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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 2

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e- .. s Tbe*lndsay ?oot bas 455 Macs On The norîli Victtria ,eloiaprota bib eun 4bl#W r. M,~orv (Llib) hoi*1 b. tst in the Commous. A, tatn dova itlh diphîheris vwas oort bore -lit week &0 Ret rid of hlme -John Kent vas aesaal an sd hittn lu the Q taon,$s otel bu. eveuiug Ilut we.k.'Lo or ahree Goheens an' otiére are oouoernod. Tbe cose. viib e" tldt>day iu lb. polie court. 'rbe Pâerboro liv ooioly outertain- _ e .onnunîy 'Coucil at, an oyster -imupper. No doubt 'the Linditay law will- ýbut thore le noe',r" in th. Jane geesiodi, W. viii have ta wait tilt Thé. Poserboro couuty counoill voted * Mr.,B -8. Edwacrds the haudeome Om of #2,500 tor' hies arvices in lb. Grand Janotiea case, àover asud a.1me.&aHdis- buremients." Mr. Eluarde haudled the cas. vltb great ekill snd ability. Mr. Weee. shippsd a car-o.d of bora.. yesterday to the Toronto market. Mv. Wee le buyiug dai ood hoee eud eau glivebeotrprîoe.thon outuide buelris as e bhas leur- expease Par The C*tholio Literary Association 'Irpoe givIng au entertaluntent short. »y lu their hall, Keenan'a block ...De- bates are tappointedfor th. neom Ivo veekesud intocestiug Ovouinge may be lonked forvard &e. Thise eveaing, (Friday) the siabjoot ile:«le s ommer. e ia! union iikely ge prove beneficial ho canada V, About eigbt e'clock on Tbureday eveninuglsit th bouse oootrpied by Mr. T. Buekn in Victoria yard, owned by Me. S. Tbsyter, vas burned tle i grouud. The fiee is snpposed le bave1 origioated trotn the ohioeney, vbieht b.d beon on fire a short tinte befere,t sud Whou disovered sabedsud ment cfi th. e iîng nuo-staire ver. ablase. Mr. Burke vas oulv able te save the furni. tare down4ts4irs. There vuas s amui lueurance on theootenta sud 1Mr., Tb.yer had 1800 on tbe houge...Ons Bjouday marang &bout 4.80 the green-. boas. ovned by Mfr. Weilkey, jus% ent-a aide the corporation limite, senti- weel ot the lova, caubt fare Sud vigi cou.t tonte Wits totally deeîreyed. Lmas *bout $400 ; insranoe ont knowu. One evenlug lait vek s nember et youcg people drove euh a short distance tutéeouutry te attend s prayer meet- ing i4mild lere. A very plsant tinte vas speus, butstaithe close vien lhey .vers about te starS for homeonoet the youcg môn thonugtho i.ouid have t im. le se.euenetftte youu« ladies pre- seul home, -bat visa he o gelbsck t the@pluce et meeting le sud behold 1 ho vuatosie. The others gol tired ef vailiug sud lot for homeo. Wisî meas he employed le Selt bsok ho hie liboe lie slocy sayeti sot. Ts his ento- P*1M«"e Aol& edishily sud viwttont cen, Bticg lesp.yearsoin.aloau1 siould havebo on moade. Il is mate te conjectureAt s "«knolty" suobjsct vas being dîsocssod, houe. tie delay. A report ia. a oclatiou te-Lie effeol thhat Dr. W. E. &errimsnansmon bsd -beauen osa in uthe recent Dakota ý-blizw*rd sud frozen te deti. Lettera have beeu recý-ive4 ibtis veek by - Mr. Gregory sud Dr. Wzrrimaàn in Lindasy fret lth. doolor in Dakota, ce b. la stili lu lie laad cf the living. The weoury rhbudownt20 0 and 25 0 for s mentià or tvo. The report vas hssed eu lb. item,-in. tis papers Ibat one Le, sEerritsu aud sou iad beec ",au nto-detbinlu sother part oet le terrllory... Ter. i. uaturally a gond deït of anziety Au Ibis district uas le i satety ot-frieudi sud relatives iu liaI -6ir Ïory. hait se fer as ve eau ltearu * - no-ba boeu- otou te deti. The hussaî%rd prevailed moima evorely in tb. sonlimeru portion of lie terrltocy, wvile àâo#sfethliepeople front Canada liv. An -th. oMerrupart. Simooe vil etsasoribe- $500 le lhe fund for oolbscing evideuse re..lb. Tee*t Yalley Canal, sud, a motion le liaI el tvas put anud carned, ae lbe coueif posetmug ls&t vek. A. p#hlo lubeug largely sigued bsec, praymýag %btithIb Goveramneu yull put a stop l to& t slamnmot sud rct. w&y trae on- the ,Sabbath. Tb0se pelitione are boiug oiroatod 41 lImeouejb * the &oi 'ite Cnda, vtl b. prenant. <Oid tiediff4r#ul bon".esoetble differ. 4~4 ,vroneus imutaaeestansd ~tiae.4ug iti mueb -sueceesw. M<Z * £ , tllqrmstérle sdlaagstbsgoed îâ u OrÎtila, ,-- -- M<rthe IUll omssd se~lo-Ierospe tuye éompal1aaV. ing for îtâ objeot lhe unuîlug -of1lbh thre or60 isor certain evente luif the e meu nton.d- 1th. Un#.- ing of lb. GramnalTruk B.ilvay Corn pany ef Canadavi th bithe îène oroîbér of lb. tvo, c0ompanies. slomiQùtQýo >u oompany. Specisagonor,*l meetings cf lb. Grand Truuk sud Norihera Cen.; panies viii b. held: An Iaondon, »ag.,1 on Tbursdsy, 1h. 20 mast., for lte pur- pose of IR&sîfyiàg-' or dl.alleving -tbe agreement; sud of lhe Hamilton','sud North-Western Coxupany astElamilto on Tbureday, 16th Pebruary, vith a lAbo objeot. Reeve Bil Bennett, of Midland, sud Deputy.Beeve Bill Bamm.by, ef Orillia, gel eue ahead oet h. isyseede front Barri, sud vicinity lu the Oouuly Counoil Ist eek, lu getting the June meusien-for Onîllia. -Thiqs la boy lhey verked il : A motion vas made a couple of daye before the aggregation ajourusd tlii the Gouncil meet' lu &riin Jcne.. This ohoS vas made tben for thé pr Moý :- iô*tuw 14'ù go jutitehe miqutes, vioitwere te b. read gaînrdày. Mfr. Bennett movea in amntodment liai tie Conoil lake no action la the malter f1111 suurday. The amendmnent vas vpted dova by Barrie people. Wheou 8aturday oame, William of Midlsnd saw lb. Warden and asked haoe te read the original motiOn front &ho minutes as lest. Thtis Wsr'ieu Switzer eonssnted to, sud lie Orillia people size'd op Ibe gatberiug aud feav only Ohaties Drury slikely le kick *strean- ously againut Onillia. Il vas agreed that Deputy-Reeve Ramsay shonld laite hlm eut and talk boraevith hlm and thug keep bit avay. He did se, sud the Warden read as agreed. The Bar- rie man jamoeo p sud sid the Wsr- don b.d made a mistake, but the man front Midland qnieted him by tellhug hlm that he. cold make hie motion avaln sud have it entered oorreotîy. Ho did se, sud, fsvored s tbey deser.- sd t0, tie Orilia sympathizers had the satisfaction et seoinir the motion lest b, oue. That ia hov Orillia had leto h te have the Jone meeting oettle Ocinoil îait. place boe. To s&y liat Drury aud the Barrie fellovs vere mnad vould express il mildiy. After li, Bill Benett%. nome ouil le be good in CANINOTONW. Who vas lie man liaI vas se cruel as to kil tie dog ou Tuosday mornlng on tbe sommons in lie senti end of the village for tie sake et ils poi P Ho abould go behiud the b.d sud bang hie bead for siame. Lust veek George MeGar conîributedl tevards tie sidevalk fnad for causing disturbanes .1lie Salvation Army meetings. Buttons ver. aieissued aitaintl Ive her yoaug mon for lie este offeno, but, vo unlpesaud, lbey have notas yet made thoir eootrmbutious. The oanual. meeting of Knox Ohurob vas held ou Wednesday evoniait of lut week. The various reports indiostel Ibat lie ceugreguation is lu a heallhy mîste. Dnring tho ye&rtseveral ftmilies have been gaiaed, and Ibe commSunion nOv centaine 100 Dstes, 28 bsviag alded, 14 oaci by certificate and - role. Thi. amenaI raised for aIH purposes vas $1709, of vilci $488 vas paid on the manse debt, and $144 to the nobentes of tih. chnrcb. Mrs.-Doble, et Sunderland, molier of Mr&. George Scott of Ibis village, ha* entered an action amaiae thle munici. Pality ot Cannîim«ton for tb. sunt et U-.000. It vil bo retembered liaI Mr&. Doble snd suotier lady ver. Ibrovu fremthle buggiy lait summer-by llýlr bons ieiugfrijtiteaed allieexpr,%oo train orobsaon Laidlsv streel ne*r -the G. T B. station, sud tliai Mes. Doble lind hec art ir.ukeu. The village Oounoil iold a epeoi*i meeting ou Tnsslay evening le couider lie matter, sud liey pausaed a Mcocîtion empover- iug lie Beeve te coutoat lie ca in bebsif f thlevisg-Genr W. are iavlng lively times here nov simce the. main lino te Moutrea inl blocked. Niue passonger trains besidea four of lhe regular trains pasesed theough her. on Mondsy. Ou Monday evening, au Open, meet. ing of lb. Royal Templars was held. A good crovd vas pree nsd a goed programme carfe.d out. UXbFidg. isytebs.d with lthecOumpI-. 4. ON aud a desire ho ree humansfe$gJ ,*1il moud trou of ehar$e, te ailwhodeslrelt wIhIltreA. i D frm ,proartU&Il ngs namlg paerW. A.. Noius,1 eM .?iIOo, t ooUr ~ Mx# and Mç Gladstone bave ariveI jt Cannes. The publie aboula bealu hind that"Dr.. =ihteipure d ertoi'atino claiof--o. oalledeedi.eole. I aam.U w sund, r.aUy IoeoaeloIgpi u lamonees, suRnoms o1 the joints and muscles, Msorbe or harts, bemdes boiugw bun exeln pecific for remtaouh sud bronchial complainte. Mr. 002. M. P., hbau n remov.dfrm hie «eIli Limneriolc jail aud sent toe inl- Afrmary. Ho la ldt6 have lest bits, ppe- tite. Miss Mary Campbell, Elm, write 1 <ttàimr takin2g four 'bottlisOftNerthrop- yua' Voetable Discovory sund Dysp 1Itestlasil woreaneW a~ n Cr«e or il th urtis t Sick HoamdachoLiier sMd K plaints, ostivenes, o., l a ym et modicine kuown. Bey. 1Mr. McTavlsh, ef Lindauy,lmn polen et as the probable oomlng clergytm for St. Ândrew's, Winnipeg. imitation la sometimes called the sinooro form et fiattery. This may acounni for the number et imitations et the original sMd only posqitive cern curo--Putman's P&inleus lorn Extractor. All sncb tafi te possosi equal me't, se0 when purchasinfi get the gonuino "PiLtman's." 8saf., sure, sud painlous.Ail druggists. A 815,000 draft of thA, Mormanby Bank ef Albany. payable lu New York, sud sont te Ottaa, astweek, inla msfing. Ite thousande of cures are the but &d.. vortismmnt for D:r. Sage'. Catarrh Bemedy. The Royal Labor Commission opened up iu Mentreal Saturday atternoon. NatioPaPW. pzrifg h. Blood. regulate Stomaoh, Liver and Bowla. A wOm&U named 1frs. Sabberte in report. od t0 have been murd.red by robberm aI Lauorae near MonatreaL. Dr. Loto' Worm Syrup toiU renm,o wtorm and caao, qiok.r Chai. any otPwr ,nedicsne. The Ottawi Ciy Council teck a tripho MOntreAl on Saturday te learu smetln nov in civic matte. -AL gourd. To ail vIte aresufoering from th. mors and indiscretiens et youth, nervous wesk- nesa, eanly decay, ions et manhood, &o., I wiii Send a recipe that vill cure you, FRSB OF CHLARGE. The great remedy vas disceverod by a misminary mnBough America Seud a self-addressed enyelopo te the Rev. Jouais T. Jzxà.u, StatiOiD, New York Oitv. The. Cornwall cotton striko continues vith unasted vigoc. ONE HUNDRED GOOD COMMERCIAL TIEÂCHEBRS! NOTICE :-Io hereby pivon that the Snyder Busine Colloge Asition of Ontario (Li mited> have suthorizod the tollowing Colloges te propare, Ou. liundred Teachers, for their varic us Basiness Coileges sud shorthaud In. aticr&te., being eabliehed thronghout the Province cf Ontario. Permanent positions "ud handsoe salaries viii b. paid te &axI sceamial graduâtos. am ry omng maniana Womai dsmiriug go prepare à& s teacher, or for the muy positions effered to shunt- handors, Bookkeepors, penmon, sud- Oafce Assistants, etc.;* or desiroas et obaiùning a tborouah Shorthand, Cou. morcial, or Proeesiontal' Trainisg, aheuld attend euee oftltese Colteges.. -Te lioe.. whose oduostion was ne- glected when youag $pecial sud Frac-. tisai advanukm e ofred :-Note the addressesasd attend ne othr-Rail. wyarsallovsd Studente ftom a dsac-iroalars etc, treouna pli. estion. Write atonoete apY o et i.féoov lug:- TORON"O BUSINESS cot4LEGR Cor. Yougo & Sb ter Ste., Toront, BlugN1ipô.Oa UV"BSS COL. Y. . O. A.BIOiekBrlttordt -Out GÂLT BUSINSS COLLEGUB - OlsKWIS N.v ,Block Sr14 N.B. A. thovough suda Pniotiosl Sborlhsud s"d Tp.ruu utt o4-t44 ém" O me." à .. Anmasa, IL D., misWmngeasop ad prombotudA Tm Cwràua Coariar, 7 Mumy Skwee, N. Y. ' * A-RCADE, TORONTO. ASOchool Thoroughly Equipped for BusinessTrlng BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSBIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSIESS ARiT« SHOBTHÂND AND T Fi N EST rYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TÂUGHST. ROOMS IN CANADA- Sendl for Circular. Âddressé 27 (J. O'DEA, Secret ary. APositive Cure, APainlese Cure. FLOTS FP)R l M 0FPAIL GES. THE GRLEAT R&ILTU IR&YEWERP Mmelo1#XeuIng, and Koimseof Medîcines £'~!u.uu. 1berwirble eon.eqm.nees of lidleeeu ECxpeue and Ovoawork. Who are broken Jovu tron the. affects et abuse will frnd tu No. 8 s radical cure for nervoum debllity, organie weakness, involuntary vital lesses. etc. BYIM- ]FORes Pu MCU NO. 8 SHOULU nC USED).-W&Dt ef energy. vertige, want et purpese, dimnesa et sight, &version to soclety, want et confidence, avoidanceofe conversation, deuire for solitude, listlesanos s d lnabillty teo fi he attention on asparticular subjeci, Oowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loaeof niem,,ry, excitsbiiity ef teniper. uper. maorme, or Ios cf the sominai flud-the result et self.-abu8e or marital excess-impe- tency. lénutition, emaciation, barrenneas, palpitation eoftthe heart, hystenie teeling- lu femalos, trembling. melaicholy, disturbing dreamns, etc.,r are ail symptcnIs cf thus terrible habit. ettentimes in nocentl y acquired. In short. the. sprlng of vital terce hsving lest its lensien, ê-veny tunction vanesiluconsequonce. Scientifio wniters snd tue ,superntendents ot insane asylumas ouAîte in ascnibilnj2 Ie the effeets et self-abuse the. great majenlty et vasted lives whmch couno unden iher notice, Il yen are incormpetont fer the. arduu duties et bnsiness, incsacftatod fer the enjeyment.î et lite, lNo. 8 offens- an scape frein the effects oft-early vice. If yeu are advanced tif pars. Se. 8 wili gir. yen tull viner and strangth. If von are breken dowu, phslcally asudmoa11y from early tndiscretien, the mmsl t fignorance aud feily, send your addross sud 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Lunoz,'s Troatiffe in Bock Form ou Dieooet« an.- Besbed and securo frmm observation., AddIeS« Haicmnmuuiostious te- , MLV. LVSE>W, 47 WelImu s i.e.*4 Tevenas A,-Mflanwiiut Wisdom ivos las afPa parase. 05918 OUIANTIfED. - HUL l IM81 ' APermanent Cure. >I14 A Pleasant Cure, z 4~4 o F-i HM -Q With Patent Firïe-Box 18 revolutoniz- in$ Cooking with cai. Ilt keps fire ali l itàjdurable easy to manage,-and.,eéoo4o At .hà_nhsftT4 1ih An aik ÊkanhiQT-TTVfl ls 6= setilers v admi ie and unc miles te a roade vers yetthey fuel c hy heci sud they b wanted. ho death, -perished This cou "bli ourred. point out ourelvos Thoroug district r.coivea haust lie now stan Kans territorie, wooded fifti cf il istreamef, 4 wonld b ustbut than e lhat e preserve doue by good bel are de* nmber Dhltous Raahe derangomentdof the stom- achaù are b prom cuPurgthevesPelle]DÉ. In explanation of'ýthe remedial -power of th Pelleta over so. great à varlety of esaese, may trutbfullË be aid: that their actioni upoi thSs mla tiëd o a gland or tssu --Pinemlcal Laatry o! WOlD'5 DxPEz<a& ~ Asoffeed ~ mnfactur. elne D. 1 nCtwrh gff&- 6 e a foraa.cMano -Chùilal abratry f WmsuCatrrhwhl MUICALAMCIbey Bfano;-cur. Y heav heaache obsructon ,o tA purlen, begor udBrd; the eyes ar clear theadthoatexpctaion foff'te ns mttoe thor tsabe fsrom ulers; teN Puolent looagdyand bas anasaltang; thM breskateya ofnive;amelsd aste area rn- paired; hr la a sensaton of dizzlnem ,wlth meta depresuion, a hacklng coug h sud gen- eral deblllty. Only a few of the above-named BYmptomns are lIkely to bo preseut i ny ono case. Thou ade of smually. vithout manlfestng half of the vo SYMptonisre. suit ln consumptIin sud eE hi tie grav No disesse la go common Mo deceptive sud dangerous,4 or lcm undersod y physcaa BylIts mild, soothlngd h ng proet Dr SalesCatsm rrhRme4yc th*0 csseoflJatarrls "col nlu e head$i Coryz an sd (Jaetrrisal IHo siacli Sold bY drugglsta everywher; . t 6'TYnolI Agony from VCatarrh." Prof, W. HAUsNER, the famous mesznerIs1, o! ltlaaca, N Y wrftes: "Some ten Y"arg m I suffered unto1d agonY from chronlo nsaw catarrh. M(y famtlyjhyucia gave me upm Incurable, sud &sale1- muetdie. My case ws Such a bad one% that every day towardeSsun- Set., mY volce woigd becemê go 'hoarse I could barely spea~k above awhlsper. in theminornlng lu cougblng and clearing of nMy throat woula almoat strngl e.e, lY the use of Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, ln three months, I ws & Wel Man, sud the cure hms heu permanent." aCousantly Hawking aad SpittngPe, TËoXÂs J. RusuRMGo, Eq. #*W PAn tvm &. Louis, Mdiiwrltes "Iwas a groatsu2frot fromSoearldorthroe YeamsAt times Icould badybreathe, sud was constantly bawklng s ud apttnsd for the âsat elgbt monti could net -breathe tbroUgh the nostrls.5I thoughtnothlng cofl be dons forme. Luc, lly,rIwus dvWad to try Dr. Sfge'& OatuTrh Remoedy. sud I am noiq a eil n. I bolier it te bete only surereedy for catarrh nov Immanfcturedd4-donfe tsonl egive it fair trial to experlencoatonlng resulte a permanent qcure." Th»eo ttBo mes Eu»eaars Eu ROumR4s Runuan P. O0, Coltmb<a o , Pis.. dayi: 'My daughter had carh w*e L she ~ . wa-1v har l ~ badly. 1 «awDIr. Sae'a CatarrBoni yveise oedFt4. boUle fût ber, sud son mw belpe her; a third *boUle efftgte«~~ie "ent cure. See ;now lheen'ol g>und ai earýt", Maufatuedby The-Dartioth1 Ropwork. FA- HALIFAX9 _NovA SCOTiA SUPER~...TO...L to ' thée An-t lsi on tb. proerly bpdt ,aSIir»eP. The, ptl On Tu 501 $~>.We 005 trofi!-9 ýdï ap . ir sm ur îei. 1 hira fi ,Oesntéa._2 w S o * '--- - . - s 4.. . f e - s C - ~ -, - -~ - - k---.. * -- . e e- g W 4 a - g y * eecoveryw a j 0 0 op s - - - . - f. . 0 a a a - Toronto] WASE nov brc lu lie T tain cesl sud sou cusionl ing bol' 2 P.m.L li>mit a 1 . 0

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