebl ever given lu lie sub.division. her brehi Mathewsou polled 94, Smih 52, Willis SauI Ste 93, Calder -92, Medland 78, Vipond 62, Iig the w Ketchen 86, Lynde 9. The à@ The Amateur Minstreis intendfr y givlig eue ofîtheir best and most laugi. within ar able enlertaimonts aI Raglan cm Fn.- day evening the 131h lust. Tiey are ebearsing uiglitly and ne doubltlihey The B will be grectcd by a fulibuse.- sermon c J. Dawson Esq. cf Indianna purclias- PrOfeu ed from mur townsmau Mm. Geo. Hick. tbis (Fr1 ingbotliamhiisliandsonie'yonng stallion Fsia Palkey Pote. Tic price given would The B purchaso a small farm. Geordie kuows Bubjeet.- a thing or two about home. flesi, and Evein lias declded te lhold on le Laird OBati Au »e aithougi sevoral tempting effers have Et. 1o] been made him by Americas auxieus aonn te gel possession cf Canada's*bèst stock. #TherBa Mr. Williamson, froni away back, a at Bt. Jé liearty old bachelor cf mature years The B visitedtlie scenes cf hie clilldhood during auistedý th. holidays and was greally iuspimed lut Sun' at lie great change lie towu hadl un- li¶j B dergone. Thewcrld has been kind to ad*ns Wilhiamsou and ho is the oseso f fLb. d gocd health aud considemable welhwau u but linke il better to pull i l lngle -xemu --Sleighing is now good ezid theyongWh uw pep eare meking liebest cfitOu Wensay evening a select party-cf e Young folk&, numbering about tWenty- 1*hein.- five couples, dreesed lu lisir best bib seriez - and tuokor teck posseesion cf Mr. igO A.ndmew Kem'i'E HUallsd-wili gre at gusto tripped lie light fantasaie -until> lie wee e~ ic hurs. The W -dthc beauty ana chivahy lihat cm b. display. ed by th ,OÀ.f thbln.ofe"olugb r ra wiqn ocasion moequimes il ueuld4stwir h jo vu envy - o Persian Maudarian, As 1h sturdy.yie c:loaksstmdde lie lia1lli te Ba pride of-,Îheb- > m anhb, orgraeefuly whldhbrougir lihe mazy' waltLz with far~t lesoafrom naeture's, ricliest 'ldt rcoelservatozy cln ,ging to their arm, e, ole "soft eyes1toked1 love to eyes- which fIu b pake egein," au& w. baW£?eaded esin-~ nos ip thle dew.41,ope from our eyes, Pick.ri heaved a sýg h for th.éay cof our youli 9did tý -and sailed lu.' The. mùsic1 hbesvenly ItJI a.-muà, wei fmmih,u nider 1h. direc- oî -a t ion-of the greatand ly lfi Ymg,,pupil- noè. o f lie celebrated Rem~enyï, Professor' untiti, Y Matler. Oh! 1the '<barnioni6o ,twang Of y I lestber, 'Wood an d bra ' ,the eu hony 4ét 18 -the me][ody,-.he hsaouèycsweet , e scundatha% reverberated thrh-h le, tnighi MlI1ould haviBýputle b eh te"Inthbousand hbarpé, liit-tne'aogelio n~ harmonie "bfre laUp ý 4au . The vrefenruvebslt7otly of the familles -hee 1Mghlt bave, eitem. B. Adams epent New Years et hone.. a. Shaw spaut New -Years et home. îmbre. je viuitiug frinds etr&tSha. Id Mre. Fred Hatch spent the hoUi. King friands et Madc. 'hn Arthur Johuston weu home acheool cf Phamay, Troalto, dur. àoidays.- nle Johuston bas aooompanied- her W. K. Johnston Architect, l . Marie, w)aere she intend s spend.ý 'inter. Ihting editor cf this Journal hasu are the wood-bine t*ineth, but do r acconte at us ha wMI ber day or two. Be r owe preeoéahed a grand on Menday evening. Mr Wigginu Will b.est th. barreaok idy1) e.veniunwhe m ildmusical lev. J. Y. BarkerwU pre*h, neit, &y mornuxg eud eveming. Momnlaç "The Lord a0r Shepherd. Subjeot. "God'USviigGr.. )ha"$ Whitbyý Jàn. 8. 1888. Sunday ~ l tiez. WIUb. ea ohildzens meMyoa iMon. xveni*ng -subjeot ef sermon krre fig-#ree;, Ther imu o'frieg- hta, munetenearly 5,--. ýo 5W. W. S. Westney c1 Pori Wbit lu~ ~ ~~8t th evcs lB.3mea o odey, preaohing morning end nn ot iôcre wore clia,î logieat iruotive. The. momniug I eÉt ,s ag for audhaateningIaitheb"mlê 1a cf God". 'Th e vexi Srmon, Han ging Lemp8! de, MSadUleu 181Hg, COLOS, cOutracted and st111 joints RlTLONDON, msu o icadei, e ar speleus NO@ 4-o' MADRE Brotherhood. 1 .&r 1 Ibi-U 1 ý 22,1878.

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