J v/Fmo WItb cal= Prlnted word., grat 'tkoughts, audid utiring luduauy, Pace. Propose, Kuowhdg.~ BrothorI~oQ4. ~ VOL. XXXII.L WHIT BY, ONTARIO. FR 4' ;AY FERIRY 10, 1888 NO.9I~ 1wMbitbp QJbronrcle Esotablished 1856. lie eadI~ WekI~ n fltaîl Cou t SUBSORIPTION RATES. Si per aununm in advance-1.60 other- Ç s. Subarip ions are always payable att b.e office of publication. steam equipinent and be8t furnished <Book and Job printîng plant ini kh.atern Ontario, capable of exeenting ail clasâes of vork freon the large poster to th e emallest handbill. Special taeution is made ef the unsnrpaseed prosse f solities of Tirs CRItoN. IcLz, with its ceiebrated N. Y. Gottrou 0,Ylluder pre sad other modern conveni. e nces. E very order receives prompt, care- f ul attention. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. F'lrst insertion, per line, 10 cents ; each subsoquent insertion, 5 cents. Disptayed &dvertisements are meaeured by a moaie of 8olid Non pareil, aud charged acoordi ogly.1 Adverti4ements sent without written istructionis ineôrted until forbîdden, sud eharged for ful l ime. O rdt rs for ditoon tiuuing advertisemente mu8t be in wrting, otherwiseetb. publish. èeswîU nul be respousible. A liborai discount for oontract advertise- m~ente by the ye'ir. Copy for changes of oà utra"t adverti8emeuts should be handed lu not later than Wadnesday ; sud notic'e i- of anyintended changes sbould b. given 1? betore Tuiesday noon. Other advertisee mente recoived up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news colmmue F ive cents per lin. weekly. Locale, 10 cli. per lin. wmekly. Correspoudence solicited from m&H parts cf lh. Oounty or neighhoring townships. Oorrespondents are requeeted to send in Iheir comunnicationsi as promptly as posible, - -- RENDE RSON& GRLAHAM, Proprietors- JOHN STANTON, sup't Meohanloal Dep't. JOHRN. E.AREWELL, LL.B., 3> ARRISTER, Oounty Orovu ÂAttorney, 1 and couüty S41l0sr. -Office,- Sout JAMES RUTLED4iE, B RRISTER, &o. Office formerly oo- Boupied by Farewell & Rutledge, next e Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DA.VID ORMIISTON, B.&.* A' TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR MN A Chncoery, Couveyanoer, &o. Pu Ovzo-In the office southoftePn Offce, in MoMilla'a Block, Brook Stre.13 Whitby. iy-l0 G. YOUNG SMlTil, L L- B., _ABRISTEH, &o.q&c.--Monoy le Loan BIssuer ot arriage Licenseos. Otxcuci-Smith'5s Blook, eouth of Market, Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 22,1878.. (tf-S JOHN BALL DOW, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB nOhncery, Oonv:yncer, &o. Whilby. MLONET TO LEND-Private Fund,- n mm np 101800, stai s 1evrate of ln- LYMIAN ENGL181II, L L. Bi, BARRISTBR AT LAW? SOLICITOR EN~ B Obsucen!. (onvyaosflrko., &e. Slm- es Street, Oshawa. £Ucbital, P. GORDON MELDRUM, physicilsu, Surgeon snd Accoucheur. Office- hour -8 te 10 a. m., 2 te o u 7 to 9p.M. 11o. 89 THIE "TERR&GE," BYBOX-ST.s WHIlTBY. Gradusle cf 1he Ontarlo Vetenlnary, Cl- Onesymail or telegraplipromiptlY Sttendeil te. - Office st resldencet G. Ay s oPposite LIVERY and, $ALE TA~L »OOKST1~TWlITT MIe with Langley, La*igley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designe for Oburches, 'Villeasnsd.Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling ezlstiing structures. Oprucu-Firet fiat over Howse'm Drug Store. ]P. 0. Box M2, WmTur. FAI1M F011 SALE I A. Beautifully situated far= in th. TOWN 0F WHITBY. The undersigned offers for sale bis f arm of 49J acres, being situated on the east Bide of Brook street and north of the Grand Trunk railway in the Town of Whitby. This fasrm is as good a piece of land as eau b. found in the country ,bas a splendid situa- tion fora town park or driviuig park, iis in as good a etate of cuitivation s any Man couid wish, is.ftnced entirely with board fonces, ie clear of ail bad weeds or other ob- jectiotîs of thst nature, baip a stream of water runnin g throngh one corner which neyer fails. T he barn and other outbuild- ings are of the best quality and aluiost new; the house is a nearly new one-storey build- ing and can t e raised a etorey witb no great expense. There ie a good weii of pure water. There is a young orchard of stand- ard fruit trees. just oommenoing te bear fruit. The g.trden is as good as can be found. The farrn is convenient to schools and churches. Titi. good. Liberi terme wiIl b. aIlowed to the purchaser. 46- i a Sa Oir Vu of Apply to proprietor ou promises , -l2in. GEO. HICKINGBOTHAM, Whitby P. 0. hitby, Oct. 2Oth, 18387. einion Lino of Royal Mail 887. STEAMSHIPB. 1888. WINTEB SERVICE. [lingse tweeu HALIFAX snd LIVER- PIJOL, Fortnigbtly, via MUVILLE. SAILINQ DATES. mUla .... ..... 5<00 ........... Aucoover... Umis........... ýregon'. .......... ,"couver. Frein Baltimiore i 1-7 th 44 18 . '1i 49 Fei>. ldth. Prom H-aitai Jan. g1,1. Feb. 4th. Baturday, 4"« l8th. BATZS 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rateis f rom Baltimore oit Halifax, 60, $60, 466 and 875 ; accord ing to position fbtateroorn, with equal saloon privilegga. DAVID TORRAN4CB & 00., Geuerai Agents, bMontreal. B. STEIBENSON. Telograph Office, Local Agent, Whîtby 7Uan [lne Royal Mail Steamers.. IVERPOOLo LONDONDERRYo GLASGOW. WINTER ARANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAIL1NOS. Barmatian ..... ......... q8th Jannary PolynehiQa .............. lIth Febru'y- Noue of the above steamers Carry caIlle heep or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGE PROM WHITBY to Liverpool or Londouderry vis Portland.- Cabin, 861.10t 876. 10 eud 8%W.10, accord- Ing te posiiîon of tateroom. Intermediale #88. 40- Steerage 828.40. Whitby to Liverpool or Londonderry via Halifax. CaDbin,862 85, $77.85, $8MM8,a- cedntbitoP et sacom Intr8Ate8.40. Steerae, 'l40 Inatermediakte Pugsetgens bookM,-to or fr* Glasgow urne rate s Liverpool. Steerage pasengers booked ta Sor trom Glasgow, Beifuat, Queenstown, or 'London, smre rateý as Liverpool. -Brigtol ~i Cardiff 82.00 extra. Passengere a4d their baggsge are put on board t1I.OoýBII teb%ibps-fet aI&0 0X. pense. The laut train eon ecting 'with these steamers pagses WhltbY- 8:10' Thumday 334 ms eudInçtorter lna'ith Qtl ocABBi ai '-etrae?] jor Tikes &4l ilother lurtiU SMOKE the MUNGO !1 The groal 50. Cigr ar, t hé I'~DIJE, E HI~7O EL MADRE The great 10c. Cigare w, na 10111, CHEMiST and DRU0018T Agent for Whitby, Procures them direct from the Manutaturers. Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Per/'umes, Tooth Soaps, Ana ail otheaArticlesnomeeesar - th' Telet, a»ekeptin ugood rêlt b s 1 i W. IR.@IOWSE, -Çhemist and Druggist, WbitbY. THORLEY Florse &.Ca ttie Ini lots te suit purchasers W. IR. EIWE OIIEMI8T AN~D DBUGOIST9 Agoeit ,for WhW~. PUl the Pri tac NEWS. LETTERS. IOM Oozremoudeuce. neidenoe of the bride'. !heoAltoua HEouse" on Main thursday Fe. 2nd- 1888' by Ir. Unsvorth cf Stouffville,, Stover of Markham was i MmeLimisBrown. s vas greatly amitsed Tl ý'llpwI ié. the tndfing of smore cf 1h upils in order cf merit of Altona pub-1 bcdo for the month of Janusry 18M 8ý let clame jr.-let Robbie Cook, 2ud 1 avid Widemaan, Brd Scinda Bey ,de. 1ot olase sr.-lst Rolpb Wh .' 2od Charlotte Hoover. 2nd ciam i.-ltet Lizie Meyer, 2nd Abram Stov*, Brd Floyd Reeser. 2od cias. sr-tBewsqn Miliard, 2nd Mabel Bootbby, Brd Abbie Scott. 8rd clame.- let P>bobe Doyle, 2ud O:aytou Stoufler, 8rd >ý;&e Reynclidm. 4tb clase-lgt Marj8oott, Qod Welly Williams, 8cd Johnl, Scott. Otb clas-let Jopepb E. ReeMêi, 2od JooepbHR. Lebmani, 8r4 JobniW. White. The average atten. dano dnning the montb vas 51. Nom bar -d tboee wbho did net noiss a day 22. Undt the able management of Mr. W. J. 49*k . sobool is in a very flnrish. in#g*adition. The trustees are wak- WRg to1 their many duties and many improvemen in aproitroe. Mr. Jas. Smith expeots toetsant a bak ery ehortly. Tbt mrerchanî wbo rides up Sud dova Simoe. St. lu a ort oet "greouy"' way.ongbgt te go sud bide bimeif soul bie herse or go te a iding sebeol. Mi. D. Boss viii build two boumes on the »orth -&ide cf it r, aud Mr.Oe. Suitb, seur. viii build a brick oee lu Gidleepie'. Pin. Grons wben the mprng A coodiy number et bonpsaof al kinis.arebsi ~gdiepoeed et teb bpyers' hicb at preseut anc w or a dézes bujenRo t iloto a village tblngs are luttle living. It ie thal vsy bore auy vay. What le the nu.of bavîn«i snob s tolU forconstable as Jas. O. Edgar.e ;q.. Bipavertcu vho seuld bhon ta «ol hlmn- seif,en the druck baîf the ,lime. Wby lu the name et conscience le cb s men, allowe8 te bave that office. Wbere vas h. lamI Saturday nigbt whes a big fi«bt vas taklng place on Smme etmrett in vbich oeeof tbe participats «et bii collar bou. broken aud if arouud ehat use woulif h. b.. Give us anotien A big câruival teck place on tbe. rink [lut )riday sveniog. Abot inety or eue bundred person'a.cinlathe capao- ity of speotators aud abou& tony vers in costume. The ices hoveiper vau le a vsry badl uate au secouot of the vanntk cf the soin durîng the prê-vions 417. Mr. lMeRae, the propuie-tor'.02- peOtis le bave another iu tbe -moursof' of copee ee, if the etecn tinues favorable. -This oaru'iïa1bas benthe Most uoueful cf wtb.season ellher i Ibis villà gse orthé" anrrou4. Miss Ereretit fl.Wbitby eieit Institut. hlpe4nt Saturday sud,8ua et home. W. wlsh ber gnose. t tbe The rabbits, heue, gantier and - mully ovueirs expeelte do aà ig tInde' in, the "doge"eviii 10k. 0ho od 'Mn. lord«5thluking te s9oejus-'s amain tka f lia aka*a u wanAïd aocoeplioe equally; guilty for golng? Nov is Ibis net lb. In uth 2 ý SeoocdIy,, In r.ring tte .gambli6gibe- classes tpittings ehewing and smoking tobsoco ndýoigars soth., onsti#uent parts cf gambling, He muet oortalnly, bea, 6"nmbekull" as b. vouli doail cf, th. above vers ho net toc tug---sil le h. dose, part. Re alâo- maanerespect- Able ladfweuld enter1h02place(what for.?, e. Umuet reocleot It h . e'n- they came. Any. man, thst voWil write- sncb a piece and .uy edà itor' tha't wouId allov ilt e enter thée1omlmue cOf bis- paper ipuat ssuredly -know thal tb. wrîinigs vers libslous sudas suoh eau b. -made. te pýove tbem. I trust tb. accueed -*iffl bave il le the. writer's inenanee and Dot Bay anythig s.aI seinsible poople kuow it te. -be untrue, Tbe sme membor that criticiasa bis "4don" do tb. same tbing about tbeir minister and gleat over their meau actions sif Ibis vas a part of Iheir. duty as chniatians. I vouid couuider tbis a good reascu for the people lu bis community being se gréat inuers auJ ambiers vbeu they seprofessera est up before tbem to follow kueving tbsy are oniy professer.sud net peu. sesasers, Tb@ Bible asys a Hypocrite is bet>nthe u lblht of tbe Lord Iban a professer, andi fi t@ lu admirabiy hors. I d*u'tive Ibiesea excuse for their net. fioeingtrom their ontl ways only as an- hîndrance. Let Ihem firat pick Ibte ,got oeut oft beir owvu q. before, tbey try to take tbe ou^ eut ot their broîbers or feiiovmen. Oh ooneisitancy tbpu are,,s jev-el andl I am sorry ýyon are net possessed by that correi'poudent.- lfr. T. H. Wilson bas boon confinoil te lb.e bouse for severalI dsye lb. remuli ef a beavy oud. Mn. Bort Wells le idowu vith a very evene ceecf diphîheria. Dr. Warrena le lu atteudance. R. O. Warren :1as s nunbêtr cf fer 'caps left vbiob he le offeing aI coat. Nov la your tatbe ta gela& bargaint. The Bev. J. .Bre hinou. Ibé brick hous, au& ago» -,Wq miss Ada Kent-aud Mis Ie1~lg ver. eauvassaing,4he noighborhood ô000 lday bi w ek ul b.th tr at et 4ô ens soa~ng useareýcbed bot t,* Xer Ja 0e l3ver1 a en ld by tho The Bev. Mr.. Mare.MWhitbypteaohi lest. Suulday oeorâinggMt lie.quatrny meeting sevvice sýud ou -thyélb officiai board- nMef, su»d baadrévôry ploaeaut sud interesting meeing. ThéG. beet cf feeling eeme te 'ezietbees pastior and éfficisis, aud ilu tact ail ,vé'g tbe circuit, sud st lb.'> Mouday mieel ing Mr. Liddy vwas kindly in ied'I romain aud labor on Ibis circuit 1anothex yoar, Mr. Liddy oxpressied Lis wvilling- nos te comply with theunios The Englieh church ý vil bu oped neit Sunday sud continueonMo1a sud Tue8eay. Mn. O. Russîl, cf lb. cal'mou lMil brick houas trýon 100. te, b. before the. magisatms Fridà y fou,, 1io1ti;sthe. SooWýAOL- Whs~.Ad ismerauce Muet go, i Galsey The. deiiv.rysisigh efI.G. Crosby - vastaken frcm .thepoud op toe .mi street, lun avsry short. timê 'lait week. ou accouaI t,ýf hors. boug, fuightened. snM.océkbarn .f 1h.e rny ot spciadi eice lthe B&ptisI ebh in Ibis village ,on Monday e therg '.auexce e 2Otb mmlt.-St h-ait ,peu svn &lok bout hi A grand cannival viii hî holu là b.h- 116 5 Brooblin emkating nink o Pnid y ven: UIA ing Pefb. l7tb, s number of banilsome lbe. Pei prises viii b. «l'eu. A amali .asdmim.e ora sien viii b. ohà rgeil Give, hbo bys agda gocil patronage. fl Mr. Noah Loke uxoved bis tamlly w Ihp cisy ou Mouday. H13thi# uiuti.)n the rs lu a carïiags ehcp. Mr'. L. bas mude mevenai meveé of late but te vs trust he bas secarod é--metbijng per vitkh matuent, Wée e . sd' bi farily titne 8 500055. .ingi the Tii. meetings are .8011bebng cooiîu- -Peut&A ein tuhe. Prosbyterisu church., Th>e 'W à c atlendance li; se large- thai they ams.from i obllged ts e Mdthem ibis week lmb. l~m bo4yo cfIh brch us. ?v1r1c~ prnmn to eor-r ue ,.tgÇfoç ibis week sud assist li'thé .zereisê.' a n terestlag purty took Pla",-S at emol tb. parcosa.o rdy vui~li tr turng w teh r. ou Lerhrc o 4n approprlte.addrês i Pfrsési8 -givenaità lekç"f4hm apeitinhqu Mn. Wlii~e 3onhm elim,6k~ menc.d bùïueuA ëdlb boê#I*,u M0 iq* M ~ RHangigLap - h'anging Lamps Dw té wl -«k- , wi 1 1 m- ýl l e e î,ý, 'Il e Il IF