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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 5

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1-37RNA b showii in es s Ile gas ever h4 001-J] WA TOilES, CHA INS. DIAMOIýD Rings, L ockets, Broochos, Ea rrings, Soarf Pins, Colla r Buttons Fine Plate Table Ware.-Odd Speons lir Suugar, Jolly and Presorves. Fruit, pie, Crumb and Bread Ruives- J.S- BA RNA RD, BRnOOK ST., WHITBY- WIjitb~ QhrcmiCLC. -ERUA.Y l7th, 1888. LOCAL LACONIOS. WiHAT 1801148 ON IN ANI) AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEAMED B1 CliRQIILE REPORTERS A3hlHd'sananbg y, takin not, - hà% ll J1 e vit,t a&rtangements"for dntetnl vesrgervioes onsqudayan4Mon- day the 26th and 171ii insté - Tm Young PeOPle'. sas'sociation of St. Andr.wsa' oburch bold' a plesaaD e*ttit&inife5ft of a literary oharacter in the -basement of the. ohurch on Friday evening lust. FOR the. firet lime inoes Cristmaas the Gazette yl have a roidable para- graph tbis week. It always cornes-Up pret.ty voll wben the. fighting seitor of this paper lias a rumpus with soins- body. Tb'éïee periodical isorapo do itla very heart good. Tits annual bail given by the Pire Oompany last Friday ovening wwas the, beet they have ever iield. Eigbty couples ver. prèie.nt and danced till almost dawu. The. supper vas pro. pared by Mr. R. Newberry, and was in fine taste. Oalverley's etring band furnieiied tii. proper clame of mamie. ait - 1c rei ;ar ee Wn wb D1 Fa to &i Br ay fi hi Fe br es ai ni bi no fi ri IL MYRTL5 15s coining to, lie front. The. 1 business mon are rucnaug lelephono wirem frein Ijicir residences le their shops. Audisy iesetili abeadl by somef points, haviug di@pensod with iLs posti office. Kinsale je far in advanee ofJ bath witb its LimeEin Club. Glent Major wiii belbsl sigbl of if it don't@ bave a murder soon aoestart a re-1 bllon. Anytiiing Iragie would do. Tus c bidren'm "Mission Band," in connection vitb lte Baptiet churcit, teild their annual sleigh ride aud sotial on Tuesday. Ou accooint cf the. stormy weaLher, net mucit eIeigh-riding vas1 doue, but a general "good lime" vas iteld in te counil obamber," wbero te& vaBs aerved sud a good programme of gaines iudaIgod in by iboth old aud Young. FRoir a reporled interview with Mr. Oshawa Forniture KingREspo, as given lu a Torputo paper, iii appeare tat the.King 4od Oshawa'ti $15,000 are in Toronoo sd the. great turniItur works are in Oshawa. The Furniture King ofe ix montis ago saye Oshawa tias the factory and Elleseire EHali for iteseecuriLy, and eau bolLI tiei.Titis remainde né; siigbtiy cf a story about a, man vite had given bis note, but vas unable te meet iL at matflrity, se hee rau away. Afterwards a friend eaw hîm and ezpcstulnted witit hlm for net paying hie note, viien hb siLI: Ifmy coeditor bais net received bis money he will etilI have lte note. I have sean the. ime when may note was &as vaînable as monoy." Trie Omhawa people ih4ve t.e tactory -aud Ellesmere ER.II, &bid exoh of viticit was once worti thte Tis regtilai' Meeting of tie W. C. Mney and ve Suggest thalt the factory T. U1. viii b. heid Ibis (Friday) after- be caed s workeheps for their projecled Doonl in the Readinig Boom at 4 o'clook. bétbing lino of railway too lh. hanter Ix onnctin wt heOhas i sud the Hall as a rosideuce for the lis npntetiore with i 'wht . Preaident of tic read. Perhapa 'it .ompday theyae ors.ugTital art-mig hî afford offices for tbe &morcan t.rmd asalvge orps Tu dopit-Consul, division court@ and many othor meut le te protesil frein thieves vhat- hnstewa fo Wiby ever propoiLY may b. ssàved from flues. ti1 hyvutfenWtty Froin boariug a ruiner cf foui play 8011K Oshawa muan igniiig himself attemxpted upoti a girl in 'Codar Dale, "EasL Whitby Fariner." vrites the last w..", lb. ,cangtable, i.J O'Day Vidicaloi' a letter in vhich be argues on Wednesdaby of lasii week, arrested againtut a union of ail Lie Seti Ontario lue. Oubiit aged 18. lie vas hrought agîicoluai shows in one grand central '- bofore Police Magistrate Gri,,isou wben (air. Tbe reason gtiveta for oppoing Lonisa Wilkinson, of Cedar Dake, aged the SicbeUl is tat the union vould put 15 ëvore tat the prisener b.d atteMPt- toocranch meney luin tb pockets of sd au &séiaUlt upon ber wbile on her Whitby people. W.ehelouid like t0 way ta a ueighbor'a named lirs. Bel- know whoseepookels a show pute Morley larny on thbeaveuîng of Feb. let. The. iu. There ie net a business mnan lu tuis pritioflol who pîeaded not guilty, vas town but is comoinsled te subcuribe *omamiited te Wbitl3y for trial. Tite mors in speciai priseestitan his business 4688 camne before Jn dge Buinbsin in profits on accouaI cf the fair aMount to. hill arimitl court on Tneeday hast, and We venturie 10 predictt hat if the. 1o~gOiIeL gl meh n lteooutytownahip so<iely gives the. fair to 'ýitihar lo gtao nmeined. E. viiOshawa .Ibis (ait, il viii be exactly like jailwît liad lbor uneed. le ilit vaste lest time. &bout ten people keep away (rom tho girls in future. .iv frein Oshava visited tb. groande, the Ot< Tuesday of last wOOk a insukgiv mainder of lte siail crovd. being ing bi@ s af as diard Sampson li a madie up of people (rom Whitby tevn, Biiab Joncs, frein the neighbonbood 0f Whiîby township and Easl Whitby. Manille. as arrested for assaUllWRg The f act cf lhe malter la, and no person Agent Saoper, of Goodwood station. Lt ea dispute is, liaI sinail f.uir are Dot appears J if Opédthe.agent aud vortit paying le eee, snd il hàae sppoisi askbd hum is i naine vas 8opier, snd attraction@ to drav a payingt orowd on receiving an affirmative anever, even te lb.e coutaty show ah Whitby. otale bimnaeestraight in the syekickod W. have noe ii o control the. tevu- hlm and, hen madeobutosay acond sbip shows, but are'sstisfied liat îbey arrested. Onuenedy eappeare atre aul becomnig haukrupt in trying te before J. Fs liîboýr, il. Qleutditaning, l oibrefm B. Parkei'sud 1D. M. G ad udai.-hAid umb.hoèe ar oer f g thongh s ounbel! of the sati SOOttet .nmerosi rui'oe5e gi tried le clear hîm lthe magistrstes order- cultural soeieties frein hers vent ho ad hum,09 tte Whitby for 60 days sud Oshaws on Tharsay ight of liset vsek weuld have given bitai more if theiy tleshare lu su oyster stappoi guven Mr. tonld. Soper le chargead vith iodging JnDo. Willa ,by -the.Whltby sud est Mauy ScotAct iuator'I.fltions, sud is Whilby agricallursl soeiety sud found vil1 known in tue towfl, sving re- over forly leadiog itarmers in stîsudauce, aided hors tîe monthe lut summner. For five yesrs Mr. Wiliis lias fficien'Iy Ha iîs son.iu45aw cf Mr. J. Wrigh, Port penformed lie duties of Secîmtan!of Perry. that body vitholt emiisralioni.'.s&d A.Detroit diepalcih o the.Toronto_ the object ef Ibis meetingWvaste pre- uspersesBar:z-LissBiqueoosasu asursot- sent hlm sau sddrossa, d pieudid fui #e. girl of 20 yesre, wbio recntly eane oast, the latter ef vbioii vspartioulsi-' te Ibis city (roin Witby asud foudsa'y appropriats sud -acceptab>le :lii place as waitren e as li 6Osu-avunue ulitthe Meroury being 25, below D0ol. sâperformsd bar - dlles i>st zero St high.water mark~. 'Th, upp.î .*yeulog sas su nd sft.rwanb8 p<suh*55gôt a iup ai thé e Outm 10ot.a out sud i th rsnalued uuuo5U51i, lata, nthebp p 5w5ebti0us wene<uf au rsturning auhl inuuldight. Wtt.u aihe ho ea1 for unoini isf, rùm the.vn 4~ie u mi.vet W berho, tiu ene mpekm M r. Geo. Beékeh, Pre.idoui ber bedfelioWs KatieO sney, w.s roody o i.eceyoOPe i.oarvt sslep. Jit vielber move(nflthie àgnof thi.evoig on bis- ulghl vewr.e au ouiy be @ojstueis as mi"s, sud Mn. Yeuuq dia îte 4uhls ý orY., Oare va svkeu5d yuhhiit. kwuOhau'Dau. Upon %The.guegt, of tl ftnst observed tbeI" d lme4ts yng evO)nig" belng -preposed Met. Yosuî voman vas îying onthie r>o9', 'rcù nosred su stdrees leà1Mr. allnooftl iu agoey.,The bouse.Wva one, hie Vatlable Servisese 10the ooey I sý rcussd sudaltseufortuIae«injSluieSs mklfl& s toueblog neferenôeth l". bsstily .noqulred jute. She bbd reine'- laweiqid tlio, wbo, vas hi. tpr8u ed ber hal, but retaied ber elosk, sud OWVl in hpot,1r U , seemitO h5V0ll54 ie.rash a"t thé 9a ply, s~4b illnhoei~'ft t intah *e .utrthle fOoutig esson wiy he#ioi* th es ,videntlY luin, epet5*tU'l'>< ofmaild b. lins tavore« vl*ii aris frein viat hsd q eii durng thie 14àk5bi5 gliâ. Rîvbad tlmne-ebe as svsY, The. r vooWOr v. dte stu l i s OaPs thovîirtyigh4es'b vouepon, sud- vAS no e -er,-th'l b.d boen Iuied élne@iy eitihesa,ê oeYth S Sud the g*4 s* us fbi 4ii Wtué5~ W i r I I I i 'p s s I. bu< Ou' esobangeil% vs are in Weekly, bdïpt of the. Thameeville H,4ro2d a 4ht ýsfeeklIy publiýbed by 'Mr. Chios. ,r.y, laie cf the. G(atie. By tuis limps net year a railroad wilI- munung.fruun Olaremont to"'Sudbury the. 0. P. B. west cf--L-,ke Napissin«. e 0.P. IB. le bound. to have the urtemt oue b lthe Northweft. As on as poesible atterwards a épur hlin A rn from OlaremoZit ho Wbitby, hbava, Bow manvili., N~ewcastle, Port ope and Oobônrg. Tbe great aortb- et itt drmwing noarer every day. ON Thursday evening oeil the. taber- ole choir, accompanied. by Mr. J. E.B. arewell and Mr. A.. G. HondersoD,arB take a leigh ride out tW Brookîjo 2& give the Brooklin, people au. even- glo entertalnment at the. Methodiat uroh Lere. Sieigbing parties are ex-1 cted lier. froi ai quarters and the rooklin, peeple viii furnisb plenty of y.tere. Ail are to b. made welcoimO. Six people are n0w in >Wbitby jail )r violation of tii. Scot Act. Two ien are (romn Good wood for thirty lys% esoh, oe e oman ie fromn Gaine- ridge rerving siily, anothAr from tii. ame place for thirty, and anether man om siomewhere else to serve thirty. Vhy don't liese people k(ep tf-mper- ~ioe bouses 11k. the. pubhîcarisof Beach cid Port Perry, and &bey wenld not lave to go tojail. IN lte Tabernacle school roi on ?riday niRlil the Mesbodiels hbeld a )asket Pocial vhich proved a great suc- B55. There was Dot te least attemlpt t formality-freiO and-easy being Lie not.to of all-and the. misohievofle se9kets took the. liberty cf making many ludicroue matches, caupingt fin:e 'n. The. oburcit choir and the. obild- ren gave moine chortises and reoitations. 'h. vitale Lhing was lively and en- ýertaining. BusîNIMe hange-On acCOUnt Of pooi bealtii I bave been compeiled t0 give up rny business for the present and have leased my photouraphing instrumnt mnd bnusesta Mr. G. F. Cbapman, wbo bas been so succetefilly managina he business for me eino I came 1< Whiuby, and trust h. vill spare nc pains :.o give perfect sat itf action îr hlotographiug ; al@o thauking mj ,umeroue custorners; for their libers patronage the short time I bave beel in bueiness here. If you vaut Roc( work jugt give him, a eaUl. W. J UrrDsgawooD. About thirty Toronto youug peopi came tu Wbitby on Friday uight an eurroanded Mr. Joe. Stone's residence Tho beaioi(ed stood ont for a time, bu bad to give up to the groater forct Immediately upon enteriug the.bons tiie invaders produeed autbority 000: pelling Mr. Stone to arise (rom the. b. upon whicb bis brokeu leg ba% confiue hum for a mnontit, and ho vas accord iogiy îransplanted 10 au ea@y oci Then comimenced a scens of revoit and enjoymaflt, in wbichlie conque ors celebrated their capture by holdir a itigb Old turne. L vas fun and 1 mietake and friend Joseph feels te years younger since. me~tingeoLite Soity v hld onï t Wniday. Mrr. Socetry oceupied toe chair.-a.tr . mint e of the po chir.nfmee tinginut fthi r c e prt b.du eengad the oloit prrt had reen fdehe f-AdollowigMrogramme E&nreere:Adr, M r . LMoB. gombeery;pin ol, Misrie.Mot.y 1cMr iano Mss .. MisoGriechrus (lor ;lub; vocalMdse .Mors; Websters, Gregorylub ; vol uMeigrdWebsteoh Girego nDarigh ;timeing tiiJoh Silmpfsom. o of l he mpe i ng l* .the Roading BRoom vau oondaetd by Mr. Bmbree. that scoordig te au 6n9 M *t aed i9ti November 18M de .01n'. uW. B. O'BrIeu sud mysei, W. 3 J uder- voed Ibatlie said W. B. OLBnilu isi bouuad cnet o cary o u _b. usiness et s piiotograpiiel in the sad tovu et Whitby, or lu the howu eoSbha a uhiecn of Outarie for a petiod e t fifteen yeanp by bixuseif or inu panrs»iîp Oltvokitig for any ether poison-or Pereon., sud On1 bciof hile aresmeutov ovesu io or tiey wili pay eroue le 1wpVld, le myssîf. my hein. or eselgneu* lie, suionee housand dollars. 80 tb*tl if any peson or pensons give .W. O'Brien piiologrSpiifl< hdo tbel uIsy «etm 1dm fleeri@iie trouble. W.J. IIRsuUlvOeD., ph.togra phèr giVe si Bfaction.i NEW SPRING ..DRY: (MM Wè have received a shipment fneoosfor Trade, amongst themyou willflnd someGdci lycoiegoods àat brgain Stock cef pal flal I E %J c r t ad d- en vey in, eofer you-IN mes, Sheetinge, Pillow In promise you will not CARPETS, grand value in Table Linens, Lace (Jurtains, WiôCutr Cottons, White and Grey Cottons, Towe-*s and 'TowelingK, andi be disappointed in quality or value- We show very specialpatterns and design8 iiin are',c. F No. 1, RETIRING STE DEYERELL"S BLOOR, FROM GL~SGOW 31G SALE TapeeLtryad oIat, Hm WHTX BU8INE~381 wÂREIOUE NOW GOING, ~oT-S NAT For the next 10 days lie will seli at Sacrifice Prices.. DressGood, Blck d CooredCasheres Grz F-. nres, Blnks,arpetnd, FlorOiClthrs GMn' Oer Cots, Boykes' Ovreots, Men*'rs and os' La, r ososiOrts ad Draes.an Bos, ail woo weedSis wehod 'awre rItyà1f a- terns which muste- sold' a-t, Don't l3uy a Dollars' w>irt& until- you look at woue E?~. & J. GA3~ 1IIarm Produce taken in Exechange, ]DO NOT Until the chilly, blasts of Winter have frozea' the NOW.I-S TO B UY YOU- li" T Corne and.se erooatings, P-.= Ca ps, ILis the tirés- , ve haole- rOU& or *ohs i lx Tapestry .and Wool, Carpetsy 'Hemp G oe-1 some pricet- get our-Prices. W-J

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