e 0. 4 'I f -- I .1 -~ , - I A"d Items Scolenfrom ont Exchanges. OBILLIA. Porebape Orillians noever experieneed m»Y il offets fromein b es en&on Our lakes, but other places are net se for- luât..lu bas beon thougiui ibat freeiîg deslroysail disease germe, but this e fneot rue. The amount of refuge duznped loto etir lakes sbouid make dealers oîrefukin future whers it je eut frem. lu would be a good ides te go out frein shore a mile or 50 in future for supplies. Polio.e Magistri5ée John Thomnas Par. tridge was bori in the. townebip of Oro iu 1882, being now 55 years of ago. @mo. bis birih ho bas beeu a contin- uons resident ef ths township, the. ouly occasion on wbicb b. leftt *lu for any I.îgth eftlime waw te attend Belleville College, et whioh hs is a graduats. He has beeu twicesmarried andidle . hippy father et ne tewer tIon sixteen ohildreu, li of wbocu ara living and none married. A& lb. age ef 12 ho joloed the firet temperince organiza. lion in North imeos, aid bas been a stiuuob advoîte ef tomuperance tenets Mud bis lite. In politis e ois a Refor- mer of the meut pronounoed type. His elâatien te the position et polices Kagistrate fer th.coeunty sud the. re- osatinjvestigation bas given hum coou elderable prominence. Lorns Torrybsrry is a bold, bad mai. Ou Saiurday evening, at Gallagher's hoiel, h. deiiberately held a revolver se that the bols vas the nearoot part te Lied Yeuug's body. There are many things more leasiIlt Ibm ibis, ef course, sid Mr. Young immediatèly handed Mr. Terryberry hie card aid protested. Tbo latter gentleman took th. proteet under oonsideraton, &nil Wm. »id Andrew osain up oolletivsly aud grabbed him ai ibis period. H. elayed in tbe celse over Stinday aid was not proseouted. Jake Gsudluar le speadiag thp vinter huutiug ai Obapinan, noar St, Louis%. He veigbs 198 Pound@. tbirty pounde abois hie profesatonal weîgbt. Hs ays Ihît hie baok is ne botter and thît ho obanuet s$oop vithout oaueing him- self grea pio. 'Tii. injury ocourred a meuth beor. bis lait rice suad h.tsars tal b. is permnently disubied. He would lise aothor chance ai Teemer, but h. yl net underiake snob a race unlii h. te perfsotly ure ho bas re- eovud. Nevse agent MoLennan, et the Nortb.r au Bîilvay, purchassd Mr. Dan. Mo- Kiuley's jusily celebrated donkfy and -Ul vas aooordlugly sent ge Toronto about Obrietruas in a box. Ou New Itearm day the nsv owuor teck a day off and gave bis nov purobase a trial tu harase. Going down Ming etreet, the. donkey gel on the. car traok and jogged quietly &long tubl a car boys in sight. As il appreaobed 'Newsy' en- deavored te tomrisi diminutive sleed Mut of lia road,, but oould net. Hi. Ioublh proolivltles cropjiodrighl, ont anIdaib doukkeyyhlp refted te gsi off the traok. H. recegniteduth act that the street-car aid hituesît oouid net Uase on thetmre track se hoetoppd. t courue ila.wu t oet ho question te tais@ the saroff the lraok for the donksy. Tte. ooolcor sud several ethors iried -ta eceat itheobdurat ite 1-animai te be »eaeouable, but il vas ne go, and it alwaysa dainpensd Ibeir- eatbustssm by i . ta Wo wu ..thi. As.'bigsed th . Th. b.ypeeoeiv .*.Iy Lbhua'lime t E5W141. bis uhigi .âmw m&te ato , stolon. Mr. Howden left ithe stable a little bel'orenine olook alter beaving the animal coinfortible for. tbe aiglit, but this morfuiroveryuig vas gene. Thé thief or thieves muât have dons their work almosut se on s Mr# Howi. den's a k twîe turned, as the bay wus scareely tduched. Atiag.Chiet Adams was iuformed of the robbery, aid ho st once sont notices to the oîstîbles of the surroundiîg towns aid villages te b. on the look-out for ibe missiflg equipage. Followinu i;s the description: -Light-bay mare, 7 years old, »bout 15 han la high. No whits on ber. Hlaruess pretty old with Datch oollar. Cutter îe black with iron feLds.. Robes-oifi bearskin with two patcheo in liîing, the othèr a giatakin. Blinded by Prejudice. aOMr. BrRIKING sî;uATIONS iu waicii WELL îImruiMED PftRSONS ARE LED. Thers i noe ai et itcherafi aid de- esptiin. Years $go persoas suspeeted b of thee "strange infatuation" wore t threwn inte the watar-if gnilty of U' witcheraft, they would drowî.w For mauy yeara the world vas shoek. ed ai Pueh iuunuty ot mai te man, but if we were le declare that People w are perseeutmd le.day quite s renonse- el lessly as vere thoe ailed witlee etm old, our 9tatements migli ha recooived th witb great inereiuliiy. d( But it ie a fiel. ld If yen do net believo it, saler any ki oes ef t he calo; efmedicaâl practioe, Pl and aitempi te use a préparation whicebut tbe cade doos uot recognize, or even tu hl recommend indireiltly any popular remedy, sueh for jostanoi', as Wirner's celebited kidney remnedy, and thon re- e lits yeur experiF-nCt. et Then you'ii admit the tact. F Le Lu ne bfrai k wth yen. rmader. We 'T te11 von ths.t this is downrigbt bigoiry. Pl Mer t demande aid is entitlsd te reog- f nition, wherever teaîd. If gZeologints y tel us thît dianondo nusi alwîys be r, found in @snd, wonld yen net b. a fooi, 7 if von found oie in gravel, net le tike t i and "rpalize" ou it ? t Your fionde would cli yen fooligh. The trouble with ths doctors i. thît lbsy ciii ocurs advanced lditeaees cf0 certain fermct, aid they kîev it. Aid yst lhoy wibi net S.11ev the use et ans' ontoide priopnietary medicine, whieh Ihes' knov bas onrsd the diaease. b Forminsnes: Kidney diseape hit ne marked indi- viluil syrnplone;. Ihproduceoial Forte et symptôme ai the commnonesi disesse.2 Nl bt» ein&, ibile Inrst the disease itRsif f witb snoces, lthe hisrted physiciali b-et.rseasynÙptoms I But what good doesse lic d? In order te sttop the freshet, yen muait stopf ths flood 1 lu wou't do te try hruishig i-I Aa wvith a bromn. Dy. J. D. Holiand, whom ail the venld idoired sem e abhr et sens.,t wrote in Sribier'. Monthly : hit is aC tacot thal manyo e b bou propniotmry Medicine» et the day are more suoes»- fui liai mazy phyuiciaau, mand momi ef thon wore iret di.sovered aid used ln molual nadical pniectice." Dr. Robson etfithe Rnyal Navy of REnlînd entbustiastically ondorses Waruer'as sit cure, as indesd do wany hnndnela oetIbousadu gal over lbe verld. The Iats, Dr. Dia Lewts, wbo9 îaimesi, nover sd adpieiaste, comnenid. ied l it ibly aid euH if ho bad aay kid- 1nov disese@b. veuld use il. This evIdene as eeîelneiis. Paralysia, consumption, pueumenia, 1apoplexy, heurt disease, general debuliy rbsumalismo, aIl ih... ceOemau digard. ors are oftea OUI,, symptôme et kidnsy dbaa4. ustea4 of dmittiinl bei' rinmbilit>ytte cure tii diserder, deciore suve uhsir attention te tbé symptoins. 1If tu.y cure oe, anoîber cemes, and bfinully death takes ltheeaseut tof thoir rhbnde. Then, tbsy flsguisie tbe tact 1t a t brigbt's diseuse et Ibe kidusys à and say taidsath came fro9m paralysie, fapopi.y, pueumoDIl, conslumpliori, ronerail deblliiy, nhoumnatis.ti, beari 4dhsoase, blood poigoenig, or soins other a fet l Dearnes of the direct offsetset e kidney disesse. Tbsy are notthes'real r disase ilef. à We do neit belle"s ev-ry adirttse- ment thal va vmad. -S"Mo-aiple May lpeibape regsrd thiearticle sesa.di. thement aia vill net belleve fi, but va' Il are ssndld enougLitougay thhalve boeliv F' hic par"iesaboie tmenhi*DM Wbaveproî. A -2ubi cse-1duno m- mac' lru of ti ti of du Bi e' bc Co th di nc In ar fal Ai du te aduieratioa reaches ils mesl degrad .d la-vel when bogu dynamite bombe are foislod upen a long uffring people. There le on. Lbung to e b. saidhe brasa band.ILt nover haugo back snd blushes and proteste ineompeteneý vimen it lsasaksd te play. d'Ah, My sou," suid th. miauler, l"Ibm glad te se* jeuhin lb. Buaday sohool ut last. la Ibis yeur irai Sun. day ?"', "Y.., air." "Eloy do you ike il,?" "'Ob, guesa I ken stand it umil atter Christmas Iree." *Lover (pissiouitely) -r My ueeot t My dirluig b I love you *ith a&H My heart 1iÃŽBe mine i Faik maiden-Oh, Willam, Ibis lu tee .udden 1 muet havo lie- Lever-No, ne 1 1 muet bave my answer nov, for I bave Muy ejes ci "WaIt, judgê? Y.r az me vhah My mcashru am? " *tuyo vhat le your vocation ? 1 mean viii udo yjeudo for a living 2',',,Ah, y~. .r- jouer I undersandjer nov. Val I de..fr Iri isi-my vile t1mb.. lu vaubin." a RmÙW 111.bey Im.ya~od Ooe day ba -vmen uh ho.play , om ie & sun besant. loue& Sae mmele lithe *Md,; Wgranu i gX hava oher. WWh , ayen Sn. ou cu for Infants end -Childiene .4CmtoliSsiUsow8llidattpdtoCbIdSftag atoi mms colle, oOuStitor', reconxmend it as muperior to any prsript o ur %ge Dîa)rrbC& rcaii kmownamo. I. HÂ5 c , MD., I enîn ie.81 lu1Be OxLrd SEt, Brookly&, N. y. Wtia nurions medLcaMOL 0 oM Tas Aaua Comn'.&I r, 7murray Street, N. Y. 1 r *f trnes, loungors drepped in te witHBAB hg gamne. CaudIOi were etuck opposiée- seh mai, and tii Rame started. lonors were eveniy divided toward.,the iiet heur, the indianshvlg Avantage. Thbn by degree% luek tt A jin'a Way'. Towards migniglt hý ices ontinued te the evideut ohagi," 4 thie Indin,, who began te mutte r isappointodly as their strings vaîîseeiL Ind Tnker, howover, >p!ayed mô1 trnestly tbaz ever. Re nover lM iope, but now end thon eyed bie braW*>x impetitor witb a batred so keen thà ý, ho niant drew bis neit hand with t istiognighetl nervousfless, sowlitg oW and thon sa savagely thât the ndians became more and more uervoise wd finally dropped out about thra >'dock, lesvinig the giant aid Bud: 1 cing eacliother te play to a finish. .s the fi rmt streake cf dýayligbt pnsod à eir way bet weeî the. cracks eofithe ugout, the sceno inside became one of ýrrib1e earnest mliigniy. BattioirbeLyan. ACter every ohip had )een leii ýouthe Iog thLe itement ef Ji hill breed sipeotators fouîd vent in noantrollable crisof wotudor-mlzed with terror. Msny oi îbem inetinà et- ,eêly tuoved toward'i the door s thoigb ,srg ica io-t band on the gisot'8 rt would r,ýsu1t in % g-neral deoloîticiiof erl in8îu~de the but. Uadtii te îaFk of Auppreçsed excitemêt b hoi two pla 'verii there raged s, ong qtrnbtllo bptwPefl paiSSo>o014Ocri, iee,rtuiation enddoiedly batredl. lHtge knots sti',od ont upon the negro's head, pArspiration streamed frein every poe fl bit bared nfek, his breath came urried1y and degperately, and lbis bandt; trembled 11ke lbaves. The. white man j orked bils moustache witb moerese- ad vigor and îerved himself iet a hall- croucýied posture, as tboîgb ready te pring zat bit; black întagoit's tbieat. The Riant sqnandered bis olothes, hi@ p4tola, hi@ Winchester, his borse and fially bis boise aid outlyig o laim, yet the. grey-beard ageuin smiled and raitaed humn. Withont a moment's pause Zeigler lised thae tartling proposition bhat his i e ahould back hie next band, and that if ho lotit ho would serve his vanquisher faithfullv in any eaptoity seghou!d natne. At lb.annoincetifit f thie unprfeedented 9take a perfect 3ow1 et surpriFie went up from the on- lookArp, and beforo it had died îway the Black Quînt was a S-lave in the baunds et bis puny rival. Z-ialer bold fnur q-neeng, the white inufouqr 8055.. WVith o e lanc eSat bis oppen! V sa bad P ruokpr féli in a desd lfus, whilo 724igler, with a terrible envie, ehuddered rrcm heîd te foot and stalked out ofthe but. Frc'm that day ta this h. hie ssrved Bud Tueker faithfully, and a q"as trienîdhip bas sprung up belveen master s&bd slave. Jim attende te Tneker's farta, bords bis cattle and aots s a wbole armed poso in terroriwig the bore-thieveseoftheb. uurrounding country, whils in eon2penuiatiou ho ie allowed te vigitthe villaRe ocasionally aid enjey a te, dive of treodoin. Ho -nov servinc the. third month d-,ble eond yaar, and in conversation wiii tbe carrespondent, dnring bis vis1 t te, town the other day, ho said that frose the mt'morable day on w-bioh ho had lest his life down te the preut tims, ha bad nover touobed a card or witnesa- ed a poker gaine. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. 0. O>DEA, -Secretary.- TACTS FOR M[EN 0F ALIL ÂGES. IDISMASE8 OP MAN. THE GREAIT IEJL TIIREXL1§tER, Marvel oft Healing. and Kohinoor et Medicines, teiribie conosequsace .1 indleeretiel, telerrFxpeelire anad Overwork. Who are broken cJewn froui the, effeCte o! abuse will find in No. 8 a radicaul cure for nervous debilitîy, orgaîic weakness, involuiita.ry vital losses. etc. BYmMPOs vomi wELCH NO. 8 1SileULi BEUsen.-Want cf energy, vertige, wanl of purpese, dirness f et , ~.aversien le society, want o! conflidence, avoidance of conversatin deetre for soitude, listiessnss a nd inability te fix thie attention on a partieular subject, eewardieo. depressioil ef spirita, giddinesa, bao! nofiem'-ry, axcitability ef teniper, sper. matorrhoe&, or bous of!thbiseamiaal tiuid-the resul t cf self -abuse on -marital excesa.-inipo- tency, innutnitien, emaciatieri, barrenness, papitation ef the heurt, hystýenie feeling--i temnalos, tnemnbiing. melanclioly. disturbiug dreamnu. etc., are al symnptoine of this -terrible habit, ofte-ntime5 iinmeeitis' acquired. In short. the spring of vital force havîng lest its tansioi, .veny funetIon wuueu lu consequonce. Scientifla writers and the superintendemita ot instne esyliuis unite in scribiig te lihe effecis oft eell-abuso the great majrity ot vaatod liv.' wbich ceins under tleir- notice. Il -you are hncompetent for lte arduoui djmites of bnslMeee, iîcsacitatod for thme enjayments of lite, No. 8 effera an eespe trom lie fecs !ary vice. Il yen a&e adwSnced i yeura, No. 8 wil give jeu fulil viser and s Iregth.I_ r vou are broken doww8 phyaical i nnlyfen aihdsrto.lm reulofinorane aid folly, ssnd jour address and 10 cents ln stalups for M. V. Lxmowls Treatise' la lBook Forin on DiseusesoetMin. 9eaIed and socure frein observation. Âddreto Il immunicatlons te UM.V. LUBDON, 47 WtlltiqtoEISt. E.. Toreluto. A Mn without wsdcsm liez ia foot eParadise. CURES GUARANTlEED. IEAI, J1I. $ICKL A Permanent Cure. >14 A Pleasant Cure, (liv. Them A Obance I ADJOURNED bat ise te auj, yonr linge. Aise al, jour br4aling nchinery. Very wonderful ni- ehunryllis.Net only lhee urger i-pas. auges butthhonsffld ef 11111. tubes and caviie.llg frein them. Whonu hees arn ologged ad oked witb ma.ter whiob ou g ht net t e b.tiers. yun luip eannot halldo thein work. And whal they dot they osunol do weli. cau it lcold, congli. croup, pîsumenia, aauTh, eensampieior auj eft he f amiiy e troat and nase ad head ad lung obi- utrucions, aIl are bai. AUl eught to eo e rideo. There ijuat oie sure w&y to gel id o etm. Tut a te - lak - Bochee'. Germai Synnp, viici any drngkiIWii sell yo l'5conts a etîle. Evon il every- tbg le a failed yen, yen- May dopend ýpon tbis for certain. The, Minneapolia Jounal's ummting up', #Ives l85peple kievu le bave$ peinishî tho hsard, ,aid wvb emimlg. A beon sud a b.sing le nilnd le Hsgyard'e Yeilow 0ce, thb. <rou iin de- stroyer and bealing remoIndy for extenil Iad internai e. yollov w icure.sM&l IAches &idsl sma hbm lame b&04, SAILE OF LANDS1 BY YVIRTUXetofa varnant under'lb. bandeofthe Warden and Ssii ofthe Coprton oet ho e nof naldtf th. 5th day of Septormber, 187 coiâmand- ing me to1vy upon s-adIbrsin men.- tioned forerrees et taxes thereinaid ceaIe., notièe à heneby given lima, unlesse i.said erreurs aid comte are soohenpaid oni thelota remainwgumel theslonl.l4ha eDoehe,1@87, I shul1, h ompliance withhie Âasemutt opmceed toe U by PUIC - OOUCUIJ N3 T OWND0FWHTY u WEDNE8DAY 25th of ltmcca, N. Y, writes: " Some ten yelrs ag Isguffered uniold agony from chronie naa catarrb. My famiIyphyscIan gave me up et incurable, and sWd1 must die. My case wu such a bad oie, tbat every day towardasoui> set, my voie would become so, hoarse 1 coulA bareiyspeak aboveawhlaper. In tbbmorning my coughinig amiciealéring of my throat woul aimost strangie ime. BDy the use o!. Dr. Sagé% Catarrh Remedy, ln three months, 1Iwaà a imd mai, and the cure bas-been permanent." St. Louis, Moé., wrltes: 6"1 wai a great sufferS from catarrh for thr~ ears. At tIses I coulA hardly breathe, snd-wai constantiy ba-wkhin and spittiig, and for the laite:l1tmont8 could not breathe t rouign thfe'bostrh L, thought îothing couldeWdone forme. Luok- llyb 1 was adviaed te try Dr. Sage's Catarbý Bemedy', and I amn now a well min. 1 belle» I5 to ho the Only sure remedy for catarri? now amufactured, and oie e bas kon<y toscl" At fair trial te experienceatoundin esulb a ' a permanent cure." P., s»: -Mydau hier bad ée wua ive Y~l oiv j c sage's CblVataYrrveýba&-ù cuî-ed a- botl±e for ber, and 500H 18W that belped ber;- a third hottUs effected a rm put cur e. 8h a w elgbtmaD years Ã"Id pund aud hearty." L ir In ur nc iATCS.ne" mutual Reserve Tugd Lite Aossin anceof New York. Cunadian G-overnment doposil- 50.000 Acournnlaled reserve, mmd foyer) 815,000 Desih li u paid during 1884k 479M90 lis ewbusiness, lut a =os., l5I85, , 1,000,00 *Twenty-five pet cent. cf al uasassmente are deposited with 1he Central Trust Cern. puny oetNewvYork, as Irueteoe,,-,'te 5e. sseeFîmd. Lifs huuuranoe ut- loua thukn-bal! the ordiziay rates,"aid secnni-.ty perect. - Ouly 10- assesa menis made in -188I, 82,1883i aad IÉ84, id anem aia a - nthéy ie mou frequent tuai everyýaltftnaeo nthi- Aunsualexaea! manggement, &e.,i Au analv gent. wanted inteesry aire ,e, Hgit"i, Je gu catile, but gb terns..- Ws .m big. ot dafry pro .8- vIili n -aturil] & býeofer r-mbn l >al-ynvu o e ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Eà quipped for Business Training. 818E WR. Li eh1 ne ayim, or room.mSv t PENMANSHIP, A Painless Cure. A positive CureIR 41 V E 4yK JVU B. pIEJW'S PELL EU# oà LIITLE 8 UGAB-GOAED IL . Blu~g fltireIy vegetable, tbeyo>- juate wibOlt disturbanoe to, the 5ystein, d tir occupation.u Pf t in lsavial1s. ber calyeld. .&lwaYs reshandreliable. Slaxative, alterative, r purgty thes e littIe .Pelleta g ve te o egt pe f satisfaction. Uoizzinesl@, Conistipa- tion, iikdI gestion, - JIil ioismAttackoi4 ad ai derangenlents of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- ly relieved and permanentIy curedPur ate e PeOfeDr. piercJs Pleasant Prai' In explanation of the reuiedia poiver of thes Pelleta over so great a variety of diseasesMj may truthf ully be sn.id that their action upum the systemn is universal, not a gland or tisam 'sapingW the-Ir sanative influence. Sold b druggas 25 cents avia!. Manufactured et fl Chemical Laboratory of WORLD's DISPEhSA5! MxrncA.L AssoCLATION, Buffalo, N. Y. 1$500811 180oferd by the manufactui. ers of Dr. Sage9s Catarrh MyJeMedy, for a case ëf, Chronie NaIsal Catarrh whloà they cannot cure. SYMtPTOMIS Or CATAUILf-%uI heavy headache, obstruction of the nami passages, disehiarges failing from the hernA nto the throat, sometties prof use, watery, and acrid, at others thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eycs "a-re weak, wateýry, and inflamed; there la ringiag in the ears deafiess, backing or coughig te clear the throat, expectoration of offcnsive matter, together-with scabe f romn uleers; tUs volce la changed and bas a nasal'twarng; i» breath ia offensive; emeli and tante are lre palred; there ta a sensation of dizziness, wItI mental depression, a hacking cough and gea. eral debllity. Oîly a few of the above-nainet symptorna are llkely t» be present in any orn case. Thousanda of cases annually, wtthoi* manlfesting bai! of the above symptorna, 1e. suit in conaumptIon. and end Jný the grave- No disease ta se common, more deoeptive mii, dangerous, or lesa understood by physician@4. By its mild, sootblng, and beaing prop4è Dr Sage's Catarh emed cures the 'wox cases ef Catarrb 6'& ol d lithe headt Coryza, and (Jalarrha i Hea1achýe. Sold by druggis everywhere; 50 cent&. BOOK-KEEPING, BUSINESS CORIRESPONDENCE, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TAUGHT. SeNdS forM INrclCANAdDA.s l' m 1 1- -- ýi 1 As&nu..uâoIld the o à Friday. '01 Sâtnrà dej se. Mowbi .,?eiem The firâtIp*ul.- on Fri È- pe upon the er.;jeet oA di beed toabead te tbe coný vwould ha mont profita ,rmers te sbip SUl their n ; it. - la esas where il make butter, he adV2s Wearn should be taken etf, «Bsible procesa iinodar 1t lay ho ted teo alveB ÃŽbils 1 !o make u P for having 1mb- reain he advised the uie taeeed, etc. :The second paper iWa Irown, eis. Beef in disagre ttier." 18 the productio Dore importance thbm but eot botb le prodriced togi 'esÙmlt of t1be tifirtg cf farîx arie for a number of yeat icod, and especittbly in 0u Vbe land bas not beei utI system of croppig be 4hees the best vs know- lerd as breedere eomt-h bet ne country eau talk ffana Canada. We lead1 ibeesse. But withhe istle, rSr3ner cropsand1I duce ont record is neôt si 6ave a far'greata-r propori jhan sEheep-2000 000 ci 500,000 sheep. We are d in the malter et vinter en Énaking manure, etc. Wi ,oupetition comung frein tue world vo muset -i bestir oursebvesanad prop ,oui wmy as farmers again venld. But whai .We are ,,the production oet hostie viih tbalt of butter, whei] be prod ncodl by -the sains asaured suoeee I-thinl any fariner te give bis tl bspeeîe.lty. 8h11il t dirigerons thing fer farta much frein a lino of fmr been doiag vel upon, 1ehangea en ulnearly be -Borne moi don't grow 1, sheuld ho borne in mind oecessary te produce wh vas thirty yei?"ge wi - avermged $ 1 -pet hushel, talking nonsense te say - -eîderaiod tthon liai lbi liens are net te ho dro] ve wish te add dairyini 1a&Hwe need to 4o ile I.mode ot summer'ad q , ,ceo. I, in erdor te- tai :ýI l alk botter pasturo. -W o lechangeoeur covu.I 70i yn have au animal of1 .-ogeres of both rilkin tualiliee.- In Bùglaud t laDurhanmal lb.he t rd of tus unnecoeu redu. I arn uohetA Send for Circular. Address. AT COSTO ADJOURNED ----j -- 7 aiitýF, 1 ý be - i