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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 7

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)ER H~ -AND-- ouse DO~B led (rom r af upwards, tI ',ultry prorap1 tll>.l to. IMaW office, Whltby. -Our uet' book, 1«<Ba y; or, Marvela o! a full and graphie it is wuuderful in Jlbin the warzi4 LMHeavens, contaJ4 sa o aud sNud se%, Of the worhi'e gri ýPs, and reznarkabio reaixu Of nature.~ gPhyFicai f at1resoti .r characterietica o«J tna, bird3i, inecti, e lescriltion of the Atà d(iAn OceaI1e, and of!>1 àlotters of tii àe-ï J ad plante, amzp A fb the worid cf Wt cuïrrt ute, etc., togot ,<N.OMENA OF THj 'T4BI SSTEMIf8 ,-RT NoexIUxiÀop, D.D, vér 300 flie engrav. ýBLI8HING CO TORONTO, OSf :ajcr Hlarper, EBq that baýing 'examine grelat varett of sewi, Aue to the conclxustu achilne soiti by L. Foi 'Ile that wilU Lot eau I Will last niuch ln 4as care bas been taku 4 Mucb as Possible.' uieuId it Lý parties Wa. -g aewing machai.. e w ite's sonie moni Dry sitiofaction. UAJOR UAIRPB&. 1887- e of the White Sevin Lnily I can fuIly enderg and cau fallyreco as a f aMnily se'wu 'or repairs than am er had anjyîbixg to d chleapeet, and îâ th AIIU3ANKS, eut for tis istrict. -SON too ~Reaidenc...'Cor treet s Fc for dvrj. BMACHINE. OLdî SiOyPo 'SeArea". and JW2!i hoia.*t-Uncoidtote .raïko1 Kothodiss é,hk toa "losdk Iosmto hei hdb h rb1oê a 4y. 11WM4P1 *'rso kill-thit Young voman:erèo im lec.Te or thr ih .lw ck dreeont1 -00tj'*Igbt o0100105 tteiided the vpleWo o00p1500fth. ri. ie" ording ith rf.nominations for sohool tristees n aing off .*1iavtpnJo'l A maryland lady defonde hersel fs,, neho t oai0 ofa1vaIî1 ~ e ize cf her bnuties by uîying thekt Thotiibury peoplté a ie o a the u tif &hugWhitemrn Unie ono. Bibl fo wht ges n XÀs wiobweihed190 Whletstrotion accouaisofthgroîtteeèWaph o ied'ter ssblOfo wîtgo. nbre#atblng. Systemis laCharRed ta the Oniforula- "Cor1ne îlong with me and have 9, lin A hores kiokod W. Wright, cf Allie- woodpookore. Aflor a polo has boon A me,"1 remarkod a policeman ta a min ton, in th. face, on. oye narrowty os- operated upon for a *inter or two" by> e had îrrested. "I'M afraid yon are eîping. these biide il onty takos a fait cf snow  ying te oel mLe," remarked th. prison- Gounterfeit 82 bils are widely car- and' a hich wind te enap enf the hoôney- S olatod. They are of a lighter green combod portions; then dowu Cortai & Piper ie now lergely useed in making tIbm the gonuine. wires ta tbe ground. This does not 'A BpOci iffius. Thiisacoofute for the enor- Grand Valley je considoring the ad. oflen happer becanme th.e cnstruction. nu circuilationl of smorn f or daity visabiity cf bonusing or making a 1oi department of the.'Western Union la' ontetlpOrries 10 I~iimut Qrflany.kept buy repacing tbe poieeso offet.AF "-Prisonor did you killt lii boy V'" John Abram, of Rosemont ie formi- cd --w-t-b ne-w--nes. 'I did, your Honor ; I eut hie Ibroat. ing enecesselr music classes at Camilleapln aaiy 8e shot me in the car with a rubber and othier neighboring points.ÂpalnOlmty ing and-" The prisoner ie diechîrgcd Instead of giving Christmaîs boxes a crw' WU IIAIN nad the Sherif will Rive hum back hi. Sarnia grocor gave a dinnor ta ton of ~nifé and tel th. jaitor taesharpon it. th. pooreet familles in the tova. LoNDoN, Jan. 6.-Lite dotaits of the. As an item cf intorcot il migbt be Tbe overturned tintera le blamed for Chinese floode Maklte.hee osnecf 1 ttd a pile of strength that wouiId burning four horses, everal catte, the the most terrible in hutory. bWat va. rech haif wmy te the moon is wasted barn. impiements and grain cf Mr. a boantifut, populous district of ton Lthese parts overy year by People Lewis, ELmavale. thousand square miles is nov a rotling WT holding up a hymnbock in chnrch wbc Nias ont cf ton of or exc1hanges toit sea. At toast tbro. million peope are UE ~ont kow 1 fit feith1e howi of a tiroir resdors that "another yoar is homotese and absolutoiy deetilteocf the chu Thomas oit. pîsl." There'e nothing liko koeping barest -neceseities cf tifs, virile Ilit i Spoaking cf hyperoole, the report lbe people posted. tbouRht that tirelose of tif. viilroaoh lut a parlor match fuel ont cf a second Brantford i lbriuig for natura gis, 750,000. Evorything in tire shape cf ~torey window in Nov York a fev days Colliagwocd for aile Midlad for Sait, figures is as yot, bowevor, pore peso.- gand frîctnred 1h. skuU cof a dodo whiluî Barrie hie beon bored by ltion, witir the chances cf a total mer. - poen'teem t prtae f 1the oements Nathaniel ruaning for Mayor. tality far greater than thre prosont esai- - kifozggerati.Jn. Ina afrisndly scuffle in a Sholburno mat.tout d usnes1ir7ol ,q cannot ai>' yess.Walter. I abSl laircnla skThsWld, Peina,Canton and other centres are &tvays b. a t5ie'-Silter te me? No Horninge' Mitl@ ehosmaker, had oe donat ahmnper1coe ihQ<>j yOu woa,'" "Yes, Walter; your brother cf hie legs broîsa betw.ên the foot 1h. disster. l he Chre pooedt e atngh n Iadth n* ONCE THE "GASDKN 0F CHINA. She <L rsce proosdtemc etagh m mm teka Tire upeciat correspondent cf tire Blani . s- pted him." A. d àquand lbetween titvjmisescf Stia ,-ari tShanghrai sonde a graphieKnt _EDoctor," eaid Mn1Silcwco, b.Orillia A.syluwn for Idiots resulted picture of th. tremendous his cof it. lnaKiit 1"mry tbroat bas been ore for severîl in one sîriîing the other witir a suppen hn rinl.o 9io ftr Eig ar days, whît osuit I do for il?" Dr. Choiv rsd fth. rom fe oo imno.pto ýBInaI-"1 vo il a rost; ils overwork.ed. mage caneing death.HoRvradfth emdusain Dont d anth~g fr avec bo brmth George Smill, *of Rivenviewv, vas now thneîteaod. About one-aixtir cf wiont il. yh gfr- w u be t oîding i revolver'wheu the cantridge the etire anoaof the "Garden of 0 bia,, tiri trebnrin proved te be of tire back action kind, as Ho-Fan itestyled, is now convertod Plymcims at inoethe shoîl tcdginginbishie had noir lbe. mb a vaut laie, with bore and there a cf teather ictss a di8infeotant. But ee.pagodea top or the gable of smre bigir v. (ion't thin2 physicians have yot suc- Teee icesn oooeded ia findiag a man who wouldu'LTire Algoma Gossip vinde np tire Walt nising over thr vrioeen rather die Ibm toesmet1 burning teithor 18987 egg Beason witb a ymrn about a waters te mark tire site of what ver. VVu -If ho had hie choice. Bicik Spanish hon-or ratirer pallet- a s4ort lime mgo propperous cilles cf d cyOR, wbich weigire 4 ounnces and many thonsand inhabitmn lu. The rosi New reaBon e ariein Lia>e' cs4z nces f tho oountry is over-run vith wreied thal go te show mnuming every mfo r4i ores.___refug.ee who e esfortunate enongir te public bueineme;. People who dont Beem l3ri«gs, i buniey bucksav artist per- escîpe witi thoir lives, tirongir vti te know eneugh to b. certain about forme'd tir eloîiresineîie trickin t uh"eme ahudeu fistne thein owna aes are hardi>' 1h. ClaeI ultn ad olnvod ix men who, tire. moonh ago, ver. mon trust with lb. deetiniecf i nation. min te accident himsefotf he lrepi of velh, to-day oit gaziag on th. "Nov, Mary Ana" said tire teachermie soewyf opngac- ieland sems tnnned and hnngry, etupid addreseing th. forernosi cf the cimes lu tempor>y. and dejected, raythology, -vho vas it thal firsi sup. Mr. Begg, cf norlir Gravonirurel, iras ; WIT13OUT à RAS TOSEÂR portd te wridon is olders?" Iteommencod tire mannfictoreef matcires. or morset cf food to eit. Tire inonda- po&@edtir ot heslasU&& Adios Lu s irasbuinvenled a machine for splitt' tien cemmsnced a littie distance frein 9a .Allie, ma'im- sp"At 8,0vhaeMinpte porlod &tlis 2" "Tire bock doesn'l say iag, iii itslt800amntKart nag Fn, coecf tire lingesI oities of bot I guses bis vifs supported huma- ht its 1,200,000 ini a dii cf ten bouis. the. province, and la cas instance some The editor cf tirs A.yoeor Sun iras se- four miles cf solid ,mnbakmoat of atone Birdie Mont)ipin-."Tirere's some- ceiv.d 4a Chrbistmna. gUi a pair cf brick, saaad d ay vore avopi mvi>' tiring mystoricoe ibout tire MidniiginCacose, and iredoosn't kacwviril te wiîh innmormhlo motos and fascnes. hour.' Uloslsttei MsGmfli5-"YOs I maie cf il. Probat>' thre donor tirougirlIlatho districts cf Ohing Ohov and have aoîiced tirai if yen vîko UP la0lthe ire(or aire) oonld convoy a Christmas OeCho J o eles. tu îbee îircuesîd The Mniddleocf tirs nigitan nancertain fooing greotiag iane more apprepriaie va>' large villages i festaied ta have been Cemes ovor yen. Yen in' sure viretirr Ibmb>' soring one topreseniativo of ongnlfed ila aver>' few Moments, and it is y.sterdmy or to-meniov. tire proe.ta meet anoIrer. soarcel>' an>' cf tirir ilti people bad .Sire vas sa veab>'soprano, àmd at Four bMouat Forest boys, attunader lime t avoTetiresvee, as the broaci tire concert sang. "Oh, for tboeviage 14 years cf ige, entered »ovral cf th.e orred lanlire nigtirasim. au exteai bel of & dcve ?,, yoî an heur liter, ai upper business places cf trilv okmoc onr ui gttatir ho lam., sireantheieinge, legs ad Maïs of Tirurada>' nigit»d cornmitted pet>' prinoipallty of Wales, and mueir more h. 1h.bisiS fa yth>'nd thon passed larcnies. Tire>' vos seen biding tire ihrckly populaled, lu nov a rsging soij ber plate for more siuffn<. stolon articles in a field neir by, and mda&Il the inhabllants areleIl ~ s* 7-. 4"Don't bo toc sevei », YSOUl UPOn iàvors afbrvardis brougiri bes a local drovned or have fied. Tire people sa -Min vie otleyen tiraiire alvays moves magistrale and sent t0alire reforma- terribty visited seaunot auraber fer short lath bu scut>.Whou tir.>'coin. tory, of tire %baio population et Iretand, éà lai conactecithon socie or hacimieot The cIrer day a Oolingvood fisher. tir, province includos aboutad mov, nmeaWm.Hailtn, augria TvwNY1IvE MILLON nuigern min, ilirm an iea- e 65,0 sqa re miles, N.Îla MissBI~nbO-"ive yen maade mn>'lishss ithe folle wing:-Trvrem î.noi. co q esMi" B ln e' "MisLilmn ng a livoly lime over lire Ocmbe In" Im conqus esproposed the day dependenft jusi nov. Some lime tast or l, iflaat&-nCnti ongs d 6"Oh ys;MnJoncsJ . end prh - befro s cme vi>. M ise Blanche October M .Mr. Koaedy urehed ove l. "Mn . odtoPu beore n'cameh O p lie qus i n la hle. il frei M. M dlisb. but sol t lb Fieprf. Virhow, l i n ov ewmedical woîk, Most avkward mariner imaginable?" Ofatervards e M hv fti.Ttu de~ irtai cçancer lu curable. Tie>' as etsrungois.> Centre Times Makina nuic.ltile pro. M mudbar.Mn YunmuOî fil. Mu. Shraw ismned a fev pipers, V.o1A±tîok son adbi.-r ougae-ed scid lb 10 MeimusClark Bros., et A- f il! mtlack 0et croup il a ftro-quet _ aDo yn me, Emilt I triik, baby Bîdgeoiv, viro paid 4200 in cuh, ocesreno Among ciurie. Epr'bos' n hiinboid bis fiiher's muir." M. .gmug ouigage fortobtîc hold ahoud.b.gurded b>' ke.png (premuelybild)-"'3 ! eierTire trnensction vus hidi>'ended b_"mer.~ ,o.,body' la erited il, My love, for I fore-tîey vose sici of thoir bargain, irreobjl aaumùbesmn hav dIu vndred viral boom. et ud sotd te Mr. Konaedy viro assUin- prince Buisuonk wlU go te Beln.on il." cd~~~~~~~s tire mortgage ai fullp>ieitrsIn 4baiodb*eiRSe h o4 "Ijf I sirould 1011 yoodemi," ire sd, mahis Sg m ,oIr ute aut. Mn. K-mm' "4tira my love for yen irai grevwdneylaaîrrsrev aiesmu tiritI1bmdailosd tbcane for yen, a! d vii iwM Sbaw te lake aU TuBe)! or tbq yolung, 'as>ltmo u tirai tireirappy' lime viron I shai amlr odlpPe. etc., for the mort&. "en o Ë le veuld il roui>' be a trial to yen ad- 21 tn! ype. )Er. Shraw , Il in ok âo-f .,Yo .V..fA.vance$, hWlVadinlit- seerius bsias beeu badly. loft." ed the girl, "iil venu! be ia bremoir et pueinise trial.," "6Welt," remarie! Ti-pper, " v heard cf àcruhe! uinabOrry'etephiit # 8 bîrairaues cof rome, virippedl «eaM» maud cîher queer naMimeslferoclOrs1ira1 the ow o iae ias ýtire vouaI alMme evor beain!et," *'Whmba t l?" aie! Brlggs. "l âlacaIe!staplbabyt Wond!ertOvbslwna.! et ;be4e 1.1 la? t".' iront! thbin" reptied'BngpW b.0 bas anueouda*q va oie l ~OD TE ED SUFI AT PRIORS taEva33 YOER B MÂO3D niNTXTIUD]3. >od Suit Made to Order, for01bO stock of Scotch, Hnglih sud canadian T*eeds, Black W9rsteds ectseect from.; ai lune of HEÂVY TWEEDS from ï0 to 75 cents per yad suitable for Businessi Suits or Boys' wea IJLL STOCK 0F GROCEIRIES' ÂLW&YS ON HÂND. lighest market price paid -for Butter and- Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT. Ifidway between .Brooklin and CoZumbu,on theS 7th Conce-ssion. We are now prepared to mske ail kinde of Wooileu s, suoh as Tweeds,' Ful Gloth, Union. Flannels, ing, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed Blankets, Horfe Lots, aud Yarns in ail varietiesl and ail kinds of ted Goode kept ini stock for the accommodation of ms.# E)yeing i.n ail colore done to order. RIighest price paid for alny quantity of WooI. ABi orders promptly fiied. Diu BO WERMA N rH LOB THE OLDESI E$STABLISHED AND THE LEAD1NG NEWSPAPER-0F CANADA 0&T -OLOSE rnUmns Edition, 9 5.00 pw ur 12 'olok &à 11.00 u 'a Sa 3 a l . 3.00 ai - M - WELEKLY OLOBE1.4 am LOO00" SATURDAT DAILY OLOSEa t5L0OO --THE CLORE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN roToronto ad Lodon, wblch ham ben- tun ing dnu lc 3rd March will b.contiued thr~ouôt 188& ThIS trainartes AtLoadoa at -6.4o ,Making conectim s AUthe "l trina frWUthtpOt ac tir Globe a delivery tbroghout Western Ontrlo hourinaadvaa al As am adveztllflg meduri, The Gob a o éqoal I aafda. Ite. iato, whkh appers at head of itsedefitoriai column& dAll,- lufat lu ance of ail other Caadan LPersk and it la the Pgteation cfithe man- mnt to, tlways keep The lb nisproud Positionastire LUADINO 98PAPER 0F CANADA, both ln Point ofcculdation"d Ifun THl"E GLOBE, PmwR'iTICoi0. TORORTO COMMLEE WITOTT 1EL LIMAMLI teaWdU continue tuto~n~bl How oat!How esto dn on ireradcam re SREÂoneÂO v nOipaet ndne yexeso su> nu mteioii. -Tir. ootbrated mIhrrin Ibis admir- able ossav, clear)>' iemonitrîtos frei Inn> jous sucose ili nctie, tra*1h alarmiztg coresqiionces f sr> ror'ay be nuicaly cure! ; pcialng cul aaiod.etf onre ut cnoe sples Ouit5fisdnfo-luab b>' moanO cf h iirevor' ufrnem - ter viral bis-,cOndllifarma>'be, Mi>' cure himsoliehOSPlIyuPn'Vùtcî>' ana ,-aJicalg. gWTbis lecture siionein .ta h. banda cf evm oa ot Ir n! err'Mau nthlb and sent un der. -oatlaà a &Plain enveo, t ents, orlvepo îôst $'a1>" AddzU 41A.na Si -NWe' - ?Out MeO4 . B ,>e LI mt ~t ~' B' OUE~, Axa t IÂOU". onAmD TISE Xi KOEL f.A'iW ÂNfl ~WLUE1 TeThrlft "àlài tir,. 'w, Uposs liy'lng peu Ixundro! d r Who 8ONil

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