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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1888, p. 6

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s I £ I * Tk.Oa~eri~'~N.W Xar sâoé oa," WMfo ir o uenlies "Ail rit 2agroed Henry, weesw Âdd.a b th ?tronu of or go o'An~ &stros."faculties vero s4lty impaiod »V)th Addro to,,t -"Oh don't lot bim b. go mad II aieqnantity of champagne ho balfmbib- TueWbibyObrnile, exlaled, a hbror, eolzin o eto-Il o "What'a yen, numbor? J&RI»By lt, 888tIis we4Wbelovod brother sbould actual. lIl Ilook you up es oariy as pou.liko. 1y7 carry out hie throats. 'II witl plead W. can go and haveg l ook ailtb»Rwo How the swift-footed y"ar glide by, -with Mr. Ohaytor, papa-pioad se I and ses Nel sweling il aSl over 1h. And leave us; nay, they liave us flo; have nover pleaded befor, 1 onty Make place. Neit is a grand lady ýnow* -I ATad bbr-s ng iewgov efloaitauh.Henry promise tb do uothing rashly, can tel you!Yo 1 ~eh'- marri- Ahdbrig t viw nw ie o o thngh. ot to commit bimaoîf until ho bas ed a regular Augget ; and hasn'k.- ab W.spoak of the old ear sa dead; heard from ime." becomo jut s scowys e .oid fellow Nay Iis is wrong,Ute years die net Iwl oibm st suo iI"bmof W intLiksevs But' . eid ricli stores of living bread, b.I r. el bim t sr Noîllau h elb W idn t k h #A The bea which yielde ne food for thaug4t. h rpled 4BQ urly, Nly, Y s oarp inDtheOld Bye,; nut s ie u have influence onogb ovor yonr bua- ont on whicb-ide ber bread vas butter. Thon, let ns tako with reverence due band-" The bread the paasing years h ave brouglt, ; hv " hi t b ~ And from theold, and from the new,'I av oue," seinterrupted ; bnt sTel me all about it ta morrowi, Alike draw nourishment for thoaghl. I'will do my bout 10 indue. him for said Mr. Eliitt.a tbis timo bo ovorlook any fancied "«Thore'. notbing to tell," persiotedlI 0f thie 1 vill net give yen. more; offenses of Henry'e." "'The hale larger than the bore, Henry ; 'Ioniy Neil thonght bis money, That's very likely what you'd say; Jus$ thon Henry himmeif came in, would bny ber &il @ho wanted ; nd We ll. don't expect too much I pray. drossed as well and as fu4eionably as sthe'sjust as prond nov as evor se.can Fra but a Carrier Boy, at best, if ho had a handeomo balance athe o" A fiedghli ~pooL out of neet baisr'g . Eio atdt on oe '«Ma e a ilk prse frm "Juer. et the vory porson I wanted t Heury's remarke bad pained hlm ini. Bo take me as you find mýe please seo 1" b. exciaioeed, on peroeiving hie expressibly. Ho aimoot regretted bav. And speed me on with frierxdiy brteze. aister. "This je a nice kete of flab, ing renewed bis 'cuitne and ho The record of the year gone by isn'L it, NeIl ? 1 beliove things would tnrned away wi tba feing on itte To read in full I need noet try hbave been botter if ybu had stock out contempt for over havin hbail the, weak- The " Chronicle " the tale has tuld againht marring that old ekin-flint after noils ta monrn ovel' Helen's faloeeose. 0f mnany mutters, new and. otd ail! It etrikes me vo are ont of Lhe Evidently sbe had doue it for ber own 0how greati men have made great speeches frying-pan and into the fire." Balte, for there were no oigne ai povorty And bow O'Brienulest hie breechea; Helen grew vory pale at bis word ; abont Helen ; ho iaaked praeperity it- &e'd had a greater boss before ; On sterling for aur peuceful shore but abscoantrolled hersoif snfficiéntly self as b. Bat diepenaing 'ail sortse o Ris sse of docency vas lest, to provont tlb. anguisihed repiy that 'tuxuries ta bis gne@se. A fact ho found ont ta hbie cost. rose ibootaiyt ber paie lipsq.Her did not notice when be left Fortrehat, n William vntheause;'IIknov notbugt, so esaid-<'nolh. lbe rooe ; ho vau enjoying himeolf boa FoTisareftian onigloamewtauseing boyond the faeî thal yon and Mr. tborougbiy t. ho aware ot what vas When pot cries "biack.face " ta the kettie. Obaytor have quarreiiod." pasoîng. Bnt tbe feant came te an end, l'Il j net be saun on Irishi woes; "I should Lbmuk, vo have," reopond. endbho icished bis- evening's amuge. Wbu's right; vho'e vrong anc hardly kuowe. ed Honry. "I dety any an. bo live mentby goio gob ane of tbe thoattsýý The Pope himseli seemns eomewbat puzaied, wiîb him. I'd rather swesp s cross- roîurning to bis fathor'. bodginge, long 1 think the pres honld neot be muzzied ing than enter bis' office again. Hie in- after midnight. A iigbt was burning Uniess for very p'rssing cause, Or dangerous breach of wbolesome lave. soeuce ta me s sau't b. repeated ; in tbhe ittiag room-be notioed &bat be.. baiking ta me as if I veft dieu, betow fore ho entered. "Let Friendshi p, Love, and Truth " prevail, hie feet 1' 4I anesto o e oey And Justice hold an even ecale "Thon I need DnI intorcode for h bo' atu o eIhp, 'Twixt mani and man the wide vorbd aver; o ' adRho 'I acedtee eaid ta bitueel-for Henry, with al Then, you and 1 wouid ive in clover; ' yu ?" aid elcen, Ieudfand'tsr bis fanits, bis selfishnes,, and foliy, Tou'd give yonr Carrier Boy a dollar,' a ee"'9miudrsadn, was fond of bis father after a fashion of And make the urchin lsugh und bolier; samelhing that ce nid be patcbed op. bis awn. "How oouid b. boa fooliis?" Bie heart woubd blaze witb putriot fire; 0 Henry 1 for my sake dan't be prond i Thon ho pot Lbe iatcb-koy imb thb. Bih wonld the flame arise. and higher, If yau quarrel witbhlm, ho wiul try to key-hule as steadily as ho conid ; but, lildr1fleeh je heir to many ills, part us. Icudba anytbing bte before be bad tnrved iL in Lbe look, Give me in hite " the golden men" thau that, Tbink il over quîetly, and, sm aefroua vithin opened Lbe 'Tis alil [vant; God isave the Queen 1 if you have been wrong, ovu iL and lot doeor.Inae issse eln rse LekSs.. and (iiad. and Bright and Par. thioge como right again."1Ml nbrbu hiig aibrfc And all the reet vage constant var, But EHonry vas deaf i. ber entre -s. i"l in lber i hir stin, berfae And fiht their issues ta an end, ies. Ho introncbod himeoif in wbat deadby pai, be artbaie loaorngd The Rigbt and Truc may God defend. ho cancivd l o be sel*o egp ct, but lkavi si g o a s sh eas . 8 n h e l ooin But whiat ut aur great Fisheries mater, vbat realiy vas notbing but the sheereut1 Toqut whioh tbere's still snch noisy clatter? rd.w . Wil1 Yankee bluster, vin the day ?prd.a. Or viii vo hkely geL fuir play? "Don't Ibink bis is tb. oniy office I (To b. coniiiss,6d neti weelc.) WiIl crafty Joseph Chaniberiai eau geL intu in London," b. remarked ; Peast th. great eagle ail in vain? 4'l daro say lots wonid ho glad to bave O . there char in lord ly dih me, but I don't moau ta stiàck at a A8lo4y Am.AF Te stay its oraving for our fleh ?dek b."-ofTm. . " Orviite aeaigvead uofor ter fmy life. . uTe sbot'5 Often theresult of "bad blodiafumilv Orsaisfatr au o i madû. Ling I oan do 1.10 o migrate and re- community, but nowhere le bcd blood mare A saîafctor bus unke ave on Il o tu."'destructiv, of bappiziese and health than Lu For sotboment of ail the trouble ? 1e.YQai fm. hohuznan ieyotem. Wben the life ourrent Fetch pipe and suds l'Il biow a bubbl, Yen don't mean me b a migatae la fui and sluggush with inxpnritiea' and is Tbere's for mare fnn in doiug that, witlh yen, I hope," inborrpt.d Mr. slowly dihribnîlng its poisons te evsry part = f n~te decide whut'e vhat Kry ;"nmywa sa Itr 1ho body, thse peril t-elg uli Il d whD, h. Iuno e litte lotlIyunufit for snob a Ling." as iminnent. Bariy symptans are duit sud QItdoeinaiosnt ejtorhbi't.i a;"hIn.N el o fe rwyfeelings, severe headaches, coated . O f f o r e g n n t i o n n o u h t l I l g y ; 4 0 b n ô . N e ;l v o u ll o n g u et r =p o on a p p e t i t e , i n d i g e s t i o n s nd We'l bus oa thos sane therda ou, and I sbould maako moaey eaougb general bailudo. Delay an treatant aay Ne ,toaspt me.not, I von'î bbouanirl o10send home go keepyoucocmforbabiy." nalt.mabsrosconoequence. Don' et&iokown tb. Orovu Prince'. thost "If youtade enougla b ke.p yenr - let disosgel a slrong hold an your cou- Migat catch <EptNrA, v ho kuov ? e"If, 1 sbould b. salisfied," neptied Mr. labutioas, ba ireai younraoL by using Dr. W6od wsh ors faotogretes fos ? MarynfÏely.Piene's Golden Mediaul Discovcry, snd ho Wha'd vh -res onftlaangreeat n fa & ? Kartyn fobi a Il ap, roetoned tb0the blessig of hcalth. 0AU 7 Tlerenu bsongreat calamiy t.4tc An naysympatisollo tsar said Helpn, su4deaiy. "Henry, yau A baby was sbd for one dollar at Chats. an( au e le cheik of the putbyear. oea duty gous hetb. If you cabi vanth latbfair day, a vonlby fiuer and atU briug yoursolf t10 makojî op villa)Er. hie vif. e ,im% Usepunçbsou. o Our Town in hri "*ý-wha con doubt il? Oh,1 t.» --- Our< o dd _yJalr aott abr1fleh ýlDr.Shd'mato k«sfairnshow,, tdeaeLndoi;k WmgasI eaf A8u.a o. cas.q u J. o TL " B~kX.--Uil ig, p bhey go. vali help pou-.pou kaov lbt,"FrdlcWie,.MnenOtmue. fo 'We hope lh. fouzsdry w iiiberunning, "You baven'îsbeu no viilin a 1mb..ad"tihbrunningseneM on bolh lepswhieh ha 50 I'v been oîd ;ns; iy, reorld Heur. "l'yebboa$ otIphysicibus foil.4 l e. v ly,"rotrte Hery. 111ve «à,ýn O botlo.01urdock Biood'Bittons urodT lainoA c' ButI uuelbase, liegebengaal. uefi for vaut of a few pounde." oUqmiolely. Bcnofnl lvâ det@ b.d « etèe a AsIt" ilU? "Wbioh I bave Dot bad 10 give yeu," sebca, iacurable whsu lmel Inafl wuiIt _ xay, all lbe couelry kaeowsn igjst "Il ciaoreturued, hiton7 <I *cn441d . BIR vuas aa L.omaP1'--of, t e l tý ft. ty e!oedf S mee l=. W str P[4 llwg olio aye-- 16-5sesedao!a lc A, ..* I- ..oli ýzoewi gens;, Md .ý" toit~ vitlHeury upoeit.h "Nlga0. 'i lblak ibe etabas glven - brgbt,": conaladodth idSi ldmi'mro folY.6"Ti8 bo ýupest mea bit, *.esr." Andit,ë drcv frot bis poe Faces asyeliov as that of thse «Ht chbines," in conseqssence ai bilein the grov fair and vholesaus..Iookizig hben Norhop & Lyman's Vegetablo covery and great; blood punifer in ni relax aosipated hovelesuad expe bilions poison froan the circulation.1 matie-anil biood impunlties dnuven ont digestion reetored, and the systean bon ln oveny vay by ils use. Mn, Parnell vent over ta Dublin Tue A Realby Good Traveliing Compan Penny Davis' Pain-KlIter, A- Papal enayolical ta Lhe Bs, Bishap complains that the State hua kept ils part af Lb. conoordal;. YVOUNG MEN suffenng ram lhe off.g I anly evil habits, tho rosit of ignoi or tully, who Sund ttie<nslves weak, non and exhansted ; aiea MIDDLB A GED aud Miiu, who are broken down tram tue off., abuse ur oven-work, and an advanced li the consequencos uf yontlfatl excese, sen and ur.ÂD ZM. V. Lubon'a Treatise on Disi af Men. The book wlll be sent souled tc adda-ess an roceipt of LwuocSestampe. Ad4 U. V. LOBON, 47 Wellilngton St. B., Tarot .ý'AI N-KILLEF 15 RECOMMENqfi BT Pkysicia,u, )dnise-s, issïonarjo Managers of Factories, Wiork-shops, -Plantations, Yuses in Ilospitals, -in short, everiybodr everJtDkere uoho huas evergien it a trial. rÂKEN -JNTER;ALLY MIXED WITII à WINZE GLASS OF FHOT IIILK AND BUGÂR, TT W ILS, BE EOUND* ANEVER FAILINQ CURlE FOR. SUDDEN COLDS, CIIULLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIZCULATION, CRAMýpS, PAINS IN TUE STOMACHI, SUM- MER A-ND BOWEL CONMPL.AINTS, $ORlE TIIROAT ,&c. ÀPPLXED ExrERNALLr, EXPERIENCE HAI% PROVEN IT TUSE MORT EFFECTIVE ANO DBEST 1LISIMENT 0ON EÂRTU lIN ILEMOVING TEPAIN SPRAINS, BiIUISES, RHEUMA. TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTILACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &C. 25cte. per Bottle. Iê Bewmreof Imtationa " .CAIIPBELL4S , TONIO: ELIXIRt Tha agreeabie yeb patno, esa mnis eepeciuil1y udajpted tontIserelef d ue !bat claesof! aisorders tendant upn iwr reduced state v Pal e a s a d'y l it s o te lisat Prompt reuita vli 41ow Its useoi icases ai Sudclen Ex. nation arisiîsg fraîn Loss a or 0d, asIe or Cbrwil>iaDeaaee, anxd- intihe: raknees thut lnvaniubiy- accossssiei ,rooveny frn Waîang revers.No, aaedy wili91 ve more upeedy mreef i 'ppaor Indigestion iLs action on stacabeing tbhateiÏ a gond. u"d- mnxiaes boasie, excitin< ti,. ns t gestion ta action, ai Qeafodng nediateand per-manent reie5f, Tho rnaieproîrbeofuthe different Dinaics hierthe lWrcantains rder ituseful lu Flatulen't Dyapepskz, aà vabuabie remedy for AtgM rpia, î%viaicli seapt la occEnila one 01 àgouity elaracter. N For-Imoveiaed Illood, lIas et "t% ,D ene, y~ alasasam Mn an efetve and certain aUnait. it j .d tise Elixir wii le lu Foyers of a àMalaa-il 1, at vari t ovld reils aoieo. s t se cld oerestorveiMe bei ubnnoavtaiIeeaen&-C-lisaa peifosfo tseabov.umed dis>! pi G fa Foe'Ca. - É s0*i . mlbn nzrac~Po. B. 2 oeis - l>INTER,9 ithe TEB b it, GLagW &à Londion Insurance Co. C-LLZIER, Lefltod cf Great Brftain.- PAPFER oday. Q3APITAL,, 82,500,000. - KALSOMINFI ANNUAL INCOME, $1,5W0,000. -A D- unrian MAXE e-arw Propeny and Dvoing Genera1 House 3net Hanse a SeciaIty. Vs-y loy rates. Easy tem tonfa payaient. Simple poili..«. Nop et@ af vexstias conditions. Prompt ottiement Paper furllIieu f rd rance ai lses ithout discount. Be sure you do a'nd upwai rvous net insu ne until yeu knov aur ternms andl joLia conditions. Enquire af E. B. B. H,&Y- Orders fro)m the cour îet af WARD, aur Go- oral AgonItfon Soth On- atne e eei ari. Office in W itby-Part ai D. Ormis- ten e id ton Ln's Law-Office. A l lettos addessed tae" S O - i s aseLok-Box 78. Whitby P. ., ilI rceive ý 1SO- is 3any M .G .S ihel wofc dres s prom pt attention. Ie id nce-H a ni Co - G. Y S m t ' m v af t. tage, Byron tret, Whitby. 21 Whitby, May 121h, 1887. :IN'SURA NCE! AGENTS!AÀ( RATE S, LOW i 0W READ-Our new N~iSou and Sky; on,1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL i Univers.",; being a fli sanîption ot ail that -i. von LOSSES PAiJD PROMPTLYI Continent af tho Globe, in ~' C ampantes am ng bbc est ias tho vand, waters nd the Starry Heu- suc B a, - tiilling adventures on lan novned discovenies oaithlb. Thse LIVERPOOL, LONDON à GLOBE, exploror ns sal ugo, sudsr The LàNCASHIRBk, - Smna ln evey ealm af bracing lb. strihxng phytical L Thse WATERLOO, and soarts, lias peculiar cbaruci The NORWICH UNIuON, human race, af anmaL,- biu -- including a vivid descniptiai M 0 31-IT E «- -tic, Pacifie and Isidian Oaes Polar Sous, the Monsters -. Local pnivats lundein lu mo ta suil at beautitul seashelis and pl loweet rates, flubes sud dwellers ln tho w remrnarable Oceu currents, W: B. PIRINGLE, vitth ie 1N0TkDY PUBLIC, A.MAZIYG PHENOMBI Whitby. SOLAR AIID kTARRY ]RT HxuvDÂVENkOaT Nana Emnbeiiished vits aven 800 i Liberul terme ta Agents. - OXFORD PUBLISHi T HE WESTERLN BANK 0F 6 5JOUDÂN ST., - TO] CýANA&DA, WHI2BY, ONTBIO. Certificate of Major lia THOMAS DOW, JManager. of VWhitbyv. Whibby, Nov. 7th, 1882. iy-d7-ifl To w/tom il acn cem. This la ta centsty that havil -MON EY TO -LOA N ! repaired and use a great vari 0100-00() FUR INVESTNUENT, thul the White Mach2ine ol banke teone ai the Lest mai ON REAL ESTÂTE BCURT« opinion il is a machine thal-W' gel anf ai ordon, and vil set1 At loveat living rates afinltersit. tisnanouet machinesaseuecarh la prevent vear as nsuch a« àMon,yseooud vilain 10 day. of ~ ap-sunhanestly r"ommend lt-ta plicaion. ng a good sud basting sewingz plicatitoi pnrchased ans cf the Wbile'e1 &pply laago, and il givss every satisfaci Wbltb7, pehmuàry 151h, 1880. 9- -1887- Aiben five ycars use af tise W Mnacine in nfmy I caus $500,OOO TO LOAN. the above ounsct a $500 000 TO L AN U moud the.machine au afu At 0 orcent. lai.- anbc rpymcine coule boss fopai ,v,*,4 01 a(usuPaa Madee tasuit borroviens: £ usaam1"Voe«Ver sd Piut Mi scondmantgage ougil. A.M vances made on second morb«ages suan odciepa h c o p ssd te is purhas furmn. >Nc coas eicuirrod in boalisce boU t eceps, n n h rnaking a!pplisatiani to -nme for maney; no ~ltee.; pno, dolay. Pa-rt»-s- payung L ARA hirantesos. mqrtgague honld pply to Sole Agent for lisi District, nie aI once for tover rates sud save money. Write or cal! imnémdlately for parllculars. 9E R EYTNOLDS, y2 20 Adelado Street aut, Tornt. J n TJ M C DecoratQ,,' trds, intry pronl4" 'd*oor Southe& ce, Whîîby. S EN TSj1ý w book, "a Murvels cf ulhiî and grapbie dé,-, nderful lin evem sn the volend 6ve, contin,< nid and se, iM ivorld's greategý -emankubîlie. tf nature. Ejà. ai foutureà of lix, etenistics of lus rdi, insects, etil, :In o1 the Atla.~ uane, and of th L i ofthe Deei, lIants, sinugua2 wanld o ue 8, etc., togetLe VA OPFTHR 8 YSIrE21 li:nop, D.D., Lue olgnavjng. ING CO. -ONTO, OINT. mrer, Eq>- ing examinod, ,ity ai Sewing lie canclin Idby L. Fuir. as in_ My wii . al easiiy nich longer asbeen takea a Possible. I nomne Msoniu etion. Wisite Seving, fuily endonse T AGENTSNELAI1 sud 48 Fent Slnet e, T&eBogel sain Needs Pcae A~,,~Senai 95,Coinw. e nostior repiy. Don'twonr If Ouoomvlopmentï Write 0 t.M.Ovy Welilgten Street In Daoqrella, Rlook lb,' gour FURI/TUIE I DRÂW1~~<Q ~~QQM I~T8~, I~hf~ &ILA s.. - @ee.1~ i b. tise -70eu, papa; -- p - 'K: -V e - - e e- fi & 4 à a 1, ýl SPEoingNâ- EOK BEIGETON. -utho ribies have et-lasI sue.i itung Lb. principal Perpe a -sénies of crimes vbicb du -'I Ibre.. mouIse bave added lta Brigh10n'5 unhaby rop lawiossne55- In the ou -crmminal 0' *rt, an Tnesdayl of Ralph Clifton and G.i tise former 23 and the latte n gw:s onc1ual;d.1 --that on bbc lSth of Decembi 1 ibag'e aiBrightoni, they io 'tilybreak imb Lheb.hop aif ;w'ýrauy,0 aud therein. did feionic ~t4 uantity of boots and ai .Th&,evidonce Abowed that on the ":Of t1ýe bungzlary they atten&od a '1 "* Brighston. After the show, lunchàed st Sas. A. Keliey's, whore Slaid, Iheir _plans for bnoa.king ~'ypn'si ehop. About 1 o'clocek OOmMnnced operations. Walt b ithe155shop vitS a poker,% - Olilenon semained on thse -sidewalk - ide,.. Haviug bAgged a large qne of boots, eoes, éverebosand nnb lhey w ent dawn ta an aid storeh t o th1e G. T. R. and waited 1 freight train going weet. When' 4aa lang they jtunped on board rôde La Coiborue, whenco, about break they praceeded ta a bouse ýpied by Elizabeth Young, Eusily - so and Annie Drinkwater, situait - -; sàhant distance nntis af tisa vi Fortunately for Mr. Wynu, ho go track of the thiaves belons thdy lima ta dispose.ofi their plunder, vWîhen arrested - tise bou&i and ver. fonnd in their possession atL 'both Youug's hanse. At the trial donied bliat ho dbraken it sbOop and dcci thËit be va 'dnnnk tL u n hu a ything abou 4kr uglary Ile eaid that Clifton ha tthe boots ta him after he (Olifton e tobern tisen. Hie faonon said Lb â ould ual accept Wult's stuteme oreditabe,-ail thse circumiltancee ed ta him as an ai6oumplice i -febany viLS wbioh ho vus ch Olitton was ubso arranged on au mgent, cisarging tisat on the i1 Î ov. last, in the village ai Bnighs ý'id malicioueiy and toloniousby -'1 si0 fame shop and stureisoue -4property af Miss L. E. Singoeton edeswilt remember thatc nagisfth 1hl8th uit., B-righsto visted by a great fine, vhich e -doalroyed the eaetern sud aifLiai Mses Part ai the IoWwn, ownsd chi r8ioffProctor and Ira B. -1 Th- '1e etartiing etory oai.hov Lb 1 jî-originsted came on u t ise &on Tnesday lest, and illua dosperale viekeduese ai smre rt-arts. The stary, as ld' iY. 1eudiarieg bheméebves at thei Clifjîtîon for arsan la iu mubsea 44ollows :-About two weeabei -'ýr r. Lak place, Watt mot O011 ~ Staplolanslvery stiable, where, Y~5at that ins. emplayed. N -- ei. CUitais if ho knew boy the] -~momef monse Inlureply - - otiu*b, Olitton, wbho il seeme -e hàbitof i-taking Wali.t _ê douce, tlid bim Ibal Jas. A. 'ad.-Ofiered hlm, monoy te Il ramn. MoDon4ld, a- rival- bote t he block ot-bnibdinge Ihutv arde lu the confagratiou; - elly did neal vaut bisefieeta tshIe vind vas blowing f -. ortb. lu 1he c'ourse of theo

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