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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1888, p. 4

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s p s e , s s e ~:I~-'-~v-- k-.- ~ EPORA TNT! The. remainder of our Stock of 'XMA 8 and EW JYEAR'S GOODS!1 AT, AND BELOW00813. Before buying a New Years' Present Ca/I and 8ee us AT TUE MEDIC4L HALL, ONLY Si eo PER ANNUM. Whltby, Frlday, Jan. 6, 1888. Paon every direction bomes the noe that the teuiporance party, or rather prohibition party, bas been badiy de. featsdi inthe. recent municipal eleotions. The. great stronotho[d of th. Gospel-tem- persacle party, Toronto, bas again turn. ed. taita fiurst love sud aIl tbe minor outpeste of the cause haieenseournbod. 1£ did not requine a great many votes te go over in order tha t bis reait inlght b. brougbt about, but the. roeo- lâoa la favor of maiutalnin&t the "eray. tblWni" aot b. doubted or denied. Mou sem dstermined for a whie ys to depe!ud on theu own pov.rs of moral -restralnt. la R.s.h Township, in Uz- bridge, sud in many oter.,places, ths £gbt vs*ed varm. and in evMeryuae vhiskey in moderation hb. Von. Wu doa't prtend £0 knov more about vho the Toronto people should eleet tha ,thi.y do themsolves, but sooriugs*our ides., they Selected .16r Kayor the verut man of thiee.. Sot t Ut. Clarke ie net a man ef sêtrog oharsoer snd .god admi@utra. tire sblilty, but $hat itden't look wolt nori doüIt psy£0srrender aerythiug âa teolty £0 ou. man, leven theugb ho bo a good oue. Thé. trouble lu th. préeet déton c mpsign wau that the *udidst's ras ablity te manage tii. -*a" rotthe oity vau lotumight ef on- tdbsly ltii.b effûo tei different or- to, sisua t tei;r own pet mon. Prymachin. vau for Qisut. wth lbe ,zception ef what deâw.tope, Deoe t.oasued, vile the. gra ro MIton machine vus for r*gpi, audý vw« WOUlbaokodby the mort pmouo.d eformer. Be. "t»«the' rbitonparty sud tb. hite11r oîllug or !gul thoe, "rworinguie quiet, the. ros lu*er.blset the-oltyud tb. botmun ~'Dato., vs. leIo ont cf sigit.Tins 14 la that rings,osud - combinatlon ulme ir es ie mpeoe. ght-ta lb. mniPaloseiuons veut, if lis borne lamimd tisllie trug. tac bturenwhiskey, snd pros M eootly, -but b.tton moral I sud prohibition, or lucthier boes-taiprasoesud probi.] And whe e ose eise telok1 manner u i&s ie héfores. ef ersut part-i« £0 t-heoontest voe Mlon ps.ty ct M. Thee ftc WRIBY TOWN. 1 FOR MAYOR. e LoNG North Ward ...129 Centre "'..... 82 Southi 64 ...........14 BLw 79 75 69 285 228 Mai. fer Long 12. IPOR OOINCMLowR-NOR'H yARD. W. J. Gibson............ 174 Wm. Noble.............. 185 Jerome Scot........... 128 W. El. Crosby............ 78 W. Bobsen.............8 AX Rovland........ 2 CENTRE WÂR. ýW. Burns...... ....... ... E. Hart ....... ......... F. H. Aunes ............ J. Halot ............. W. Hl. Bevol .......... tJOUTUWÂRD. bue. Smith (drovg)... DalWhitney........ Jno. Wlls............ GastQ Fox........ Jue. Smith ufrmor) ... WHITBY TOWNSEIp. lis 93 84 81 68 GRAND PAR&DE OF PRIZI-vjuuugsIN rTU Rille, PRE5NTÈATION 0F7KIDALS TROPRIES A» ERTU!. CATES Or BeteaS. Problsey at 6.80 by lb. tevu elock Refsreq Holiday emtered liepFrain asud moumagglie ios"rm, looked ont upo is es et ofuphurned tac.., propar-, vàloxy te lssung hia doe«lu the grealt spuift uosl t-bat bad engsged the aletonof t li fblie duriug tie"lesm veok. 'Tho etedire. oxplained lih&, hirougb 'presure «.business bf tud, it Ipcgble o £ïitesd lb.e Iffient ezhibiioÏý&ai.-, that tii. champion vwas onhitled tolaold' the. beit with 76 pointe la hie tarer, snd. ho would aek M r. Mathhaeon te Ipomo forward snd recoivo bhis reward. The. burly foi-m of the. Ã"hampion, 'attended> ,by bis henohmen. vas ne soeeson m &king its way lhrougb the owd than, "ail Borne sent forth a rapturour ory And evon the tanks of Tusoany' (Jould scarce forb ar te cheer." Tii. main canvasa of, th. municipal hippodrome vasaigain - filled on Mon. day evening te hear manager Hustom's report, sud te ÃŽles lie nov attractions provid.d for tie eouulng season. >The. manager rogr.tted that ho had been foreed to part with soine et tho old spocialie thàt'bad boon se attractive ini the past, but the. publie demanded some&lklng uow and lho had te comply. Ho badl cai-efuly oonsldered tic com- plainte made agiust his old .ring master, Mr. Long, but feit like tryiug him for &nothor season sud would thoforo ronev hie commission. IHo had nover hail any doubte of lbe fidelity of the ring master's rigbl sud left supportera, Mesure. G. Y. Smith sud Jas. Butledge aud ho would re- tain tbsm sud enlargeoire duties. Amng tbe nov attractions ho had ýboen oompelled te engage, tiiero vote smre Ibat had boau bofore th. public for years sud were wolt knowu, vhilsî others b.d net, se fsr as he vas avare, doue amytbingý to-, merît particular notice. Howerer tifat wsa mattor that resled enlirely vitb the. stock boldere sud- if they voe. ahisfled h. wouid b.. The finIsh public enlertalu meut vould be held on Mondlay even- iug the. l6th iniet *benX, ho trusted the nev attraotionu wouid corne op tethe higbet xpechations, ad"eion frae. After the readingt of the report by tie manager, Mr. Obsu. King an old ,tirae favorite of the. stoclk holders of the hipprodromo vas oalied upon te laka the chair sud put the nov cern bination throngh for a few minute. Ho firsi eiiled upon the Bing Mâster Mayor Long, wbo came forward sud said ho did not ces tl do any bic wing as ho hadu't mucih o biow over, but se ".enougb vas asl good as a toast" ho vas con tont sud wonld do his bout te serve the. stock hoiders faithuliy dur. ing lbe comiug seapon. Mr. Blow fuit about biovod out, but vas prend Le bad stood the race e woil. Ele vas persuaded lhe nov Ring Master vas master of more rings tban ou@. Time veaid show wiehen b. vas correct or net. Left baud supporter Bulledge vas ready toentuer lb. arena for another year sud vould do bis ulmoit le furtiier the interestofet ho Company. H.a-d ual the. uideabov ah O4bsha as try- ing -te rival ns in many vays aud voee nest nov halking cf building a railway and luke Barnum runuing their ovu cars, but tbey ceuld nol put up the $25,000 ueedd. W. had cun ovu railway snd b.d ne ueed te fea r Major Harper vas satisfied vih Mayor Long as Bing Master and vas confident hova net in the. service tf any other combination. Several etfîthe nev men wveput ýbrougb a paoe or Ivo, vben every pet- son appearlng eatisfied ebairman, Ring loed tho peuformanc. J. . athvsn.... 86 JL. Smiti ............. 280 FOR DEPtlyTY.EEVR. Aloi.W.s.......... FeO OUNciLLoas. bue.' WM i...... .884 S. Medland ........9 jO. y1Osde........... g cue. ÃŽ;ud. . 8 Cha. Lnde.........60 1887!e HOLIDAY, 1Ï88 SBASON! TH E WHU0LE WURLD SM.ILESI- la sowilg lhe- fine VAS si R o has over hs )LU -WA TCHE Neigh bors and Friends greet each other with 0COMPLIVIENTS .0F THE -8EA8ON" bDIAMON D WE TOO Tii. favorite lookod pale sud. mach re- ducod lu fiesb, but bis stop vas as firm as over sud bis eyes, save a aliglit discoloring eft he loft, gave no ludicatiend of tho strnggle hoe b.d passed tbrough. Herjook bis honorseanedeatly sud attd. butod his m0cc98s parîly te bis opponeuts lack et practico, and pardtghoei sympstby sud àupport given hlm >Y tho ladies. Ho b.d sbon discovered liaI bie -Oppounnî as net op Ie tbe latelt dodges aud conteuted bluisoif ýivith keepiug hlm aKt arm'e longfrb. Ho ptized the. houer avarded hutu sud would defond the trepby against ail corners. Mn. Smith vas vociferensly called for sund came -forth smiling, ackneviedged his defeal gîacofuily aud attribnted il ho, bis tramnera vie mis. judgod the skilI eft ho champion. Ho was n e the b. boulcondition ah lthe slsnl and"the six day. conteat ratier vinded hum, did net elaim sny fouls but utho mosl unkindost eut et aIl' vas tbat given hlm ou Monday morulng. lI. vas a dfouble-beader'atraig»a from the. #Titme," snd là commonly7 *,led a "Iroar-baek" sàgqîi ulbhhoréï s i.ne safe-guard. Bis iiesd gel t t oiauety and b. vent tle b. aIi. Ho bopsd te b. in bellot condition ait lb. noît anual tournamoutJ Tii. tropby for the seft-glove coutost vas nexI avarded vben Sandy Wilson vas proolaimed an easy vinuer. Ou. vould have thougit that trom the @bout- ing liat foliov.d tie Retèee'. au, peuuoement hhat Pandemouîum laed broken ioee1 50greal vas lhe uproan. Saudy le no spriug chicken sud h. deeply regrothed eho ad oot b.d a stronger oppouent. He iad boom lu training omre lime sud vas jnst spoil- ing for a figbl. Ho bad polisbod off bis; man laut year lu great style, sud b.d boed for big game Ibis year but nous vas fortbooming* "'11 doth amazo me,- A man et my teeble tempir should- Se get th. start of the. majestic venld, And boar the. palm inoe." After tbus soiioquizing Saudy beame sentimental sud began te, speak in termse ofendesjuenl et hie vanqaishecl oppenent, vbo tieroupen rusbed gtei platform sund, iiko David sud Jonathan they foul upon oaci otbers neck sud vept. Tii. kiud.bssrt.d Boferee led thom le a side ost and calied on the vinner lu the Iight veigbl ciase, Mesane. WUiui, Medland aud Calder. Wiilis bobbed op sorenly ; claimed le- bave dravu a bye, aud omsequeully bild net been cailed apen le show ie skill. Bis past record vas kuovu sud hoe vas ready te defend il, viehed a happy Nov Yesr tle&ainad vould lake some imseif. Mr. Medlaud vas re- ceived vith oheers. Ho b.d dem. some tsil fightinq,, sud atruck eut trom the aboulder .very lime, b.doiexst4 kuoek lthe chapi0on t buti. = ~ uld a head- hoped te bm-y lhe hatobet îev, sud hake up the. baok-eav vasu sorry Vipond didn't gir. <Calder su extra dig, vouid have d oue it himssll only iad bis bands tuBleoiking atter is ovu porridge, isd besten lh. record Kt boend toit, vihh -a fev more lsmons voald be able le meet all oomers. Mr. Calder was thaubtul le tb4iman vie tirov liat. iset brick. B.d Il net beejn for tiaI ho veuld ha"e geno under. One voman-stood by hlm, didn't kmov but aie migit hivq knocked Vipoud out. !her.'s the bobta dhors. sud lhe bobtail- ed flai Anud the bobtailed car-7psy rt are But the. voeTboulteu et b otailed lot Io the girl vith the. bobtaffledhair. Sb@ isd sluck te hün sud if 1h voie mot BRIGHT, HAPPY -&ANJ- D P RO0S P E ROU S wp-Whitby Dry NEW Goods Farmers, Thresh-ers, and Mili-Men, Find it to their* advantage and profit to use XM&OUINE OILSO &'Guaranteed not to gum, and will outwear Machine Oils. ÇsTry our Oyliider Oul. It has no- equai. wVhitby, by z o W.BIRYÂN ail other For sale in SONS3., Dundas Street. F3 Y E R Emporium. BURNS' COLIJMN. Noble Deédz. "I Count Ibis tu=r lo b. grandiy true9 L'That a nobl, dels astop tovari&a Gool, Lifting the seul frorn th ennon oa -i To a pur air aud a broader viev. H ov ois no re soedby asu» e b6und*r I.. But w, aidhilaurbywchw ,r~ Promi tie lonely eavtlr te b aiesfs îAnd vo moual lth ilesasmmil, round h* round, This Holiday seamson ea favorite hlm.for lioe gracions actions vici deyelop aSpe.. sons bette: i1sluro; It you vouduo grlovot1true hevàa ealgifa enta, noune-are mr ce thtan- WARM FOOWAE ou maae ings, Lookeý Earrings, - Scarf Pis, -col/ar L 1Vne Plate Table Ware.- fer Sugar, Jelly and Prose Pie, Crumb and Bread -8,B BA R) 0BROOK- 8T., * 1hetbu t> JANUARY 7d,_ LOCAL LAC( WfAT lB GOING ON IN ANI) BUDET F LIVELY OAI BI OIIRONIOLE REM A e~l'a amaflg ye,t An' f .ith iel1 prentj HtAPPY Nov year o 3 î TUE nId year wenh ei the Nov Year came inu Ž'TÉE toboggsn ésid. i _ùi ~lrl sd thi. zp. zip. si --gan eau be heard uight UE ntrance Exaa don vas-more destructi - ~of the youth oftht citj e~xamimation ah Oui- la 147 -candidates but 20 -1 ofthhe alaies.108 wev hletoiy paptr alous. Timm - wvs cb 'OuWielasent wek th Dot nt uppy the -demi noh__ copy foi oursolvi vas sec tortnuahh as tô be wift oof atesPe1 eue lote Ii ofce. advaniiee ah s- time. eilher by malo by lice. W h veY o as -te l auer in-, aràade, bah our mi bear mmmd i a 9 With. l ing OookiA, i f - r- And ail are on Good Terms. SMIL - 4 . a 4 a 167 And wish our inany Friends, the Public generally, and the IPeople of South Ontario in particular, a

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