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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1888, p. 8

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e * B e a 4 B B -e- À* B. * 23AVIRTON. programme, after a Most enjoyable Mrs.. OroweU of Boston and Bangor, ovening the Party broke up about lI. W I H Me., ie visiting Mr. and Mrs. (Rev.) D. COLXJMBUS 0. Johnson. mm . Wm. iddell and Miss J. Waddeil Mr. Jno. Harper moved-. from here were United in holy matrimony on te hie own housin Geneva lu.t week. Wednesday. Prosperity etc. Tihe Presbyterian congregation intend The Bsaverton brick and tie Co., holding their annual soiree on the 8lst have dissolved partnership and Mr. imat. F I osa. lust week endeavoring to seure a clsa Mesnu. MoIntyre and! Frenchi have of pupila for training in the art of dresa mw p mdl now owned byJs Bernister. Mr. R. B. Hodgson bais been bnsy for They will likely do/'l big biz. some dlays paat moving bis steck into This year the minister of fisheries the cerner shop 1ately purcbased- by *Ml grant licenses for spearing in Lake hum and beretofere oecupied by Mr. W. Simoos during January, February and Purvis. March on _payment-of $2.00 iu advi4nce Net a few were disappointed last as a sinail 'compensation for guarding Sunday wben Rev. J. A. Carmichaei those waters. read a telegrain froru the Rev. Mr. Go Mr. Jne. Kennedy the former pro. forth missionary eleot to China that he priotor of the Ontario Heuse goes te would neotlie preseut te eccupy the Markham. Mr. MoDouald the ne pulpit as intended, on acceunt of the liste comer says lie inteuds keeping a strict- floods and diitress 'n thiat portion of ly temperance bouse. May hoe prosper the field hie waa destined for, dnty cal. EFETm" if ho dose so. Thse temperance people- ed him teo bave with al baste for that should support hins liberally whidh ne field. denbt ihey wül. We are pleased te know that Mr. tg superior excellence proven in raillions of To candidates for entrance te *ig Wm. Bliglit who has been afflicted with homes for more than a quarter o« a century. Ten sghthe look-faw for soins four weeks is new It la used by the United States Qovernment. slools frein boe tried their examina- elvrgtouheysiwbî Endorsed by te heade of the grqat Universi- tiens at Port Psrry, ail passd. The fol- r'oe0 g hul Dr iwlbig tise as the Strongeet, Purest, and *ast health- lowng re hei nine an maksunable te open hua jaws or turn in bed fui. Dr. Pr ce's the onlv Bakmng owder that taken :*Fsie Ring, 639 ; Jennie witheut help. lie ta, considerable doslo onta in animna Lnor.l louston, 592 ; Bella Grant, 566 ; liquid nourishmesvni eau a bear the i>uICE BÂKIG POWDEa<0o. LoueMeRa, 57- Mry cGarhypains without the use cf ether, cf whieb "wsr opiz. 3caxca. ~ o. 546 ;Don. B. Grant, 581 ; Jane Rit- h a sdaottrspne Chi, 55 ;Mabl Gamfrd,509; Hrry Mrs. Jue. Bright cf Geneva bad thse chi, 55;Mabl Gasfor, 59 Harymisi'ortune in getting an arniful cf <Croup.-This djsouae lau eaugod by the Cameron, 499 ; Neilie Birchard, 496., Wood freinthe. shsd soi"me weeks ago te formation of a f"la membrane lining the wind-pipe, and obstructing tihe passâge of Mrs. Yeumans delivered a temper- have a stick fal and run a large sliver thse air, ad is known b>' theoaliil, croup. aises lecture in ths bassinent cf Knox in ber fore aim. As sh. did net suc- *oanding cough andd vatthing in the'Iliroat. cbmeh-on Friday evening Jan. 18tb ceed in getting the sliver al eut at first This membrane muet be remcved b>' ex- which waa very weil attende&. On the weund did net heal properly and pectoraitou. Taire a double dlose of thes Batuda>'the . C T. . wa i--or- Seyspelas set in causing ber severe pain. Basm .vr ten or fifteon minutes, which ganized and on Sanday et 8380 she, s nal elaa will reduce it, after taksng a few doses., addressed a mass meeting cf tbe Sab. The lanalyBI ganelBisonswMl and bas saved the lives of bath sehool scholars and on Sanday -bb -thonsanda of chidren attacked wfth erup, *nigteck thse Ruex churoh paater's Pickering CounciL where it has takin u esson. plce= d about 600 people listened, te A district telograph system Je to b. est ac- it. At the close cf every meeting a .The couneil elsot of the township of lihd in Winip~eg. Plede ws peseted or igntur. Pckering met pursuant to tat-+e on '<Çt."-Tbe best tbing we know of to ploge aspreened or igatue. Monday Jn. îsùt 1888. i'st- JU. hoal a cnt or wouud la te bind up thse njur- Rev. D. C. Johnson cf Oil Spr-ings, Miller, reeve, Sylvester Misoke>' let de- ed part with a cletir saturated with Perry Ontario, wau inducted pastor cf Rnex puty-reeve, J. L. Palmer 2nd dsp-reovo, Davis' Pain-Ruler. Preebyterian cburch on Tueaday Geo. Parkier 8rd dep-reeve, and Tises. The extension cf Montreal barbour as- Janar> lOb, n te a~uon. is Poncher 4th dop-reeve. Thse members bav- commodatiosi. le xnoeted. Janury 0th intheaftrnon. he ng talion the necossar>' declarations of "Proceedings" were witnessed by a 1arge qualification and of!ffceo tocli their gse One great cause of sicirnesaofcf hildren la attendane cf the congregations of ut the co'nei board. minutes eoftsttmet-! preseuce of worm, lin the stem, which aset-irritate thse digestive organs, oansing fever, Gamebridge and Beaverton as weil as img read and approved. Several accounts sîseplesanssa, pains anud somotimes fits.~ frein Woodville people who toâ an presentsd for payment. Thse moet effective Worm destroyer in the interest, alec these frein tbe ceuntry Communication rsad from G. T. R. Co, world la Dr. Smaith's German Worm Bomedy around. The Rev. Aloi. Rose, M. A., ~~~re dsed for usw road at Fronohmlan's Bay',acoftonyian etsetteadsa. &roun. Th Rev Alo. Ros, M A.,petition presented from R. A. Bu ng ndgnetO lâatt h at and a. of Woodviile, presided. Rev. B.. Per- 12 otihers ukinq aid for John Madil. an in Soid b> al uzuggiBt4 Prie 25 conta per1 sian cf Kirkfield prisaohed. The Bey. digent. Applications for thse office of bx Dr. MeTavieli cf Lindsay addressed the assossor road froin N. L. Stevenson, Jacob A large number cf Enghush immigrants minieter and the Bey. D. B. McDonald NÃŽghawander, Asa Hubbard, B. S. Phillîps, arrivsd lu Montresl Tusda>'. of uakr Hlladdes8d he eope. Bailey Weatberill, F. A Beaten, Jas. Gil- Âllen's Lang Balsa i i.the standard cure cf uakr lI adresedthepeole. christ and Lovol l3larision. for Cougis and Colds in thse Status. On Frida>' aud Saturday Jan. l8th Mr. Parkier seconded by TMr. Poucher, -Tise tenders for thse Brantford water- and 14th Magistrate Hoi-ne held Scott mnov'd tubt thse folliowug msmbera o1 tise works have ail been rojeoted. Act our boe. n Fida, sinsoffn council -compose tirs standing oommittees hran ayp Âctcout brs.OuFriayseis fufr the pi-sent year :-Finance, Messrs. Teea_ a> erfumea whisb, when dors frein the north were hanled over Miller, Mackey and Parkier; roadsanmd aPPiied te tise hamdksrchief, hav, a ver>' tiie ceua.aise Lhe case cf A. Mccley bridges, Mesars. Mackey, Parkesr and agresable odor for a few moments imd thon was dispesed cf ccsting Mr,. Moe>'Pencher; contingencies,, Mosns. Parler, dis é, ay, leaving cal>' a sicll>, disagieable $68.85 in a 650 fine and costs for eue Miler and Poucisor; damagl o teep by emeil. Not se with Murray *Lavman'a doge, Messrs. Patiner, Miler and Poueher. Florida Water: tise longer it lu exposed the evoning in the bar rather tuif A>'. ? Aplciofrtseosincf whp more delicate and de nhftbeou L Bobt., Ceekiuru wau te appear but wu~ engineer, rosît frein G-eo. Philip and Foster rice aroma. ver>' suddenly calledl away. On Satur- Hutchuson. IL is ezpeoted that Mayor Âbbott of Mon. day Mi-. Hamilton peoved hoe bad net Mfr. Timotis> Walsh was hoard reoeon- treal will be induced te stand for a second scld an>' liquor witilnthe tins stated îng oi 8rd rangs uine opposite lot 20. terza. but had leased bis bar te a atranger Mr.Pak8r nroducoî a by-Iaw, ho saÇja g aiswomt n nam ukton.JoeElio wil akewurea 3seera tmes- napaused up- Pretentiongte rofimen et.ýba. naise untson. Js Blet ill ake osnug an assessor and anditers, b>' which white bonds. We betieve tb4'ý -t. lu a 80 daye visit te Whitby as $50 a P. A Beaton was appointed assessor at a uot.bing will tend moi-e te pr;àoe tLis oeonth rent hoe thinks is toc bigis and salai>' cf $150, and Tho&. Dn and M. effect thon thse congtant use of lçMur,> W#hitbv "don't est nothink" Ju Gleeson auditors at a sslary of $15 emois - Laxsssaus Florida Water mixed vtsts Ken-inedy was fined $50 and costeansd Mr. Palme~r ieported from, istanding oin- *ater iu the basin. It remoe erdiss lnittee on shsep da.maged by doge, reoom - and rossghness. Tise ladies cf Cuba, aud judgsmeut in Jne. Mcftae's case wa mending paymnt te tise following parties: South Ansonca were tise firet te discove, deferred fer a week. -Geo. ftawson, '5166 ; Jue. Joffer>', $#m 0W; tie otraordinary virtues of this floral GEE.EEANK.J.T. Richardacu, $I0.66; Geo. B. Alger, water as a cosmetie, and have lng&aines ,and'Oreubank, officer'. and -ether re- 005. ana for lurbez$806 - h..........02 1 ibis Cuà ty- is in a bealtis> and active 0-oin Kk>tse.>>,w.Wod.......O* 0-50 =. P;rerraý folm Lise standing eioi ......... 1 1 cOUdition, lu addition te a .large eSmustte. on omglgnîsromuin d. a b......0 0 amoutof businesssapecial to the eider, paet of tise fou 0 0s7~ss:.a.?okpret. . 00, 2 reouin-were Passe imanimaou i r yiorauppUtit i. Lntun, #1446;- A. Teirripi........ ......05IVC O23 pbutngblanke for auci o01Oeiery, pre.....0 0OO eqpaessnga deterraination te stand 0 lta.e15;Nvoe heea e b.... 0O0 10 *i 8ctAct;i*u referenoe te beps. dLe'en lUuspjçeg, 10.84; Ta!Prkeys p«r.....010 01 nielons influence of modertat IL es .Beetn e(f3D.nMe80 »mpe1......00 012 se callea; and exprssg, tise desirbi-. Oommitté.reands<l thaI aid> b.se wl......-008 010 Iity etofarentisekmg andl ro ani«,g«=td te 155fôllwng indflet~ion sonnectuon wità tise -eider, aM an, en. an@ltJn :M y. dvf. oeuragotueunçI dexmple te oyog. ve ,Gluss@u;Peb Votes 0et iankf were pasne& te Mr. 'H. M. ê >w~,~Goa oî.OmU ~..erbyfor hic services as D. Scrib%, om.;s.oziGluo and to drilsank Dnviain .ad e..1.. hu. rGw. wml"fiaf? 4UOTION SALE Tarm Lands ad MMi Privilege NEAR BROORLIN, ONTARIO. F 0 Under and by Virtue of tise power cf sale containoît lu a certain meitgage, whieh will b. produed attire ime cf tise sale, there wiii be, offered fer sale b>' Publie Anetion b>' Levi Fairbanks, Anetioneor, at the Royal Hotel, Wiitby, on, Saturday, llth Feb., A. D., 1888. At Lite boni cf twelve o'cloek umon, tise foilowing valuable freehold propeit>' name-cneso o!Wibcuiin(1 W E ly :-Part of tise soutis part of lot 18 lu tise about sixty-uine acres ; auo pairof lot 17, lu tise sixtis concession of Whitby, adjoin. ing tise miii pond. On tise propeit>' is erected a frauns bouse ou atone foundation, one and a isaif stories higis, seven rooma, good collai. Tiser. is a trame bar-n 30z50 witi satone stables underneath. Tisere are about sxt>' acres o! ricis, higisly-cultivated ]and, two and a bal! acres of wirich are lard DS J eut in au oreisard o! choie fruit tises. Tise iii priviiege le an excellent oe, having a fail o! about 22 foot. Tise properywl eiDs c tered for sale subjeot to a reserv-bld. Tise1 prepert>' will be sold subjeet te a firet mort- TE rhMS 0F SALE-Ton per cent. of tise CONTD purechase moue>' to be paid at the time et sale to tise veudor'a solicitors and tise bal- ance te b. paid withlu 80 days thereafter. Tise Vendora wili net be rsquired te preduce an> deeds or copies thereof or evidences o!f N aticulatare nd cnitiroscfseenandNT titisno t isat are no t lu tis ofr posesion md Paiul a tfinasan>'coabstract of tiLle.cnbeW bsd fron tise the undermigned. Dated at Toi-ente tisis Bixtis day ef Janu- a à',A D., 18"8.I-11 O.&H. D. GAMBLE & DUN", FURS, R Cor. cl Front & Scotit Ste. , C0 MMERCIAL HOTEL, 56 Jarvis St., Toronto, HARRY KEEBLE, Proprietor. TE£"RMS-$1.OO Per Day. WARM BOOMS. GOOD TABLE Stabling for 100 Heres. Warble Busines& DEÂLERS IN larbie and Granite Monume) leadstones, ifo. AUl eiders prompt> l led and saltf marateed. EVERY HOUSE-KEEPE1 àouldl keep eonetantly -on had a supý Ca acio D, pi> o NU LL & FNT .GoJni -si IES'ON AL R GOODS, )BES, and OVERCOATS at Cos Men'ys and Boys' Undél Cl-othing Prices, Below Factor Dress Goods and WoolE' Greatly Reduced. .,"..,Millinery SoIdRegard less of Oost. POWELL &00 Is the Place where you will find the largest stock of Xmas Goods in TÙown.- The. Stock is 110W complote in ,j N 1Crockery, China, -Glass ware, Fany Good6 0f ai kinds. Also a funl Stock Of' GROCERIES, FR UIT d YSE, China Tea- Sets fpr$35 China CupÉs and Sauc-exa,$12 per dozen, and other Goods in proportion.bl WANTED-A4lkinds o ampo We J. GiBý$0-N, - WHITBY ýOHMR. T-!P i bMitb!Qirrne Establishied 1856. wLeadinqW kIin Onitario Cour't, SUBSORIPTION RATES. si per annula lu advance--$.50 other s. SnbseiiPtios are alwaya payable a te office of publicaitionl. Steam equipmie4t a na best fuiniahe iook &nd Job printing plant lu Raster .niaile, capable of ezeoutiiig anl clouses rik froM4lse largýe pester toe i .~5l madbill.- Special mQn1ion je made of I nsurasad peesf acilities -d Tmamuo CMIu, *ith ite celebiated N .0tr Ilinder ppros sud other -mode= couve nees. Ever>' eider receives prompt,ca ni attention. TBBMS 0F ADVEBTISNG.t 1-Furst inseerticflP5 lins, 10 couis o gubsequeIt insertion, 5 cents. ý D)ispl5>'ed AdyveitSfefnto are mesU by a seaie c! eolid .,NOnPareil, andar accordxuglY.,,,sn ihu 1AavertiselunSsn ihu u instrucotions iuseited until forbiaddons aharged for fantimei. Orders for djscoutinufiflgsavertisel ýmust b. iu writing, otheriyiietielpub eu«S viii net be responsible. A liberal disoillt for coutrmet, avo meue b tie yar.Cclp>'for ehaug eeontr"ae tiseme5nts should be ha lnnotlater than WeneaaY; ud cq 1e ni nyinteuded chianges sboula ho befois Tuesdo;y noon. Otherade -'mente reces'e pt isrd> on Business notices in local or U0w5 col I> ive cents per lUne weekly. Locale, Ooii5pouanc solicite- fhem al ,-.ftise ontY or ueighbouiflg teri C-orrepsadents are iqested tose 4 tir COeMUMIiications as prcmiptl IýMossible, Y,~lBSÃ" &GRAHA Propli SUP't Mechanioal Iep't. ABBISTBB, Cousit>' (Jown AUl vn , b HeyeWlsIb B£napied by Faaee11 Blaut Royal Hotel, Brook St.,WhitbY.j -*i oÂVI RIISTON, B.A TToRNBxÂ-TLÂW, BOL',I ha Cer' onveyanl5,- Omen-In tish ie soulhe it Office, uus KoXiUle '5Blook, Broeb G.OU G jiT ,La Osu...~nx kt.,-&.o,-s]oih o Brook S1.e Whfib7l. J-au, 2% 1878. SOEhN BALI DO0 6NTACLUH Thé largeet a d e TOYS AD A J. Mass xaoie, lIer. Greî B 'g. - t . XI a 1a 0e O 4 à . è 1 ýnts,

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