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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 1

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{IIITBY With calm Printed words, great thoughts, and untiring industry, liai M N illu WHITBý, OTRJ.FI Poaoe, PropOs.., Knowlcdg., liroth.rhoocl. YFEBRJAIR1Y 17, ý'888., Esta.blished 1856. Ibe Ledine kiïln tario C'ouî'tyt SUBSORIPTION RATES. $1per anaam in advaace-SI.50 ether- vise. Sabscriptions are alwayis payable at ho office et publication. r: Steain eqaipinet and beat tarniehed Book and Job eirnting plant in hiastern Ontario, capable et ezectiting ail classes et vork frein the large poster te the emalleat handbill. Special mention je made et the unsurpassed press tavîlities et Tuz CHitoN- [CLS, wth its olebrated N. Y. Cottrl ayhunder press and other modemn conveai- ouces. Every order receives prompt, care- fui attention. TE-RMS 0F ADVERTISING. F'lret ineertion, per lino, 10 cents; each subeequent insertion, ô cents. - Dispiayed Advertisemente are ineasared by i soale et solid Nonpareil, and charged aooordingly. Advertiiemente sent withoat written ibetruotione inserted unlil torbidden, and oharged for ful l ime. Orders for diseootiujg advertisements muet be in writing, otherwise the pablish- ers will net be rospnsible. A liberal discount for centract advertise- -mente by the year. Copy for changes of contrant advertisementsehebuld be handed in net later than Wadnesdsiy; and notice of anyintended changes shoald be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- * mente received ap te Tharsday noen. Business notices in local or newe colmmue Pive cents per line weekly. Locale, 10 ots. per line weekly. Correspondance solicîted trom aIl parts et the Coanty or neîghhoring townships. tlerreepondente axe reqaested te send in titeir communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & JOHN STANTON, Bup't Mecbanical Dep't. ZCegaL. JOHN B. F&REWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, JE ad Oouaay Solicitor. Office,- South- wâg, Court Souse, Wlutby -48 JAMES RUTLEI>GE, BA.RRISTER, &o. Office tormorly c- capied by Farewell& Rutledge, neit o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby.- DAVID ORMUISTONq B.A., A TORNEYÂAT-LÂWSOLICITOR IN Oricz-In the. Office south ofthtei Pont Office, in MoMifla's Block, Brook Street, Whîtby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Bl &RRISTERS &c.9 &o.-Money te Loati .1. Isuer et arriage Licenses. Ompyoi-Sih"& Block, south et Market, Brook St., Whitby. jan. 22,1878. (t- JOHN BALL DOW, B ARIRISTBR-AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR lu Citsncery, Oonveyancer, &o. Office-Deverilis Block, Brook Street, Wiitby. MONET TO LEND-Private Fund,- a sumsupho $800, staI slow rateoetini- erest. (ly-62 LYMAN ENGLISBB, L L.-B, B ÂRITBR T LAW, SOIITO l poe Street, Osaw. .,P. GORDON MELDRUX, piiyslcias4 Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office heurs1-8 ho 10 a. rn.t 2 te 4 sud 7 to 9P.. Lo Bo TLR "TERR&CB," BYUON-BT., WHITBY. 31. C. CRAW FORTU, ETERINAUTBRGEON. Fraduate 01t Ie Ontario Veterinary, Col- loge, Toronto. Orders by milUor lelegrapit proinptly 1 $tended ho. Office ah residinqi et G. Ayrés, opposite >r osr',Duadas itreel, *bit y. r.,VER Y and 8ALE STABLES5, ROKSTrt]KBT, WEITBY. n LPolp osndlGooa Hrsa. rri u &te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Ohurches, Villas snd Cot- tages. a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Omircu-First flat over Howse's Drug Store. P.O0. Box 202tWHÎTBY. FAIIM FOR SALE If A Beautifully situated tarin in the TOWN 0F WHITBY. The underaigned off ers for sale hie t arin of -i9j acres, being situated on the east aide of l3rock street and north of the Grand Trun k railway in the Town of Whitby. This tarin is as good a piece of land as can be found in the country ,bas a splendid situa- tion fora town park or drivitng park, in in as good a state of cultivation as any Man could wish, is fenced entirely with board fences, je clear of ail bad weeds or other oh- jetoîeîeoftthat nature,' bat, a tream of water ranning through one corner which neverfails. The barn snd other oatbnxld- ingt; are of the, beet quality and almost new; the bouse ie a nearly new one-sterey build- ingr and can1 e raised a storey with ne great expense. There is a good well of pare wate;. There je a yoang orchard et stand- ard truit trees. juet commencing te bear fruit. Tho gotrden is as good sas can be tt'nnd. The tarmnis convenient te echools snd ohurohes. Titie good. Liberal terme will be sllowed te te purchaser. Apply te preprieter ou premises 45-l2in. GEO. HICKLNGBOTHAM, Whitby P. O. Whitby, Oct. 2th, 1837. Prorieo UW 1 IMI DD I DO UN MY81'Mail 1887. STEA MSHIPS. WINTER SERVICE. 1888. Sailiuge between HALIFAX sud LIVER- POOL, Fortniightly, vis MOVILLE. SÂILING DATES. Sarnia .... ... .. Oregon.......... Vancouver ... Sarnia ... ....... t tregen .......... Vancouver. Frein Baltimore di 4 l7th. 44 .64 ist. 44 Feki. lith. Froin Halifax et Jan. 21. di Feb, 4th. Saturday,"diS1tit. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rates frein Baltimore ext Halifax, S&0, #60, *66 and $76 ; aecording te psition ef btaterom, witb equal saloon privileges. DAVID TORRANCE & 00., General Agents, Mentreal. E. STEPHENSON, Telegrapit Office, Local Agent, Witby. Illan Ibine Royal Mail Steamers, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY9 GLASGOW~ WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINGS. Frein Halifax. Circassian ............. ... 2th Feb. Sarmatisu ... .... ......... lth Mar. l>olynel4an..... ........... 24th « Circaupian........... .... .. 7th Ap'1. Sarzatl"n........... Lt 4" None of the above steamers carry catti] aheep or pige. RATES 0F PAqSAGE FROM WHITBY ho Liverpool or Lendanderry via- Portlaind. Cabin, 861-10, 16. 10 and #86.110, accord- ing te posi ion ofettetroom. 1utermediate 188. 40. Stte-e 0i28.40. Wbitby te Livei pool or Londonderry vis Halifax. Cabin,$b2 85, 577m85, 17.8, &se- cerdiDg le pomitioxq of btieroow. Ini ermxediate. S,88 40. Steeraite, $2Q.40. tntt-rmediàte pae"e. gers booked te or frein Glapgow ame r te ase Liverpool. Steerage peeeirems booked te or frôm1à, Glasgow, Be.faat, Queeneateen, or London, naine rate as Liverpool. Bristol and Cardiff 12.10 extra Passengerit sud theiîr baggage. are put on board lte Oceasn Steainehîpa free ef ail ex. pense.- . The lant train oonnectiug -with these steamers panses Whiiby 8:10 ýTbursdayý, norning. Parties sudu tn h I f in»lteý Old 0onntry an -obtain FR3 PAI» PA8- SAGE OfERTXFICATES at lovent rates. ý For Tickets snd .11 othir infomation, Rappl:Y be W.'w4o Yu1eé WOKE the MUNGO!1 The great bc. Cigar, and th. 1IPI?,zvMle AITID IADRE EHIJOi The gont 100. Cigara T RI IO!1, CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Sr( I Hair B rushes, Combs, Per fumes, rooth Soa ps, nd ail other Articles neoeuary telte Toiiet, a&ekeptin ugood varnty by wV. R. HOWSE Chemiat snd Druggists Whitby. THORLEY HIorse & Cattk* EFOOID in lots te suit puroha"ma W. Re HOWSE,' CHEMIBT, AND DRUOGIBTIell. NEWS LETTERSB SIGLE Correspondence. ýy evening Feb. 24th' thé' sbotoh Conoort, for whioh in have bien in proposa for Ïo.bo held. ',I!h rogrmme-,-9 ýetnen of thte Markham Iw<4lyed twooty-five from et- weeky ~nd defeaWthee Wýi" sIy by twenly gaines. âow claims to bbothe ohain- t ànerica and sîso te have cm single player of Ameies >a Of Fleming. rpt te carnival on Friday a is wili b. good and orowde re ooxing. HoIl1iday is attending the relu Toronto sa représenta.. Re. T. o f T. u:olidsy is sattending thé go of the A. O. U. W. whicb td u Hamilton this week. pleaned to lest» that Dr. ffoientiy reeovered frein bis Pen o resume the prachice of e lorence" is b assiot in tlb. s urina titi apecial meetings heid1 bo "Mr. Bsrker, whieh are te begin1 o veung nDoi at 7:80.4 Wm. MoBrion retuned on Fr1. dl thle.villagi e t lue. Ste tas b pg -le Bovinanville fer smei ut i 1e but appeare te think more :Lllle Campbelilîotfor Reobetir X XoMnday morniag. Bs v iii Ifr seversi montits and wili wb -b * bas mauy frieuds. Mus. Bennes of Toronto, but formenly' of $bis P4 ieulibeen visiting frientis Lete for- siverai days.8h. ta sold ber- houa. and lot on George St. Mr. George Colley i.. tbe purobaser. TvO moue of Wells' family are devu ielh diphtbetia. Bsnn tesiîgbtly bitter but bis tee yeungîr broters are said le bi in a onlîuoal eIats. Mr. A. M.- Delong ban, tweo hildi'en deen eith thie same ieae Thte eh oir of lte Mithodisl ehuroh,- Whitby V Rviau an ,erhainmeninu lte oburc o e on Tbh'ureday iveninir,. Pib. L8rd. Mr. A. G. Hindirnon snd ooonly . attorney . Farewelli viiiaine a"ssi tiIe programme. At titi oe of-ý lte *traneloystera viii bo *ir-vedilteb. uasment,. The,.bille- sanouie litIWbitby Is tW gives&D4 Brooklin, tak*. If titis is.oarnied tboush tee l. bier tlhmIqisne douhl but, the Bîooklilt.s i ii fémnnut msugas ey anS tok. "olrs weuh Ibe-nul. The pupils t.*eus s-ebeol havo. Iîter. any ivery FrîdsyIrmà810o4. -P'rt, of the enlartalument -ooslséIn' luetlbotta. ubaîrman_ and msasâgipx 00M utt8e. Qpu vislePré ferid litb.ballot. Soff. volers a*» most eutbuslf4i an use foin to vote more than enoun hiur mltce lnd thubir -'io. Lutl Fiday Mr. Blair lthnfh.dl.ca'na nnyavalied themiRelves of thÏe oppot- lunity sud look in the show. On Mond sy and Tuemsday last Mesére. RooGattie, Greebamt, GallaRber, *MDnadand Hamilton were (qwith Iho exception. et'Gresitam and *Gâliag- ber Wbo skipped) *up. before Magistrate Horne for violation of the Canada Temper ance &et.'Four ladies were up on Hamliton's cas;e, and;îhe "Won's- anli.0' P. P. ltbro c b )ntario and Quebecobranei. This road- ba lready been surveyed, but it wili- b0 again gene ever ini s week or oce . in order ta eotablisi thie permanent cause whieh will likeiy sîrike Beaverton. The il. T. B. aise contemplate building s bhort line trem about Wick te Beaver- ton. Beaverten decidedly je B Wonder- fui place. Look how those railway cooepanies are ntriving te reach Beaver ton by the shortpat andi quiokest way 1 UXBRIDGIL We are baviong mere tban eur ehare this week but-as it bas been quiet for- 110 leng veo oiudt with a uittle stir now. Tomorrew lte B. S. Literary eooiety wili bold is firet meeting titis year. A god programme is9 promifieà. Thara- dayte lia viibe served in lb. Preshyter- inn oeburob lu, those interenled in theb business oet. the eengregation. 'The bUsineSS vill bodisoueseti in the evening. Thtis vîek-bas lb.' Eogiioh ohareb hfen opened with due eeremeny. On 8unday the ebureitvas fI lied te eover flowlnit and Bisbop SweetIman and Prof. Reoper gitp. able disonnes. The offeringe vers over $400.. LasI night' tb. napper -vas veil attended wbiieý Tupeday anotber on.' vus hîId in the basement of lb.ho hnrcb and aflervards Prof. Clarke gave bie ifoture "Kingsey@e valer babies." AUl vers Wil plesa"d itit. >titi trsal ho gags. tem and hope ho viii oome, le Uzhnidge s.gain boQn. >Miss DavidPou smited- by fi.noing a soloout' of the "vat-er babieu," sud, 004eIéil& le PQRTPEERZ v The évanikelitio ser-vices in- the Ba' pliu church for thei puet twe veeku, woiind ' uP on sunay Sgt t wtiw iebaptismal-, ser'viceé ai er which 'nine penoson wereu- The case et Hon. Bon MeQu ay, for keep- ing a temperance boume in- direct violàic ot'tho sot hereIina de snd provlded, ., diezniasd aI. Wbitby on Wendesday. Puin-, îhezý èvidenoe trolte a4et.olw.eesuld o in.irranganûg te piay Witby ami Uùia-a etipulationse were made for vieak rinke, sn&' titis repeatied boasting ýover 1the' ieiu1ità scaroely in good tete oe' sportananflie._ As an eXitibitioi lte <Ontario Cintrai. Agrionîtural and Live Stock.,Ânsoolatiozn is a saccees, but it itas'net prov en an. uttfré suceesa fiuanoiallv. On capital' account &bout.$1S.*000 bas been expended and opIy about 08,400 paid in, leavinIg'thet associa- tien about $14.500 in debt on -thio on. itern 'To rais. .81,000 on s morîgage -ever $60ex.' penses wes xncurred, or 2j peu cent.o , thlb town was eateu uop inIi aisuig the meneyé Over $600 je dde in. other ways ' uil th. balance oetIhe 19f000 subecribed stock- wi»' scarcely psy Ibis.Boieetoflitte'> àteck bitoders have 1paid op im f ùlan&ùdsoe hv scarceiy puý anylhlng irtô the- co'nceru À iii the case wiîh mnt; other large corpor*> lions Iheresiens ebe. jusI enough ms management sexnewhere te keep thei asmo. ciation tronm naking- anything. Sorne -of lte managers work hard te have oa. good show sud galber in, wbile olters take",o08s Ibas any surplus shah dis.appearià- lb. pocetsts .thensîlvies-or citerfuîied 1 arn tld ltaItti annul meeting Ilà -wuok wau quite-storîyat limes, 1hoegh, trox lte reporte in the papm er o, il ,appeffl te have bein aet le, ànsibarmoxxuouu don-, criptiou. Vis.T~ Mrs& Thempon isi te station, b.d.a mare so, severly-.kioked, by anotiî* bers. on Priday last Ibal lthsy vers fored topu a- end lo ils tnieury by sitooting is. Our perÎonàlcolumn i. pret&y. fiai. Ibhis wookt. Miis Mlume FisieOW48 aeani.w fewdaisi.: i-Whtv Ç i ~r &ii. rai O&ZII MJOR.sud bave go Pugit Bros. Ivers ou lbiir roundscocl-, fortne@-' leoting Ilas w'eik. Anoîher, n MîissBoniha Flummerfeîtlà vlsiling ltse village 1 st Mr. 8barrsrds. Mr'. tiibbe MiseSoBsie Bykis bas genson a visit 10laki op I te ber siers lu lb. Toensbipetorpiose. stad tia Oneof lb. boys ooemplsli lakiùn - thel lwf a I.ngtity tour round -te- villages oÈ. Markham sud BloutTviiIe. Wodbaesare.-pl.ntifuk&- aeysa Mulr lot 'of vood ent &U edliealrwhîiewresl nigttfal. Titi latent have been beldpa by Misers. Thos. Pg-n 8 hw a tm?. iîiw .» David ha. bard work olimbing op 1Wthe evlud bill ¶IY....5LawfI, Weuid iit mak4'hî Tbeu 4gm.sfor Wkitbg. Han ging. Lamps!e h'angL m VOL. XXXII. NO-. ,10 ,wDres thein direet from the Manuiaturs. 'ooth Brushes, 1 1

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