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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1888, p. 3

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m'iii. tiîttrtof cN.o orile Iref4t'riptlta 'Spit, ot lic gi-tnud Lt lt-i 1110110t "iii ptîyu ho the' omt It i.îerfui or tht' rcitt mI t-une et t, tit r' îîîîî'"it. u sa ÛtVI cratlng toitse tou tewîîiî- systern, ndt îttc ap jel 1abit-s a ted t.'aî'iit-rs. îîitrer ~ses, "eoî-iit. be. %e--s anîd it-.btt-womema m Favorite Pnrîtltlon boon, beirig unequaleti i&d andi rtstoiîativv' tonle. tuid stneîîgibelng Pi-e~'rlî'i'n-,tune.. aie îi alhîying andi sub. 'îbiîit3'. îrrmrility ex.. - hctîî.spiimts anti r vous nap.iSCotg&. fîîrîetîontiati orgalut.. 1- îrxduves-t-c r'rtmlg etiiti itîty antIdeZ enite Preriptloy& ni ed 1Ic 1lige9 ,4 cirfulle attr. e- nd tsktlll (iJ tii tt'iutu deltoal. - iîi-,'lv .gt*btc lu Ita et,'t1 lýtrilt'selu te ,n 1h . -Strn., For a. ti 'iii ihatevmi- - 1k ttut eau"utin ds IlI 011tiom,"wteaposi,,1 kil i ii ei ,pfiU i t 1a'iiore Plié.k gi r t. ilt t à and t- t ifchnge. liter andti mt rîtiîeM <lîanogeof Lfe."ý I pt lu tîII'when takeu e i'- rDr. Pieroe's i-y émadiliItlaxative uîrrt-ê'Pell'ts tUttI. r. Kîît vy anti ltadder utti use aso ea-rmovun ,fisht'm canceroue and nthe syst.'in. f-lputot"Il sthe onty (I tY d ri g'gte, uunder tee, fi-oitheu'manu. t'-' satisfactiomîni vr -t'undeij. This irtiaratu en the i bttik-'-rappern. oîut for nuy yeare doses) $1,00, or @tir Treotbse crn Diseasee t oer-cover'ed), sinti ttn 'iress. surance OST. 1n ieAsr ORDON. îîty o! Ontario. Perry, Ont. LOAN- ,e at Low Rtte, OST un Loan aud Savlng. Western Assurance e>s Block, Whlîby ELL" " BANSý ~poached for ý ne "d Quality. IFREL NEW AIGs. DEVERELL, TroA ithe "capital Vas MEETING 0i PAELIAMNT-POLITIOAL 08SP-e]N LWB AND Gi, NESAL NOTES. (From ou r own oorrei pounent,) 0-TÂWÀ.JaL> 3-Paril- inint bavirer been calied fort h ,31st the ti..ial sessici ,, ai -activity je i ticed. A few ot ti.., hundrede who <tbist for the en.i year ou their sessiotial carningi are be- gioning ta> cone ini. The Minister of Finance hatit already go& the etitunaege in baud. Everyone sys the ession wiil ae short. The business of tbe National Lr'gsiature baF grown en great however, ttiat tbree monthe would be a shbort siWtng $o that May day wili break on prorogation yet ahead. Witb two exceptions the meeting of Pti. ment this year je tbe earlieet asmo. Con- federa ion. TEE CABINET. ,it ie evilent the Oovernment will me et the Iha)se UnchaDged in its per- aronnet', the contemplated reoonstruo- tion of t ht' Ca inet having beeu postpon. edi QItiI â1tt'r ILe Honte rifles. Thi,.t Mr. Bowelli wili be the neW Minister ot Trade and Comtnerce je generaiiy be- h.eved as lie i ie e t fitted of any for sbf pition. Who wîII be Made Colieotor G@tneralieisau open question. The namue of Mr. Giîrourard, the mem- ber for Jscqîîei Cartiêr, bas been mont frequently mentiQued. The Ontario list presents enohi namea as-Daitou Mo- Cartby and Ueo. A. Kirkpatrick. TUE FISHEIES QUh$TION. The Fislir<rieEi Commission witl re- asernbe n tbe 7tb st Wasbington. A plain stalenent of the point at whicb the neg,4utions broke off Iast montb wili be oi value. It seecup that at tbe outtet Lb. Americau Coro miet-ioners submittted a protocol rèqneetingz the admiîssion ot fuit commercial rigbîe to American vepoele in Canada, aud tht placing of Atnerican and Canadian vessee on an equal footing se te the navigation of the harbors of both the Dominîon and the States. This wae met by the Britibh represAntatives witlî a pruposution to net only concede the lurestricted navigation but aise bo, permit Ame ricane to enjoy the onsbore fisheries, provided the AmFrictius wonld -approve a new treaty of reciprocity bas;ed opon the lino@ of tbe treaty of 1854. To this th~e American Commis- aiotier@ deuiurred, contendiug that tbey bad rigtitsand sbould uot b. asked to solil tem. To enable tbe British Com- niîrbi-oners te stndy the situation fort ber at Ottawa au itdjournment took place. 0f course the p.rrbeedinirs of the Ceom- mission being secret there is no autLer- ity for the above, but it je generaily b.- lieved, aLvd as a Matter of fact Mr. Chambertin aud Sir Chancee Tupper did confer together ber. and with the Governient. THE NUMBER OP- VOTERS. Tite returu te the Gavernwent i-e .ently compilod shov that thons are in Canadla 993,914 votera, an increase over 1882 of 190,827. The increase vas legs in Quebea tissu in rny other proy. Ince. At the laut gênerai cleotion in February 725,056 votes vers polted et '10 per ceat cf sb. total number. The total Governuxent vote in Riven aSt 870, 842 au thaS cf the Oppos-ition ait 854,714, but in Shis latter case lhe exact figures are for obvieus reseone, 906h sa acclamnations and plurality of candidatesà Vary -diffienît te goS at. OCÉLAN MAIL SEEVICE. Anov contrset, caliing for a ver-y fut srvice to Europe aud neturu in the carniage of tb. mails is about te, be svarded by Ibe Goverument te choice lying betveen th. Allan Lionosud the Canadian Pacifie. The second tenderi le frein the Orient 8teamship Comepanyt but il s in on ltaI lte C. P. B. anda lte Orieuti intpud to vork togetiter. The Canadian Pacifie effet very svift steamoe, but She Allaus haves#à .great cargo sapaoity sud they aise ffertol inîprove their speed. BLECTIONS AND VACANT BrATS. Sinco the lest genorat eleetione heid. Tvo cf Ibis. veut by acclama- tion. The folioving seats are nov vacant :- Debes'Ier, que., KenS, Ont., Cai-loton Ont., Bnssell.Onl, and Queens N. B., cf îhcme tht. eoebeld by Cou- senvativos lentsIsesoun sd ivo-Keut4 sud Busslt-by Reformera, Iu Domobes. tcr poliing on tte l4th and in Queens on lb. 22nd. The wr-lt for Russelil l« doubilees iissuoensethsite clesticu eaç b. beid Ibis mentit. Tho Bform ruajenity in Russel vas 155 over Mr. Mdacintosh ex. M. P. The Conservative imajenity lu Deraiester. vas 478. VOLITICS AND LOVE. The appeintinent of Mn. Bresse, sites znanufastui-er, tu, the Qixebeo Legislative Counoit in tbý place of Hoa. 'Mn. Gin- gras. ne@igned rocalle a littîs romane- 8cm. Uisoo eMn. Gingras, vito has been a sbipbgîilder, felt in love vîit a pretty girl, *bc, penhape iiinot tuily roiptocate lis honorable passion. but mte exprcosed ber villingues te, Marry Mn. Gingrason a certain condition-a mocetary o'ç-aud lte seat iu the ceuncili for ts e divisiîon of the Lauren- tudes vas of ered fer 410,000 tLe suy iit man vie coveted the houer. .Mi-. Gingras sUwenn e h i.c bis- choices spdnov Mr. Bresse ia 'a egisiative Conillet. uPro4OL"eil's thei very bon~i cýf love."' XAN1T4eDs exW GOZnOS., 1 *am 5aliele oannounce on the ltaI hoeii ll Mai nextl assumet"" offiee of Li ~4Gowera«t-of Kanitobà0 uetitsIû~itg lte denllsinunom* quartere. ncabor Sohbt i Ottawa. H94'sr senei4<4 ip of &lbeta in 1h. Comàmousi lb- hë1lut aeerl lma" tlou. Sir. Restos- Langevinu-hasjust son- oluded bis thiraitixy.ar -lu public lit..e Tbe Qoverume ut bts advised ýthe Brititi authositisthat shes-îais te4iy' deme ndinluCanada for igriculenral Iaborre and domostio servants.' At a New Y.ear'e reception eterday- the Governer Generali-had several b;indred caiknre. Sir. Lbals. Tupper wil bave Winni- peg for Waehingtou on the ifth. Sir. John Macdonald havin&g elected to Bit for Kingston it yull be mnade the occasion for a demonstration there. The Grand Trnnk, Canada Boutbern, London & Pt. Stanley raiiways viii ssk Parliamuent to confirm their agreement. A oompany is asking power le con- struot a tunnel undêr the Detroit river frotn Windsor for railway purposes. Sir. Thos. Eqmonde, M. P. lectured here liet night on Irish affaire. By mierepraentinoe what Mr. Chamberlain eaid of Erantus Wiman the Ottawa correspondent of the New York Herald bas Rot into taerlous trou bic Tbe fu of it vas that the Heraid man neyer saw Mr. Chamberlain at ail. Wit and Humour. The man wbo gants tbe eartb, Miy on, is the very man tbe earth deesn'l W, sut. It is a mietako te suppose that the uu is céupported in the sky by its beamns. Mary Crosby, cf WîlminRtou, D-cl., ise been muarried t%-yen times. Sbe ecunfi 10 be a Mary go round. A correspondent ask'-, "le it wrong te cheat a lawyer 2" Firt4 chest the uwyer vind t ben we wili answer the contindrum. There i@ ne sport in toboggaming witb a sigater, unies.s se is @oimebody et..'s sister. This is pertinent te the corng beason - "Wbat is education ?- ashe a wniter. Weil. it is sornetbing a colle-ge gradu&e hbinks be bas until be becomes a neye- paper mati. It may net b. g eueraliy kuowu that tbers is, in a town usar Boston, a factory wbere bhere are over,>000 hisnde-it is a watcb faotory. Some young ladies vbo ovu the Dame are s&id te eps11 "Ellith" with a "Y' thye )a a pyce cf sylly affectyon that wyll not be gensnally copyed yt y. ieped. "M going te ]pave înum" "1Wbat fer? I arn sure 1 buve doue ail Lbe work myseif in order t' ksep a "Weil rurn, the vork's no& doue to ut me 1", Yonu mani, yen don't appreaiste vour priviieges in ibis land 'eoftiberty. In Hoilaud a fellow canntiet ee hi@ sweetheant oxoept in tbe preeceof ber parents. It is intenesting Lb trasthe evolution nf vendesud expressions. Cultivâted people say, "R4Eow do yen do ?" Tbosïe who are lese precise @&y, ,4Howdydoo?" "And tbe contry vouid bboevsea a rose," said an agricultural orrator. Ilt'd botter blossemn as a cabbags." said au aid farmer. "II could nover ses any profit in them air roses," "1Talk cf motbera-in-iav aud sens-m-. law met agrscînR," rematked Titmarsh: my ruother in Iav sud I -agi-e.. Si. saye I ougit never te have married hsr dangbster sud I coincide vith ber." IlWiii yen give me soigolt] victuals?" asked a mendicant &t a Prospect avenue door yenterday. W. bave noue," vs. Lb. repiy. Ob, vi'l, bot onos'll do," sâd te lrogar briskly. "John Heur!." said bis vifs vitb stony sevebrity-, I sav yen oomiug ont of a gin palace Ibis sfteruoou. "Wedl, madani," weptied the obdnrate John, yen vontdn't have mly bre olai A vaikine utisk may b.e eibel se lb. cld man's streng* .-*sU* b.y#Msg "4a fair and foui westber- flria who bus had mau npssd dovu llievrl. Wif&-Keep quiet. Cbarile. Tb-e:new doctor sys 1 muet mntti1.k b'tas uem,(fasbly) -MBE" Ma11!M Engage ltaI doolor for* eut tly phyiian. IIsbouldn'I cars le mari-y a vomn vho knevs more titan I de," he i-mark- cd. -Ob, lin. De Sàppy." saIe rplisid vitit a eoqukitish sbt$1me ofber fan. ; am afraid yen amea onmmei. bachelor." Wben îhe.dilligent .oollecer reltas» le the office vith a iSu beving sud the despondent, remank ltast "collections are migbhly clopte te day," itis ps-cps? te eay te bmw;, "Wcll, din> gootimu an ibh. fut seran1R The faolorstbat bave bsenc onuierued lu ffetin Ihse eo oboangos mt asompatUllg - dieurubancot. t» Dt$ boeesimple,-but.o.swa nimeW ontan suOooepl«2ý !Ibey uet tw admitu, i utbeliived, of <t uy reoom ion sud statement. In th- fn ls th- -resunlie cf the ras-Orn tWar, -lb. radical changes Mi' the eharaterý1 sud construction of war-&Y;a*leuiento iiinoêà thièt period, and the oonttriu&1 augmontaticb eof permanent .militMy forcés, have entailed upoi ail 1h. states cf Europe since 1878 continnaily in.> creaeing expeuditures and indebteunees and indirect taxation, by means cf duties on importe, to, mccl theselnuas ing financial burdene, bhas been foud j te be mosî in accord with the mazim attributed to Colbert, that the perfgeH tion cf taxation cnsiste in go pluckingýý the goose-i. e., tbe peope-as to, pro- cure the greateet amount cf feathers with the 'Ieast possible amount - où squawkig.-From "Goverm.nta2l - terference zoitPè Production and Dis,- iribution," by Hon. D!àvid A. Wells, in Popular Science Monthly for Jan.- uarsj. The pieture, "Suifer littlo Ohildren t0 Carne unto Me," offered by lte Montreal Witneaa w their daiiy and weekly subscribers, is a vork reprodue- ed in oil collors viti great richness and beauty, and il is a wenden te aIl who receive it how Lhe publishers eau effer se muoh at .0 amali a cost. The icad- i3R judges of art in bbc Dominion aIL, testify to its beauty as a von c f art, their testimoniale having been'pubizoli- ed in the Witne8a,. JenkaW rmx Jenirs had a qusar drearn bbe other night. H. thought he eaw a prize-fighters' ring, and ini the mniddle of il stood a dougbty little chamnpion who met and delibtrately knoked over, one by eue, a score or more of biii, barly-looking feliows, as they ad. vanced te the att&ck. Giants ai they were in sîze, the val jant piglny provi-d morethan a mnatch for tbemn. Ih as ail no tinny that Jenks voke up laughiug. He accounta for the d rearn by the fact that h. had juest corne to the conclusion, after tryîug nearly every big, drastic pilt on the market tbat, Pierce'a tiyPurgative Pelleta easuly "Iknock out" aný beat &Il thxe reat hollow 1 Coiingvood's civie holiday commtie ç4ave M27 on baud. The great resuits vhlcb bave attached the regular us cf Quinine Wine, by people of delicate constitution sud thune afected vith a getîcral prostration of the system, apeak more ttanaJIlthe. vards vs can B"y in its behaif This article in a brus medi- ciao and Iifegving prinelpe-a perfect renovator cf the wnole syster-n-ivigorat- ung at the smre tirne botb body aud miad. Ite medical properties areà a rifuge tonie and antîperiodic. Smnal doses, frequentty repeated, strengthen tepulse, creat< au appetite, enabîs yen teobtC.= r rMh1ng leep, sud te feel aud kncv tata every fibre and tissusetfjour stemn a being braced aud nenovated. lu the fifne Quinine vine, Pré.- pared by Northrop & Lyrnan, Toronto, vs have te exact tenio required: snd te peros of et vùasd nervous constitutions, vo vould ay. Nevor ho vithout a hottiin Lhe hous. lbinsold by ail druggists. Stavuer Catiholica have jiald their pester, lrnprovsd Sh.eshurch su"raisei 11(» le bsa tse church dsbt. 1 Sick Headache sud Dyspcposauarequlekiy iispelled by Oampbell's Catartia Coen Pound. Pst Flannigan disburhed fth. Cobourg Salvationisis and viii nov sizzg hytnstan te centrai for six montbts. For inflammnation cf tse Lungs and Bovrels, gîte "Maud S." OoudiiouPovders te jour ctis.ý Urs. Hughes, of Nevuanket, 1.11 iowa sttire sud lu going toe .r auîîtan a sou follcved suit Botit ver. bruia.d. Mr. C; Riggins,Besaunsjle vrltes; "À custerner vhe trieci a bottle cf Ncrthrcp & Lyn'a Vegeable Disoovery mays 15 as the ticat Uùtitge ever used ; te quoe. is ovu IWO ids, l lst s»easte toui"t ibés spt be4scd.* bout;ayjeaphaohadin&ttsek .t tillonslever, and vas inu fo audits wbea X reeomrnsnded thlsvuuaisadine WUth assIt appy resulta." eF**me#.o.w.pidg Wm.Eave o imw*ny U i,ýbI.DId Vitha cmasse b am« SA" eGkilrm They avé,always calehi»gtgoeilfa lit bond. Placse* 1l prtioie Of'vsI eu in enc nou. -ii Its#se0s-nb v*OU over tba bidge 1. 1b nase, and Jtusk o o tbey anola ug. Whe mie vsienl, m ion; ocssbuiN Â nstreatment bu bendM- binesws. Desrpiepaîmphle sent fre. on oeep f stamp lby TronTiisO, AWAWA. FALL UITS -000 JOH N 18 BROWING A BUPEBIOR STOCK 0P Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, *A.nd other fine Uines of (Mollis, for Spring smils. AUl gamenîs; ma. UP inilatesi style on shortealu notice. Rsdrimade àMen'a and Boys' 8ults, 8 enlt'Furniahing ena# Underc1oth1 ng of ail Kindeà. HIATSI1 HATS!1 HATSý! Lateust yles in Haand Bf Pol Hate VERY-OHEÂP. JOHN -FERGIUSON, DIRECT CONNECTIONS The Commercl G-'able Go.e The Blt éoe& OQhio TetCO., The Posta'Telegraph Go. .And aU ol. 'lgql in To se'oureý,prompb djapatcb, use tbe .P.By' 0e, Telegraph. OFFICE in Biehar49on"- BIoù, noire Market Square. Ortlers bûken for ceai, Saitt, Gypsum Waberlime, &c., for The- Rathuru Oô. A large quantity1 Land'Plaster' éni Sit on. baid, Liî'p «- ndC ad1in-~l Barrels = aDsge, al th lb.best qualibt Énu, linmrc v. e~~ . a4:f u ant 75 ÂGKNT. London and Lanc a8hire LifeCompany., This Company issues every desirable form of Life poicy, and h"~ depoaited wiÀ théb Receiver Generali in approýved Catadiau securities over 8100.00 for each $100.00 of liabiiity, thus affording Â%BSOLUTWR se- curity. Parties desirouof aasuring Iheir liries wifl find il bo their advantage tb consuit the undersigntd before assur]*ng, elsewbiere. JOHN FÂRQUHÂBSON, 1WMby, May I8Bý86. -ly . P-Ail CONSBER OUR -o0 -ET$h Pli Don' b. ed ny b fi MMu aie utanls b#l eU i TH BRAZILI V ARE: mad 9suefor yourseves tiwe anre elig Orokiry, =à:,<o un=der«cou, for Cah or PWouc. -White-- Tmiee,&!~. $2,00 pur sel, HRandsome OoloredTua Sous. 44'pieoes, sl Fine China 4Tea Sella,44 piocos, ai 4.50 pur è e Boxfù OupandSacer a 25.,coh>edDinner 8etts.koýc4?.0 oredohiaote# s9 plei oa a$150Qpo er "tl, &û4 1 Glaavae ivi& e«ey week. IReavy <Mas u ubm t Glass GoblelaS OOaipur dozn, Glas ètt a$ naWM«1r8ê1 toms. 1Our-f&Muegrooeoieàan le but a&~s FEROUSON Ge nieral Aitent

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