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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 3

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<1arqMOu r regalar correspondent.) el WA8EisNoToII, Peb. Itb., 1888.-Tho veisk boas be u n toietÎng Que lu beb breinebe'; cf Congréi.ae. 8 peakt-r Cartie a gain tweldl e l ouse gavoi. looking rather iuîproved toijoe bis r'.t cent ilinees. Bie appearance et bià pool on Tuesday wss the occasion eft. long burst of applanse, 'whieh cengluat- ed on tbe Rapublican aide of tbe hall, Ith lb.owry-%Nbite election couLesL which waa decided in favor of th e R-r publiesu in curubent (Mr.,While,) torty. P six Dernocrats voted with the Republi- cana, wbo, le a mon, voted te keep Mr. WbitO, in hies.'eat. Agai ti tis week the House teccived sud refèed a numbar of petitioe on prohibition, lîatened lu several short dtibat,,s of au uniwportant persoosi character. snd paid considerable attention Io District of Columbia mattera. In the Sentita Senater Platt made a two day's speech in criticiain cf the Preaident'a e reagc ; sud Senator Biddlebsrger bas daily offeudad or- tain fastidious associates by endeavor ing %ogive bis views cf thA British Ex. tradition treat.y in particuler, and the executive business cf the Senate in general. Speeches likaly ta e hmrada yet tii; weak include Senstoras Sulebury sud Bock on international bimetalie coin-t &ge ; Sentmr Calilof Florida, on tha educationsi bill ; Dolph on Oregon In-. dian clamea, sud Taller on tha tariff. In theO Cnueticut SAnator's long tariga peech ho laid the Prasideut was a free trader, but tried te evade the iseue. He said the Dpmnocratic party feurîd it oacesitary te convince Demao- cratie pretecticuiste in New York, New Jersey aud Conuneotiet Ibat the Presi dan t'a message was net a frac trade *message, but a very gocd protection documaent, wbile in the soutb aud weet il would ho udertood to ha free trade. Miss Susan B. Anthony, Who speude a part cf eâch win tan in Washiniztou, bas beau hore for sea imne arranginR 1 for aà grest iuternstieual cennoil of womau te ha beld lu this city, bpgin- ning about the firet. waek iu March. On Tcisd avy eawont te the Capital and addresaed the Hlongeajud'ciary Committee in fayor cf wcmau euffraut, The District of C lumni&is i.ou tb. histbroad te perleolion sud île attsin- ment oft Iat eud le only a malter of --trne if Cau-ress will oohy do hait il is aeked te de lu ita behàif. The bouse commnittae hsviug ils intereste in charsu bas juet repcrted tavorably a bill wak init il uulswful for sny person nluthe oitieo ot Washington au.I Georizetcwu -te bat, gain hie or mka bocks sud poolit on the reanît cf au>y trottiug or ruuDiu& race of berpee, or boat race or race cf anv kind, or ou any electiei, or con test 'ef auy kiud, sud providing fiua sud imprisoumenl fera&Dy 'iolation cf tbe provisions cf the se'i There is s probability alec cof thé Capital baing spsbred in the' future fnoix aedy more moustrouitial lu the name of . art. T>9e atbetie Sepator from Mas. asoiusetIs, Mr. Bos,'presicnted s bill for lb. appointment cf s nationald art commîission, oomposed of fourteAn membere whoee dnly i il hob.te pose say the weatber i. very savar ne the meuntainan sd Il seemed like stnlig s tropical region when tb.y geltec Van- couver. Mr. Stevenson 8a'5 e bwit- neased s snew-slide a few days age, the like et whioh' he nover desires te ses again lu sncb close preximity te hlm. Ha sund two companiens were .workiuR on eue aide of a deep rayine, whsn oe of the mon callod te "I4ook at the 500W- alide." Looking- lu the direction of lbe noise whicb jnsiban eàbnrtupon ,bis ears he eaw îh,whole sidae ofsàIofty utounlain peak meviugR down the siope. Nef4witbe;tandiiig tbe deop valley thal separatedtbem. frem the asude tbey theughl il Sadisabla 1o pet smuai apaca spossible hetweesu-tbem sud tb. fast advaucing auow.slide. Tbey sooordiugly toek le their heela and rat *wilh ail their- miahi. The> roaring avalanch~e came tesning en,cannyiung b.s fore is lato _'treées,rocks nd casîL while on tb. other side oethlb. umbi. iqgmass 1th. tornade awept the towat. ing forest trees s trawa befôre tlb awaapiug ascythe. Scarcaly tan minutes_ elspadl fron: tbe lime lhey noticad lb. -movegqias t1il b ad filled the, raviné snd w.i clloebing thbe oppositeol. as if eaue. t., enguif thaeflylua formas.. Bare-head edi, ton lhey hmd outrutheir -bats a weil nigWbein bratb, lhoýy fiê befov 1h. imupandiug danger, . so Thé wind .bnlekad.,te.mofe bigh iluthe.air, =&king d ay al moa a dark 'ýas, ight 1 na' penderiug mor hausnous beir doubtful .ituatiom' !lxair 'ee natiped 1ke. -pi4pe-sleuis wit- t W locrshlay uproo4di the vav. -oxp41yX5td sau evergr ew,.bàt whfsh bý iow gUuenêed, lt the 'auableacb sud -bar0. Beodig ied almoast hopseasuly h. e. hjoed bie-sto pi, leokbug. ote ,b. ight and left le seo if, sughtreaidteO tell hi m et bhù coirades' fate. Ha bad not goufan when, ooiiug t0 a tle. traph pela. be-ws dalIRhtsd te find ecrsoebling tram beuesthàa flotnd of enow bis twe companioes, whe bad b.- como bewildered and fatigued in, th. rase for liteand bad sunk beaid. lbe pole te dia. With glacl sud thaukful bcints they returnad ta, thair ebaak, which they found buniud, but wbich bhey seen unesrthed, sud revîvîug the fira thay set about te prepare - the les while thay cbaentully talked oven Ibeir iair-hreadth escape. The Dry Gooda Queeu. SOME 0F TE HARAOTERISTICS 0F TE MEROHANT PRINOESS 0F PARIS. In a Christmas packet frem Paris Mn.. Correspondent Crawford sent lb. folio wiug te London Truth : Madame Boucicaut was the grealast womau, poseibly, of ber century. 8h. migbt have beau about 70 wban I lafit saw ber, sud *as tnll.bogomned, broad- mbouldened, fresh, halé active aud, thongb nearly as nich àa ay Cahifornisu Sdlver King, unaibla toenajey lbe test she se wallé-arnad. She was cf short statuts,,ôould neyer bava beau grace. tui, but mauet bava. bad a cbsrruing face wban Young. Iu eld age il was pleas- aut te tbs aye, sud stili gava lb. ides of abondant lita. The eye aI firet scanned shanply, sud than baamad ont gond nature. Madame- Boucicaut st the time I speak et was a widow, sud wore widow's mournine, but of a miti. Rated sort. Sha vas cf bomely speecb sud add nasm, but net vulgar. MI the administration et the great Universal Providen vas knowu to ber, asude kept s chose eye to &Il ils dapanîmenta. When ah. lest ber busbani she fait s if ehe had Rot loto a venid ont et joint aud veid, but wonld net vield te ber tecepiaîicn t esasoin. The son, wbo was vautiog iu tha great qealitieseto tather sud mother, pet np betore ho manied se tbe "bankar" cf a Neapoli- tan prince@@ cf non-royal birtb, wbo i@ n0w soeeng life se s globe trotter, sud seeaking, it may be,adventures. Midamne Boucicaut net lona mgo sattled £80,000 spiaca on each cf ibis lady's chiliren sud paid ber a lump soin to place lbem in à sehool oethae l-i lady'. eosinR. The pet cbarity cf this Dry Goods Q neen vas an nid msn'eseayluin near ber owu besutiftlsuburban place af Ionoy aux Rnoss. Wbat Lsam Rcing to rapeat i@ nes flatternig toe bpse wbose niobte are womeu's wreugm,. Said Madam* Bocciacut : "Thane's GothiuRgo se plesud lu lb. way &a. su cld mnu, wbera;e an old veman can slwsys ake ont a ivelibood soe- bow, sud she eau gel rel-stivaesnestot ignndge ber a place ou the beartb by ber ustural activity %n-i ber sympatby with ber grandobildren. Wlth thain she is resily neyer aid, sud ber tangue wage igayly aIl the lima ibat she huile, or meude, or pottons about thae ookiuR steve, or nurses tbe baby. But tbe vst fortune wbiah behaposolesied. - -.-The pnietset the Irish CO] le ber. sèere the agente et the Drý Gooda Quasu bu finding ber ounl ssistante. Irish girls, aondiung te bli P«zperience, bsd good morale, p.reî tien, Isete sud plisbilityl snd thé: smsrlened np qeiakly, owiug le the! natunal intelî*geuce. Madame Bnucicaut beld two-lhir c f theaenire ahanes etf tbe Bon MarcOh atter abe tunned il loto s joint -atoc company, sud £20.000 s year ont 4 yIte sganenal profiti fer rant. The cliii Ihird vas ownod by ban staff, wbie was enablad to bey iltbrough gifte.isl yand ber bushauti made lbem, aimonz n inil te £800.000. Nebody, le Il V "ery hembleal jîu Ib*t etabliabment,, uprovi orto. -Thbpbujr.elterS au "d.banred trom seliltg- aaes- to- ou aidors, or rotaiuing lbem if tbéy refll This w:manw* aBounTtry -<Bau-dte ba, taste iu makiug up lots oet dama Inod eilk sud etuif into faucy artiol .i 8h. bougbt a good 4oal of 1and -»n canner, -sud wae planning' ,6.,w$ul Sasylum fer peor c epeWhou a dwai àtrried aa ysde ogl ofet l ugi. - Wft antlou or u. bnd.' ' htbelle-: Pi tek- FI' Ouno Ra itate Mortgage inlerest. Araiser fer the Canada Lean and Savlng. Mo. nd agent for t.he Western Assurance OFFICE-Over Geule'. Block, Whitby rHave you a Pan anywhre about you? SB EPERRY DÂVIm "PAIN KILLEgR" sIWAlRE 0F IMITATION&. 25 CUe. Per Dotte.. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 56 .arvl8 Stv, TSronto, HARRY KEEBLE, Proprietoru TErMS-$.00 Per Day. WARX BOOMS. GOO» TàBLe Btcablng for 100 Hortes. Por,. 21 ngo ..28 rgo 4,. 2 ~10 tl 10 19 S8 2G 29 22 1 9.Iylo 01e t! he peab firtClas É rifoSais LoIe jelike U. î ae, .êm bve it b$d Iýiit ,oùoQ, sec thae her li lité wu havei*t h. oflghor ûgoois with "6Il jes Bo old in Sweden," said aré. turned travîtler, "that lu winter tiuàe 1 Put on xùy gloves te wsah with." Firat blizzard you are not look'ng -se welI se yon were, brother miné, Second blizzard-No the thermometer oame Up sud threw. te over. *Doctor-I will leave you this medi. aine to take after eaeh meal. Mîke-_ý Ana wil) yez be koind enough to the meal toe doothor. "lSoup or fi@h, air ?" aaked the waiter "'Neither, "repliedà the guest. That wae a auperficial question, wasn't it ? sadd' the guest'a friend. Firsi Chicago ohild-"We've got a new baby at our houies." Secoond 0. C. contemptuonaly-T>4at'a nothing, we've get à new papa at ours. "C1hsrley, didn't yen lesve Mies Smith rather suiidenly test eveniwg ?2 Well, yee, te tell the truth, abe wus beginning te gel tender, and I got frightened. 1 To the olork-"'Did you ever realize any tbfiog in the German lotteriee ?"~ "lYts, Bir. I tried five limes and realiz- ed &bat I was an idiot. Earry yen ahould net ask cousin John how oeuob meney ha is wertb : .bal la not polite." I waen't tryig to be polite I just wanted te know. A contemperary says: "«Thie je the age of brase." Ovar in the Canadian Âmerioan eolony tfey say; "This la the age cf steel." y OUNG MiEN sixffering frcrn the affects of iearly evil habits, the resuit of lgnor.ne or fofly, who find themmelvel weak., nervous, and exhs.ustsd; aise MTDDLE ÂGzD sud OLD MsN, who are broken down from the a1ffects of abuse ur over-work, and in advanced 111e fel thecolsqufces of youtb.tal excesa, send fer and RED M.V. Lubcn's Treatise on Diseasel of Moen. The book will ho ent sealeci 10 any addreas on recelpt of lwo Scetamp& . ddres Ul.V. LIUBON, 47 WeaWngton St.,iB., Toronto. When Baby wuasial, we gave ber Cact.iS Whou ah. wua a Child. &ho euled fer cmtoria, When ah. becme lMine, aho chmLg ta catori&, Wbm" hhaChildeahgvtsmmsos MONEY TO LOAN buinesu Dew- riptivepampl~ sont fre. on recept of amp b Life Comipany.,, Thia Comnpany issues every deslrabletormà of Lifo pehcy, ad hap deposited -wihhéi Becaiver Generdillu apprevadQsaln securities over #100.00 foeacii 00.00 of liability, thue aflording ABSOLUTB se- cunity. Parties desirons ef assuring -hem lives will find it lteô dvnaelecn-i the undersigned befere- aesuxlng ,else*here,- JOEN FRQIGeSnarl en Wbltbyo May 189,'88. -17 I FALL SUITS. --000- JOHN FERCUS-ON 18 BHOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK OP Scotch, E-nglish and Canadian Tweedsi- Anau other fine Unes of Cloths, for Spring suite. Ail garments- madle up in latast style on shortest notice. Ready-made Mfen's and Boy8' 8uits, (ieft8' Furni8higa 4ndý, Underclothlng aofal Kind8. XI»EBTROTIBLEOVERL s - 1- SHATS!1 HAIS Latet styles in Raid and Boft Fg 1, 1,1 1~ 'j ùIt Halea VEB1Y CHEÂPU JOHN FERGU SON, -COISUE IOoPCKT BEI Don't le led sway by. fiaxing advertisements but. cail at TEBRAZILIAN ,WAREHOIJSE _*ý, ana meefor yurWeles that we- are slig roery ana, Gleis suana, under ooSt, for Oahiý produSqe- 'White Gr~anite Tes Betes44 P'éei:t n $2.00 per set, Htwdsome Oolored Te& Betta, 44 piece8,st a 06$"Per ss#Y Fine -China T'-ls 4 iee, t4.tpe oupsan~ aues m u25., colored D uer-Bettls ft6oË,$7.60 . s#*- Qol ii1 or.4 CIiaiber Belle,, 9 pièces, M $2.50 per set, and lfaàs8 ChinWIa4 1.,,ÀRBLE: WO-R-KS, Til. Subolbrvshst c e h ie rnnien"da d usster. s sie :=!f«, heft Uberai patronage in thre pa" sueassure them t laI1Whbbtt er filities than ever for executing &Uteors entrusted le hlm for MJionuments#, Headston)eas, atend Marbie Matlcê#_ Asid aujher veshin bis -lino, TOWNSHIP OF.,WHI TBY.- B &td fnt-cf tii Sdconceasln,-,contn- Jngl190acères, with,spiendicd wellinghouie,.' gecd putbiaildings, good.erebard,-weIll fne-. Oe, and lu a splendid state ,-- et cltlvatýiouî- This propertybheing utualed j-net oulside th. corpýorato u vti ml u quarter ocfit.twni possésÉes many &adv"- taues feropr bse r.W-:i1 b. pýOId CHÂ.Apply tel C st Low Rte

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