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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 2

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t e. Stoleuftom Our' Bichanges. à large number of ladies voled M thie Tb*e-Timescomplains cf a couple of] well draesed tommies who use bad lau. guageonouthe streetsefthIia town. lu s siootlng match laut weok Mr. Stratheru ci Ibis towu made 49 eut cf a possible 50 ou lbe Standard Arneriosu targot. Thus beah. lhe wved'. record. Oharlie Gaudaur, brother cf Jake Gaudaur, sud Lang, cf Cincinalti, O., had bogue wrestliug match her. lait week, lu vhicb Lang allowod Charlie to throw bina. Gaudaur at once chai- langed snyene, eithea lu the. hall or outaido, te vrostlo or box witb bina for big money. Il wua a fake te catch local #ports, bat il fsiled. The man vie visited lie Timtes office with s bongthy poem, entilled "0ouch- libn in lua omevstorna," vas aken in band by the. fighliug editer snd hie ro- mains@ounsigned tote ehsbarrel. A. union station ruilvsy depot hoa. been ereoed noar tie "diaood." It îe a shshely building cf the Osuadisu baok voodW styl of arob.cture, sud if -a eralupirpoe,--li i b. a very pooilresort for tramp vin tie trmmp- ing seatou re-opens. As Booth's hearse wu returuiug frona 'thie funeral cf 1Mr. G. H. Hal' cbild, lait Mouday moruiug, the honses became alar.ed ast ometbutag sud ran awsy dsmaging th.e ostly vehiole te th. ex- lent cf ;vonty dollars. Both sidea of lie hearse voe smasbed in. Tbe teana b.lougod te 1Mr. D. M. MoKulay, our wellkuovu îivery mon, snd wsre asught befere tboy bad-donesany further damage. W. have beard onsoidérable about lie smslgamatioa of the Grand Trunk aud Northern railvays- of lite, and ho 1.11 the truth have, s the westerner vould esy, "Iput very litIle stock ini tii malte!." Although the Barrie papers for th. paît mouih have contained little *Ise besido verbose articles on thé, ina liai pluce, wishcd-for conmsrmmaIion, vo do net thiuk there is sufficient foun. dation iu théeruroru Ihal tare goingl th. rounds, te make them wortby cf more than a passiug notice. The data for the rumor lu seaut -sud worthless. W.e, ail &li-e -faste of thibe ae hen vosamy liaI, lie -North iiou not iin ovsr-bemlthy condition ; Ibal Borne lime o itadireetorahe made mn attempt ho tl lie road ho lie 0C P. R., that the. latter corporation oeusidered lb. prie. maked$ absurd, and, sud Ihstalsimilar offer hau been made tb. Grand Trank. If lie road la sold, Il te likeiy liai the 0. P. E. vill ashow îte rival, the Grand Trunk, lie ooveled eonueotiug linkP 16 e enorely a mather cf dollars aud tsento.,sud the Pasifis in vithont doubt the veahier road of lb. lvo.-Tiu (Orou.#1mi utILit uok.)- Mr. N.d Barotb.d lie miafortune to break b ub eev*hileasslsting lu lie movlng of a building.. The fracture la à vsry aevere eue sud viii probably kep , Wm liln bitdWfor a onilderable Thé. anunal shool Meeting vas not Toryveil thendd on Wedneodzy the. 28si, 1nedoubt oniassonni cf tb. lu- el.meuuy cf the veslior. The usuai weu$Me of business vas saifaoeniy thlrongh. The. retiring Truate. Fîo est q. being re-eloc"e bM a -ma -o1n-foP--u- herIL eA. ligi lulet a sore. vas p 1 b. aff4e andiiigeai log frein. Wednesday ItMaret.[Tic Mlcof lie tii *Bd.Itmtigexpoutnigfothis important subjeot. Witheut goiug t'O psrtiolus w. muet amy thst the rever- end gentleman well deserved the bearty vote of thankatouded hum et the clos. of bie addres. COUS" JwUs's CRIINSL COoURT.- Ou Fridsy liselJudge Beuson tried Fred- Rile7 on a char»ge ot sesling a quantity of proviuic»is from the Brtuswick bouse, Ooiborue. Hir>houerfouad the prisoner guilty and sentenood him to beeoonfioed in the common goal for two moulin. Ou Tuesdsy Ralpi Clifton aud George Watt reoeived the sentence of th. court for th. félonies of whioh they were don- victed lsst woek. Clifton wssseulenced to imprisoument in tiie Provincial pene- tentiary for th. period of fit. years sund Wstfor tii period of threo years, Clifton:stick. te hie atory thst ho wste aet $100 from John. A.. Kelly snd, Wat $50 from the Meade te set ùre to, the Singleton building ina Brighton. When Walts tood up - te receive hie sentence ho wept bitterly and blamed Olifton for leading him astray. Hit honor said that on Wal t's own ?'dissions ho was proven tobeb.a participator in Clifton's Crimes. The pies thét ho (Walt) vau innocent white Cliflon wss guitty wua not consistent viii h. evidenco. why, ho ssked, did cet Watt expose <lifton, wben iio mw hlm sterling the. fire. tidsener as ~enou su enoioeea slip of paper. "D1:Mr8lr.-Your nana. vas given le me by idy Confideulial Agent, who said ho thongbl you vua mns lu-a position ta baud). my goods iu safsty, se i ooucluded te write ta yen. If I bave made s a istake do mne ne banna sud 1.1 lb. malter drop. My motte is nover banna a mau wbo as wiliing lu prove hinaseif a fiepd,. My businessisiîDot oxaotly legitimate, but hbe "Green articles" are safe aud profit- able te andie Thé sizea are 81. 2. 85, &8$10. Do yenundcrsland. I canuot be plainer unil I kueit jeu mean huai- ues And if yen concînde te anîver Ibis lsîter, I wiii seudycu full particulars and berme, sud I viii endeavor ho sstisfy yen ou every point liaI if yen are nay faieud, 1 viii pprive a truc and iasting on. le jeu, Romémbor, I vaut sinaply ho cenvinco yen thbt I ama just as 1 ssy, a frieud te a fa'ieud. Wien yen write ho sure sud returu Ibis letter, tien I will bave confidence lu yen. Nover end negistered bittera, as I viii net sigu fer theru, sud b. ure sud send me jour nana. sud poit office addross, ai I may loe.the eue I no* bave, b.- for. bewnn frona yen agin. Trusting liai yu l ake ne offence frona lb. above, I romain, yoursinl confidence." GE.EENWOOD. The election made il livcly hère on lfenday. Mrs Hoskesh of Renfrev is visiting Mr. Wm. Tait. Miss Green of Toronto bas been spending bon bolidmys at home. Misa Moore and lie Misses. Tiomp- son, cf Teronto, spenl Nov Yearsher.. Our energetie miller Mr. Green ha. purcbaeed four cars of Mani"ea vicat., Mr. Joseph Bignal vas appoinled truste. in lie place of Mr. Geo. Gib- son at lbe sohooh-naeeting hast Wednes- day. ý The oburci of Eugland bold thein tes-meeting and concert ou Fniday eve. Jan. th. A. good programeme vil b. provid.d. Il is expectod lier. vil b. a large attendance. In lie reoent outrance examînaticus te higi achool 42 candidates pasaod at Lindsay, 88 at Oskwood, sud sixteen et Omenaco. At thie vatsb.naeoling linte Metiod. lêt churci New Yea'sa ve, Roiv. M. L. Pearson wvase'c.ted w$Êi a gold watob sud ciaiu ansd a -bannorette vith su address printed upon il. Bev. Dr. MoTavii, lu prosohiug on Nov Yoer' day, ssid bo lntended ta vote on Mondsy as hé hmd -preasb.d sud'prayed Ibrongiont thi. year. H. did noa beliove lu preaebing snd pray- ing oee hiug durmng 884 daja *ad vot- lug suother tbing enlihe 885hh day. Me«»n. Loolieran, Catira 4 Mark are &gain ou thein feet aflon lie rasent faia'. lu lie dry goodi buoiness.Tbey bave a nov stock sud lie cli ha. been movei te suothor place by lie sesgne sud ho is sehiig iL. Mr. T. B. ouuingbam cf Ops bas puarobasai lie Herlihey prcperty sud vii ma"i mb Liud*ay. H. 11iienu largo spd inapre thle building for tbe purpos a.anryipg on Ibe bisekumili. "aud, erriago von ,business. Me.eOnu. niegiana la» mn terpnl8log yongns ocf excellent neputatioun sud im aie a veny- desirable addition te pur lca a"r. The brigade vWas pon hand vish 1h. stosanet fid mif saved the. building partWsly1 had been acessible. The. bulli od as s store-bouse for but eggs, sud th. lire migit ha cauaed by incendisritum or,- Liýass about $5W0 eovered by Ii cf 8400 in a Montreal mnui Thos. sesled about the - table Mondsy morning at Mr#.t reaidence iu'the South hall cfl brick tenemont on Ayimer stre surprised at obsswvingsmk igt th. room from their Io departmnente. Hsstily they -fû outrance lhrongh the lookedd the. otb.,aide of the. houmer à th. inleuse emoke haà noMewl ed sway, lhey disceverod -liai pile of etove wood bobina liii steve vas buruing rapidly. '1, T ver. exliuguished, snd thon t of the blaze beosme apparu Bichardeon, Who ocouplies I h#àtfof et l.ouse, iad geneaswi short tfime. snd thât morming ht ors, on cloeing np -lie boumýe, a big fia'. in tbe katohen LItO meassthei.pile cf Wood behlUi bocome iguited, It wuas i osoape from s destructive fire. az teoh e partie. oonoerned a-1 oarefulnoas.It A story somes fro M t4 ýaé <>1 lie vsnd had beau miq, a '-'thfe persistent teotiug cf a brahnth ule' bands of au enhhueî'isabo Salmilon Army oidier, "bo "made tir. vokin ring" et tb. Mcmt uusoemly boum -of the. uigbsud merning viti lie -muot meéancholy disoord is bis effane - 4e master a number of ,êrnay lunes. A. certain near nelghbor e rosI vos greelly di.lna'bed' sud ha dehermiued te potl a shoW te the nuisance. Hle equestd lb. oidier te, conflue bis muaical out- burtI. o sessonabl. heurs, but lie racket continued as betoro. Bo ho'pro- oureêd a sinilar instrument cf tenture, sud every moa'ning for a week, begin- ing at four olcock, nain or sbine, mernad- ed bis Salvation Arny fiend fréta lb. rocesses of a large enapty boguheatd, whieb stood enveniéntly near . ie latter'. windov. As the Balva"iuet binâseîf practiscd tli the vee suis' honte. Ibia rude disturbor of hie aluna- bers at 4 a. ma. vas net tih ealostu- ducive ho a refneahed stahe cf lie body. M orniug afttmerniug tie sernade vas kept np until et llut tb. Salvalionlel, exhausted by bis vengetul nolgbbor'a persistance, came le termeansd begged hlm ho deist; sud novthie vieiulty is baunted by a superuahural quiet that sere a blessid relief frona the former seuditica cf cimotio disoord. AiT NA. Mr. O. E. Schneider of Berlin in visit- iug hie mauy friands ber.. Mrs. J. F< -Barkholdet cf Loudon Ont. wasin tevu Tuesday. The. gentry cf Blooninglon veon vou repreeenhed et lie evenlng senvies-lu tie Union ebur.h on Buudsy evenlug. Mr. sud 1fr., Tire&.WHil of Abouftvihepmitu- a-'I Tueedmy. . Mt. Albert Sypiée' sale dld net soe off ou Salnrday as adverUtsen u s- oceunt cf sberay veahier, but vill b. bold Salnrday J auj. 7&b. Again the veddiugt belle are olatberlng ovea' ont burgi. lM. Moody of White. vea vas naarriedte Miss Ratio Stover on Tsesday lait at th. neidense cf 1Mr. Bonj.- Leinau by the. Bey. Dr. ',HWhIof Stouf ville. Ma'. snd Kna. Wna. Fleury of Toronto speut New Yeat's bere. The. lesoiers and officera-ef ont Union' Suuday soheel vero ro-elected by scola- matien on Sanday naorniug hast., The trut.. meeting cf or acicol section Ne. 17 vwu held iluthb. sébool iduse on Weduesday hast. Mr. Bd. Ouif var' abhy filled lie chair vii our vortby teacher 1fr. W. J. Btann s.bed as Secrelary sundas usuel did the pro- ceedinge ugfn asseematis nsuayuàp. iaI mannr. Mn. Dsvid Bankey 'vas elect.d truste. for -the nexitonnm a i place cf Mr. B. Reesor vie reslgaed. Mr. Enus BbSark ef Toroate vas maaniod te MiissLîiae ltercOf -tii towu. Thi eremmony vas penu ed lu Tenonte. Then. are very few mon vie donot prias liemseoa lvala ialug -lie Corect1 lim;; su oncerfal sud (leu" .meehan- lima are devissi le enable lieux le do se.' But lie more dellete a chreexeuxt. is muade, thamore suljeCt 14 bacsto >de. rannimiat. sd unie e ilhkeub alita fôr Infants end Childrens '"Uimtoeisuw"naptedto bliUb ICutoeta cousOolc, Oonapston, t reCOn>mendIt asaauperior toanypresoIpU our t c, Wxhu4B ett.m 19DWnto me'b. ]LÂA.ÂAia, IL D,. IUsWrs ie le,ýâ rm4 t lu" oeOzIodaBtrooklyn, N.Y. InjuiomedicSon TUE CEUTAUR COmPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Businiess Traininig. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP9 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ÂR1THMETIC, BHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING COMMERCIAL LAW, PRACTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Bond for Circular. Address. A Positive Curez .O'DEA, Secret ary. >1' A Painles Cure% -FÂCTS ]FOR MEN C0F ÂLL AGI IDISMASE13 0F MAX. THE GREwIT-ÀU&4ITB JRIrIEREH Marvel eft Haalng. and Kohinoor ef Medicies. therrilbeocommeue.e Wflndiuere«eng, ESO e a Whoar boie <o =1fom ieefecA tabue wllAn=o.SaraiclMur fr ere Who ar brokn àdeblllmthe organtofeabue winlnNory8vitaldisclet erou Srxrexa on wcu e. 8 SUoULD nicwUknssD.-Wa ntae ryvlgo. etce uroe dimes etsihta~rsin e OLDciy, w a oAene, aveiance e! onveraton. d.iiressforsigtdesioesn o s sudiuabihlatoflefid h ent ineofptconvr subteon. éowae frdsliudeprsen espandts, giddiueisfloisho!amterntion onaa lity o! lemperb aper moaorrhoe, dorelos et hoespie, gual fndte sultn fe sél, bexor aift exes-impo mt.ncy. lunr Itono e seîn arrennd-tepaltton o! thé se arihytlerie feeings temale, urmbion, meachtol, distrbeii dreatis, of theare amtom et iiiferiblei babil, otentme înmnoculy, dqurd.i e stc.,e are alot vit foe hintrle s htesofn, evorynncnwne.acluicnsed nceo. Scetinf o vitealfrehé speintedlos otensan lrn nt anbnge i eeoeetaotandthegmuajnty t tawan dlt. hc oreudr hi otc.Itjuaei e g rt r h.arduyofs dutes tbuies1iuaaclte o leonoanus tli. N. frtheéap fons lb. teffsoforyvie0fje r dvno u0erN . -8 g ave eu vio u thegi fynaeboondvpyil u e Ilyfromeryo fllroandli neslbo Igorace ud oll, mudjea adrss auiO oul lustmpea ton M. Vt. theaC Tr "IAs i> ok on oalsusa fVn.SidsdsonefrM. Vbienvaln TddreesU n mBuook slormm l M.V Ld aemN, 4W.M ' S J St.f.roxn ut0 &ddm &wUu I4munaslag eelesiL , 0111478Wei nt*L -~ 1 re lu Entef, AadTo Tho PelaI. - &D.TOUBNED Dysais a dreadful. Disedered liver la malsey. indigestin laa tlbgeod The human dlgssii4e apparausioeeoe the. meut complicatea sud vonderfal Ihinga in existence. Il ina mmyput eut et enter. .Greaayfood, toe gL ,.aleppy food, b.d ookery-junual vonry, late heurs, irregular habiteau ay ether thingi ithici eugbl- net te b., have msdp Jie &monicap people a Isllon ef dyspeptios. But Gneen's Auguat Ployer ha. doue a itendenful work iu reforadng Ibis ai business sud makioxg lie Amoan people se iieally liaI thoe,,au eujoy tloir mes sud boippy. liemmbor:-No bappinos vilieôut heal. But Greo4s ÂuguulFloêven bning healhi sud happlueLa te iedy0 elo. -Agit youn dragglstfonr ote Sruyfv Twceélevatons sud î0,000 bahela of, itheal werebnred st Nov" RoMkord, Dak., lest people are *Pt le set exolbed Wucmaocf u dnsaidenî sd iluu. ItisweUto be for burus .eaIds. n oîm . lamenea na 6SALE 0 F LANDS FOR TAXES. B y 'VIB of e a, vrml =fier lie bhaud et the Wmad.nsud S.ahl' c (3oiporation efthte Couuly cf Onlanie. dle the 4tU, day et September, -1887, î eommand- lig -me tl lvy upon ie ,61lif hoora es llouned tor n anreans !lieinu&ooalei nolise e i etby gve harnlesathé. ad arneana*b ahi ce&e»resooner paidoà tSi.lo>t. qfDeé.nbenL87,i shah, lu cmpline.ý va Ie sesuenhd pnoc.cd lea sell by PUBLIC .&UOTIONIF At lie OOURT nOUgnelûa lie- TOWN 0FýW-HITBY;' WEDNEBDAY 5 âth JAN 1-80#, ])0o yen feOl dii». Ianguld, low-snts,, -ees, and Indescribably misérable, boi th~ cally and .mentally; éxperlence a BI fulles or bloating after eating, or o, ness," or emptineis of stomah in thé tng, loge coated, bitter or bad tae ,Mouth irreglar appetite, dlzzinese, fei beadal ebiurred eyreslght, ùo--g before the eyen. nervous prostration or et haustlon, lrritabllity et temper. hot fli .'- aiternatlng with chili sensations, ns biting transieut pains hère. and there, feét, drowsIness after méals, w akef ulnp. dlsturbéd and unretreshing .1eCOM Indescribable feeling cf dread. or of!me in y av al]Ya, or any considérable Of these symptomes, yeu are sufferin~- that most common cf American Kaal~ Bilious Dyspepela, or Torpld. Livér, associa«,. with Dyspepsie., or Indigestion. ThéenMo% complicatéd your diseaeé as bécome, gréé.ter thé numbér sud diverslty of sYS toms. No matter what stage it bas ée1 Dr. Pierceu Golden Mledical- Dl@ ro v7 will subdue It., If taken according te <lurM tiens for a reasonable length of time. if s cured, complications multiply and ConeW&~ tion of the Lunge, 8kmd Disease, Heart Diefï. Rbeumatlsmn, Kiduey Diséasé, or other gr&" maladies are quite Hiablé te set lu sud, soor* or later, induce a fatal terminatien. Dr. Pieree9'Goldeu4 liedical iIjI& covery acte powerfully upon thé LiveriW through that "et blood-purfrng or8ft, cleanses thé system otailbi d-ta uts sud IJ, purities, troua wbatever cause arisîn. ht eqiually cificaclous lu acting upen theétu neye3, sud other éxcretory orgsus. c1ean strengthening, and bealing théir dIsesses. ý an appétizing, retorative tenie, ituero)mol4 digestion and nutrition, therebybuiding ,1 both flesh and strength. inu marlal dlstrI.k' this wonderful mediclue bas gainédgr oelebrln eu urlng Févéran A ue, ChtirgWw. Fever, umib Ague, sud km tdiseases,. Dr. Plerce'a Golden lledicai 1D1ý covery CURES ALL HUMORS%, trom a common Blotch, or ErupRtion, t10k werst Scrof ula. SaJt-rheum 'l Fever-or, Scafy or Beugh Skin, ln short, ail disemq caued by bad bood are coîîquerdd by tiâ powértu urifylng. and Invig-rmiting me&. ciné. Great Eatiug Uloers rapiu ly heal Un4* Its benigu Influence. Especially bas"it maeg. fested its .potency lu curing Tettrr, Eczegý Erysipélas,4 Bouls. Carbuncles, Sore Eyes. ScMý uleus Sores snd Sweilings, Rip-joint Dase%ý 61White Sweings" Goitre, or Thick Necý and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents igi stamps for a large Treatise, ¶ith- colcial plates, ou 8kmn Diséases, or the same amoug- fer a Treatise ou Serofulous Affections. "iFOR TH1E BLOOD 93S THE LUFL' Thorougbl cleanse i b' using Dr. Piéeetl Golden lkeleIal Dlscovery, and goal digestion, a fair ekin, buoyant spirits, vlW stréngth sud bodlly health will b. establishM - CONSI1WPTON,5 which la Scrofula of the ILunga, le arrm sud cured by thie remiedy, iff taken lr tih earlier stages o! the disés. From its me', velous power ovér thls-terrlbly fatal dise^ whéu first offéring this now world-famed rus. edy to thbeubl, Dr. Pierce theught serie, of cM It b 1h1" UM ON <Cuns, abandond that usme as tee reetrictivée a mèdicine which, from its wendertulcol., binstien et tonte, or strén«théulng, atrtv or blood-cleanslng, suti-billous, fflt=ors, nutritive preperties. le unequa.ed, BotoCIO ai a remedy for Consumptlen, but forai# (3brOfle Dlse4 7ofthCe Lîver, Blood, and Lunes Fof r Wk&L Slttlug cf Blood. Sheri nér ekLi "'oýc NuslC±hBo chitisAstIbmS Severe Cougbs, sund kindr affctins.it auneffiient remedy. Id&bDrugMa, t *1.00, or Six BoMt for al, etiaaa~D.Ie 00 ' D8 gi 1nuranci AT COST.-- auce of New YorIk. Omsadian Goeuoteiait 50,00 Âeeumnlsled- remonte ftind:fye) 815,0 Deati oaim paiê -,dnniog 1884 479ffl Nov buioa . ms,188m, 10, àre dopoaieldwthi the- Central Triua cou pany et-ci or, t rustees oe thle ve Pond. Life Insumanè at lobs tha nhllb ScetfoTrth, E5A'«5ALL PM, wIT HOUSâ lan]BROADWAY. ee litna ngo au ajieOwui lui tht' .Scientiflc Aujerici à time ar , t-i:d'wt h tnion 6st of a C .esponde fit we 2 L th. load"ùg, points iberein: >understafld bew intimstely r h. haman kidneys to tbe -ph th, "Iwe propose, motaphoi king baeone from theo I and place il iu lhe wasl re uta, and examnié it.1 Du will imagine that we bave body shaped like a-bean, si glisteniflg, about tour ic]e ,h, two in width And one in . 'It weighs .li the adult ,ounces. kie body of lha average eizi ains about heu quarts, of blood pof wbicb passes througb ra or eewers, many tiMés aè ýn as through the beart,) mu plete a'evoIltjÃ"f in tbree mi >kidneys take away deadly il frotn 65 gallons of blood eaci tbout 49 barrels esch day, ei shbeaJe a year. - We us; suce this dolicate ergs gthwise, and ronghly deori arior. r. find it t10 b. filled villi hunà le tubes, short and thra-like from lhe areries, èénding in ai bout midway from the e ning int a sac which hol ter to farther undergo puri ,ore il passes ikito the urelerg,i the body. These little tubi ;ers which- do their work su ly, and right ber. the. dise»i Iney firal begina. F'rom the sligbtest irregularit ,ils, frona cold, from bigi )m stimulants or a thousandi herý daily causes, lhey bse thé What is 1h. result?2 GougeE ppage of the ourrent of bloc imli blood vesselB surroundinî ici become blooked ; thei ibe membranes are irritated; ilion ie set up, tien PUe Sla îich collecte ini 1h. sac; the ti firat partially and soon toi le ho do their work.- The sac stendmng witb thia corruption, pou 1h. blood vessel. Al l ýmember, the blood, whichý is e kidnoys le be.filtered, le irougli this terrible disguMt br il cannot take any ohher re It would b. just se reouabl tot contagion if s- pest-ouse eross Broadway and counlol Dao wero oom pelled te go -th salilentAIldoors,ý as fr one-. 69 blood te escap pollution il santly ruinnuifg tha'ough suci à kidney. i Nov, -what la lie resuît ? I i blood lkes up sud, de p~isn1s sai sW pa along i È'gn, inb revry ic f Ms Lesii adonfrom jout heu 0 et. And viihèever, from I 'o etherwi8iionep nsumptionZin vak large,- i ore there -iadecaeso unes, insasnty, -parlysie liâse., in t liewho have wvo a, bad, circulation. jBut,,lie -mediilplrofession tthey cannot cure ai-go" treatýtuei. auifold ~usedby ha prmaryor limit .1- q - - a 4 a 4

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