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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 5

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BAR N AR1D J£ Efhcving lie flnut lie has over ha& GOLD WA TCHE3, CHA INS. DIAMOND Rings, Lookets, Brooches, ýEarrin gs, Scar[ Pins, Collar Buttons :Fine Plate Table War.-Odd Spoons for Suzar, Jely and Preserves. Fruit, Pie, Crumnb and Bread Knives. J.r 8e BA RNA RD BROOK ST., WHITBY. ~XIjitb~ QJlljnrnick JANUARY l3th, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS, IIUT 18 t3OING ON IN AND AROUND TOWN- BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANED ~CHRONICLE REPORTER8 3CQLUMN. oble Deeda. ~hirg ho b. granadly ti-ue s deed i e p t.owards G13o (rom 1he coininn sod r sud a broader ve*. -eachsd by asingle boua'! theiladden by wbich weris% ,earth ta lb. vaulte'! skies; ut ta its aummit, round b#: season i.s af avorite lime fatý notions whîch dcvlop a Pa. are. If you woud ecqoysa - piness, besîow a usef<qî glf ïIed. A mongi Usefai prus. i ore acceptable than F00 TWARiE",I ug fl u s o e t b c :a gp ai r 01 fo u re8 r cSehnîcgepacofoa care aIgo u eh admire'!. xehbegmningh I 1, toi the glad refrain, Id éorrow and aider glu'. ~the day and begiandpla a pari of forever, sheaf wilici Go'!balgT and sad days, and bâl orwth ther bloomoo4 Suushtne or sorrovtrmli 'we eannot relieve Il lId cau Dot atone ; fcex ve, forgrve le ýys are aur <>wi Î ta day ahane. h beginncng, le, o rid rn4de nov; ýof sorrow aud siin Uti hope for yo- Ia hlope for >an. rcd &Il of aur u RURY C [R ÂTU MOTIIERS URKU IT1 CHILDREN UqO LIVER ectmfMNe,. Biuous A4MOF~s~ i g e -A A abel'is amaug Ys, takhi notea. An' f ait bie'll preat il. Tic Womn's Chistian Tempersoe. union are plesssd viti su in- oroasing attendancesaI tho Readiug Boom. A friand in Toronto a fermer rosi- dent of Whitby, bas sent a large box cf bocks sud magazines. "Who viii con- tribut. s bookease to, hoid tem ? The ladies are vcny grateful W sedi- bots sud cher frieuda vie bave con- ributed magazinesansd peiodioasa Iis jean. , Hov many pernons bave saked thons- oelves Ibis question ? Wial eau I do éo ielp tie W. 0. T. U . Free Reading Boom. A large parcsîof peniodicals bai bea fotvarded W M ra. Sbortreed Toronto, for distribution aruoug lie lumbermen. Mn. Geo. Boîter'!, the great e-e tionisI. la go give Ivo ulgits bere'on tlb lnad drd of Feb., nadir lb. ans- pices of lie cricket club. Tuc municipal shotions lu Uxbnidge tovu vaied se bol en Mouday veel liaI lie lova odock etopped sbow eleven o'clook, sud refused te go unti Mr. PLilip Taylor. jevelen, of ti tova. vont eut sudeset it off again. McuB&ias cf lie Seti Ontario Agri oulianal Society shouid bear lu mini liaI tie annual melioR takes place ii tie oouacil chamnber bers ou Wedaes day ueit aI 1 o'ook p. m. Lel lien b. a large attendanos. W. J. UNDEîtwooD, pietograpier wishes te maisespecial annoneemen about enlargemeat of piolunes. Peopl ars ntte give their erders le agent for elîber enlarging, crayon voni bremid werk, or pioturcu lu Indie ink, until liey hsve iret visitod i gallsry and lbanne'! bis piaes. Crajo, vork a speialty. GRAND CàaNivÂL. The fret grau opening cannival vii ho icldlu tieune, sud maigaificeut Skating and Carlin Rink, Oshawa, tbis evenaiag, Januai 18:ih. This faucy drees carnival viii i oue of the grandest spectacles evcr vi uessed lu tii. section. A baudg music viii be preseut, sud valub] prizes viii ha offersd for costume ski ors, etc. Seo lange bille for partlas aud doa't, forgel lie dala-Fidi Jsuuanj 13th. SuazLy the publie viii forgive us w. putlîsh lbe followlng fiAtteris refereuce-te oun-selves frntm uold su soniber, Mtr. G. J. Hoyle, Osunminglo -1FIttery je net vielceome, for pé veak bumanily, as a raie »àd can b. safely spplied te E!litote, but lu su iagunader jour mauàgsment 11I CuiuiOLE" le a fan auperilor seet tlb st suy lime duning ils previoe hisbc la bat-& fait and iotiist sekuovleds ment ot ite oecnils. WIshlug yen, t socesaeu ondaserve sud s happy'Si Tu. Whitby toboggéex .1mb ba"a o oeet th lb. iikepî seildes inathe s I auluion Ibis vinisi. Cake ofle.ic1 luches tlick re Tl'aildli- vy thecobuteautw meài tk0olid it vay cf perfeot, suaothue s endlug -1 woog i vilipA$ly iuer.eld - -ovr.lait year clowntrA sbt.raiglat «se-thle dlbehin theb. rt1a«. Ou A uçre of n.w t,! uIl I.UUN.. UagugKo .11 *nainlu 1 Bt a *'rrlaut vek v. siatel -3no. j, Wiiiia vwu .leot.d al4ùrn nfor -1he. South Wsrd luateaof lames Wliia.ff DoN.-? forget the Oshawa skating carnlvailo-night. Notios in another H ,olumn. foi W. understand BosBron. eontem- 1 plate starting a braueh of their dry ~ good business aI Orono. TRit attention of the farming oom-ca Bmunity le oailed to th. meeting of theof South Ontario Farmer'a Insititute Ibis afternoon and to-merrov all day. à grand aseoebly aud mupper i. te b. held in tbe muaie hall about th. l5th of February. Invitations are to be sent to Torouto, Oshawa, Bowman* PI ville, Fort Ferry aud Umbridge. e W. se Mr. Jas. Lawler, laie of this towu but st pressaI, writing for the W4 Brantford Telegrcsr, is boomiug as noted writer on agrionitural questions. H.e oarried off the second prise given Di by the Farmor'e .ddvocate rsoently, for be essaya on "Cattie Feeding." W.-will oC publish the essay neitt week. TRI Whitby Presbytery will meet in re St. Andre w's cburoh on Tnesday Ii morning. In the afternoon the Presby. M terial annual meeting of the W. F. M. et S. of Ibis distriot .wilt be beld, wben Mrs. Goforth will adreeslb. ladies in el the eveninqr the Rev. Mfr. Goforth vill le lecture on Foreign Minsions. i TRic town people are generally invit- I cd to the reosption to be acoorded tb. members of the South Ontario Farmer's Inatitate in the. musio hall to-nigbt, Fniday. A good programme bas been si arranged and aIl are veloome. Tara ti out aud givo the farmoe a ronsing ne- ception. t The Bowmauville Stat4smme and Sun, are having a bit of a fuso. Botb parties te mach wordy exhibitions rj generally corne ont of it bespattered witb mad, wbile the public turne up ils noue in contempt. Very fev in this vend eau show Ivo desan sde. W. advise tisse jeuroals te ksep their private biokering te thbemiselves. Tuas foliowingz officers cf Wbftby1 lodge, A. O. U. W. No. 27, voesduly installed by G. M. W., Bro. H. B. Tay.r lor or- Mouday evening iast :-Geo. Burdett, M. W., D. Ormiston, P. M. W. ; John H[allett, F. ; Jobn Smitb O. ; F. Mudge, recorder ; A. M. Rosa. financier ; E. Stephenso, receiver ; G. Ayres, G.;W. B. Foy, I. W. ; S. Fra.ser 0. W.; W. R. Rowae, truste. ALL but one cf the defested tovu connilora defaultcd eI îAe meeting on Tueeday evening. A batcb of busi- nes vii b. lefs as a lsgaey for the new couneil wbicb meets on Monday neal. f I vill serve for lhe new men te break .themselves in on before they tachie their ovu year'a vork.. Those vie cf -the new men attended on Tuesday .night tb gel s few pointers ver. dis- sappointed. à Lire A.gricultural Paper. ",The î-Farmaes Adyccate," cf London., Ont., ou ibefer. us. lis i. v. e cualder. equal W auj myagnieultaral paper publiahed in &morio&. Il la a fearlesa sud outapoken a journal upon ail #ubjecte afeeoiug lb. intereasecf lhé farmer. snd i. full of valuable information upon aIl aiiel- tarai aubjeoteI; mach issue cealua prao- e îlan sd usefal illustrations. It ilaa journal vbich aIl Ganadian farmera siould be proud cf. TRIeBau.. TaLapnOb#I CompÂN?. IE, in is Dn iry be ît- le 'I. xe, if ab- mo: &y- o'y t top .the «d4 Lî makiug bis after-election speech Mayor Long sait be b.d au objeclien Wo tiecneunciof laut joar thal il vas toc extravagant. Heaning cf Ibis expressed view on lie Mayor'a part in f aver cf retreacbmout, tie souneilore failed le attend their lasl meeting on Tuesday night, sI wbieh $1iOO it enor- ally graated te the Major. T heir te- treucbmsnt at sucb a eriticail ime caus- ed ever a barrel cf ojeters e b shoeolied up again and pat back jute tie ses, sud a gcod mauy cf nustWgo say empty ae a tjn eau. Perhape some of tics. favor. cd ones Who gel su inuingu aItih cystors may jet propoe the $100 teckel and we maj jet indulge iu th. luxury of a quart or Ivo eaci at Sie Wership-u expense. W. eay be relled upou le devour curhafgio aeo*Y Wi have a letIer, trm -Doninand MeRa., le b.,viaky dateetivea. s4- dreasod ltôh*Potrt i 'Pot- baer. W. don't refuse publication cf Ibis 1,1ý ter beca'use îiey are liquor delectives, for -we. belleve lh.y should bave M poildj abov asi auj eraoneoie., but 1>. osbse ilsis toc lox na d deang vilh lh uttpoanmae a 1paper vboe mor.lear pasl auy earthiy rédemption'. Oni thlng lbey refer t tleict qb is the @ýor about their baling a Bibe. owk u tr$molltte alui lb.Tb.y ci"- l ùôt, aBible il**, nee. did, it, aios lb su the coëldeel ibis rntw go rr. BANJi li te barber ; orulum - cre hued, aeaped asud son ,BL&oK Poelau lamb cpev Wab *niung atcoullthis molh W. G. Walters Use. Dr. Dcrenveud'e Great Gerai air Magie for baiuee.gray bi, îe rsale by ail druggisb;.. Misuq'ssud youti'e overcoateStIgreally iuoseipnices oit W. G. Wallone. th W. Tbompsoa's, for ojates, cigare et Ludies, ncnîb cf tie Montreal telegraph Eo. Give hlm, a cali. Wanted.-A bey te learu photograpb. g. Apply te W. J. Undervood Sceeor le O'Brien.) Tic Reyal Holel Barber shop in tb. sae W gel s hait out or s nioeeaey Lave. S WîRTE blaukets and re c omforters Po are offeuiug aI coul Ibis veek W. 0. Valters. - Esster Sauday comes ou AUl Fools' )&y Ibis yesr. Pqople viii doubtlesa & îe reated te mauv bogue eggs. Lent ommences Feb. l6th. A parlor social viii h. e id at lhe sidenco of Mrs. Aiez. Ketohen Brook- an tii (Friday) evening in aid of tic Y. F. M. seciety cf lb. Presbjtenisu Liroi. All are veleonae. Se fers tie ceunI bas gene in lie lections fer the nsv ?barmaoy Ccl- age aI Torntao, Mfr. W. R. Hovas, cf rais towvusems tW b. certain cf aiec. àou. A aumber cf yeung people from bore weuI dovu te Oshava on Tueeday ight te patronize hheir zuagaificent- ikatiug rink. They enjoyed a splendid ýie. W. sec by a leading Scotch agrieul. anral paper tiat "*Mars," sire cf Mr. Wm. Jeffery's beanlifal peay, "Dand y," old tires veeke ago fer 200 guineai. This iu big mouey. Pitov. Brovning, gfflrnment lu. eructor for oreamenice toritiie Province of Ontario is tâ deliver a l istructive addressnvon lie @abject si Qshawa on Janaary 2ti. All vie visb pointera &bont Süik sud balter iad bitter attend. No admittance f.. viii be oharged. A fricnd suggeate te ne that lie reason lie oounciiors Pdcl vone net lnvlîed te Major Làoug's ejaler guzîle - on Taesday eveaing, vws becanso Hart sud Scott are eacb big felleve, (and tiers beiug ne $100 W foot tie bill viti.) W. feel greatly cucoun-sged by tb. rapid incecse of the CgitozNciE's cit- culation daning the pust monlb. Aller making up for aIl losties we have over fitty te lie good. W. trust renevala wilI rollunat once. T.atWbitby curling oIubý is doiag good v-irk itie vintmr, sud promisegW do the boat viuter's work on reord. The ileos lei la ood shape under Tony Beason' sakilfal baud sud tbe noiseà made nigblly stifles aIl pai& records lu thiaIliue. Joseph Steveuson, from noar Brcng- bain, vie was .onvietied, at theJDe- eember sessions eof-*ssvlu *sMatlà J100. Hood Jr. viii a shoval, luM'iWb" b. made a very(air attetupt st scalp. iag Rood, appeared before His Hoor Jadgte Burnhaw on Moudsy for sn. taoce, sud vas avarded tie priviloge of ~ yn$5 sud cees-ausoutg iu A Parmers Instituts, vili ho held in tie levu hall, Wbîby. under the aus- pices cf lie South Ontario Fanmoes Lk;"Fruit Groviug," T. Consul ; -Feediug Catti," R. R. bMovbi-ay; "H11ov le Reclsim Etbsusls'd 8ofi" G. H. Ge-lerson ; "Rotation cf Crope," A. Anisi. Dr. MoBnien, ..B. F& w 11, Mr. Emubre., Bey. Mr. Rare, cf lAies cohle, sud othens vili lake partinl tie Fridaýy e,uinit meeting. Th* musical clubi oethle ocliegata Io' elitule have promltad 10 funi.4h plenMy' of monic for.Prdsy evooiuge roep.> lionl. G0D8 FOR?, c, 11E IfOLIDA Y Cini FANOY GOODS DBPÂRTMENTS are brilliant with fié, h Goasiblfr ,WXmas Season. HA.NDKERCIFS-in 811k, Linen, and Fanoy. L~A DIE8'-JERSEYS-in Beaded, Braided, anda-in WOOL SHAWLS-A Beautiful Lot at IJOW PRICES. FANCY WOOL GOODS-Wool Squares, Tam O'Shainters, Hloode, Mitts, GlOveai >a2rfs Bootees, Infantees, Cuifs, &o. 'DRESS GOODS-A Grand Assortment in Black and Colore, Silks, Satins, luel, Birooade Velvets, Fancy- Goods, Drees and Mantie Ornaments, Braids, ad Trimminga. IW' Gents' Fine Ordered Clothing a Speci4ty. Gents' Underwear, Ties, Collars3, Cuifs, Braces, Gloves, &o. F'URS-Ladies' Muifs and Caps, Gents'. Caps, Children s Caps. Buttonst UT assortment of useful Goode, is simply imnmense. 1An idea of the-extent and îtof -our Stock may be -had by a visit to the People's Store. sTE, W RETIRING cJ-LÂSG-OW BIG SALE BUSINESS WAIiEIIOUSEJ,: NOW GOING ONtAT For the next 10 days lie will seil at Sacrifice Prices.- Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cash meres, Grey Flan- nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oit Cloths. Mengs Over- -:. Goats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Lambs'" wool Shirts and Drawers. l Inàl. wool Tweeds we hold -a large variety of Pat-ý terns which must be sold at some price. Don't Buy a Dollars' wortk until you look at -our , took and, get our Price8. R4 & J. M'e 4T Farin Produce takent in Exchantge. DO a~&MmL.LI NOT Until the chilly blua of Winter have frozeidthe NOW S THE TO BU-Y VOUR WARMER Corne and see our unrivalled So Overcoatinge, Pur Caps, Undierweîr, &. o It is-the largeet aud THE t. < le* fi s I I s i I amr. -C FROM iZo

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