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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 2

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g a 4 6 s 6 - I j la E~i.<.A.UTOThO P~ub, -Ouada Tomperauce Act, COUKT? POLIO% XAGUTsR7a E5COUaT. The hearing of- cases on complainte laid by thoeILioauss Inspeetor upen in- formation fu'rnished by MoQues anti Dennin, ii )toiovscniu cd befors County Police Magistrat. ][crue at Whitby ou Weduesday,Tbtl!5- dey eut pritiay -of lest week.-J. E. )'arewsli, Couuty attorney proeecuting, Meuérs MoGillivray Chapple andi Ruloeeraonougeotheiidefenos. Thse Queen vs. William Carson and Thoma Dancoeater. --Both of St. Charles Hotel, Port Ferry. Doiective MeOrea proved a purchaso of wbiskoy trmxCareon, wbo te bostier st Danus- tee's Hotel, on 28tb Movoxuber. Hoe vau showiug a sampis case and book flanss.Dauacastea put oneo nder his armn, vont bobindtiho bar aud sait. This iune use, svo keep noîhing te pat ie oiL. The lime vas about 10 a. mn. Carson, for the. dofeoe, evore ho diti ne& suppiy whiskey but cigare te MlOCres aud the person ho iroatet eut tuallà vas betweon 8 anti 9 in the morniog. Thoughi MeCros weut eway beforeDasmis. -Dit net selà auy in- iozlo&ýing liquor -dring the M'oubh of Novembor. Doba net belle a ny, vas 00ai sotil1he oiltirk hsal ,Meuh- Mr. Dancasier, proprielor e ft be St. Cbarles Ulotei sait ho vasl there part cf the Ligne viithMcOrea. Wont avay bo- fore MeGrse titi. Thero vore severai othor persona proeut. Other people bave tolti me the names or I could not bava rememberet. Carson dit net ssii suy whiakey whiie I vas ibore. Lu his own case as proprietor ho saidt iat he bat ne interosi in ltue bar. Ho leaset i te George Brown et $3 per day San. days sas eli. Brown buys cigare from Danoaster as hoe requiros tbemn. He liglits aud heals the bar anti boards Browa. No vitîton lbase. Rout payable dsily. Pays $550 per annum for bouse sut etablos,and subista bar et $1055. Brown vas te beep tbe ber as long sash waniet iL. hease ente uthen Brown ohoosles. H o -ast gLout whonI &mrnont eatisfist witb the vaythie place is rua. To the beet of bis knowletgze ho bat rmade ne purohaso from brovors or liquor dealers trom tas ime Brown tob he bar up te bhs iayiug ef Lb. in- formation. Nor bal ho soit auybbing. lie dit net car. vhotber Brown soic liquor or net, T'h. objeet o! the iease was b prevent bis payiug a $100 flue. Changes bar tenders pretty oflen, bbeauso tboy arrua nt uby the Oouaty Attorney 'anti Inspecter. Eat verd t Bïrou, a bearder, avore lis va there wbiIe MoCrea, wvanaut as sure hulot ne vhiskey. Lt was about 9.45 0olcik s. m. Thore vers ton peepie blere-ail for soft drinks. Osn't sa viethor Daucoster vont out before MoOrea. Al the wituosses doniot bai. ing spoken te, eacb other about tis case, la Dancaster's case George Bravn, - who wuas'hbot in tbe iyrtle shooti sffrcy, appeared as a a ines eutndeore tbbt h. ronledthe i.bau frein Dancastei as long ae b. viset bst 68psr tay payable 'daiiy. Danessber batl no ia bereat ina-the bar. H.e, Brown, ouij soit tempérace drinks. Did not sel Intoxioatlug liquors lu Novomber The less vas an boestl lsse antint absu. There vas ne imofulty il mklug $8 a day veot, paying fc- cigars aut temperauce drinks, an( meklgasgeotiliving vithouf sellasl haaiuoablng liquouu. Qts*etv. Âlfred Giover.-Gioveri Qsnn va. La-t im9re.-MoCres 1pro ,illiatI he"sa" one. Pagan sot vinul aàüi tetbar ebcOrientalboteli re -Lattn'e. ?&id 10 oula for il. Lai more filet no 1th. book flamba w wbUksy for Pagan. The obarge w 10 seuls. No. igata bonghb--Lat m tore delb4thétaI h kav"etle Wose, u0 iet 1.lan:,smo bro&WChi4~ssthse ienaseldealer rixe;buh*«O niao psy foron SA0I lease-that Lattimoro vas tb 661i intezi- catifliqiuors. Qeuvu attk»or.-&.IoUIor case in whieh the detectivOers neDt cou- cornod Messnie tnce and Broya had ",root", at the Oriental frooe Lattimore. Did not know whai it was. Asked for root and thought vo got gI It lbWed like beer, frothed like boer, Emelled 4ý littie like boer, taeted a little like boer,, but if Scott A.oi was noi in force wouldl not drink it. Mr. Lazier bsd momie, dia not think it intomicatiflg. LattiomI' beiug put on hie defence, admitted lie had got momie fromn the licensed dealer on somne doctor's order. Dîd net know whether root was boer or not, bougbt it as root, and se tbeught it wae voot and not beer. Hoe old it from a beer pumnp. It looked lik boeor. Did net know whether the pipes from parap terminated in soda water bottios or in a barrel. Hlad nover seen whero the. tube ended. Tbougbt iii did not ter- minatesin a soda water bottls. Gel 500 galions. Rad nover tasteil Toot or marie. Men seemod to, say iL vas good, but nover tasted it myseif. , t might b. boer, and, the momie' might be whiskey for &Hl ho knew. Jndgment vas givon as feilowe upon the cases ,nentioned in* our las& issue sud csei. and ceste. Regina V8. cfloter.-Conyictiofl $50 and coes. Regina vs. Caracrn.-CoflviOtiofl $50 BIandcs aud coste. Regin.a vs. Dancm.ter.-CouTietiolI $50 and ceete. Regina v8. Dancaster.-Conviction 850 eut costs. Regina v8. ffodg8on.-Dropped witb- eut coite. Regina vs. Defoe.-Dropped vitb- eut ca,9se %.gina v8. Corbin.-DreIJPcd witb- eut coost. Regina v8. Dancaster.-DroPPed vithout castg. Regina v8. Devoit.-With coote. Regina vs. Walker.-Witb caste. Jimmney Devoit escepet by proving that his vife was leses of the hotel sud Lindsay ber bar tender, and that ho vas a hunter, snd. fishorman, ant bOot buder, eut cverything cisc ex- cept a dealer iu intoxicante sud Re- juvenstor bitters. Breat sud Newtau's cases vere me- served. Geo. Brown andi Ben McQaay net yet tricd. S. Ontario Couservatives. ANNUAL MEETING AT WRITBV AND ELKC - TION OF OFFIChRS. The annuel meeting cf Lbe Liberel Couservative Association ef South Ontario vas boit bore lest Friday after- noon. The. attendanos vas goot te- spits the stormy veether. Offloore vere siectet for te ensuiug year as folowi: *>msident, Peter . Christie, Manchester; vice preitenta-W bîtby, D. 0. Downey ; Whitby township, Thomas Il. Smith; Eset Whitby town- ship, John Boss; Oshawa, W. F. Cevan; Pickering township, John Miller; Beach township, Joshua Dabsen ; Scugea towuship, Wm. eam ; Fort Perry, N. F. Paeone. ecrotary- treasurer, S. M. Newtou, Whitby; correeponding eecrolaryý, J. A. Caroveil, Oshawa. Executive Comnnittees ; Town et Wbitby, James Butiedge, J. H. Long, J -B. Dow, J. Farquharson, John Smithi, Louis Sebert, Dan Whitney, J. 8tauton ; Whitby ievnsbip, J- L. Smitha, Darne-. bas Gibson, Win. liodgson, John Vipont, Stephen Mediaut, Thoma MoBrien, Aloi. Wilson, WS. EHoau; EBut Whitby townshi., A.. G, Smith, 0. 8iabback, P.' M. Luboe, Wm. Balby, R. Robiins, Lsa>.c Huggins, Geo. Minty, Aloi. MeMatien, Wr». Bain; Pickering township, Robert Miller, J. Germa», H. Goerdon, John Baitf-r, Thos. Moodie, B. Carruthers, W. Sadior, J. Lawton, F. L. Green, S. Stepheneono B. Milme, Win. Major, P. C. McAvoy, D. Birrel, W. Scott, Arthur Johuebon, 0- Mitchell, W- Mitchell, J. Lavrenos; Oshawa. Walter Ooutbard,J.B.Lerke.W.H[.Tho- Dingle, G. H.EL 6eetappls, 0. W, socot John Carter, J. Brooiks;- Port Ferry, Et.. Major, W. aKennedy, Hans Pausons, J. Boral, John Lavder - Beachb twnship, John M1t"n, Jame' Lang, Joseph Baird, W. J. Brown»,Y, Arhnmn, B. Streebon, Geo. St. John, K. Orag, Wm, Real, jr., J. MoParlane, Gao. Brown, jr,, James 8. Baïud, Thou Orchain, W VI ,Wouâen ù,SBumg Thsomas Graham, John Aduns« > ohingl pire oO mâméomtvlhaik abeu che 5po 'Mu. WmD. able àà, wa# Dylearutdeati.iod oret livort àa misery. Indigestion as àa tl ooti0 nature. The human digestiive appariti is oe ofe the most oozplloaflsd»sd wenartflfb iu existence, lb !0 eauiiy put oim:o! rf Greasy fo ot, tough foed, sloppy 0 #t bad. cooekery, mental worry, late heure, irreogitr habits, and many other, thin&a whleh ough4' net te be, have made the American* people. a nation ef dyspepties. But Greeu'a Augumi Flower bas dlons'- a wonderf ul work Ï& reforming ibis Bad' business andi making thé American people Bo healthy that they cen enjoy their meala annt hahppy. themember :-No bappiness withoub health. But Green>s Augus"Plower bringe healtb and happiness to the dyspeptia. .5mb your druggist for a bottie. Seventy-flve cents. holding e meeting iu Trafalgar square Tuesday. a Eeon andi a Bmefling. A beau eut a blessing te menkizi l Hagye.rd's Yellow 011, the great Pain de- stroyer and hoaliug romedy for externat aud internai use. Tollow Oit cures ail aches eut pains, rieumatism, lame bask, sors tbroÃ"at, croup, dealues, crampe, o=- tracteti corde eut lamenees. Procure i of your tmuggist. Thomas Byrne, hresitent ai tbe BaUmeü- lie. brcuob oet ho Natonal Loagate, be To aU vho are sufleriug from lb. errers ent iudiscretione et youth, usrveus woak- ziess, early teeay, tees et meuhoati, &o., 1 vill s'eut1e recipe that wii cure yen, FREE 0F CHIARGE. The greatrernedy was discovereti by a miseionary iu South Âmerica. Sent a self-addreset envelope ta the Rev. Josaru T. ILXçNut Station' D New York'Cili.. W. M. Gibson, the exiled ex-Premier of the Sandwich lslande,tisdiz San Pranciso yesterday. CONSUMPTION CURED.' heving had placed lu bis hautsî by an But judia missiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fiir the speody eut perm- anent cure of Cousumption, Brenchitie, Cetari. Asthme sud a&l throat eut Lung Affections, aise e positive eut radical cure for Nervous Debility eutda&l Nerveus Coni- plaints, after beving tested its voudertVIl curative powers iu thonsant, of cases, has telt it hi, tnty ta make it kuowrn ta bis sut!eoring fellowo. Actuatet by this motive aut e desire to relieve huanusufferiug, 1 wyll sent freset charge, toa l whn desire ih, this mcci pe, in (3em=u, French or RughIs with full directions for prsparing eut usina, Sent byùiail by addressing withistamp, naminR this peper, W. A. Novas, 149 Peo. W $r Block,.R achUte . N . y.-- AUCTION SALE -0O- Farm Lands and MMI Privilege Unter sud by Vu-tue of Lbs pewer of sale cont.alned ln e certain mortgage, mhacbvilii b. pretucet et tthe rime et th. sale, there miii b. offeret for sale by Publico Auction by Levi Fairbanks, Auctioecr, ait 'theBoyal Hotel, Whitby, on Sata<rdag, llth Feb., A. D., 1888. At the hour eftwtmeve e'cloek neon, the I otlowing veinebie freehoit property nse- ly :-Par te aconth part of lot 18 lu ths ~sixLh oocuoo f Whitby, conlainiug about sixty-uine acres ; aiso part et lot 17, in the sixth concession et Whitby, edjoin- îng the miii pend. Ou the properiy lu ereeotia trame houseson atoesfoundatien, eue eut a hail tories high, seven reoms, geot oear. There is a trams baru SO witi atone stables unterneath. Thero are about sixty acres ot rich, iigbly-culiivated lent, tvoaneu a hall acres ef which are laid eut in au orcbard of choie. fruit trous. The mii privitege is ait excellent ene, baviug a fall et about 22 toet. Tieproperty viibeot- tereti.fr sale subjeot te a resorve bid. Thi. propiy viii hosoit subje oea firet mort- gage. TBRU8 OF BALE-Ton per cent..oet ho pnroisse money te be paît et the tam.et aie io taeventer's solieltors aeuthie -bal- anet e. e pait vitia80 taym thereafler. The Ventera viii net bo requiret toproduce anytis oer copies ihereof or evidences ef tit le that are net ia their possession aud viiinet furisi sn)r abstract eftbile. Particuiers cndt conditionso et aieus»b. 0boatfrein ths tue underiued. Dateti ai Toronto Ibis sixti tdayeof Imnu. auA. D. 918Sï 0. & Hl . G&MDLB & DUI4b CorFetofPront & Beaul Bta. Hav.yoU a Pairs anywhou. about YOU? USEPERY DAVW 2t;Ots.P*r Sottis. M Bi j fJSor nat ndCide 111tis io wapted tohildrm fltStI Casts' cres oUle, Oommtpation,4 rmomendit s speror o ay pesciF Soutoinach. Diarrhoea, EOucttiOn. i eoomen Itas ipeie teany~flL~Ol ifle Wor=n, gives sIOOp, ntpO15dl wVE ta me-,, H. A, AàCREP, MK D., j OI U11 B. wod B, Brooklyn N. Y.%M O& et U Tzm CENT.&IR Com'AaxY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. L TSHAMERI ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sehool Thorougbly Equipped for Business Trainig. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESIE HORTHAND AND TYPE-WBITING PRACTICALLY TAUGUT, FINnd forM CINclCrNAddeA. Positive Cure. >1< A Painlees Cure. ee __ F4CTS FOR M1EN OFL AL ÂAGESc 97. T.LT D T S I C 2- S, B- TIRE GREAT 1IIXfLTi IZRE'ER, Marre! of H"aling, and Kohincor ef Medicines, c,~tise terrible eonequences f ndisrttetf. i:xpo-t.ure aaid Overwork. Who are breken Jown front the eî!e.-ts of!hl pse will i zd n No. 8 e radical cure for nervotie debility, onei-c e&Okurs;. 'nvoi nutary vital losses. etc. Bimpoues rau wHICH No. 8 SHOL F11)nic Usi,.-Wiînt oft euergy. vertigo, vaut of purpase, dimuesa of ,iIght. aversion o society. vant of cnience, avodauce of conversation. desire for salaud,iitessuess ad înaillty o fi ' ttie attention ou a particular snbject. eewardice, depression et spirits.gidi os teof rienmry, excitability of temper. sper- Matomrhoee. or loas of the Reluinal tluid-tlio e iu of seif-abue or marital excess-iInpo- teucy. innutritioti, omsitiaoibtirreriite>s, pa itation o! the heart, hysterie feeling-, in tomnates, trenibUug. ,netauchoty, disturiang drenaws etc., are til synîpteme ofth<is terrible habit. ottentimea inoocentiy atc<jureit. Ini short. the apring gf vital force having iost its tension,. .very function wanes ln conseqiC. Scieutifie irriter-' and the superintendeute of insane asylnis nuite iu nscril.inp, to the sif-ts of golf-ai-use he gi-est rnjorty ai vasteel lies whib camenuder tijeir notice. If you are icompetelt for the arduons dattes et business, Incapactatet for the enjoytnent" of lite, No' 8 allers an escape tram jbt eftait erly vice. Ifyou are edvencd inyears, No. 8 mill give yeu fullvigor sud iitgeth. Irvou are braiten dama, pbysaîncelly sudn, moraily froam early indiscret4n. the remufitelguar,.nce sud tolly, send yonr addrese eutl 10 ceuts lu stamps for M. V. LtrsaN's Treatise ln Bolt Foi-m ou Diseuses af Man. eaed sud sectiro tram observation. Addresex all cinmunl<catiou5 ta fI. V. LU8RON, 47 Wellingtonl St. E, Toronto. à Ma wthut wsdom lives la a ols paradise.. CURÉS CIJARAaiTEED. -IIEAL ITHE SICK. - .. ze A Permanent Cure. >l< A P l Isa nt Cure, (- 4 Hu :4. ,~I1 III CD With Patent- Fire-Box isreoutoniz-I. ing. Cpookng with coal. It. keeps fire ail night, lis durable, eay to manage, aud eoéouomioal., A t the Q ebeoc]3xhibitiou itreQeived tII - il I IY Au DIL awazded to any stve this year. LVe7ry Stove Guaranteedte be ais represented., Doni' a AmONE,ý8 * . - e - 'I r4$khia daager-,$h mfience su mr. edib, Sb ! L '-,th 0ppoaitiow lu th. ýoengratultiMg- The..lin- VlaB TAXBs. SBTbaud otuho Warti.uaxaaâ rI en. utreca neu. orora -i liee C uty f n lomarvataveî te support~ ie Suhbtday o! Bptember, 1887, lient of thse parly's visis. lng me to levy Upea Ibo lUi tht Smih,- M. p., Senthtioned for aurears of tbkxes tbOTeil proepi sund delivereilse, uotzee lu laereby givýen I th niétn uar uandi cou sare toonirrpti 'rsasainlng snsla 4lbe wiqolkffl of December, 1887, 1 shall, ilu' vwMi" lb. meat Ac omi 1 "i i. -Ir lumw à L ife AT CSùrT.c MuTu ReereFnLie ssi ance of New York. CaainGoverrnmentd< aiet '100~ I>eabh aims paid during 1884 '-479 .909 bNew business, lit8mou.,188, 15,0.00,00> Twonty-fivo per cent. of, aass uesmn* are deoeited ýwithe sCedUarlTrast- Cor», pany of Nov York, as irusbceoet he" Be- serve Punt. Lifs lanrance at lois ban une-hall the orinary rates, and seeurfty perfect. - 01 10 almessments madie a lm881, 1, 8 andi 1884, andi in noecmcaseea thoy b. mors frequeuti han evry alternate, mçÎuh.' Ania exponséesýof manage ment dm* limiieti te $2 per 81,000. An active, agont, ueoe na preentodlocality, te whom a liberal oeéu mm WUtilb. ailovtid. Ap oinf selotetani nlparioular uniht Ll- )LidAUd~aUI agrain buyor. A11idtiîke 0citiOili0rs aro A. O.{ W.men. aglý Gýsoal dropPedto12 ~usaglo Qrillia. on SaturdaY. rcr « tobusinese s ix w6ekàisthoecr f BMrie's polie court. ~euingOfl couty ue of Induitry erowded with 78 iurmatos. 45..bjrtlh@ 45 deathe and,22 weddings igesafr dal record for thc old year. A Parry SQuiid summer hotel bas- ~ul paid a dividenti of nino per cent. Wm. Fraser, a Stigted township ,,biskOy man, îs in Parry Sound jeul for 'not p%.yiiig $50 andi coste. Orjilla s alvatiflisý5 are negotiating for the Purebase of ihe Rama. brass band instruments. To sceomodatethe now enowv plew, on tho Neethern the station platform bailtte be narrowed. From 89 te 100 loade per day of peul timbor are being delivered at Cainea facterY, Newmarket. Jacob Jollifie, of Parry Sound, ia- re- portet to bave shot Il deer in Lwo dayE sud a haif in the township of Conger, The Meaferd Mirror man keepe we1l th te front. Last week ho chroniolei tb firet robin,-th0 barbinger of spring Ailioton hlas coneladoti that iL ceeue raiethe $2b,000 for stock necessary t4 seurs the Mowat làf' g. Ce. te thi village. Becanse ber about-to-be hueban didn't tur up et the appointet timi Mies Huliyard, of A.1ton, e'nicided by tl laudanum route. Mies fleaven, of Trafalger, wou lobog, but now that ber aria bas bo< twice broken she may fint other amuE mente on eartb. Heratio Ileevee, o-f Bradford, eau i hie aie te a nieLy.- RoeOut a five Ùu ulleli in hie boot and Bock, but the bi didut îoueh bis flesh. Au entiro flock of wl gesse w 'killet roecently et Big Bay Point. 1 birds having alighted were unable rise again bence their easy elaugh A stick projeetiflg (roma a load Wood eaught Geo. WilliaUison, o! N market, betweefl it and a* tree gii him sncb a squeeze se te endanger ribe. F our hundred andi sixLy-two te put up ai the Grand Central, Ori one Satttrday reeently, and the pior wante te kneW wbe eau bliat record. In turning quickly round -te ru hie mothor a littie son of M r. -C Hughes' collideti with a 'ceai E burniug hie moutli se badly- th& several days hoe ould net open i. à live boar shippet Ithe other di BewmaEfllOfor.ibo Zoo iu Toi gnawed-Ibis way thronuh tbe car and en roachiuig Osaa aid te bavwg become enraged. STrenton has a proaeber, Rov- V' lqo&mnn who last Tuesday pri bis 95 bilîthuiY sgrWOTI. lAstef -.hiesî WPro, woro .Ivo othor re gonteeO couver t5bY-hlm 50 ~:complaini bas been mades county jutigo &neuf theMidiaui cipal ,oloctione. At the cloIs poi thé returDing offleer aticai 'Murphy siecieti by- a iajoriy o, Tho ballots vere tabou borne 'i * - counlei ing bsopnn5 0 a LiJ'e Insuranco The treatmeflt of manY thousands of caem of those chronic weaknesses aud diistreguU eilments peutiar ta femaies, at the Iuvaid - Hotel aud Surgicat Institute, Buffalo, N. Y4 bas afforded a vast experience lun ncely nant. ing and thoroughly testing remedies for ai cure of womati's peetqIjar maladies. Dr. ]Pierce)@ Favorite Prese riptiolu Is the outgrowth, or re8uit, of this great aud valuabte experience. Thousands of teetimo.. niais, received from patients aud from physi.. clans who have tested it iu the more aggra- vated and obstinate cases whlch had. baftied their skili, prove it ta be the anost wonderfui remedy ever devised for the relilef and cure of !uffering women. It le not recommended as a "cure.-a Il," but as a moet perfect Specifie fer womau's peculiar aliments. As a poworfti$lnçvi g orattig tonte9 It imparts streugth te the whote systeni sud to the womb and its eppeudages ia particutar. Fer overworked, "wamu-out," run-dowu," debiltated teachers, mjiliuers, dreesmakera earr 'es ebeop-girls," house- s au eppetizlng cordial aud reetoraîî've toutc As a soothing andi strengtheuling nervine "'Favorite Prescriptionl h une- aualed anà le invaluable iu allaying aud sub. U' nerous excltabilty, irrîtablltty. ex- haien,'proi;trtion, hysteria, s pRseinsd other distressing, uet-voue symptains coi- monly attendant upozi functionai aud organic disease of the womb. It tuduces refreshing sleep and relievee mental auxlcty and de- spoudeucy. Dr. Pterce's Favorite Prescription la a legitiniate mnedicifle, csrefully compounded by an experienced sud ekiliful physician sud adapted to womau's delicate organization. It la purely vegetable lu its composition sud perfectly harniles luIte effeets lu auy condition ot the system. F or momuing slckness, or nausea, from whatever cause ari8itnk, weak stomacb, indigestion, dys. pepsia snd kindred symptoxi, its use, nsin l doses, wili prove very beneficial.- "6Favorite Proscription 99lI a posi- tive cure for the muost coînplieated sud ob- stinate caises of leucorrhea, excessive flowiug. paluful menstruation, tinxuturai suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weàk back, female weaknetlt," antevf'rsion, retroversion, bearlng-down sensations. i-hronic congestionà, Inflammnation -and ulcet-tion of tbe wornb, in-, flammation, pain nnd ten.Iernc8ssini ovarils, acconipaniet wlth -"internai heat." As a reguial1er and prornoter o!f lanc. tionai action, ut that critical period of change tram girlhood ta womauhood. "FIavorie Pro. scription " la a perfectly safe. reniedial agent sud ean produce only good resuits. 1h la eqaaiy efficaciouSsud valuable ta its effocts wben taken for those disorders sud derage meuts incident te that later sud.most critieSi period. known as "The Change ef Lite." "6Favorite ]Prescriptiong )twheu teken lu counection with the use ef. Dr. Plcreae? Golden Medical Discovery, and mml aratve 4pses of Dr. Pierces Purgative Pelleta (Little Elver Pilla), cures Liver, Riduey eut Bladder diseases. Their combiued use aiea remaves blood taluteand abelisbes cancerous snd scrofutous humors fram tbe systeni. "6Favorite Prescription " la thcenly modiciue for women, soit by druggists, under a positive guarantee, trom-tbs manu-. factrers, that It viii give eatlefaetton lu ever7 case, or money wili be retundot. This guaran- tee has been prlnted ou the bottle-wrapper, sud tsaithtnuly caryiet out for many yeas. ]Large bott1e. g,00 doses) s10,o ix botties for $5.0 For flrgollustrated Treablson Dlro ot Wûmen (M 0pages , er-,"red),, OM e cenlustampe. M lo i:Dqmu «iAuoalm 60 MàM 8BU FALOq lN.'S PENMANSHIP, ,>OOK-KEEPING, Send for Cireular. Address. C. O'DEA, Secretary. NEAA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO. jase r. Ir& b of 0 1 : ira >b A Painiese Cures ma positive cure.

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