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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1888, p. 2

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Fi a b ~â G Items Stoie'nfrozu Our Richauges. TheJournal and the Times are bey. £ng it, bet ové: Who paid lait years taxes. Baoh ia'doing ita level beslteo show thet itu owu supportera cased np BossU's ehildren withiu the peet 1ev as The ecomaiunity sympathizes wiî theb. breaved parents in their retlos. lire. Duor, vile cf Mr. N. Dueiof. Boa h, died ouddenly on Tu.sday after- Doon of heart disease. Duriag tihe violéeof, lait week the peoplie bcd pi.nty of evidence that the tavernkooporeofe Uxbridgo were deaiing out somelhiag stronger than ginger aie.. Moen eouid be seen under the influence of liquor and et tinies il wae hardly uafg tô go eut witboul boiog violentiy mol estAidin the aneel abusive entier. Out towu oonetable sb9ald stiffen up l'qnre -nté de. ' Mr. Jeo. Merlin, of Ibis place, and) an aid acquaintance met on Mondey et lest veék, and) beiug cola eeized sach cli.: for a souffla. Unfortumially îhey fell sud Merlin broke bis leg. Mr. J. F. Cunminge, Oakvo'd, is mcd because h. vas surnoeoned saa vilmieso in e Selott &At casé. Ho mad ao évidence te give. Hoe should have sensé enougi te osec liaI thoinspecta: did net knovutil th. court sel viiether h. bcd Sny evidence te give or net. Tire severel yard eoo-pionghs now perembulale thé strels in lteerly %P) moru. There ie lttle amev&oaset te. impede grevel and lie veork is ligit; butlte firet "biitzerd" viii 500 tie drivers "ulp te theirntecks," and so>mo zetepayers obliged te tara ont eariy élait le>' rua a dike ik if the work is net commenosi) st an sarlilr heur titan lait yer. Mn. JacmeHamilton lest veek îip- péd another earlead of cuIters, chebog. gas ad bugitiseste bis braci vere- Ibouis eI Brandon, Mati., sua flrtier -~uslgntét iii felo e as oon as r«es.g local eiders esn é filled.'Thé, démad for Mr. lKezuton'a, goodeinsl' thé' Notbvet lu ooustautiy grovingý uan a>' ventually bai) te hie eteb- llshluga faste:> thème. Hlie large force et vorkmeu are obllged le vork over- ltime.,t kéép la .lght of ordeme on baud, whieht is no, deuilpteasing le bis *Sient ovéeer, Mr. "Dick" Hanger. lord. Xi soems liaI e lover èamiaatioa is per<aittéd St lié Breoebrldge anedel u.hoeI for thé benefil cf thé Muskoka &slnlèt, »ud a number of candidat"u Who have faisil et aur éxamînstions - bave - bénatahindiag thé Bracebmidgé séhoûl le teke edisaetage of &bis arrange. ntet-w-hidh le loaendedafor Maiokoka a*kmaIl tthé> ver. te teacli ta Mui- koka tiéevonli) héno objection ; but visa hhoy comae baek fte Bst esud Wémî Yictoria sud tek permIssion tl e laci hom-e il 15 unfeir tote lieevitbavé pauséd thé highér éxemication hors, -sud thé Inspetas are properi>' refuslng 10opermit ltent le do sa. Meonday rnamning about hhreé 6ocloak lie fire alan» aSs onnded Iront thé fin'e bell ii ils new poaI4ion iu lié bell lover aetlb. corner of LaKentudLiandsay. at., ndI1s4 àr-rea gciarion-ike tan@@ qaioki>' easéil considerable éowd to-Mosétable. I vas loand liaI thé qlvlling.hous. ooapied b>' Wm. Rêalhe béy As blaes, sudtheé lentent haël obtaiaed se goci) is bol) upoa thé 014 fmanemoitume l-i I< vas impos. gible, for lie' ,fire brgade l do mare ,lhsn pravée'î tho fiantes frontx exteniig le ltée b1 ceksmith siop ba)tliéPromises ,doun.Mi. Rrlibe wuvas sleein , p.stlrs and, a.akened b>' thé crack- »Iig of thé fiets laClose pro>xizbity te bina, vus forée) tW make a suddon 'dé. perînre by lie second store>', rîudow walh<>ui tinté te teck for machla tulie way of attiré.> A consIdérable quaality of , ousébold -isifêcwu dvas troyéd, -ut bélng impossible le aater thé building te sa",e aaything,,Thée ogin oethle fine e i nknova'. Mr, érliiey's proporI>' vaiunsured);.but thème vas i melýiiaurane an Iho hoase. Abtof nt as cy'erné forte '~b wefofek i!'hr dnn h On Wedneaday afternoon lait a few minutes beore lbrse o'olook, li.M- Wbiunie of the flrm of Foote & Me- Whlnnie, vêtit ta the batik asu nuai to dopo.it. In the. deposit was a check for #18 made by "James Stephenson" te 4"William Ferg-uson,>' wbich lied been taken in thé,' forenoon by Mr. Fo.te from a strangsr in payment for 82.50 pair of everehoos. Mir. Foote thought the signature va. that of Mayor Stepb. enson huit accapted the. note withoot any hesitation, handing baok the. pur-, ohaser bis change, firet teking the. pre. caution tb &ek the stranger, who vau aupposed te be "William Fergueon," te endors. the check ; but the latter say- ing hoe ould net write, muade bis markt on the baok of the paper. The check vas refuaed aIt the bank by the. ceehier and deelared bogue. Mayer Steveneon vas B00D, but' denîed the signature. It vas iudesd a very oiuznuy fergery, the caliRriapli on the note cot in the lenat re- semblinR Mayor Stephensonle signature. Âcting.Cbief Adamo v as notified of the. aiffair lite in the afternoon, and sent word te -constable Mitchell, of Omeeme te b. on the. lookout for Mr. Fergtason, whe lied teid~ Mr. Foot. that ho vas geing te 'tuat"village te 'tek.eout fies for the. Grand Tract. A reply vas re- êéoived'tiie, morr »httlû*Il, j South Ontario Babbath School Associationi. Thé SeotihOOntario Snbbath Sebool Associatin eatmoinuthé Presbytérien obnrcb, Clareniont, lte l2th and lSth îDec. -In thé absene eofthle Presiden't and Secrolar>', thé Rev. Mn. Kippen vas asked le occupy the. chair umtil offleers vere eieotéd. The. élection of offiera for thé eusning yéan resulled as feoo :-Presid Put, Feeter Hulcioon, Balsam ; let Vioe-Pr4sident, J. T. Richardson, Pickernimg Secréîary, R. Stokes, Ciarementi; ssi tant. Secrelary, P. MoNib, Ciarémont, Tresrer, H. E Brigge, lyrtie. Thé Treamure'. ré. port shovod the asociation le b. in a good finaucial condition. Thé Secre- taries ripent gave these figures. In thé Ceun>', 42 soheols; Rep orté received, 81 ; Number of officers and Teachers, 885; Number ofaI shclara, 8027. A majenily of séheole report au inoresse Ien the yeer. Allihe firpt sesson oallie convention thé R.y. Mr. Real spoké ou total abstinencenlaruiSanda>' scool.- vork and) vante) all teachera te bé total abstainrs ammii &U sholars te bè encoasged te aigu a plédgle. At the second ession lie Rev. Mr. Kippen, pester ofItliechancit i)èiveréd the leddreesof veleomne ta vic ie e. Mr. Hail replisi), Lv. Mn. Molelland of Asibbu & poke on 4"home 111e lu Ils relation to Sunday sohool vork and) verkers." At thé 8:d) session Mre. J. F. Benker of Wibv vile addressing thé convention on "Thé Teaciènr'. vork ont- aiof alte Sundey sohool" peluted eut a nantie: of veys la viiel lte "echers ntight help theur achètea. Thé oeu- venlion vue mach pléase) wvlth lit ai)droase. "ov lii stui)y ani) tecthé serplarea" vas pointodi>' deait vith, by preeticai illustration and tie u*e of the black board b>' thé 8ev. Mr. Eastman of Oshawa. At lié 4th session thé Rev. Mn. Fresedi)dressed lie eeaveu. lion and Mn. F. L. F'ovke of Oshawa réad c length>'and instructive pape: on Sanda>' eel managemnents. A maass meeting of lie Sanday sehools of Clare- ment vas aidmresued by Mr. A. Day, af Tenante using for bi s ubjeel lite word "4light,"and) sioving tle lit 111e fbih tie différent va>'. ltailihe word of GOid vas thé "IigbV." At lt h ô nd lest' session *Mr. A. Day addièsied lié con. vention &gain sud thé 8ev. ,Mn. Staffer) cof Tenante heu) thé rapt attention of tie large audience for -more lien élit> minutés on'lie subjecoît le Bible in the 121h century.» Bir. Stafford le ar îpléndid speaker sud ils eidrese se"Y lie leesi vue a grand suéeses Thé Rov. J. J'.:Cantéron cf Packèint village sal) eomé' farevèll vendse lethé con- vention ail Ihusiese) euene oflte best conventions ever béli lutle coanay. Thé large chair tadoap -Iron thli diféret dnemnetonsla thée #Ulage vas présent ut évery* eiee mnad led lan tii. service sisng. -Thé hospitalil>' oft thé Olatent oïàfrienils as shovu b>'t providing pléeseo cielîst homes for s ail d6legates and visiteràatatendlng thé 8 éon ventiéo. hé elclltous Vers more tit s lire is laet ia lest lyé Abdthlé, oficieals e f thé large sud plemamat churchinla vià cb lis ieetlgs îveré' hl) refuse) toamept any ' .- munm lIeafor lhé us. of Ihéir ciarci. ", Arb110r» Trade Deadly Drinki WaterI ' A UNIVERS"L EPMIDE OCAUSE».- o,; ýT MAY BE AVOIDE». Typhoid fever rages everywhere. Wherever cities are depondent 0no rivera or streame fer thoir 'drin water, the -lever rages violenti Throughouît the entire South-weeta Norti-west the ville are 1ev ; the. vat'ý is et vory poor quaiity ; and bore' a0 the fever ragea. The. anthorities of Albanyv, Now York., Chicago, Cinoinnati, St. Louis, Phi delpb!a and other large cities are varftý ing the people net te drink thé va without firet boiling it te kilil e malati"' and teyphoid germe. Surîdy a wintei of malaria an typhoid viii iii prepare ou: people o- oncoonter a summer of choiera. Choiera and te'-hoid and maaiuis, foyèe cat I al b. provented by simapie. miles of life, and thesé eis shouid 4 etudied by every on.. These ýdiseas6'é are symptome et a 1ev etate of the. oye. tom, preduoed by vitiatod blood. This bioed je made impure becaume of, the impurities in the driuking wt'r thséimnpurities boiag deadlly Pomaone whiéh..iaralws e anera s ailn II ýf 5k.â levat coanot bo fiYnWm exceus cf mie cdhsb. Thée etsiecessity ef- evéry ay lite i. pure val.:. Twe.hrda c,"ïone'e body i. made up et water. lIfthe va.î ter vo drink is impure, thon bow eau vb hoe.toeéscape diseased conditions?2 Il is impossible. Tii. stomaeb, liver and kidnoes cannt purify polluted vater.f Some cautions peple reort te thé filter for purilying tbis vater, but éve'à thé fille: dees net remove tuis poison# for vatér of the most déadly charnce. may paes@ trougi Ibis filter and beomea olear, yet the poison, di8guised is lier., Thoy vie use filière know tint-théy muet beoom. reneved et regular période for even tiougb tiey de ne tae oui aIl thé impurity. they 300n bisone fou]. Nov lu like manuel- tie human hîd- noeeant a, a filter for tié blod, ma&- if tiey are filéd up viti impurities and becomé foui like the. fitter, ail the blood in the systezu coursing hhrough thin becomes bad, for it ie nov a oonoeded tact thet the kidasys are thée bief rme&" vhereby lb. blood le purified. Thée. organe are filied vih housands of heïr like tubes, vbich drain thé impuritias frem thé blood, ae lie se:e pipeu drain impurifie. lrom our houses. Il a sever pipé breaks undér the~ houe, thé moage-escapes labo thé éawêÉ and) fille tié house vilhpoieonous ea se if aycf lb. liousaad and one litthÏ bair. like sever tubes of the. kidneys break dova, lthe satire, body le effie1 by tbie avflpoison. Il is a scieulifio lact liaI thé kîdneyr bavé fev nerves of sensation; maud, cu- séquéntiy, diséase ay ezist in the"~ organe for a îonirtimé and saotbeuj puet.Jby the individuel. l -i. jUw ibié go filter or take 1h. dealli ont of tb. blood vien tbe least deragemént existe ini tisse organe, anif i thé biood is nos filtersi theà telii.ue ccii) or kid- nsy poison, retnoveble ouly by Weraers saléenre, aceumýlates in the systent and alîcoku any Ã"rgan, produeù inle eut of ton ailmeats, juil as sewer gaz and) bai) drainage produce go manylaatal disordeme. Kidaéy&,di»memay b. 1mev» ta exist if thème le may marked dep*irture9 fs-ont osdinoery health vitheai apparent kuova ceus. and il shouid b. -uni).:. stoéi) by aSU th.l thé greatest péril exifs and) le latéasifiei) if Ibère le tie leaut negléct b I&mat il promptly vili liaI gréat spécifie, Warner's safe Curp, a rentédy uahueeoaeCivei) the hiabést récogallion by sciéntifie mon, vie have, tboreughly iavestigated thé chareter of kidaéy derangente. Thé liver,- wien derangodtm4iee iy annouaces the"la by ýseiow skiai eoastipated bovels-ooated lougu-e - and) héadaohés; but th. kii)ney wién diséas' id slmugglés ou for a long lima, ami thé (aet of Ils isese a oui' hédiseée b8 bé, Id.aid1 f lb.>rierosop. Or by' the pysicau Who. je shiîlful énouaib rracé lb.mue ldiréot - ffects 1lthei orym t th le dérem uen of thés.or. gag a. éP"a caue . h Pain bunii e4 usIf bymaisec. Polseu's for Inf3nts and Children. 4$Cfflortais.o weU Ladaptegd tocbildren ttl Cator acrS Colle OonjMtltfor4 recoinrend it as superior te any preci ànS7 SncDiarrhoa, Euttation, &EOWIte e." L A~AEcm IL ., . lUs Wgrms, gives sleep, and promot di Zil 5. Oz SL Bt. OoklYU4yn. Y. i Itbsurous medkatsuo Tas CENTàaD Coxx'.éi<, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHD AND THE LEADINO NEWSPAPER 0F CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, "d 4 12 o'eoek là WEEKLY GLOBE, u SATURDAY DARLY GLOBE, 05.001 *3:00 3.00 *1.00 8.00 peu' ennum. ai id a. ii " di di ai The different editions of iTe Globe can be procured froau i News Dealers throughout Canada. ---THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - -- between Toronto and London, wiich has been runuing dail>' ince 3rd Marcit last, wiil be comtinued tirougiiout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6 4o a. m., making connection viti thle early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery tirougieut Western Ontario itours iu advance of ail Toronito papers. -TO IVERTISERS As an advertisiug medium, The Globe bas ne equal lu Canada. Ils circulation, witich appears et, liead of its editorial columns dm11>', le fa: in advance of ail other Canadian _papers, and il le lie intention of the- rnan- age~ment te io y keep The G lobe in its proud position as the LEADINC NEWSPAPER .Fi A'iADAy bothin lupeint of circulatibn sud influence. THE GLOBE PRiA1TINC 008 TORONTO NOTICE* Notice is hereby given thst application vii b. made to the Pareiment of Canada, et the nezt Session thereof, for a charter to oonstrnoî sud eperete ae Une o! Railway, commoncing nt or near Port Hope, Contity of Duirhame; thonce through the Counties of Ontario, York, Sîmcoe and Dufferins to a point et or mes: the Tou of Durham, Oounty of Grey, with power to extend to Lsko Huron, st or near Kincerdine, and 8ý&qtbarnpton, Conntyof Bruce. »>ated st ToontolShNevenuber, A. D. 1887. MORPEY & MILLAR 65 & 67 Yongo St., Toronto, Solicitors for Applican.ts. WOOD FOR SALE- Wo eOBchndM&plfor sale by Apply te N. J. BROWÈ, Lot 6, Coa..i, Pickering. Executor8' Notice to Creditor&. N OTIOB ls bereby given ia p~u néci o Bec. 84, cap. 107 of!IR.t3-0., liai créditons un) others having daimse gâiost JORN MICHAEL, late'oethle Townsip of, Wbiltby, lmt lieC9un.ty o!, Ontarie> a»re me quired; te sen&i.n their ekimîq, dul>' verz5ed »e Jamesu G. Miobeel, Whte j Ont., oee0o 1h4 Ezeolorof ltée lest vwIii and testament ofttes*-a)deeSmed, onor>efore tlb. 151h de>' et Jean:',A.. D., 1888, an) liaI Imu- medialel' aller liat dal&%he Bzeçutors wMl procéd té ietzimbute tie-essets o! 'thé ssii) deoémeiaiongst the parties éutitisdtlhére. té, Iýaving regard énlylêlho claims of ic tie Maui xécute"r, havé tien Inotice. D. ORMIÈBrON, Solieltor forlie mai) Execuors. D%4 fllt bis 14th Dec,, 1*87.--S-. t6 f OUSES TO LET Secure on.Bef or. th. Boom Corne. 1 STOREY AND A HALF BRICK, 8. W. corner Dundas aud Hoenry'Bts., 10 roome gril. lun parler and eue b.d room, coller, veli, cistern, stable, henheutse, j acrie land, lava, ohoice fruit. Warm, comforteblo bouse in hast localil>' mand)ver>' convenieuî' te Publie Soheois, Institutseand) Ohurçhco. Remit $7 or upvards aceordmng te improve.. mente i)eairod b>' touant ALSO T.KREE-RO(>MBD HOUSI,,mnug and cey>, vith coller gooti valer and large garden handy te, market. 1 P. HOWARD ANEBS. Whilby, Nov. 4th, '87. Two Tioro,7bre) egaer)B6emêhime Beers for service etKienio. Ou. waim. porte)d b>' StoilBrou., Baapeand ithé éther is trom îIIp-orfld tock. OX)aland ex- amine pedigrees. Terme $1. J. P. SADLER. Kinsale, O t 5h, 1887. lfît iss Fam for Sais i TGWN8IP 0f'WHITBY mhe treatment of, meny theusands ofcass, of thQse chroni'c weakuesses and distressi> aliments peculiar te, femace, et the Invaids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.y- ha afforded a vaot experience in nicely adani lng and thioouhly te8ting remedies for W cureo!woma ecullar maladies. »rJPerces avorite Prencrlptlon là the outgrQwth, or re8ult, ef this great and valuable experience. Thiousands of testimeo. niais, reoeived from patients and from physu.. clans who have Cested Il in the' more agg'. veted and obstinate cases whlch had baffed their okili, prove ilte be the Mnost vonderful remedy ever devlsed for the relief aud cure or suffering women. It la net recommended as a "ceure-al," but as e meut perfect Specific for womuu'o peculiar alimente. Au. a powerful -mvigoratlng tenie, Il Imparts strengtLthe whole system, and teohew6mb aud Ita appendages in particular. For overworked, verto-eut," 6un-dewn," debilltated teachers. milliners dreeomakers.iamte e, "Oebop-glrls," bouse.-; keeper, urai methers, aud feeble vemen,- ely Dr. loe's Favorite Prescription' théerotest earthly.-boen,,belng unequalod as an eppetlln cordial and reotorative-toule. As a uothiugandi strengthening nervine "Favorite Prescription" Je une,, âuaied anà le luvalueble'In ellaylng and out. ung nervous excltabllty, lirritablty. ex-. haustion, prostration, hysteria, spame eandl othor dlstres8ing, nervous symptoma cern- monly attendant upon functional and orgaulo disease of the vomb. It indues refreshlng - eleep anid relleves mental nxloty and des. epondency. Br. Pierce'm Favorite PrescriptieIL la a legitiniate mc4lcineq carefully C:moudd by an experlenced and akili, physicltan "and adapted te woman'o delicate 0rgnizatlon. Il la purely vegetable lu it composition and perfectly. harmiesa in itq effeets in any condition of the syotem. For mornlng slcknees, or nausea. from whatevse cause arising, weak stoxnach, indigestion, dys- pepsie and klndred symptoms, ls8 use, in snUâ dose. wHI prove very beneflciftl. "6Favorite ]Prescription tyItua poli. tive-cure for the Most conxplicated and oh. etinete cases of leu corrhea, excessive flowlng, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or faJlinjý of the womb, weak back, 'femnale veakness,' sutb-version, r;,troversion, bearing-down sensations, chronie congestion, Inflammation and uloerati(.n-of t&e womb, ln. flammatgon, pain and te:"Iernera in ovarite, eccompanlod wfth «Ii.nterrnd heau., Au a -regulator and promnoter of funo. tional action, at thet critical period of chag frein girlhood te womanhood, "sFavorite Pre ocription " 18a nperfectly ef.remédiai agent and cau produce enly good readîte.I t l& equally éfficaciôusaud veluable iu its effecte wben teken for those disorders and derange. ments Incident te that latér sud Mfost critioel perlod, known as"* The Change o! Life.- 66 Favorite IPIemcription st when taken In connection vlth the use o? Dr. Plerce's Golden Médical Dleceveryand omail laxative. ofese Dr. Pierce'e Purjgative Pelleta <Lit4o mer Pilla), cures Liver Kidney andBldder diseuSes.Theircombined use, aise remeve blood teinte, snd ebollehes ceucerous sud scrofulous humers from'th, systein. 1 ",Favorite ]Prescriphionu" le the oaly medicine for women, seld by drugglste, aMneir e ositive guarantee, from thé Manu- »MturrS, hat t wl shlo&W ection lu everi, egOr MOnkeY viii b. ré!unded. This guara- teeas been prlnted on thé bottie-ýWrappe,, and fithfully carrled ont for msuy yeere. ~ag bott s (OAoeW # 1#0% C@ïoSIX Fer larelliustra±edl Treshise on Disessesot« Women (60, pages, psrcvee> edtit M 8 irIN St BI PAFA, O AT- COSTO XlltalReerveiuidifaü ir- 'ance orNwYok Gaaingovommnîtdeposiî $-50 1000 Acnmul&ted reserve fund, (ove:) 3 15,000 Death dl ai pet ing-188 4 7-'9,9W0 N4ew bnuness, s1" a sIWO',88 6,015000 pan> cfNewYork, as trastees edi thé e-e sPee Pund.' Lite- Iusuranc e t legs tha u-hl or e. uary an~ i) qui, ne afet he~ XXETI4G OPPA1MANE ýMSIP-uI.waAND» 0iunI <Prom our own cxorree, Tý_TAWk-Jau. 3Pr e llil-fori bc 31stthe d7ede Who ôUbOiBt fO '"ar on their sessienal o& ;nninge te cerne in.- Tbi ance bas aàready gel inbaid. _everjono sayl 'Y~lbe short. The -buÉ ýý-bovover, tint three-mon à,* short sitting se0 that 1 -break on prorogation yotj ivo exceptions the. me.l ment this yen: i. lie earli fedèr&tion. * THE CABINET. Lt is eviden t the Gov, meet tii. ouse unchang aennel, tic contemplateiJ tion of the Caý,inet having) éd until -aller th3e fouse Mfr. Bowell yull be the ne' Trade and Commerce îs *lieved as ho l e .béet fiti the poRition. Whe, vi Collecter General le an o1 _The n'atue of Mr. Girourai ber for Jacqnes Cartier, hi frequently mentioned. lost presents suci ternes a CarLhy and Geo. A. Kirkv THE FISHEBIES QUE Tii. isheries iemris assemble on thoe'7m etb YA plain etatemaent efthe the aegcoliation8 broke of viillbé el value. It eem onteet lie American C submitted a protocol re Admission of fullcomi .'. placing of American a veesels on an equal fo&l Snavigation et tthe harbor Dominion and tho Sts.te met by the British irepresi a prc.positien- te net onlj un-esitricted navigation- permit Ameri âano te enJei fisheries, provided the An approve a nev mroatyg besed upon the huies-of 1854. To ths theÀmýieri *îonera denrred, contoni lied rigbte andshould ni eil them. To enabi. Uiî maissieners te study the sil et Ottawa au adjournmei 0Of courselhe proceedinlie -misson being secret ther 1 iy forlthe above, but il ii Ixeved, and as a malter Chamberlin sud Sir> C did oafer together hone Govermnt. ýu TIE NUMBER OF~ SThe relurn le tb. Gc .entlly oompiled show tlii SCanada ,998,914 -voterai fél'es in Qu-ebeo tian -in a &nt.. the lait.gensi Pébrnu. 725,056 voléesiv per ceai oftb* otÏl total Gevernmeni voIe ii 84% anil aof thé S854,714, but in Ibis laltei figures are for obvions m vnydîtiffute tget ai. ocOR£«AN aiL oyoll Ofe ti # 'a * b .6 a 6 0 4 a 1 'l i'. 2--Sin,

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