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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 1

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Wth calm Prlnted words groat thobugl'ts, and untinlng idU6yit 1DL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTAIRIOs F] ate with Ls.ngley, Langley & Burke, S O E te~ U G Toronto,) M K th U G Established 1856. A RCHITE CT. L~di~ N~kI bOnaio outy Dsinefor Churches, Villas anadCt- The great bc. Cigar,anth tages a epeîalty. Drawinge prepared for SUBSCRIPTION RATES. remodeling existing structures. MiL IPÂ D BE,jE,3 per annum in advance-81.60 other- Orici-First flat over Howse's Drug i.Subsorip tions are always payable at Store. ciffice of publi3ation. P.O0. Bx 202, Wurrav. *asm equipment and best fnrnished -FO àana Job printing plant in Eastern H J aàrlo, capable of executing a&U lasses oet I'ORIA5EEADREE H I70 k fromn the large poster to th.e malleet dbil. Special mention je made of the rpaseed prees f ailitiee ot Tui CEmooi- A Beautifully ituated farm in the ith its celebrated N. Y. C.ottrell T W F W IB .The greatl10c. Cigara1 e. Bvery order receives prompt, care- attention. The undereigned offere for sle hie f arm Um of 49J acres, being situated on the east aide jJ11f 1 TERMS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. of Brock etreet and north te G rand Trunk rsilway in the Town of WhÏtby. This Tiret inseitien, per line, 10 cents ; each farm je as good a pece of land as can he baequent insertion, ô cents. found in the countrý ,bas a splendid situa-, Displayed Advertisements are meaeured lion for a tewn park or driving park, isn i a scale ef solid Nonpareil, and chargo,& as good a state of cultivation as any man cordinqly. t tou - could wiah, je fenced ontirely with board Advertueements sent ihu writton fences, je clear et al bad weeds or other ob- structions inserted until forbidden, and jections et that nature, hae a Streamn ef ar ed for ful l ime. water running through one cornei which 0rlers for disontinuiflg advertisements neyer f ails. The barn and other outbuild- net be in writing, otherwise the publiali. ings are ef the best quality and alnioet new; will net be respensible. the bouse je a nearly new one-etorey build- A libers.l discount for oontract advertlee- ing sna can 1w raised a sterey with ne great ienta by the year. Oopy for changes et expense. There je a good well of pure ~ontract advertisemeiits should be handed water. There je a young orchard of stand- lnot later than Wednesday; and notice ard fruit trees, juet commencing te bear .f anyintended changes should b. given fruit, The garden je as good as can b. of ore Tuesday neen. Other advertiae- founa. The farun je convenient te echools mente received up te Thursday noon. and churches. Tille good. Liberal terme Business notices in local or newe columne wilU be allowed te the purchaser. Pive cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 cli. kpply te proprietor on premises per line weeklY. Correspondanice Soliclted from ail parts 45-12iui. GEO. HICKINGBOTHAM, <« the Oounty or neighbering townships. Whitby P. 0. ' C(o r r e s p o n d e n t s a r e r e q u e s t o d l s e n d in i W h i îby , O c t . 2 0 t h , 1 8 8 7 . poissible. EDRO & GRAHAM, Ioinuniofl Lino 01 Royal" Mal 80114STANTON, 1887. 8TRAMSHIPB. 1888. Sup't Mechuical Dep't. -- -- -WINTER SERVICE. cepteL JOHN B. FAREWELL, LLJL,- BABRISTER, Ceunty Cnown Attorney, Band Connty Solicitor. Office,- South wiug, court Houa., Wlitby -48 JAMES RVTLEDGX, J)ARBISTER, &o. Office formerly cc- 1> cupied by Fareweil & Rntledge, next *Royal Hotel, Brook St., Wilby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ai Cbancery, Çonveyancer, &o. Orrnes-Im the Office seutb ef the Pont Office, in McMiilan's Block, Brook Street, Wbitby. ly.10 G. YOUJNG SMITHl, IL L- B., 1)ABRISTBR, &o., &.-Moriey te Loan BJ.> Laier ef arriage Licenises. O,,ac-Sinith's Block, isouth cf Market, Broek St., Wbltby. Jan. 22,1878. POOL, Fortnightly, via MO VILLE. SAILING DATES. Samnia.... ... ... Oregon.......... Sarnia.......... Oregon.......... Vancouver. 17th. " lb. 141h. Prom Halifex .dJan. 219t. ~'Feb. tth. Saturday, ." 18th. BATES 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rates !rom Baltinmore oz ai i *&O, $60, $65 and 875 ; aecording te osto of Statereon, witt equal aloon pri=gs DAVID TOBRANCE & CO., General Agents, Mostreal. B. STEPHBENSON,, Telograph iOffice, Local Agent. Whitby Allan Line V, I liii CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procures thein direct frets the Mautacturers. I m o o z m c G) -i o m JOHN BALL DOW, -1 Royal Mail Steamers. farM produce. mINA T SToiR ?UA 1?TERS., ent Of -GOODS aziethent, a ABRRIf3TERAT-LAW. SOLI01TOB Bn ti Canoery, Oenveyancer, &o. Offie-Deverillsa Block, Brook Streel, Whltby. MONETY TO LEND-Private Frmad,- n slums up te $8000, ah a 1ev nste cf lu- terest. (y5 LYNAN NLIR L , BARMISTBR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B Ohaueerl, OcflVqSUOOZ, &C-, J90-Bluui ece Street, Ooswa. £Ucbicrat lot or 'uNES, c4., dC. and select your Gift.. /Ur satcheds, AND CARDS.I 'cllecîI011 Of Books, es or prizes ; alec Etchinge in gift ns tonmention. tock Of Xoiaj Card# fat RMACR,. md, ea.sd Uleeut. 1ccnhnaeited sand e'hf joints T~B.MELDUM, LB.(TOB0N'!-O D vriy) ....and L.M.<EBdilI' burgh), &0. O091e6 hourd, 8 ho 10 mB 1.,THE TBAERBBNB. WHIBY. si. C.CÂWOT, VZTBBINABUXa & SURGEON- anduate of the Ouhanie Voeen1n', 0l- lege, Toronto. Oraers by MisUor jXgabpopl sîtenial ho. IIOmfoe st reoiddei 01e!0.4,OP iI0 LIVERY and SALE' ST$BLE$g uIoabTBBT it LIVERPOOL., LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WINUTEBARRANGIEMNTS DATES 0F SAILINOS. Prom Halifamx. .amhil.... ......... 98h January' Polynesion ............. lltb Febru'y Nqoue cf the above steamers oaxy caIlle, Loheep or Pige.1 RATES OP 'PASSAGE PROM WHiTBY to Liverpool or Londonderry via Portland. Cabin, 861.10, 876.1 and $86.10, accord- Iug t0 position o! stateroom. Intermeaiate !$88. 40. Steerage 128-40. Whltby te Liverpool or Loudonderry vis Hàaliz. Oabm,$62.85, #77.85, #MM8, se- .ording te -position ef stahercem. Itredia $88.4U0. Bl«eexgS.O Tthermels ate pA enSboé o oor *ror G MM*esperate as àiverpoo. Eteerage passengen bcoked te or front Glasow, Belfast, Queesew or London.. amre rate ai Livpo Briitolsud cardia $200 extra. Puasogersmaudtheir bsg aie put on bomadthe Oceau steamhipree oa&Il ex. pense. The lut sIrin o=ectln¶ wihi * i. stemes pusiWiutby &OTuus 'rit"senang fr tbilrhiuds tu the. I'dOonly au obtan PBRPAI» PAS. atlwg ae :E o.' ~1 >-. to wi 0- 0 CD 0r 92 lu- Ci o CI) L'J 'a L4VOCate PeaCe, progrois, Knowledger Brothorh@Od. AY-, JANIJARY - 20, 1888. e'gIn As ho refittn give 1 Mn. art de tteul, masol jw.eek. I~fW~ LEtTERSe sot at Oshawa. The trip was a most Salva.tion Army demonstratien -a L- "-W' pleasant one, and, as some of our curi- Glasgow on -Monday'niglit iast4,!!YFhere - e rs are freshmnen,they very properly set a was a great blow off. nOiLemmaCorrespondenoce. hgietmaeuo hirvcoe. r nc -- htmaeuo tervctre.It M.GieWe-a wood bee last week. is te be hoped their si*cess will have Thr#~ odtrot egn @hcept of stimulating the Port Pery was along of course.- ingham is visiting ber son clhb tote its place among the clubs Mr. Franki Mitchell and Miss Sophia ik ii rulia ofth prvine.Mitcll Uof this town have returniê eusi Robinson lbas returned 1 don't know how br. Carry's letton fremn thezi visit up West. Dlia 'where lie lia been work- i luat week's Ob8erter strck* other Thrviaseicsaebng o- D time. people, but it impressed m with the ~me metinued here this w'eek. Good result kris sick with inflammation belief that bis reverence le becomg are being realized. Borne twelve havé m...nl i.. -Dr,. alarmed lest intoxicants should be sup- mir. Ê r,6 ostIgi i 1b5 U England nIyfor bis energetic efforts tor Lwber f yeats. This i5 flIther sustain it. The belligerent attitude he r oneman. aims to have taken, in hurling back piçe'd" third letter ln the Timos women who came te the synod in their net a spark et manlines, in- humble ana devoted way te, beg for e, common sense, or virtue relief from, mon of God, muet be a ed. I therefore regard it Witb source of ploasant reflection te this good man Carry. My prophétie sorti lic social wil ho he1dý im the telle me that Dr. Carry, aitheugli an ohurcli on Friday evening 2Oth old man, wiil yet liye te, preacli hie able 'ho programme wiIl commenlce sermons, in aver of whiekey and other- ýn oVcock. Solos will lie gve* wise, te a congregation of at leaet hall leFlorexce." Admission,aadults a doen-mostly people who takea Idren l0c. Ail are invited. littie for the .good of their siomache. -I arriv -heneaboutSa-u-ay. oher mn,>ca "OLal-effor te sc oifav mas il xt ainiy nowl. Warden Mopkhoùise was atWbitby, last week solecting jurdis for -néxt assizes. Ho le. a rattler as a business man and bhis services as reeve aniý warden have beon fuly appreciated by the people of this co0-ipty. Mr. Gamsby of Oino is bore thisweek. Mr. Gameby lias had a herse trade with W. J. Willoughby of, Stouffville. The latter gentleman realized $60 as (boot>ý- -paper ef course. Mr. A.ndrew Miler an idigent bore lias been remnoved tô the> Toronto mve quarantine on Wednesday ploadinge of peer boîplees wornen Whio lastepy, 02.80 F ne via tho Grand Trunk lino. beg that the chuxeli at least may netter.Th l r. said te be an extra fine drove stop in te prevent tliom from maintain- Mpnkheuse's sei àr arrivalis le iosl looked ing the lives and respectability of their people wil1 seen g anxousy usbands, thein children and themelves. te the need cf a p skating ink epened on Tuesday ed Leronneoin witli good ice and a fair atten- The sleighing continues excellent ana d in*lc wll etc 1h le under the management of the young folks of the village bave nettheh willter.T o Chinn and B. Bowls. The baîyea ai l been remise in taking advantage cae off ou F!nid eli starting but botter Imte than cf it as evidence, of our. statemient lotus canteofftn ande bn~oethey will got the pat- mfor te the party at Mr. Glendi.nmng's iLeia res idetnd- :of>'>public. on Thursday evening laut. Evenything Setman r a nN me1luit Friday evening &t Mn. paseed off lu the meet enjoyable manne!', èar e gndemW Ms$a wus a grand succose in every the only disagreemible feature being the te thé varions cf, Ian. An interostiug 1programme, going and coming. The niglit wa5 Our publie scoo ýng cf speeches, readings, nocita' veny storrny sud the roade lu some dace cf ovor sixi igng etc., wus rondened. The places badly blockod. But the storrn Stak la recevinp, Was open te the publie and all seeme ho contain ne fear forthe young da n t a td teonjoy theinselves fally* , olks. Two loade cf them- dxcv. OHff aîs &iid t a socety realized nearly thixty li usa ilth tedascialyan1 gigrt L osnl e ein givn by the members f the Baptit . churc in:u Moshier'e acliol hbouse.emû JolnRsnis mp tevemo nt. in We citetheso evidenoes cf tue hardi- eat lait Monday ýy of bilipoeet.I as hood and unfening sp irit cf the Manila. for lii ronhh's, Î, reat dxawback te hlm iluth.folie that wo may, ince the peple cf -is. Ferry De bi having suficiOut water apower.> mhie hmsu on leche~ j #imèdluyie mlii a - a - eý tb ~. Gnstin andoboplng i i Tuesday evenlng 'Jan. 4tli. Â .Ar' Wm e e. romptland h lw ts rn ùn aopce.Sul.nie ocrot r.Y oppingra s rand uiiogly, ies îe nt eBuck evez in forN.Y. lia boeen onsid nabatlowepoe rag he miii, tho public shouldasse us ttattheent o eamntwl resbr o arnm a ahane cf ',i-ir patronage. b h etrAOLMn cIr . Xe.er a wonder D. W. Ca.mpbeil, graduate cf the . Àigi ranp paxtment cf MeGill Collego, Mon- Mn. Canogie cf Baglan lias set up a lait, andwe dci WRl give an entertainunont lu the saw mill at Chalk lake and ls--hurning coïpauy made.' ,ie Hall on Friday evenirng Ibis out lumber nU rge quantities. freiglit hol; se .Th~e entertainmeflt lse c-t*ed W. regret thât Mme. Jas. J. Davidson mattor, but it.a( eveslsg in Londox .xnd an hoax Jr. le net regaining.lion heÈ--.h se rapld- sabb5hh. ,haîf is te ho spent a'- glving vleve ly as lier numerens frionds would like. Thle revival v sud~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ deeiigbi-ng u lcsc Lagod lys aepovdam e hisondalscte gbldinh.gseand eity. Mn himperilnoias tee ound 1. Mrnl asmdble hlyspokvll oundbythe wad joumnis sdiflu pentil on heeieg h&ns enanlata mnweeh h4 been.Y The banquet te Hes.Mn.lMcQuqby the. tomporando people cf thie vicinlty lafùther pestponed ou account cf isà belng indlep'oaod by rupture, h. 'havilig tslegraphed tli. (lo-iâtorney ho that effet front Torouto. He could iûOt attend 14e SotthAt case ah Whihby y.steday. Whether the. rupture la lu bis mora l pinciplesl reliions bélie-f ot Phy4sii sent the tlgrmdoos sot In fu ture nomM»t i se b.eitodte *ho mysthe gehtAoe s a failurË iu port Perry. The Ron. Ben's sucées& in a I~amrenea h umelile«,a vantage cf tho opportquaihy ho procure- bargainOs. Mn. MoLellasd, wife of our reoeted pester wus presenhed by her* Sabbath School-claie wath a beautiful Album as asliglit token cf their appreciation cf, ber efforts in their behlt Mrs. Ogilvie la about' te rerneove h o Wiçoonslu the. home of ber S0u- William. 8h answithber 1e bowu'ises cf a rele o t f oUiends. 8h. dspoue- Of- ler effectabýbY.a public sale on TbursdayIist A.lurge number of- Our yonmg people aneterof Wrdeulno pesiblek act is Te et ther eof Wepen a poen bouse. aety liasbeen organia with.our publie ichool once a week dnning efirst ententkinmenmt y last ana, wus ery,. nt. Mr. J. W.-Whute V. G. ýBarkey (Initie, 3nt who were eleéteà fâces for neit Woek.. A ba *nowan ,atten- Kty pupile. Mr. W., !.; ýg iters neanly e very11 appearanees thel e ap :ier liard witli humn. returnéd.from his trip- y evenng looling botter- eby, Of Toronto, il aï' ami servi( fer iby cerne. The. 1 Aelburs, !Ianging Ha LO NDON-, 44 dola > Imdon, imer Uan cc:i 0DN'ALL EGOODJ ri î1 ý,and TS at Cos )Ys, Unde: v Factor uid Wool dRegard T Si, ortý M;e largest stock of' Wl'. plet8e in ý-alncy 6>oods, il stock Of :& 0YSTERS ps and Saucers,$12 1! lie 1 (tf-6 1 NO, 6* au Il UMY

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