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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 4

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4 4 ae -~ iii I I[IIi mii e i. r PORt TNT! -o--- The rermaintier cf o& Stock cf FANCY GOODSI AT, AND I3ELOW COSIT. BEFORE BUYINGI, Ca/i and Sec Us AT TMf MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Si ce PUR ANNUM. Wbltby, Fiday, Jan. 27> 1888 Tas present Ontario Houte opened itrseoud annul session on Wedces- day. Tihe speech was the. firet deliver. i by the nov Governor, Sir A ez. Qatuphetl, andthelb. orernony vas shorn of aul icrfoolery Bach scocketi hats aud'A. D. O's. Altogether the speech forecauis a good mauy measures of general importance, the. ouly malter of apesial importance, toliie saction i. ithe = gesion for a Minater of Agriculture, whteb poioo viiUk.ly b. ciferedt 1 our momber, Mri. Dryden. Prayers vers sifereti after lthe speeeh sadti he meunbers vent oui for the day. Tuu idea advanaed te car Conu*y COcueil in tavr rof eletiiag sheriffa, regflatrare te., by ths popular vote in @Maito beb an advanced one, anud vo believe so. h tla ai Isaet toc far in ad- vana. of oar ideas for U13 te grapple with it favcrmbly. Are vo tabhave a sheriff or registrar vho vili go on and * trm hie datiesproperly acoording to i.or-ar.vS 1.0 b ave ruch ofsets as vil!eauidsr vhibh plan vi! sars his rbinextsil sIeticu? Whou public umorals @hall bave become purifledt tea ach grealo er leut Ibu asbeen the eue peihape Ibis plan cf elecing .ounlty ogKce may do. In the mean- tim, v. have toc oeany publia serante dendluig upon the chaucs o f gettiug blàed ont ofthir places by thésystemx otftoemorality vhich te siguiflsd by the ofm e th4 popular vote. -Rowever ,every aspirant 10 a shrievally or reg- isbrahip viii iksly go for tb. esheme. Wit trust thal if tb. moexbers cf the Onlaio Cony Conil vaut ta #pend a ooupi. or Ibree.days villa S1I geumal Meve of - Beaverton thoy vini onst &hom on tbsir ovu hock, audnont baul th. vhol.e ounty basins. ith lhom. - Eéda pftwOia verything to Pl.".in 1h. Ol.rk'oatTresnwer sofes in ortier to carry out a esrload cf book@ andi paimeru neomsary for rsersnos, il w.uld. place the ounoiin the avkward position -ofhaviet ne @»itt1tn omo, nopsofor iobbylng, no roomx for q»Mtor. 1B rnytb êt he l. admir. aal- adeap4.4for 1h, .cnvnlsncsof oo=Oi Mréappeaom o no other tomwefor S b.move -batt hti e.- uiabl. for members 10 beoin, botter aoqsamledi wl 1h. oth pat rte h êouaty Tit is isr.ya'por ' u tuent. If members areot ne porno.. dm of enough norihera geography, do they e.p..tt he .t *to sendi theai on oW1orig .zpadllonsantidieursex .urems 10 hem, o&bout -limée. "go P It vrygood nd vsry bospUitalfor Ku ,Brus. to invite 1h. somnoilgo one A Xiiltoeof Agriculture. JUQ. D*YDE m. y.L-. T O S iCU81>TmE -ILACa. Tho speech tram lthtarne stt1h. opeaing of th. Ontario -Legisiature n Weiaesday lest, ie of more Ihan average leogli and irliporlance. Il embrass a large nuamber of preolical subjes neup on wbich legiaaion is premlasdl. Amengsl lime more important items is liai having referenoe. ote appoint- amenit cf a Minister cf Agriculture. XI is high lime liaI Ibis, lthe Most import- ant iutsry cf Ontauio, eheulti be spccially voiceti lu tbe Cabinet by a esponsibie heati. And the. anacunce- ment vili ne doubi b. aocepled by lbe farming omlmat> aes a faither evideuce cf lh. gootiintentions of the. Gov.rnrnent iu lime direction. Publie opinion, vith an noanleti unanini points te the membur for South Ontario as pre.emiueratiy tb. man for tb. position. Mn. Dryden, mn an eminent degree, poaesse a&Il lhe qalifications of fitous anti capacity for Ilinieter cf Agriculture. A v.ll stinoal- eti, intelligent man, a practical farmer on lhe lergeset sai.,an extensive stock breetier; a man, possessei of large panHiamentary ant municipal expeni. eues; coewho has laken au aclive part in lie organisation of Farinr' lu- stitute,, anti a ieadlung exhubilor fer years st the. Provincial -anti cher agiculturai exhibitions, h. voulti bring tote .dsoharge of lie duties tual largo information anti abilmty vhich shôuid muko hin aà velcome addition te the. Cabines cf Ontarios a thoroughiy repregentative ftannmer. Shonld Mr. Dryden accept lhe tender cf a port folio, il voulti b. an honor to th. Riding tlitaI soulitiecure Ilus re-election by acclamation. Opposition in snob an eveut veulti be noibing short cf factions. Bus even shoulti Part> Oppositioan nadiviaetiiy ho tietermineti on, Mr. Diyden's rs.electien would be a foregene conclusion, for bis acceptauce of office vuiti have tb. approvai cf the goot meofe&aU Parties in Santh Ontario.. Snob fauctionaries as crirninal justice andilors for tbis coanal> vil scamoely b. needet inl future. Messrs. Grierson sud Miller bave delivereti themoolves cf a document wbich vili put matters in sncb a shape tb.l lthe acocunte vili audit thenssivea vihhoult urtien in- spection. Tii.> being bothbaid anti heary-headed gentlemen aud lite being uneerlain, thcy thonght it juît as vel 10 rais.e e unI> trom its beipiese condition now, anti if thcy shoulti neyer live to corne back, future generatiens voulti bave nehhiate do but appoint a couple af the more respousible as- ceuncte oseau over lie ochers and pas. thon. Andtihlb. lo gooti olti gentle- mnnbadtheir hast viii anti deliverauco pubished in lhe Toronto papers, vhioh gave it lhe certain appearance of being a spoeieus blow-aff. The delivorance seo maI limehéConty jndges gel seme aMoney, vhich limes«Me gond ame. vo vouiti saggest ia future that their houoeb. boath 1gonch. The Co. Attorney &aecernme. in for a bill anti special mention i. amatie af lis tact liaI the sbeniff gobbheup a tes cf $2 in carrent noney cf lbV"ream for et. leuding upon ltheieheratlens of the. TEE seUTRuA»N» XTIXES Z osire GA tiNS mE OI5-T o kav a i nr SVEPOINTS FIST DAY. Tity-4ve oetèlb.hothinlymiz propes. ilivé wdous ver. prosenî on Tussdey aifleioos at 2.40 vwenCounty 0lkJ. E. Farevehi took bis eaït a iabaa aunoumrsay ot the sports,-,sud ealied for eme forlie st I euet -fet l I ______________________________________ M 16, Smith taking 1à, aud anu blennie. sien vas alcved for fifteen minutes t. ,,fi%" the. rae. This vas prolonged te hait an hour andi thon semaeoft1he racors vere Wsl« tW core to thoscrsih. Tih. airce. as roundedthelb. 8th lime vwih-Smilh and O'L.sry a deati beat at 15 points each. lu the 141h' Kstbewson etrack higb-water mark ai 16, O'Leary haviug only le th is eredis. Titis heat gave Matheveen his record.e*làth MoPherson teck bis mark ai 11, whibiheb afterwarde rais- é-d te 18. lu the 19th bhat Larke' rau oui wîh 16, sud people began le o»e in hum the dark hors. that ofien wine a race. In lbe 2fith ballot Conlthard carne lu firet aI 16, O'Leary sooriug 18 anti Batsman-& . aving-held out -for 25 rounds outil bis backer, Trenenlh vas hoarse xnakiug annoneements cf bis entries, O'Leary gave out, snd 1he 26tb aud laut heat cf Tuesday vas matis at 10:20 p. m., Laîke takine 16, Marlon 10, anti Flumrnerfelt 8. This fluiebeti the. fret diy'. sports, O'Leary's frieude feeling confident of hie being able to iead the p..rty in the mcrning. SECOND DAY. Wednesday morning'a final events vers rnoet ezoiliug, bat dr.v aàamali crovti. lu the mcatch for the 28th, Brue vas started inlaGaesileby 'byeof the. tire. Beach Higblau4ers, and veniti bave heen rmn thrugh'luin at, Celtie teague hadtie Im hainnan declsred for the more chassie Angle. mix-up sud French. A momber sug- geated, that the raie b. ohanged te show the election cf suy member Who aeored e najorlty cf ah. 85 jutiges. Larke andi bis backera oppoeet this,anti founti ont afterwards hhey bai blunder- cd, for hoe cereti 18-a clear majerity -on the. 29th ballet. In the 80tb start &Il bad petereti eut except Lana. snd O'Losry whc appean. edto te b boih in fine trîm. Ccrning round th. lai lime (YLeary aboveti a terrifie speeti sud gave Laneehis dui tte tune cf 21 peints te 14, anti with becooeini soiemniiy the soorolary au- nouncodt al lier. baid been asu ec- tin-O' Leary. Messrs. Bruce anti Ttcnenth bialetrter. performe thle ceremeny al cenducting bin m ,tel tbroensd auccessfully inducteti un înte tic position cf chief magistrale cf the. county cf Ontario for 1888. Thc counoi ten settleti dow to business. Mr. MeFarlane moved liaI a ballot b. taken for seven mnembons toetsîike the standing eommîttees for lb. year. -Carrioti. Mesrs. McRay and Lark. vere &p- peinteti senuineenis, andthleballot me- eleeting Mossrs. Bruce. Morlon, Smnith. Christie, Matheveen, Larke anti Mifter. Ou motion liee cunoil atijournetioit 12:20 to 2 p. mi. AFTERNOON SESSION. Conucil met at 2:30. Tic committe. reportedthelb.follev inr s th. standing cmnmiiees : Finance-Murlon, Movbray, Flun. msrfolt, Miller, Ohristie, Bruce, Gis.- dinunie andi MoRse. Logi.slaton and Afemorial- McKay, Ruthetige, Meekey, Curts anti Thonp. son (Mars.) EdtkcWion-Larke, Baird, Palmer' Wilson, Gai Iovay sud EHamillon. Boada and Bridgea - Bateman, Pencher, Willia6n, Orsyq ulaklewsou, Tenenlh, St. John. point jailera, polie magistrates, *e., Mud le pievide fer thé sîsetion * by populuâr vote of sheifa, regiolrari ét*c Prom th. sonuuy of Weliand urgiug Report of lime acuito* cf onIi justice accounlu. 7 Fkoin lie clerk of th.e ounty otfi gin lu"or. of 1norsumd govsrmntn aid$0 colegiate "utut"s, Jmiah ma»4 jLNRD l lï ~owiDg the fineat. lie e ha i4. )LD .WA TOHES, VERY CLU SE FI Inore t ak ur f igrdGUoni ou trSokw aectofgREs S very close. We realize that it is APRESSING MATTER. The people must have winter goods while they will be of some use to them and we have- l' resolved to settie the matter at once by making A Gle ait Rcd uction iii p rife s On our Large Stock of BLANKETS, FURS, IIOODS, CLOUDS, SHAWLS, WIN- CEYS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, GLOYES, HOSIERY, -YARNS, &o. It 18 not a damaged stock, it is not shop worn, it is not &fire sale or a bankrupt sale, or an emergency sale or a giving up business sale but it is A GENUINE Corne and See Us. IR.e D8S8 gzj- Whitby Dry CLEARA.NCE SALE We nieed the roo'm and must have it os Goods PRINGLE'S. MERCHANT TAILORING ForORDERED CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, at GREATLY REDUC.1 ED PR/CES. MADE TO ORDER. J. R. PRINGLEI F. L. GREEN, ---00---- Emporiumn. BURNS' COLUMN. ffow-oingOn OiUR ANNIJAL WIN TER. 8LA UGH TER. To aveiti oarrying overfelt geods, va have commencedti l sel hem ah viole. sale picos Widc.awake people would ti elaul emly, before hmir aises arc solti cnl. S OME PIIIJEB LADIEs' WY-Ân,-Timampson'a best.mke L. MACKEY, GIREENWOOD OAT MEAL'. MILUINO 00., GREENWOOD. Manufacturer of ail grades of Oat Meal, CJorn Meal, Boiled Wheatý Split Peua, Graham Fleur.,(Jracked Wheat, &o. W. have a firat-elass Miller and arc determined to turu out fir8t-cliaa meal. Sa Chopp constantly on hand. Chopping don. for 5i cents pet two bush. bag. 'We have th~e boat chopÉ stone in the Oounty. A Specialty made of exchanging oat meal for oatni Oas wanted for wàiëh highest prie vii be paid. We askYpur patronage~ GREENWOOD OÂT MEAL MILLING (oi~ K. B. Plour exehanged for Wheat .as usual at Greenwood IBoiler Mfl1a, have just put in more roils and other machinery, andl theflour le bettai, than ever. Highest prie. paid for wheat. CRU.GIE LE&mÉàVEi MEJDIQING Thiqb is anditi advice vo give le ail wbo-are euffeing tram Dyspepsie lu 9 sasseont cf10 medicines do are bamîlms on ni Ue bne tm belp atue ATHE RIE tle leooe thenie h.mytem1 Manae i.gji IT THINO TO DO ka14u. nim r*4aL' nu i, E aA& ha i La Flmnl.indvery va rte. hall pnee......... 5 ClothLacet B-oots...... Lineil threughouh h ol ul, Oloth Bui4oned Bos.- Kiti-fct, fane-ind sy 01mShoô Fly s1ipera... PunbontiSafin 0ôw, very -1 60 -125 àl4OND Rings, L ookets, Broochos, Pins8, Callar Buttons me Plate Table 1.Wre.-odd Spoofl or Sugar,J elly ana Pres erves. Fruit -pie, Crumb and Bxead.Klives. 8.BA RNA R!) OK ST.1 wim1l 3Ijitbi Q9bIVGw JA~NUA1~27th,18 . LOCAL LACONICS. 21T1 GION 1W8 lmAND AROUIIU TOY "4BUfl OSE F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS BLEE BY Cd4RONIOLE REPORTER8- IAubels5 amang 'v eki-lh Tii.finl meti athie -Picki wnship couneil istia $8u - mmm il l b. en liaI lime estaie je for sale.- TaE firet warým weIaet limaI - ; etc)wn corn2et bandi inte0tsled renatiing. -Geeti. Tu firet et a serions cf gosip1 Thore have been a few mors sa pthetta reporta iniii lWii. rOve ifatal sud ve -hear .cf t ne.'erotcf a muildet ciaracte Tue garce1' of lime Ohinu 551 rooklin san t iBrougha-m spot[anti b> poste-_ e i M.Tics. Bice cf Ibi&S. 10 egimil eu',atififieen lu B Q t t liepo.pti7 show% lest gmber cf fewls et bhga gr" ~TE B 13dsof thé ticsof EasI anti west Z1 a 1 - - Ã"d 4 * 4 % ,arring8, Scarf 1 cloth - 4&Z

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